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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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is no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, the israel cartoon is bombing of guns, at least 25 on us demands of entailed in the last few of the other ones are in georgia. this is about 0 lights and so hot. and so coming up nearly 900 people up interested in the us as a student, that movement against the one does a sprites schools out in the philippines and extreme heat wave across spots of age . that shows no sign of these. and the growing humanitarian crisis into the fights
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to the armies lost from home in thoughtful, despises, at least 800. the we begin in gaza where at least 25 other students have been killed and a series of israeli attacks in the past few hours. a strike on a home in the southern city of rough or killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby witness to say. many of the victims were displaced, published in the i'm seeking shelter for the night. and the warning you may find some of the images in phoenix. now why was report distressing and indeed mine is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower. his life sped, but left with the lifelong moons. many others at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot as lucky and the loved ones they've left behind cannot imagine
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moving forward. have been the doctor's rush to help the injured, despite the liquid resources amidst the chaos on the hospital floor. richard the cries in pain. the man who rescued fees that she's been opened, this is the daughter of my made them are coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family. the only survivor from the home that was targeted are risk. you to choose literally just hanging there on the balcony.
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attacks on civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza? even a seized by a talks resume even nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the leaving media and the besieged strip inconsolable felix new r o g 0. but i'll just say it was kind of god bless, whom joins us live now from a roof in southern gauze of topics. i get more deadly is randy strikes targeting rafa overnight, just bring us up to date with what's been happening. i guess it was an extremely given item civilians in rough off by the use where the military had targeted multiple areas. of course the church vehicle as long as the series of s twice in particular in roughly district with be separate houses have been targeted, click at least 20 palestinians, including 5 children within the past couple of of hours and also an overnight
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strikes in that very densely populated area as we have been seeing really for the seeds imagine from hospitals in rafa for buddies being files up in multiple would have to be lights up with that value. but the situation in that city sounds really critical as collateral destruction. being selected to the areas that had been widely targeted without any prior warnings and means meanwhile, with the recording tax and other areas in the territory, including and operate refugee campus, we continue to hit alternative abutment in that area. as this has happened, reporting on constant is very selling in the vicinity of, of rates and also close to us before our ha area. but at the same time that cuz we're ready to go the night, we have most places in the east very. so just a close to need stream junction and malaria were according to isabel immediate reports, at least 2 is very so just being killed while a top is being wanted to have been, they've got to wait to advise what he called to. so he's been hospitalized medical
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treatments as the situation on the ground and they know that part of the territory sounds critically tell you as the disability artillery shilling the, the, the towns including a tunnel and a big la, here in the north where the is very forces previously have operated in on coast collateral destruction for the vast majority of its building. bought a similarly goal of the city. more strikes, hop town gets in houses close to the course on the roads over receive a roads under the same time. 2 houses being destroyed with there are 2 victims and casualties are to talk under the russell a civil defense crews are facing clean dilemma. would have to recover them due to the lack of essential civil equipment in order to be able to cover this. all right, targeted by zoom live for 7, roughly in southern goal is a topic. thank you. in the united states, police of arrested at least 900 students nationwide as protests against israel's war and guns that spread please,
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the pictures from yale university in connecticut, the and in other states to this, of joining students, quoting today, universities to cut ties with his ro, it also urging an end to us military 8. i'll just it was john henry and this report from city university in new york. each day come to reinforcements, more supplies in more demonstrators. the growing protest camps like this student protest in camp many city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza, said he wanted to open a dialogue with protesters as an idea of soldier who felt in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of that, maybe they don't know that we do want to say that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. when he tried to force his way into the in camp meant demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they set for
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agitating a credit of to show that the burning the passport soon after an orthodox, jewish rabbi publicly burned his is really passport who protects another orthodox rabbi. explain why they joined the demonstration. these courageous students will stand up for just this was done of what these rights, this should be a lesson for the world. this found the print face of this genocide taking place now in gaza. and this occupation that at least for the kids. i mean, i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family that a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism as a cultural to um, denounce movements that they find. it's not very politically convenient. hey, izzy encampments grow and number and size. they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this. and cameron has developed a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga.
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because for the foreseeable future, this is how always there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking a lot of different kinds of risk, the risk of arrest, the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case is due to the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jewel sterling was swept up saturday. i'm on more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protesters opposing and supporting israel shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term. the students say they will remain here until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 new york split only. i didn't say she was at george washington university in the us capital. my students, i'm at least 8 institution staged a full stay,
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a process. so remember that this all started on thursday when students multiply university yard and you can see the hard core to protest. there's probably about the does. we are still in the courtyard. they are in their tents. they're not moving anywhere soon. they've been there since thursday to the university authority to put the railings across the courtyard to restrict them spreading any farther. but is that protest is gotten smaller? the protest on the street has become much bigger. in fact, there's a growing air of permanency to this. not only do we have tents where people can eat and we've had lots of local businesses donating food to the people here. more and more people are setting up tents because they intend to spend the night. yeah, now there's no saying that the students are going to leave to meet the demands, very clear to the university authorities at each school. and those are going to 8 or 9 of them represented to you have got slightly different demands. but the key
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points are they want the universities to dive based. any interests they have in it's really businesses. they want to cut academic ties with israel as well. and they want to make sure that the protests leaders will not face part of that action . we know at george washington university 7 of those who were involved in the protests in thursday while they have been suspended and that means they could lose their student housing possibility. they won't graduate as well, and all the credits for the last 10 will be wide code. so they're asking for to complete this the as well. and the intention of the students is to stay here to say this is the for the doing cnn. anytime soon. all is for sure, i'll just see it up at george washington university in washington, dc. and police arrested dozens of people joining a protest in support of palestinians at washington university in saint louis missouri on saturday evening. as we had earlier, one of them was joe stein, the presidential candidate with the green party. and this is us elections. she says,
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criticism of israel is often incorrectly described as anti semitism. it was there to support the students building the students and community members who were holding a peaceful, really wonderful, gracious educational community gathering, exercising their 1st amendment rights of free speech and not that far into it. the police basically attacked us and assaulted us, as well as arrested us. it's very clear that there have been and there's been, you know, an outrage has tradition of violence against palestinians from the get go. so zionism is something that needs to be defeated and being anti zionist is not the same as being anti semitic. what elijah called him bug, is from a to the international of peace group that fosters dialogue between jews, narratives, israelis,
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and palestinians. this is what he thinks about the war and gaza. my name is eliza calendar and i am 21 years old. i'm a student here at the university of texas at austin. and i'm majoring in jewish studies. government and middle east studies. my father's side is austin ozzy jewish and my mother's side has so part of the jewish heart of heritage. i'm a very proud you in most jewish education when it comes to palestinians, they're not told about 1948. so you're not told about the not, but it typically told um, sometimes outright rates of things and not errands. and how since i began to process of unpacking a lot of what i was told and hebrew school, but also engaging with palestinians. and a conclusion i came to is that policy and culture is more similar to my culture and any other culture in the world. find the president and founder of athena international work. he's a t not combined the keyboard a t t for future with the arabic suffix now for our and when he put those 2 together means our future. we really just try to promote open dialogue on college campuses to get to know the quote unquote of for you. and i'm leaving you to begin
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to humanize the other. i think that's more important now than ever. i believe that the actions in gaza do constituted genocide. there are many corporations that are profit tearing from what is happening in gaza. specifically, american corporations like boeing, like lockheed martin. and these are the corporations that needs to be called out for profit hearing from the death and destruction of the palestinian people. and because students took their 1st amendment civil liberties at the university to the forefront, they were repressed. i was injured when one of the state troopers charged with the horse and i was subsequently pushed to the ground. i was in shock when that speaking out on behalf of the palestinian people is not inherently anti semitic. i personally dealt with a lot of the accusations that i am either a self hating you and even worse, somebody called me a capital, which is a jew who sell the fellow jews to the nazis all for the stance is i've taken for my
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policy and brothers and sisters, and that's personally um, very hurtful to me. i lost family in the whole of costs, but it doesn't stop me. i understand what i'm doing is just i, i'm standing with my pulsing brothers and sisters for a very normal cause. and, and i view them as my family. within the latest round of diplomatic talks, us president joe biden and his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke on the phone that report the lead. discuss the possibility of an immediate cease fire in conjunction with the release of captives held him gaza. the tools have discussed that increase in the delivery of aid us up to state antony blink. and meanwhile, has arrived in saudi arabia. he's also expected to travel to israel and onto jordan . how master legation is doing kyra to discuss a c supply proposal, drafted by mediators from cattle and egypt. but really curious from the american university of b realty explained which issues needs to be addressed before a deal is reached. the main stumbling blocks are the ones that have always been there from the beginning,
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which is of neither side. they as rarely is nor how may i ask who wants to concede anything to the other side. and neither of them are willing to unilaterally concede anything. they're willing to make mutual concessions if they both gain what is critical for them that hasn't happened yet. they did the initial pause and they released some hostages and prisoners of some, i don't know was about 2 months ago, whatever it was. but the, the big goal there after how mass, once of permanency expire all the is where it is out of gas that the palestinians being able to move back to the north anywhere they want and full resumption of humanitarian aid as it was before october 7, a time for a short break here now to see when we come back, south korea accuses north korea lang lang my. it's in the demon to try something between the 2. come from florida state, the
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the latest news as it breaks, another gnostic gray of yours more power city on voted over 3 of the there i did it is are largely last, you know, not a president and more with in depth for pools. the scale. this summit was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story, almost $500.00 me to come work is have been killed inside the gauze trip, putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on are forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they governed the dream in the usa of electric su fees for all the rest on the back of extraction,
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from the mines in the congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o n h the colleges here with the, the welcome back here watching out a 0 cricket mind about top stories here at this hour. at least 25 understands have been killed in a series of as ready of time to strike on a home in the southern city of ruffled, killed 9 members of the same time and a witness to say. many of the victims were displaced, unassuming,
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seeking shelter. the number of the rest and protest sent us college campuses since reached $900.00 students are holding on universities to cut financial times and as well as the costs of the nearest president trip. i didn't have spoken by phone with his rodney 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. want else as buying and make clear his position on a planned his way to ground a sold on rough for us as opposed to an invasion on through monetary grounds. south korea has a choose north korea of lang land mines along the road, and the demon to try zone between the 2 countries. south korea says administrative tech to the north, lang mines on the unpaid road inside the dmc. now head hill, ensure one officials themselves sites the latest in a series of moves to shop down cross border roads. but rob mcbride joins us live now from the south korean capital sold. so rough, just so that's a bit more about the laying of these land mines now significant business development. yeah, this does seem to be continuing step by the nose to further seal permanently. it
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seems that the link of the border between north and south are the same time across covering any chances of some kind of reconciliation. the a south is reported to detected this mind landing at the end of last year. it's on a track that was access is i hillside that was the scene of fighting during the korean war. and it was with a view to accessing the site to a jew, remains and have those remains of so just being repacked created. this was all part of a 2018 agreement to military agreements that came with a time of improving relations reconciliation, which is old, now bought a memory in addition to taking badges to see last this road, one small at the north is also suspected a permanently disconnecting to paved roads that had been used one on the left for the most eastern coast of the peninsula, of one of the west of dependency less to facilitate co operation projects. even
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going to the extent of removing street lighting from the sections of the road on the northern side of the boulder. it seems for this so that these roads will never be used again. it also comes as a north, as being re establishing god posts which have been removed in recent years. those have been re established as it seems, the south taking similar measures on the southern side of the border. yeah, robin has just said this little points to relations between the north and south going back to old, acrimonious ways this yeah, this does seem to be a continuing trends here of uh, putting relations back into a deep freeze if you like, kim jogan, the north korean leader saying at the end of last year that the decades old policy of unification, some points in the future with the south is now all see says officially declaring that the tooth states are now hostile with each other. the north has continued to pace with its miss launching this out. development also go to the extent of
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launching a drill that simulates, it says a new clear counter attack against the south. now that was seen as a particularly provocative act for its part. the south koreans and being continuing that large scale military exercises with us allies. we've just had the annual spring exercises taking place. the other exercises on a smaller scale have been continuing with that. can you have joan? that's the influential sister of conjunction and also a zip code. cooling out the south koreans for allegedly being last the she says of the americans and showing she says, who are the arch criminal's straining relations in the region. all right, to run mcbride life as the in the south korean capital robins, thank you. know, thousands of stores across pots of asia, of clothes, temporarily due to an extreme heat wave. how far it is in the philippines of suspended clauses prefer the 3 days of the shock in schools last week. that was issued public health warnings, full cost to save you. and usually hot weather in the philippines is expected to
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last until mid may off of the capital. so reco at high temperatures on or below has more money enough of the sort of things is a tropical country. so it is hot here all throughout the year. but you're right, the months of march, april, and may are the hottest. but it's unusually hot these months this year. and i should know because i grew up here and when i was growing up temperatures from the low thirty's to mid thirty's, that's normal for these months. but during the last few weeks, so we've been experiencing here our temperatures in the high thirty's. and as you mentioned yesterday, record sheets at 38.8 degrees celsius. here in the philippine capital manila. and that's just the surface temperature. we should also be talking about the heat index, because this is actually the sheets that we are feeling in our body. so yesterday, when it was 38.8 degrees celsius, the heat index was actually at 45 degrees celsius. and in the town,
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north of manila, the heat index actually peaked at $53.00 degrees celsius. so you can just imagine how hot that is and just to for the illustrate, there's a dam over there in the northern for the peace that has dried up so much that a, some bridge town has resurfaced. this heat wave has really affected all walks of life here in the philippines, but the most dramatic impact has been on the age education sector. so right now i'm standing in the middle of a public school ground and you can see right behind me the school ground is empty, the classrooms are empty because it's just the heat is just too unbearable for students. so each classroom is about $35.00 to $40.00 students on a normal day with no air conditioning and just a few electric fans. and they say the desk just unbearable where the students are being switched to the online mode of learning. but it's not just the education sector, millions of filipino labor or workers employees who have to commute every day to
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work. they're also affected. now the government has issued guidelines for employers to follow. these are just guidelines and not, not the uh. 1 uh, enforceable by law, but the government is encouraging employers to implement flexible hours a work from home setup and also to let their employees out where protective gear and temperature adaptable. so the company is prime minister can't see much leeway is warning the heavy rains of lead to widespread funding. a set to continue at least a 155 people have been killed in a quarter of a 1000000 displaced tons. and he is one of several will come present east africa dealing with the impact of the el nino, with a sporadic fighting has broken out. and they said in the city of fashion on friday, the un security council expressed consent. the permanent to rapid support forces would attack the city, which is the last stronghold of the army in north uh for you. and note that i dramatic escalation intentions in the region with
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a number of civilians displaced by finding it out of fashion as grant 800000 been recent months. rapids support forces to control for other state capitals last year, even more than as more from cost if the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on m slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to wrap it. support forces. the number of displays people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months. as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested. our tribes that have been historically targeted by the time of the 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assess pulse attacking the city,
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then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try. bored target sits in the west are 4 in the city of june. and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the rest of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sites are you get to heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of kid that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire, they all consent that once the recept attacks those trapped in the safety of especially the ethnic a 4 or the people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be
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caught in the middle and that they will be a master car. and ethnic cleansing became the 1st so has suspended several international news organizations for reporting on the findings the right group at choosing the army of extra traditional kennings human rights. what says the military executed $223.00 civilians and to northern villages in february, the report says they were killed as part of a campaign against civilians. accused of working with them groups looking essential as ministry rulers have dismissed the report as basis. the value of a japanese yeah. and that's for them to its lowest level against the us dollar in more than 30 years, a decision last month, by the bank of japan to raise interest rates for the 1st time since 2007 has done little to hold the slide a week, a year end is good for exports and taurus, but hits households with increasing cost of inputs. the finance minister has pledged to take measures to hold the slide. all right, that's it for me that enjoyed my colleague. democracy will be here at the top of
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the uh, with another full points of views for information. of course, in our website, i'll just come there it is. the weather is up next followed by the inside story set for meet on the waiting station. and thanks for watching the the, and still big side of the soul is being generated in the mountains and the west and saturday, gammon and it all way up through, on this line, towards the central turkey. so this is a picture of these magazines. now they are quite high, admittedly, this isn't smart, this is have but this is pretty extensive pay. oh, you can follow it all the way down this, right? so those from the storms are pretty puffy, and they don't just bearing odds. if anything is their influence spreads beyond into the rest society, right back up into was something iraq as well,
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maybe in the violence. and secondly, there are a few in central to you. if you took you that's monday, tuesday season. even biggest spend all the, the, like years in the dfcs, i mean the potential flash, something in mecca and maybe has already been realized once or twice in the last week or so could come back. and this looks that he went to as well, lebanon, syria, down to what's jordan as well. yep. big thunderstorms, flash, president, potential, south of all this, where we have seen flooding. can you dental's times in the, the full cost isn't quite as bad. they're all big thunder storms around 9 robie navy, bit for the know if i can see if you a few times for the quite a speak to me as i did before, where you might want the ride anywhere in southern africa. there is precious little, but temperatures the some are on the way up. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have to say and any of the
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medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera to waste land of russell, the un says, clearing the debris from his vows war on guys will be a huge challenge that to take 14 years and exploded. i'm a nation would also make this a dangerous task. so what will this mean for the millions of policy and so hope to return to that health. this is inside the .


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