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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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how it affects daily lives, outlined for us how big a 12 level is labeled to a secure counting the cost on outages in the at least $25.00 pounds of sentience killed in his riley as strikes 20 of them and rough uh the city and southern gauze that previously declared a sites on the hello. i, mario minimize the, this is algae 0 live from doha. also coming up on the program diplomatic efforts for us. these 5 continue us actually have state is in saudi arabia, while i'm actually go shapes has traveled to cairo. closing is on the way in to it
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goes parliamentary elections with the opposition pointing from major ton out, make welling symmetrical. tensions. and south korea accuses the north of laying line lines, but the minute twice. so in between the 2 countries, the as we begin in gaza, where a series of israeli attacks killed at least 25 palestinians and a master of ours on monday morning, women and children are among the dead. a strike on a home in the southern city of rough. i killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby witnesses. a many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shell. so for the night is rel, regularly carries out aerial bombardments of rasa, and is threatening to send in ground troops warning that you might find some of the images in phoenix. no wires report distressing. the. 4 indeed,
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man is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower. his life sped, but left with lifelong moons. many others at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot as lucky of the loved ones they've left behind, cannot imagine moving forward. have been the doctor's rush to help the injured despite leaky resources. amidst the chaos on the hospital floor littered the prize in pain. the man who rescued fees that she's been opened,
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this is the daughter of my made them are coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family. the only survivor from the home that was targeted rescue time. she was literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza? even a seized by a talks resume in nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the leaving many the siege strip inconsolable felix new r o g 0 a tank i was in joins us live now from rough sign, southern gauze, or in more heart wrenching scenes as we see that received families and warning their loved ones. tell us about what happened in this latest round of our attacks.
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yeah, my room, it's absolutely devastating dash ongoing strikes continue to bounce. the area is supposed to be as a safe zone where policy inception seeking refuge off to front of it is very minute you over this guy talking about the night strikes that talk. it said at least 3 residential houses. 20 palestinians happen report to kills including 5 children and that's a decent tax. continued in without any, probably a warning guys left behind a lot to destruction. and the majority of the areas that have been targeted on, they have also chosen material damage to the neighboring house. and now set to lead, please strikes have been carried 1000 all the pots. so because you're starting to think, been over at pot, we're in big law here in bay title and also in kansas city where the is very military, you had to get to multiple areas in key central neighborhoods. um, but also they managed to blow up
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a residential building in the central area of this a very densely populated area. now personally, palestinians have been describing the situation and these ongoing hor, unfolding them to sounds critically. telling us specifically that they have been told that the south going to be a safe zone. now we've been witnessing the expansion of the flight trying to reach safe areas. and at the same time, they are trying to find the appropriate shelter for them in order to be away from that use body from bottom to the box. at the same time they are focusing on all the latest developments as the last charms. and last, the glimmer of hope could imagine from the darkness of this ongoing ministry campaign of the territory in order to bring a ceasefire agreements on the table for out of the on going to be made by region of play is in the region as the majority of palestinians are completely ho hoping that these kinds of talks could be fruitful to bring an end for the black chip on the ground. certainly as casualties amongst civilians continue to rise and that any
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phases of specifically among children a women who are the most effective fund ripple's trusts on the palestinian community from this homecoming ministry to decide the campaign product i was in. thank you very much. meanwhile, there's another round of diplomatic talks taking place in the region. you as president joe biden has spoken with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the phone. the white house says bind, made his position clear on a pond, is right. you ground assault on rough us as opposed to an invasion on humanitarian grounds. how much delegation is due in cairo to discuss this. these 5 proposal drafted by mediators from cats are in egypt. the secretary of state and c, blinking is in saudi arabia. and now he says that the delivery of more humanitarian aid will be the focus of talks in the coming days in the country.
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and it's a lot of people to walk through the folder. you wouldn't wish to delete an immediate cease fire. and we do a hold of the middle to operations and goes a rough and we do full the magnitude in a to reach the people of guys that. and we also the says, the importance of necessary steps to be taken by the national community to put them and divide those again into the senior. the was the back and in their lives and
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them oh, out of there is hash bar joins me now. so we've just seen, we're just speaking to target, i was him and rossa, and hearing about the the overnight strikes that kill families there. and now we see this new push for diplomacy in the region. is that something slight, detached from reality in what is playing out right now, but in the us trying to revive these tools when palestinians are being killed either from air attacks, from the skies or by the humanitarian situation or yes, oh yes, i do just from those statements we heard today, the gc seconds had general quoted for an immediate cease fire task probably mid assignments. so for the physical, how much all the studies thing, the major obstacle has been so far. i'm quoting came, say of the international community to bring a last name, seduce into the odyssey a conflict. and at the same time, a quote for an immediate cease line. because when you listen to the american top diplomat to the 2nd, see a blinking talking about the push, the need for
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a push to establish a permanent, a stability in the beach and people are saying. but 1st that would be to see a ceasefire implemented. there are, there are talks, there is a push to try to empty, no one, but people are pretty much frustrated over the lack of brooks as a progress. and the disconnect between what is happening on the ground of the statements we are hearing from, from regional. i dunno believes. so. how is this? so they're trying to bring some relief to palestinians, more humanitarian aid. while there is still this possibility of a ground invasion, interrupting and also trying to extraction you concessions from, from her mouth. so what is, what are they trying to change to make these, this, these vital, why and they're trying to achieve something complex. and they don't want to put it into a simple words because it baffles people globally and buffalos of those who are keeping close eye with what is happening in the middle east,
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particularly in gaza. now the americans, along with the europeans, have been adamant all the need to continue. the military campaign come up with an agreement, but the ultimate goal is that goes out without having us. this has been officially stated by many global leaders to achieve that. you have to defeat how, how much, how much these feel that and how much is still a key component of this explains why they are trying to convince him us on a ceasefire agreement. and what, how much is that pushed by the international community talking about who takes over guys, the field of guns that we about how mass. it puts them in extremely delicate position because they do understand that this is the trend that this is where the international community, the americans, these writers, under your opinion, is, would like to achieve in the near future. the simultaneous paths taking place as we speak says why, but beyond that, there is a push for takes over guys that in the near future and the humanitarian. which one
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should happen 1st? naturally, you would say this, these via because it's so into connect to every party understands that this has become a chest game. every move could modify it and you and this is why i don't personally believe we're going to see something similar to what happened of the end of november when there was an agreement. the last was for one week of the paved, the way for the exchange of a 100 east valley. cop. 2 of the exchange of a number of part of cities is freely delicate. all the policy is how must in particular understand that there is going to be a major political shift in this region. and that's at stake is the vote and gaza and the process and the insist they say is expensive for us and there's up. so if you know way was to runs of that process. ok, thank you very much. cash on the whole bar that's speak now to stephanie deca. she's an occupied east jerusalem. so stuff you're just hearing from hush in there
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about these attempts to extract that new concessions to really put pressure on how mass they sent a delegation to kyra. what do we know? what do we know about israel's presence in egypt of the well, they're not there yet. and the reports of them potentially joining not directly on the table but being present in egypt is based on what, how mouse is going to present. we do understand that how about us will be presenting its reaction to that proposal to the egyptians as has your passion says it is so incredibly complicated that this point, it took a long time to get to november cease fire, which only lost it a week. now you're talking about far more complicated issues. well, so when it comes to the captives, we're talking the initial proposed on the table now is dealing with these trying to terry and captives. it is going to be far more difficult also in terms of
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concessions when it comes to those that have seas as soldiers of men, the fighting age. of course, everyone in israel is conscripted. it's a conscription army. so one of these things need to be figured out which kind of thing and prisoners will be reduced by israel for how many hostages. how far is, is really army going to pull out of which specific areas we do understand in a broader picture that there is some positive movement, particularly in comparison to what we've seen over the last couple of months. that doesn't mean they're going to reach a deal anytime soon. i think it's positive if we take it on a very step by step basis, is that you have how much in cairo now you have potentially israel joining is how mass gifts positive signs we had yesterday, have mass official saying that the initial reaction to the plan was positive and i think very importantly, and you called under play this is that now you have the americans in egypt, we up in the pressure because particularly for egypt, it's become incredibly personal. a roster offensive will be on its border and it's something that it wants to do everything to avoid. so i think when you have these
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major power players really all think the pressure because it's starting to directly affect them, then you may see see more concessions made. but again, it's very complicated is hash and such a. we're gonna have to wait and see how things play out in the next couple of days . thank you very much. stephanie deka. so, is this, these find a ghost ations all attempts to revive them? continue is writing media reporting an escalation on the northern border. a saying that such as sounds have been north from lebanon towards israel. santa holder is following these developments from mojo and in southern lebanon. the 11 on israel border is linked to developments in gaza. hezbollah opened up a front back in october to help relief pressure on cause. i believes that it was able to bog down a number of units of the israeli army, and force tens of thousands of people from their homes, the if from northern israel. now we usually have seen this as it's become a pattern and really since october we've seen an intensification of the conflict.
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when ever there are interact talks to try to reach some sort of a deal in gaza. and that's exactly what is happening in direct negotiations and there are reports that you know, some progress is being made. and so the latest rocket, the salvo, rocket stuff were fired. it was claimed by the 11 on wing of how mass. so this is how mass telling the is released that we to can escalate further from, from other front. so each side, putting more pressure on the other. now, hezbollah has repeatedly said that it will help the fighting once. there is a permanent deal in garza now. isabel's position is not that clear, it has said that it will not stop the fighting until has bala withdraws from the border, pulls back a few kilometers from the border. and that is why the us envoy amos hausten, who has been mediating in this conflict, is now in israel every time there's some sort of progress in gaza talks he's in as well, because he gets ready to travel to lebanon, to try to broker a cessation of hostilities if and when
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a ceasefire is agreed in gaza. i just want to bring you some breaking news of it with getting out of spain. prime minister petro sanchez, has decided to stay in the office. sanchez said, recent allegations of corruption involving his wife and made him consider his position. but he's just told spanish tv that off the castle reflection. he has decided he will stay in the office that i had program. schools out in the philippines as a heat wave across parts of asia shows no signs of easing on the guns july 2014. as is where the force is bombarded, the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital, mind lead, hama,
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who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives including its own garza, the last picture. oh no, just a being a journalist is that prevents, i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge risk both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the
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the welcome back, the top stories a series of his riley attacks that killed at least $25.00 out of sentience in a matter of hours on monday morning, women and children are among the dead. an attack on a home and rough i killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby us extremes. they asked me blinking is in saudi arabia. meanwhile, in an effort to revive seize, find negotiations and leave here at the humanitarian crisis, lincoln said that that has been measurable progress and getting more concept, but that is around was do more us and all the news are following in the police of arrest that at least 900 students nationwide,
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across america as protests against the war and gaza spread. these are pictures from yale university in new haven, connecticut. there and in other states active as of joining students cooling for the universities to comp ties with israel. they're also demanding an end to us. the military aid john henry brings us this report now from city university in new york . each day come the reinforcements more supplies in more demonstrators, the growing protest camps like this student protest in camp, in a city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza, said he wanted to open a dialogue with protesters as an idea of soldier who fought in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of
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that, maybe they don't know that we do want to know that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. when he tried to force his way into the in camp meant demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they say for agitating and crow, i do show that the passport soon after an orthodox, jewish rabbi publicly burned his really passport reproaches. another orthodox rabbi, explain why they joined the demonstration. these courageous students who stand up for justice was done for what is right. this should be a lesson for the world to stand up in the face of this genocide taking place now engaged in this occupation are the different tickets. i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family. a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism. is a cudgel to, um, denounced move is that they signs not very politically convenient. as the
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encampments grow and number in size, they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this in cam and he's developed a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga. because for the foreseeable future, this is how always, there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking a lot of different kinds of risk and the risk of arrest the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case of students, the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jill stein was swept up saturday. i'm a more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protesters opposing and supporting israel shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term, the students say they will remain here until their demands are met john henry and l
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g 0 new york. i thought i'd tell go. now the other thing is on the way in the parliamentary and regional elections that the opposition is cooling for a major turn out. political attentions have been on the rise since the approval of a controversial new constitution and a series of crackdowns on opposition protest. i always spoke to michael saw our co founder of the think tank. think africa 2050. you told me about the divisions caused by these constitutional or forms and i could have a negative effect on vote to turn out the issue speak to the, to the president side. obviously, they will tell you that they've put everything in place for, for the elections to be free and fair. but if you speak to the old position policies, they all use that the, the previous elections were rigs. and therefore, you know, these ones will be to have a, have a suspicions as to what the motivations for the constitutional change as well. so
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in that sense, you know, it depends really depends where you speak to on the go, no position policies. i've been accusing the policy empowered for trying to maintain it's great for the power, but obviously the president is also saying that it will uh, creates a more inclusive and participatory democracy with um, you know, the elected officials being closer to the people and that will improve democracy of the country. so. so yeah, so there's been some skirmishes, there's been some protest i would have binding, cetera. and um, so, so this is d as an action comes into the midst of uh, put it to contentions. but at the same time they, they, um, depending on the result that might be more tensions on not south career is accused the north of laying mines along the road and the demilitarized zone between the 2
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countries. south korea, we're saying it's military detected the mines being placed in an on paved road inside the zone. the arrowhead hill, ensure one officials and souls say the action is the latest in a series of moves to shut down roads that cross the border from the brightest. following these developments for us from sol, this seems to be another step by north korea to further permanently seal the border between north and south and also suffering any chances. it seems a reconciliation. the south apparently detected at the signs of the mines being laid on this particular truck at the end of last year. this is a track that accesses a hillside that was the scene of fighting during the korean war with a view to assuming the remains of soldiers full repacked creation. this was all part of a 2018 military agreement between north and south. it was signed when relations were improving. i'm which is old, but
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a memory now as well as taking steps against this particular track. the north has also been taking measures to permanent. the c last 2 paved roads which had been used for cooperation projects going to the extent of actually removing street lighting from rhodes on its side of the boat. meanwhile, the north is also being re establishing god posts which had been removed in recent years with it seems the south of taking similar measures on its side of the bold old of this. it continues the policy old is a trend of the freezing relations between north and south with kim jong on making the it's his stated intention that there are no chances now of unification with the south run, the pride, i'll just say a russell to thousands of schools across spots of asia have been kept shot during an extreme heat wave of the closing schools last week. authorities in the philippines of suspended cost is referred to $3.00 days. it was issued public
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health warnings, temperatures of enriching record highs in the capital with full full cost of saying that the unusually hot weather is expected to last until the middle of may. and a below has more. from manila, philippines is a tropical country, so it is hot here all throughout the year. but you're right, the months of march, april, and may are the hottest. but it's unusually hot these months this year. and i should know because i grew up here and when i was growing up temperatures from the low thirty's to mid thirty's, that's normal for these months. but during the last few weeks, so we've been experiencing here our temperatures in the high thirty's. and as you mentioned yesterday, record sheets at 38.8 degrees celsius, here in the philippine capital manila. and that's just the surface temperature. we should also be talking about the heat index because this is actually the sheets that we are feeling in our body. so yesterday, when it was 38.8 degrees celsius,
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the heat index was actually at 45 degrees celsius. i mean the town north of manila, the heat index actually peaked at 53 degrees celsius. so you can just imagine how hot that is and just to for the illustrate, there's a dam over there in the northern for the peace that has dried up so much that a, some bridge town has resurfaced. this heat wave has really affected all walks of life here in the philippines, but the most dramatic impact has been on the edge education sector. so right now i'm standing in the middle of a public school ground and you can see right behind me the school ground is empty, the classrooms are empty because it's just the heat is just too unbearable for students. so each classroom is about $35.00 to $40.00 students on a normal day with no air conditioning. it's just a few electric fans and they say the desk just unbearable for the students are being switched to the online mode of learning. but it's not just the education sector,
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millions of filipino labor or workers employees who have to commute every day to work. they're also affected. now the government has issued guidelines for employers to follow. these are just guidelines and not, not the. 1 enforceable by law, but the government is encouraging employers to implement flexible hours a work from home setup and also to let their employees out where protective gear and temperature adaptable. so they says more and everything we're covering out of their adult calm is what i need to go for that video on demand and also kind of analysis keeping across this latest diplomatic push in the regions. trying to revive talks for sci fi and gaza to 12 is there is next the,
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there was the big charles, remain in southeast asia, particularly in indonesia, the heat spin something more of a story, as you probably know in the philippines with bonilla, breaking a record for high temperatures and doesn't have much of a range. in fact, most tropical countries don't have much of a range of temperature. this is quite easy for it to feel extremely health and to break a record. then it probably goes down drugs that $36.00 mock, which they shoot me to you at both by date and by night. and that's really the critical thing. i never know cheryl is for lose all. so the science there is some writing to come on the as coming up front topic because it's already cooled down in victoria. but of those cool winds will bring a pump shafting to, to form over sydney and maybe more won't come and wanted. charles ryan person, generally west australia, has been a bit too dry recently asked for new zealand while the rain will of course, come across the task and say you so it stops right fairly heavily inside of island . and then you get that for an effective date and coming over the mountains and
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warming things up in christ church. nick was off the coast of new. we'll find in an attempt developing circulation, but it stays on the show. the rain spreads out through science. i'm going to know if all the snow all the see on the high ground christ church is down to 14. this is wednesdays full cost. by thursday, it's brought me up once again. the move in to 100 days have passed since israel launched it's war on color and response to the attack by him. most points has killed over a 1000 is radius. on october, the 2nd, the number of casualties keeps rising molded, 13 full 1000 palestinians have been killed. most of them, women and children. another 77000 wounded. thousands more of missing believed to be buried under the rough.


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