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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the business latest is sponsored by him till at global your real estate destination in due by the prosecution is from the international criminal court, or unfortunately, gathering testimony off to the discovery of mass graves to cause the hospitals. the no, i'm around democracy. this is alger 0. life from dow homes are coming up on the program . the secretary of state arrives in jordan is diplomatic efforts intensified to negotiate a ceasefire and gaza. we follow the search for the missing and can you what the death toll from widespread flooding is reached. at least a 169. and indonesia is wrong. volcano erupts, again, forcing more evacuations,
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and raising the alert to its highest level. the hello and welcome to the program, prosecutors from the international criminal court, or fortunately interviewing stuff from 2 hospitals in the gaza strip, to off to the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 facilities. hundreds of bodies were covered from 3 mass graves on the premises of the nozzler hospital in hong eunice this month. the remains of thousands more people are exempt. it will shift the hospital in kansas city, often in his re siege of the facility. both hospitals will f, badly damaged and out of service of to is really troops withdrew. target was zoom, has more details on this from roof and southern gaza, of the persecutors of ancient national criminal. who would have been speaking to a number of power steering emetics, who have been working in a she felt hospitality in the north and even in las or hospital in con, units in the south of to the east,
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very withdrawal. they have been talking about possible crimes committed by the is ready military drink the existence inside the medical facility. fine. yet the identities of these medics is still unknown for security concerns and security reasons, as they international criminal uh, quotes office has been saying that they did not provide any proper comments about the operational procedures, investigations being made with through witnesses in order to guarantee the full protection, and we have been clearly remember what was going on as such, hospitals, in terms of the mass graves being discovered were hundreds of bodies, found the composed time they have been found. also, the dog had been buried in the deep writing sound with bile of waste and sound have been throwing over such bodies spot. yet these very side have been saying that they have no longer uh, let's say about what's the international court of justice might take in terms of actions against is ready. so just as is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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says that he, what tries to a will try to for the full protection for that use really. so just under his own leadership, jeffrey noises or human rights lawyer who left the prosecution of solver down the last of the to the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. he explains that was an icy c. case might involve or examination either directly or through the testimony of others. what may be a crime side is extremely important and potentially very valuable and evidence terms. we may have discussed this before, but how borders are found in a mass, grave of arrow killed in the same way with their hands were tied behind their back, but they being tortured beforehand or not. is itself going to show simply as step one, where they are a crime may have been committed. there's other ways in which it may be sure under their crime, has been committed simply by the number of people killed who are innocent. i was
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showing all of the individuals looking at their closing all their property on so on . and so it has even being suggested that the overall occurs that might be raised against the state of israel. could go back to an include what happened was long ago was 2014, when jurisdiction was fresh prompted to the international criminal code. so there you can't be sure what we're concerned about here obviously, is the overall driving mental state as the leadership of the state of israel as defense folks. and that means what is the mental state of the intention if you like, not quite the same meaning, but the intention of the is ready to lead ship minute pre and political. meanwhile, your secretary state asked me blinking has arrived in jordan as part of the latest diplomatic push for a ceasefire and gaza spring can 7th visit to the mid lease since the will began. on monday he met regional leaders in saudi arabia and is expected to visit is around
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next. so that's close to stephanie deca who's joining us now from occupied easters . and then what might we see on folds on these rainy leg of his trip then of the yes, he is expected to arrive here this evening and will be holding meetings tomorrow. the americans are really here to, to think push for a cease fire for negotiations for the release of the captives and for the fall not to happen. this is something that they have settled along. they haven't changed their position. and in fact, anthony, blinking yesterday saying that israel has not given a plan that shows that they are able to avoid my civilian casualties when it comes to this potentially imminent ground offensive in that office. so this is going to be high on the agenda. they are of course and comes in contact the americans and these ratings that you mentioned there, his 7th visits to the region. they are trying to put pressure. and i think these times are different now because of the human, it's potentially overall file,
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which is something that the americans don't want. it's something that the egyptians, which is going to be right on their doorstep, don't want. so now you're getting the regional players allies, players getting their own interest very much being affected. so you're seeing an offering of international pressure on these really prime minister. it is really under fire from all sides. at this point, tell us more about is writing remarks on the plan to attack rough on on the ground as well interesting that you've just had these really prime minister talking to the families of a soldiers soldiers who died during the gauze of war as they are putting a lot of pressure on him to go into the hall. this is of course, another sector of society because you also have, you know, hundreds of thousands of his rate. he's reporting for an end, for a deal to bring the captives home. and even for a new election,
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so he's just been talking to them. but he's saying that a lot is going to go ahead this evacuation of civilians have already started and that that also will go ahead with or without a deal. interestingly you have for the blood, very nice speaking now he is the head of and why the un palestinian refugee agency . he said that this is not true, that is real, has not started the box waiting civilians from that office. so it goes to show that what is said publicly to a key. so i'm kind of pressure of society is not necessarily what is happening on the ground where already with the negotiations. well, how math is expected to respond to israel's counter proposal by tomorrow night. and then it can go one of 2 ways. if they agree, then we'll have at the beginning of a cease fire, the reduce the captives with the reduce of prisoners and some movement within gauze of palestinians to the north and is ready soldiers away from certain areas. and the goal is to strip. if they don't agree, then according to these ratings you're going to see out of offensive very,
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very soon. so we're gonna have to wait and see how the next couple of days play out . certainly, i think a pivotal moment stephanie decker and occupied east jerusalem. thank you. and all the developments the un stop court is set to rule on a request to order germany to stop sending military a to israel. the case was followed by nicaragua and argues berlin is failing to prevent genocide or to uphold international humanitarian law. relates this case involving israel before the international course of justice, south africa approach, the court in december, accusing israel of committing genocide. so i'm on shake is the founder of the peace building organization, the shack group and a full met you. an official says that countries when increasingly faced pressure over their unconditional support, israel, which should be of great concern to belle. it should be a grave concern to the german chance 3 because it's something which i believe is a part of the testing which will continue to see we've seen how south africa
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originally initiate the 16 case in the i. c k against israel. and now we see the nicaragua and the global south, which we need as part of the oven alliance and the changing geo politics of the globe is no longer accepting that. and it is a reason why i think europe in capitals and washington again, have to think really hard about their actions, including the supply of weaponry. and today's riley, i mean offensive weaponry and which is now also reflected in the campuses of universities that i myself have seen in paris or in washington of human rights chief volt, volt tucked says that he has trouble by measures taken to dispose of protests against israel's war on garza and universities across the united states, thousands of protest as of barricaded themselves and find a building at columbia university in new york. the group is taken out of hamilton hall, which has a history of student takeovers,
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including during the vietnam war. they unfold a bond according it ends hole in memory of a 6 year old girl killed in gaza. it came out as on 2 universities, started suspending student demonstrators who defied an ultimatum to leave their incontinence elsewhere. this was the scene at university of texas in austin on monday, what thousands of people were arrested. nearly a 1000 protests have been detained at campuses, country wide and 2 weeks of demonstrations. many angry what they see is a heavy handed response by police and college administrators. how does your castro reports from the university of texas in austin after days of relative quiet on the u. t. awesome campus protesters erected tense and braced for what they expected to come next. we're not here to our community. and here we try to be deep in this is good habit and i know it's about to happen again and we're very scared for the minutes
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later. the police moved in at the house of university leaders, texas state troopers in right here surrounded a few dozen protesters, and one by one, tore them away with the news. the news now really rusted into this and that happened the moment police arrived. and now surrounding students and faculty themselves to come out here to support them as they are being like wave. i believe the protesters are sitting down on there. but really, why was this when the talks walk into the so called grab a protest or on holland you to
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spokesperson site is extensive online threats associated with monday's protest. algae 0 did not witness any acts of aggression from being catman protesters. so within hours, oh, had been arrested by police the crowd continued to grow chanting for the protesters to be read in police. police police use pepper spray several times in some protesters through water bottles. with the police eventually back down the news or never on the wrong side of history. he's using a russian because it's a who is peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died. finally, the last to the police retreated into a campus building, which is to say, despite more than 40 rest, the fuel b one monday, stand off because more eyes than ever are now watching more voices joining in the
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chance for palestine. heidi joe castro, l g 0 austin, texas. as most of the to bring you on the programs are focusing on the same bob way will tell you why the country is just introduced a new go back currency. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know them to stay, possibly also j frank assessments. how, how's the relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america? the crux of the mindset is, is choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on out to 0. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western and it needs to be questions
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. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best here's from, i'll just say on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book i'm under the main stories. prosecutions from the international criminal quotes have been gathering testimony from hospital stuff and gaza. this discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 medical facilities and recent weeks could amount to more crimes. meanwhile, causes civil defense so far as he says, a lack of equipment has caused the desk of thousands of palestinians trapped onto the rumble. estimates move in 10000 people on accounted for, and on not included in the official desktops of more than 34 and a half 1000. and then us actually, if they ask me, blinking is just arrived in jordan as part of the latest diplomatic push to revive sci fi talks. on monday he met with regionally doesn't saudi arabia. israel is the next stop on his journey. well, no day is a political analyst and x, but on policy. and if, as she is with us now from the drawing dining capital,
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amman, and so, nor we see a mass coming on the prussia to accept a deal that is mediated by countries in the region. that would involve a hostage exchange and also a temporary halt hostilities in garza. but it doesn't look as though they will necessarily make those concessions. does this mean that is rails long, threatened ground invasion of rough um might be more imminent as well. i think. and what's interesting is that we've seen over the past few days, a lot of statements, you know, urging and pressuring embossed to accept. and for a while there was a lot of cautious optimism up until this morning. and then we just, in the past a, our heard from these really prime minister and now saying that he would order an invasion of the with or without
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a deal in asses. i think at trampling all these ceasefire talks because a, and this is what the families of these really kept as i feared this is what the negotiators had feared the mediators had feared. and, and the statement comes after that and, you know, who held a meeting with his most striking when coalition partners, including the years. so we're seeing now a dance back and forth of saying we can have a hostage exchange deal. but then we're still going to go forth it forward with it within a fund raiser, and that is not gonna have to do it with anybody involved in the stocks and somewhat humiliating for israel's main ally who's secretary of state is currently in the region, trying to cobble together some sort of agreement. absolutely. the secretary blinking is here in jordan after having met with the saudi officials and other uh,
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goals officials in the yard. he will be speaking with the government officials here with the top jordanian government officials and then moving on a to, to israel. and it said it's interesting because it seems, every time blinking comes to the region a, you know, catching the tail end of some optimism, something like this happens. and he ends up really going home with nothing to show for all this political momentum. it seems after this statement that, that might be the case. i know you and i have had conversations about this and, and post is when you were based in gaza. or, of course, you know, the line very well how catastrophic would a ground and right and nation overall be for the palestinians. that it would be a book elliptic because we're already beyond catastrophic when it comes to the humanitarian situation. in the fashion is one of the most impoverished areas of gaza,
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long before up to over 7. right now it is home to 1400000 displaced malnutrition, to the desperate people. at least half of them are children. there aren't hospitals to 10 to these people. there isn't enough medicine to treat them. and there certainly isn't enough food or water to make sure they're needed, you know, uh, receiving proper limitation and invasion of what i thought would be absolute. an absolute disaster had units to the north, it has, has been leveled, hasn't been polled. if you stand in the middle of time, you this now and look west. you can see this the, the, the see. you can see the beach. one of the pothole. you could see we're building some quite high, all of that is now gone because of the previous invasion and to the north data. but we also saw a lot of destruction and the station. so effectively these people would be escaping
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if they can. 2 places that have no services, no food, no water, no hospitals, because those hospitals has been attacked. and as we were reporting the attack on, on and off the costs to the new, this is the center of some inquiry from the international criminal court. and our day thank you very much. i now to get any other present. william rotella hold a special cabinet meeting on tuesday is heavy. rains continues to lash the country . governments, as the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least a $169.00 thousands of people of displace. but many more are still missing. in the east, the ravine collapsed into the town, a river causing it to bust, its bangs knock web reports on this. from the mustang of them. it takes hours of searching the least to muddy, torn to find each body. those are covered at the latest victims in flooding that's
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killed thousands of people here in kenya, and hundreds across east africa. it was too much for this woman when she discovered a cousin was one of them on sunday. people were trying to get to and from the town of teresa by boat, a ton of rivers busted banks nearby and sipped much the main road. the stage didn't make it. several people are still missing. more than 20 have been rescued a life. they would take them to a nearby hospital. i mean the, those who knew how to swim more like ha, i don't know how to swim. so i had to hold on to somebody who does. you were dragged by the water until you was stopped by a truck where i waited until i was rescued. this is the truck. it was the last vehicle to try and cross here on the road. and so didn't make it the floods of cost of transport and networks and displaced hundreds of thousands of people across the
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region. a weeks of torrential rain for much of it in the highlands of central kenya slowed down to these hydro electric them as a feeling is reservoir amount of just say the level is about 2 meters above what is designed for wildly forces gushing into the flight channel. about 70 cubic meters, the 2nd and all of it is flowing into this kind of river down stream. it sweeps through the plains of eastern kenya towards the indian ocean. hundreds of thousands of people living towns and villages along its banks. the government has said those of risk should move to higher ground. we are having a pep in that community to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh, victims of the kind of change to today, somebody floods desktop, putting must lights out of loops after the rain in the highlands is still feeling
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the dams is moved around the way. now come web address. they're missing. get them can. yeah. ukraine says the death toll from the russian strike on the blacks. the poor city of augusta has risen to 54 year old girl is among the study to injured and the miss on the tablet. you're talking to the private law school on monday, the governor declared choose day a day of morning. now and now the confrontation has taken place in the south china sea between that chinese and philippine vessels and those disputes invoices, incident happen near a contested reef during the mission to resupply filipino fishermen, philippines coast guards. as a chinese vessel use vote to cannon on 2 of its boats. the latest in the series of maritime confrontations between the 2 countries. now to indonesia, people have been evacuated from the northern part of the country where a volcano has erupt. it again now relying most of the ways he sent a tower of ash more than 5 kilometers into the sky,
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forcing the pleasure of the nearby international airport volcano is erupt and several times in the past 2 weeks. jessica washington has moved from jakarta. the number line has been exhausting frequently since around mid april. but it was the rupture and this morning with an ash columbus more than 5000 meters, was sent into the sky. dark gray, almost ash, sentences of sky as well as the balkan over the agency observing incandescent lava as well as volcanic lightning. it has been several eruptions, but on a much smaller level. but the let up a level remains at the highest that is level for anesthesia authorities wanting people to say at least 6 kilometers away from the voltage. this is a situation that has been developing we, so in terms of preparedness authorities on relatively for pets. so there was a community that was living actually on the slopes of the volcano, and you can imagine they would have been in immediate danger. but in fact,
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they evacuated some weeks ago. and they all say what authorities are considering now is whether communities on a nearby island also need to evacuate. at this point, it is unclear whether they would need to invest wave to the, on the side of the island authorities. all considering that. but they do say that they are well equipped. there are no military vessels. they have enough logistics in terms of loss and food to distribute to people in need. and the situation appears to be under control. the capital of bangladesh remains in the group of an extreme heat wave with the maximum temperature full cost to stay above $40.00 degree celsius until thursday. heat wave in the south, asian country is the longest. it's suffered in 75 years old. schools were ordered to close on monday scientific research, a sound the climate change is causing the heat, ways to increase in frequency and intensity. now is in bob way. there's a new currency that's going into circulation. the introduction of eats involved, play gold, or zinc,
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is the government's latest attempt to tackle hyperinflation. the central bank says the sink is backed by gold reserves and ram minerals international monetary fund recently just involve way to speed up. it's current c, 4 forms handle. it's inflation problem which has to has the latest from ferrari. this is involved with the car and see and here are some of the new knows i have about 140 zig though it's on me on the efficient exchange rate. that's about 1415 us. so there's nothing bobby's i use this power contains and it's nothing new . there's no excitement in the air, but people have been way. can you some of them for hours outside the bank hoping to get their hands on the tired and seeing some of the stabilize? because from what i can see, and from what i have been told by the people in the bank, i'm confident that this will help all a corner meetings and bubbly. economy has saved for the new car and see 2 other
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people have to have confidence in it. somebody has a multi car and see system, which means you can buy goods here using fire and current. use anything from the 11th and ran to the you installed, as somebody called me say the government has to force people to use the new local money to use is ignited, for example, paying taxes or gts, the board of, of the awesome things, lobby and cons by using the big notes, for example, petrol and diesel, that is still sold in us dollars, which means if you earning low for many of the big notes, you have to go to the bank or the black markets change you might need to install as then you can buy fuel so that convocation is still there and people of course are waiting to see how this new car and see will fit out. is it going to be hit by inflation? and is it really going to stabilize the bobby's partner with us out? is there a direct, a lot set for myself close as always a well website out of their adult calm, small, i know one of the top stories inside story is the program coming up next,
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looking to the international criminal course potential arrest warrants. my colleague funding by table will be with you in just about half an hour time. the japan has also been in this in during heat dropped off a little bit as a, a winter. we've had well nice recently with the reading, forget that for the time being the breezes and the know surveyed new laws that dump and things down that rate in the titles back to southern china. part of the system that came in 5 to aliens been damaging, full of hail flooding range and occasional tornadoes. i don't think the upcoming couple of days will produce anything quite that 5. i wouldn't want to really try at tie rounds also at risk of some big dime pulse they've always potential flooding isn't necessarily wanted obviously that if you're not this file size,
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generally finding woman no reco breaking the help but basing is up to $28.00 hong kong full cost. good school the day on thursday, for the ever cost it on friday, slightly better on saturday. the breezy is a humid one, is coming off. the water tabs up to 30 by saturday. obviously attempt is all the thing in the inside of aisha. the breeze coming up, the soft temperature humidity combine, in fact a dash of the society of india. so we have of course, a heat without heat wave warnings to boot to overlay the colors you'll see does extend of an oil of india and pakistan. but it's worse, i think, here in the northeast, but also in pakistan is quite talking to the sides, not to human and american karate. and the cheryl is a dying died. so the notes in the post colonial was the stalls of european imperialism, run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict
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history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch ministry. come on, witness presents. this is come on a jersey the lies are on the international criminal. it's investigating israel's actions in dallas in the west bank, and it's really officials ferrets for perry to issue arrest one states, a prime minister, and all those senior figures. so what would legal action means? the country honestly that this is inside store the at a very welcome to the program on the clock. so israel's prime minister says nobody


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