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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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is not only in dangerous wise, brian may populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of that engine free. the rest at the university of texas, austin is student demonstrations against civilian guns is spread across the us campus. the i'm on the sides is out. is there a lie? some does a whole. so coming up, purchase the columbia university continue is students define a deadline to leave old face suspension us next year. states needs are of
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leaders stepping off diplomatic pressure for a space find deal in gaza on trial for high threes and 9 men appear in court. accused of trying to do this for the gym and the we begin in the us way, universities, students, some of the teachers and local activists are ignoring the schools leadership and all standing up against the wind gauze. the. this was the scene at the university of texas austin a few hours ago. hundreds of students have been arrested across the country. state troopers have detained several students who refused to leave. i mean law university administrations have grown increasingly intolerance as a nationwide protest movements with students on demanding an end to genocide ongoing. so i'll just there is heidi direct,
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castro has the license from the university of texas. the know the web protest as have bound to continue the demonstrations despite the rest of many of the demonstrations. and it has been in the as here on the you t, austin, kansas, kansas, monday morning. as a sign, the stage by faculty in opposition to the way that you t austin, to ministration has to test, has now run into a conflict or seen approach to my left. these are members of the youtube community or students. some of the faculty members, reason they're holding umbrella minutes ago there was pepper spray showing the other side what, what i'm seeing here to my right or the police officers are now barricading against these protesters. what they're protecting them is
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a place where the. ready rest of processors and 43 people who were part of an initial cabinet that began this afternoon with people setting up wandering around it, not position and refusing to disperse at the university harder. moment tents were active. we saw this police presence distant upon those protesters. then began arresting them one by one, dragging them away from the line to the ground where they had taken it and in hand taking them away. then just as we saw, protested, ending more members of the us showed up. they were in the last
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one of them gives me the english. tell me what is good about the moment that made want to be here on the front line. my grandma and grandpa flood policy 9 and 1948. my mom, the 196-0000. and the more than 75 years to students are never on the wrong side of history. who's using aggression? because who is peacefully protesting? it was 30000 people died. we used to be on the right side of history. no one should suffer the way to call sydney and what do you think of the way the police have responded? i mean, the police responded the same way in vietnam. they responded the same way during the civil rights movement. they only know aggression against people, hotels. so this is honestly, very possibly good. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. and we've been hearing the similar comments throughout the day. there with additional ones who
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came as part of the ground by the 10 the showed up here really motivated. why would they start from testing in the forwarding from the university and cancer? well, student protest is at columbia university, have been given an ultimatum. leave the incompetence or face suspension that were given a 2 pm deadline, which has now passed and demanding educational institutions withdrawal that investments in companies, they say all complicit in genocide. theresa, by a sense of this update from columbia university, new york, a hundreds and hundreds here in columbia university. they're demanding an end to the general side that they say it's happening in guys, either a. so demand that the columbia university stops investing in companies that are
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profiting from the war in guys, or you can see them right marching in the university. this is an emergency meeting because the students that are holding at any time in here say that they've been handing over a paper where they have identified themselves and they leave the campus for several days. now students have been camping right here in the center off campus. they're demanding, as i said before, a ceasefire and guys on end to the war. they're also demanding that so this university calls this investment in companies that profit on the war. also. so university, the president of columbia university says, i've been trying to resolve the ongoing conflict peacefully. they say that they want to reassure freedom of speech while at the same time allowing students in this university to feel safe. however, people here are saying that these are peaceful protests that they want to shed
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light on the suffering that is happening in gaza right now. what they're demanding is an end to the killing. i'm into the displacement. i meant to hunger that is happening in gaza. right now, but it's, i will just be the new york cornell university in the state of new york is the spending enrollment and study for students that participates in campus, protest demanding an end to israel. osborne gone to the school says this is because students, desktop and encampment, which they did not think permission for delivery for us. many american universities, student protest, this have special in countenance on the campuses. and according to the universities, to be to investment from companies, with links to the as writing ministry as big knots. nick wilson, he's a 2nd year on the graduate student at cornell university and a protest organizer with the coalition for mutual liberation. he joins us now live
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from ithaca. money. thanks for your time today. you was suspended, i believe, from cornell 2 days ago, full protesting. can you tell us what happened? yes, that's correct. administrators, you actually didn't even send out representatives to notify us, but we had been suspended. i was at our encampment on the arts quad. it's a lively community environment. lots of students learning from one another, creating art together. and suddenly i had several of mine, fellow organizers run up to me and asked me to check my e mail. when i was notified that i had been suspended. uh chronos, uh, suspended a total of 4 students so far. um, people that they perceive to be public phases of the movement or sort of core organizer is an attempt to bring down. i moved i believe they, they did offer you an alternative location to protest, but you declined. and that was actually the reason for your effort for your suspension. yes,
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that's right. administration initially approached us and asked us to move from the arts cloud, which is the most central location on campus in the best populated location on campus. somewhere most students walk through on an arm of school. there are too much more secluded area in another area of campus. we had severe safety concerns about that area. it only had 2 points of entry and exit. so were concerned about students being able to come and go freely, and it's also built into a slope. so it would have been significantly more difficult to pitch townsend camp every night. there you are a member of the student team that was negotiating with administrators. can i ask what you and your fellow students would demanding and what is the spaces of negotiations? now, a yes, i was on a team of 8 negotiators that were nominated by our peers and the encampments to represent the rest of the group. we make decisions democratically as a whole, but that was a group that was chosen to go speak with administration of those a 3 students on negotiation team had been suspended as our belief that those
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students were targeted because where the students that they perceived to be a leaders, i think that's a real misunderstanding of the business, which is why the suspensions have failed to provide the and camp and, and actually growing our number is based on the community outreach that they spared our core demands center around the investment from the genocide that's ongoing and gaza cornell has massive investments in 10 weapons manufacturers, as well as partnership with weapons manufacturer, text me on your risk for which cornell directly facilitates their research and development of advance weapon systems for the ideas that's uh take me on has sponsored a lot of programs including the creation of the unmanned d 9 bulldozer, which has been used to bulldoze the homes of tens of thousands of palestinian civilians. so we're calling for an end to cornell's role and actively facilitating magenta. so i think also, i think it's probably fair to say that not all students cool. now other universities feel the way you do. what do you say to those that see these protests
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as disrupting the learning? they just want things to go back to normal to graduates. and so i want, as well here in cornell, we've actually got a pretty decent, proves that a lot of students think this way. we recently hold a referendum, honored investment demands, almost 50 percent of students turned out and nearly 70 percent of students voted yes on the question to divest from those weapons manufacturers. 50 percent of students is a really impressive number for cornell's campus which is ordinarily quite a political and our previous student government election, only 15 percent of students selected to vote. so very recently the coordinate community has come out and full support. i believe the government demand so many students perceive what's going on in gaza, the ongoing genocide as a real moral atrocity. when we see our universities role is something that's completely reprehensible. so. so cornel students, i think, across the board are standing up in favor of divestment because we believe it's in
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a moral imperative. give them that are 2 extra money is funding genocide. what about you? why you protesting, i mean, i understand your suspension is meant, you've been withdrawn from all your car in close, as you may not even receive any credit for those courses. you're not been permitted to be on campus. uh why is this call is important to you? a yeah, it's certainly a major sacrifice for all the students that decided to take the risk of my suspension was rather arbitrary. i think i was one of the people that was most visible to administration, and that's why they singled me out for a suspension. but there are a lot of students out there that have taken the same or have some that are continuing every day to join our in camp and, and take the same risks. and i think that's because of the national student moving that sweeping our country right now. of students saying that something that's more important than our academic teachers or even our future careers is preventing an ongoing genocide. there's a moral question here that i think is moving enough to students that they're willing to put quite a lot on the line in order to object to that. and for us,
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it seems like the rational thing to do on their short term interests for us. but in the long term, you know, we want to be able to tell our children and our grandchildren, the as with genocide was happening. we were standing up to object to it and materially putting ourselves in the way of uh, you know, our universities active support for that. okay. nick, thank you for your time. nick wilson, a 2nd year on the graduate student at cornell university. thank you. the police of virginia commonwealth university have made arrest set. a see saw a demonstration in the state capital wichmann local media reports at that process to assess up tents on monday, near the university library. police officers detain the activists because a state law prohibits campaign on public property every night. at least 25 pallets the indians have been killed in is really strikes on rough or is really forces struck 3 houses crowded with displays,
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palestinians wiping out entire families and seconds. it comes. i met a new diplomatic push in car, ready to reach a ceasefire. honey, my mood has the license from rafa. what about the crowd is the body of young people. the boy had been shares from before. he was born. his name is dave, all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him. for so long of 10 years been 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother, her daughter, her grand daughter's her grandson, whose son didn't know their daughters and relatives everyone, they're all gone. all 10 of them this little girl survived. she was sleeping with monday's air strikes. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or was she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated steve
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zones to the center for the distribution of a roof? i had become a refuge, but now it is a moore, and it could soon become a battle ground, as well as intensifying get the taco and run my head of a plan, the ground operations. people in gauze a have their eyes on egypt were a how much delegation is conducting a new round of negotiations, a pausing the fighting. the for some, the discussions give little hope of the fall as i like. i the, they carry out negotiations and things, but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the man is that it no more. they carry out negotiations. what is real strength? and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering in gaza, south are bracing for the worse and even from what i was just the rough palestine still ahead. on the al jazeera, at least 40 people were killed off to
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a dime boost it's buying some kenya, while another is at risk of a slowing the hard hitch. i mean to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes
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palestinians. this is not the time. so just to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the challenges era. within the the you're watching out is there a mind if i told stories this universe,
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the students along with some of that teachers and local activists across united states have been quoting for an end of the genocide in gone side, hundreds of m t o demonstrations up in the rest of the cost, the country on the ground in dollars a series of israeli attacks killed at least that the palestinians and a mass of ours on monday morning women and children among the dead and attack when the home in russia has killed 9 members, of the same will happen when you diplomatic efforts to reach a spot in gauze as these riley bombardment of the strip continues us next year. stay on to the blinking is in saudi arabia where he's been meeting with regional counterparts. awesome. barbara has moved us secretary of state antenna, blaine can hoping for move, and just the between how may i send these well the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how much has before the proposal
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that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. so they have to decide and they have to decide quickly how much dismisses accusations it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators, katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, plus, becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoff probably minutes to administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these by that conflict,
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a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the bloodshed everywhere and every day and the gases starting us officials hopping trying to build consensus for a post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy authority take over when president morales pointed in you, a prime minister, how math rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with, as well as trial by a 0. at least 46 people have died off down the states banks in
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a town north of the canyon capital nairobi also from the old can job aid them, washed away houses and cut off a major road. search and rescue efforts underway. suns close by and usually heavy monsoon rains of 2 thousands of people across east african since march. kevin, so is where the down 1st in the crew county, the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the, for example, have been taking out um the furniture uh clothes and things like that just to get us to fire ground. um, some of these houses have been destroyed mountain. this house, for example, has been you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident
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happened at around 3 am local time and they had the some loud rumbling noise. 7 some of them came out to see what's happening. some of them monday to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining. this is what happened. a dunbar sits banks closing water to come down stream with so much force that he'd also uprooted huge trees. duncan knew sea and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the ruins for me when i came out of my house. they what came with so much for i had to save myself with them. i then found a tree which i glen to don't say said he doesn't have anywhere to sleep the night.
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and he does not have a change of clothes as well. and it's not just he, hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly, alda 0. my. my hill came yeah. russian forces have killed at least 4 people in a mis sallow tack on the crane in city of odessa, regional government, a sub destroy. it could also injured 8 people. civilian houses and roads have been damaged before the full scale invasion of ukraine. most of the countries grain exports pulse through the black sea port city, the head of nato, and still some bug was in key for a surprise visit. ukrainian president of those events. lensky says, ministry aid from western allies needs to roy foster. and that without that, russian forces will make gains on the battlefield. john home and is in can you to give us the details?
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it was a non announced visit from the head of nights or again stoughton back to keith at to see you cranium. president floated me, is a landscape and they held a brief press conference for president, for landscape. opportunity to talk about military from is especially by the united states is 61000000000. so the military a package and he said that it's starting to ride that needs to be sped up. it needs to arrive to move quickly that way from ray. he said that without it, russian forces were, are you going to make gains on the battlefield? and that is already have to make the head of you cranes on school said sunday, the ukrainian booth at the huts retreat from free villages in the east. and they were taxed on several points of the world. 1000 columbus, the front line on the part of the head as nights i in stoughton, but he was keen to reassure a guest president as lensky saying there was a commitment to provide. i talked about
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a multi financial commitment as an idea. and he's speaking about that because of the modem of military i, ukraine tends to ride from is i live in one of the packages. and obviously there's concern among those that support the country about what happens if those types start to dry up. for example, night, $61000000000.00 package from the united states would hold up in congress for months . so at the end of the state. so great is, could you be president craig and needed to add defense tech cities? it's empty fonts. and so what it's trying to do right away, john holman, out to see the chief you crank the trial. if 9 men keys, if a day should sleep planning to violate any of the sort of the gym and government began in the city is the god on monday. the suspects the pos of what is known as the rock citizens group and include former soldiers. they don't accept the gym stage as legitimate a pushing for
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a return to the monarchy. camille never like has been charged with high treason for promising to over through the german government. the 9 men on trial allegedly part of the ministry wing of a phone right to conspiracy group called the right citizens, these and development. and i think these on do units were tasked with enforcing the qu, regionally by military means to this end. local representatives of the existing state old in particular were to be eliminated as part of the so called coaches. this included killing them, the course will hit, they try to recruit to police officers, soldiers, and veterans to orchestrate the crew. they planned to topple the german government by storming the parliament and the resting and peas. uninstalling instead a german prince heinrich the 15th, the voice of lita. p 2 now faces trial. prosecute to say police found over $300.00 guns and over $800.00 of the weapons belonging to the group. sorry to be going in
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this opposite spot for this space occurred to criminal case is probably one of the biggest in history. it's extraordinarily expensive. the fall is not up to around 700, launch folders and 400000 pages. if you want to call us and fill out a form, a member of parliament with jeremy's fall, right? if the policy will also go on trial. in the coming months, along with 16 others, some 20000 shipments belong to the rank citizens conspiracy movement, which does not recognize, but it just must see of the judge state and believes its lead is to be to files. the people on trial are accused of being ready to use finance to achieve that aims . commitment to back out to 0 are focused on has started a nationwide polio vaccination campaigns immunize over 24000000 children. under the age of 5. health workers have begun going house to house to administer the vaccine,
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drops f, as to vaccinate against polio, have been regularly threatened by von ins, forcing campaigns to be abandoned. that's it. for me, my name's side. lots more. when a website out is there a dot com, and you can see the, the, the lower that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for south asia. and it's barely a cloud in the sky across india and bung with dish. and that's because heat is the dominating factor at the moment. we are seeing some west. so whether, however, creeping to northern pots of pockets done push into india as well. we have put some warnings out for potential thunderstorms across the northeast of india. but for bangladesh and india, you can see dry skies lots of sunshine and those numbers continuing to realize into
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the, the forty's in places like a coal kata. we've read warnings out in b hall as well as westbank goal and addition. we'll also see those numbers pushing up in southern parts of india over the next few days. it does remain largely hot and dry across large areas of bung with dish. now as we had for the east to east asia, it's a story of exception a what, whether the southern parts of china once again we have seen devastating flooding. and there's more of that to wrench will rain to come on, choose day. it pushes across into shanghai by the mid week, working its way to southern parts of japan. you can see it moving to hong shoot as well. now, behind that, for the korean peninsula and northern parts of japan, we seem twice guys with lots of sunshine. here's from my elders here on the go and eat tonight out is there is
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only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the on the move in 200 days have passed since israel launched its war on colors and responds to the attack by him. spiked is killed over a 1000, his radius on october. the 2nd, the number of casualties keeps rising more than 30 full 1000 palestinians have been killed. most of them women and children. another 77000 wounded. thousands more are missing, believe to be buried under the roof.


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