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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the of israel's military strikes the group of people. gatherings for internet access in garza city. at least 4 people are killed. dozens more in just the i'm on the inside. this is out. is there a live from? don't or so coming up, 600000. people have been forcibly displaced from rough and southern gauze and just over a week that's according to the united nation. the prime minister, slovakia is fighting for his life off to being show. the government is cooling the attack a political assaults and less than the tax from the khaki region force. ukraine's
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president accounts so old foreign engagements. the hello. we beginning garza city where at least 4 palestinians have been killed by and is really strikes at least 20 others have been injured with some in critical condition. these really military attacked a heavily populated area where the palestinians with gathering to use an internet access point to work on his mom. this is the ultimate, if it is ready and ready to go up to city the injuries a to brutal to show. i would say heavily populated area was hit as posting and scrap it to use an internet access points. this happened not long after it's ready . boot is. it's much through does a 2 neighborhood to make a new road for tanks. as their tongues withdrew comedies or tons
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only to be faced with both death and destruction. again, remember that as the we were shouting into school, which they showed an order and way of finding dead bodies was tuned on the street. and then that we a suffering hope going and pick up the day fun houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage that is so common here that people will post a covet body along the street, belly demarcated by the broken buildings on either side, people are gathering most of the food materials. they tend to suffice the same stories struggle in civil labels street off the street. here did you need family had fled is where the bombardment and the jabante refugee camps of the north to seek shelter, but the ruins of gulls. the city i have a show of the i've got the number on my here. we are thrown on the street and they
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destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died. our homes were destroyed. they shook us, and they threw us on the street so that she had some children, a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the supper neighborhood, nearby boat devastation of to is really as strike only you and clinic for the of some years about a way to like shift renews. of both paula about london. i woke up in the morning and heard people talking about an a strike on the clinic and f 16 truck to miss out on it as 3. that's what i came. and so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the bodies and buried them all. hello, you have a home to come. the live areas of refuge has become targets and backgrounds and to be ready, fundable, palestinians are left with visual protection. with laura con al jazeera,
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of course of gauze as population has been displaced from rafa in the south during the past 10 days. that's according to the united nations. as of today's, of 600000 people, a quarter of guys as population have been displaced from rough. i, since the 6th of may as this really ground operation, there continues the office where the coordination of imagined affairs, this ground incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported. and that by law, in central gaza, as well as in jamalia in northern casa, many of the families now on the move, once again have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians and gods and must be protected. the group is really surplus, has again attacked trucks carrying desperately needed aid that was heading towards gaza. they climbed onto the trucks, growing and destroying supplies is where the settlers then went on to attack 2 of
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the palestinian drivers, injuring them. both had talked to place near the legal is rarely assessment of veto in the occupied west bank. israel's defense minister, you, i've got and has come out in opposition to israel's control, over gauze, a post war east courting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to will out any such possibilities because i've been shut off. i called them prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no, it's really miniature administration into strip. and that's a governing alternative to home. us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately or we can speak now to mohammed john to and he joins me lie from amman in jordan. and just to remind you, because being us know, government has shutdown out, is there in israel. that is why we are reporting from jordan. so how many, what should we read into this public job against ness and yahoo by his defense
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minister of a price will gaza? i mean, this is really laying there, the deepening divisions within the war cabinet about this post war plan. for gods we've seen over the course of the past week, more and more military officials in israel named officials. but officials done the less speaking to the israeli media saying that they don't believe israel's political leaders are doing enough to formulate a plan on how gaza should be run once the war is over. now, in the last few hours, you've had this press conference and tell of even which these really defense ministry a while ago on has said that israel should not be involved in governing gaza once the war is over, that the military should not be involved. and he's urging the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to commit to sticking to that scenario. what's interesting is that not too long after a lot made those remarks. and that's in yahoo came out with his own statement,
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essentially publicly rebuking galani and stating that how much will not rule gaza. and that there will not be any other type of rule for guys a chosen until how mass is defeated. essentially saying they're not going to do anything about this now. they're certainly not going to honor the request of the defense minister. and then after that, you had another member of the work cabinet. a 3rd member of the war cabinet been against former israeli defense minister, and he has publicly backed globbed saying that more needs to be done to ensure that israel will do the right thing when it comes to a post worst scenario. and that go on to stating the correct thing. so this really just goes to show how much division there is in the work cabinet at such a critical time. and as i mentioned before, more and more military members of the military establishment have been quoted in an unnamed fashion, but quoted none the less and is really media outlets the past several days,
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stating that they are worried that because israel is not adhering to the americans advice that that's a damage, the relationship between the us and israel going forwards and they are very concerned that netanyahu is prolonging the war in order to stay in power longer. molly and mohammed, we've uh, just on the slightly different issue we've just had from is melania the how much lead to on the state of cease 5 talks? what did he have to say? well this is another complicating factor because what the political chief of how much is my in any i have to say was that he was rejecting any post more settlement in gaza. that excluded how much. he also said that the is really amendments on the cease fire proposal by mediators, that's what led to the negotiations going into a deadlock or a stalemate. him and he also said that the, how much of sticking to its demands,
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but any ceasefire agreement should end the war and gaza. and this is what we keep coming back to when it comes to negotiations. how much just demanding that a ceasefire would mean the end of a war? israel continues to maintain that that is not acceptable to them. but if there is a cease fire that the war would still continue, mean. okay, thank you for that mohammed jam june. the for us in jordan, and just to remind you, the reason we're covering this from a mine is because israel has find out is there from or pushing inside israel. the slip back is prime minister robot feet. so is on the going surgery in the hospital often attempt to assess the nation. the government says his condition is critical. china, how has the story to this was the moment shots were fired.
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slovakia is probably minutes the robot feet, so the prime minister is seen here being bundled into a waiting vehicle before being rushed to hospital. people's late to lift it to a specialist facility where his condition is described as life threatening and his feet away. the suspect is wrestled to the ground. no motive for the attack was immediately apparent. stable robert feet, so had been attending a government meeting in the town of hon. glover, north east of the capital process. some of the schools, the press conference he gave shortly before the shooting made a course of the international condemnation. slovakia, as president said, the attack was hard to comprehend. the physical attack on the prime minister is festival. an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the prime minister's life
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comes 3 weeks before europe and parliament elections in which popular stand, how drunk parties are expected to do well. pizza, its own brand, of less between nationalism, has been the focus of repeated anti government protest. slovak is longest saving, political lead, he told me to come back last september off to subbing to previous terms. he ran the pro russian empty american campaign and his promise to and ministry support for ukraine. high with this little bits of val cova was taking pictures of prime minister pizza on her phone. as shots went off, she said like for the crack has zillow. some doctors cover the car by so blood on his head and then he fell next to the battery. and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from the should not happen in slovakia for country in shock now waits for updates on its leaders fight for life during the whole i'll do 0 as well. we've just got an update from slovakia is defense minister
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who said the attack on prime minister robot feed. so was clearly a political assault. we just talking about the level demographic but it really to understand the child to to accept the opinion. the not only one is the good one. if somebody has a different opinion, it's also have also his place on the field for disease. the issue, what's happened is the photograph of it. that's perfectly and we have to be on that . let's get more on this with theresa. fallen she's direct to the center for russia . europe, asia studies. she joins herself joins us now from brussels. thank you so much for your time. i want to begin by getting your reaction to what is going on. in slovakia this evening and the shooting of the prime minister who is now currently fighting for his life just as of course, is deeply disturbing. the president of the european commission has condoned it is
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very much upset by all this, and everyone wishes that he will survive this horrendous attack. but i think that this also points to the deep political polarization that exists in slovakia. and you also see this throughout europe, the many right wing parties are gaining in strength. and today we also secured filters in the netherlands, put together a government, he has been unable to do that for the last few months, so he's very far right. and so i think that as deep political polarization, we're seeing it all across europe. earlier we had a that from the defense minister saying as, as a, as you've been describing a political assault, a painting for com and asking for hatred on social media to stop. that speaks to the divisions that you were describing a can you explain when it comes to slovakia? what is in more detail what is caused that polarization?
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ringback we will of the multiple reasons, but this government, as you noted in your earlier news package about the story, he was out of office because of a assassination of a journalist, a 27 year old journalist and that journalist was investigating corruption. so since he came back into power of the go, has actually disbanded an anti corruption organization against the rules and regulations. so i think that the public is very upset by that. some members of the public in opposition to his party, but he's very pro russell. he's kind of from the same of these very close to victor, oregon and hungry. so we see is kind of pro rough, a pro china position. and this in, across europe is a year of election sourcing, the european permanent elections in june as well. and so i would say this is about 3 countries that have moved more to the center. that would be poland, greece, and i'm sorry for the 3rd word, but there tends to be a far right move,
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especially in germany. we're seeing the f d alternative for germany has got 20 percent of the the vote so far. and now with these new crises, a new corruption issues in regard to the number one liter maximillian cross. she has been accused of taking on or having to do with espionage and china. his 2nd on the poll list has been taking bribes or literally taking bribes from russia . so there's the corruption and some of these far right groups. and they think that there is growing polarity across europe, especially height, and because of the election year. right. and do you think this climates of heights in division do you think that's what's laying the groundwork for this environment where we all seen these acts of violence as well? i think it's the very 1st time that ever happened in slovakia, but i think that they're out there already and all the other politicians in,
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in the backend that have been threatened. and i know that's been happening elsewhere in europe as well. for example, germany. yes, that's a right to have been a threat. so i think that the level of the bread in addition, you pile on that another layer of the blood reputed, threatening europe with a terrorist attack. so it just feels like the threat level is continually growing, and it's not just a polarization. also. we see a lot of polarization in regard to all of these things are coming together in regard to post. i'm. it is rip israel. tensions, and i think that, you know, just walk you through the process today. i saw a huge protest of near the shoot me an area around the, your european institution. so there's such a height and tension i would say in the air that's unusual from past years. and i think the economic issues are kind of driving a lot of this as well in europe,
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in regard to the move to work towards. right? because even the center has parties tend to be more leaning towards the right. so. ready it's supposed to cover the economic landscape along with the word, ukraine, height, and energy, and food prices. and, you know, there are a lot of tensions going on here and i think that's, uh, it's gonna be a tough few months ahead of us. we have the elections next month, so i imagine that this is likely to grow. okay. 3 is a 5 and direct to be sent to for russia, europe, asia studies speaking to us back from brussels. thank you. thank you. still ahead on al jazeera and joe biden, and donald trump has agreed to face austin to presidential debates. the 1st will be held next month, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive,
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where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return, and i want the killing to stop inside story. on out to 0. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent, and remember to cut purifies wealth and increases sustenance costs on red, chris hearing the sharp populations a decline,
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70 percent. understanding the reality. i just placed it in a fluid. i'll just say it was changed across the world. when you come to the house with the story, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the back you watching out is there a mind if i told the stories based our civic is prime minister rather feed. so has been shot and taken to hospital in what is being reported to be in life threatening conditions. suspect has been arrested. the defense when it says cooling the attack a political selves, at least for palestinians have been killed in more than 20 engine. fine is really as striking,
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kansas city is really ministry talking to it. a heavily populated area with palestinians were gathering to use and internet access points. the palestinians mocking what they call the next the it is 76 years since the forced mass expulsion from what is now israel. the 76 seconds of silence rang out across the occupied west bank smoking each. yes and speak catastrophe. old and 750000 palestinians were forced from the homes as israel was found it. today, of course, best suffering and even grace it can task to free with more than 35000 men,
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women and children killed by israel's will on gaza. obama sydney refugees and favorites. have ronnie to commemorate the anniversary. they say it's never been so important to remember what they've lost in a color, was that the they chance the palestine they transferred. they transfer garza and the children of garza who are under fire. these are the new generation of how the city and refugees and 11 on the hold on to their identity. it's been 76 years, has palestinians were forced to from their homes, from what is now israel during the 1948 war, the refugees and their descendants, little has changed for them. there's still this place. there's still space list at the heart of the struggle is an event that they march every year. the not the arabic for catastrophe, that's what they call it. and this year it takes on a whole new meaning with israel's war on grosso. again,
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as the input of sidney this year, the not the coincides with a genocide in gaza. israel is killing, are people starving them and displacing them? now these children need to know. there is an occupied country called paula sign up and people here, palestinians, 11 on these refugees say that they're watching a new not by unfolding garza the walls of discount. tell the story of their decades a struggle for a palestinian homeland lower than what we keep talking about palestine to our children and grandchildren. we will tell them what happened to us, how we had to leave our homes and all on i do, i still in this camp also. there is support. what time i've called the l x stuff. let us talk against israel on october 7th. umbrella, we will never give up our homeland no matter how many children they killed, no matter how many houses they destroyed. this is orlando,
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the oldest refugee population in the world say. they will not surrender center for their houses, the. the dates in the house and symbols have been gathering around europe to commemorate the knock, but a peaceful protest took place in belin william peacock was that he sent us this report. a several 100 people. now, this mazda mazda, not clubs, i either make his way down west billings main shopping, a whole mix of different people from different groups and different places. but everyone who told you has very similar to mind, best of all, of course, and the end of it will. but no, but deductible. everyone says it won't fails. that one's an end to jeremy sales of um, the israel, that jeremy is the 2nd biggest, the plans that something that people have or wants to change. and the other thing that everybody mentioned is freedom of speech. a lot of people say they cannot express themselves whichever way they want at the beginning of every demonstration, but organizers have to read out the lists and restrictions of the lease of impose on them as a whole list of organizations economy emotions. and i say things that the thing the
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police say is inside integration, hey to come back to the calling for an end to the state of israel. it could be safe to move it to the sea this year. despite the restrictions, you have to say, but it's a lot less victim last year when the, into the adventures back and the other for every event around that. but they've had any relation to protest on the fund moves. that's not the case. this year was meant to be a big and marketing set today. if the guys facing today, please save us the guide to go ahead and talk about your as president to abide and form the president. donald trump have agreed to hold a debate next month. the 2 candidates have reportedly agreed to june the 27th for the event due to the add on cnn. and all the basic plan for september presidential debates have usually been held in october, but the bottom campaign says that a rise in the voting means people need to see the candidates a
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debate coming so soon could kicks the election season into how i get. kimberly how could have to us president joe biden has challenged for president donald trump to a debate one that is set to take place much earlier than typical for presidential debates. the to man has bypass the non partisan presidential debate commission in both format ad, when these are set to take place. in terms of when this will happen, the schedule that the 2 man negotiated in real time is set for june and the 2nd for september they'll take place in television studios without an audience. and what we know, according to the video announcement by joe biden, is but he is going to show up in his own airplane, one of the todd, to the former president about saying he's going to keep for 4 years. and shop was 2
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debates for me in 2020. the sense that he had showed up for debates. now he's acting like he wants to debate me against or make my day pass all even do a twice 1st pick the day style. i hear you free. i'm was these, donald trump, the former president responded on his own social media platform truth social saying hack. and joe biden is the worst the bader i have ever faced. a cap put 2 sentences together and he went on to say, i am ready and willing to debate crooked. 2 at the to propose times in june and september. he is also colleagues on the president to face him for debate in front of very large crowds. something that he believes that the current president is afraid of taunting him, saying that he can't draw large crowds and also proposing that there be
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a vice presidential debate. we should also 40000 that there is another man that is vying for the white house and independent by the name of robert f. kennedy junior and he blasted both trump and 5 and saying that the president trump and bind are colluding to lock america in a head to head match the 70 percent of americans say they don't want undermining democracy as he is valley to appear on stage for the debates as well. kimberly help you out to 0. the white house. okay, before we go, i'm going to take a live to they shang, to look at these pictures. it is what you can see that as a, the russian president vladimir, please, and who has just arrived in beijing on an official visit to china. he's due to be in the country for 2 days. this is his 1st overseas trip foster being sworn in for a new presidential time last week. china, of course, has been an economic lifeline for russia and the international sanctions imposed
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over the war in ukraine. okay, that's it for me my. the insight inside story coming up next the the had a lot of a high pressure has been building down on the, in australia where you lots of fine and settled weather too much of the country. so got some spotty showers in storms affecting central areas of w a and also a coastal flo bringing some showers to coastal areas of queensland and new south wales of the next few days. now one friday, a cold front sweeps across the southeast when your chance of snow, some small hail and showers to the likes of tasmania, as well as in southeastern areas of australia. we'll see temperatures down slightly
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here for cases like melvin, but instead for path. well, they'll be continued to sit very high for this time if your unprecedented heat continuing through to saturday with clear skies. and this guy is having launch the blue for the south island of new zealand. but on thursday, you can see that rain starting to pick up the numbers offset to come down on friday looking lodge. we settled though, for the north island, the south side and seeing that heavy rain starting to sweep into the south and the south east asia. the heavy rain is set to continue across the central band of the region with some very heavy falls once again for weston sumatra in indonesia and the malay peninsula. so as a to friday,
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the . ringback the, the angry protests in georgia, the bottom it says approved a circle for an agents film critics site will stay of the country away from democracy by adopting a russian style system. so what's mix for georgia and could this and it's aspirations to join the e u. this is inside story, the


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