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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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right and tapped on the new app from algae 0 new at using is it the . ready ready ready the full lines on rasa is by default is intensified strikes on the southern city, getting dozens of civilians, a seatbar told suite a critical moment in kyra the phillips, the whole rom, and what you obviously are like my headquarters here in the also coming up the secretary of state's meets regional leaders and says he's yet to see it is really getting based upon the rafa that in shoals, civilians will not be homes. please cut down again. student protests in paris as
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a palestinian solidarity movement grows across the walls and at least pulls the people are killed after i done, best expensing can you while another time is at risk of overflowing the welcome to the program, it's called in $1600.00 gmc about 7 o'clock in the evening. in rafa what molded 1500000 civilians are living in sale of a possible is riley military invasion as strikes having intensifying targeting residential homes, 20 civilians have been killed in rafa. taking the total number of people killed to mold in $34000.00 the southern pressure on sci fi adults in kyra that have been deadlocked for months now. from all sides, it's willing to move forward, but is concerned is attendance. the us that creates a time to be blinking. is that doing a boss to accept a deal, but says the us will not accept? it is really invasion in rafa without measures to protect civilians. but we'll have
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the very latest from gaza, anybody. but that says how soon, how bra reports on renewed diplomatic momentum to us secretary of state, and it blinks and hoping for more than just the which we have. how may i send these? well, the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is on us. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly how much dismisses accusations it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement to mediate to tom and egypt. continuing to explore
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chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. task prime minister administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the complex a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day and the gas and striking us officials hopping, trying to build consensus for a post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president mode i bus a pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as
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a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the thought of seeing is why the conflict could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with these route. as you bought by a 0 the how else i was concerned with the attendance on c side talks in target, see me, a spokesman told me earlier that all 5 issues at all sides plus what together to solve, to complete the port of the 85 i guess that's the that was the 2nd to complete with the throw water and the 3rd one that it and all the people to the homes before form the construction of the construction of the 1st one fell exchange for business. it's clear from this lady bit about the damage to and sustained on tool and age of issues. they've been pumped a complete ceasefire and they are not talking in a see this way about that with
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a dual one phone does. in fact, they're talking about their presence and the value of that, which means that they will keep continuing copying does then police is the we have a seat of questions for them. if you tell us if there was supposedly for on. so i was, i think we can move forward. i'll be that back. i guess the, but a scene of is not something said, you know, of us. this is the dark, it's some kind. so when you stop by time, you called clear a claim that it's a general action from the if i decide they have to stop, but in fact, the lights, it has to make it easier for us to stop the mazda before i think it's the, it was the 26000000000 must of picked. 10 of them is for the city of supporting that couldn't go from the steam as it goes. let's go cyber to honey bye. made the joys of stuff. i'm rasa in the southern gaza. honey, yet more deadly. is riley strong's talking process on monday is supposed to be as
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safe so, and so just bring us up to speed on what we know is happening. yes . well, despite the ongoing talks of the progress made at cairo for the sea is fired or potential to find that good happenstance. so the people are so very cautious about their reaction and their optimism because they still have to deal with this intense bombing campaign has been going on for the past 24 hours, a quite intense surgeon the day or a tax. and the artillery still didn't get dates and part of not only the city, but the remaining is some parts of the gaza strip. we're looking at at least 3 atrocities committed against this waste families, old and drop on other parts of the, of the gauze of $43.00 people have been killed at $26.00 of these people killed an overnight attacks and throughout the day, whole happened 26 of them happened to be from robust city will look at us, didn't women, and 6,
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the children of the casualties and double the number of critically injured arriving either through here to a hospital or in the judge. the hospital there's report of people are still stuck under the levels and with the, with the inability of civil defense crew and permit except fall into a strength and health survivors who might have say, is it so she's a types are still very slow and might lead to the risk of losing and their lives is really military, continue to talk in the central area as well as the northern parts of the gaza strip. these are just unusually difficult times for palestinians, more of the field, more of like, you know, limbo right now. there i keep an eye on detox and car with that the same time doing their best to stay protected and safe in an area that is not safe at all is increasingly becoming difficult to live and bravo. not only it's all very crowded, but the ongoing attacks making it less safe. and, and one thing that they keep repeating fear across the city that you can create
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a safe zone in a war zone. how do you, thanks very much for that update honey. my mood, the force in rafa in southern gauze. let's get a loaner home, the seaside talks and car with, but it's smith, he's occupied history. so the news really imagine of was a deal from the is really side. might look like it. suddenly being talked up by the us as it's being talked to by the us. and the gibbons in israel says it's ready, does a middle level team ready to travel to cairo tomorrow? that's tuesday if it gets a response to home us from its latest offer. and the suggestions that in this offer is really is asking for pops less now than faulty cap tapes are being held of the $133.00 that we believe is still being held in gaza. and in return, that'll be the release of the palestinian prisoners and the offer of some sort of a ceasefire which would become
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a period of sustained. com. and it's the 2nd phase. this is a key phrase here because it's the, that's the cease fire or not. but it's been a stumbling block in the past. that is how much asking for a permanency spot, the withdrawal of israeli forces. so the palestinians come to return to the homes in gauze. it was left of them, particularly in the knowles of gaza. and israel has not been offering, not it's because benjamin netanyahu says he wants to go ahead with the referral. the operation because he hasn't yet achieved is objectives, which is one of which is the destruction of thomas. but political calculations as well. many critics was a non y'all, it was more most worried about his own survival. so in this offer, he is obviously calculating whether that will backfire on him in israel because he would have to pause rougher off the operation if thomas accepts the proposals from his right. but it's not just the politicians and the, and the mediators listening and watching to what they is. right. the prime minister
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has to say the families of the captives also listening very closely to what's going on. they've been told king, what have they said bonus? yeah, they've been talking today they had a another small riley in tel aviv is the end of the passover holidays here in israel. and as those holidays and, and there's more news of potential hostage negotiations. the families have come out and said that they call on the government not to complete, not to waste the opportunity to complete the prisoner exchange deal. they ask sitting why about ya? yas, and while the leader of hamas in gaza on demand that to you, approve a deal and demand that as well as the whole council approve any deal. and they say that he's been during the time of this government, but that was an unprecedented failure of the state in terms of what happened october, october, the 7th. it baz the responsibility of returning kids. not people give us back co.
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we can no longer barrett so ever with strong message from the families that to these rarely government. so how that is yeah, thanks very much. the update will continue to most of what goes on where you are as the hours progressive. the moment. thank you. bennett smith and occupied the story slip. now hundreds of students have interest in universities across the us as protest grow as well as well and gone. so now that demanding educational institutions divesting companies, they say, are complicit in genocide trees about as well as most columbia university in new york. and the clock is ticking in terms of a head on conversation you might say between the students and the university of the university. president has made its position very clear the outside columbia university were not allowed to go inside because of security concerns. only university id holders have been allowed to go inside this university,
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but there's hundreds of students inside were protesting. the world does not want the university to put an end to the investments of the universities and companies that they say pro faith from the world god's or what has happened here has inspired in a way, universities across the country for students to take to their campuses. to the streets, to protest the ongoing war on black guys. and as you just said, very upfront, but couldn't we, universities president has issued a statement. she's her says that she's hoping to resolve this ongoing conflicts peacefully. she says that she wants to guarantee sweet speech, but at the same time, guarantee the safety of the jewish students in this university. at the same time, she says at columbia university one divest on israel, won't hold the investments that they do on companies that are related to west road . however, in that state, when she's also saying that they're open to listen to proposals by students or what to do with the universities investments. so,
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but we're also hearing this funds that the students that are inside are currently in an assembly. they have been handed out to a document that says that they're asking them to leave the university peacefully by 2 pm. they say that they have to sign a paper. and if they do so, it's literally said that they won't be allowed to finish the semester input spending what that's what the document says. so we're going to have to see what happens next. the students we have spoken to are telling us that they feel intimidated. they're gathering right now to discuss what they're going to do next. they believe that this is a civil disobedience. there's a long tradition in the united states universities to carry out this type of protests back during the vietnam war. 1960 people taking to their campuses. this is what they're doing now. they believe that they're in the right to carry out this type of protest. and for now we're going to have to see what they do next. but many of them have told us that they believe that the police could come back to try to
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remove them by force, from this campus piece by the force in you thank you. of demonstrations that gains as well as moral gossip. also spreading to universities across europe, several students would be interested at the softball. in paris, they were dragged away. finally, police officers, i think it comes in raising the palestinian flag. the types of butler has moved from the french capital. police went into telephone university, one of perhaps his most famous and prestigious universities. behind me, you can see a very heavy police presence. they cleared out, we understand maybe a 30 students who would set up a time in the center of the university that the, and to protest to us most and desire to get the promise to pieces. but as i said, please try to reach you can pretty foster up to that. or the 100 students came down here on this when, if you turn around, you can see they have rolled out huge post and it's like, and they thing here for 2 hours now, she wanting the support of cindy performing for,
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from the mood and the impulse that they also calling to see who the sofa on the cost is. toys with is re to universities, not something we've heard from a lot of students. they say that they universities need to look very much at where they're getting funds and it's a sort of ties to having and examined those and have a conversation about it. but little students here say that they feel as if that conversation is simply not even taking place. well, it's delighted, hey all now to 0. we look at the reasons why scotland says minister holmes, i use it is stepping down. and schools out in the philippines as a heat wave across the positive agent shows no signs of easy stories after the break, the,
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as we can see, it is a rainy season. in southeast asia, things are going on with the sun. there are still at breaks. the sundry share as possible. so the way things more of a focus, maybe the southern philippines, maybe let's say further west coast north north infinity. it is currently in the groups of a heat wife, which extends through vietnam into thailand and be in my house that i have to say on and off for the last couple of months. the real big dime pulls the on there i to season the 2 of the are in southern china. he's been damaging hailstones, you've never been to one of those. and of course there is for the guns been funding on the ground anyway. the right itself was spread to old southern japan during wednesday, and this bit of relief briefly, i think and for jump, probably nothing gone, dark hong kong, etc. signed this on all the for this the next 3 days and is more of a form in southern china india because the supreme all the sudden heat, there are a few showers in the northeast may be, but the doing nothing to temper the warnings and the act trotsky if he's, you know,
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dish westbank go and bind to dash, not hate extends acosta into southern file. so pakistan but cut off cheese breezes . emergencies of alliances, not to. she made any northern pakistan resumes and pretty vicious thunderstorms. in dire impulse, the humanity is open. the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mighty oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on the jersey to the the
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the book about what you all, just bear with me. so robin and dave, i'll remind to of all told the stories are in the diplomatic pushes underway to reach a safe spot and guns and give us extra estates on to the blinking is inside a right there where he's meeting with regional counsel pods. people who says it's willing to move forward that sees thoughtful inquiry on the ground and goals are a series of his really attacks have killed at least 30 palestinians of domestic violence on monday morning women and children are amongst the dad's an attack on a have been rafa killed 9 members of the same family. at least $900.00 students would be interested in universities across the united states as protests, grove, israel, oregon. so now that demanding educational institution is di,
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best in companies, they say a complicity in genocide. at least 42 people to be killed outright. down bust its banks into town. north of the canyon capital nairobi water from the old coach, a boot them washed away houses and cut off a major road search and rescue efforts. and i went away. floods caused by an usually heavy bowl ensued, reins that killed thousands of people across the east africa since march huffman slowly is where the done best and the crew come to the people are in shock. many of them are trying to solve age, whatever they can, that how many they're, they are trying to remove this furniture. they are closed and they don't even know where they're going, where they're going to sleep. 2 nights now rescue me a f plus is still going on, but it has been raining. it just started raining. so that is going to be hampered and we spoke to some of the family members about what happened. they said this
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incident happened at around 3 am local time and they just, they were sleeping and they just had visa, loud rambles. and um they, some of them tries to get house uh to see what's happening. and then that was uh, this was uh that involved some of them and some managed s case for many did not make it. and we have also. 7 been told that people are being told to move to higher ground. what the also telling us is what happened is that the, the reason the dom up the hills that broke its bank. this is what the cause. and this was a came, gosh, thing down the, you know, i seasonal stream and it came with the water stones and you know,
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this huge trees that will approve that. so you can imagine the full that this was i came with. so right now people, like i said, are morning there is shock and that is trying to figure out the next move where they're going to go to sleep and also just where they're going to it's and just to deal with the trauma, they say that they have been facing the web based east of the capital at another time at risk of, of, of lighting, to and this is the flow tunnel of the missing good. um it just st. catherine in the west of the healy items that make sense. okay. yeah, that's where the seem to read to write in the last couple of weeks. last plugged in, i wrote the killing dozens of people. now we're in the east with a running all sides. highlands is coming this way into a series of reservoirs, and the one just up here above us on this slide is full to capacity of the capacity
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. the amount of just say, i'd like to meet as a non fiber was guessing down this channel. it's one of a series of several times as a government fuzzy says, all of them now food. i have a failed at one of the schools that runs down into the kind of river the longest river in kenya. and its sweep through the plains of eastern kenya through a couple of key towns through dozens of villages in which lived thousands of people reform on the river bank. and these people who the government has said, need to evacuate immediately. well, the sound of a has already passed the bank in some places, including the town of curious where the costs of the main highway from the capital . and i ready to give a, so not a problem to people to try and cross the torrance, the raging torrent inside instead because they can no longer access the highway. we'll get to the bridge. now it's in video that we've seen from sunday that what
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does the boat struggling to get across loaded with many people? it's cool and i strongly encourage. in this incident, the local authorities as had more than 20 people, have either died, recovered or many more still missing. now this is the kind of challenges that people having to deal with down stream just for transport, say thousands of people who fall along the length of the video who fish daddy's it at home. so it doesn't have any way to go visited those places just at the end of last year when they suffered from flooding following torrential rains. and that came off the back of one of the worst route region seen in decades. tons of the is probably minutes. the cassim about lee, why is wanting heavy rains that have led to widespread flooding all set to continue at least a 155 people being killed. and many of course of a 1000000 displaced tons of data is one of several countries in east africa dealing
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with the impact of el nino web. it happens that if they tell you insulted bug was empty for a surprise visit you printing present governments. lensky said the military aid from western allies needed to arrive faster and that without it, russian forces would make games on the battlefield. townhome in the same key with the details. it was an unannounced visit from the head of night to again, stolen back the keys at to see you. cranium. president loaded me as a landscape and they held a brief press conference for president, for landscape and with the opportunity to talk about military from is especially by the united states is 61000000000. so the military a package and he said that it's starting to write that that needs to be sped off. it needs to arrive to move quickly that way from rate. the said the without it, russian forces were going to make gains on the battlefield. and that is already have to make the head of you cranes on school said sunday,
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the ukrainian booth at full retreat from free villages in the east. and they were taxed on several points off the road. 1000 kilometer front lines on the part of the head of night. so i in stoughton, but he was keen to reassure, i guess, president as lensky, same as if there was a commitment to provide. i did talk about a multi year financial commitment as an idea, and he's speaking about that because of the modem of military i. ukraine tends to ride from it's i live in one of the packages. so basically there's concern among those that support the country about what happens if those types start to dry off. for example, night $61000000000.00 package from the united states that hold up in congress for months. so at the end of the state. so great is, could you be president craig needed to add defense 6 cities. it's energy fonts. and so what it's trying to do right away,
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doing the home it out to see the chief ukraine. totally small because of ended, the last of the locates the labeled with ukraine that the local authorities refused to extend permission for demonstrations as a check point. that's a months published truck as i'm tom is i've got several cool things, as i say, is a ukrainian product such as cheap. right? well, i'm like, i think local businesses any this month we'll sole said it would give over $500000000.00 us dollars and compensation to farm is affected by the impulse you kind in grade has been sliding into the use since june 2022 at the versus will close down the countries unusual export rates. it's collins, 1st minister homes, i yusef has it out so that he's stepping down. he was set to face to motions of the confidence of her power, shall i have an agreement collapse last week. after spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my potty, for the government, for the country i lead, i've concluded that repeating
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a relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the hill. i have the form formed yes and peace, national secretary of my intention to stand out as potty leader and asked that she commands as a leadership contest for my replacement. as soon as possible really most has a little to use. it became sultan's 1st suite of asian heritage off to his freed assessment. nicholas the step down i'm at scandal. he's announced his resignation because in part he says he has a rep for re damaged his relationships with all those inside the smokers. parliament, particularly members of the green policy with whom he said a coalition government, his scot, this national policy will in the coming week seek to choose a new leader to replace them as part of the head with about individual to come on to work in majority insights. such as parliament remains to be seen, it will rely upon members of other policies, potentially, once again, the greens to work with them. if that's not possible,
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that could lead to another election within a months time, the amount of to 0 on the north. today's old public speculation, the spanish prime minister says that he'll not resign. federal sanchez says claims of corruption involving his wife had made him consider his position, his wife, but go near gomez as being investigated. the alleged corruption, suntrust, and so she's innocent. he dismissed the accusations of the campaign of political harassments by the rights of things and to wait until it goes parliamentary and regional elections. with the opposition calling the strong tenants. political tension has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution and a series of cut downs on opposition protest. critics say the reforms will allow president fall to it because i'm going to extend to some of these decades on griffin power. the president's policy says the new system is more democratic so it's chris has the keys, north grant of lang minds along the road and at the minute 20 is the in between the
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2 countries. soft, criticize it's military, detected the mines being placed in an unpaid road in science. and so the arrowhead hail ensure one officials and souls, or the action is the latest in the series of moves to shut down roads. the cross, the border of india's military is helping to find one size and the far as of what's, what i couldn't state like the officials say they've documents more than 200 fine. safely have mostly been caused by people passivate he twice as much of the southern india and southeast asia will stay on the same scorching south on the southeast asian countries while by full cost of assist. until mid may, thousands of people have died from heaps related illnesses in the philippines. schools of suspended in person classes and the government has issued guidelines to protect workers from the he's found to be like how small from manila, thousands of schools into philippines already shut for weeks, ordered to stay closed for a few more days,
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possibly longer. exceptionally hot weather is expected to last until mid may. but while students are able to escape the heat, millions of forking filipinos aren't so lucky. some have to endorse scorching temperatures during their commute while others have to spend a day outdoors in the glare of deciding. jerry flores installs and maintains security cameras around vanilla. before or even then it's hot to now than last year . the sun's up all the time, but work must go on local say, in recent days, the heat has become almost unbearable. the temperature soar to nearly 39 degrees celsius here in manila on sunday. that's the hottest on record for the philippine capital. but the heat index, the temperature that we actually feel when humanity is factored in was 45 degrees celsius. one town to the north reached the height of $53.00 the labor department has issued and by.


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