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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the . ready ready ready on the hello until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. they go from 0 to reset to university of texas. austin is student demonstrations against small spread across us campuses. they're similar things at columbia university as students to find a deadline to leave off by suspension for us. secretary of state suites,
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our latest and says he's used to seeing is ready invasion. planned for profit is and shows opinions will not be harmed. and at least 40 people are killed. dr. dan boost is banks in kenya. fall. another is at risk of overflowing as port ross on the down much is on in the trades to find time champion defeats petra cushion to reach the ground 16 and the franchise. and corporations continue to go well the, we begin in the us where university students are defying the schools leadership and a standing up against the board and gaza. hundreds of students have been arrested across the country. but this was the scene at the university of texas austin, in just the past hour state troopers, the titans, several students who refused to leave the student. protesters at columbia
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university have been given an ultimatum leave. their encampments will face suspension. they were given a 2 pm deadline, which has since passed, demanding educational institutions, divest it's companies, they say complicit in genocide. but we have a team of correspondents covering the purchase in the us from the east coast to the west. well, reynolds is that the university of california in los angeles, kristen salumi, ascending by a gale university in new haven. phil of al is at massachusetts institute of technology in cambridge, that i suppose is monitoring developments at columbia university in new york with all began. but 1st, let's begin with heidi jar castro, who is at the texas university in austin. and heidi, we've seen thousands of protesters over the rest of the, just the last couple of hours. can you just give us an update on what exactly is happening right now? there yeah,
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tom police are finishing the rest of the city and protesters. they've been having them dragging and pastors in this file here. and it has, you can see perhaps behind these officers who now number the number of original professors that were there. there's are the very few people who remain now just want to go a little bit into how this started. only about 3 to 3 hours ago. this was a very different scene. when i arrived, everyone was peaceful. there was a few dozen people camped out. they were making music, they were talking, they popped up sometimes, and that apparently was the red line here because that just a few minutes after that, we saw this very big police response curse because the police for the ones in the right here in the ring color uniforms, you see here they just send it by the dozens as well as other uniformed officers
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and they have been taking away these protestors who were sitting with their arms length surrounding the small and cabin taking them one by one. putting them in the zip ties and removing them forcibly from this area. what is startling about the is that really this emerged so quickly and over the last few days? things here had been relatively quiet because all this started at u t. austin, last wednesday. when everything again was peaceful, but there was the initial police crack down. and while you're seeing these images, i'm going to bring in our guest here. this is ann marie jar, dean, who is one of the original protesters you were here last week. you were among those arrested. what do you think those who are now being led away are about to endure? um, i know a lot of people were faced with a lot of as lemma phobia in jail being denied. modest options being denied head
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starts clean water. i myself was denied stuff for my period and i had to sit in my period flood for a long time and similar experiences with other people as well. so it's not going to be good and they moved at records low speeds. my cases were dropped at 4 am and i wasn't released for many hours after. so what do you think of seeing this this outpouring of community support now? because not only are they the original protestors who weren't here from the morning, but we now seen hundreds of community members who initially weren't here but and now they are has, has actually brought more attention to the car. absolutely we, i think, i mean, i feel like you have to be living under a rock to not know what's going on in does her right now. but i think seeing, i mean, thinking about the panel today, hearing from jewish boys is all of these different diverse backgrounds. seeing how
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we were treated when we were arrested. i was told by my hair for yards for standing still. and so i think seeing that outreach, a lot of people who maybe weren't paying attention before and then people who were scared to show out actually coming now. so i think this definitely backfired on jake hartzell and on greg gab and everybody, he wanted to see process that. i mean, i think this might be bigger than it was on wednesday. so thank you so much for your time. and it seems like the, the, the protesters are now packing up for at least the cabinet and what's left of it is being cleaned up. it appears to me that all of those who were here earlier, the dozens who had linked arm and peacefully sat down to protest for the divestment of you t dowman to uh, is rolling companies and weapons manufacturers appears. all of them have been level way. and i have to remind people to tom that they originally last week when they
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were more than 50 people, arrested. nearly all of them had their charges dropped with the local attorneys here, signing a deficiency in the charging document. apparently that has not dissuaded lease from now attempting a repeats of that incident. and in fact, a texas governor, correct abbot double down on x earlier saying that arrest for be made because an account manager popped up. and we have a statement from you t austin that said that because of a threats that they received saturday that they both we but this was justified obviously of many more questions to be there. but again, here's that and again, track down on this protest you to austin campus. and at this point it appears all those original protectors happened right away. okay, thank you so much for all of that tiny. how did you a castro for us the, at the university of texas in austin while we're going to go now to, to,
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i said by who joins us from outside columbia university in new york. and so they said, i know students via withhold to leave roughly 3 hours ago. i know media has had issues getting access to the university, but can you just give us an update of what has happened since that deadline is past of the plus side to me and students here continue to challenge the deadlines that wasn't given to them. that's not forget that earlier today they were given some papers that they had to sign to identify themselves, a flight them to 5 themselves. and then they have until 2 pm low codes 3 hours ago to leave the campus with that did not happen in spite of that people remain here. students remain here. they're challenging suspension, expulsion, probably your risk is not clear what is going to happen whether your 4th month is
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gonna be 17 or because we do know right now is that there's no negotiations between the students on the faculty right now. let me show you a little bit of what we're seeing here. this is a sensor of the campus of columbia university. you can see there's thousands and thousands of tents that have been set up here where students have been living. they are very, very clear on what they are demanding, they're demanding off the investments, and that is putting an end to, to investment in companies that they say are profiting from the world guys out there also asking for financial transparency and they also want an m s. c on the students and the factual things that have been disciplines and they want also and then to that. so there's lots of demands are saying that they will continue to be here the president of columbia university. earlier today. she said that they were who diversity was trying to resolve this peacefully, the trying to guarantee freedom of speech. but at the same time allow the jewish
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students here in columbia university to feel safe today. it's not clear how this is going to happen. what will happen in the next few days or a few hours? you know, many of the students we have spoken to are ready for the parent for these to come in. they're joined by many professors that are assisting them. they said they're profess with for protection that they're wearing some of the green and orange of shirts in order to be serious shade one from the other. so it's a very, very interesting process that has been set up here so that the students feel safe. however, it's not clear what is going to happen. every student we have spoken to are saying that they're not the story. the story is on what's happening in gaza, of the suffering of the past. the thing is, and guys that's and that's what they want to shed light on this. thank you so much for that today. so tell us about, for us here at columbia university in new york, we're gonna start with a story and go to fill of al, who is live in my team cambridge, massachusetts. and understand of pro is ready counted, protest, sprung opposite earlier. can you just explain exactly how that played out?
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yeah, i mean it was quite a scene at one point, but it is now a lot call, but it's like let me just show you what we've got right now because there is what you might call unofficial kinds of protest resume. and i'm assuming it because we're not allowed on mit properties that we're having to watch the roads. you can see this, right, the flag flying next to an american flag. that is actually just for context across the pa flight from the main company. earlier today, it was a much different story because the encampment, which is being that for more than a week, we were expecting a few kinds of protests to tied up. we had a bit of a feeling that something was going to happen. but then all of a sudden fuzzy to floaty, is really supporting students and faculty members to adopt traits in the is ready flag draped in the american flag. they walked right into the sensor report and incumbent. they sent down some of the storage. they sang songs about zionism paid shots that they use at a picnic. it won't, it's,
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and then they will be ignored by the protest to see what already back they started walking around, putting a photo across to some of the hostages taken on october the 7th friday that faces and asking them if they supposed to $911.00. did they supposed to have us? they got no response. they students had completely ignored them. they tell me that this was an extreme publication, but it's what they see before, and they ignored them. and that's 30 minutes later. those protest has went away, though it is much quiet to see the head now, especially compared to what we just saw and those other 2 locations for that's not to say that nothing is coming on. because we understand that for most of the day, separate tests as you pay to have for a week have feed in skulks with the university administration, which is a huge contrast to just 24 hours ago. when the president said that talks is piles because the students would not touch on that original demand. so we understand that talks are on the way. i'm going to be my guess. now this is true. yeah, i mean my god, who is that middle east historian here mit just before we go into the actual
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protests? yeah, the students are at the center of the story, obviously. but the, you know, there's a lot of numbers of stuff on both sides. how is this affecting members or stuff? i would say that many of the stuff, and many of the faculty, despite whatever hesitations they may have had through the principals, activism and full heartedness and cleared. i miss of the students. i have found there is ration day here in solidarity with their students. many of them are our students. so they have taken courses, they've made it taking courses with other faculty. and, you know, this is part of the tradition of the united states that students historically have been at the forefront of change. and they take a lot of pressure and a lot of acrimony, but then decades later, they are celebrated. and i as the story and one of the be here what the students and embrace them now, not 30 years from now. and i think a lot of faculty agree with that point. yeah, i mean, these are people who are very learned is they, they called
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a huge craze behind that makes potentially face discipline reaction as well. these are very smart students. they're full above. it's a very welcoming environment. there are jewish, most of them, christian, atheist, students, black, brown, and white native american, south asian. everybody is here. they have each other, they feel strong with each other. they loved their institution. i think every single one of them, when they got their admissions letter is probably one of the best days of their lives. i know when i got my job here, i was very excited. we love our institution. the protests are here. uh, not about themselves, but about making i might see a better place. and of course, there at the forefront here in the united states to bring attention to what's happening to boston needs and gaza. but not just because of but also in the west bank. right for ya, and we got thank you very much for that. and obviously there is a very small police presence. i mean, he just, he won't call that there are a few offices toss it around. but we're not with say anything like what we saw a m as in college or little feast. and specifically because post folks are ongoing,
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it's neither the students or the university wants to get out of control. okay, thanks so much for that. phil, phil of live for us at mit. we're going to go to kristen salumi, who is a jail university in new haven, connecticut with more on the story and as opposed to some of the other universities that we've seen just in the last 1015 minutes. so, so it does appear at the very least to be a little bit calm of their it is very calm, but this is actually the 2nd encampment that jo university students have set up. the 1st one was taken down after 3 days and 44 students here were then arrested. they decided to come back yesterday, sunday after a march that attracted about a 1000 people through the city of new haven, connecticut. and there's about 40 tons of very quiet and peaceful at the moment, but the students are living again with the threat of possible arrest
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and even suspension. i have one of the demonstrators here with me now. uh, should soto come more. thank you for joining me. why did the students decide to come back yesterday? i think, well, 1st of all, the demands have not been met. the university has not met our demands of disclosure or financial investments by investing from up in to manufacturing and re investing in the new haven community. and frankly, it's incredibly upsetting to see that nearly 50 of our community members and students were arrested for peace. we protesting against the genocide. so i think a lot of folks have been mobilized by that to see the university respond in such a violent militant way. i think 1st and foremost, we're all here because we want to bring attention to what's happening in gaza and we're, we're all standing in solidarity with palestine. but also it's incredibly upsetting to see the response at the university has had to peaceful protests. and why the
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best man has already they flat out rejected your call to the best. so are there discussions on going with them? yes, we're very, you know, interested in and hoping to continue a lines of negotiation and coming to the table. we want the university to come to the table in good faith. you know, the university has or historically divested from, you know, it's for an example of that as self african apartheid for very long time. they were invested in a lot of financial investments. and just like practices that supported the apartheid movement and, you know, do to start the student movement and see, it protested that you know, a lot of move it from students and community members. they were actually able to get divestment. and so there's historical precedent for that says, you know, it is possible. absolutely. let me ask you what personally drew you out to put your own academic career at risk and do this. i mean, i think, you know, we've seen
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a live broadcasting side for the last 6 months. i don't know how anyone can not be up here. um and you know, i'm a law student and we keep lost courses because i want to learn about social justice . i want it to learn about human rights. i mean, we're literally watching one of the most horrific human rights atrocity unfold right in front of our eyes. and i think it's an important part of my learning. and also how i hope to be a lawyer and how i hope to exist in the world to continue bringing extension to issues like this and to continue advocating for palestine. so to thank you so much for joining us and telling us your story and the story of the students here at yale university, another ivy league institution following in the footsteps of columbia university. and again, to reiterate, the dean of the university has sent a letter to the demonstrators here, threatening that if they do not clear the encampment that they do, again,
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face arrest and possibly suspension, although no date or timeline has been given so far. okay, thanks so much, kristen, kristen, so let me for us there. yeah, you university, we're going to go through bro reynolds who is at the university of california in los angeles. and for this been a vocab in support of protest as be a. can you just explain exactly what happened? uh sure, uh tom, just uh, a short while ago um there this stairway, the sort of grand staircase you see to this side of me was just uh, us blowing water full of hundreds and hundreds of students and faculty who had walked out of their classes, stopped teaching and gone out to march and rally in support of the students who are in the protest and camp. another protest encampment is up in that direction. but as you can probably see from what we showed you just a moment ago, there are
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a lot of security guards here who are actually preventing people from getting close to the encampment. and we've actually seen dozens of students, presumably on their way to class, or the library or study hall or something being turned away and told him to go, you know, and around about direction to get to where they're going. so the university has disrupted the uh, the life of the students and their ability to get an education. but there's another thing to take into uh, into account is the fact that in recent days of pro israel pro zionist demonstrators, from off campus largely non students have a very, aggressively tried to breach the walls of the encampment they have. um, uh, you know, been the, sometimes the aggressive and, and, and, and shouting and trying to, um, you know, insult the students, etc. like in other places this teresa was telling us
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a minute ago that the they are largely ignored to the extent possible. but this, despite its calm appearance, is a very emotional, very intense, very passionate campus right now. um the students of course, like students across the united states are demanding divestment and transparency. now the, you see university of california system as a whole has announced that it will not a desk from israel. they said that they were, they refused to do that point blank. and so the, there is to my knowledge and to the student activist that i spoke with knowledge, no actual dialogue between the leadership, the administration of this university and the student protesters. and very quickly, just to mention that in another university, not far away in university of california irvine students are protesting, their police have been called in. that's apparently somewhat of a 10th stand off in that location too. and now we see something happening up there
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. it looks like students are trying to get through the lines of security guard, so we'll keep an eye on that and hopefully nothing untoward takes place. so tom, back to you and do, thanks so much rob of it's rob reynolds for us and that we will cross back to you if anything does come of that situation, then the would they have been renewed diplomatic efforts to reach us these firing goals or is the is rarely bombardment of the strip continues us secretary of state and to the blinking is in saudi arabia where he's been meeting with the regional count the pods hush him. obama reports us secretary of state and it blinking, hoping for moves. and just the between how may i send these, well, the good to respond. stuart ceased by tools. he says,
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how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. so they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly how much dismisses accusations it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators, katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. task probably minutes to administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the conflict
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a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day and the gases starting us officials hopping trying to build consensus for the post world gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president mode i bass, a pointed and you have prime minister, how much rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is why the conflict could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with a, as well as you bought by
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a 0 as well as the more on this william laurence joins us now. he is a professor of international relations at american university and the form of us diplomats, he's with us live from washington, d. c. thanks very much for being with us here on al jazeera. first of all, much has been made of the slightest round of tools. but how much, how do you actually hold out that is safe? i could be agreed here because we've seen time and time again. these talks being held around the region and yet nothing to come from them. is this time different? do you think? yeah, if i was 10 percent hopeful a week or 2 ago i maybe 40 percent hopeful now for the 1st time since october 7th, best i know we have an actual personnel from israel and uh how much in the same city in the same location. and although they refused to meet face to face their meeting via i guess, some sort of video conferencing, they're calling it simultaneous negotiations where they can respond to each other in the real time. previously, the proposals would sometimes go to um,
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send wire through private channels. that would take 36 to 48 hours to get to him in the tunnels. now that can get to his representative, mr. yeah, here in one minute. yeah. and so there is a possibility here to bridge some of the divides. and um, as far as i can tell, the grand parameters are already negotiated. what we're talking about now is sequencing and guarantees and things like that. okay, so really getting down to the details like this one is this time different than what one now as well, there are many, many factors is just, you know, reports and perhaps many more than any other station in the world. but there's the geo politics of it. there's the protests in israel in the us and elsewhere. there's the uh, changing dynamics on the ground. in guys there's divisions within this real divisions within the united states and the both executive in the legislative branch. there's the just the, the absolute carnage and gaza and the story of that trickling out to the world.
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despite efforts for it not to be reported. i think more than anything else the us rather than now, just suggesting the israel, what it should do, and it's telling israel what it's want, what it wants in very clear terms. and it was interesting this morning that blinking said, we still haven't seen a rough plan that we'd like implying that there is no rough uh plan that the us will approve it because of the, the risk to civilians and, and in rough uh, where you will say who to enter the blinking a tool cop is rose proposal. it cools it extraordinarily generous. i mean, it really is trying to put pressure on her mouse. do you think that that tatic will, would you know that and then of itself know, you know, i think is israel has to do you know, 30 things with its troops today. they made a concession on one thing which is pulling back from that net same a barrier that split smooth from south gaza,
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which is something how much want it, but it's only one thing that have as needed. so there needs to be what the guitar is often referred to as a lot of different troop movements for this to work. i'm, if i could go back to sequencing for a minute. you know that i'm sort of once it all backwards, they want, they want the permanent cease fire and then they want the hostage and prisoner exchanges and then the, but before that, they went all the troops out of guys and they went all kinds of guarantees. and that's really not the way so as far as work. in fact, if they want a final status, an armistice or a peace treaty, they should go for that. but the way cease fires usually work is troops pull back and then things happen to build trust in that humanitarian agent flight in. and then we talk about the final status things. and that's something that, yeah, maybe how much these to learn as it goes. but i think we're, we're close to something that we have not been close to in 2 or 3 months now, which is an initial 3 weeks east fire in which between $20.33 hostages,
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will be released in exchange for about 900 palestinians. and a big is really withdrawal. if the 2 sides can be pressure to start that way. with uh, just to the time the mazda allegation is leaving kyra, but will return with the response to guns a, a, to the sci fi guys a proposal. we will hopefully have more on that uh shortly. thank you so much. uh, what do you want him, lawrence there, professor of international relations for us. thanks so much. thank you. to at least $25.00 palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes on over. alpha is ready. forces struck 3 houses, crowded with displays, palestinians wiping up entire families in seconds of this comes and the new diplomatic efforts in cairo to breeches ceased 5, honey mac mood has more from rough or more about the crowd is the body of young deerfield. the boy had been shares from before,
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he was born. his name is dave, all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him. for so long of 10 years been 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother, her daughter, her grand daughter's her grandson, whose son didn't know their daughters and relatives everyone, they're all gone. all 10 of them. this little girl survived. she was sleeping with monday's ears tri care. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or was she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zones to the center for the distribution of a roof? i had become a refuge, but now it is a moore, and it could soon become a battle ground, as well as intensifying gets a taco and rub my head of
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a plan. the ground operations people in golfer have their eyes on egypt, where a mazda delegation is conducting a new round of negotiations, a pausing the fighting. for some discussions, give little hope of the fall as i look at the the carry out negotiations and things . but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the anesthetic no more. they carry out negotiations. what is real strengths of the and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering in gaza, solves, are bracing for the worse and even from what others are the rough palestine as well. there's plenty so hit hit. ronelle does air including west scotlands, 1st minister homes they use of is different down trolling his pro independence policy into kyle schools out in the philippines as a heat wave across conservation. it shows no sign of easing off and saucer, pass along to recover from the show keeping halla and then like a slow leak,
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a match that's coming up with joe and the had lower their it's a divided picture weatherwise across europe. we've got some very width and windy weather moving across the west scenarios, keeping things launch the cool thanks to some weather front. but across the east look at that. we will clear skies with lots of sunshine and we'll see. temperature is picking up here over the next few days. but on tuesday, the west of the rain stretching all the way from the north west down to the south west. so britain on the island of island seeing those showers some heavier rain coming into spain and portugal ahead of that. another band of heavy rain stretches across the front and that will move its way towards easily as we go into the mid week. so some heavy falls to come here,
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we could see some flooding from that heavy rain. it is looking much dry. however, across the east for germany, for poland. lots of sunshine coming through here of your show is creeping across the balkans as well as the black sea and to a kia but it is looking my to find is we had for the north across the scan today the and well temperatures will be coming down across the west, particularly for spain and portugal. on wednesday, the heat will be building across central areas and the east. if we look at bundling in germany, we've got lots of sunshine through. so if the say with some very high temperatures as to whether update the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of how top stories, the sour renewed diplomatic pushes on the way to reach a ceasefire. and concert us secretary of sight mc blinking is in saudi arabia where he met with regional counterparts. meanwhile, i'm us is it's willing to move forward at least 5 talks and car right. on the ground and guns are a series of his ready attacks killed at least susie palestinians in a matter of hours on monday morning, women and children are among the dead. and attack on the home of the prophet killed 9 members of the same family. in hundreds of states, troopers of play, the demonstration that the university of texas at austin students were laid against the border and gaza purchased speeding. right across the united states with moving 900 people to times of more on the story. how the, the shuttle is,
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the director of mess defense at the national lawyers guild and network all volunteer lawyers and legal boot because they provide legal support for political activists and pro, to associate joins us live from charlotte in north carolina. thanks very much for being with us here on the altar 0. as we mentioned that we've seen thousands of people arrested at university of texas in austin. what's your response to, to the slightest round of a wrist and, and just the way of tardies in place of handled these protests as sofa. thank you so much for having me. so as you mentioned, the national lawyers guild is a, one of the oldest bar associations in the us. and we support social justice, bozeman, and protesters and are right to defense. and really, what is happening in texas is happening in other states as well. in other cities and in university campuses, and we are honestly outraged at the response that the universities are having that
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local law enforcement is having. and even at times national guard is being called on students. it is quite unjustified that in camden is actual camps, protesting would receive such a swift in violence repression by the government. what risks of these purchases taken by standing up to police and the university administrators stand, you know, just, just to remind folks why the students are protesting and supporters are protesting . it is demanding that their campuses divest from the state of israel divest from the genocide happening in palestine, which national lawyer kills support as a, as a demand. and as a topic, the students demands are clear. it's divestment, it's disclosing with the investments are in the 1st place as well. but this is the response that they're facing at. the simple demands on some renovations in the us,
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have identified this as the palestine exception to free speech. because if this wasn't any other movement and campaign creating account, we don't believe that they would receive the swift and violent response. and then like i said, it's not justified for what they're doing. what, what legal consequences can they possibly, can they face once they've been arrested? and is there a greater risk actually from the universities to push back from the universities and the consequences the rather than through the court system. it seems that the university would have better take a risk to the for the students. yes. so you know, when a student protests to and courageously done. so they face the several consequences, including disciplinary sanctions. i think the school, aside from criminal charges for criminal prosecutions and something that we're also learning from these, and cameron's and from protest across the past months since the genocide got worse
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in october. we've been learning that universities actually utilize the disciplinary process and to find out information a student after this to then hand it over to local law enforcement. so the risks are high, especially for undergraduate students whose, you know, entire career and higher degrees are on the line. but it also shows just how committed the students are you to the cause of a free palestine in for divestment, from the state of israel. just very briefly, it's not just students that it could happen. there's obviously the faculty, teachers and professors, a role. so involved in these approaches as employees, what specific risks do they run when it comes to standing up and speaking out like they are of us actually just a couple of minutes ago, we got a, a contact from the professor in st. louis who was arrested and put on leave or standing up for the students. and we know that solitary is happening across faculty and staff in emory, in atlanta, in columbia, new york city,
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and hopefully other staff members and faculty members stand up for the students as well. you know, every university and institution has their own systems, their own rules. but just as we've seen, companies silencing people who stand up for palestine. this is probably what's gonna happen with professor, as well as their universities. you know, when i mentioned this palestine exception, it's not only for students on the street, but it's for academics in their journal. it's for people who enjoy certain organizations that stand against zionism in the state of israel. so the faculty even in showing up, also put in some way their career on the line, something that for us in, at the national level, it's a listing. is that the more people we see taking this risk, the more powerful this movement is. because at some point, it will be untenable for everyone to be punished, everyone to be disciplined. there wouldn't be any more universities well in the us . okay, we'll have to leave it there,
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but we do really appreciate your time and your insight into all of this. thanks so much to the at least 42 people have been killed. dr. dan boost as banks in the town north of the canyon capital nairobi for the from the own cash up a dam washed away houses and cut off a major, broad search and rescue. if it's around the way the floods caused by unusually heavy monsoon vines have killed thousands of people across east africa since much. catherine story is with the tempest and the crew county. the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this honestly for example, have been taking out um the furniture uh clothes and things like that. uh,
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just to get uh to fire ground. um, some of these houses have been destroyed. now this house, for example, has been, you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident happened at around 3 am local time. and they had this, a loud rumbling noise, as some of them came out to see what's happening. some of them managed to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining this is what happened. a dunbar sits banks closing water to come downstream with so much force that he'd also uprooted huge trees. duncan knew, see and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the
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ruins for me when i came out of my house, they what came with so much for i had to save myself with them. i then found a treat, which i glen to don't say that he doesn't have anywhere to sleep tonight and he does not have a change of clothes as well. and it's not just keen. hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly as is 0, my my here kenya, which is in to go have going to the polls and legislative elections on monday after a divisive change to the countries constitution opponents. it allows the president to extend his families decades long grip on power. the target. these government is and allowing journalists to enter the country to report on the election. so nicholas hock is reporting from sent. a go is not transparent enough and void of
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meaning says to goes opposition. its members say the latest legislative elections is employed by president sonya seem bay to tighten his families long hold on power in our country. the elections, i'm not fast, are not fed because all the institution involved in the process of the election, completely controlled by the government and the results of probably created by the government also. so election is just the eh, it probably to let's or the intellectual community. know that's all eh, we are organizing election the from time to time, but it's not it democracy. for the last 61 years, the sing bay family has ruled over to ago, an old regime with a new constitution voted in, in parliament, days before elections on monday. the text has now been made public as seen, but it has not spoken publicly about the change to the constitution,
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but his supporters say it provides more stability and greater accountability from the head of state. so that, but then what is the issue is not whether we're parliamentary or presidential regime. the people want to know who will help put food on the table of critics say it will allow nursing be to stay in power in. definitely, because the president would be chosen not by the people for them piece of running in this parliamentary election. unlike in 2018, the opposition did not boycott these elections, but it seems the people did out of the 4000000 to release, illegible to vote. few came out to cast their votes. those who did were mostly new, 1st time voters, challenging the old regime and in most pools. but this, i would have wanted to choose my president. i feel like the people should have a say own who runs the country. i'm unhappy with the change and the end of the presidential system. the accounting has started without the presence of many
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international observers or the foreign media both banned from covering the vote. critics of the regime say this election is another blow to democracy, serving itself, and not the people. nicholas hawk alger 0. the ruling georgian dream policy is holding a reality to account of sundays protests against its foreign influence. floor is taking place in the cabinets and placing the day off to a launch demonstration against the bill. to legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. opponents. it could be used to crank down on groups critical of the government and damage george's ambitions. joining the european union thousands of schools across positive i assure of being kept shot during an extreme hate wife. after closing schools last week, authorities in the philippines, i have suspended classes for the 3 dies. they have also issued public health
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warnings. temperatures have reached wrinkled highs in the capital world. mckelly has more on this heat wave that sweeping across south and south east asia. as we are in the 11th months, wells wide of reco breaking temperatures, legends consecutive months, where the average time of the world has been. hi, this have been recorded and to add to that because that's the level and to answer that we have this regular feature. well, that will be in your where the halt is also in the pacific move away from the philippines, right normally seats towards the central pacific that has the effect of changing the weather patterns over the entire world. we have indeed been focusing in asia, but africa has been effective and using the stream with one over the place. now it hasn't many effects of the wet season. it's still raining in engine easier. we've had floods from these boxes dry season now in the philippines and particularly in these on the right, you might see a little class here which might promise a shower. this particular reservoir, which is east of the capital is down to below 50 percent now. so say it's dry season, i didn't have
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a proper feeling or at least it should have done with an average rain full last season. we have to see what happens this year. now the philippines on the loan and having such for, for that. and although many of the hangs onto maybe 36 degrees, just shy of it's recently broken record, vietnam joined in with me in my time to be help. ok, broker of record in march. it is still halting me and my didn't thailand and to add to the tools as you probably know, the eastern side of india and buying the dash on folks under warnings for he twice fell. so hit here on the al jazeera, how barcelona saw brothers let us go skis sides is changing the face in minute like a slow leak and match with this brilliant goal that's coming up shortly with just the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth bot net along the dash before he is
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the this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football. he is
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the post office point now his joy, tom, thank you. russell, the dolls preparation. so next month franchise can continue to go to applying to c b. petra kitchen to reach the la 16 in the drifts. the full teen time running girls champion looked in good form against alex domino or on saturday. and that continues to be the case he against the on see did origin time the dollars looking to make it a record extending richard i from cycle breeze through the 1st set 6. 1 didn't always have it his own way. the 37 year old dropping was set for the 1st time in the tournament. and no such problems in the 3rd set, he went one step as, as the winning is 1st title here,
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the 7 years. a great moment if you ship it in between here, requesting the down set and saying plain the dream. come true, the del julie. no, no, and joining now. let's see how i wake up tomorrow. don't. i don't know. i mean they, by they, uh, enjoying the fact that play a for means everything to me and just try my best to, to keep dreaming on tomorrow. even though that isn't all today to get to dreaming. planning in front of these amazing crowds on that for me. reads everything is number one he gets shown take is looking in ominous form ahead of the french open. strong tech will go for 3rd straight title. it wrote in girls next month, and it preparations that is beginning. well, the full time grand slam champion has breezed into the quote, the finals of 100 open shown tech trump just one game in a 616 level when of spain's status. so the best totem of the poll now faces pictures headed maya replacement, a semi us open champion,
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cocoa gulf has been knocked out, losing, and 3 set to american countertops madison. peace officer, cooling match, flossing, 2 and a half hours. keys will now face 2020 to champion only super nice. and now i'm also gonna have this man to think from different to the saving them from defeat at the hands of long time, rivals valencia robot. not on those case. go to have trick as boss that came from to one down to when for to it will started. well, so boss are at home with a brilliant head of from funding lopez, the 20 year old, giving them the lead thoughts just 5 minutes later, an absolute how the from bonuses defense and they keep it to staking which allows you to do right to equalize full valencia, and this is his road that momentum going to one up when they were wanted a penalty for the brakes. in the 2nd hall robot doesn't those, can you go down? so business going to head is and then this incredible 3 case 0 before 2,
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when the full the match, the pole announced, if you stay with boston next season, that's just like this happens over conceding this season is not a good time for you to round madrid, last week we more rails vacancy for the next 24 hours will be the wife of champions league semi fine against bind munich on tuesday. well beat last is champions munch city and a penalty shootout to get to the semi finals they. and by and have a combined 20 titles in the competition. there's plenty of respects between the players sort of deals, and some of the company goes and it's a whole much is a complicated in this tournament. all teams deserve respect, especially by munich. they want many titles, pay a lot chrome with trade, always bear with the lights of stages of the tournaments. so we will have to respect from the same that we did some interest assess email, but we will bring out tool, the quality that we have. will the commitments and all of a desire to give real madrid another try see so by and who relinquished the german
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league title to violate the case in the continental tracy remains on the table is the 1st time they've reached the last full since 2020. i tried to, in a 7th european crown, but that coach thomas, to who, who's leaving at the end of the season says, buying need to find a solution for rails key player, jude spelling. i'm of judas. extraordinary development. i mean, he was fantastic. he unbuttoned us legal, how he progress chose the level of personality. i think this is only possible. it was a huge personality and everyone, no place for how much it plays. also with the pressure off that chart plays with a pressure to, to play. and for this club and we thought the months and the expectations, he handles it like he has never done anything else before. he is very dangerous and, and very, very physical in his game. he's absolute key player in the, in the, in
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a very offensive position. we are well aware of it and we try to find solutions tomorrow. is probably could be about to introduce a spending tap for teams at a meeting in london, constipated in favor of developing plans for a cap, which would reduce the potential spending power of the clubs with the biggest revenues and richest earnings. it could help increase the competitiveness of the league and not the vote on final proposal was expected in june. it depends men's football team of qualified for the olympics in power soft so they beat rock to new to reach the fun with the on the $23.00 asian cop 2 goals and the 1st health seal to pick 2 for japan when the total and for the 1st time is the coming champions and cancel it in 2016. and now face is becca stone and the final on friday use fix the old. so heading to the games of to be to is media to new to 2nd home goals and show they reached the final from the time. and for additions, indonesia, so have a chance of taking the final qualifying thoughts when they face
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a rock and the such place play off on thursday and on the golf course worry mcawain shane already have one. the zurich plastic team event 1st attends the pad, posted a for on depa 68th and sundays fun around a new orleans victory came in a play of knots in train and missing his victory to mccoy. i'm lowry and that is what you support for now. it is back to him pretty and thanks so much. i was colin's 1st minister. i'm so use of has announced he is stepping down. he will say it defies to motions of no confidence up to a power sharing agreement between his scottish national policy and the greens collapse last week. so new guy go has more the writing was on the wall and it was only a matter of time before home. so youself confirmed what colleagues and political opponents had hinted at. i have the form formed yes and peace, national secretary of my intention to stand out as party leader and ask that she
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commands as a leadership contest for my replacement. as soon as possible, the decision announced with a tone of regret. often he ended the power sharing deal with the school to screen policy last week. i clearly under estimated the level of heart and upset that caused being quotes for the minority government to be able to govern effectively and efficiently. trust with working with the opposition is clearly fundamental. he'd been in the job for little more than a year. when one of the leadership contests, he seemed to represent scotland as an inclusive, ethnically diverse nation. the grandson of a putting job, the immigrant who worked at a sewing machine factory. his family embodied an immigrant success story, but use of the time and office was marked by turbulence, against the backdrop of financial scandals. you'll continue to trouble the scottish national policy at the center of that, from
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a 1st minister nicholas search and i to husband the former chief executive of the s and p, both arrested on suspicion of financial realm doing the surgeon's resignation, uses emerged as the frontrunner, assuming the role as the continuity candidate that soon became a button rather than a bonus. the inherited a governing agreement with the green policy. but for many supporters, independence seem to take a backseat to other policies, such as the controversial gender recognition reform bill. and to hate crime act that critics said cub to be speech or decision to abandon key climate targets early this month, prompted the greens to threaten to pull the plug on power sharing. a use of decision to preemptively take on his green party colleagues by effectively sucking them from the government, was a move that cost him support and showed how isolated he had become. as he struggled
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to reverse the s and p's declining fortunes. sonya eagle out to 0. well, that's all for me. tell me cry for this news. uh but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the dies. you stay with us the for calculus refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring, and it's desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life. as he selflessly sold to provide for his family, the c won't scare us with this on that, just being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices
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of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to take up as a safety position. reading the, trying to find the words the truth. it's that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's the edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's near view of working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that this mode that unites us, the rides us listings in the gaza strip as is, is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned,
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sustains coverage that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the discovery designed to reset the university of texas, austin is student demonstrations against war and kansas spread across the us


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