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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, the hello. this is in use our own outages, 0 for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the wide spread disruption in gaza at least 20 people that killed as these really strikes destroyed policy, me and homes in the north of the street. in the southern city of rafa, at least 70 for the kills and is really farming children are among the dead. the
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hedge of the wednesday agency for palestinian refugees at p. a service security council for protection warning against drugs efforts to dismantle fund utility. to mention prizes in garza and i consider it to the onset of me also on this news. our will be live from co way show where the 5 ministers for re election after a controversial vote that faded him against the city. and peace of statements with all your schools allowed the latest from the champion, the cost of finals, and russell and adults come back. as the boss alone open is over. as the news is in straight 6, see the thank you very much for joining us. it's just past 21, g m t, that's 11 pm in guys. ways really strikes have targeted
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a group of palestinians gathering at one of the few places they can connect to the internet. at least 7 people were killed in shared rod one in guys a cd, 13 others were killed in a residential building. the by these really military has renewed as strikes on northern and central areas in recent days. attacks are continuing across the gaza strip. 7 people, including 3 children, have been killed in the southern city of a rough up. let's get the latest on the situation on the ground in garza with honey . my more to was in a rough i in the saw for i saw a tax across the strip as we said, honey. and they've been some used strikes in just the last hour on, on rough or way you are? yes, ma'am. yes. well, i barely evening hour of the just within the past couple hours and 52 of the major explosions took place one the or the rough idea of jim border that was mainly in an
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empty land, very near the border. no casual reported. but the other attacks to further the eastern part of robust city where an empty land also was targeted, administer reports confirmed that there were no casualties, but within half an hour people reach out to arrive to the area and they found out, in fact, there were displaced families inside that land, when it was targeted, 7 people were removed from the targeted sides and were transferred on the jobs hospital. additional numbers was a 3 and then at a later, a leader our for more people were found at the side of the, of the targeted. it plays 7 people are right now and the job hospital and dozen others of if critical injuries are arriving to the hospital then with a hospital like, and the job that has been sufficient. medical is stuff and very difficult times it intervene, but providing an offering and proper medical intervention. it becomes very
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difficult. what are these people the injuries are going to make it or not, but that's the latest we're getting it from the city as of this hour. it just happened to be a tragedy because people did not know until half an hour later there, there were people show, drink and this place that was inside the land that was targeted. and a great deal of focus also on know then guys, that contents, these really strikes there in the north of guys this trip which also targeted civilians. this is a fairly or our people who happen to be in a stiff with one neighborhood that said in the eastern, that's in the northern part of garza city. and still trying to get connected to the internet at an access point that they have set up were targeted by a missile fired by a drone. 7 people were killed right away and other injuries were old, transferred to the that the a loudly baptist hospital in
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a central part of the just within half an hour of the attack, another residential residential home was targeted and destroyed. and 13 people were removed from under the rubble of the vast majority of happened to be women and children to were sheltering inside the residential home. just good, given the patterns of tax, then the, the, the, the targeted individuals so far they're made of women and his children just make the entire goal is to serve evolving to this killing box that we're seeing as since the beginning of this were from targeting residential buildings, public facilities and other uh, infrastructure, just feeding into 11. conclusion, turning garza into an uninhabitable place for people. honey, thank you very much for your reporting. that sound to 0 is honey. my most live the from a rough i in 7. gosh. now accusations of torture, blindfolding,
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and strip searches are coming out of northern gaza. this is after this race found a city and sheltering at a school in beta. new said is really tubes the seizure building, carrying out a campaign of mass arrests before they withdrew. and uh, who did re, re for some down by in central gas. a lot of us into some of those. a lot of men's and women's clothing, little above those told in between noon and nothing causal. the icons left in the dirt after what policy news describe as a campaign of mass over s. but is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the thought in front of all these really soldiers rounded up all the men in the area somewhat order to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the blindfolded and brought to the spot for interrogation somewhere. interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these rallies withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military,
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both those roads and destroyed food a keeps an olive trees, as one journalist in the area uncovered. to them, token to from the tenuous exactly from the show us cause the there's where the forces see this is quote for more than 24 hours and this is cool. there's way the forces conducted a detailed search and it can be 1st thing and they also investigated with own people. and also for this wash, i'm throwing in the school where holmes ones did. all that remains is rebel displaced, policy means returning to the area, find few reminders of the lives they once knew of the model of, of the destruction has affected us greatly. less the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we were displaced to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many policy means have been trying to find child to no clues
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. latrene knew is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have flood a tenuous since the latest is reading creation in search of another play to sign. so as to know the law is the men were rounded up taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building our way. where should we go? tell us. where should we go to? all of these policy news are displeased. once again, many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn. but for these pilots to use the damage is already done in the city. i'll just eat a city by the central cause of the head of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the un security council for protection. fairly
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plaza really says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle and run out of time when it's work is more crucial than ever. earlier this year, the agency law, some of the funding after israel accuse some of his employees have involvement in the october 7th. a tax calls for only was closure on not about the difference to inventory principles, just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian the 6 to change the long standing political permit just for peace in the okay, by published in a territory set by the resolution of the general assembly on this concept acquisition. that's only what deliberate the pepper to it's risk for g state use a false. and these honest, the agency exists because
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a political solution does not live not to all just there is gabrielle, is on the at un headquarters in new york. so a special session of the security council gave, where we heard from the head of corner, our lives of really what more did he have to say, and what did the other counsel member say, as well as there any came out very strong defending and russian calling on the security council to do everything it can to protect unrest, work in palestine, particularly in guys. the said that is really government is clearly trying to end on or is work in palestine, but not only and guys. and he pointed to examples and guys of not allowing these really government not allowing unread to deliver aid to the north, not allowing unwrapped to take part in is really government coordination meetings with other n g o's. an a groups is just a couple examples, not to mention over
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a 170 unrest staff killed because if he's really a button bergman in the last 6 months. but let's really also saying that increasingly unrest work in the west bank is being impeded by is really officials as well. saying that they continue to limit the movement of unrest staff in the west bank. it is causing terrible difficulties, including make it even harder for unwrapped to keep open medical centers and schools that they run in the west bank. so he said, all of this is very, very troubling. we've heard from several security council members as well as other member states that have spoken all talking about and they're using the same word backbone. audra is really the backbone for palestinian refugees for so many years now and it must be protected. yeah, and these really ambassador is currently addressing the council in january will recall of course, gave that israel government presented the united nations with information accusing
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and why employee some of them of taking part in the october 7th attacks, but didn't provide any evidence to the un what's the latest in the inquiry into that as well? the u. n. has set up 2 different inquiries, a review and an investigation. the review is being done by the office of internal oversight that's being done privately behind closed doors. it's essentially un investigators looking at the allegations, specifically against the 12 and right employees. the israel claims took part in october 7th, but does not give again any evidence to the secretary general to that effect. that's one investigation we do not know when that will be concluded, but we're told that it's sort of towards the ending stages. the other is a review being led by catherine corona, the fate former foreign minister of france. it's an independent review,
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looking at unrest ability to be impartial. that review is also been going on for a couple of months now. and that will be made public, we believe in the next several days. gabe. thank you very much. that sounds as there is gabrielle, is under reporting that live from un headquarters in new york. now, many on right, employees, arrested by israel in guys, i have accused these really forces of torturing them. the us state department is calling for a fully investigation. as we are aware of this recent report, but the un put out highlighting movies allegations of extensive human rights abuses were deeply concerned by these reports and will continue to press and engage directly with our is really a partners on the need for a full investigation into these allegations and accountability for any perpetrators . uh, but beyond that, i don't have any specific conversations to read out. we of course are in touch with
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our is really partners and all the time. but broadly then we continue to call on all parties in the region, calling israel to do more, to protect humanitarian aid workers, to improve the conflictions mechanisms and to pursue full accountability for incidence of harm against a workers. the british and german 4 and ministers are in israel meeting leaders therefore talks on yvonne, david cameron and unavailable ball commits prime minister benjamin netanyahu. cameron says israel will act softer is beyond strikes on saturday, but hopes it will do so in a way that doesn't escalate the situation. the german for administer called on israel to quote, act prudently and responsibly. yvonne says it's thrown and massaged strikes were in response to these are of attack on it's consummate building in syria earlier this month. meanwhile, hezbollah, the lebanese group has launch drones and new size into northern israel. and the lebanese world says it targeted a military base in and out. i rum shane near the border.
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israel has many. terry says at least 14 soldiers were injured including 6, seriously. as well as said it was a response to in these really drone strikes that killed at least 3 of his fighters and 711 on on tuesday. i'm the sound hotels more from tennessee. this is really military house concerned that at least 14 soldiers were injured after his belt launched an attack on israel's northern border. that consisted of both missiles and rhone, these really army. it said that they had retaliated against this attack, striking an area around a 100 kilometers from london on southern border heading of his well outposts and the launching side of those rockets and drones. now this comes as these really prime minister met with several foreign ministers from the u. k. and germany to discuss b is rarely response to it on and when it will be well members of the international
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community allies and flows both urging palm these really prime minister has spoken in his weekly cabinet meetings, saying that israel will decide on his own self defense at a time and place that works for them, the international pressure has been mounting on these rarely as not to sparks some sort of wider, regional escalation or conflict after the audience had launched their attack on saturday evening. but remember that they had launched this attack in retaliation, so these really airstrikes on the, on the and console and in damascus on april. first, israel's war and security cabinets are scheduled to convince, according to is really media on thursday to discuss possible outcomes from the social address, ito, televi katara has said eighty's reassessing, its role as a mediator between hamas and israel. the prime minister made the comments after a meeting with tech us for administer. they also stress the need to de escalate tensions between yvonne and israel. for soul said i has more. the doors in guides
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and escalation in the region have dominated the tools between the truck is for administer and the country prime minister, because the prime minister said that he and his concept part, they have this cost of the ways how to coordinate the force to reach a permanency is 5 to achieve a permanency spike in gaza. and they also said that his country is steve continued as a mediator in the middle stations. however, i said that he's come through now is reassessing its role as a mediator. so here is why see i can be at, i mean, but unfortunately, there are many political went up men, ships from politicians, with narrow interests who were trying to conduct their election campaigns by hurting the state of kata. and this is unacceptable. you want to hear something in closed rooms. i mean the public, they make destructive statement,
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it's on be the tickets for the minister one. the other has said that on the day of after the 15th, when you run at tact israel, in an attempt of the retaliation, one will have seen how the possibility of the region of war is re and, and how the region is gradually being dragged into a diverse state in war, and he has a cruise. this is riley prime minister venue. i mean, if in, yeah, the game is to be a, so let's just sort of dimensional this to be clear that tanya was trying to track the region into war in order to remain in power from the for those who provide on coordination of support to israel they need to review their position urgently on, obviously a foundational and root cause of the events of the impression that is being perpetrated and gaza is with them. you know, here i would like to underline the palestinians are the victims. it's not, israel's reside the rear on, on the ios as the turkish for the minister, about his meeting with how much political bureau chief his mind,
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how do you wish to place on wednesday in the house? he said that he met this might 10. yes. trying to understand how much perspective regarding the ongoing negotiations and also the ceasefire a force. but one thing was quite remarkable. he said that how must pull the code bureau chief smiles here told him that if a palestinian state based on that board as of 1967 is established, how most minutes a wing is ready to dissolve itself and is ready to do up on their arms this is quite a remarkable statement that we do not hear that much often however, has said that she was quite pleased to see that how much is ready to dissolve. it's made it through wing. if a palestinian state is established because of a nice international business out of that, i'll just say around. the yvonne's president says his forces are ready to face any
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threat to brain racy, made the common history national army de dosage. barry reports some yvonne's capital taylor a show of military force in iran during its annual army day celebrations. the goal to show the nation's military preparedness. but the events this year comes just days after iran launched an unprecedented attack on israel for whose leaders the president had this morning. i got a got out about if our action was to be large scale, then nothing would be left of design. this regime there false ground door collapsed in operation. any attack on our soil will be dealt with fiercely and severely among the iran launch, more than $300.00 drones and miss house toward israel on saturday. in response to the attack on this console of the section in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guards. the operation up to promised by
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the military is being viewed here as a historic with but concerns about what comes next has put the country on high alerts. so if israel target's a site in iran that is not that sensitive, for example, somewhere close to the border since iran is not looking for will then in this case a wrong could respond to his proxies. but if it's euro attacks, any sensitive sides, i think a wrong respond on a larger scale. and even its allies like us interests could be targeted in the region. as iranian officials wait for israel to respond, they continue to highlight their military strength. the attack on israel has shown that airlines leaders are willing to follow through on their threats while the daily life goes on without any major disruption. the historic tensions have put people on edge fearing that an attack here could how far reaching consequences door . so safari out to 0 tell us meanwhile is discussing
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a new rhonda sanctions against yvonne and coordination with finalize. our white house correspondent kimberly healthcare has a detail the warehouse says it sanctions package is comprehensive, designed to target a ron's missile and wrong program, given the fact that it was ms files and drones that targeted is real is saturdays air attack. it is also going to sanction entities supporting the i r g c, as well as the defense department in iran, the united states, not acting alone, but expecting there will be similar sanctions packages from g 7 nations. the goal is to contain and degrade, arise military capabilities, so it cannot carry out another attack similar to the one over the weekend. meantime, the defense secretary lloyd austin, making the case for more funding defense funding on capitol hill. the white house
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has been arguing for a $95000000000.00 supplemental bill, a stand alone package for israel tie one and you frame. now the house. speaker johnson saying that package will be split up is a for a bills to be voted on on saturday. defense secretary lloyd austin, making the case that the threats are persistent. and now that is proven by what he calls an unprecedented attack and attack on is real that iran hope would inflict maximum damage. but he said didn't quite work out as a ron had hoped. but what around should learn is that number one, there they, their assumptions are off. and in to, you know, number 2, that you know, we're going to do what's necessary to, to help and a defensive issue. another reason the defense secretary says that that attack was
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unsuccessful for ron is the fact that in the 10 days leading up the united states military may have significant force posture adjustments in order to support these really military. and there have been significant investments in defense by the united states at home and abroad. still, the defense secretary say should there be further attacks on israel or us interest abroad? the united states will defend those interest at a time and place of their choosing. kimberly help it l g 0, the white house a while to discuss this. and the latest developments when i joined by mohammed own mastery professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. i thank you for being with us mohammed on this and use our so the us and you need is want to fast you sanctions on yvonne because of the lines of tax on his route. they didn't by the way of knowledge. the is really
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a talk on the radian consulate in damascus on april 1st. what will the us get? what it wants with these new sanctions? i mean, what effect will they have on tape on the 1st floor? i think it's fascinating the way um european leaders and the americans are not acknowledging what happened with that attack on the consulate. in fact, there was a press briefing yesterday with matt miller. and he basically said, we don't know if there was an attack on the consulate. so 2 weeks after the fact that a journalist pushed back and said, how long is it going to take you to find out what the, what, what the rest of the world already knows. so i think that's fascinating. now in terms of the sanctions, i think there will be more sanctions. i think they will have an effect, but i don't think that but what's left a sanction anyway, there's so many sections on a ronald right. right. that's what i was getting through with that there's sort of some analysts have been talking about diminishing returns. so you've already done most of what you can do with the sanctions. iran has proven itself to be relatively
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resilient. they've pivoted to russia and china. so now for instance, iran is exporting about 90 percent of its oil to china, so they've been able to stay at stay afloat, even though they've certainly taken a hit economically. now these new sanctions were like, we have an even smaller impact on the iranian economy. and we've seen what rocks rush has been able to do. i mean, american political leaders were predicting that russia's economy would collapse within months of their invasion or ukraine in march of 2022. and here we are more than 2 years later on. countries have ways of sort of maneuvering around these things, so i don't think it'll be a major impact. yeah, i mean long calling calls for the escalation between israel and yvonne, the turkish foreign minister was in doha today. well, what do you make of kata? thinking about reassessing its role as a mediator between a mouse and israel. what does that suggest you and what does it mean for efforts to
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reach a ceasefire? yeah, i mean i, i think that the, from the custody perspective, things are obviously very frustrating. right? because they've been working for months, i'm trying to, to, to get an agreement together. and it's everything has sort of fallen through. and to add to that, that they're, they're having to deal with these accusations from israel. false accusations, quite frankly, and even the united states hasn't been saying these things that, you know, pop up is one sided and so on and so forth. and so it's a frustrating situation for everybody, but at the end of the day and i hate to oversimplify, but pressure needs to be applied not in from us in this particular situation, but on israel and the only entity that can really do that. it's not covered, it's not egypt, it's not united nations as the united states. they hold all of the leverage and they've been unwilling to pressure israel into an agreement. and that's why that's why we are where we are today, right at the tech is for administer. when he was in don't have also met with him
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office political leader is mountaineer, who is now also due to travel to take here. i'm also said that it's open to the idea of a 2 state solution is what's the significance of that? have we heard that before, from that, you know, i think it will become significant if this can become a part of the, the global media and political discourse. but it, but it is it, the, the discourse that we keep hearing is that from us refuses to recognize israel's right to exist. the reality is the, this is not new. news from us has been saying for many years that they acknowledge or will acknowledge is real and that they will accept a palestinian state. on the 1967 a borders they made individual statements as political leaders. and then they also released the charter in 2017 and updated charter which also accepts the idea of a palestinian state on the 1967 borders. yet we continue to hear in mainstream american and british and other western media that hamas refuses to recognize
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israel's right to exist. the reality is that his real has worked hard for decades to systematically obstruct the, the, the development or instruction of a palestinian state. i'm in a mastery, always interesting to talk to you. thank you so much for joining us to monitor on last raise from the to high institute for graduate studies. c, a head on this is our a tablet in time. so boeing, the usa, across manufacturer is facing most clinton in congress, soft transferring the safety related incident pass a record crime, boston synagogue, tips off tape off lead to massive seizures of counterfeit cache and try and the sacramento kings move a set closer to the end. the payoffs feeds on half a story coming up in support state to stay with us. we're back up to a very short the
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there in your record for the month of april to a bit of snow on the ground. i'll let you know where and one sec, but 1st here's the forecast for europe on thursday. it is pretty don't cloudy, and showers to go around. i think longer spells of rain to be expected in scotland . that includes edinburgh at 10 degrees. but let's go to where the big changes have been. that's right across the bulk. and so yeah, with syria ago, the other day are about 30 degrees. that was close to a record for the month of april. then you had a bit of snow on the ground and i'd be surprised if you get to 10 degrees on thursday. heads up there is some snow come into the else. we've got a good clue of that ground level zurich, just 6 degrees for you on thursday. what weather slides into that western side of the turkey a that includes is stumble, but different story for the other end of the mediterranean. it's been hot, it's been dry. so wildfire as a rough team in eastern spain around valencia, fairly breezy conditions there on thursday. so that's not going to help with this
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situation. and also when the day for the south of france, keeping with this theme of wind, we've lost the sea breeze for new auction and bonds will. so your temperature is going to be about 40 degrees. and for a south africa, there's been, some foggy, starts to the day along the west coast. we're looking at a fairly sunny day though in cape town with a height of 22 degrees on thursday. c, a of the o. well, it's a thread. but who pays the price? when we came to clean up new orleans more than 1200 poor black people lost in lights. not a single rich american. less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency. the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people, but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher the it's been
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a full for an a progressive change. the locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to when osiris 2 young women who have taken different routes to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generations haines political theories attempt to understand i'm telling you is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out you 0 the . so again, you're watching the news hour on algae 0 with me for the bad people. i reminder about top stories is really strikes of killed at least 7 palestinians in the
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southern city of raw find the gaza strip. thousands more died in central and southern areas of gaza. it takes the total number of contents to me in scale since the war began to almost $34000.00 the head of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees as a po to the un security council for protection in the plaza we. it says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle fund rough at a time when its work is more crucial than ever. and the lebanese group has voted that has launched drones and midsize targeting a misfire, a military base and northern israel. the military says, at least 14 soldiers were injured, that seems for the military has one that says it was in response to in these really jones strikes and killed. at least 3 of its fighters, sped, starting to out of well use. now and early results show collisions warning and serve it is on course to win the most seats and wednesdays parliamentary election.
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but exit polls suggests the corporation democratic union no h. the fed will fall short of an outright majority. it's kosta as rival is a center, less correlation led by the social democrats. let's take a closer look at the 2 main candidates who have been vying for the role of prime minister incumbent andre tank of h. west 1st elected in 2016 and has won the last 2 votes, corporation has maintained relative political stability under his leadership. and he has taken a pro western position in supporting ukraine's. his rival is the president. so ron milan of age, he announces surprised bates for prime minister shortly after calling an early election. but this was ruled unconstitutional by the constitutional court. the line of h, as opposed supporting ukraine from one of these guys to be taught corresponded elaina boucher sort of live from design grab. so you lynette talk. us will be early results so far. the sale of being the accounts and then
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the number of facing the fall them into are going to be changed because the votes from the largest cities are used to be 1000. but as so far uh, on the plane. how does this 63, and as you can see, the majority of the election. we have to, we have to turn out to be in the fall elements of election. we pray spend the last 20 years. as you can saw, the selection took place in the middle of the week instead of. ready little se then, summer board saying that is the reason for such a high there now to that that additional zales. how did people god for the role when the president, the price of the language called the election and surprised everyone. he
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said that the reverse of justice will fill out the streets and actually we had some fathers. ready streets in the day, but all this and nothing to weigh me a lot of it still wanted a heavy rain. was he to afternoon hours here in the zag at the bus to never the less. so we saw hundreds of people standing in line and waiting that to vote for the final result. we still have to wait. indeed, we will have to wait. thank you for bringing us today to say from side grab elaina glo shirts correspondent, or for more on the creation the election and the same vacation when i joined from london by on the whole j who's electra in european law, at the university college london. thank you very much on the for being with us. so a really interesting election in croatia that came after a very unusual campaign, a huge turn out as we heard from my correspondent, what's your reading of these are the results of reading conservative voice for a victory, but not enough to to form a majority. a close to this, this was
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a really high state bottom entry election. the place. yeah. and actually the majority of it was some bolts on have experience in the last few years because here we have a sitting prime minister and a sitting president. going to have to have in indies election. i was all sort of implication where the president includes the wrong and whether the prime minister and, and all that. but what is quite interesting here is a career change definitely heading into a political instability because according to talking about, it's going on course to holidays are monday by they cannot. so my gosh, mental most likely will be a minority government with some sort of uh, coalition partners. and this will determine that course. but what is also quite interesting to you to observe is that gratiot will have some challenges when it comes to dealing with the you and the number of issue. because clearly what was here on the table was a support full credit. yeah. yeah. it was again,
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instead of 5 minutes that hits bro and then there is this wave and a number of european countries where the so thoughtful change, it's fading away. indeed, support for ukraine was at stake in this election. so where do you see the countries pro western stance on issues including european support for ukraine headed out? are we likely to see a significant shift as well? some of the kind of days we have to sort of put it into context this the we have about $66.00 as democratic election across the world which on bonnet and the support quote created. it's very much to finish at the heart of me, but at the heart of it, it's more or less the money that he's being brought up in this particular election . what we so that croatia is one of the countries that has the highest inflation team. the euro's own countries is dealing with short to teach all labor, with migration, and so on. so there was
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a lot of political as well as social issues here at stake, which the common argument was that was, is this really necessary for us to just on the crate? and that will be something will be discussed, but you work in context. the footboard full credit, it's really important because it's viewed that so that you have to win against voting because they will, you're quoting as an alternative leader. and here we have a democracy versus a policy that is very much. but what the, the, you yeah, and andy this, this election came against the backdrop of instability in the western balkans. as you alluded to the west and duncan's as a whole, there is tension in the region following russia's invasion of ukraine. how much are of all of this is playing into rushes and she thinks to hear this is a significant pain in the rushes have because want all the rest of the strategy at the moment is to weaken that number of european countries. so that will not impose
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furnished sanction against the great, because what we heard in this particular election while the president was going to come into power, you will not be in line with a number of sanctions against russia. you would not be supporting some of the nato's initiatives, especially that eastern fleet. the president has also called against a training or cranium soldiers in relation and he was also against the sweden and filled out a drawing. so these are sort of a narrative uh, 4 step process. however, what a rush i really wants to achieve in the west and balkan is to achieve a disability. they have tried them to mental in boston, and as i can read, as well as think also about possibly is to move the attention away from its work in a crate and opened a new spot in europe. and that's what the attention has to be. however, that your opinion and a number of international actors are kind of focusing on the,
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on internal election. as we saw in creation, we will have a number of all the elections, which would be sort of appropriate amount again, will play in the, into the russian hands if we have no original and enough. thank you for your analysis. thank you very much. on the whole j lecture in european law at the university college london. thank you for joining us on nauseous here. thank you. it was a pleasure. have usa class manufacturer a boeing is facing more scrutiny? speaking at a hearing before senators accompany engineer and whistle blowers says boeing is producing defective at phase the us congress. held back to back hearings on wednesday to look into a crap safety failures. whistle blowers sound solid for said is seen alarming deficiencies that boeing particularly on the assembly line. the size of a human hair can be a matter of a life. and this in a rice to address the its bottlenecks in production. boeing hip problems pushing
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pieces together with the excessive force to make him appear that the gaps don't exist even though they exist. the gap didn't actually go away, and this made result in pretty mature for the failure. effectively, they are putting out effective airplanes. earlier we spoke to todd curtis, who's a former airline safety engineer for boeing and ceo of s face dot com. s h dot com . he says from and said boeing, have been under investigation for years. in fact, there was a, an agreement with the us government in 2021 that identified the severe shortcomings with the 737 match program. and to this day, the boeing is under some investigation related to that related to the 737 match door event in january. but getting to the, to a hearing today, one of them is from a committee that has been working for several months, trying to understand boeing's process for certifying new aircraft. because this
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process is very complex, that needs the expertise with a deep knowledge of the technology. was 787 has had problems when it was 1st put in the service about a decade ago. and in fact, it had been grounded for several months for an entirely different set of reasons. the allegations from this whistle blower are indeed serious, and i would hope that in the hearing that's happening today that some of the facts will come to lie and that appropriate action will be taken whether or not there was actually a issues going on with this on the line or with the design of the 77, that will take a while to understand and it may be months or even years before the full story is understood and actions taken by the us government to senegal. now with customs officials have seized a wreckage $8000000.00 worth of faith bank notes separately, officers carried out a sizable drunk bus. oh, is this spot of a drive to fight crime and corruption by synagogues newly elected government?
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nicholas han, 3 for some of the car. one record seizure after the other. this is the latest by sending goals to police. these black notes are fake money worth $5000000000.00, say if i francs or the equivalent of about $8000000.00 found in the back of a car parked at the small guest house in synagogues, southern region of cuz i'm off. this video is circulating or social media appears to show how the notes are transformed into counterfeit us dollars. using powder and chemicals for man have interested to have them foreigners. this code is days after one ton of cocaine worth. nearly $150000000.00 was found hidden in the back of a truck. both of these record seizures come from tip offs from whistle blowers, sending goals new government has made fighting corruption. a priority. a pledge made by its new young president bus. it would, you might find the young guys,
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it is not that they will promptly initiate a bold policy if you cannot make an financial good governance by a ryland physically combat and corruption, penal repression of tax fraud and elicit financial flows, protecting whistle blowers fighting against embezzlement. and public funds and money laundering. my bet is and before the elections fall, you know, probably minutes to spend some co were sent to prison after they denounce state corruption in the criminal activities of previous government officials. the court saw their claims as defamation, science on co, want to introduce a new law to protect whistle doors. okay. there is a culture for no one really wants to denounce legal activities because it's not easy, given the reprisals. so to have a little that can protect whistle blowers of it can encourage others to break the silence and reveal crime scene and goals. new leadership is asking all of those who have stolen from the state to return the money or face justice. custom officials,
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as well as government authorities who were once accused of being corrupt or ignoring crime, now appear eager to show they are doing their work for a senegalese public that wants to see an end to impunity. nicholas hawk alger 0. the car staying a head on algae 0, some of the worst funds in decades have hits launch. spots of cars expand displacing more than a 100000 people in sport buying unit. take a step closer to a 7 shopkins, the title football actually coming up, the these business uptake these voltage by this the design growth partner of on the dashboard to use the
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these business uptake. these me roy thought of on the dashboard to use the
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the time map as far as his be 10 for the thank you very much. ram a good have beef in manchester, city in a penalty sheets out to book a place in the champions league semi finals. let's take a look at the goals of a school inside the regular us 120 minutes. it was random event who took the lead in the intensive world. 3 go making at one mill to color and she lost his name on the lights for the spanish super tubs could not hold on. eventually cities pressure told kevin to brewing a subsidy, equalize a full pay for the other side. it went to extra time and eventually a penalty shoots out one by rail madrid. elsewhere by munich can put this one in the last full. they beat also one the mice and 32 of the rules, joshua tennis getting the decisive go buying a aiming to rid of 7 champions besides the former will number one ref on the bill
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has been eliminated from the bus a loan opening the 2nd round between the 2 time grand slam champion has struggled with the injuries and his bailey type. this year, you were to into action in the 1st round the ball simona as soon as this 112 times previously of the winning in the 1st round. a strategy is alex dim and who proved a bridget to fall the middle winning and straight 67561 with 100 days to go until the start of the olympic games in paris. it should be a ton of excitement and anticipation folder, capitols residents, but it's been met with mixed reactions, tom sites and has more it's been 7 years in the making for paris as the city finalize preparations for the starts of the games. come july 10 and a half 1000 athletes from $206.00 countries will descend on francis capital for an event that's expected to drawing $13000000.00 inspect titus. so the 2100000 inhabitants who lives the spinet, disruptive period for lots of the, the links is as shown on busily on the self and excited no
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story. that's certainly not the answer. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's still a great event for parents. i have a lot of concerns about the organization, transportation. the fact that we'll continue to work and concerns for those who are going to swim in that water. that is just disgusting. really disgusting. yes, i have a lot of concerns organized as a set, the confidence, the mood and the searching would change as the event is that many parisians have said they would like to leave the city during the games. if they could have doubts over whether the sitting is ready as possible as possible, and then a minute small spike is what i don't think the city of paris itself is ready. in fact, there are things that we should have planned for sooner, like i'm thinking of the month upon us tower construction side. in fact, we were promised a lot of stuff. i even remember that we were promised that transportation would be free and nothing has been done. so i don't think we're ready. no. i'm simple
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fucking to some like close. the events has to be met with optimizon. manage wants for the city to show his qualities as it goes up for its 1st hosting of the games for a 100 years. the opening ceremony is set to take place on the rivers center, but it could be moved to the step to fronts, to, to concerns of a security and cleanliness, real. that's also a big impression on suppose because the insurance boom. yes, we're looking forward to it because it's a chance to say the olympic games in france. so we're happy and we can't wait. we know the whole world is watching us, so we'll do our best to welcome the wealth friend. lucky you have a back down to you. i hope all's your think ceremony will kick off the games on the 26th of july, tom size is out 0. the olympics will take place in brisbin in 2052 and is increasing speculation. your state and city may not be up for the challenge of hosting a major sporting events. a federal sentence inquiry in australia is investigating where the president is prepaid as public support for the games. declines. say the clock reports from brisbin, a green with a touch of gold, 100 days out from paris,
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estrada your husband filed it's olympics. uniform in id is brisbin. we'll get it's 10 to host the summer olympics. 80 percent of the vineyards are in place, but plans to build a new one and a half $1000000000.00 stadium at the city debit. cricket ground have now been dumped and an independent review recommending a new stadium stating 55000 people. be built at this in a city park has also been abandoned. the games need to fit within the region and the queens and governments as the read region government, the state government for city government. they need to decide what's best for them . instead of new construction, the sides government has chosen to upgrade existing facilities and roads to ryan in spending this 50 year old stadium will high see athletics, the spot criticism from some athletes that it's not up to
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a lympics stand. it's the opening and closing ceremonies will be held here at the sun coach stadium with $1000000000.00 upgrade to increase capacity india. and these are, these are decisions to be made by the communities for the communities long to. and then when you have the support of communities unit, you minimize the risk of us and that's very important. as well as the confusion as to which facilities will be used at the 2052 percent lympics. last month, the queen's on premier was forced to deny speculation, but it's sold advice on canceling the olympics decision that would cover the cost of up to half a $1000000000.00 in compensation. it's these cost either runs and confusion. that's less the people of brisbin questioning. if they want the games at all, but i think it's going to be a good fit business on concerned that the government as to whether they've got the ducks in a row. i think it'd be great preparation for the tourism and all international athletes coming to australia and all of the money and that would come into the
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economy. queensland is just on the, on the 6 month day sites, the same elsewhere and strive as well. you know, we've seen that sort of attitude elsewhere. we sold a victorian premiere from a for tourism permit that andrew's dumpling come with games. and he got away with that, that too much of kilometer criticism. and you talk to people in queensland and then not interested in the lympics, the cities load mir and the bridge, the limpid community refused, and also to talk on camera boys however, said the city is on track. the 20320 o'clock out to 0. brisbin, the golden state warriors or else will be in the a plane to an event funding a $118.00. 94 defeats to the sacramento kings. taken maurice for $32.00 points and b or, and fox come to read the 24th sacramento. now move on to the game on friday against the new orleans pelicans. the women will advance to the playoffs. golden states of now miss south on the plan for the food time in the last 5. the day the capitals of picked up a crushing when in the indian premium league of to dismissing the goods or tightens
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for just 189 runs. the capitals went on to win by 6. we could say choose the victory targets. with 67 bowls, lift, it improves varies, pets you wrinkled. so for the season, the capsules have 13, and last 4 and 66 in the table. the pole uh, looking like that seems to be to the age of cup, qualifying events. and i'm on. i've made it full wins from full by beating saudi arabia in the pool will be in the semi finals with the winter of the tournament qualifying for mixed use. sure. perfect. and that's what was supposed to be useful to not fully. peter. thank you very much for that. now, police and parish have rated frances laundry squats. $450.00 migrants were evicted from the abandoned warehouse and a 7 suburbs of the capital charity. se evictions have been steadily increasing ahead of this summer as olympic games to the goals region has been experiencing widespread and historic flooding with devise international air force.
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one way's inundated forcing it to briefly hold operations, but the major transport, how big is now slowly returning to normal as the fed water is received for the backlog has meant that many 5 star still do late. meanwhile, in oman, emergency services have been carrying out a series of rescue missions in the wake of flagstaff which has killed at least 19 people. rescue is a continuing to look for the missing and i've also supplied 1st aid to thousands of people. at least a 117000 people have been forced from their homes in context on the worst slides very in decades and not a baby as dimitry medical records from bad to worse and ty, regions of conflicts done in the north and the west underwater. some houses, a family identifiable with water up to the roofs. evacuations of but underway for 2 weeks now, before which is beside to do what the rescue is help us,
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but transporting people, delivering us food, water, and gasoline. all generators in the village are working now. the president's costume, somebody kind of visited some of the worst hit areas. he's called on the government's to limit any known essential spending and use the money to help the people. because really remember where we're going through difficult times. this is a nationwide does austin, but positive changes are coming now. the water is receding. gradually. i think the upcoming 10 days will be the most critical. several 100000 people have said the houses was matched or even washed away by the floods of the around river. it's europe's the longest causing extensive damage across the pots of convex, done, and southern russia in the past few weeks, due to melting ice other rivers in russia, like the top bowl inside barrier have also passed that banks thousands of had to leave the area of 3rd season rochelle, being criticized for not paying enough attention to full costing water levels and
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responding more effectively to meet them into the bank go out to 0. and that is it for this and use our own knowledge is 0, but to stay with us, i'll be back in just a few minutes for mark based with the latest news as it breaks and wrong han had given a cause that people come out but your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, even more important than usual, to come together to share what they feel they have. the illegal goldmine is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway, as the tribal chiefs had to europe's gold clubs,
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the corridors of power not to seek help, but to demand the world, the warnings of its indigenous people holding up the scar, a witness documentary on the jersey, the commented beyond. well, taken without hesitation, fulton died from power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate, explodes this and questions they use them to be of our around because on out to their own kind of foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of suck thoughts and emotions to donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the tell you watching the news hour on how to 0 with me for these bad people coming up in the next 60 minutes. the wide spread destruction in gaza at least 20 people like you guys is really strikes destroyed kind of thing and homes in the north for the straits meanwhile. and he's really


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