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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the sales guy was action was to be left open for a democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed on out is era . the new push for a ceasefire in gauze view, our secretary of state is in saudi arabia, while last negotiates has traveled to cairo, the hello. i maria, minimize the. this is algae 0 live from doha. also coming up on the program, at least 25 palestinians, a killed in his riley as strikes. 20 of them in rough uh, the city in southern gauze have previously declared a safe. and can your east 40 people, a dad is a down bus, its banks and
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a town north of the capital. my road, the and south courier chooses the north of lange land lines, the demilitarized zone between the 2 countries. the we begin with a diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire and gaza us up troops. they asked me blinking is in saudi arabia where he's been meeting with regional counterparts. blinking says there's been measurable progress and the humanitarian situation in gaza. but there's still more to be done, is visit comes as gcc does, a cooling for israel and military operation. and rough ought to be stopped with an immediate truce and gaza in the country.
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and this is addressing delegates contests, prime minister and form minister shavel haven't been under a lot of funny, closer and major push to stop any further military escalation by israel. the ongoing talks and consultations and coordination of positions is very important for boosting l. strategic relations. and dealing with the dangerous situation in the middle east, a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed
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to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day and the gaza stripe. meanwhile inside gauze or itself is riley attacks, killed at east $25.00 palestinians in a matter of vows. on monday morning to strike on a home in the southern city of ross, i killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby witness to say. many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shelter for the night. wanting that you might find some of the images in phoenix, my wires report. distressing and indeed mine is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower of his life sped less with lifelong many others at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot as lucky. and the loved ones they've left behind, cannot imagine moving forward. have been the
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doctor's rush to help the injured, despite liquid resources amidst the chaos on the hospital floor. richard the cries in pain. the man who rescued fees that she's been opened up in the business. the daughter of my maid, them are coming up with the so far it seems. she's the only survivor from her family. the only survive from the home that was targeted rescue time. she was literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza. even
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a ceasefire talks resume in nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the job leaving many besieged strip inconsolable. felix new r o g 0. a tech i was im joins us live now from ross on southern cause or and we just seen the scenes of 3 families in gaza. morning they loved ones, also rescue teams. pulling survivors from the rubble. tell us what happened in the slightest series of strikes in the early hours of the morning. just within the past couple of hours, the very minute 3 has launched a series of is rarely a strikes that focuses on them for a residential buildings in multiple areas in kansas trip. now, starting in roswell,
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residential slots, being destroyed and hit with the flight to check at me cycles back into at least we are talking about 3 palestinians being killed with an impulse of injuries, including a chill when men and the others who have been approached to avoid your hospital up to a 100 dollar medical facility in order to receive proper medical treatment box. that's not the early attack that has been carried out since the hours of this morning. overnight strikes have been contributed to rising the death field to more than 20 palestinians being killed, including the vast majority of children. a women in as 3 houses being largely destroyed, closing collateral destruction and residential houses. now, all the areas of the church, we have been a tax as well. it wouldn't apostolic faculty member say rough refuge account for 3 power seems to have been killed. the on the number of injuries have been right, not receiving treatment. and i was a hospital in that very densely populated area now. and it's on top of that it's
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worth mentioning, that the vast majority of attacks has been, have been carried out in areas that are densely populated without any prior warnings. and these attacks have been followed by an intensive surveillance of drugs, hopefully by these drugs in multiple areas as a clear indication about what tax could be carried that within the coming hours as to now there was new a new lead talk in size, things are searching about a great deal of destruction and frustration among defense finance, who has been attacked within the past 24 hours as, according to god's us hills, ministry, more than 30 palestinians have been reported to within the past 24 hours. and so they are facing attacks from the sky was continued as strikes. tell us also about living conditions in gauze there. and especially for rough or what we have seen, the population swell to, i think around a 1000000 palestinians who are taking shelter that of
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the quote palestinians in rough heroes, specifically in the southern part of the territory where the people have been told to say, refuse the scripting, difficult and more deteriorate thing on a daily basis, specifically that people are completely surrounded by the teacher racing in a group of 18 to you. monetary crisis i'm assigned to move the other hand. they are living the nightmare of the ongoing threats reduced. why these really a prime ministers, apartment, a central issue, different military officials. and that is why the army about i'll dissipated ministry encouraging for this place to have been receiving large saving, humanitarian, 8 supplies in that area. are they are free to afraid to lose our to get these a humanitarian aids are essentially requires in order to keep surviving them. to deal with is relatively consequences are permitted to campaign on the ground here. and the are have new, i mean, a place to go to. i'm and the collateral destruction being inflected to the vast
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majority of areas where the men that we had operated before. we can see clarity on a daily basis. be for line up for room hours in front of you. i'm distribution centers in order to get to bucket of, of flour alongside with some photos of water and basic kind of foods that could be done for one new big day. and within the past period, we have been recording a slight increase over humanitarian troops that are getting into the territory. that could be best scenarios more than $100.00. so it's a human to tell you the troops that are getting into the gaza strip, specifically here in the south when a daily basis. hey, tarik, i was in reporting to a staff from the roof. i thank you time. well, is there a, is there any media of ols, have been reporting on an escalation on the countries northern border with 11, and they say 13 massages have been drawn from lebanon towards israel. i was, there is an, a holder is following developments from motor joe and in southern lebanon. the 11 on israel front is very much linked to developments in gaza. hezbollah did open up
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this front to help us ally home us in gauze, have back in october, and it has repeatedly said it will not hold the fighting until there's a permanent cease fire in place in garza. now there has been an intensification in this conflict in the confrontation in recent days. and this has become really a pattern every time there was a renewed diplomatic push or whether interact negotiations between as well and how mass reach some sort of a turning point. if there's some sort of progress in each side, you know, raises the bar to strength and it's negotiating position on the table. now has the law has made it clear it's ready to hold the fighting, but as well, stance is not clear as well has repeatedly said, it will not stop a tax unless hezbollah pulls up a pulls away a few kilometers from the border. now the united states has been mediating in this conflict and was hausten is in israel. he may be coming to be rude soon, but only if there is progress and talks in gaza. now what,
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what he will try to do is put in place association of hostilities to allow negotiations to begin. so there will be tough negotiations, you know, whether or not has, well, i will agree to pull back from the border. that's unclear. will the lebanese army redeploy in southern lebanon and create a del, demilitarized zone and area free of fighters and weapons out? this cannot happen until there is a permanency fire in gaza. and if that doesn't happen, then the 11 on is route front will remain an active front line, then for their eldest theater, southern lebanon, as we go to the us now where police of arrested, at least 900 students nationwide as protests against israel's war on gauze spreads the use of pictures from yale university in new haven, connecticut, there and also in other states active as of joint students cooling for the universities to cut ties with israel,
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and also demanding an end to us military aid john henry. and has this report from city university in new york. each day come to reinforcements, more supplies in more demonstrators, the growing protest camps like this student protest in camp in a city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza. so he wanted to open a dialogue with protests as an idea of soldier who fought in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of that. maybe they don't know that we do want to know that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. when he tried to force his way into the in camp meant demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they set for agitating a credit to show that the passport soon after an orthodox,
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jewish rabbi publicly burned his his really passport reproaches another orthodox rabbi. explain why they joined the demonstration. these courageous students who stand up for justice was done for what is right. this should be a lesson for the world to stand up in the face of this genocide taking place. now engaged in this occupation are the different tickets. and i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family. a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism as a cultural to um, denounce movements that they find is not very politically convenient. as the encampments grow and number in size, they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this in cam. and he's developed a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen, because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga. because for the foreseeable future, this is how always there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the
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number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking a lot of different kinds of risk and the risk of arrest, the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case of students, the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jill stein was swept up saturday. i'm on more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protesters opposing and supporting israel shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term. the students say they will remain here until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 new york. so i have for you on the program setting our attention type of losing is under wayne parliamentary elections. that the opposition quoting for major time out next time. it's a contention the
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the latest news as a boeing a military response. the situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the citrus trees into canals rooms and isolated from around the world showing by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests. virtually every day in a post colonial with the scholars of european imperialism, run the nowhere most. so then in the democratic republic of congo, wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial instruments inside to the eyes of a whistle blower. and the patriotic ministry come on. witness presents. this is
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come on a jersey the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'll come back reminder the main stories us, i'm curious, they asked me blinking is in saudi arabia, out of assets to achieve a ceasefire in casa,
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blinking says there's been measurable progress and getting more agents in the area, but that is around this do more and then a series of israeli attacks killed of these $25.00 kind of sinews in a matter of hours on monday morning. women and children are among the dead tack, one of them and ross, i killed 9 members of the same family or at least for 2 people has been killed off to a down bust. its banks and a town north of the canyon capital nairobi which from the old could you but down washed away houses and costs off. a major road search and rescue efforts are underway. so it's close by and usually heavy monsoon rains of killed thousands of people across east africa since march. catherine solely is why that down bust in a cru county. the people here are devastated. and what we're being told is that this happened at around a 3 a m local time. and these are old dom up the hills that
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broke its vaughn. and uh, once it came, gushing us through this. um, seasonal reba it came with ro and cheese as well. uh, most of the damage ive happen down between where people's homes have been destroyed and vehicles and that's why many people have died as well. we also know that says many other people have been taken to various hospitals. we says via injury. so people here are in morning and they say they want something to be done about it. maybe all of them have been less homeless and we will be going to the area where people have been displaced and they're just trying to just come to tom with what happened and speak. now with malcolm lab, who is east of account metal at another dime, risk of overflowing,
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what do you seeing that malcolm? this is the flow channel of the missing good. um, interesting, catherine, in the west of the healy items that make up central kenya. that's where the scene so read to write in the last couple of weeks about flash floods in nairobi, killing dozens of people. now we're in the east, overall to running all sides. highlands is coming this way into a series of reservoirs, and the one just up here above us on this side is full stick about the i have the capacity to minus just say by to meet is not 5, was guessing down this channel is one of a series of several times the government, but fuzzy says, all of them now food i the failed. i don't want to, this was that runs down into this kind of river the longest rubber and river in kenya. and it sweeps through the plains of eastern kenya through a couple of key towns to thousands of villages in which lived thousands of people
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reform on the river bank. these people who the government has said needs to evacuate immediately. and how could this affect local communities that a further down stream was found to be the has already passed the bank in some places, including the town of good risk of where the costs of the main highway from the capital library be too great. so not a problem to people to try and cross the toner in the raging tone and but instead, because they could no longer access the highway or get to the bridge. now it's in video that we've seen from sunday that one of those boats struggling to get across loaded with many people. it's cool. and i strong in colorado, and then they said it in the local authorities that said more than 20 people have either died and that body is recovered or many more still missing. now this is the kind of china,
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just the people having to deal with down stream. just for transport. thousands of people who fall unplug the strength of the bit about who fish that is at home. so it doesn't have any way to go. we visited those faces just at the end of last year when they suffered from flooding following torrential rains. and that came off the back of one of the worst drought region as seen in decades. okay, malcolm, thank you very much. i and we've got a told her now voting that was on the way in the parliamentary and regional elections with the opposition courting from major ton out. political tension has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution. the series of crackdowns on opposition protests. critics say the reforms will allow present announcing bay to extend his families decades. it on grip on power. president's policy says the new system is more democratic scottish russ minutes. the homes that use
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a has announced he's stepping down. it comes as use of was set to face to motions of no confidence after a power sharing agreement with the opposition collapse last week. after spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my potty, for the government, for the country i lead. i've concluded that repeating a relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the hill. i have therefore informed us in peace, national secretary of my intention to stand the spotty leader and asked that she commenced as a leadership contest for my replacement as soon as possible. i as get more in this with the mox, he's covering the story for us from london. what's been the reaction so far? just the last few minutes in terms of use of made this no unexpected announce on frankly, with stotts. i'm to hear from some of the other policies about what that might
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means to them. what's really key is that he has said his own party will seek to elect a new leader in his place. and so in terms of the mechanics inside spoken, solomon, it means it will be up to his policy to solve this national policy, to try and find a new 1st minnesota can come on, if not a majority inside that problem and at least a working minority government something that he said, as you heard, is that very clearly he does not feel comfortable or able to do it himself. this comes down to his decision last week to end an ongoing covetous agreement with a green policy and spelt in the 1st time the green policy inside the united kingdom has had power in any government to set that off the months of challenges around both gender identity and climate targets, it was his decision to end that agreement, the hutch he caused those and the green party seemed to have made it very difficult for him to continue with any kind of government because they have refused outright to support him. as the ongoing need dispelled this national policy, what am log?
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thanks very much. meanwhile, off the days of public speculation, the spanish prime minister says that he will not resign. sanchez, those claims of corruption involving his wife, made him consider his position. thousands, riley on the streets and the drift to support him. his life to go now home as is being investigated for alleged corruption with the sanchez and says she is innocent . condition must be accusations of the campaign of political harrison and by the right. the south career is accused the north of laying mines along the road and in the demilitarized line between the 2 countries. south korea says its military detected the mines being placed and on an unpaid road inside the zone. yeah, our head hill, ensure one officials and souls a. the action is the latest in a series of moves to shut down roads that cross the border from the brightest following developments from. so this seems to be another step by north korea to
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further permanently seal the boat between north and south and also suffering. any chances it seems a reconciliation the south apparently detected at the signs of the mines being laid on this particular tract at the end of last year. this is a track that accesses a hillside that was the scene of fighting during the korean war with a view to assuming the remains of soldiers full repack creation. this was all part of a 2018 military agreement between north and south. it was signed when relations were improving on, which is old, but a memory now as well as taking steps against this particular track. the north has also been taking measures to permanent. the c last 2 paved roads which had been used for cooperation projects going to the extent of actually removing street lighting from roads on each side of the boulder. meanwhile, the north is also being re establishing god posts which had been removed in recent
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years. with it seems the south taking similar measures on its side of the bold old of this. it continues the policy all this a trend of the freezing relations between north and south with kim jong on making the it's his stated intention that there are no chances now of unification with the south run the prize. i'll just say era. so from elsewhere, thousands of schools across spots of asia being kept shot during an extreme heat wave of the closing schools last week. authorities in the philippines of suspended causes for further 3 days, also issued public health warnings. temperatures have reached a record high is in a capital full cost to say the unusually hot weather is expected to last until the middle of may. and then at least 4 people, including a full month old baby, has been killed off the tomatoes hit, the usa of oklahoma. the storm started late on saturday night and destroyed many
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buildings. thousands of people have been left without power and more than a 100 injured, oklahoma is governor, has declared it dissolves to emergency. thousands of tornadoes have been reported across the american midwest since friday. and then india's military is helping to fight while fires in the force of the tar con state. local officials say they've documented more than $200.00 fires. they believe have mostly been caused by people in the area severe a heat wave. is it much of a southern india and southeast asia? another quick story from japan, the value of the yen is forwarding to its lowest level against the us dollar a moving the t is a decision last month by the bank of japan to raise interest rates for the 1st time since 2007. as i've little impacts a week, again is good for exports in tourism, but it hits households by increasing the cost of inputs. finance ministry is pledge to take measures to hope a slide that wraps things up for me,
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but my colleague 40 by table will be with us for a full but as soon as in about 25 minutes time. such a mess it in the meantime, there's always a website out there don't com. the weather is also coming up next. and then there's inside story, the of the. okay, now some charters doing what the place to be for dry weather is a lot of right. and here's a lot of damaging. have that a warning site for the size of hailstones, the potential damage, and that stretches all the way from food your from shanghai, 3 food. yeah. and then towards glen. don't room beyond that. doesn't include hong kong, had to get the right in his piece of diet. so far for a few sheriffs, as long as you drive picture for their career implants and japan until that writing
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comes in during wednesday and attendance to for looks like it's getting off shore and china don't believe it. it will come back again. and hong kong still in the secret hong kong is full across east 3 days. sometimes school, they send this to them sometimes over cos, wet weather, with occasional bolts of lightning. but it's there, all the sites. we do have a few showers pike. he wanted, no impact is down to the fading your way and what else in the northeast of india. but the story society sure, as you might expect is done yet. is one of heat, particularly fiduciary, westbank go and in bangladesh itself. the attempt is all well above where they should be. the warnings i took, the result of this schools were closed and have re reopened. the problem still persists weather wise beyond the heat. these are the share of the background of time and northern practice on it's not a bad and the whole particularly susceptible the
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guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including its own garza, the last picture. on the 0, the waste land of russell, the un says clearing the debris from his vows war on guys will be a huge challenge that to take 14 years unexploded. i'm a nation would also make this a dangerous task. so what will this mean for the millions of policy and so hope to return to that health. this is inside the


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