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tv   Witness The Sea Wont Scare Us  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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that she is innocent, he dismissed the accusations of the campaign of political harassment. on the right, the trial of 9 men keys to day should sleep planning to vine in need of thread. the german government began in the city of still got on monday. the south back south, part of what is known as the right citizens group and include for for former soldiers they do not accept the german space as legitimate. it's not pushing to return to amana keep camille. nothing like has bonus, charged with high treason for crossing to over through the german government. the 9 men on trial, allegedly part of the minute for the wing of a fall and right conspiracy group, who the reich, citizens these and development. and i know these on do units with task with enforcing the to regionally by military means to this end. local representatives of the existing state old in particular were to be eliminated as part of the so called
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coaches. this included killing them, the course will hit, they try to recruit to police officers, soldiers, and veterans to orchestrate the crew. they planned to topple the german government by storming the parliament and the resting and peas. uninstalling instead a german prince heinrich, the 15th of royce of lita, p to no faces trial, prosecute to say police found over $300.00 guns and over $800.00 of the weapons belonging to the group. sorry to be going in this opposite spot for this space occurred to criminal case is probably one of the biggest in history. it's extraordinarily expensive. the fall is not up to around 700, launch folders and 400000 pages. if you want to call us and fill out a form, a member of parliament with jeremy's fall, right, a if the policy is so going trial. in the coming months along with 16 of this, of some 20000 shipments belong to the rank citizens conspiracy movement. which does
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not recognize, but it just must see of the gen state and believes that fleet is to be p to files. the people on trial are accused of being ready to use violence to achieve that aims . commitment to back out to 0, a. pockets donna's stone said a nationwide pony a vaccination campaigned to immunize over 24000000 children. under the age of 5, health workers have begun going house to house to administer vaccine, drops. harvest on a neighboring afghanistan are the only 2 countries in the world where polio continues to strengthen. the health of children, of a city vaccination against polio had been regularly threatened by violence, forcing campaigns to be abandoned. okay, that's it for me. i mean, the humanity is open the gates of hell in those seats. he's having orlando's effects.
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as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. part 2 of 200 jersey to the
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the the like the soon done on the photos van with myself. the only thing, i'm really sure i'm with the surely the lot of the
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lines on the the not the middle of the of the choices. there's not how the literally,
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what's the model of the forgotten mean? started review of it was that on my cell noon was wrong with the slough on the machine on the little one of us little button and you know, the other of the manual machine, i noticed that this would be uh, one of the uh, getting the hand out and i'm having to suffer for that necessarily on the face, the
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life i love to get started with any sort of is uh, auto pay. i like the last a lot of a lot. the 3 me a visa or
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a lot of the lower east teen as because of the you know, the how to brush i hang on the uh then handles the well, this out a little effect. the also said in the middle of a good movie to understand where
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you are in the beginning, but i do the restore to sort of the stuff in but let me show okay, allow me time tells me that the my, the image of the see i see what the unit really kind of walk in the shop. how far is the on, but you know, the, what time one of the the
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flex available in the, the, the
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the what the news on the, on while it was the, the, the the little of the world in within,
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in well in the most with that and also in the jonesal that kind of the you know, that comes in, she'll be a whole new look of the i'm up here. last of the, i think you, the top of head off for the vision is gonna is enough that when we go these for so like this is the city of
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of the, of the the, the
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vin and look of one quarter of the room. and one of them in the beginning we can get this thing and they've shalean did for a while and then we'll have some new level. i mean my share a little while the life is that about a girl. you know, the levels altima the loves and the so the, the what the issue of why the
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novel, the 1st 5 minutes, let's get into about like a little idea of the whole style. unfortunately the the other the lease and have so meeting again, living on the old was a little bit of the
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the young kid that has to be in a center. most of the mother visuals. no other than who is in the had an a c. and can you to enjoy knowing that wouldn't be an actress. so the let me did what? 2200 to 205 and the one on the shelf we, some, orlando, muslim muscular, the bad thing. nobody's mazda in. and this was intended for lucy norman england and know someone on the label. and you know, we do give him what
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a dad was. good. i the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the initial why it is, uh, have us on it for the new. i don't want this. i mean,
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so i was like that the, the liability the comes with a demo. the other one is the, the higher the is on the unit and then the, the because of the 2 to 22 long. i see. so in good england,
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president to the to hold the line david w to, to fit um is it was that it was a bunch a monthly shuttle just a little bit stick, but it was a lot in the one thing around nash. i love to get it from know yeah. lanza lower than that. 80. yeah. okay. and the last name with the media. and then what is you know, in the that i can dive on the items from the easily so about that. so i know that would be, yeah, i'm gonna think that will be an invitation to the level. so my son the little button and then let me just put it on
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a shot. when you do that, she'll be able to talk with you to fix the revise of the older people if they get that to of the honda is this. uh, i'm gonna use a version of it. i like the show, the little louder. how goes it was i was in long this will that i'd wonderful infinity one is the one the son of the the on the banners being in level divided by the amount of so done. but like just on us, on the side or they look for that thing,
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that's all about how much using the people use the head of a black nutrition. and what else to do,
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i need to get the people physically to solve the site for me to find how to go. so how does that headed to the higher was done was the little the
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most of one was one of the one we're going to show you the the zip code in oklahoma and i have been on the lies. there is no no, all the nation for you know, the normal there and then we'll see it all set. i'm gonna have to go. i that she was on the phone with augusta on the, on the higher end in the mean. this will down on your thoughtful but allow me and it will have you had been planned on
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the the
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the the challenges with the exploring diverse culture exciting political discourse.
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translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the so he's in the rest of the university of texas. austin has student demonstrations against the wind gauze is spread across the us campus. the money inside the business, that one is there a life from that also coming up purchase that columbia university continue as


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