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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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lobby in congress to the same village stand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the . ready ready ready and the go fools and go back to the university of texas student demonstrations against the warning dollars us rather costs us to come from the on site mean say them, this is out just live from dell hall. so coming up the us finds 5 is riley minutes for units responsible for human rights violations, before the war in gaza says they won't be sanctioned. denisia is wrong
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volcano erupt, again, forcing more evacuations, raising the load to its highest level on trial for high treason. 9 man appear in cold accused of planning drive as part of the german government news . where you begin in the us way, university students, teachers, and active as have been defining authorities as they protest against the war. and garza and colleges financial links with this row. this was the scene at the university of texas in austin on mondays when thousands of protesters were arrested, nearly a thousands of been detained at campuses across the country in 2 weeks of demonstrations . many a angry what they see is heavy handed response by police and college administrators . i'd be jo castro has more from us than it has been added to the
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events here on the you t austin campus. and it's monday morning as a sign the attendance stage by faculty in opposition to the way you t austin, to ministration how the test has now a rough fit into a conflict or seen approach to my last piece are members of the you to the students summer faculty members, reason they're holding umbrella is just a moment ago, there was pepper spray showing the other side. what, what i'm seeing here to my right are the police officers, are now barricading against these protesters. what they're protecting them is a place where the previously arrested processors and 43 people who were part of an initial cabinet that began this afternoon with people setting up
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wandering around it and opposition and refusing to disperse the honor. moment tents were active. we saw this police presence just said upon those protesters then began arresting them one by one, dragging them away from the line to the ground where they had taken it and taking them away. then just as we saw, protested, ending more members of us showed they were the last one of them, you tell me what is it about this moment that made you want to be here on the
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my grandma and grandpa flood policy 9 and 1948. my mom, the 196-0000 the more than 75 years to students are never on the wrong side of history. who's using regression? because who is peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died as we used to be on the right side of his no one should suffer the way to call sydney. and so what do you think of the way the police have responded? i mean, the police responded the same way in vietnam. they responded the same way during the civil rights movement. they only know aggression against people, hotels. so this is honestly very possibly good. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. and we've been hearing the similar comments throughout the day. some protesters there with additional ones who came as part of the ground by the 10. the showed up here,
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really motivated by what they saw from testing in the forwarding from the university and cancer at columbia university in new york student protests have defined an ultimatum to lead veteran and camp. and so face suspension. they've been told to clear out by 2 pm on monday. it demonstrates is one educational institutions to withdrawal their investments in companies linked to as well. to rise above this update from new york to hundreds and hundreds here in columbia university, they're demanding an end to the general side that they say it's happening guys. are there a so demand that the columbia university stops investing in companies that are profiting from the war in guys where you can see them right? marching in the university. this is an emergency meeting because the students are
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holding any time in here. see that they've been handing over a paper where they have identified themselves and they leave the campus for several days. now students have been camping right here in the center of 10 posts. they're demanding, as i said before, a ceasefire in garza and in to the war. they're also demanding that so this you diversity halls. this investment in companies that profit on the war also. so university, the president of columbia university says that they're trying to resolve the ongoing conflict peacefully. they say that they want to waste your freedom of speech while at the same time, allowing students in this university to feel safe. however, people here are saying that these are peaceful protests that they want to shed light on the suffering that is happening in gaza. right now. what they're demanding is an end to the killing. i'm into the displacement,
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and then under that is happening and got the right now. very simple as a feed out. new york and thousands of students have been arrested a yay university in connecticut where a new in camp and was set up on sunday and slow me. it's been covering that the university students have now set up their 2nd encampment. the 1st one was done and solidarity with columbia university students, but was taken down after just 3 days when police came in and arrested 44 students in the process. nevertheless, the students came back on sunday, setting up another in cameron about 40 tenths or on the scene. i spoke to one of the student protesters earlier about why they came back. the fact of the matter is your university. you never met our demands. our demands have not changed, they are disclosed. financial investments are best for more than 20 fracturing providing casa and to reinvest, and then you have a community in education and food in affordable housing,
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and our demands remain steadfast. you may have come at a rest of the students and community members, but what they did, what they failed to do was meet our demands. so we're back. they've already said that they will not the best from is really weapons manufacturers or any weapons manufacturers that are supplying these rallies. are there talks ongoing? yes, we're very um, you know, we're very interested in and a trying to open channels. so if negotiations a good faith with the university, we're obviously university obviously has been responding fairly aggressively and militant lead to peaceful student demonstration. but we're very steadfast. we're, you know, we're here to stay and we are committed to our demands. we recognize, we've, i mean we've all been seeing life broadcast as the genocide that's happening in gaza. and until there's an end to yes complicity. and now we're, we're going to continue mobilizing, we're going to continue speaking out soon after the students return to the campus in their tents, they received
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a letter hand delivered from the dean of the university warning them that they were violating school policies. and also warning them that they were risking arrest and possibly suspension. if they remain christian salumi, algebra, new haven, connecticut, on the grounds in gauze are these variety minutes. it continues to bottom, the southern city of rough, when more than one of the half 1000000 people all sheltering as strikes. targeted, 3 houses crowded with forcibly displaced the palestinians, least 25 people were killed in an entire family wiped house in seconds. i must move as more from rough or more about the crowd is the body of young the fellow the boy had been shares from before. he was born. his name is dave, all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him for so long of 10 years have been 10
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people were killed in the same family. the mother of her daughter, her grand daughter, is her grandson, whose son in? no, they daughters and relatives everyone. they're all gone, all 10 of them. this little girl survived. she was sleeping with monday's ears tri care. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or was she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zone to the center for the distribution of a roof? i had become a refuge, but now it is a more and it could soon become a battle ground, as well as intensive vine gets a taco and rub my head of a plan, the ground operations, people and gauze to have their eyes on egypt. where a, how much delegation has been darkening a new round of negotiations, a pausing the fighting. the for some, the discussions give little hope of the fall as i look at the,
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the carry out negotiations and things. but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the anesthetic no more. they carry out negotiations. what is real strength? and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering in gaza, south are bracing for the worse. and even from what i was just the, a rough palestine. i was taught a come by zoom, joins us now live from or off off in southern gauze, and the strikes with chinese was talking about continuing into choose today, including with warships participating in strikes. right. that's, that's totally right. it's telling me as to is really naval ships, has half open the fire on the coast on line, open the rocks and run my district. they have been attacking areas that are seemingly intake with near casualties being reported from such attacks on those
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areas. but what we have been reporting during the night strikes is actually intensification about 2 to re bombardments in the under side rocks. refugee comes specifically in the know the right parts of this recently is very military. according to eye witnesses has been using military quite cool to drugs. dr. leasing a different sounds of children and women who are cooling for rescue or try and quoting for help as well. on the same time they have been using as the military tank sounds in order to suppress banneker and see among the residents wires to in the right side of this refugee comment. it's worth mentioning that this area had been subjected to as verify us within the past couple of weeks as must destruction has been left behind off to the usability withdrawal from that area. and what we also have been hearing from locals in the northern parts of the church. we specifically in gauze a city where are talking about almost topical strikes that targeted as like 2
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neighborhoods where at least 7 houses have been attacked and they have been a partially destroyed in that area as here in the south in rough or i seems to add alice of this morning we continue to hear loud sounds of these valley trends which continue to hold on a very low altitude as a part of its intelligence operation. which gives a clear indication among palestinians dots more attacks are potentially might happen and take place within the coming hours. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much thought a couple i zoom now the us has found 5 is right. the minute for units responsible for gross human rights violations in the occupied west bank is the 1st time washington has reached such a conclusion regarding his riley forces. the incidents took place before his world again, its 4 on gauze were in october spiked the findings to the state department said the
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units have not been sanctioned by the call hi and explains the 4 weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units in israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the suckers secretary of state himself and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's laws inside the united states. it says, no, us military aid can go to those units. well, we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these unit have affectively remediated. these violations, which is what we expect partners to do, it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were
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the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how did israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department. the you and top coal to set to rules on a request for germany to hold ministry a to as well. the case was filed by nicaragua, which argues berlin is failing to prevent genocide or uphold international humanitarian law. it's the latest legal bait involving israel at the international court of justice. south africa loans, the case in december accusing is the route of genocide. still a head on al jazeera at least falls, the people are killed after a damn boast is bags and can be a while. another is at risk of overflowing the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the no delta state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, i'm the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice school ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, forgotten victims of the clean energy transition. populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric s u. v is for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo, and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o. n h. the
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colleges here with the come back, you're watching out just here. let's take a look at the headlines university, students and teachers in the us all defying a police crime down and threats of suspension. as they continue protests against the war on garza thousands of demonstrates as well rested at several campuses. on monday, the us has found 5 is right, the ministry units responsible for human rights violations in the occupied westbank
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. the incidents took place before israel began its war on ga. so you don't, tova state department says the unit has not been sanction being no less off in this right. the ministry attacks on garza, as strikes, has been concentrated on the southern city of frost. 3 houses, photography is crowded with displaced palestinians. these 25 people were killed. us secretary of state anthony blinking is heading to jordan and his around the legs . this diplomatic push for a cease fire in garza, it follows meetings with the regional leaders in saudi arabia on monday. how's your mom about our reports? us secretary of state and it blaine can hoping for move and just div between how may i send these well the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how much has before the proposal
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that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement to mediate to its guitar and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. task prime minister administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the complex
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a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cost. thus we now see the blood seed every week and every day and the guy so surprised us officials hopping trying to build consensus for a post world, gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i when president mode i bass a pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is why the conflict could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with the as well as you bought by this is 0 and denise is mounts wrong, volcano has erupt, it's several times forcing evacuations. the volcano sends
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a tower of ash, moulding 5 kilometers into the sky, leading authorities to close in a, a by international apple's mount throng, in no sort of ways the province has erupt. in more than half a dozen times this month, it's called sabot a jessica washington. she's in the, in the nation capital chicago for us. so how much of a friend does it pose, given that there's already being those evacuations? jessica. so that's a key question. so me, as you mentioned, this is still a dynamic situation, but from what we heard from the volk knology agency in indonesia about this morning's eruption. the ash calling more than thousands of media is high and they described it as a dog gray black as it was also some incandescent lava and also some volcanic lightning. now there was a community that lived on the slopes of the volcano earlier that might sound
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unusual to some of our international views, but it's actually relatively common and indonesia to have these communities that live on the slope to volcanoes. and as you mentioned, this volcano has been a rough thing for several weeks. so that community that would have been at the most immediate risk, had already been evacuated. they are already safely away from the volcano. now what authorities are looking to do, and we understand this process is underway, is evacuate residents of a nearby island. so they are not on the island to where the volcano is actually rushing, but within the radius of the 6 kilometers. but as i said, the preparedness is relatively high, as the situation has been ongoing for some weeks, we understand that the military vessels needed to evacuate. these residents are already there. so the situation appears to be relatively under control. all right, thanks for bringing us that update. jessica washington, a trial of 9 man accused of planning to violent leo. besides,
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the german government has begun and the city is still gone. the suspects are part of what's known as the citizens group and it includes form, a soul just coming on level like has more charged with high treason for promising to over through with the german government. the 9 men on trial allegedly part of the ministry wing of a phone right to conspiracy group called the right citizens, these and development. and i think these on 2 units were tasked with enforcing the qu, regionally bind military means to this end. local representatives of the existing state old in particular were to be eliminated as part of the so called coaches. this included killing them, the course will hit, they try to recruit to police officers, soldiers, and veterans to orchestrate the crew. they planned to topple the german government by storming the parliament and the resting and peas. uninstalling instead a german prince heinrich the 15th,
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the voice of lita. p 2 no faces trial. prosecute to say police found over $300.00 guns and over $800.00 of the weapons belonging to the group. solely to pick one in his thoughts with the spot. this face occurred to criminal case is probably one of the biggest in history. it is extraordinarily expensive. the fall is that up to around 700, launch folders and 400000 pages. if you want to call, we can fill out a form, a member of parliament with jeremy, follow me right a if the policy is so going trial. in the coming months, along with 16 others, some 20000 shipments belong to the rank citizens conspiracy movement, which does not recognize, but it just must see of the gen state and believes its lead is to be p to files. the people on trial are accused of being ready to use finance to achieve that aims . community back out to 0, or at least 46 people have died off through a dime bust in a town north of the canyon capsule,
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nairobi. water from the old. could y'all be them washed away houses and cut off a major road, search and rescue efforts on the way funds caused by on usually heavy monsoon rains of killed thousands of people across the staff because since march, catherine, so it is why the damn bus nikoto county the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the for example, have been taking out um the furniture uh clothes and things like that. uh, just to get uh to higher ground. so some of these houses have been destroyed. now this house, for example, has been, you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident happened at around 3 am little close time. and they had the, some loud,
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rumbling noise. as some of them came out to see what's happening, some of them managed to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining. this is what happened, a dunbar. it's banks closing water to come downstream with so much force that he'd also uprooted huge trees. i don't can see and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the ruins for me when i came out of my house, they what came with so much for i had to save myself with them. i then found a tree which i glen to john says that he doesn't have anywhere to sleep tonight and he does not have
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a change of clothes as well. and it's not just keen. hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly, as is 0, my my here kenya, the bangladesh she canceled that call remains in the grip of an extreme heat wave with the maximum temperature full costs to stay above 40 degree celsius until thursday. the south asian countries facing is longest teeth wave and 75 years old schools have in order to close on monday and there's been another consultation between foot philippine and chinese vessels in disputed wolf is in the south china sea. the incident took place near a contested h all controlled by china. the philippines coast guards says a chinese vessel of use wills, a cannon on 2 of its boats. it's the latest in a series of maritime confrontations between the 2 countries and
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all that set for this show where the results next and then inside story looks at the international criminal court. awesome. if it will issue arrest once again, seen it is really officials are in las vegas back to the top of the out the the had low. they will have a look at africa in a moment. first of the middle east and live and, and this is very unsettled whether it's come over the next few days in this region . thanks to a slow moving area of low pressure is bringing the rain across into iraq eventually on would say iran as well. and we are expecting some very heavy falls across the saudi arabia. suddenly on wednesday, you can see the heavy rain affecting eastern areas. we could see some flooding from
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that. that rain will push its way further east into katasha, as well as united arab emirates. and to give you an example, if you look at the full cost for though how we could see some scott to show was on choose a, with a potential of thunderstorms and some very strong winds to take us through to 1st day. now what weather is also the story across the north west of africa. we've got some showers moving from morocco in to algeria to nicea as well. that's nice to unsettled whether moving across the mediterranean. so the south of this as long as you july, and i'm very hard to close that central band. but we'll see more in the way of wet to weather around the gulf of guinea on wednesday. and much all the wet weather across southern parts of africa remains out to sea. it's very hot to enjoy for the south of this full south africa, of the examination being to of today's headlines, i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's
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discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and a supporter of care, international filmmakers them will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution on our own lives or on the international criminal court, it's investigating israel's actions in gaza and the west bank. and it's really officials fair. it's preparing to issue a rest squat stance of prime minister and all of the senior figures. so what would legal action mean for the country? honestly that this is inside store the
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at a very welcome to the program on the clock. so israel's 5 minutes, it says nobody will stop it's mandatory actions, not even the international criminal court. you know, i see.


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