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tv   The Stream Evacuating Gaza - Crowdfunding and Scams  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am AST

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are on the way sides close by on usually heavy monsoon rains of killed thousands of people across africa since mom catherine. so it is where the dam boost in the crew . county. people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the for example, have been taking out um the furniture uh clothes and things like that. just to get uh to higher ground. um, some of these houses have been destroyed mountain. this house, for example, has been you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident happened at around 3 am local time and they had the some loud, rumbling noise. as some of them came out to see what's happening. some of them
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managed to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining this is what happened. a dunbar sits banks closing water to come down stream with so much force that he'd also uprooted huge trees. duncan knew sea and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the ruins for me when i came out of my house, they what came with so much for i had to save myself for them. i then found a tree which i belong to. john says that he doesn't have anywhere to sleep tonight and he does not have a change of clothes as well. and it's not just keep hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly, ours is 0. my,
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my here kenya, the bangladesh she cancelled that col remains in the grip of an extreme heat wave with the maximum temperature full costs remain above 40 degrees. sell says until thursday, the south asian country is facing its longest heat, straight in 75 years old schools have been forwarded to close on monday. that's it for me. you can find much more and all those stories we've been telling you about to head over to out to sierra dot com. the news continue. so 1st is the stream. the the challenges with
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with half of causes 2300000 population to trust in that off, off with know where to go, how to send you in service, which is 6 routes funding to try and escape within your network operating the transfers out of gaza. not every ticket out is quite as it seems. i'm mary impulse . and this is the stream. the grocery had no choice is doing just if we can. in fact we even one family. it would be something i think was the thing is it's always my home. and they want to experience that off the one stop and get most of them on a moment of your time. as you can see, he is not too far from his goal. nissan math. and this is how
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they hi would say hi times are peaceful are good and our please don't service us and don't forget that was good news for for today, we'll explore how palestinians trapped in garza and the friends and family aboard, taking masters into their own hands. to try and help the loved ones. fleet, the health scape. meanwhile, cynical scam is our exporting them misery for profits. joining us today, i'll be sending a palestinian john list to lead and so that we a palestinian law and public health professor and research in the us. and i did say add a protestant in a tiny and volume to with operation olive branch. welcome to you. oh, thank you so much for being here. i'll be at a setting. can i stop by asking you, you know, we've seen hundreds if not thousands, all these go fun me
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a crowd fund is pop up. why is it a situation where policy ends? who want to evacuate, having to use these methods. and so the beginning of the word of the girlfriend's being was basically for people who wanted to restart the likes and now who wanted to reconstruct demolished house. but the has the wars get things done there with no amendment and to the war and being seen in the horizon, people start to this go funds become pains so they can hear back. you wait, but it goes to because um, as you see, people are very worried about their lives at the lots of their children. and because if it became kind of systematic like people can be to pay for a specific agency and can get out of because a step, this is why they start to this go funds me because they know if they pay,
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they can lean um and because it worked with some people who used their goals. many people were encouraged to, to do this. it's a, it's the exact meaning of an individual subdivision. but at the same time, it's not very practical to have thousands of go from mainland because with this large number of people, it's so hard for people to achieve their goals. but unfortunately, it's the only way available in the front of these people to collect the funds to lead um you've been raising funds for friends and family and goals have, but you've encountered some difficulties. have you on that pause? can you tell us a little bit about your story? for sure. so i actually started fundraising for others before my family. and i am connected to a network of doctors and healthcare workers in of that. and i was helping some of
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the doctors that were trying to, they were gonna stay behind and activate their family, particularly at the doctors were being targeted. so you know, those. so it helped with those campaigns 1st. and then i began fundraising for my family and yeah, we've actually kind of those of us and that, that's for a have, have divided up branches of the family and our fundraising. and again, fundraising for uh, just to, to raise money for food because the, the, it's extremely expensive to, to provide a, just for food in essential necessities. and then as the, the invasion from became more of an s and, and frankly, as the, the publicizing of the violence, sexual assault and other types of targeting against women. i think and folks were just, i decided that they needed to, to evacuate for safety,
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especially as the international community of kind of failed to, to get to get a ceasefire that actually is going to be enforceable. and, and so, so my 1st issues i encountered were, was helping others with her go findings. do you feel early related to an accusation and go find me with ask when people are ready to pull out the money for, for very, very detailed evacuation information that i had in and see more of that before. and including the not only names of the individuals being evacuated and copies of their passports, but also their exact location, the precise route of evacuation travel coordinator. that would be the facilitate evacuation things that were kind of concerning for any organization to have. so initially it was with that the issue was with go find me when i was helping others . and so because i was alerted to this kind of information that was troubling,
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that again finding this requesting started exploring other fundraising platforms. and i did locate one called chest, which people have been hesitant to use because it's not as widely known, but their ceo reached out to me and said, look, we're willing to facilitate and help these palestine campaigns. because go find me, has made it difficult for people to take the money out and they're asking for burdens and honestly rich information together. but any private nonprofit? yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. yeah, and i want to get into some of the details of that shortly. but before we go into that, have you got a sense of whether it's being particularly difficult for palestinians to raise funds as opposed to any of the communities i've had to try and raise funds in the past? is this like a very specific thing that relates to palestinians and there are difficulties, but really just to it being about palestinians. um, as the other panelists discuss to go find me,
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makes it really difficult for palestinians to organize and collect upon their own campaigns. which opens them to be very vulnerable to be taking advantage of. but the other issue is the share overwhelming amount of palestinians in the us that, that need support. and it's growing by the day we're in the thousands of go for news that are out there. and i believe that that level of go find these being out there is just overwhelming people and also having to explain to people why go funding. these can be a $100000.00 worth for a family of 10 or 12 people because of the cost of crossing the border, being so expensive, which is something that has delayed sometimes would be campaigning. yeah. well, as you say, fund raising money and gaza is an easy because most sites don't actually allow condominiums in gaza to create their own accounts. and this allows room for scam is to thrive. for example, may on twitter says she trusted
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a woman in the us to set up, hug, go fun, me. and once the fundraiser rece $30000.00, the woman disappeared. this is the last message she said from now a be i'm just before we, i mean, just before we came on and i was contacted by a mind in gaza, who said that he'd raised 73000 dollars to evacuate his family. but that his contact in the netherlands then, i mean, he sent him through 11500. and this is one of many stories that i've come across. you work with an organization who are trying to use social media to try and make supporting fundraisers more secure, easier. can you tell us a little bit about the system that you use? a sure, so operation olive branch or o o b is i'm is a system that came up from you stating that there was a need to organize all of these. go find these into one place. so operation olive branch accepts applications either from palestinians directly in the slides that or
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their family members or representatives outside of a heads that once the application is received. we have a secure team that reviews the application and the information validate set. and once it's about it, if the application is approved, that person is put on the o o b master list. what's really great about o o b is once you make it to the master list, if you have a specific things about your family that are very unique, it allows you to be put on a more detailed list such as the reporters. if anyone with our medical needs disability, anyone with pre or postnatal needs, which we have under our peri needle project and the other section as well as rebuilding 5 sizes. so anyone that's not seeking to evacuate, but only speaking for assistance to rebuild what has been destroyed during b is rarely the season on one side of the process is held, not only putting people on this list,
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but allowing them to engage with creators who will make content for them who wells for their message, whole slides to help fund raise. and honestly, what we've seen is that palestinians and the 1st older under a humanitarian crisis that we have literally never seen before, at least not so publicized. and they're dealing with that stress on top of having to figure out how to evacuate or getting um, food, or babies. then you would see their families. so being able to relieve some of that stress and have people connecting me content for them and have them on this list where they're more advertised. i think that that's been a great relief to a lot of families and we currently have more than 800 families on the list. what we've been seeing lots of complaints around very fun me in relation to gauze fund raises. they've now created a page specifically dedicated to this type of how to fund raise to evacuate civilians from gaza with tips on how to avoid problems. and i wanna ask
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you to lead. is this helpful? have you, have you seen this website? do you think it's sort of helpful to avoid some of the pitfalls that you've been counted? you know, i think i haven't seen it until your production seem to have sent it to me set, but that that shows how accessible it was. yeah, i think part of the problem with the find me is and, and a lot of the platforms and that they hide their policies. right? so, so they know at the off that as soon as you create the find raise or what your fundraising for. and then you'll list it, right? so they just as easily put that information once you select, trying to evaluate from of them. right? and you let people know this is the information that you're going to need to provide and they doubt. and so you kind of get blindsided, right? you fund, raise the money, and then you're, you're getting ready to pull it out or, you know, you're,
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you're finally getting somewhere and then they send you the email like, oh, this is what you need to give us. and so it's very, very cloak and dagger. i'm glad to see that they created by page i think that it is lacking some very key information, like they're asking for evacuation rooms and they're asking for the names of the travel coordinators and so forth. so they're, they're definitely happy for more information that they're, they're even putting on her page. and it sounds like you might have security concerns even with handing over that information. is that what i'm hearing to? yeah, so in the united states we have a piece of legislation called the patriot act. that was an act at after september 11th. and it gives the us government wide latitude to to, to get information. and that is electronically capped into monitor. are people in a sort of kangaroo court process that's behind the scenes that people don't know about? so the us government very well could be accessing all of that information. it would
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not be unavoidable because they just need a, a, an excuse or a reason that is for national security purposes. so we lost a lot of privacy protections after september 11th. i mean, it's funny and i wanna bring you in. you recently had family members escaped to egypt, a thanks to a fundraiser, that you yourself were behind. can you said this is a little bit about the steps that you had to undertake to help your family? uh, it's one sister, altos, 9 siblings who manage to leave because of the tape actually, she may have they, they go from me, but i was trying to, um, to secure um like the, the campaign uh and the head month to get the discount um at the beginning she had to find a friend uh, somewhere in the us. uh so he can get the funds. and then after she got the
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amount she, she need that for her and her husband. uh they had to send the money to the one who paid. um and they waited for one month um before leaving to kyle. um, but i would say that its if i was given the chance i would really want to get every one of my family out because the world is getting worse and worse and more violent. um, so it's not an easy process. it needs a lot of um, support from people around if need someone who would take the initiative to start the page and be responsible for, for all but the parents of it. it's not an easy thing. but as i said before, because it worked with one person,
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then people are encouraged to do it. but as far as i see from the links i you to see from my friends who ask for the support for support. um, most of them have not treat 10 percent of them. uh they are aiming at. no, this is because it's over one meg. the number of complaints. yeah. and, and i mean, i presume that, i mean we do do find this adding to the dehumanization. the policy means that going through that as like a some placed on the evacuation the safety of a palestinian find me those and michel price on the life of progress and in families or yeah, i think it's really important for us to, to name and identify the fact that this is pretty unprecedented. you know, i'm not an international law expert covers spoken to your number. who is said, you know, this is pretty unprecedented. where, where folks,
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especially women and children, are not permitted to evacuate from a photo quote, word zone, right? so, so it is, it is pretty wild that we are actually forcing people to pay to, to leave. and, and i think that that's, that this goes back to before the war, right. the travel agency that we're set up in egypt to allow for palestinians to leave to the board or are the same ones. they're just continuing to do what they have always done and, and there has been no, so this isn't like a word time. you called me a word 10 thing that's develop housed in that often had to pay to leave because that they didn't have dual citizenship or a passport elsewhere. so this again just goes to the structural and institutional discrimination of housing continue to say a bit. i want to ask you, when people fund raise on these platforms, that might mean people looking at the psalms and thinking, you know,
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why people having to fund raise 60800000. like we have studying just told us these are large sums of money. and can you tell us why the amounts all so high, i'm where the money needs to go to. so then the money is high and we have to remember that a large part of that is just the fees across the board, or some of those fees are as high as $10.00 to $12.00, the us, the per person in the family. so if a family of 10 or 14 people are trying to leave, it adds up very quickly and family members don't want to leave anyone behind. that's an awful thing to ask of anyone. but the other issue and it's something that we don't discuss enough is once these families make it to egypt, they need housing, they need lose. some of them need medical care surgery. all of these things are expensive and it leads to a larger conversation that palestinians and hugs that are going to need a concert and continue with support while they're rebuilding their lives,
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which has been completely taken from them. now tons of sound a little bit more about this process. i spoke with professor tim kaz us that p t direct side of the feed institute for mid least policy. i think there should be a lot more scrutiny of, of, of, of this process. and also these rarely side of this process because that's the part we don't really hear much about. we don't hear about the judging side. and i mean, it just seems you know, complicity and in the see john gaza blockade even before that is you know, nothing new but, but it's interesting in general. but there is this dynamic in which the israelis keeps saying, the egyptians have full control over and uh, and they decide what goes in and out. and the judge is of course, say the opposite. the beats the, these are always must approve everything. and from everything i've heard, the egyptian side of that story is largely correct. um, so i think the go find the fundraisers to help individual palestinian families escape this war zone. are an understandable last ditch effort in
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a wholesale application responsibility on the part of global leaders. and is this a, is this a systematic solution to the problem? no. do i the garage, anyone trying to help a family save its children? no, and frankly the availability of alternative solutions that would actually direct to monetary assistance to the broader population are foreclosed by the fact that these really authorities consistently block uh g manager and assistance from getting into the guys district or be selling. um, i wanna come to you on this, any thoughts of the back of that? according to the jennifer convention or to can 35 people in the conflict owns, have the right to leave the conflicts on if they want to. but what's happening in garza is something that we haven't seen before, but people in the conflict. so one are being faced by of clothes for them. and the
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open board, the, it's works according to list so that there are a published one night before. so it's not like everyone who wants to leave can live . i know there is a discussion here that um, it just said that they are against the displacement of palestinians, and many other countries said the same thing. i understand that. but at the same time, i also understand the needs of the people who want to leave to protect their children . they shouldn't have the right to now scans come in many phones. and one is people using palestinian images and stories to raise funds despite having no connection to them. policy me and during this, but yeah and said while i was trapped in my house waiting for death, some people found it a good opportunity to start a fundraiser on the my name and still money stopped using our suffering.
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i did, i want to ask you about some of these scams that you have come across so far. so if i may just enter jack some things and i just respond to one of the catalyst. if i, if i just may, of course have their obvious, and i just, i want to highlight something that, you know, i know we're talking about evacuating palestinians and their adults i'm use, but the majority of palestinians in my book, at least those that i have spoken to make sure i understand they look at it as a temporary position in their life. they don't want to remain in egypt for anywhere else. they want to go home. so i just want to remind everyone that still need a, a to these go find these to help evacuate palestinians, specifically it isn't for the purpose of displacing them or permanently removing them from home. that it's about letting them survive and be safe. some of them need medical care once they are able to return and rebuild and show a level well let that happen. and so to the question of the sort of scams that
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you've seen popping up, of course we've seen people in passing a thing. we have seen some of the difficulties with, you know, brokers, i mean what kind of stuff have you come across. so we've seen people, we see people speaking go from the accounts, they'll take pictures of the, of the anything that's popped up and tell the grammar the news and make up a story. some people will go ahead and copy a full go from the account that's already established and change the link. so it's really important that people are checking the link on the social media accounts for the organizers and the beneficiaries, the families on versus just any social media page that might be popped. ringback up because the link will be very towing as to whether or not it's a copy account. i'm to read. i want to bring you in and ask you what measures you'd like to see go in to try and make these methods of supporting palestinians most actual say for and of course more efficient. it is. i think it's also important. i
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notice that you know that the topic is about scans, but i think it's important to highlight that most of these are non scans, right? there are scans, but the scans are not more likely to occur because they're posting ends being fined rates for the scale of the current all types of war time economy is. and, and so i think the protections in place is more that we'd like to see is less institutional discrimination, less structural discrimination. and the discrimination is important to highlight may not be a, you know, official policy by the organization that explicitly says that we discriminate against palestinians. but it could very well be that the policies that they have as applied are discriminating against palestinians. and so by democratizing the platforms making it so that people can create their own campaigns on the deposit. the money is in our own financial institutions and decreasing the the
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ability, i'm sorry, interest in the ability to access payment platforms like paypal, which has long had a discriminatory policy against palestinians. and where it, it prohibits posting is from opening up people accounts. and when is really settlers in the west bank, for example, to open up people, accounts the posting in, you know, living next door is prohibited from doing so and, and not having access to the platforms then makes it requires post needs to rely on, on outside sources thank you, i be of sending to need and i did. and did you enjoy the show? let us know. do you have a topic that you would like us to take on? this is also your show. so given, taught to use the hash side or the handle a stream, and we will investigate, take care. and also using the
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the latest news as it breaks, another mazda gray of yours more power, city, and bodies, over 3 of their identities are largely lost and on, out of presidents in war with in depth reports scale. this was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip, putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on for calculus. refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for us from any see phone scare us. with this, just in the brazilian amazon,
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a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy, people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal minding activities, their rivers points and with mercury, rendering water and drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023 pressed and we've seen this one of us to sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal minors return every day. we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they have come to realize that having government support is not enough. they are still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the state vill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives.
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the . ready on the go fools and go back to the university of texas student demonstrations against the war and galls us rather costs us capital city. the semi say then this is i'll just live from dell hall. so coming up the us finds 5 is riley minutes for units responsible for human rights violations before the war and gaza.


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