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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the garza, the last picture on the 02 accounts is we examine the us each row in the one on alger 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really military targets cause a once again killing at least 66 people in just the past 24 hours. i'm out at fisher, george washington university in the heart of america is capital. what is the, the 4th day of protests against the war and guys of
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the thousands, thanks for this reason. george's captain's protest against the controversial new foreign influence bill became defense. those governments rejects accusations of military executed more than $230.00 civilians, including children in school. that's still just one point separating the top 2 and the premier league of lead is also beat. talk them 3 to just pull ahead. so much city, close the gap by comp for the wind the we begin with the war in ga, so with the lives of at least $66.00 will palestinians have been lost and just the past 24 hours. a huge explosion hit kansas city in the central region of the strip on sunday. not a tax also caused widespread destruction in the southern city of profit,
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at least $34450.00 full palestinians had been killed since october. the 7th. it's possible on this honey mach mood, joins us now from gaza. and in rafa honey, more it strikes, as we mentioned right across the strip. can you just bring this up to that? exactly, we it has been hit and just the amount of damage that has been closed in the last few hours. yes tom, just within the past few minutes, then as soon as the drones disappeared from this cause of love, i would good clearly hear loud explosion taking place in which a waiting on confirmation of the location and the destruction that has caused it. but it clearly could hear that from a distance right here from the community. hospitals were with the reporting of from, for the past months that it early r a talked and these from part of rough city where a flat inside a residential home was targeted by a drawn, fired by a missile, causing further civilian casualties in stock. and the level of destruction through
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the building itself, but also the surrounding area. uh, just pushing people into further display. we've already displaced for the past month with our inside the residential building, a silver surrounding or at the 10th of the surrounding area. it's a very familiar area here. i am densely populated with not only would look over that and but also with hundreds of thousands of people who are ad across from the city. but mainly in that area, the days from part where people literally set up tens everywhere inside, inside the building or outside in the streets. in the central area, there's really monetary continue to how the costs of the site out refuge account. and the area between the northern part of the account itself and the southern part of why the it has an area large, the designated at a safe zone bite is really a monitor. so people could move at you and set up filters only to find himself in a trap, and then line
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a fire and then under unpredictable fall in bond. meanwhile, the is really military continue to with constant are killers in a good day. some part of the, of the gods are mentally is or how do you understand you through the roof? i city and this is part of is really strategies of establishing a buffer zone. and that is a really eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gulf stream just shrinking further shrinking the uh, the gaza strip. it's already done that populated a small area for, for the people in gauze. honey get in the last hour or so, these really military has said that the amount of i'd going into kinds of will scale up in the coming guys obviously, but wait and see if that actually happens. can you just explain how desperately needed that idea is right now? very desperate situations right now and people are in need of constance ongoing supply and the flow of the humanitarian and a given the fact the past month is really monetary,
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has it intentionally obstructed that and prevented the delivery of a humanitarian aid that along the ongoing a blockade on the land, the crossings including the ongoing process on either carmel, the southern crossing or the area crossing work is really subtler, has been sending off his vision for this to prevent in through humanitarian aid. the talked about scaling up the amount of human care in it or the trucks carrying food, supplies, and other survival items. right now people do not really have much express. then there's really narrative, then they're saying it is seeing is believing. as soon as they see this happening on the ground, then they will believe it. but if it continues to be just a narrative, nothing is going to be taken it quite seriously. because the pos months have been having proven that there's been a military, has intentionally prevented the delivery of a to the northern part of gaza. an overcrowded part of district here in norfolk city were 1500000 displaced, palestinian have been sold during since the beginning of the war. and more recently,
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since the expansion of the ground invasion of the central area and the city of han units on top of that, the ongoing deliver the talk. so neither it work or is it organization for distribution points for the aid workers themselves that are lift without any sense of safety to continue operating on the ground. i think so much connie will have to leave the honey mike mood for us. in rafa us who a student lead to protest and and cabinets against the war and goes continuing for a 2nd week in the us. the monitoring the universities dropped financial ties as well. but we have a team of correspondents covering the story for us in the us. and the moment will be live in new york with john henry and can with filling the file in chapel hill, north carolina. but 1st, let's go to elem fisher who isn't the george washington university in washington dc with students from at least i universities have joined a full day of protest and ellen's usually uh, quiet there on campus on
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a sunday. but that's certainly not the case based today. as well, it is quite at the moment simply because there have been afternoon prayers and what we saw where people for most of them coming out for the prayers, but also being surrounded by a protective court and all the hundreds of people that have come here of course it's become behind me that you can see where they set up a camp in the very early hours of thursday morning and they've never been here going into 4 days. joining the live now is sophie who is one of the students who is here right at the start and a still in the come 1st of all. so what conditions like for, for you guys in, in the company in the sense? yeah, so right now we stayed strong, we are barricaded off by metro police and the dw administration. so we have been told that once we leave here, no log back. so we are stuck within half of university yard right now,
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but we have wonderful tens. honestly. we have had so many resources coming in from the community. we have food. everyone's been saying that meeting the bus they've had and in a while here we have for the hot weather, like many things. we have a medic, ted. the administration is not allowing emetics to actually come in now and be there for the students. but we have medics outside on the streets with the community. we have just a, an amazing amount of resources inside that we've seen from the university administration that they've suspended some students that they've threatened others that it could lose or housing or possibly know even graduate. how big a decision is that for you when it comes to deciding whether you stay or whether you go? yes, university repression has been just absolutely horrible. but every student in here is so committed to our demands and to telling the world that all eyes must be on dos are right now. and that we are here for the liberation of the palestinian
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people. and what is the suspension, what is or an arrest when there's a genocide happening. we're also committed here and i stand alongside my peers who have been suspended, who has lost their housing, their, their food and like their security to food from the university. and everyone here has the same, we're all in it together and there's just like such an inspiring level of commitment within the encampment. so we, i know it's not an easy decision to make, to come and do these interviews. but we appreciate you joining his live here though just the afternoon. thanks very much. indeed. i sophie is a student one of the we think about a dozen or so people who are, who are still in the camps here at george washington university. and all of that was like sophia saying they are not leaving until the demands are met by the university and people out of we're across the world of what's going on and guys. okay, thanks so much. ellen, ellen fisher, for us, the george washington university. let's start with
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a story and bringing john henry and now who is at city university in new york, and it's on this protest site invitational ever mines on the constant threat of being shut down. can you just explain exactly why that is? that's right, that's part of the new normal here. these cams are becoming more or less permanent structures. you can see right now they're teaching going on there orthodox, jewish people here who are in support of the protest. and they have established this can be in part by keeping police on now. and they took out anyone who was not a part of his protest. they recently ejected a and is really or me so that he has been in gaza fighting for israel. i tried doing gauge the crowd and they talked to me out as for the police presence, i'll show you why that such a concern. if we look over there,
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you can see the as a police light pole, it's a portable one, they can pull it up, there's one at each end of the street. and that's in case police. want to come in here and sweep the area. you can see the campus police in the background in that car they, they are a constant presence, but when they approach here, the students form a line and they do not allow them to cross that line. so they've so far get the campus police out. the concern is that because this is a city university, the mayor eric adams, who has been critical of the protesters protocol in the lease ends this week, this area. and that's what the students are concerned about. so far that hasn't happened, but it is the constant threat every day here at this camp. okay, thanks so much, joan joan henchmen, for us. they are city university in new york, but we're going to go to the federal level who joins us from chapel hill in c with local activists. and supporters will join university of north carolina students for a really at their in camden. this one can just explain how launch that protest is,
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has growing. so father to let you know, in the last few minutes, actually it started to grow fairly substantially. and we are expecting over the next hour, 2 hours full summer. the reasonable as many as 500 people according to organized is made up of those who have already, or so activists of also people from other universities because they should think quite heavily promoted on social media. let me show you what say and now i mean these people have, this is not a spring pop of protest. these people have been here now since friday, but actually have been given permission by the university to stay here. but there is one caviar, not as they are not allowed to erect tides because not then violates university policy. some students have got around that, go around the lesser of the rules by writing the tents, but not putting the groups on will they put out full blown mattresses, with pillows. and it's very much saying that they will stay here for as long as they want. and there are 3 universities involved in this. you called the university of north carolina here in chapel hill, because students at duke university nearby north carolina state university in
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raleigh. i'm going to get one of the activists now. tina taylor, thanks very much for joining us. uh, let me just explain to me, 1st of all, what is it that you guys feel like, what, what would you want to to we want to achieve more of the community uh, coalition building and getting the word out. we explained to the university of north carolina admission at the administration, our demand. so we've been very clear about them. but we were not listen, we were not met as a palestinian american woman who is from because then who has lost over 350 people . i am tired, we want to make an impact. we have people around the raleigh community chapel community in greensboro, everyone coming around and saying, divest, divest from supporting is right. ill products divest from funding is real close like study abroad, divest from, to tax being from israel because we can't get free school or free healthcare.
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but israel can get all these things i for one as a student. i have student loans that i need to pay and, and i always wonder what, what do i gotta do with them if i'm not able to have the same like opportunities as you know, israel has like free health care and free schooling. and you mentioned some of those local universities, most things, but it seems by the universities across the country. what kind of support you choice for them, and are you in touch with you? yes, we are. we have our national s, j, p, um, chats. we are in touch through social media and instagram. we work closely with our river duke university and we also. a with north carolina state university, we are despite all of our like, you know, differences we work together to build coalition. we lean on each other, we help each other out. we are, we bring food, we provide supplies. something that happened in the very 1st day that was very
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momento is that we had muslim students spraying our ritual prayers. we had jewish services, it was passed over and the next following day was set or so we were all engaging together. so change, we need to start changing the narrative that this encampment is not anti semitic. we have people who are from the triangle, jewish voice for peace. we have people who are rabbi's religious leaders, who are also advocating for a ceasefire and for a free post time, because this is not just the genocide that is going on for a 100 days. these are kits on it. like i said, i am from one guys that i have families that are affected and just doing this and campus is just an example of if we can stay for 3 days, laying on the floor with civilians, boggs and h. shanice. then we can extend the same gratitude as people who are in rough law who are not able to get any form of sanitation who are not able to even eat, not even to have
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a proper bread. these are the things that we need to look for and to use as an example from specially that you into the campus steps. despite all the privileges that are happening, our campuses, we can set aside and temp indoor outdoor, sorry. thank you very much for that. i really appreciate you, so that is the situation here at chapel hill. but as i said, the process is expected to get them to i know at about 2 hours and up to $500.00 people expected here. okay, thanks so much phil. phil of al, there for us in north carolina, the old university's in guys i have been badly damaged or destroyed by is ready for us as display as palestinians and students. and rafa a thinking protest as it campuses in the us for this all the day receive messages of gratitude have been displayed on the tents. students a cooling for the protest to continue to supply the crank down by police and university of sources. we appreciate very much we, we, we truly those of them. anyone who raises
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a flag for by the sign. we appreciated with all our hearts, they are leaving their education, they are getting hard and they getting in trouble for us. we really appreciate that . we really want them to, to keep going. and we really want to be a part of this university is because they have to send with us no ones in the, when i saw all the process. but all the colleges like columbia, harvard, yale, and all the colleges and all the students there are ready to, to, to maybe be arrested for us, for sending into a visit with the sign that disney a glimpse of who will pay less than the imprisonment mood of boss has judged the will to help in the will and allow more agent the guys that he's been speaking in the saudi capital. re add where he addressed the will. they can amik for him. a boss appealed to the us to prevent as well from launching a ground attack on rafa. we're more than 1500000 people, the sheltering. he also ones that is around the could try to push palestinians out
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of the west bank of the it's done with guns that my exit is uh what, what is happening and does uh, what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza, a gathered in the city of rough, or it's only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime. but from all on this, we joins now by his son. henry, who is in cairo, is a military analyst, as well as a full egyptian assistant for administer. thanks very much for being with us here on to 0. physical we've heard this invasion offer offer is imminent for weeks and weeks now. how likely do you think it actually is? and how do you see it happening? what will be as rarely, military plan actually be?
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what according to the, this is a ministry, a that about the plan for our house i have for the offensive. is it a and the ones, the war cabinet in israel, and there's a he government and they give the green light to go ahead with the municipal offensive and then the army is about 80 army. this is very uh so uh, but uh, in the last 24 hours. these are the 84 administer, sends in a tv interview and israel that in case that is hostage team between his government. so huh. and how much is it a is willing to postpone it's offensive, however,
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is still a meant deans, its initial position, which is destroying how much in other words, that once, in other words, once the deed has been cut it out, israel could launch its long awaited offense ah, yes, we wouldn't have that, sorry to interrupt what, what would that look like? so what would be the 1st step? so if, if the is really military was given the green light to go ahead with the defensive was now initially this is a, it seems, had in mind and offensive along the lines of what they had done in north and gusta. that is to say, a heavy, heavy as well mark meant and then uh, the data mcdonough, i just the visions of that and make
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a nice infantry with their banks would uh enter alpha. okay. uh that that was the initial plan, but the american administration was active and the came up with the idea that instead of flushing a major immediately attack, uh, maybe it would be better to have targeted operations. that is to say that i, instead of resorting to massive uh, numbers of troops and it could depend on it's a minute to the commanders to carry out specific the specific operations. what is the aim of, uh, this thing uh, or destroying the floor?
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how much but dining is that uh okay. you said uh, present in rafa. okay. uh, i mean, at the same time, almost everyone has one of the risk to civilians including israel with an allies like the united states. so how would someone go about planning a ground invasion with their one and a half 1000000 people crammed into such a small area? well, lately, lately, some of 80 minutes resources that said that uh they would that they would uh got a out that or offensive stages on state stages various stages. and with each stage they would ask, they would ask the but a senior. so that part of senior civilians in the theater of operations, the chosen, the theater of operations, to clear to clear that part of a for alpha before they launched that offensive. that was uh, but i,
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i would like just to today. uh, president biden is expected us to have a phone call was visit i, the prime minister and uh, according to american sources. at this phone call would center 1st on the hostage eh, gene eh, the american president bush. the is a, the prime minister to up sense at hostage steve. and the 2nd thing is the, the corporation and how and the american fund of you on how best to carry out this a military operation and a. so let's with the i, let's wait onto this phone call at beach grace. mm hm. and let's see, maybe, uh, um, the 11th. so executive said mister after the blinking is expected in showing an
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area of tomorrow. and he is a scheduled it to me to is a, some out of foreign ministers in order to discuss the situation in garza and the dean and, and, and just to review the progress and any progress if there is any progress and the thoughts right now, a me reaching indeed between these 80 governments, thomas. okay, we'll have to leave it there but we do appreciate your time that is assign her ready unless thank you. a thank you for the wells central kitchen says it's restarting humanitarian operations and gaza weeks up to 7 of its employees were killed in and is ready strike. they come forward with it in central gaza on april. the 1st, despite having shades the movements with as rarely forces as while apologize and describe the incident as a grave mistake. the n g a is chief executive aaron go say is these really ami has changed rules of its operations, but notes?
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it has no concrete assurances about the safety of its employees. the thousands of people are protesting in the georgian capital to place the against the sun, a cold foreign influence long. the legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to read just as foreign agents. that part inside could be used to crank down on groups critical up to governments and demons, george's ambitions of joining the european union of more on this. still not a good as he is george's full, the deputy for administer in charge of relations with the european union, and he joins us now from paris. thanks very much for being with us here on out to 0 . first of all, why is this little back on the table again after it was withdrawn last year off to massive protest which we are seeing again? well,
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it's quite difficult to say what sees the real thoughts evaluation of the 1000000000 or all of your choice behind the who's controlling and development in georgia and who informally controls the governance in georgia is probably this is some things leads to his relations with russia because it's a way to demonstrate to show which loyalty to, to russia originally. so ask neighboring countries. the countries that pressure proceed has a be under the influence to adopt this kind of floss. uh, recently it could be stones has adopted the slower, which is a copy paste of dumpster russian loss. so this is a sign of loyalty for the, for the countries. um, uh, the dresser wants to, uh, control to have under each month. and also, the 2nd explanation is that georgia will have a very important problem answer elections in order to less than the room party, according to a different opinion. impulse is nonsense in the situation to witness the selections
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. and the black shows the government's underwent policy. we try to shut down the most uh, vocal critical media and civil society organizations. can we just take it back as to who is this billionaire that you say is behind the scenes pulling the strings? and how is the gain so much power and? and was they wanting to, to use it in this way? one of which mister was in a run is truly who uh, who was one of the most intellectual or the gods. seemed rushing to nineties. he's a georgia and he was born in georgia, but he earned his money in russia. in the ninety's a, a mainly under yelled the same. so he came back to georgia in 2004. and he got involved in politics in 2010, 2011. so he's influenced, he's a very beacon, georgia because he's personal wealth. is something corresponding to one 3rd of the
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annual gdc of, of the whole country, sec. um, sort of an issue. uh, yeah, as a political party called georgia dream, which uh, in the recent use jones has shown um, it's a very um, what's a retarded and tendencies and to clear up the phone with russia. right. how i mean, if this was implemented of as low as implemented it, how would it actually look? what would it, what would it actually do? so the slow will qualify as it was said the uh, previously uh, the old, almost old um the independence media plus civil society organizations as before and agents. and if they refused to be registered, as for imagines they will be far as defined. they will, they will face a very importance of fines to pay and in case they refuse and dave with reviews, they will be shut down. so it's a way to silence the country. so position and um,
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just for your opinion in this country. so this is a very serious of integrative, a violation all 5 fundamental rights and for them on top of some principles of democracy. okay, we'll have to leave it there, but we do appreciate your insight into one of us and explaining this far as that is full nike. godaddy just form a deputy for administer in charge of relations with the youth. thanks so much. thank you. still out this place, he's still a hit here on al jazeera, including russia threatens to freeze $300000000000.00 of western assets. if it's frozen, funds are used to rebuild you cry. so these newest football champions get the victory pie, the stuff that will have all those details coming up later in the
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the that was settled whether in the middle eastern usually go together in people's mind . but perhaps the site's been pretty well settled this last few weeks. and you see a lot of thunderstorms which coming from southern saudi arabia right up to talk you and all of us persistent, well, i know it has got brakes. anything it looks like mondays, full cost would just be a few child's interview and also down to $11.00 in to sylvia jordan. possibly beyond that, they've gone and looks lashley drive that. that picture also extends into was northern society. and these, this problem, the raving potential which will fix on the 2nd. but quick look around, looks great weather wise, but you still got the potential for snow showers for you in the high ground enough to understand the final package down in due course. but a rapier thunderstorm spread east was possibly even reaching behind or kept out by the end of the week. certainly split up towards southern syria and the rock and the winds. pretty obvious where they pickup, they're going to pick up the dust and the sand. yeah,
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you can still use the wood unsettled. are there through tropical africa, the biggest re exhibiting can yeah, they could be repeated and also occurs to times me they could also be repeated in the form of thunderstorms. but science of that, i have to say it looks too dry, drive it in quite a few places and with very few shares to talk anything up the new man, if he has opened the gates of hell or in those seats, he's having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. a crude mistake, talk to one of 2 on just the latest news as it breaks, another mazda gray of yours more power,
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city on voters over 3 of the their identities are large, the last and on our president, in more with in depth reports the scale. this summit was something they've never seen before from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because this trip, putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on or the the feel what you're, you know, just here a reminder of our top story is the ssl is ready for us as have killed at least 66 pellets jeanine's and wounded more than 130 in just the past 24 hours. some of the
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licensed attacks targeted kansas city in rafa for universities have been joining the student protests in the us against israel's war on gaza. hundreds of demonstrations have been to times and thousands of people of protesting, and the george and kevin police see against the so called foreign influence floor. so they just section 4 require organizations receiving funds from ford to bridges to as foreign agents. the ukraine's top general says his troops have been forced to retreat as fighting on the countries eastern front intensified caves, forces have for them back to new positions and at least 3 places along the front. the new positions of west of the donate scrooge and john home and has moved from cave. the russian forces are attacking in several different points on this 1000
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kilometer extremely long front line. and that's a full thing, and that's giving them the initiative on the battlefield. fuels i talked about the fight in certain parts of the front lives. brushing policies are hopes of pure power. they've got superior munitions, not something that we found ourselves when our teams have gone to the front lines. this site prove that they've been told by ukrainian army puss know that the being out showed 6 to one or 7 to one. the top nato commander who will say, speaking recently said that that could go to 10 to one. now, there is a possible and insight in the disparity between the 5 power of the 2 forces. the united states has just to prove to $61000000000.00 a package military, a proxies for ukraine off the months of delays. the difficulty is to ukraine. when that will arrive, the 1st $1000000000.00 that is set to come from supplies with us for the has. so presumably a could ship reasonably quickly. it doesn't have to procure that 1st trunk well
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fits defense industry. and ukraine will be waiting anxiously at full dot weaponry to arrive, including a defense is to protect, not just its front line, but also its power pulse, 80 percent, for example of it's the plots have been damaged or destroyed by russian shows a missile. so this is a critical point ready? the ukraine, i'm for russia is it tries to press home its advantage before the expect to date arrives. us rushes. all right, a state and use agencies is the we're stands to lose assets with at least $288000000000.00. it frozen russian assets a comp disguises. the optimal sco invited to crime the us and internalize blocked around $300000000000.00 worth of assets. now some wisdom powers have flows at the idea of using confiscated holdings to rebuild your crime once the war has finally ended. but russia, we offend on sunday, that counts images could follow what it calls, wisdom, savory will,
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according to the r i, the top and vistas and the russian economy include cyprus, with move a $98000000000.00, the netherlands with 50000000000, and the u. k. with nearly $19000000000.00, it also reports that germany has $17000000000.00 invested from $16000000000.00 in italy, almost $13000000000.00. well, for more on this francis coupler joins us now. she's in the economists and bank come and tell you that she joins us from approaches to in the united kingdom. thanks so much for being with us. first of all, those numbers i just read out how accurate do you think they are because they, as we said, have come from the r i state and use in russia. we don't have an independent verification of them. so unless of the banks i just choose this does not say holders assets and it tells us rockstead golf testing and then russia own it. we don't know how true that is. so i, i, i,
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i would be waiting for this little and accurate information. the confirmation is because because some of these figures assurance, i mean cyprus at $98000000000.00, the netherlands with $50000000000.00. i mean, even if it's half or, or a 3rd of that, that is still in a mighty amount of money, isn't it? what exactly is it still doing in russia? well, um, it is historically credit, lots of european companies. just a frances, i'm not too sure if you can still hear me or if we have lost the connection. i believe we have a loss runs as we try and get that link back up again with francis couple of shortly with un security council says it's deeply concerned that so it ends, paramilitary rapids, support forces are preparing an attack and al sasha, the city is the last, a strong hold of the in the width and for region,
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the rabbits bull forces to control of for other state capitals. last year, at least 21 communities have been attacked in the area since much of a funding has seen the number of display civilians in l. sasha, go from 300002800000 in recent months. have been, morgan has more on the story from cod to the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on m slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of dar for displaced to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to wrap it. support forces. the number of displays people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months . as a result of the iris i've taken over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are
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a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assessed, pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try. bored, targeted in the west are 4 in the city of june, and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are, you get to uh, heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of kid that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to return to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all
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concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the safety of especially the ethnic a 4 or the people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a master car and ethnic cleansing. well, we're going to go back to a previous story now, and we're joined by francis cappella. who, as an economist and bank on the side of things, had came to being with us. the criminal says that there's some, a lot of wasted money in russia is we assign almost $300000000000.00 on 2 of those numbers are accurate at this point in time. but what can rushing to it because it's written, the english legal challenges and tit for tat images, but can follow through on those 2 threats against the u, the u. k. and the us, well, i think it comes on you should, we should remember that. um, some of the money i'm not in touch with how much is the rush? it says it has access. it's,
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it's holding has been essentially stuck in russia since trans trench to win russia . it posts be tough to strains and it could see stop money on it. and also, you know, impose info goes on on, on the transfers and banks and things like that. so yes, i think it certainly could see some next of that money. why? why haven't these companies in countries been able to get the money out of russia? i mean, the boy has been going on some more than 2 years now. i guess how it risk of some of these businesses? well, i know some of them have tried to tie. there's no rush and assets funds not being able to do so. so some of them also cause to have tried to get money out to russia and being prevented. an assumption have simply decided to carry on having a russian presence phone. you know, somebody picks up and pull, have continued to have a russian on revising bank in australia. for example, i said giving you credit as well. um, you know, so there is other than talk yes,
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i know there are sanctions but hey, we might, it seems it might well, library might be able to get back to business and somebody's kind of left offices frozen there until things improve. so it's not, i mentioned that as well, okay, how will this impact those banks that have decided to leave the money in there and, and will this have any sort of lasting impact, you know, in the years to come as well on a sink. i mean, for us to follow through on this we, we could see some mobiles involving some companies, possibly some banks on the sinks that i would hope that it was the relevance of making sure towards the central banks were prepared for this and not net developed into full full financial crisis. so we might have done, we may see some companies experiencing difficulties. okay, we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time and inside and total of us. that's process complet, economists and bank come and try to thanks so much,
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bye. so between the thoughts. so has dismissed that report for the rights group accusing the military of executing $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights watch says became the faucet was on the carried out the killings into northern villages. in february, the report says they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians. accused of working with the groups. nicholas hawk has moved from san diego, his capital, the car, baseless and inaccurate. that's the words from a statement made by the government of regina faso following a damning report from human rights watch, which a q is, is soldiers of war crimes and crimes against humanity. but the government statement says, soldiers are there not to kill but to protect civilians. human rights watch has said that they've spoken to eye witnesses to what they describe as
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a massacre that took place on the 25th of february in 2 villages by the border of mali, the village of nadine and sore where those that survived. the massacre say that soldiers were in uniform shop indiscriminate lead towards women and children and adults. they were separated and 3 groups and then dumped into mass graves. when this report was made public last friday, the reaction from the government was to clamp down on any news organization or media outlet that was reporting on it, including international use, media outlets. the reporters without border say that the government of regina paso is clumping down on descent and any voices that would give it different narrative to the one of the government. but this report comes at a time where there is increasing attacks from arm groups linked to al qaeda and i. so over 2000000 people have been displaced. the government of regina for us to say
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they will investigate this latest accusation made by the human rights watch report and it goes hawk alger 0 the car as well. this point is still a huge hit on al jazeera, including thirty's years of democracy, which is here as journalist for tests that is elma masa to speak to students about the past and future of south africa. and then to a specific keep up the pressure on lead as us and the premium league as they move, they will find the whole towards the end all the time. rice chug will have much more in the this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves along the surface disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame
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a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. reporting in the field means i also get the witness, not just news is breaking, but also history as it's unfolding from serbia and one day i might be covering politics protest. what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing or
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the is thought at this point. now his joy tom, thank you best though. just one point between the top 2, title, contented and the premier league race of to both also and months since he recorded wins on sunday. also strengthened the hopes of winning a 1st premier like title and 20th of to be the most ones in rivals taught them 3 to the gone as have kept themselves firmly in its thanks to 3 1st health goals. okay. soccer school, his sides, 2nd for 16 sold of the season. i habits then headed in a, such as what followed though, the, know the final. so it's minutes for also christian ramirez school tutton, 1st half sizing, a huge error from go people, david riah, and the totem. or what does light penalty and some humidity converse from salt to make it 3 to. but that's how it finished on some busy types of foods, they remain 7 points to drink,
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a full place to ask them. villa mikaela to decide it's a 3rd when in a row with 3 games remaining was brain, so many expressive orders in our books. um, was that a really emotional? again, maybe it's a place to come. what was an incredible and most fear stadium on a great team? to play against screening, loved games on sort of the games on the 2nd half an hour or so, minutes in the game, encouraging chances, and then is what happens next week. same thing with a roll messaging, your brain will send it to do with the situation, but in another one and the game. and they have the play is they have record as well to meet some of the useful words and always have to the sofa and react them in the hospital. fix the fatigue kept up the pressure with a victory of their writing and they have a game in hand. yes, because of audio school in the 1st hall for goes nothing of forest. and in the 2nd house island,
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holland came off the bench to double the lead. mocking his return from injury since he found an oasis, fine member, no guy like a enjoying his team victory as little find it. so they move towards the end of the season. and a possible full straight prevailing title. they still have school might choose less to play the crowns autonomy and champions, inter milan. i'll still parading this area at trophy in front of the funds outside the sand. 0 is the 20th time in to have please the tele, entitled, and they did so far. between milan was ac last week and adobe earlier on sunday intake were given a god of owner by a potent serena to day went on to beat, to new. the you know, must these go twice into miami, in the latest major league soccer game. i had to fight from a gold down to beach new england revolution, the full one, the messy sent to generates at
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a record time perhaps the new england home is 65000 to see origin. tina is welcome . when an action, he's the 1st player and, and the history to record 16 go contributions. in his 1st 7 games of the season, 2 time defending madrid open champion, call us out across the street to the round of 16 of the beating to jago. say, bush wilt, in straight sets of crowds was looking to win his 5th 14th march in a row in madrid and no problems against the on see, did present in with back to back breaks in the 1st set. well, number 3 hit 21 isn't know. as he lives to become the 1st ever to win the 3 madrid titles in a row, next faces young. let us trust in a repeat of loss, just find them. in the women's competition, elena added back in a clinch the 14th straight w a match on clay the well number 4 just to strong from last sharif overhead. gyptian opponent did civil a full match points for rebecca in a book test votes and around a $16616.00 full is raining most of g p champion.
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francisco barnett has clinched victory at the spanish chrome. pray offer an epic baffle with one of his rivals. the time was neck and neck with mot marquez is just 5 blocks remaining top to right is trading places before by new york pull the way to is 9 months has his face. so this when with the coffee inputs, when you're on top in the general standing of the child, we shouldn't be the whole family team crushed out early in the race. well, jack school, the 6th, quickest appeal century in history is the oil change challenges spangler thrush, the good your titans by 9. we kits jacks took just 41. goes to school with a 100. so incredible excel ration is a smash. 76 is off. his last 11 bills, right cody watch from the other end as he finished on basing on 70. it was a $166.00 runs done between the pay. that was the much needed when the side just that the victory from 10 matches is to pull some of the standings. the bone james
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in the lake has a clean you own in the n b, a playoff series of to finally getting a win over the denver nuggets up to losing 3 straight games. they were on the verge of elimination against the defending champions. like all the sounds on the boards in l. a with a 100. 19 to one. 08 victory game for the for on sold. so see, and that's any data. so 25 along with 23 rebounds. it ends in 11 game losing streak to denver. there's still only $31.00 in the series, which means a games a must win from now on. the lake has this, they head back to the end of the game 5 on monday. what only opportunity for us is disappointing. there's game, we've given yourself another life. give yourself another lifelong and so one thing, sir, as well, you know, so you know, mother's name is the most important in the season for us. and we understand that and we know that. so, you know, as i said, you know, you lose, you've done any way you keep going. so much talk about it's now from the
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h t or thing. this repeat to the glitz and glamour of the nfl, travis clayton was one of the standout picks on the final day of the nfl and draft placing was the 200 and 21st pick in detroit. the $67300.00 pounds offensive lineman is heading to the buffalo bills and it's just the 2nd of international play . a pause play post this ones to be picked up in the draft. 23 year old place. i'm gonna check club rugby for phasing states before joining nfl academy in 2019. how many sports trophies you can wear on your head, but one goal for was able to do just that of the claimant, victory on the d. p. well, tool you to cut. so right, go ahead. i post reco around a 63 the time has made and went on tool and he did it on time. so he left behind the championship in japan, 25 year old crowded, 5 buddies and 7 holes. the sauce is about 9 to finish on 17 on depaul, 3 shots ahead of the pac, not and him that very impressive headwear of the live tournament and adelaide american goals for brendan still held off for my open champion,
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lose louise hay's in twin by strict steel had a streak of 5 straight bodies early in, around 4 feet, just as on the box 9 allowed is tyson to pull within one strike. still, it was the american who clinched victory over the final host when $2000000.00 australian team ripka gc, led by a local favorite cameron smith on the team's format. and that is all these folks now have moved freely to tom for them. thanks so much joy as well since he is of democracy in south african may have a chief political stability bandwidth, high unemployment and defend equality. not the bit of life for old promised in its constitution. it was an election to next month during the holocaust. the views of students to join his birds with university. south africa's university of the vic vault is drawn to bits, has always been a politicized campus. it was a hot bed of student protests during the struggle against the prostate. when nelson mandela became president in 1994, i was
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a new student here. i wondered what vit students make of this moment? 30 years old from south africa's 1st free and democratic election. that remains really relevant to me because that is not a long time. like it was only recently when we got the democracy that we have and the freedom for everybody to vote the way we have. i think it would be unreasonable to see if it hasn't been progress. good for one. we have political rights, we convert to freedom of speech, we can criticize government as much as the one. i'm not going to come to me and say if you vote for this issue, the answer from palo do abc is going to to do. but i know that because i mean, wait and if maybe the point is where to take a lot for us to take us out of it. so it's very important you can hopefully by realistic at the same time you sent you the, i think that saw that some democrats, you thought, i think i was package nicely put everyone on and put my data on the space in through the article that people, what we saw was an opportunity for change. we're still figuring out what works for
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us and what doesn't. so it becomes very hard to explain to a generation of people who are born, born freeze, who are thrown into the system movie and told you have this right. you have that right, but not really towards the responsibilities and not really being able to hold and you just are comfortable to the instance of a democracy is changing of leadership. so to see how healthy i would democracy is i think this year will be important in that sense. i often say i'm the change i want to see. and that begins with me one time demo with young people that we bought. and that's way you don't inform yourself, you educate yourself about the state of the economy, about extending and how you can make that change and contribute to it. so i'm the change that i want to see is the power of holding being a young person. i just goes to university this. yeah, i'm a 1st. yeah. i'm now able to vote. so i think for me, my role is
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a student is to like, i get everybody else. you also just to me, i'm interested in making a difference. i love to say that one job. what's in the ocean means nothing much. can you send me in that one some week? so if 27 meet invoices agreed to commit to make change the voices of you. that was something you, we could do more in 5 years then this happened in 30 years. and that is that i can tell you guys, i'm so grateful to you for sharing these valuable insights into the state of south africa and future associates in this beautiful setting. that university your university, my university, to thank you for speaking to obviously hello, it's been staffing for to various imagine tiger cobbs, who are now at a 0 in northern friends. they would bone last month as part of the european breeding program. the booth as rise types of saving the endangered species, the fewer than 400 so much and tigers, in the wild, jude habitat,
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last deforestation, and illegal hunting, but sit for may tell them the cry for this use out. but so my colleagues serv. vanya will be here in just a moment with much more of the dice use to start with us the it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in hon in to return to class. for pin is needed here, quick cost more than 6000000 toilets and this is just one of the dos and this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the 7.2, magnitude, string to p. o is quite, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including its strict building codes. indonesia is building
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a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, the 1st part of the original open across the nation. but not every one supports the idea that someone would definitely have. we see this as an authoritarian decision who's on the 101 east with deals indonesia moving a mega city on out to 0. hearing the fact the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet and we'll get reporting from the correction job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age where it goes right directly targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you closer to the heart of the story, right now, collins and public confrontation, young people across the u. k. by putting that 40 on the line to force the attention of the issues that my so to that climate change is a symptom of
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a system that's breaking down. when every other week fails, dive in, action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed on out his era. the student led movement in the us against the war on guns is growing with more universities joining the protests. i'm john 100 at city university in new york, where students are in day 4 of demonstrations against the war and gaza and their university's policy. the serial venue is good to have you with us. this is alice has your life from the also coming up the is really military pounds,


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