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tv   Dying Earth Life Before Land  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm AST

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a contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading called full know somebody, let's release this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. which a no performed by musicians locally, unapproved mobile. so worked with global stones like maria mckayla. and you must have kayla between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans quoting for into a part to south africa held its 1st democratic election in 1994 healthy god. oh, how does that go? montana was elected. president, city is on civil presidents and administrations later, critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see some of the good things that happened with them, of course. and of course,
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we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were homeless. we have no doubt with a, a, our have issues there many challenges that will fit the youth, the young people, what i am unemployed. but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young filled africans today, one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago, still sung today when people want to express and go with this content. and often people here have a lot to complain about. well, democracy brought significant change in freedoms for many here. the government has not fulfilled some of its promises while sold africa remains that one of the most an equal societies in the world. so me them a lot older 0. so way to this is being
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a 1st al think the 2 risk, the modern target comes to a now at a 0 in northern front. they were born just last month as part of the european breeding program. and they both has raised types of saving, the endangered space is because the few of the $400.00 so much and tigers, in the wild to, to habitat, los deforestation, as well as a legal hunting. but so for me, tell them the credit. you can find much more information on our website that's else is there a dot com? the news continues here of the dying earth life before land coming up next, the zeros here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas? of course, we cover major global events that are passion lives and making sure that you're
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hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man for some reason. and so many others, we go to them, we make the effort, we care. instead, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the cost to be to, to uh, find 2 months the among them to guy, she asked me to do the spelling good fun to talk to as to why i did not see them through to talk then talk to go straight. this is at the pseudo required to doing tax bill. i need to find you. can i get a stain on it pushed by the delivery somebody to do. so would you look into economic development that way she can the boys today? she got them like
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the winds in springfield and beach by the category 5. 03 west to me and wrapped from the climate change perspective. almost every climate came back from flooding to psych loans, droughts. it barks a bundle with dish and effect millions of people in the kitchen and hands bundle dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most vulnerable country in the world. bangladesh has the largest delta in the world at the mouth of the highest mountains of the world. so we are in a very geographically in a very vulnerable position. though it seems sheltered, we are at the front of the site, the loans and the floods,
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the one of the major consequences of human induced climate change if it continues at the rate that is going on. now, is that many, many people around the world living in very valuable areas will become displaced. they would simply not be able to live without leaving the toys to and thoughts her voice, shut it up and see them perform calla quoting, see in go. so i'm going to see my money. see, i'm ok. see, pointed boy showed the home to all right. the the con daughter i to put a one, know it the funny. i've annoyed even when it all body to
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a letter. i don't acknowledge you by to the point on the vehicle and i know she of the by 2050 there will be, you know, 260000000 people who will be displaced due to climate change. but think of funded this, the data that we have 19000000 will be displaced alone. the model of vision around 2000 people every 24 hours arriving and talk a 16 by foot by cycle, by which up by the bus, by boat. and the disappeared into some so we have more than 200 slums in tucker city. and unfortunately, the limits of the human body, which is in the high 40 degrees centigrade or 50 degrees centigrade,
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are being reached. those who would like to work, they will the have to come to tech. what they're facing. it's a big gate is leaving and precarious. worked at the center. if you look at tucker city, now it's unbelievable. the shuffled tied to the t, y that dash 3 parts of each of the kind car part are to get in
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the the do, does i by dash and i get for it? i non state they show up on a block on 20. the for mission, would you find me? n e y gosh to degree avalon, stay ne. i mean, not expensive. gas good cause very low quality carfax, the guy i ever just need a note, but i like i shoot a goodie. bye stuff is actually shot, but i'll try to put in the shop guys hiding. gosh, good, i'm going to go shop those had been go scrolling, the mazda was running, my god,
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the protect you unplugged the little and go to court. i think us clear to our modern was 0 and it causes them those who to levels quote, to bring the car up to just one i'm calling to new life, the amount of lives i need the that's what i'm telling you. they don't do the minus, do they keys? good day? they'll come out on a cup. they don't need that extra monday to let them get on managed. let's have them do that. they own a cost about this. so right, guess good, i'm good, gosh, go down the quest to go to show
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a course to wait of the weather. they are internally displaced. people that are refugees going across international borders are not recognized. display mach, mike rooms of climate refugees by the law in bangladesh. what we're trying to do is to give them recognition as people who are being displaced by climate change and providing them with some assistance to dealing with the displacement,
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the middle of question. what about do i see if i could think of that was that this, i guess couldn't say let about that i'm an investigator see. last night the body is only kept them to show a well known one, the toilet them. um uh, why should i guess at the front desk with the, uh, is this is i send them to that in the answer. didn't that ring and birthday? is it them to, for this know, doing this is arlene is, are learning maybe says bottom, the child lock decision at the law? not in the, the deposit of
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a guy usually doesn't come right. but there's also 2 of them that the siding can do another federal night pen can, can connect directly from the, the, sort of up as a didn't even go to the group cut up. it won't let it pass. cool is almost touched by the body. but on hold on this part of body, the usa automatically to the door, look at it is a guy, most of us goodie, bye milk is a flag, but i'm on duty and bring it in the guard about, you know, the thing is just not the tacit otherwise, of being that the, we used to get super psyched loans in the past decades that keen tens of thousands of people,
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sometimes hundreds of thousands. that doesn't happen. and we've had super sight loans in the last few years with the debt store. it's been less than a 100 we have the best, the best site loan warning protection system in the for what we know by the minute we're there. we can warn about half a 1000000 people living in the cost of the song. and we have tens of thousands of shelters around, so they lose their lives. but they don't understand the combinations out as the white one now is in the lunchroom gallagher, wiley is our gosh, this is chad young with a lot of our reports to times as industry, but there was a condo, it was i done for the space incentives. i, visual of dish is hard to do. i got to do the transaction,
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right. i'm going to be getting into useful as a condo. unusual. look on the fact that it hasn't been detected. that's had it is a news, a mazda one is headed to using the this is a country that you're fighting for every square inch of land. every one to stream in. what? because c, d, r dodge, they just community initiated, disaster risk reduction. they are taught how, how to deal with disaster in the navy and disaster. we come. so we'll do, you have to be prepared for the,
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the people, the should have known about climate change for well, over a decade we have not been sitting idle. we have been figuring out what is going to do, which parts of the country are most likely to be impacted? which box of the population of going to be impacted split the bottom of issues, the land of solutions to climate change, not just the land of water but people. so we are well on the way to finding ways to deal with the impacts of climate change. this didn't cause a lot of harm, but we are finding solutions to that
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the the the, the do give us the proceed. got to do. i did. what kind of going on on a, do people melodrama, digit the cone. what kind of do other brother stuff? oh, they're gonna, we're gonna, we're just gonna cover them up by now. she get to the corner zone like the do you have any kind of an amount of adaptations and you should because they're leaving on a freedom just life and death, which is like
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a very tonight and day was did whatever said you shouldn't comes to depth and make the best, the on the the, the, the team a, she's, you know, the kids with disabilities that they need to do with the body to the other. you know that the kids are going easy. so going to the new, the new motor trunk did go to the devil to go through and 3 of them. i didn't go to them. no, no, no, they don't mind me am. i can go to the wrong english. was it going good for the amount of shit, the unit showing it to like come a, they look at it. it is you could well, normally, dixie,
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these are showing whether they came on solution to it goes, it is in the future, but it was it. i did, there's somebody there who i should not be the this should bother getting, you know, other people to the sort of like, how would you buy one vegas do you guys already talked with the google does use these orders to center and yours are the you know the sort of the ones that are already taken out of the home of the so it goes into the, the bus that goes out. those are the so what it is and these items are the pros. you knew these with the $10.00, but there's no, that's our coverage. all right, so you are moody who is your name? cuz or should go through? you're gonna find you if you have an i, what about a little decided to do you guys are going to move from over one of these orders is to go to the,
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the me a very important we have to work with that because the other ones left behind the other replace of the active and i think this is, this is part of understanding the community listening to the people hearing what the fee and also deep did this thing to what the don't. because in the don't say is the be the individually to follow or if a woman is strong. but how does that reflect?
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how can you utilize this if you do not have the black phone in the so the work needs to be done holistically. and the work needs to be done with the women to get because then the many of them the government, the doing with the organization, the last legit located around the screen. $1000000000.00 of our own money back to the climate change knowing the country is doing anything near that. so we are way
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ahead of the rest of the low income. so trying to figure out how to deal with the problem. because we have the problem today. the rest of the world, particularly the rich, we're going to have it tomorrow and day after tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us ultimately with the problem in the front of the showing the bucket, spend a nip on the facing climate change as individual countries. but then again, solution lies in global movement. so we have to globalize our issues so that solutions are negotiated at global living. and in such negotiation, it is important that the men have their voice. children have their voice on the main domain name that solutions. we only partially solve the problem,
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the revisions i should as they should be in the quest take on the right order, the product you the event, the money to quest, time for sort of cost a lot about his vision. and he has an additional charge for us
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in the bus. i did call, we'll keep auto de 0, decided we should the same, the cable will shut. good. well the key quarter to the the then you start to, to any, to a different place. you do have certain emotion, the battery is which you have to really overcome the, to go through the sense sofa losing your belong, the the, and the poor. you are not only are you ignored, you don't have this trend. you don't have the confidence of being able to restock lives.
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the if you work with my groups, you will find that they don't want the forced to say, not all heading for you, or they want to stay where they are living and continue to be able to stay where they're living or near, where they, with the unlimited amount of the time the do they care about the best way to go? i it is good to know how you do. i'm lucky for the, the documents of the,
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the 1000 animals and the measure and how the, well, the chick throughout a show that of what it would cost common courtesy. i'm going to lose it and ask them for that in addition to saluting or that the research i'm never shuts. i'm no problem. who do i sound right? or is it, what do they tell me that another shot that i sent on friday was at this in the cut that i've never seen done. so this, how do i see the progress on know quite a lot of the uh, the less of it coordinated cuz i was up with a new shot the the,
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the blue shield that seemed a little bit slow today. bomb who you told me to be getting the dock by a young quarter, but i did buy a loaner car like the bush to i know i'm a god is a toy. that's what i love for shopping money. excellent. now let's go to bring it in. li, the
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backup of think our truthfulness. we have to go to the news if i needed that i literally doing the, the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congress. the scope of who owns the mind, how would they explain, and how would they governed the dream and the usa of electric, s u, v, is for all the rest on the back of extraction,
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from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o n h the last 2 weeks. so the
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total does not contain the these rarely military targets scouts of once again killing at least $66.00 people in just the past 24 hours. the hotel mccrae, this is hilda 0, live from are also coming up. the us student led movement against the war on guns are, is growing with more universities joining the projects. begin affonso, as governments rejects accusations,


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