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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the sales guy was action was to be left open for a democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed on out his era. the student led movement in the us against the war on guns is growing with more universities joining the protests. i'm john henry at city university in new york, where students are in day 4 of demonstrations against the war and gaza and their university's policy. the venue is good to have you with us. this is alice has your life from the also coming up the is really military pounds, gaza killing at least 66 people in the past 24 hours.
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the thousands take to the streets in georgia is capital protest against the controversial following the influence bill. booking of fossils government rejects accusations. it's military executed more than $230.00 civilians, including children. the beginning, the us where a student led protests and encampments against the war and gaza, or continuing for a 2nd week across the country. demonstrators are demanding that their universities cut financial ties to israel. hundreds of demonstrators have been detained so far. well, we have correspondence covering this across the us. alan fisher is the george washington university in washington dc. fill of l is in chapel hill, north carolina. it's john henry and is at the city university of new york. and
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that's where we start, john. uh, the on day one on day one. uh i, you've been explaining to us over the last few days that on day one of these protests, police tried to move in, but the protest is actually pushed them back. what's it like there on a sunday afternoon? well it's live in up quite a bit. this is a 4 and the correct is constantly there. i'm going to give you a quick look at what's going on. now you can see this is an open campus. and like most of those that we have shown, this is open to any member of the public who wants to come and participate. and you can see that there are some uh, orthodox jewish people here as well. and i have a rabbi, david feldman here, who we're gonna, we're going to talk to about just why they came for this protest. so let me ask you 1st off you what brings you here?
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well, we are here because we are inspired by these brace students here to city college in columbia university, throughout the city and the world know these, these courageous students were stand up for just this was done the for what is right. this should be a lesson for the world. this found the print face of this genocide taking place now in gaza. and this occupation or the introduction. to do this, this must be a hard conversation. it has with some of your jewish friends and colleagues. what are they have to say? well, this is a jury, students on college campuses say that they are threatened by these actions by these demonstrations. i don't know what interests they are talking about. they might be uncomfortable by listening to these criticism to israel, which, you know, with the people identify with, is it going to insist today's, these really flag, they have to accept the disagree. these consequences of having people i'm happy with what is going on. but it, but this has to stop and as jewish people, we say,
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besides this time, because what, what is going on is not the only criminal according to international this, these are crimes in jewish or killing and stealing all of this is against judaism, the state, the reason it does not represent dole jews and certainly not the jewish religion. a number of people who say that they in design isn't is anti semitism and that's some of these protests are anti submitted. what do you say to them? well, we attempt all of these events all the time. not only the last 7 months, both of the different decades, none of these events auto both empty. some of the isn't at all. these people just stop them, ask them. they restrict, choose the respect to jewish religion, they come them the crimes being committed to follow. so i know it comes of taking place. these crimes should be stuffed. these crimes should be condemned regardless of who perpetrators these kinds. it's embarrassing to us as jews that says that sadly in our case and follows time, there are times of being committed by some people who would use this um, but this does not represent those use and not the jewish religion. we have to remember that when you come flights, design isn't without the summit,
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as you come straight, judy isn't resigned, isn't that has no connection, because judaism is a religion. zionism is a political movement, has no connection. it does also come to us. when you conflate, then what you're doing is you're making a statement that old jews support all these crimes which ends up making a statement of old jews are comfortable throughout this up. and you know, in addition to having this in that this is in just for the students that these are of the freedom of speech it's, it's on just for the palestinian people who deserve our voice to be raised to stop the oppression. it is unjust for the jewish people because the old jews suddenly become a comfortable to what is happening. we have to stop this entire occupational fund. this time just doesn't mean the and i elation of the jewish people. it's a safety and security for whole. thank you very much. it's rabbi david feldman, who came by the process today here at city university of new york. you know john reporting live from the campus there. thank you very much on henry and we'll go to
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phil, available in chapel hill, north carolina. we're a local activist and supporters will join the university of north carolina students for a rally varying camp. and so just this we can fill up north carol and enjoying this protest movements. how does this compare to other campuses that you've reported from this is very similar to emory university yesterday in times if they kind of feeling the 5, it is very calm. there are no police here. it is more of that must be, are people coming together to show support the very measured way and in the last few minutes, actually, the numbers have really ramped up for me to become, for maybe a 100 people 225300 people who were who were getting together in this area of the campus and we've had caused driving past hawking that holds in support. these are people from all over the place. we've got local activists, we called students, we've got people who've seen the social media posts and have come down here to show that support out of 5 some of the students here. i've actually be there for 2 days
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. they haven't left, they've not been coming during the day and going home in staying here all night because the university is the ones that are better would tolerating this protest at housing sites in the police. it is set to them that they can stay, have bought one copy out as they are not allowed to put up any tens that starts to violate a university policies. so what they've done instead is they've the right to the structures, but they've not for the roots, don't know, they've put out mattresses or they put out sheets. i'm a state half day. i'm not, i may say they will continue to stay here because students from duke university because students from the university of north carolina adult, sorry, north carolina state university in raleigh, full hey, together. when it begins to feel. now he's one of the activists who's helped me with this price as what do you see these numbers and how they describe it in the last few minutes we, this must be quite hot links to you that your message is getting out. yeah, no, it feels really great that across like the child there, um raleigh, chapel hill, that people are driving out of their way to come in and support and then kevin, and support with the people ones as a, what would you say is the end goal,
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but if you have to put it was, what is it exactly that you want to cut out? it's the goal of this fall during cabinet is for the university to comply with. our demand for the vans is disclosure of investments. we want to know what exactly is being invest that in is any companies are being invested into these really occupation and the cringing the site and cause. 6 and we want all the investments to they want, we want them to be divested, and we want to create a working group of faculty, students, and administrators to work together to create a safer place for companies on campus. because as of right now, no, probably some even feel safe on campus. you mentioned some of the other local universities, but there's a process that is all over the country. what kind of inspiration, each one for those the you want in touch with each other? yes, we are actually last friday when the news of columbia is, are soon the rest of our university was one of the 1st to create a rally and solidarity. we set set up tents that friday and we had left that day, but we were one of the 1st universities to, you know, standing solidarity with the columbia students that were arrested. i was just talking about how the university is kind of tolerates and you guys and as i
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understand it from some people here, there is a move to kind of flush you out, i guess what, what are they doing? what do you, what do you think? um, so what university is doing? they have decided uh to not allow trash pickup. they have told groundskeepers that they won't pick up trash around this area to sort of kind of display, make the place uncomfortable. not last hospitable and they have locked access to buildings, procedures, bathroom. so at night they have locked the doors. they have sent police officers in those buildings that will let students in to use the bathroom. thanks very much. one of the point i must point out is i was told by another protest that they've actually put buckets over the sprinklers because they say they've been told at some point the university is gonna turn on the sprinklers to make this uncomfortable us . they obviously haven't commented on that, but that's at least what we protest as a say. there are no signs of any police say, but i must stress that they're all police parked a little further away. if we saw several of them just a few moments we got okay, using the sprinkler, so get rid of the protesters if true, i'm not sure i've heard of that one before, but we have been saying over the last few days,
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every university deals with these encampments a little differently, a fill of l. thank you very much. let's go to ellen fisher allen. you're at the, you are george washington university in washington, dc. students from at least 8 universities in the washington area to have joined the 4th day of process. it's an interesting situation where you are an interesting case because as you explained to us, there hasn't been a confrontation between the protesters and law enforcement because law enforcement turned down the request to to flush out the demonstrators. what's it like now or yeah, yeah, look like if you go back to 2020 and everyone remembers the scene some kind of get squared away. the metropolitan police in washington dc move peaceful protest. there's a way from the square to allow donald trump to have a photo op. remember, we started pushing through our pepper spray people and that looked tangible and simply the metric fulton police don't need that sort of publicity. here you can see the incumbent, the people who are in the camp of united speaking to
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a number of people on the edge. the rule is essentially that if you leave the account for any reason, you will not be allowed access. and that is why people have been here since very natalie on thursday morning on the intent to see for some considerable time if we move the camera around and you can see that the numbers of supporters on the street to certainly go in in the last couple of hours, a lot of them are families have come here just to see what is going on. but many of them have come to pledge their support. now there's been a couple of variables scatter machines and they really, we are very minor. between pro is really supporters and the protest. there's a, there's never been any sort of violence. never been any sort of trouble. it's essentially being a conversation. i know a few gestures made, but on the whole the people here have been very peaceful at the very uh, welcoming for anyone who comes along to, to support the cause. and they think that they will continue to do this until they get invest the authorities. i give them what they're asking for,
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which is including the investigative any, it's really interesting cutting academic ties with israel as well. it's, it's so it's quiet now where you are alan. it's also quite the last 2 campuses that we just visited before you. i would point out that over the weekend, $200.00 plus students were arrested across multiple campuses, will be it, not these. now if i can get you to pivot to something else us presidential by and just got off the phone with the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what was that conversation about let's say, what's in the official statement and then try and parse what's been going on. joe biden, once again expressed as iron clad support for israel in the back of the arabian attacks. just a couple of weeks ago. he said that along with 17 other countries that they had written and said, how much needs to do more to release the people that being captive. they discussed at the ongoing process today, and certainly the united states are hoping that they can make some progress in the next couple of days until the blinking is flying to the middle east. and the hope
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that they'll be able to accelerate those discussions. they talked about monique, getting into gas, that through the north, of course, things i'm the said that he wants to make sure that, that happens. remember a couple of weeks ago to bite and said, continue, needs to israel with. it depends on whether or not israel did more one to protect a work as and get more 8 and the, and certainly the americans feel that this is really our meeting, some sort of benchmark, although that would be disputed on the ground. and they also were talking to about the possibility of pushing forward as a see for a c spot, but also making sure uh that, uh what happens. and rafa jo bite and then the white house team said that the views of the president were made known. and we know that the us is very much against any operation in rafa until there's a plan to do something with the 1500000 people. the a we're also told from these really media that there was discussions about the possibility of the international criminal court pushing forward with arrest ones
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for benjamin netanyahu. and at least a couple of others in the is really government that hasn't been confirmed by the us . but we are told by other media outlets here that the us is pushing to make sure that that doesn't happen. and of course things between the benjamin netanyahu and joe biden. i've been relatively tense because of the discussions of going to about 8 and the death of 8 workers. and so you, there's a lot of reading in between the lines. when you see the diplomatic language of the official read out of that telephone call. ellen fisher forwarding from washington, dc at the campus of george washington university. we're going to go into ground now . thank you very much. allan, in the gaza strip. 66 more palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. a huge explosion had gone to the city and the central region. the strip on sunday is really military also targeted the southern city of rough or at least $34450.00 for palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. well, honey,
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my mood is in rasa. what's the latest on it is? well, the past hours have been very intense with the presidents. have it presence of drones activity in this cause of rubber honda? soon as these draws disappeared, it was loud explosion. the central part of rebecca, the we've reported a we the report that we got confirmed for that was an empty residential building targeted. but it caused a great deal of kind of good concern and, and pushed people for further internal displacement at earlier hours. there was a nother attack by a drone when it fired, but least one missile in a flat inside a 3 story residential building and eastern part of robot city, where 2 people reported in very critical conditions and multiple other miles injuries old transferred to another job, a hospital people in dropbox city are caught in a limbo right now. there are these hawks of potential seeds fire or a deal swap deal looming into horizon. but at the same time,
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there to tie the growling, the threats of expanding the ground and video dropbox, that he just shot or any sense of safety left for a really traumatized, displace population for the past 6 months in the central area. and except for the talk is really military continue to pound across the uh, the central area, mainly the refuge account to the western part of the central area, millions that revenue cab and the area between the account itself. and why the loves that particular location where people literally were told to evacuate to, to avoid being at bon. i mean, while we have civil defense, crew and paramedics throughout the day been able to remove bodies of from the streets of han units from under the rubble. so far, 13 bodies collected largely to seize the being and the roads and others are the levels for the past months. and since the expansion of the ground invasion that literally have lift the trails of the spacing and destruction to the entire city of han, you and his honeymoon reporting from rasa and the southern part of the gaza strip.
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thank you very much. honey. display specialist engines have held a football tournament and southern guns, a 50 teenagers faced each other to encourage players around the world to call for a ceasefire. if this i'm getting food reports and unusual match kicks off and this camp for the displaced in that offer, 50 palestinian teenagers are playing for the wind. but their goal goes far beyond the pitch. this even is that sporting david, it's about tennessee to send the message for all of the war, asking for these fight out for ending the war and ending the stuff i don't know, which is the end goal just for the fans. young and old have come to cheer them on the offer is now home to more than 600000 children and their families displaced by the war. and it's where he's rarely forced to say, they're planning a new ground offensive. most of god has major football stadiums have been damaged,
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turned into open air internment camps for palestinian detainees or simply destroyed . and these rarely bombardment has thrown young players into displacement and poverty with ms. vega and then the model has an in i previously paid for palestine . so let me pick team that this was death to stay to the future. despite receiving central office to pay for clubs outside the country, including in libya, vietnam. i couldn't accept them due to the current circumstances traveling from here to each it costs around $5000.00, which is an exorbitant amount given the current situation, organized by an american charity. this match is held to rally football fans around the world shall because the news, our people deserve respect and have the rights to live. despite the destruction and siege the palace, the new people never failed to show resilience and not determined to learn from the blooming threats of further attacks from the alpha young palestinians or hoping the
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beautiful game can help them reach a peaceful future. if to some against would all just there. still a head on alpha 0, ukraine's top commander says his troops of losing ground while the russian forces step up their advance in the east. and 30 years of democracy houses, they were corresponding, jonah ho returns to his alma mater to speak to students about the past and future or south africa. the the, the wisdom, europe's getting a watering environment. some places quite a big watering. don't expect funding to be a big issue, but where roads, at least, and this is the reason, i mean, you're wondering frontal system, the low pressure sitting over more or less in that and have to say the dismal
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whether the pressure shelves over the last several months. might be changing it just a little bit if any briefly but central in eastern europe is certainly change. it was time for that in the twenty's, not reaching out to this in process. scandinavia, that lender is full cost of reflects and improvement up to the middle to high teams . it's been effectively single fingers quite often for the couple of weeks. but it's not all just based by long way. i think probably central potent, even jim, you'll see middle to high twenty's where it's west coast is a bit of a, a change of fortune here. it could be some pretty wet weather than something from for time. still the weather in the valley are it's but by tuesday that's more or less come into the water. this affecting those analogy area. and to nicea, of course number, if you shelves i think in the rock and that was maintenance. maybe a streak it to light is right now. swear. but the main picture i've to say in north africa properties nice big charles is the heat, which stretches from chad to watch the gotten be banjo reflects that.
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now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like coming here sits on to a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to mean gun the the
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there watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines. more universities have been joining the student protests in the us against israel's warren gaza. hundreds of demonstrators have been detained. is really forces of killed at least $66.00 palestinians, and wounded more than a $130.00 in just the last 24 hours. some of the latest attacks targeted garza city and russia. thousands of people are protesting in the georgia and capital release. the against the so called foreign influence law for legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. opponent said, could be used to crack down on groups, critical up the government and damage to address ambitions of joining the european union also, and it can go judge a is a georgias form, a deputy foreign minister in charge of relations with the european union. he says, former prime minister, but jean even is really, is orchestrating the government's move. so it's quite difficult to say what sees the real,
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but you've ation of the 1000000000 or all of your choice behind the who's controlling the government in georgia and who informally controls the governance in georgia is probably this is something leads to his relations with russia because it's a way to demonstrate to show its. busy oil change, so it's a rush. i rush, i saw us on neighboring countries, the countries the rest of the under the influence to adopt this kind of law recently it could be stands as adopted before, which is a copy paste of the russian will. ok, so this is assigned to loyalty for, for the countries um, uh, the dresser wants to control and have under each month. and also, the 2nd explanation is that georgia will have a very important provenance, reflections in october and the room party, according to a different opinion. impulse is not set in the situation to win. the selections and
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uh, the flexion stay, the government's uh, the re, policy would try to shut down the most uh, vocal uh, critical media and civil society organizations. ukraine's top general says his troops have been forced to retreat this fighting on the country. the eastern front intensified west of the done yet. region keeps forces have full and back to new positions and at least 3 places along the front. don't home and reports from keith of the situation on the front line. few crimes is got worse. that's according to cranes. army in chief, alexander seed escape. he said that it's due to the russian forces, especially at several points right now on that mode. 1000 kilometer frontline and he said actually ukrainian forces have had to retreat in from free villages in the south east. he said that those villages mean practical gains full of russian policies, but not necessarily operational games use like pointed to
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a difference in terms of fly, a power between the 2 full asses in sections of upfront line. we're not, seems of going out to speak to you crazy. and so just near the front line, they said that they being out showed by 6 to one at the top. nate, so come on to his side. so that could go to $10.00 to $1.00. he said, if military was improved coming off that he's remotes, the united states actually approve the $61000000000.00 package of the military right now. the question is how quickly that can arrive the. busy $1000000000.00 trunk of that package that was approved a few days ago. and it's now set to be on its way to ukraine. now while the weight is on the crime for it to get here, russian full asses are expected to try and press home their advantages and not, not just on the front line brushes. so ramping up, it's a tax on your cranium, right away, line, say the ukrainians, and also on the countries energy plots to disrupt the its economy in this window.
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john, home and how does it keep you crying? the tornado has struck the southern chinese city of gong show, killing 5 people. 33 others were injured when the twister landed mid afternoon on saturday. more than a 140 factory buildings were damaged. a 2nd tornado hit another district. later in the day, a experienced by minister petro sanchez is due to make an announcement on his political future. on monday, thousands of his supporters have been rallying on the streets of madrid and an effort to persuade him not to resign. last week he shot the country by saying that he intended to step down. the court earlier opened the corruption investigation against his wife. and the un security council says it's deeply concerned that sedans power, military rapids, support forces are preparing and attacking of sasha. the city is the last stronghold of the army in the western door for region. at least 21 communities have
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been attacked in the area since march. the number of civilians displaced by fighting and l foster has grown to 800000 in recent months. you are assessed to control a for other state capitals last year i to look into saw. so hes dismissed a report from a rights group accusing the military of executing $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights watch says burkina faso is army carried out the killings into northern villages in february. the report says that they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians. accused of working with arm groups because hacked reports from cindy bowles capital, the car, baseless and inaccurate. that's the words from a statement made by the government of regina foster following a damning report from human rights watch, which a q is, is sold years of work crimes and crimes against humanity. but the government statement says, soldiers are there not to kill but to protect civilians. human rights watch has
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said that they've spoken to eye witnesses to what they describe as a massacre that took place on the 25th of february in 2 villages, by the border of molly, the village of nadine and sore where those that survived. the massacre say that soldiers were in uniform shop in disagreement lead towards women and children and adults. they were separated and 3 groups and then dumped into mass graves. when this report was made public last friday, the reaction from the government was to clamp down on any news organization or media outlet that was reporting on it, including international use, media outlets, and our reporters without borders. say that the government of regina paso is clamping down on descent and any voices that would give different narrative to the one of the government. but this report comes at a time where there is increasing attacks from arm groups linked to al qaeda and i.
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so over 2000000 people have been displaced. the government of regina for us to say they will investigate this latest accusation made by the human rights watch report . a nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car, 30 years of democracy in south africa may have achieved political stability. but with high unemployment and deep inequality, not the better life for all promised in its constitution with an election due next month during the whole got the views of students that johannesburg fits university . south africa's university of the vic vault is drawn to bits, has always been a politicized campus. it was a hot bed of student protest during the struggle against the prostate. when nelson mandela became president in 1994, i was a law student here. i wondered what vit students make of this moment? 30 years old from south africa's 1st free and democratic election. it remains
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really relevant to me because that he is not a long time. like it was only recently when we got the democracy that we have. and the freedom for everybody to vote the way we have, i think it would be unreasonable to see that it hasn't been progress. good for one . we have political rights. we convert to freedom of speech. we can criticize our government as much as we want. i'm not going to come through and say if you vote for this issue, the answer from pals do a these things going to to do. but i know that because i mean, wait and if maybe the point is where to take a lot for us to take us out of it. so it's very important you can hopefully by realistic at the same time you sent you the, i think that saw that some democrats, that i think that was package nicely put everyone on it and put my data on to say something with a different that people what we saw was an opportunity for change. we're still figuring out what works for us and what doesn't. so it becomes very hard to explain to a generation of people were born born freeze, who are thrown into the system and we had told you have this right. you have that right,
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but not to me to what the responsibilities and not really being able to hold indeed is a comfortable instance of a democracy is changing of leadership. so.


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