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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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like, selflessly sold to provide for his family. this won't scare us with this on just the, on the pillow and several venue a. this is the news our lives from doha, coming up in the program. this, our, the us student led movement against the war on casa, is growing with more universities joining the protest. the is really military pounds, guys are killing at least 66 people in the past 24 hours. playing for peace displays. tell us the news hold a football match and 7 guys are calling for
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a ceasefire. the thousands take to the streets in georgia is capital to protest against the controversial foreign influence bill and book unifirst. those governments projects, accusations, it's military, executed more than $230.00 civilians including killed and sold the so just one point separation, the top 2 and the premier league is lead is also the top of the 32 to pull ahead for months since a close the gap back up with the wind and melting forest, the we begin in the us where a student led protest sending camp minutes against the war and gaza, or continuing for a 2nd week across the country. demonstrators are demanding that their universities
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cut financial ties with israel. hundreds of demonstrators have been detained so far, as well as is here, a has correspondence covering this across the us. ellen's fisher is a george washington university in washington, dc fill of l. as in chapel hill, north carolina, and john henry and is at the city university of new york. john, let's start with you. it's day for a protest where you are and you know, this university is an interesting case study because the students a few days ago, you told us pushed back campus security. how would you describe the mood there now? well now you can, is it a particularly somber moment? 0 and you can, you can hear the speaker up there very quietly addressing people. um and now it appears to have taken a break, but it was a rock. and a little while ago there was chanting in and people were getting really involved,
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but this is becoming more of a permanent seat. and you can see there's a wall here where people can write poetry. there is a if you look beyond the tents that are next to that, i'm sorry, i'm looking. i'm going to talk to my camera man and say we're going to the left here. and if you look past the chance you'll see that blue to on a, on the left, and that is a kitchens. and beyond that, is there a space where the people go for premier? they have any other classes here in the morning. i asked one of the students who was here, how long they were going to stay, and she said, this is my home. that they were going to stay as long as is necessary, but the risk of arrest is very real and it's manifest in some strange ways. usually people putting an phone number on their heart, that's the number of legal aid society that they can call if and when they are arrested. so what happened the other day is police to campus police swept in and
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then the new york police department, which is overhead and a helicopter as we speak, put up some portable light poles in either end that so that if they want to come in here and sweep through, they can do that in a little earlier. we did have a bit of a conflict. there was a menu identified himself to us as an israeli soldier who had been in gaza. he tried to get into the encampment and was the lead out eventually by police who said they were taking him away for his own good because there was a conflict going on. nobody heard him or anything but, and the protesters are, are very unguarded about their space. they don't let just anyone come in here and when the campus police try to come in again, i've watched them actually line up and bar them out. even with reporters, you can see that they, that the reporters who come in here so they know who they are. so there's a real security awareness. if you see people with a tape around their arms,
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those are their security officers. so it's a very organized protests and it looks like it's becoming more and more of a permanent space a. so drilling about that question and how permanent, this might actually be. i was just looking at the academic calendar year. it ends in may, right? correct me if i'm wrong, but the academic year ends in may, which means it's the v years, almost over. do you expect this encampment to continue after that? and that's the open questions here that we don't know the answer to. i think there's a good chance that some of these will stay up these as you say they the 1st uh graduation ceremonies i think are this coming weekend. university of michigan has one they're already in california. california state university at hamilton, northern california has shut down completely before the school year is over. they are allowing students to go from there dormitories to the cafeteria, but they can't go through their own campus. so exactly what happens at this stage.
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we don't know we, we can only assume that some of them probably will remain up as long as this were continues. and we know that because that's what the students have told us, john henry, and you'll be interesting to see what really happens. and it may well be that they stay past the end of the academic year, will be watching for sure. as john henry and at city university of new york, phil lavelle, you're in chapel hill, north carolina, local activists there and supporters are joining. i believe the march has no left a joining university of north carolina students for a rally at that campus. and that in cabinet what's happening now, it is pretty noisy as you probably his girl this much about 20 minutes ago, maybe half an hour ago. it took off from here pretty much throughout the outside of the building. and then they walked right around this quote area right into the center of the campus. and they came back in now that having some speeches and some,
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some folks, and they all waving that item is a lot of chanting ad for all the i process to say somebody in the region of 500 people. or, i mean the most sites having seen the much drove past, i think i know that number is probably quite accurate. and these are people who are students of this university. these are people who are local activists, that people who are students from other universities may apply, or people who are just simply seeing this. heavily promoted social media posts. and they've known once they have gone here. and they've wanted to come along and show that some of that was the show that support for the protest is to the people of cause. so got a pretty good. so, and, you know, here's one of these activists and, and you actually, you're leaving the march when see this is this, this is amazing. um, i don't want to say that we didn't expect this many numbers because this is very representative of what we've been seeing here. in north carolina, in the triangle at u. n. c, it within like the entire united states of america. but this is just amazing. the energy that we bought from the crowd. but absolutely, this is inspiring and amazing. and i hope more people,
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more people feel empowered and the want to come out and join us. i mean, when you look at the students here, so many people have be lifting it literally for 2 days. so i don't i read the assignment to make that point. absolutely, absolutely. and i think it's really important to stress that the state of the majority of students feel this way. the majority of the triangle feels this way and we're not going to be silence. we're not gonna allow the university to do anything that's going to intimidate us or, or stop our movement because this movement is only growing and they only want to intimidate us, intimidate us. and they want to basically, as we're getting closer to what we, we, the, to the, to our goals. and that's why they're trying harder to, to provoke us and intimidate us, to stop marching as a stops protesting. how would you say the universe, these feedback? cuz there's not very, a very obvious police presence here. so we've, we've seen this, that other protests and the other actions that we've had around the triangle. the. so what they've been doing on campus is they've been trying to lock the buildings,
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tried to stop taking out the trash and, but we're not going to be stopped. we're not gonna allow this. allow them to intimidate us. they do have a police presence here, but we're going to just, we're going to stay here. we're going to camp out for as long as it takes. and i do want to mention that i'm not the main at the, the main organizers of this action are actually s t p, the students and they're leading this march. and we're here to support. and the entire triangle came out today to support the students at s g p, u n. c. g. thanks very much. well, some of the student protests have told me, but they have been told by the university now that the sprinklers will be activated at midnight. so they all proactively covering the sprinklers pockets to sell themselves paint edge. as long as you was saying, some of the buildings they apply have to towards lots of the restrooms company use . obviously, people here living here for 2 days, like i need to use the restroom so they say about send a 10 by the university to get them out. and they've also been told that the university is said, it will no longer take away the trash, but the protest to say a manually to a max fail at the time to try to keep this face clean and not provide any body so they can send you what they think, okay,
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well based on what we've seen across the us the last few days, i kind of doubt that the university is going to be able to sprinkle away the protesters, but who knows, watch the space, fill of l. thank you very much. let's go to ellen fisher, who's at the george washington university in washington, dc. students from at least 8 universities have joined the protest. allen, since the beginning of the we can, you know, we've seen 200 people arrested across various campuses in, in the us. nothing like that where you are though. no, it's a different sort of amaskita. in fact, there's a growing sense of permanence to this camp that has been established. you see the camp over my shoulder, which was essentially a stab in the early hours of such as the morning. and the students spoke you by the entire square at university square here in the heart of washington, d. c. the numbers have dwindled over the last 72 hours or so various reasons for that. it was very cold. thursday, friday, saturday was very wet. the university has threatened students with expulsion with
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been kicked out of the their homes, the college homes being told that they might not be able to graduate. so the numbers have gone down. but what we've seen in response is a growing comp just outside the gates. this is normally a fairly busy road, even on a sunday, a fairly busy to load and you can see it is completely being taken over by the protest theirs and their supporters and more and more tens are going up, which suggests that permanence. i've also been speaking to someone who owns a restaurant and they appeared with food for everyone. let's hear a lots of businesses have been doing eating food and drink and snacks. at 51 pass and one student just showed up with 3 boxes of protein box for those the here, outside defense and those that are in defense. so there is this growing sense of permanence. and of course, we know that the university had asked the metropolitan police which the main police force here in washington dc to clear the college out on friday morning. the n p.
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the refuse to do that because we what a weird, how did the optics would be all the police essentially moving peaceful, young protest this from a square? the didn't think that that would look good. so now this is essentially a waiting game, but those in the squared are saying they're willing to wait as long as it takes ellen, you're in washington dc. so i also want to ask you about the politics separate from the campus. protests us. president joe biden spoke with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu earlier today on the phone. what came out of that? well, let me give you an idea of how close this university campus is to the white house. the white house is less than a kilometer and a half away from where i'm standing almost, and a street light, still biting cold benjamin netanyahu. you know, the 2 are, have been ordered at some point during this, not least with the joe biden warning the atrocities that future aid could be conditioned them the way they conduct themselves after the death of the workers from the world central kitchen and also the lack of 8 going in,
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they talked about 8 to bye welcome to fact that there would be more crossings in the north of guys a being allowed to get the into the country. the talked about the reading and attack. and they also talked about how they need to move forward with discussions to try and get the captives fried um we know that i'm also sending a delegation to title on monday. and benjamin netanyahu was under pressure from joe biden and others. but we've had this under pressure talk before, and we knew that benjamin netanyahu, according to the use really military raise the issue of the possibility of the international criminal court, putting out an arrest warrant for him, and the americans are working diplomatically when they're getting confirmation of up assemblies and several media highlights. they're working diplomatically to try and block that to that. there's also a to bite and said that he expressed his concern to about a possible operation. and roughly natalie of today we had from john kirby who is the national security council spokesman. and he said that the, it's really use,
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it said there would be new operation in gaza, but they would. so let me rephrase. these really would take into account what the americans felt about any operation in guys taking into account a no cutting of the operation to completely different things. so well, that is unity in the diplomatic message coming out of the white house. that is still a bit of a difference between a joe biden and benjamin netanyahu. yeah, absolutely. alan fisher. thank you very much for your reporting there at the george washington university campus where those protests are still going on. let's tie that to what's happening inside the gaza. strip were all universities and guys that had been badly damaged or completely destroyed to buy is really forces displace palestinians. and students in rough or, or thinking protest as of campuses in the us for their solidarity messages and gratitude have been displayed on their tents. students are calling for the protests to continue despite the crack down by police and university authorities. there. we
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appreciate very much we we, we truly love them. anyone who raises a flag for pleasure assigned. we appreciated with all our hearts. they are leaving their education. they are getting hardly they getting in trouble for us. we really appreciate that. we really want them to, to keep going. and we really want to be a part of this universities because they have the sense with us. no one did that. when i saw all the process, but all the colleges like columbia, harvard, yale, and all the colleges and all the students there are ready to, to, to maybe be arrested for us, for sending into a visit with the sign. that's disney, a glimpse of hope. you know, so the policy is in gaza, see and hear the students or protesting and supportive them in the us staying and gaza. $66.00 more palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. a huge explosion had garza city in the central region of the strip on sunday. at least one
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person has been killed in an air strike and rough in the past few hours. and at least $34450.00 for palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th houses here is honey. mount moved reports from rough were getting confirmation of at least one person is killed in this residential moment. i'm jeanina this rick in the tag just happened a while ago on ears tried targeting the residential building. this is the initial report that we have been it confirmed that it has been confirmed as one person killed multiple injuries already a transferred on their way to the hospital in a jar house. but there still more people that we were told by the civil defend accruing paramedic that the house was full of people. these are displayed families and evacuated from the northern parts in gauze and city in early or a talk the eastern part of roughly 30000000. but as the neighborhood that the northern eat, the southern eastern part of the city where a flat was targeted inside a residential building,
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a 3 story building at 2 people with supported with a critical injuries and multiple, other from the surrounding area told, transferred to another job at hospital bed, the aftermath of this attack is just not only caused the further civilian casualties, but also forcing people into more internal displacement already. people are displays have been filtering in this area for the past month. and since they were forced out of their homes or from the know the part guides us the and more recently from tanya and as and the central area of don't a separate attack. there's really military continue to pound across the central area. mainly the refuge account is in the western part of, of the central area. that's a new site. right, right. you common an area between the southern part of why does that and they'll say that refuge account again gets causing further civilian casualties than causing the shocking level of destruction. to all means of why we're talking about it right now, we level in which we see all civilian and also shows services have been eliminated
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in the area. meanwhile, the civil defense crew and paramedics and volunteers were able to recover at least 13 bodies of from different parts of eastern hon unit. as the central parts of the city from under the rebels are from roads and those are believed to be killed when there's really military. and if the ground forces invaded the city last month, i mean my would vienna enough by palestine. the world's central kitchen says it is restored in humanitarian operations in gauze, a weeks after 7 of its employees were killed in and is really strike their convoy was hitting central guys on april 1st, despite having shared their movements with these really forces. israel apologized and described the incident as a great mistake. the n g o chief executive air in gore says that the israeli army has changed its rules of operation. but notes that it has no concrete assurance is about the safety of its employees going forward. how this thing and the president
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not with a boss, has urged the world to help in the war and allow more aid into gaza. he's been speaking in the saudi capital re add where he addressed the world economic forum. a boss appealed to the us to prevent israel from launching a ground attack on rasa. where more than 1500000 people are sheltering. the also warrant that israel could try to push cars thing is out of the occupied westbank after it's done with gaza. my exit, if you have those uh what, what is happening and gaza, what will happen in the coming days? and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza. a gathered in the city of rough or at only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody. we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation, because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime. in the occupied west bank. now there are many who are critical of the
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palestinian president. same bus run the reports from ramallah, the policy and president obama. the bosses comments are being met with skepticism and criticism. yes, it is the 1st time he has spoken so publicly about these problems. yes, it is the 1st time that he is laid out, the collective posting and fears in such great detail on the international stage. but many say that these problems have been going on for 6 months. palestinians have been suffering for 6 months and a boss has comments come too late and don't go far enough. he's being specifically criticized for some points that he made while speaking about palestinian statehood about palestinians right to self determination. in the same breath, he said that israel has a right of full security, and this is our duty. he's being criticized for trying to put the ideas of is really security at the forefront of a conversation about trying to resolve the problems between is really communities
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and palestinian ones at a time with israel's military occupation of the west bank. israel's ongoing war and gaza continues to cost house the lives continues to dehumanize posting in communities. so the idea of israeli security bringing that into the conversation is something that many policy and say they simply cannot stomach same bus or avi, olga 0 romanella and the occupied westbank house style. the french foreign minister is in the lebanese capital b route for torques on the escalating security situation on the board with israel. he's held meetings with the officials on ways to ease tensions saying to hold a reports from the roots. frances foreign minister says he has a road map to de escalate the conflict along the 11 on israel border. there's been day the exchanges of fire since hezbollah opened up a front to help relief pressure on garza in october, stefan says renee stressed the need for the warring sides to exercise restraint.
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looks like keep that. i say know what the objective of the roadmap is, what i propose the february, then it to the 11 days and these riley or far a cheese is to achieve full implementation by all parties to the security council resolution, 17 or one. they just switch everything. it says your name visited the 700 french soldiers based in southern lebanon, as part of the 10000 strong united nations peacekeeping force. the roadmap that is being presented reportedly involves expanding the un mission by strengthening the lebanese army. it's based on a un resolution, which ended the last war between israel and hezbollah in 2006, and calls for a zone free of arms and fighters outside the state's control along the border. the highest and best shop, but has the law, has montana. it will not enter any concrete discussion on the cross border violence until there is a permanent ceasefire in garza,
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all the while its officials warrant of a broader response. if israel widens it's attacks, the group has already changed it's posture in recent days. its attacks have become more of the feel. that's why western nations are keeping diplomatic channels open to try to prevent a wider war. but the 11 on israel front is very much linked to the war on gossip as pressure mounts on is around the some us to reach a deal, a ceasefire. there could lead to association of hostilities between hezbollah and as well that would allow negotiations to begin the u. s. mediator. in this conflict, they must, austin, is in israel and may be in the lebanese capital. so that a further else has either failed. the thousands of people are protesting in the georgian capital to the leasing against the so called foreign influence law. legislation will require organizations
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receiving funds from abroad to register as phone agents. opponent say that it could be used to crack down on groups critical as a government and damage. georgia is ambitions to join the european union. well, during the keyboard as a is george's former deputy foreign minister in charge of relations with the european union. he says that the former prime minister, the gina, if a nation really is orchestrating the government's move well, it's quite difficult to say what is the real motivation of the billing there are only going to increase behind that, who's controlling development in georgia to informally consult the government in georgia, this is probably, this is something leads to his relations with russia because it's a way to demonstrate to show it's loyalty to, to russia, rush, i, so on neighboring countries, the countries that dresser can see it as a be under the influence to adopt this kind of floss recently,
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it could be stands as adopted before, which is a copy paste of the russian loss. so this is a sign of loyalty for the, for the countries. um, uh, the dresser wants to control and have under each month. and also, the 2nd explanation is that georgia will have a very important provenance, reflections in october. and the reason party, according to different opinion, falls is not set in the situation to when uh, the selections and uh, the flexion stay the government's uh, the we policy. we try to shut down the most uh, vocal uh, critical media and civil society organizations. ukraine's top general says his troops have been forced to retreat this fighting on the country's eastern front, intensified west of the done yet screeching key. this forces have fallen back to new positions and at least 3 places along the front. houses here was drawn home and reports from keith. in this situation on the front line,
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few crime has got worse. that's according to cranes. army in chief, alexander seed escape. he said that it's due to the russian forces, especially at several points right now on that mode, 1000 kilometer frontline. and he said that actually ukrainian forces have had to retreats in from free villages in the south east. he said that those villages mean practical gains full of russian policies, but not necessarily operational games use like pointed to a difference in terms of fly, a power between the 2 full asses in sections of upfront line. we're not, seems of going out to speak to you crazy. and so just near the front line, they said that they being out showed by 6 to one at the top nights. so come on to his side. so that could go to $10.00 to $1.00. he said, if military was improved coming off that he's remotes, the united states actually approve the $61000000000.00 package of military it's now
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the question is how quickly that can arrive the. busy $1000000000.00 trunk of that package that was approved a few days ago. and it's now set to be on its way to ukraine. now while the weight is on the crime for it to get here, russian full asses are expected to try and press home their advantages and not, not just on the front line brushes. so ramping up, it's a tax on your cranium, right away, line, say the ukrainians, and also on the countries energy plots to disrupt the it's economy in this window, john home and how does it keep you crying? looking at fast. so his dismissed the report from a rights group accusing the military of executing $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights watch says booking a fast as army carried out the killings into northern villages. in february, the report says that they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians accused of working with arm groups. offices here as nicholas hack has more from set
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of goals, capital, the car, baseless and inaccurate. that's the words from a statement made by the government of regina foster following a damning report from human rights watch, which a q is, is soldiers of war crimes and crimes against humanity. but the government statement says, soldiers are there not to kill but to protect civilians. human rights watch has said that they've spoken to eye witnesses to what they describe as a massacre that took place on the 25th of february in 2 villages, by the border of molly, the village of nadine and sore where those that survived. the massacre say that soldiers were in uniform shop in disagreement lead towards women and children and adults. they were separated and 3 groups and then dumped into mass graves. when this report was made public last friday, the reaction from the government was to clamp down on any news organization or
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media outlet that was reporting on it, including international use, media outlets, and our reporters without border say that the government of regina paso is clamping down on descent and any voices that would give it different narrative to the one of the government. but this report comes at a time where there is increasing attacks from arm groups linked to al qaeda and i. so over 2000000 people have been displaced. the government of regina for us to say they will investigate this latest accusation made by the human rights watch report . nicholas hawk al jazeera the car. as the un security council says it is deeply concerned that sedans power, military rapids, support forces are preparing and attacking l. sasha, the city is the last stronghold of the army in the western dar 4 region. at least 21 communities have been attacked in the area since march, and the number of civilians displaced by fighting in l faster has grown to 800000
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in recent months. you are assessed also to control a for other state capitals. last year had been morgan reports from cartoon the reason why the united nations security council and other ada renovations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control of the parent minutes through rapid support forces, the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of our stuff taken over the cities in the therefore region the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in fashion, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assessed, pulse attacking the city,
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then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic metallic try. bored, targeted in the west are 4 in the city of june, and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are, you get to uh, heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of kid that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the city of especially the ethnic a 4 or the people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be
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caught in the middle and that they will be a mess of car and ethnic cleansing. that's go ahead on alpha 0, tens of thousands are on the streets of australia, demanding action against the rise and attacks against women and in support. manchester city keep up the pressure on meters arsenal in the premier league as they move, lifting by little towards the end of the title rates. joe gone to alaska, we'll have more on that in sports that's coming up later on. so the, the, the wisdom, europe's getting a watering at the moment. some places quite a big watering. don't expect exciting to be a big issue, but where roads, at least, and this is the reason, i mean, you're wondering frontal system, the low pressure sitting over more or less and then have to say the dismal weather
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was a pretty shelf over the last several months. might be changing it just a little bit if any briefly, but central and eastern europe is certainly change. it was time for looking at the twenty's now that reaching out to the southern parts of scandinavia, that number is full cost of reflects and improvement up to the middle to high teams . it's been effectively single figures quite often for the couple of weeks. but it's not a health is based by long way, i think probably central potent leaving gym. you'll see middle to high twenty's where it's west coast is a bit of a, a change of fortune here. it could be some pretty wet weather than something funds for time story rather than the by the arts, but by tuesday, that's more or less come into the water. this affecting those analogy area. and to nicea of course, and the very few shelves, i think in the american atlas maintenance maybe restrictive light is right now swear. but the main picture of to say in north africa property is nice, big charles is the heat, which stretches from chad to watch the gotten be a banjo reflects that of
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the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition. populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they governed? the dream in the usa of electric s u. v is for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo, and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk, new series dying are beyond the o. n age outcast foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. well suffice, emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emotions to donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all
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turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the you're watching else a 0, a reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces of killed at least $66.00 palestinians. and wounded more than a $130.00 interest the past 24 hours. some of the latest attacks targeted garza city and rough uh more universities have been joining the student protests in the us against israel's war on gaza. hundreds of demonstrators have been detained. to stay with this topic, dr. joe stein is
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a presidential candidate with the green party in this year as us selections. and you're joining us from columbia, missouri. it's great to have you on the show. you were among dozens of people arrested during a protest in support of palestinians. this was at washington university just a few hours ago on saturday evening. why were you arrested? i was there to support the students building the students and community members who were holding a peaceful, really wonderful, gracious educational community gathering of exercising their 1st amendment rights of free speech and the right to gather and to petition for redress of grievances. it was a delightful gathering and not that far into it. the police basically attacked us and assaulted us as well as arrested us was. is there any bible obligation to do? you know, if you were violating any guidelines, rules or laws a well,
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we have a 1st minute right to freespace hostile to freedom of the south. so even though those basic protections are there, those certainly weren't being violated. there was nothing going on that was disruptive. nothing that was blocking traffic or occupying a building, nothing of that nature whatsoever. and in fact, i was there as a presidential candidate. and along with myself, there were 2 members of the world alderman, the president of the alderman and another alderman, who were there to say the same thing that it was really unacceptable that the university was trying to shut down this. you know, this expression of our 1st amendment rights on a, on a policy matter where there's enormous international support. enormous and national support with a vast majority of americans wanting to end the genocide and gaza, wanting to have
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a diplomatic solution. so this is like where the american people are and for that to be for bidding as a subject of debate and discussion. and um, you know, the exercise of free speech is just really unjust. and then the nature of the police attack was extremely disturbing. so we were there basically surrounding the encampment with locked arms to help protect it. and the police charged us with bicycles that were used to ran us with the the handlebars and to try to push us over. yeah, with the foot and yeah, yeah. so you've probably seen it, i don't know if you saw the footage of myself where, you know, they were trying to force us, you know, to fall back on to our heads. and that know we see fact when they saw is one of the one thing that you cannot see, well is where a police officer bins down and picks up one of my feet in an effort to jerk me back
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. and to push me back on my head and i was able to wiggle out of his grasp and was informed that i had just assaulted a police officer who was in the process of assaulting me with a bicycle. so i mean, this is how crazy the system is. there was another. yeah, we're seeing the if i can jump in, we, we do, we saw the footage of the bicycles. it's, it's, it's pretty clear what's happening at least did that very specific moment. was there any dialogue with university administrators beforehand? yes, quite a bit. we were, we were trying to, to compress the situation and to talk them out of the use of military police and to just allow the students to exercise their rights for free speech and peaceful assembly. so they were not occupying a building, they were not taking over and administrators office, they were not interfering with foot traffic. so we were trying to encourage the university to behave like a university, a center of dialogue and debate. and we, you know, said in so many words,
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the eyes of the world are watching you. this is not a good look for the university to be attacking it's students who are simply exercising their constitutional rights peacefully, the doctor. so i tried, you know, question other than the question for you on the accusations of anti semitism. but some of these protests i, i bring this up because john kirby, the white house national security communications adviser, mentioned it on the sunday morning talk shows. he said quote, we absolutely condemn the anti semitism language that we've heard of late. and we certainly condemn hate speech. i wonder have you seen or heard whether it's anti semitism or hate speech or anything that gives you pause at that protest or other protests? yeah, absolutely not. you know, and i'm a person of jewish background myself that was raised very much, you know, after the holocaust and having grand parents who were refugees from anti semitism and programs themselves. you know, i was raised very much with them that tried to put in that tradition,
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but that tradition was also fed to a genocide should happen to know one. and unfortunately, i know zionism is not judaism and zionism has been controversial within the jewish community. in fact, since its origins in the 18 hundreds and that the controversy continues today, and the consequences of zionism were basically, people came in and just came in refugees who then said this land is ours. and we're ethnically cleansing this bland. that's not ok. it was fine for people to be refugees, but then to take over the land and to this place. and he was violence against the, the people who were there. you know that this problem, this crisis did not start on october 7th, october 7th, was just the latest phase of you know, violence that was perpetrated mostly by israel, against the palestinians, starting back at the knock by and before in fact, certainly 75 years in advance in advance of that and unfortunately,
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jews and i know myself because i was raised as part of it. i've been taught a certain version of history which is not quite accurate. and as more and more historical documents have come to light, it's, you know, it's very clear that there have been, there's been, you know, an outrage as tradition of violence against palestinians from the get go so well. zionism is something that needs to be defeated and being anti zionist is not the same as being anti semitic. it. everything that you're laying out here is very far from current us policy and passed us policy on, on israel, you're running for president. obviously, if you were elected, what would be your policy when it comes to israel's war on gaza as well? is it or would and, and believe me, it's not as much preference. this is where the american people are, how well the president has the authority to stop the flow of weapons as ronald reagan did just by picking up the phone, you know,
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by picking up the phone in the 1980s. ronald reagan stopped the assault on living on which was killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. this was in pursuit of the p l. o, which was like the come off of, of yesteryear and ronald reagan says, now this is a terrible destabilizing and inhumane thing. and he stopped it simply by making a phone call, because the us is providing the weapons, the, the financing, and the diplomatic cover. the intelligence you name of this is the us as a, is a, for the full partner in this war. and it's really a trail of the responsibilities of the president to been given to have given to netanyahu the authority of the president to basically make foreign policy on behalf of the us without you know, with no questions asked with an assurance that that he will provide be provided the funding in the weapons to do whatever he wants, including start war with the ran. this is not ok. this is extremely dangerous and uh, is a betrayal of the responsibility of the president. and in terms of the american
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public, the american public does not want this genocide and does not want a new, full blown more in the middle east. so this is the responsibility. you know, it's not enough to say that all this is the policy of our government. you know, our government needs to be accountable to the people who's the driver here. is it a pack and the uh, the weapons profiteers or is it? you know, everyday americans were supposed to be the driver of our democracy. us presidential candidate joe stein. thank you very much for your time today. thank you. good to be with you. as an international aid organization says that is realize preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching garza the freedom flip. taylor coalition says israel has created an administrative roadblock to stump the vessel from leading port that is symbol one activist attempting to break the blockade was on a similar mission 14 years ago. and despite israel's fateful rate on their ship, she's going back to see with hopes of delivering desperately needed assistance to gaza. this is her story. i have been
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myself on the about 8 see mission to, to try to break the seats of casa and 3 of those that, that i was personally on were violently attacks including the 2010 low. tell us. so after i had to step back and i, i became a mom, i have 2 young kids now. my brother in law, you know, has a leisure both in my family loved to go out on. i never went on either. i'm like, i'm okay if i never see i never on another boat again and, and this other, although there's a little bit of p p s d here, and you put that aside because we need to do what we're doing. what we have on board is life saving aid we are watching in for as an entire army, deliberately starved on top of the bombings and the big killings. and the main means that we have seen, and we can't stand by because our governments aren't doing anything to stop it. so
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we are taking to see to attempt to deliver this aid and to directly challenge the seats in hopes of breaking. we understand that as you might attack us, we don't know how, but we are trying to make sure that if that happens, we can at least communicate to the outside world. we're equipping our ships with the communication capabilities. israel has previously attacked us and jammed our signals and cut off our communications. we are hope hoping to be able to evade that . i was traveling on a us flag ship called the challenger, one with other american citizens. and when israel calls us on the radio and demanded that we turned back, i responded on the radio and i like this. we all know that we are civilians. it was in the middle of the night. i goes off a little bit and then somebody woke up to explosion and someone thing is really
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attacking. and so i went up on the top of the ship and saw helicopters and saw these things still with commanders coming up against the mobbing model model, which is the flagship of the of the flo tilla and explosions. and suiting, they grabbed me and smashed my head into the deck. and you know, as i was speaking, the person they went for was our communication equipment, our phones, our cameras, they confiscated all of that. and they tied us up. i put a back over my head, they proceeded to overtake the boat and take it to these really parts of ice goats . i didn't learn until much later that they had killed our colleagues on tens of thousands of demonstrators have rallied in cities across australia to demand action against gender based violence. the protests calling for the tougher laws follow a wave of violence against women. government data shows that one woman has been killed every 4 days on average this year. prime minister anthony alban easy has
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described this wave of violence as an epidemic to change the change attitudes, the change the legal system. we need to change the oh goodness. because it's not enough to support victims, we need to focus on the perpetrators and focus on prevention. still ahead on alpha 0 and epic fights on the track between the top 2. right, or is it the spanish moto, g p, that's coming up in sports with joe got to ask an interest in the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects. except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems. customer read, chris the hardest time for all that sport we promised you with jewel going to rosco has joined us in the studio. so thank you very much with best though. just one point between the top teeth, title content isn't the premier league, rice of device also and months since he recorded wins on sunday, also strength and that hurts. so being a 1st premier lead conklin 20th of tweeting north london rivals taught them 3 to
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the gun. his captain sells firmly and it saves to 3 1st health goals. kind of suck a school hey side. second for his 15th, the season, high habits and headed in a says and what followed was another. the final 13 minutes to also christian ramirez schools tutton 1st capitalizing on a huge error. bochita dry a total more water lake penalty and sun, him in converted from his thoughts to make it 32. but that's how it finished. michela test aside is the 3rd when in a row with 3 games remaining was brain. so many as what is in our bucks. um, is that a really emotional game? maybe it's of place to come. what was the incredible and most fear stadium on a great team to play against thing a lot going on sort of the game you come in. the 2nd half we're dominating the game and creating chances. and yes, i mean if it ever happens that click something with
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a roll message in your brain, but the thing we decided to do with the situation better, another one, and then his game on. and they have the play is and then they have the course as when to, to put a little incomplete zillow, play useful words, and it now we have to the game. so for, and react and, and basically the way they play is on a, so to the city kept up the pressure with a victory of their own. and they have a game enhance your scope of audio screwed. and the 1st topic is smoking and 4th. and then the 2nd hall finding holland cables to bench, to double the lead. on his return from injury. since he found in the waste assignment and no kalika enjoying his teams victory as little by little, they move towards the end of the season and a possible food straight from the lake title. they still have full matches next, suffice slow before they lose, but who cannot control what they do?
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they make a, a good result and, and, but he has programs less so i think is going to lose any, any point. so and we know exactly what you have to do. nearly crowns, thailand, tompkins into milan had been pricing this study ad trophy in front of the funds outside the san 0 is the 20th time in to penn state's highly entitled. and they did so by beating milan rivals ac last week in the dobby. and here on sunday, into a given a god of on a by opponents to renew it. they went on to beat, to new. the parade will be coming to paris soon. as monica is, the 3 so defense to leo on sunday confirmed the straight link on title for p. s g p . s. you were denied the celebrations and for their own funds on saturday. after that drove with the off. but they now have an unassailable 12 foot need of a monica. with 3 games left jalen brunson, school, a franchise play of freckled $47.00 points for the new mix is
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a beat. the philadelphia 76 has to go. 3 went off in this series. brunson had 23 points by health time as the next looks to avoid a 2nd law scenario before heading back to new york. for the 76 is pulled away in the 2nd half and build up a 10 point lead is joel and beat that 27 points. this is the move in the bronx and did it 2 free throws, wrapping up the 9792 victory and breaking of 40 you record previously held by been out king. the next one gave away from reaching the eastern conference semi finals. now for some great to catch who is coming up in the m o. b is the toronto blue jays, and to be like judges 6 game winning street sugar tony's d drive to send to sales was put by delta vasa, before he slammed into the wall. luckily, he was absolutely fine, but a tiny wouldn't own full mocking just the 2nd time he's gonna lift in his last 13 games the blue jays, george's bring a then made
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a sensational diving capture the 1st out of the night. i'm a pretty jason. i'm to in 3 to really to tucson, defending madrid, open champion colors all across the street to the round of 16 of the beat to jago stables. felt in straight sets across was looking to win his 14th much in a row in madrid. he had no problems against the seated brazilian, with back to back breaks and the 1st set so well number 3 hit 20 minutes ago. as he looks to become the 1st ever 2 and 3 measured titles in a row. next out, p faces young men distrust and repeat of last use final. in the women's competition, the backend of clinch to 14th straight w t a match on clay. well, number 4, just too strong for me, all sharif, although jip should opponent, did civilize full much points before. but kind of book test both in the round of 16616 for writing mostly g, p champion, francisco bunny, a has clinched victory at the spanish chrome pre offer an epic battle with one of
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his rivals. the autonomy was neck and neck, was not small kids with just 5 lots remaining. the 2 riders trading places before buying a a pull the way to deny mark as with us, when we did kathy, it puts when you're you're on top of the general standing of the championship me to well hey, my team crushed out early in the right. we'll jacks school. the 6th week is to repeal century and history is the real challenges spangler thrust. the good. you're right, tightens by 9. which hits jack's took just $41.00 boys to school for hundreds of incredible excel ration the semester 7. 6 is his last 11 pools, right currently what's from the other end? does he finish? don't beaten on 71. 66 one's done between the pad that was much needed when besides this still at the best and this is sending right, that is all useful for now. so all right, joe, thank you so much and displace palestinians have held a full tournament in southern guns a despite the continue it impacts 5 years,
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really military, 50 teenagers faced each other to encourage players around the world to call for a cease fire if to some getting fluid reports an unusual match, kicks off, and this cam for the displaced in that offer. 50 palestinian teenagers are playing for the wind. but their goal goes far beyond the pitch. this event is that supporting david. it's about tennessee to send the message for all of the war, asking for these fight out for ending the war and ending the south. i don't know which is the end goal. just fans, young and old, have come to cheer them on the offer is now home to more than 600000 children and their families displaced by the war. and it's where he's rarely forced to say, they're planning a new ground offensive. most of god has major football stadiums have been damaged, turned into open air internment camps for palestinian detainees or simply destroyed
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. and these rarely bombardment has thrown young players into displacement and poverty with ms. vega and then the model has an in i previously paid for palestine to let me pick team that this was death to stay to the future. despite receiving several offers to play for clubs outside the country, including in libya, vietnam. i couldn't accept them due to the current circumstances traveling from here to each it costs around $5000.00, which is an exorbitant amount given the current situation and organized by an american charity. this match is held to rally football fans around the world shall because the news, our people deserve respect and have the rights to live. despite the destruction and siege the palace to meet people never failed to show resilience and not determined to live. with looming threats to further attacks on the young palestinians hoping the beautiful game can help them reach
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a peaceful future. if to some good food. i'll g 0, quick break and we are right back at the top of the our stay with us the why have american evangelicals become israel strongest backer is us president. you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the holding the 5 foot 2 accounts. as we examined the us each row in the on, i'll just see around the latest news as a boeing a military response. the situation remain funded. nationwide with detailed coverage . it's only taking a few hours to turn the citrus trees into canals rooms and isolated from around the
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world, showing by russian full series of the band and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. it's a scolding and taiwan. but it's too dangerous for people's of this school in one in to return to class for peers needed share could cost more than $6000000.00. and this is just one of dozens of public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses . despite the $7.00 magnitude strings at the old quaker, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster prepared this, including it's strict building. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president,
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you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the 10 venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the next 16 minutes, the student led movement in the us against the wall and gaza garner support from local activists. as more universities joined the process these really


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