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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready the us house of representatives begins voting on a bill, worth tens of billions of dollars in the military aid for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the you're watching out a 0 live from a headquarters in del, find a, you navigate the also ahead. the morning in southern doors on auster is really are strides to at least 10 palestinians and dropped off. most of them children
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the a 2nd day if is really military rates and the occupied westbank targeting palestinians in the new sense count on thousands of people are back on the streets of tel aviv to protest against the is really government and it's handling of the war fund garza, the, it's $1700.00 gmc, that's 10 am in washington dc where the us house of representatives has just begun voting on a number of bills that could effect conflicts around the world. a $95000000000.00 for an a package has been held up for weeks because of divisions among democrats and republicans. and it's now been divided into 4 separate bills and will go to the senate if it passes. the house is narrowly controlled by republicans, while the senate has a small democratic majority. and here's
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a look at what's included in the past kids of for an aide. so the 1st bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid on cash to keep its government running. the seconds give $17000000000.00 to israel, including the replenishment of its are in don't the cells. they'll also be a vote on a $9000000000.00 a packets for garza and us development efforts in the occupied westbank. and there's $8000000000.00 for defense if us allies in the western pacific, mostly for taiwan. how to go, hey, and is keeping an eye out on the development, joining us from capital hills. so what's happened so far, patty, as well, if you're looking at the video, you might be thinking they're voting on any of these really important bills, but no, they're not doing that just yet. they're voting on the and the border catastrophe act in right now it is going to go down valley and along party lines. this is
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republicans trying to make a point with that legislation. then they're going to take up. there's gonna be a couple amendments and then they're going to take of a bill, the 4th bill that we haven't really talked about very much, that would increase the sanctions on a ran. it would law the us government to seize russian assets the give to ukraine. and the very controversial it would basically band tick tock, unless it's chinese owners sold it to a different company. it's really not clear if that's going to pass. we do think after, let's say, hours and hours of speeches, it does seem like leaves the h israel and ukraine, and taiwan is going to pass. so they're going to take a few more minutes to get through the uh, and the border catastrophe act, cuz uh yep. uh and then they are going to do the run sanctions in russia. then tawanda new crane, then israel. so about 1715 g. we expect that boat on israel, so they should be wrapped up here. uh, so that can be 1750. i just realized it's congress. they never do anything. and the
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timeframe they say they're going to. so probably within the hour we'll have to have the totals for the boats. but this boat, if you're watching it right now, it's not gonna pass. yeah, we can see it right now on our screen, patty, i mean these bills that they're voting onto, they have been kind of held up for months, especially when it comes to ukraine. and israel, there's been quite controversial. i have the differences narrowed. you know, now listening to the speeches they have not, for example, in ukraine you heard a lot of republicans come out and say, this is money that should be spent in america. and this is keeping the pressure blank check. and we have no guarantee of how this is going to, and we've also had some republicans come out and say this money is morally important, is that you cream needs it. or as a ca director has warranty that he crane could lose the war in 2024. so that's still very much divided and how divided is it the speaker of the house mike johnson is literally putting his job on the line. so there are 3 members who have filed
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a motion to vacate which basically means they can fire him, take them out of the speaker's office that happen to kevin mccarthy just a few months ago. busy was unheard of in us congressional history up until now. but they told me if you put you create on the floor, we're going to kick you out of the job. and it looks like they'll have the vote in less democrats comes to his defense and they've given no indication as to whether or not they're going to do that. okay, we'll keep an eye out on what happens and cross back to the later party. thank you for the time being. well, speaking of ukraine, let's spring and john home and he's standing by for us and the ukraine and capital keeps. so john, i suppose this is extremely important for the ukranian government and the ukranian military considering what party was just saying a moment ago. the warning from the c i a director. but you can could lose the war in 2024 because of the wind dealing weapon supplies. yeah, the ukranian president problem is lensky. is that exactly the same thing? you said quite pointedly, if congress doesn't help you, crime,
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you crane will lose this rule. so he is obviously aware of how important this is on the front lines. if you craning this will, we've russia at the command as they have told the team that the shedding from the russian side is 6 to the one that's going back. so that desperately show and i munition their own so desperate, nice show on the defense, a defense operates has to sort of control. the skies is stopped. the energy networks being attacked and stopped. towns in the east important cities for them being attacked. so the government is really aware of how important they say is people in the front line perhaps aren't aware of what's going on, but that definitely aware of how desperately they need munition as well. yeah, i was gonna ask them and how closely is what's happening over in the us being watched in ukraine right now to i think is definitely been watched by the government closely. it's actually quite interesting that in kids and on the national television is no owned,
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as puts you would expect to see given how important the country's president think this is a to it's a viable to. it's a threat, staying in the school, to have is a little bit of a bubble in terms of being not being hit as hard, especially as the towns in the east. it's got a good defense system that stults most of the real kids, the missiles that are going into it. so it's sort of a little bit business as normal here, but definitely the ramifications if this doesn't go through. we will start to be. so it's not only the $61000000000.00 is going to go towards weapons. it's about $14000000000.00, but it's going to go towards the weapons, training and operation systems. there are other things, as you mentioned in terms of humanitarian measures. and those are helping government to operate, but all of that money ukraine is said he's desperately needed. okay, john, thank you for that reporting from keith. it's
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the 2 southern gaza where parents have bid emotional farewells to children, children, and is really airstrike funerals have been held for 10 palestinians who died in the attack on drop off most of the dead or young children. just a warning viewers may find somebody images and barbara and growth as report distressing. this mother is trying to accept hassan hamza is gone, because one of the children killed and, and miss really strikes and rough at southern casa the the other women and children were also killed in the attack. the town also tell neighborhood 12 year
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old line as a cook survived. that, i mean that's not what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming. but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris. 13 minutes later i was pulled up and so i followed the cradle support of his daughter in disbelief to the on the was her back. elizabeth and what is your home that know how the album and bud unimed capital? because they have an incentive despite international key is to abandon transfer randomization of rough, or israel says,
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go ahead with it's offensive. the united nation says won't any operations that will risk the lives of more than the 1000000 people has been sheltering in the city? this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes, but not even in syria or rock or ukraine. nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. published in and parents and also have been living with dread of losing their children for months, but little can prepare them for the final. good bye barbara and good. i'll just say right, that we have thought about as one who is wanting us not from enough house to tell us about. the latest is really airstrikes and rates started with the rain. in fact, it is very ministry. is it still ongoing when it's mandatory bombardment? good companion, of course, the gaza strip and in the past few hours they've been clearly observing more attacks on the another impulse of gun was aware of these by the author. we had
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talked to to tell and how the neighborhoods in the as far as southern parts of kansas city. but clearly the attacks had been also on going in devalue refuge account where to palestinians the after report of killed off to being kicked directly within his very drone attack box. similarly, but tools are still ongoing as events happen, informing that in the middle areas they have been hearing and feeling. the reverberation of the ongoing is very bombardment by the artillery units as a part of the is very expansion of the fight to get on the area alongside. to darren about where, according to at the thousands hilton ministry, at least 3 palestinians have to repeat the killed in. i'm just a rock even endeavor. but in the past couple of hours as move victims are still under the ruffles, where civil defense crews cannot reach to such areas which had been targeted due to the intensity of the east very bombardment. now it's also important to note on to
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plot to point out that the military right now has been establishing military comes with the main to linking roads between the north and the southern parts of gauze. i'd like to be on dissipated minutes with ration here in a rough up where we to now are witnessing and hearing the is very ministry surveillance, a drone, whole ring in the southern parts of the territories. and we can certainly hear it's as you speak to us, taught it. thank you so much for the time being for that updates. thank you, taught it. i think turkey as president reads or play a bird on his how talks with him, us political leader assign honey yet and is stumble. the meeting came days after katara said it was reassessing his role as a mediator in the war on gaza. are the ones office of the talks were focused on humanitarian aid? how to achieve a cease fire as well as offers for a palace than you and unity? i was interested impressed about glue has more from is stumble. this is not the 1st time how much leads or a smile honey i was supposed to buy
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a turkish present for his up type are drawn on his stumble. a couple of months ago . prisons are gone and brought together how much leisure and also to leader into care as well, according to turkish communications, direct rates as social media posts on a x, a president on a search to add that and the of of the situation in golf. so i should be at the spotlight of the international community and at the latest tension between iran and israel shouldn't shadow what's going on and it causes the presence add on has always emphasized that he is taking issue in palestine and garza as a personal and until the end of his last breath, he will continue to fight for it. and also on saturday morning, a turkish, an egyptian foreign ministers have a violent pro meeting. and after that, they had a joint press conference in which they emphasized the importance of the delivery of
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to who monetary and of relief to cause. so the continuation of this and also a $22.00 ministers emphasized that the solution to the problem and gaza is for stopping . they is twila occupation on oppression, and also a 2 state solution based on 196 the 7 borders seen of coastal elders are assembled . still ahead on alta 0, an explosion at a military base and a rock. that house is a pro uranium para military kills one person. the group is accusing israel of thought a time range on floods displaced more than a $100000.00 people in parentheses. forty's for calling for help. the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered the states pilots who use thank good us. we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say, no double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here the story on talk to how does era, the challenges with the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states,
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and will the media be able to cover the vote really unfairly ongoing coverage in d, as in actions on out, is there a the, this is all to 0. these are the top stories, the us house of representatives, a set to vote on a $95000000000.00 for an a packet soon. it's been held up for months and has now been split up into separate bills for israel ukraine on the asia pacific region. funerals have been held for the 10 palestinians reside in the tax on dropped off. most of the fed where young children, israel continues targeting the cities for half of the strips population is sheltering. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in
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a 2 day long is really rate in the occupied westbank. there has been gunfire and explosions throughout the day, saturday into the cut in mass arrests have been made at the nuisance refugee camp is really forced, as also rated several homes and use bulldozers to destroy homes, shops and other critical facilities for the 5 will. 5 to it's a very difficult situation. this agent notions. com is still ongoing. often more than 42 hours. there are large numbers of monitors lying in the streets, and many wounded ambulances have not yet been able to region. without the model, there's been complete destruction of homes and shops, the electricity grid from the sewage system, the war to network and other infrastructure has this incursion is unprecedented when compared to previous in cash. and there is snipers on the roof tops, desk gods industries. and the special forces have been deployed. it's wor,
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no one knows what's happening in the camp until this moment. and the other hand has more from sometimes middle reasons for no i'm being says have been able to verify the number of the killed even some of them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that or friedrich, i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside. and even the people who we've been speaking through that with us is inside the refuge account. they've been saying that they've also had difficulty to leave their homes to know what's happening outside of this operation in this a photo and that a few g. com answers more than a 40 hours now with palestinians say they've been confined to their homes with these really forces has been raising one house after another conducting address and a field investigation. but we've just seen a video,
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basically and reported me is that is the members of the battalion saying that their own lives, including the head of the nordstrom's, but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who was wanted not just on a scale of tooth cut in but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalion are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of a rush thing. those a wanted palestinians could be related to the fact that this a salt on that because you can, this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, that this refugee camp of nations and to cut him a or is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and waiting for the 3 they rate to that. a few jacob with we've seen really a lot of colors to me,
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is saying that they've been tortured to being beaten up during those as sealed interrogation and edits. but from the videos we've been seeing coming out of the refugee comes the level of destruction. seems to be much, much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinians. specifically those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance, such as the group here in to cut in the north shims arms battalion is really protest or is there a gathering and tell a vive to demands in early election on the release of captives housing gaza earlier on saturday and dozens of less twins is really organizations demonstrated outside the entrance to a military prison where hundreds of palestinians arrested in gauze are being held.
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we have all to 0 stephanie decker. she's joining us from tel aviv talk to us about how big turn out is and what their demands are. stephanie, the several thousands are pretty much the same number that we've seen in the last of the 6 months on a weekly basis. that developed mark zoom in to get the big picture here. what started to read as the hostage families who links to the immediate return of the hostages has started much more political in nature. and they've been charging elections now down with the government. benjamin espanol you are in charge. you are responsible. there's also an anti war protest here, much smaller. they will congregated here in central tally. we've just down to the ministry of defense. some of the placards that we saw, one woman paused and with the blood hard saying, occupation and democracy cannot co exist. other placards,
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4 legs for things like bringing them back at any cost. benjamin netanyahu rewards from an so this is a, these are the people here feel that they haven't been hurt. they feel that they've been abandoned in particular. so in the last week, when the narrative turns very much to iran, the hostage deal, nowhere to be seen. there's concern for the state of the hospital. how many were made alive? nothing is clear. so people here are telling us that what they want to is the immediately many believe also that the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu know political career is more than likely over once to focus away from the war. really that he is extending things that he's the only thing for the sake of his political. okay, stephanie, thank you so much for that update from tel aviv at least one person has been killed in 20 others have been injured during a large explosion in iraq. it happened south of the capital bank died in bible
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province. so i need a base used by that uranium back popular mobilization forces was hit, the paramilitary group is accusing israel of conducting an attack. the us says it wasn't behind the explosion. the rocky military has cold, it calls an accident and we'll be investigating how it happens. now, a wooden boat capsized on friday, killing dozens of people in the central african republic, nearest capital, bunkie, and video. it shows that both carrying more than 300 passengers moments before it began to sink many or soon trying to sort of shore, while others tried to reach them using small boats. at least 58 people have drowned . serenity is appealing for international support. after heavy rains displaced nearly a 100000 people and destroyed farmland. authorities say a total of $300000.00 people are in need of humanitarian aid. rain has fallen
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without lit up since september. after the new a weather event extend to the annual rainy season, across the region, we're taking you back to congress because the us house of representatives is voting on a $95000000000.00 for an aide package for bills that are going to be voted on. which include support for ukraine as well as israel will, bringing patty co hain, joining us from capitol hill. patty, what's been happening so far? us without objection, abuse, or reconsider as well. the volt that we really haven't been focused on as much as a to taiwan ukraine in israel. it just passed over well, mainly in the house of representatives. it does a couple of things and orders us to impose harsher, harsher set sanctions on around, especially when it comes to production of drones and missiles. it gives the us the authority to basically take russian money in us banks. now whether or not the
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ministry station will do that and use that money for ukraine is what the bill says . it should do. it's not at all clear because there are been many people within the administration saying that that would set in absolutely formal precedent. and then nobody, no country would think their money was safe anywhere else. so whether or not they're going to do this. and if it passes the senate in that they're able to reconcile. that would just basically give the president the option to do that. the other thing, and this is going to be really controversial, especially among young people in united states. it tells app stores that they can't list, tick tock it, unless the chinese company that owns it, sells it. so that passed overwhelmingly, and i could say i'm just looking right now. money for taiwan that passed. overwhelmingly, i just missed the boat count, but it looked at it up until the end that it was very much 5 person. we had about couple dozen republicans voted against it, but so the money for taiwan is in fact, going to go ahead to the senate and probably the president and that will be passed
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. so up next we're going to hear about ukraine aid, then is a to israel. and again, we're going to be looking at those photos very carefully because when it comes to crazy, they'll tell us just how big of a fax within the republican party is against sending a to ukraine. and when it comes to israel wouldn't be watching to see how many democrats say that they simply cannot send this age israel we've already heard from . so i'm saying that that us would be basically supporting what's happening in gaza and they just can't vote for that. so i you crane up next and we'll keep you posted . yeah. okay, potty, look, let me when it comes to these bills that we looked at taiwan because dots as you were saying has just passed. what is it that happens next? what are the next steps? well, you know, this us senate was the post date already passed the bills similar to this, but because they broke it up as a house, they have to sort of reconcile that vote on it said it was actually supposed to be out of town this weekend and the side of majority of the leader,
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chuck schumer told her on stay in town, because if this passes and again, it did seem in the early speeches that it was going to pass both israel and ukraine and to and taiwan. so then it would go over to the senate this and it would take that up and the president present to buy it and he's in wilmington, but i've seen it before. he can sign bills electronically. and i spent a lot of time to kind of gotten last week, and a lot of the focuses on this a to crane. because as we heard from the c, i, a director william burns, he said, the real fear is if this doesn't pass and it weapons don't get to ukraine's that they could lose direction 2024. so the pentagon says the aid, if it's past the weapons, will start shipping in within days. so all i is right now on the crane. the road has just started too early to tell, but it seems likely to pass, but i'll keep. all right, patty will speak to you at the top of the next hour. thanks so much for the time being. uh, that's it for me as well for the time being or what's coming up next is the weather . and then inside story will be examining the impact of india as general election. and as always,
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you can head online for all the latest stories. our website is alpha 0 talk. com. thanks for watching. bye for now. the on the low theres been more flooding in southwest saudi arabia once again and ask for providence we get that much rain. that fast water logged, the roads here. still the threat of more rain falling along the huge as mountains here in southwest saudi arabia. also around you have been seen some burst of rain, so there's been flooding in the capital sign up, for example, closer look at the radium peninsula. it shows as other than that it is fairly calm . the winds are picking up though for the eastern province of saudi arabia. it's also a dusty and hazy pitcher inc. weight at 36 degrees. then we've got this triangle of heat from bako. ask about to tater on. in fact, for baku,
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this could be record heat for the month of april, the number to beat 27.8, and we've got your pencil the in for 28 on sundays, and showers move in on monday. so that will press down your temperatures after that what day and it's stumble on sunday. the weather is danced away, but still a few clouds and showers never really too far away from his stumble and with disturbed weather around a barrier. that strapping down rain into morocco, i think, says for quite a helping of rain while there has been some flooding and bare room day more than a 100000 people displace, there's still more rain to go on sunday. and for southern africa it's calm. but if you showers around the western and eastern cape provinces examining the headlines is there is a fleet today for the forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome.
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every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around the 6 weeks of voting in an election where india is prime minister and the rand remote, a success. the opponents say, refreshing and sick tearing is him, have worse and under his leadership. so what all the issues will be in action, be free. in fact, this is inside story, the


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