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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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this business uptake the restaurant, no bundle dash before to use the the low. this is in use. our own out is 0 for the bad to for life. my headquarters in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, prosecutor is from the international criminal court, which are reportedly gathering testimony after the discovery of mass graves at 2 guys. the hospital the us secretary of state arrives in jordan as diplomatic efforts intensified to negotiate a ceasefire in dies. also this hour we follow the search for the missing in kenya,
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where the death toll from widespread flooding as reach at least a 169. and indonesia is one volcano eruption, again forcing more evacuations and raising the load to its highest level in sports of rome. james, on the ad, i like his all out to be and be a tile. since that is the defending champion. this is the denver nuggets you make it 3 to round to the is 10, g m t. thank you for joining. as prosecutors from the international criminal court are reportedly interviewing staff from 2 hospitals in the gaza strip. that's after the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of the 2 facilities. hundreds of bodies were recovered from 3 mass graves on the premises, as well as the mass,
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the hospital in hon eunice this month. and the remains of dozens more people were assumed at all. she for hospital in guys, a city after and is really seizure of the facility. both hospitals were left badly damaged and out of service after is really throw switcheroo. let's go straight to, i'll just say it was started. capitalism was in rafa for us in southern gaza. the type what more have you found out about these? i see see investigators interviewing staff at nasa hospital and now she's the hospital. who were they talking to and about what precisely well, the 1st one is lee, fully uh, the persecutors of ancient national criminal. who would have been speaking to a number of palestinian medics who have been working in a she felt hospitality in the north and even in most or hospital in con eunice in the south, off to the east, very with the drug. well, they have been talking about possible crimes committed by the is read the minute you drink that existence inside the medical facility. fine. yet,
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the identities of these metrics is still unknown for security concerns of security reasons, as they international criminal codes. office have been saying that they did not provide any proper comments about the operational procedures, investigations being made with the witnesses in order to guarantee the full protection. and we have been clearly remember what was going on as such, hospitals, in terms of the mass graves being discovered were hundreds of bodies, found the composed time they have been found. also, the dog had been buried in the deep writing sound with file of waste and sound have been throwing over such bodies spot. yet these by the side have been saying that they have no longer uh, let's say about what's the international court of justice might take in terms of actions against it's very sore. just as these very prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he will tries to, i will try to for the full protection for that use. so just under his own
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leadership, but it's absolutely terrifying because what we do now is that we've been hearing from the doors of civil defense cruise saying that there are still at least 10000 palestinians messing under the rubble of the destroyed houses, multiple areas across the territory as the, the accumulation of these bodies, especially with a will during the onset of the summer season has contributed to increase the separate of diseases um even a bit that makes us to now they are struggling in order to recover such injuries and victims from under the rubble of the destroyed houses. terry, thank you very much for the update that sound his ears power, capitalism, reporting deadline from rafa. well, let's discuss this further now with jeffrey nice who's a human rice, barrister who let the prosecution of slow but on the last of each of the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. he's joining us from canterbury. thank you so much for your time. mister. nice, so we have a, a guy's a hospital staff questioned by investigators a v i c. c. what does it suggest you?
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what happens next in the process and what's likely to be the outcome of these investigations? a number of questions rolled into one of the last one, very difficult to onset, likely outcome always, but on. so this is, i think, interesting and good news going in sequencing keeping a cool head about things examination either directly or through the testimony of others of what may be a crime side is extremely important and potentially very valuable in evidence terms . we may have discussed this before, but how borders are found in a mass grave whether they are old, killed in the same way. that hands were tied behind their back, but they being tortured before hand or not. is itself going to show? simply is that one, whether a crime may have been committed. there's other ways in which it may be shown that the crime has been committed simply by the number of people killed, the innocent firewall show,
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and all of the individuals looking at their closing all their property on town and sample. so you look at the scene and you decide if you can, whether there's evidence of a crime being commission. once you reach the position that there is such evidence you made to see if you may find some surviving witness to what happened. and you take account of that, what that i would it says is that i witnessed points to the mission of the crime. 5 is ready, defense full. so on the part of it, you need to know 1st was that uh, the particular user is identified. doesn't matter necessarily if not, what you want to raise federally up until you reach as high as you get. but what you may hear from some a skepticism about the possibility of ever drawing the link between the crime but the but you know, the crime where it happened and links rising in the chain. and what you then have
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to take him to congress the following. a property constructed a military force, he's obvious, such as the idea, right? have a train to come on the truck working dog. and you must really be assume that changes in price. and therefore you can demand information from is right if it doesn't provide it functionally. but if you reached a position of us knowing that it's being something is being committed by a minute, treat group, demanding to know who the group is and working out some the how the chain of command goes off. if you look back, it's it, they may always be said that, oh, this was a rogue, a rogue unit. right? and i have been rogue units in the vietnam where there was a very famous level units of rely, bought. it sounds as though nothing yahoo is standing by his bed. uh huh. if he's standing by his man that may say that trying to come on was intact. ok. now as this is happening, these investigators are talking to stuff at these 2 hospitals. in guys i missed
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a nice day of, oh, also been many reports and he's really media in recent days that d i c c is investigating. is there any actions not just in gaza, but also in the occupied westbank, and that they could be a rest? warren's issued for is really, and how mazda officials would that be part of the same case as the mask raised in gaza, or a separate case? i would they be a link between the 2. a lot of students it would be part of the same overall case. and indeed, it has even being suggested that the overall occurs that might be raised against the state of israel could go back to an include what happened was long ago was 2014, when jurisdiction was trash prompted to the international criminal court. so where are you calling? be sure. what we're concerned about here obviously is the overly driving mental stage as the leadership of the stature,
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israel's defense folks. yeah. and that means what is the mental state of the intention if you liked not quite the same meaning, but the intention of the is ready to lead ship minute, pre and political right. is that anything which he's going to join things together? okay. even if for golf, for the trial, they would have to be separate. you don't have to go understood. now i want to to ask you briefly one last question before we let you go and get your, your expertise and insight. because you have, obviously a great deal of experience in this that also have been reports of some pressure on the i. c, c not to issue these arrest, warns now at a time when there's a great deal of effort to reach us, these firing guys, the concern being that this could jeopardize those efforts would the i c. c. take that into consideration when and if it issues these arrest warrants to the most important point needs a much stronger on. so the short haul is i'd expect to be pressure before i was
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surprised and happily surprised to see the analysis for the possible restaurants once they've reached that stage. the prosecutor certainly shouldn't, you know, the pressure from the united states of great britain, or from anywhere else that the state has been reached in the public consideration. i think said last, the accountability law should, to some extent outweigh rail quantity. and it has to be accountability, as well as a supplement of the contract or lisa c spy. that may be accountability if you don't have accountability for whatever reason, temporary, good or not. so good, you open the door to future bad actions, not just by the conference present being both by all the countries i've set from the beginning the both how much is there any leadership wants evidence that was available that each robust had committed. such offences should be subject to an
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accountability process. the public expects that by governments that go against it will lose the support of the people. thank you so much for talking to thank you for your expertise jeffrey. nice, a for my john drive the i c. c, i the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. yes. sorry. oh, a former barry stag should say thank you so much for uh kind of finding it for us. jeffrey. nice. thank you for your time now. uh meanwhile, the united states has san 5 is really military units responsible for gross human rights violations in the occupied westbank is the 1st time washington has reached such a conclusion. the incidents to face before israel began its war on guys. i know tobar despite the findings though, the state department said the units have not been sanctioned patty, go ahead and x rays the 4 weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units in israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the
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suckers secretary of state himself. and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's loss inside the united states. it says, no, us military aid can go to those units. well, we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these unit have affectively remediated. these violations, which is what we expect partners to do, it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how do israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hain, l g 0 at the state department. the us secretary of state john to the blinking has
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arrived in jordan as part of the latest diplomatic push for cease fire in gaza. it's blinking 7th visit to the middle east since the war on gods began. on monday he met regional leaders in saudi arabia and is expected to visit israel next. best cross to stephanie deca in occupied east jerusalem for so 70 a lot of diplomacy going on to try and reach us these fine guys are blinking in jordan and then he's do in israel. what can we expect to get a sense that there is movement towards some kind of compromise as well. the term that's being used is cautiously optimistic. we're going to have to wait and see how things play out. where does that thing stand? we're expecting a response from her mouth by the end of the day tomorrow. no, you're mentioning lincoln, there he rides in as well. tonight he'll be holding meetings tomorrow throughout the day. and you'll also have a lot of internal and negotiations going on,
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particularly we understand prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be meeting with to right to the ministers of his cabinet. but that al smart church and each month that and that gives they are, these might have been threatening to lead his government, causing the government to collapse. if any deals with how math is reached, a reading between the lines potentially there could be something on the table. what is different this time? funny is that a lot for has become image. these really is upside, is there isn't a deal. we're going to go into the hall. you also had these ready, foreign minister just a couple of days ago. say if there is a deal, we will suspend the russell operation. so the 5 minutes to also has a lot of internal politics to deal with. he's under a lot of pressure on all sides, but certainly regardless of if there isn't a deal, he still has a lot of pressure from the americans and huge actions we have known for invited any wide spread ground defensive when it comes. but also, but i think we are at a pivotal point, certainly because of exactly that. if there isn't a deal, then that also will probably happen and happen very soon in whatever shape or form
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that's going to take. so what we're gonna have to wait and see what comes out in the next couple of days. stephanie decorated occupied these tools and thank you for the update. well, let's not discuss all these latest developments with us on che host the founder of the peace building organization, the sheriff's group and a former un official. thank you so much for joining us, some and some more details. imagine, as you heard the about this a native sci fi proposal, do you think a deal could be a minute as a possibly, i mean, one of your sources telling you cause i, i know you're in the know with, i think it's a critical moment. i think folks in washington believe that i think they was a uses a window of opportunity and certainly i think we do reach us at moments of diplomatic rightness. there are certain factors, interests which are at play here. the big question though, is that will bite and be able to push that through. and both of the a rough operation from these riley's more important. can you convince people,
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including those on the ground in gaza? how much in particular that we're moving towards that long term. so as far as we hear from stephanie that these really is a saying, if there is no deal, the refined vision will go ahead despite american objections, they, they don't seem to be responding to the us by all the americans of the stuff it because there's nothing good, that will come out as a rough or so we shouldn't take it as a binary choice. uh, the, it's really all made if it goes into rough uh, as, as being said by, well, the latest, including present vide. and then of course, the latest in the region, not least, egypt, that this will be a catastrophe. so i don't think it should be seen as a binary choice. we just have to keep working in order to be able to get the release of the hostages and to get along to him. so he's fine. not all lies also now on the i c, c, the international criminal court which is reportedly investigating is really actions in gaza. but also in the westbank as we've heard. and preparing to issue
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arrest wines against these really and how mass officials, what would any legal action from the i c c at this stage mean for israel and you know, would it jeopardize if it be ceasefire efforts to reach a ceasefire? what strange logic that yes, in order not to do more of what somebody called alleged violations of in sacramento or low you threaten at this stage. so no, i think the goals are closing in and, and, you know, i've been here before talking about how international law has to be a no stop. and at this moment both move towards the political sacrament and accountability have to go in power low. otherwise, we will continue to see the cycle. so, but it was when it comes to the i c. c process. well, you know, we'll have to wait to see what the chief prosecute occurring con um does. but if he is going in that direction, they shouldn't be powerful states trying to stop that because we have reports,
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of course, that there is pressure on the ice. you see not to issue these arrest warrants at this point in time with these uh, diplomatic efforts going on. but as you say, that's right. and also, let's please note, in addition to what you're reporting about, this idea of unit sector blinking has to report to congress on the 8th of may about whether american homes are being used in the right way on the battlefield. so all of this is a, again, to that window of opportunity, i guess there is this pressure to try and move something more positive forward. what do you make of the us position right now? they are of course, under pressure at home with the widespread demonstrations that we've seen on us college campuses under pressure to find an agreement to a for the ceasefire. and guys of the lead, all which you mentioned there, which, you know, it says that the us shouldn't be arming countries that are committing gross human rights violations. and yet they haven't sanctioned these, these battalions that we, we talked about. um,
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do you think that because we're in an election year now and you know, this pressure, internal and external, could have an impact on, on, you know, the, the politics and the policy of dividing that ministration doesn't bite and will lose a selection if you stand still he has to transform himself into a peace president that is able to securely get on the top of the polish sending state the end of the occupation and the 2 state solution. if he does not do that, and then i'm afraid we're going to continue to see the kind of confused management of this crisis that we've seen over the last 67 months. and my worry is that even if we do get a ceasefire, an immediate cease fire and words of secretary blanking, this may still only be temporary. and that in fact, we may see a renewal of the facilities, including with regards to a, the israel 11 and border and effect into 11 in itself and then the why the region. so that is why president biden, in my view,
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should put his foot down clearly. now say that we are on a, on a pos to was listen to was serious piece, which of course, our of allies and others around the world want at perhaps go to jury some mates. that speech where he is clearly say to these relatives, it's not time to work towards the end of the occupation and the 2 state solution for us to will work together towards an international conferences. and of course helping policy needs rebuild their lives. finally, check. thank you so much, very good to talk to you about this. thank you. and the un stop quarters set to go on in a request to order germany to stop sending military aid to israel. the case was find, find nicaragua in august. berlin is failing to prevent genocide or uphold international humanitarian law. it's a native case involving israel before the international court of justice, south africa approach to ford in december, accusing israel of committing genocide. thousands of protesters have barricaded
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themselves inside a building at columbia university in new york. it's one of their protests against, as well as well on gaza. the group has taken over hamilton hall, which has a history of student papers including during the vietnam war just came ours out to the university, started suspending student demonstrators who defied an ultimatum to leave during camp and had been told to clear out by monday afternoon. protestors want the universes to withdraw their investments from companies linked to israel. and this was a scene at the university of texas in austin on monday with dozens of people were arrested healey of 1000 protesters have been detained at campuses, world country wide in 2 weeks of demonstrations. many are angry at what they see as a heavy handed response. by police and college administrators, i'll just here is how do you feel costs or reports from the university of texas in austin as the after days of relative quiet on the u. t. awesome. campus protesters erected tense and braced for what they expected to come next year
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. we try to be in. this is good happened and i know it's about to happen again and we're very scared for the minutes later. the police moved in at the behest of university leaders, texas state troopers in right here surrounded a few dozen protesters, and one by one, tore them away with the news. now, really you rusted into this and that happened the moment police arrived. and now surrounding the students and faculty and cells come out here to support them as they are being run away by families
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sitting down on their. but really, why was this one of the talks walk into the circle, grab a protest or on holland you to spokesperson site is extensive online threats associated with monday's protest. algae 0 did not witness any acts of aggression from being cabman protesters. so within hours, oh, had been arrested by police the crowd continued to grow chanting for the protesters to be read in police. police police use pepper spray several times and some protesters through water bottles with the police eventually back down. the students are never on the wrong side of history using a russian because if i was peacefully protesting, it was 30000 people died. finally,
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the man to the police retreated into a campus building which is to say, despite more than 40 rest, the fuel b one monday, stand off because more eyes than ever are now watching more voices joining in the chance for palestine. heidi joe castro. l g 0 austin, texas. now promised me in bed when said they're being forced out of their homes in the jordan valley is really slow tax and on the rates on remote communities have intensified. since these are a launch, it's one garza herd is, are appealing for international intervention to protect this time. to result way of living. same is robbie has more from i now head way any occupied westbrook a symbol of face, the adopted vendor of an occupying army in a bid to redraw the borders of historic palestine. bedouins living in the jordan
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valley know the symbol of an illegal settlement, is a prelude to violence. eleven's, it'll be got the settlement around. this is getting close every day. tomorrow, the system might come within shape and put them here at the interests of my house. if we do not find someone to stand with us, own displacement is a minute above the persecution of better ways. some of the most vulnerable palestinians has been happening for dickens. but we are here says since israel's foreign garza, similar attacks have become more brazen. stealing and killing animals blocking the only water source even beating their women and children in front of their fighting back against. and it was really would almost certainly mean being arrested or worse. this encampment is home to one palestinian bed. one family. they say they are isolated and they are alone. posting is living here, say the dozens of people regularly come into this encampment. they harassed the people living here. and they have no means by which to stop these attacks from
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happening. and if somebody doesn't do something soon, they say it's only a matter of time until they're forced out movements restricted unable to raise their animals freely. many have already sold their property and abandoned their homes company and how to dump that before the palestinian families with the spacecraft really. but the attacks began during the war and such, this tendency was of soldiers and these really on the flags recently planted on palestinian doorsteps strikes fear into the hearts of bedouin communities who know to remove them would be to invite violent reprisals for people who have lived on this land for generations, nowhere is safe anymore. even in remote areas like this, palestinian say wherever they are is released, seek them out, fear intimidation and abuse. follow the same bus route of the o g 0 a know who was in the jordan valley occupied westbank palestine saying add on this
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solved is there. a new guy will tie lies in bob way has just introduced and go back to the currency in southern ukraine. university in odessa is hit by a russian s, right. and it's 4 spots and i get some better off valencia thing. so i have truth from this strike of details in jemma coming up page to stay with us. the, in a post colonial with the scholars of european imperialism, run deep nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriotic ministry come out and witness presents. this is come on a jersey the the latest news as
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a story. israel bellowing a military response for situation. we mean fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of lima and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests. virtually every day the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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you're watching these are on algae 0 reminder of my time stories prosecutors from the international criminal court have reportedly gathering testimony from hospital staffing. johnson, the discovery of mass phrase on the grounds of 2 medical facilities in recent weeks could amount to find the guise of civil defense is a lack of equipment as cost suggests, of thousands of palestinians dropped under the rebels. estimates more than $10000.00 people out of our and accounted for and not included in the official death toll of the $34.00 and a half spouse. and we want to take you now live to geneva wesley plaza. we need the commission in general of the un agency for palestinian refugees law is speaking and updating the price there about the latest developments on the balance letter of notice of a mistake and also to comment on the review the caps and couldn't answer the report
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. and maybe also a need update on the oil, us a report the when, when it comes to the situation on the ground. i mean, basically our colleagues are telling us that there is a extra 100 deep anxiety preventing right now, you know, goes on. because the question, every body oscar is always a yes or not, the would be admitted to reopen, save the like a window for me to 3 offences we all depends. whether or not a sci fi do wouldn't be reached this week. um, just to, to know that people have not yet been asked to ever create the from the rough uh that the there is a sense that the if there is no the nose this week of the day is kind of happen at any time. like, what are you going to ground? also of describing basically a constant. i would say
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a constant state offer to me uh, among the people. and basically they came with a new acronym. we had no talking anymore about the p t as the but we have more talking about the c t is the which would mean constant traumatic stress. these older prevailing in the gaza strip. and obviously this is not too surprising this morning. i commented also on today just deemed open ended and also when we are engaged in the risk of getting the coca to reverse. in fact, as a spreading hunger undergoing from enos patient a can to noise and pound to the good news is that my colleagues have reported that there is a more food available in the market. the so increased the ability back to these these 2 additional clean the defore, this accessible just because there is absolutely no cash seclude thing in the nose
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and found the offer to go straight to me. but he is at that much more needs to be done. it is true that there has been more supply entering during the months of a prison, but this is to from enough to reserve a to, to be there. so the biggest div trend we have seen. i have also mentioned this morning with them at the, the most data, the issue about the, the blame game you might have between the sway to a to achieve and it's a co got the, the united nation on one handy. so any seeing what we are providing all the necessary food to the program is a, it is on the side of the united nation. the please just give you few facts regarding the so 1st this is the true because this is not all our reading. the new
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kept the starting was a or whatever we oscar for a convoy going from this house that to doesn't know. so i'll come voice our system, i think the denied so we still have no access whenever of a permission is given to deliver anywhere else in the street. but the process is always complicated and very cumbersome. when it comes to enter into guys a, we have, she says, system offer a floating, downloading, uploading, downloading the track to which makes things extraordinary difficult on so we have operating hours of the crossing, which of already from one day to another. one was an image number of hours where we can operate, and most of the time, the many times a week. we have also the crossing of being
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a closed. because the address the dumping didn't reduce the detainees or dumping. sometimes the bodies will have been take a will have been taken to the east well, and back to the gather street. now talking about, um the, um, the detainees are i have also brief to the river state developed uh, the report we have issued about a week ago. and it was the 1st time that in fact, the war as of renews. does such a report in my meeting this morning? i have a reminded that the, of course was to just a student, texas tech dvd was how much and the dot to both so, so for you general myself but other, you and hopefully so keep asking for the unconditional unlimited producer of the us to do so. but i have also found that this morning i'll deep concern regarding the guys and detain buzz east where the security forces. so the report you have seen
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recently, it has been based on the number of the testimonies collected by the agency. why? by the agency, because we are either pressing well at the could of a convention on because we are mining them in the district of the entry of together . and these people visit. they have been really used to at this place. and according to the test in this to, in these that we have a connected to the people that have told us that the route to move on to the when the rest of the where a route to move onto the seat to the underwear, unloaded into trucks. blindfolded unbound, most of the time once arrested, the detainees that remained in community capital on the subject of to shocking human treatment among the human to human treatment. to have described to us
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a lot of warning. the boarding cvb teams attacked by adults being forced to hold that stress position for hours sometimes to define was 24 hours and being forced with diaper instead of accessing the target among the attendees will have been going to use. we had also a number also in the for her stuff and they have also reported to us. so that's why the on the interrogation to ask it out of question about the welcome weezer on the wall. and be basically also being pressure to state that the, the agency is going to take, they actually did that in the gaza strip this morning. have also highlighted the fact that, um, as you know, the agency is under a lot of stress in the cooling for the agency to be dismantled to. but the agency
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also has been targeted over the last 6. it was 7 months. so, um, in, in, in, in guys uh, where a booster uh our stuff, but also how premises as well as our operation. i just reminded that since the beginning of the war, we have a 182 stuff member now will have been killed. more than $160.00 premises, which have been damaged up or to, to the destroyed. and most of these premises were sheltering a disgrace to people. and more than 400 people have been killed in the premises. we have also seen that whenever we vacate the premises, i'm in the, in the notes of the guys a sleeper. they have been then used for military purposes. so we have uh uh, also had about the integration regarding to them on the nice settles on
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premises. and basically i was calling to members to, to make sure that the of the end of the once we have a she so that we have also the new code that we put in place and investigate independent investigation to look into the so black and disregard. also united the nation in order to avoid the data because also in the future, the new stand. i also brief to this morning about to where we stand on the wise people. but in fact they have been breached by stuff i know. do i do to, i think on the, on the, on friday just to read through it. once he has said, we stopped. that was 12 education. if you just joining us on, i apologize here which is listed in the infinity plaza. we need the commission in general of the you, an agency,
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off of policy and i should use on was briefing reporters engine move at about the latest developments on the ground in gaza. he talked about the situation in gaza saying there's deep anxiety prevailing because everyone is worried about and is really military offensive on ross i in the 7 of the gosh with trip. he said people have not been told to evacuate yet from rasa. but the fear is that he's there is no sci fi deal in the coming days. and the ground invasion all for awful by is really forces will happen at texas on the humanitarian situation. he said it was a race against the clock to reverse hunger and famine. more fluid is available, he said on the market, but it's not accessible because there's no cash circulating, especially in the northern part of a strip. you said wait supplies had entered the gaza strip in april, but it's fall from enough. i also talked about the gross human rights violations against the detainees policy and detainees recently released by israel and on own
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right. he said the agency is under not a strain. the agency has been targeted in guys is practices and operations targeted by these really forces. again, the commissioner of the human agency for the policy and refugees freely plaza. really speaking that in geneva, she a mess. now turn our attention to some of the days of the world news and in kenya, president william hotel will hold a special cabinet meeting on tuesday. as heavy rains continued to lash the country, the government says the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least a $169.00. thousands of people are displaced and many of is missing. in the east ravine collapse into the town of rivers, causing its verse. i used banks to burst. we have correspondents, 2 of them covering the story for us this hour in kenya. in a moment, we'll be speaking to katherine solely who's in the town of my more molly, one of the areas worst affected by the floods. but for us, we go to malcolm webb,
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who is in kind of rivet county mas come talk to us about how the slides are affecting the communities downstream. the well, this is the main road that comes from the capital library, about 350 to them. through the way to the town of greece that which is a couple of kilometers down there. and it's been tough to offer 2 places. try the swollen rivets on to the waters of the river have flooded the whole area on both sides of the river and broken the writers. these ro, composite reg, weather, been very strong car into the massive amounts of water trying to force its way through. and it was on sunday people trying to cross one of these channels in a boat where i was, several people were killed, a many more were still missing. when did i reloaded the boat capsized? and if you take a look around, we can see what kind of effect these waters have had on the community. here there's a charge, homes and businesses, one of them hoff on the rules. so it's been absolutely devastating,
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devastating for all the people that live here an access to town or to the rest of the country. if you go to the other direction along the road, is crucial for people's livelihoods, for people to access loved ones. and in teresa hearing, theresa, this part of the country doesn't produce much food, most food, and all other goods come along that road which has been washed away as we've just seen. so if you go further down this road into the town of usaa for about 15000 people that were displaced, living and come so you can see some of the shelters, hey, are along the side of the road. these are people whose homes nearby have been flooded . they won't get far in case thieves steal that remaining possessions from the hoss of most houses. farther into town there around 15000 people living in comes like this, full in need of food. the government says it's mobilizing an emergency response with people say here, say they're hungry and have not any help yet. until i know they just fall, as we know,
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further down stream and many room communities which are very hard to access materials that are being affected as well. malcolm's, thank you very much. that sondra 0 is malcolm a web back in kenya. and let's stay there and head to catherine. so now is in my mind we, which is about 60 kilometers from the canyon capital nairobi. it's one of the areas worst effected by the slides. tell us about the situation where you walk athens and how people who live in this area are dealing with this price. yes, we've been monitoring the recovery operation here. there was a huge um excavator, that was here just trying to clear up the debris of the red cross has been a coordinating this mission. apologies. we have lost our connection with the i'll just here is catherine story. they who is a reporting from one of the worst areas affected by the floods in kenya, which has killed at least
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a 160 people in recent days will keep updating you on this story. of course, throughout the day here on out just here. let's had to indonesia now where people are being evacuated in the north. wherever. ok, new has erupted again. mount wong in north. so in a way she sent a tower of ash more than 5 kilometers into the sky, forcing the closure of a nearby international airport. the volcano has erupted several times in the past 2 weeks. that's bringing jessica washington correspondent, angel contact evasion, capital. what's the latest? jessica and evacuation if it's of the call a short while ago, fully retired from the saucer mitigation agency. and they noticed that the evacuation process for residence island is on the way. the reason those residents are being evacuated is that they are within the 7 kilometer. so whole danger zone,
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although they are on a separate island to where the volcano is, these residents will be evacuated to an island scale. so as for the residents who lived on on, on the island where the volcano is located, they already evacuated some weeks ago as far he's on now looking at tom and a solution for resettlement, even giving them lines because it is becoming quite clear that they cannot return to the house. how common jessica, are these volcanic eruptions in indonesia because this particular volcano, it's not the 1st time interrupting, is it several times since april. it has a long history visa, but indeed, entities are, is home to some of the. 1 most active volcanoes, the reason for that is entities just sits on what's called the pacific spring,
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assign speaking active. so that means that the engine asia is proud of your options and so on. and so what that also means is that there is a degree of familiarity volcano, they might be surprising, national audience, but there are many communities that choose to live on the slopes of all of the volcanoes. the reason for that is the land is it provides them a livelihood. but of course when situations like this arise, well safety has to come 1st as authorities reminds these communities. jessica, thank you very much. jessica washington live there in jakarta, indonesia, the one you created. now and ukraine says, the desk from a russian strike on the black sea for the city of odessa has risen to 5, a 4 year old girl is among the $32.00 injured in the midst of the attack, which targeted a private school. on monday, the governor declared tuesday a day of mourning that spring in john home and for the latest use in keys, rushing a tax on ukraine increasing. john, tell us about these latest ones in khaki and also
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a desk. the yeah, the talking hall. keith happened this morning, and at the moment the figures of one person killed the 9 people injured the mare with the city has said to be attacked twice because of a life of these, of being increasingly used by russian forces and have been increasingly used in recent bonds, basically this is a luxury owed a bomb. it's but wing strep to the side of it and then it's low. oh, the fights right across them because it does chloride. it's really hard to track and they've been causing a lot of damage in cities like hawk case in terms of odessa, at this attack happened last night. and the general prosecute to review crime, who's accused russian forces of using cluster munitions on a will head of a missile. and he said to daybreak from the attack,
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been spread out 1.5 kilometer isn't close. the civilian casualties in the pulse, russia, human rights watch, has said, has used repeatedly cluster munitions and they've killed ukrainian civilians. cheaper rights, which is also said the ukraine's policies have a times use cluster munitions on, sorry, it's what type of russian type russian forces and they've killed civilians to what is and right now is the groceries one it's from bothering at the city of tall keeping it has been for some time it's food, so using it's area dominance of the moments what type keep training energy plants. it's run topics types and ukrainian right away in this window before a promise military package of $61000000000.00, especially from the united states, is due to arrive in health to show up ukrainian defenses rushes, also making incursions on the front line. ukrainian, uh,
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the head of the crating on forces said that its been attacking its several different points and having success. ukrainian forces taught to retreat. the craning head of the policy set on sundays from free different villages. busy on the eastern front. so at the moment this is russia having several games in this full. thank you for the update john home and live there in keys. i time not to catch up on sports on this news. our hey, is jim. thank you fully. but defending and we had champions the denver nuggets, a 3 to the 2nd round of the playoffs, and they've done so at the expense of the prom. james on the lake. is denver taken game 5 on monday in los angeles, 108. 106. the school to mount mary had a great night, so another see, help them win game seat with the also pizza and see what do something similar here . we'll solve this is the 2 points for the 90 s i sign would prove to be the game when i was just a 3.6 seconds left on the clock and then labranz attempt to asset positive beats.
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it was unsuccessful. so the lake is off out and following that defeat, the speculation has already been done about the problems for each other. so it's you know, on your made as far as the parents of them, the i back in 2003. tonight was there any thought at all? says, you know, this could have been your last game with the lakers. i'm not gonna answer that. i was at some point, i'll sit down with rich my agent and sit down my family and see what's best. there's a lot of dedication, a lot of hardware and a lot of long hours. so something was very taxing, but it was rewarding because you and if you loved the gaming lovely process and you love being great, if you don't mind you don't mind taking it the tax on your body and your mental and your psyche and things of that nature. that comes with it of the time is that you found also a series of the 2nd round shape. you'll just alexander and zaden williams by spring
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24 points and a 97 to 89 games for when over the newly means the sun. this week, the series a flight in the system will now come up against either the funds we dallas mavericks in western conferences 70 find the 3 straight away. the boston celtics are on the cusp of reaching the eastern conference, the semi finals, the derek white screen, a career high, 38 points, and a 102 to 88. when a the miami heat is gainful southwick's that leave the series of 31. and 5 is on wednesday, i suppose to have checked for robot of and dos case. so boss elena, come from behind to beat valencia and go back to 2nd in the league. that was a moment to forget those that bosses keep on lock andre to staking his arrow was punished by. he's a do right. that made it one o valencia then school the not the full, the phrase he won at half time. but then in the 2nd half, it was all about 11. we'll see the polish trying to equalizing with ahead of you then scored with his head again to put boss lane in front with less than 10 minutes
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less. but see safety's best for last 11 duffy's heading away up to the right, 3 kit, kevin stuff. it's time to complete to patrick, pull to it, finish faucet, a trial need is round, which is when levin points with 5 games that now leave. it takes a backseat for round the grid. so now that focuses on that champions, leaks that we find with bind minutes later on tuesday. this is the 8th time the sides of mass at this stage is the competition with buying, leading the had to have full 3 well known south defending champions, manchester city and a penalty issue. sounds to reach the last for all i want you to see side able to win a record extending think european come the most confidant. so the man. busy the confident but aware that we're up against the team with great attributes, quality and real individual talents and as always, withdrawal to be here because not many people felt we would be, we've achieved it through effort, hard work, and commitment by ins, whole season. now press on this competition, having relinquished the buddhist, a good time to supply laboratories in munich face the real possibility of finishing
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a town pain without a trophy for the 1st time in 12 years. find her at home for the 1st life and the basin, and the last 15 champions. big matches out. the other ones arena. you need these little decisions. of course you need the momentum a bit of luck and you need to whole package if you want to overcome gramma to it and send me fun. because we want to force things to a point where maybe this a little luck is then the difference. but we can nothing to rely on it for that. it's not big enough. so we have to push it and we feel ready for it. it depends mens but what's the name of the qualified civilian picks in paris? softer they be to rock to nails, to reach the find that the under $23.00 asian cop 2 goes in the 1st hall, sealed the victory for japan. you will have to win the tournament for the 1st time since the coming of jumps is in council in 2016 now faces the hassan and the final on friday. mike tyson's upcoming balance with youtube ton to book said jake pull it has been officially sanctioned as
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a professional fight. it means the result of the violence which takes place in texas in july, will have pay on both of their records. fights will be contested over 8 to 2 minute rounds full of what heavyweight champion tyson will be. 58 at the time of the 531 years old and then full price and most recently competed in an exhibition contest in 2020 defending champion and read a subaltern guys made her way into the quarter finals of the madrid. opened the box number 2 faced, a tuft test against american assessing seed. danielle collins, who was on a 15 match, winning straight to share in us cuttings. took the 1st set 6 full blocks of the better russian bathroom. back to take the next 2 sets, 6 full and 63 to sale, have placed in the next round, sapling spaces rushes mirror. i'm sorry about the courses in the men's little minutes, i'll say to you, i'm excited. that is 3 to the last 16. the australian open champion, a too strong for power will close of, of russia, 6 to 75 to center, meet. so now the question is, how instructional for tyson is supposed to find it?
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3 times super bowl champion, travis kelsey, is under the self a significant pay increase. kelsey assigned a new t a deal with the kansas city chase. the $34000000.00 contract weights and the best pay types. and in the nfl. well, the only $70000000.00 of that is guaranteed. elsie holds the records the most post season, receptions as any and a child, a sort of houses have stormed into the 2nd round of just the rushing, the 10th of a lightning 61 in game 5. costs of a heavy and alexander bulk of scoring $2.00 each. and this big game 5 win for the pounds is, is the last time and franchise history that sort of based on the lightning annotate season series. so tom, today is the 2nd start. yeah, they eliminated in the 1st round and it was lab between the data stops and defending champions. they just folded nights, whitestone, since for his the go into games to help us off to a full see when in gainful game 5 is in dallas on wednesday. that is what you'll
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sports now fully. jammah. thank you very much. we'll see you. nathan now is in bob ways you can see has gone into circulation. the introduction of these in, by way goal though is that is the government's latest attempt to tackle hyperinflation. the central bank says the zig is backed by gold reserves and ran minerals. it's national monetary fund, recent vision by way to speed up, can see the phones higher, which also has more from highlighting this is involved with a 6 car and see and here are some of the new knows i have about $140.00 zig nodes on me on the efficient exchange rate that's about $1415.00 you is the nozzle bobby's. i use this kind of changes. it's nothing new. there's no excitement in the air, but people have been way. can you some of them for hours outside the bank hoping to get their hands on the tired and seeing some of the whole stabilize from what i can see. and from what i have been told by the people in the bank,
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i'm confident that this will help all a corner meetings. and buckley carter was say, for the new car and see to a people have to have confidence in it. somebody has a multi car and see system, which means you can buy goods here using fire and current use anything from the 11th and ran to the you installed as and somebody called me say the government has to force people to use the new local money to use is ignored, for example, paying taxes or g p, a supportive of the awesome things lobby and caused by using the big notes, for example, petrol and diesel. that is still sold in us dollars, which means you earning low money visit notes. we have to go to the bank for the black markets. change you might need to install is then you can buy fuel. so that convocation is still there. and people of course are waiting to see how this new car and see will fill out. is it going to be hit by inflation? and is it really going to stabilize the bodies pattern with us out of their products? and that wraps up this use our own ology 0. but do stay with this french and my
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world news coming up, including the latest developments, the rest of the on guys with my colleagues, marion, the mazda, the the demand for low price clovis is accelerating this high speed. it's absolutely crazy by 2030. the industry will expand by an additional 60 percent. i'll just do a takes a detailed look at dispose of fashion. we can look at those one. our video is admitted to exposing the human and environmental costs way with the company. give free wants to, to do univision, beyond the data on the boss spice of all knowledge of the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents
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of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems with the eyes of palestinian cameraman creed, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including its own garza. the last picture on the 0. a business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the prosecution is from the international criminal court, or unfortunately, gathering testimony off to the discovery of mass graves at 2 garza hospitals. the, i'm around democracy, this is alger 0. life from dow homes are coming up on the program. the secretary of state arrives in jordan is diplomatic efforts, intensified to negotiate


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