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tv   Fault Lines The Palestine Exception  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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in chaos, their words on campus by withholding their labor. it's not certain when those walk offs walk out will begin. but the vote has been taken in. the strike appears to be set forward. he is in soft grey. have announced the visions to tackle southern he expected during the rainy season. the measures include the use of all the facial intelligence to help protect with floods will occur along devastating storms last year. but mcbride pulled stuff, sol along the votes away and sold a pro to busting it, spends emergency services tests, defense is meant to stop or repeat the flooding that's taking place here in previous years, work is monitored from the control center that now use is artificial intelligence to predict where floods are likely to occur. processing vast amounts of data from previous events and whether patterns to donate samples on the, the amounts of dollars it has increased beyond what full cost is can handle. i
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believe this, i technology will enable us to give faster and more detailed flood full cost singleton to allow them. it will enable meet urologist to triple the number of locations across the country where they can predict the flooding. rain storms last year with the worst. and a decade killing, endangering dozens of people, and displacing thousands a year. your history ever, we hope to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to predict nothing. but that still doesn't reduce the increasing impact of extreme weather events. south korea is also turning to ever more i'm vicious infrastructure like these underground tunnel capable of capturing and holding a 3rd of a 1000000 tons of rain water. enough to fill a $160.00 swimming pools running for nearly full kilometers on the cell. it will still go to that would otherwise flood the city above to be late to a pump to way through this with climate change,
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an abnormal weather patterns happening globally. i believe this tunnel technology could become an important export item. south korea was preparing defences for itself. but also developing nc flooding measures that could be used in other parts of a world facing the same climate process. rob mcbride, i'll just say it right. so yes, of course you can follow all of us always on our website. down to the top comes updated throughout the day. i'll be back with more news here in just to the hall for this type of next on the i'll just say that it's fault lines to stay with the one of the biggest selections of 2024. in the general election, will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states
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and will the media be able to cover the vote sweetie unfairly on going coverage. but in the, as an action on out, is there a the, there are like videos all the time of, of children screaming. a girl like with her eyes like completely blocked out people with empty to his limbs. like a father screamed and get ahold of his daughter. is that daughter? night after night mario, the old one looks at images like these from gaza. she's palestinian america 21 years old. and a student at columbia university in new york. like i feel like i'm living in an, in an alternate world. an i don't, i don't understand how people are, are that i don't know if they're seeing it and they're just not caring. or if they're not seeing it. and if it's my job to like, tell people about it, what would you want people to know the reality of what it's like for palestinians?
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it's not a conflict. it's a part time. and now it's genocide. maureen is part of the group on our campus has been organizing approaches and trying to educate people about the situation and cause that this activism comes with a price order with a me posted on line call me a terrorist. and that did result in the losing my job. the suppression to palestine advocacy and speech in the us has a long history. but since october 7th, it's intensified. and university campuses are on the front lines, my name and a square posted on with centurylink, campus on me, with an anti semite, with my name. and you know about the fonts, you know, with a big photo and then a website. they're putting a target on my back. they're saying, here's your person, go get her. i think it's an exception to free of speech. yeah. we're allowed to talk about anything except this one thing. both points investigates what the correct down on palestine advocacy means for academic freedom in the us. they think
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that if they attack us enough, then everyone else will be quiet, but they don't realize that we can't be silent. and it's just going to motivate people to rise up more a this is one of many protest students at columbia organized since october 7th. they've been calling for an in israel's, a question and casa and their universities to investment from companies that profit off the occupation of palestine shows that they will do whatever it takes to maintain its financial fix. and it's really a part time maureen is a leader of columbia students for justice in palestine for s j p which organizes closely with jewish boys for peace. we just are trying to educate people about the ways in which the post and these are for us. we are really looking to the history
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of like the south african apartheid and, and how it was spearheaded by the use on college campuses. on the 9th, i think genocide, investment is the ultimate goal from watson's manufacturers and company is a profit off of a legal settlements and things that are, are just violating human rights. in november, the university suspended both groups, campus administrators that they held in unauthorized event. it was later revealed, administrators had changed the policy about hosting campus events as protest supporting casa, pick ups deep the
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administrators also alleged that the reason for the group suspension was that the protest included threatening rhetoric and an invitation. when we met in person with the senior executive vice president, he said it was references to apartheid genocide and from the river to the sea. palestine will be free, could be seen as an incitement to violence against his release. students from a river to the sea is a call for equality because israel's, and the part i said, we're not saying jewish people shouldn't be there or saying just have a full right. the language used to support palestinian rights or critique is really policies as long than typically scrutinized in spirit as anti semitic age speech. no government should be held above criticism. there is a strategy right now in the united states by pros will lobby groups to label any and all speech critical of israel's actions as anti semitic. if you criticize this row, you just have to point that's automatically anti semitism and you can't even debate it. and anyone who tries to debate it is an anti semite art and to educate the
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student body or just to put a little bit of new ones in the conversation, is labeled as anti semitic. is incredibly frustrating. these graduate students at columbia are all studying international human rights policy after the mass attack on october 7th, they were accused the beauty semitism for statement. they released the one with more than 20 other student groups. we sort of said, you know, the conditions in the eyes are terrible like it's an open air prison. you know, we some of a sudden things like we've been warning against this for so long while the loss of both palestinian industry life. the letter also said the responsibility for the war and casualties lies with this really government. i'd say similar statements. my students at universities like harvard provoked the angry of donors and politicians . i don't think the statement went over very well with design, it's on campus and off campus. a few weeks later, they were dropped. the pro israel group published their names and some of their photos online. and on these trucks, which circle campus,
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they called the columbia leading into so much i come for the 1st generation family and outpatient of that. so when i try not to. a my family out, i try not to, i try, you know, you can't really explain to a, been all the mother would talk soon. you really use the group also created websites which students full names. and all of this has very identical paragraphs here saying they are part of a student group that signed a statement. hannah is the leader of an organization assigned a hand table, and i select statement. your university must have done something to protect you here, right? you think so there's some dangers in place and that a task force a multiple task force? yeah. how does that help you though? it doesn't. it doesn't say that by not calling out that the trucks are falsely claiming that we're anti semites by then creating the anti semitism task force. it makes it seem like actually we are into anti semite and is jewish. 2 before coming to columbia, she worked for jewish organizations, helping high school students,
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identify the difference between anti semitism, the critics of israel. so to have all of my, you know, young lice work so far be boiled down to 3 words. is we just really? i mean, it is a, i think it says a lot about where we are at the state of the world. i don't think it's any stretch to say that we're in the mccarthy era moment here when it comes to speech suppression, radical. so i know if there's a senior attorney with palestine legal, the civil rights organization that monitors the suppression of palestine activism. much of the work is focused on college campuses. and since october 7th, their phone has some stuff right now. we're seeing a record number of requests from students who have been facing severe anti palestinian hostile environments on their campus. and we know that students are filing complaints and their university is doing nothing. universities are happy to embrace diversity, different political opinions,
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but then when it's for palestinian rights, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down pro power stein and 1st amendment advocates have a phrase for this. it's called the palestine exception to free speech. effectively your tools, you can research anything, you can do your ph, d, on anything. you can have a, a protest on this public square about anything except homeless thing. and if you make it about power line, you're going to be accused of being anti semitic of being irrational, nancy as well, or of being supportive of terrorism for several months. the university has act. we asked to this idea that the fear or discomfort or anger that some people might feel when they see a coffee, or a postilion flag means that there's a threat that has to be suppressed. like, did you catch up on like what happened with the drum on the call this morning and there's all these things happening all the time. that of course we have to check not only what's happening and post nights, but like, oh, did i get docs?
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here is this professor who is harassing us and did he say something else like it just feel like we're in a fight or flight mode all the time. like completely hyper vigilant. have you been doing like your homework and stuff like that? like this. we need to do like studies as together. the thing is like whenever we study together, we just end up talking about associates. if you feel i feel guilty for even like trying to continue with my normal life as this is happening. i feel bad for thinking about myself and my friends because every time they attack us it's, it's a distraction from what's going on and goes on. marion was supposed to graduate this year, but that's not happening anymore. watching the atrocities and cause on foot and battle, and university administrators correct down a student actions test taking a toll. i lost like 20 i least, 20 pounds last i checked. i think it's probably more. no i, i don't sleep at night and i, i had to drop my classes last semester. i feel like i can't focus when my
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professors are speaking to me to think columbia cares. oh, absolutely not. the message from the administration that i'm getting is that posted in life doesn't matter. and that includes my mind. one thing i learned is that i really universities don't care about their students. what do they care about? the donor money and where the money comes from and how to keep that going. billionaire, alumni and wealthy donors has some of the more prestigious schools in the country, pulling back funds over the response to anti israel rallies on campus. after october 7th, many donors condemned to pro palestine demonstrations on campuses. use media jump on story, dominating headlights, even as, as rules the tax on cause escalated. got a real shame is i've given to columbia probably about 50000000 dollars of a many years, and they're suspend my, give you how much did you donate to them? i probably don't a between like 70000000 dollars so far. okay. so that's going to be a hit to them and they're in damage that the university administrators didn't just
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feel the heat from donors. they were also getting it from capitol hill. yes. or no . calling for the genocide abuse does not constitute bullying harassment in december, the president of the 3 prestigious universities and went to harvard and the university of pennsylvania were called to testify and a congressional hearing about anti semitism on college campuses. for now, it was one of several such hearings on the hill after october 7th. i have not heard calling for the genocide for jews on our campus, but you've her chance for intifada. if her chance, which can be anti semitic depending on the context, the president of the universities did not question the underlying promise, which was completely incorrect. students for justice in palestine and other students calling for an end to the genocide are not calling for genocide abuse. i am asking specifically calling for the genocide of jews. does that constitute
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bullying or harassment? it is a context dependent decision congresswoman. these university presidents, much like many people who operate in the space, they find themselves locked between their principles. we want to defend free speech, and we don't want to spend political capital and as well by was fine. it's a no wind thing for us. if we get it right on principle, we're going to get destroyed politically including by donors. and if we get it wrong, free speech is going to be hurt anti semitic rhetoric when it crosses into conduct . cutting gay was harvard university's 1st black president, medation. i will ask you one more time. after this hearing calling, she became at the store to serve in the president. again, it depends on the contact. it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes, and this is why you should resign. less than a month for their testimonies. the president of harvard and the university of pennsylvania did resign. it was a gotcha hearing and they got themselves got into all of our detriment. we're
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seeing the, the growing synergy between sort of an anti welcome movement on the right with what is an anti free speech on israel movement. all 3 of the people testifying, please know, but they basically played into the hands of members of congress who wanted to use them to score political points against academia and they failed to defend free speech. so we're seeing the playbook being written for how you would go into a university like columbia or harvard or pen and say, you can't talk about race, you can't talk about gender and what we're actually being faced with right now. there's a question of who has the right to control what people can learn and teach each other this infringement on academic freedom has a plague professor is like dr. lar, she hi will before october, 7th, horrifying, horrifying. to think that you actually are in danger. how could one be in danger
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from being offered her in 2022. she was an assistant professor at george washington university in washington, dc for she trained future clinicians. so the diversity classes i teach are really about structural oppression and the psychological impact of that. and our responsibilities, clinicians to think about that that september she hosted a campus event about mental health and brought a palestinian scholar from hebrew university interest to speak. and so she walked us through our responsibilities an ethical duties as clinicians to be careful not to, let's say, unwittingly pushed the cause or the policies of any state. her example was israel, she is in his early citizen. she works in the context, was that controversial at the time? absolutely not. there were no questions or indications that that was received
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poorly. but during the following class, a few students said they felt uncomfortable by the talk and thought the speaker was anti semitic. i railed my teaching for that day, the entire hour and a half was dedicated to truly hearing out the students their concerns. the very realness of anti semitism. did they say specifically what they were so upset by their critique was primarily any criticism of the state of israel is tantamount to anti semitism. and so therefore, this talk was an anti semitic talk. 3 months later, a pro is real advocacy group called stand with us launched the title 6 complaint discrimination claim file with the department of education that goes to university in a queue. she hi, of hate speech and discriminating against her jewish. and it's really students a copy of the complaint was released to her right wing media outlet with everyone's
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name rejected except she has. i woke up in the morning to a slew of hate mail, heinous, racist, sexist, anti arab hate mail. my address was released the place of course where i work. they flooded my employers, emails or phone calls, directive, rape force deportation. harm towards my family. everything under the sun that you could imagine on every possible platform. everywhere there was no place that is safe. the title says complaint kicked off a much longer investigation by george washington university, which hired a private law firm to investigate. she had found that many of the allegations were either inaccurate were taken out of context and misrepresented. but even though she high was cleared, the tax continued posts october 7th,
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i had 2 events of mine actually be cancelled. so in 2 weeks i had dropped the truck in new york and the docks and trucks. and in dc, again, you don't have to do very much for the racist is on the public machine to run. well, we'll release the name what the rest do the work for itself. title 6 has been weaponized by pro is all lobby groups and this has been going on for 10 years now. and it's to send the message to other people, other professors who dare to criticize what israel's doing, who dare to bring speakers? who criticize what is always doing that we will come after you and it won't stop. we reached out to stand with us about the doctor she had. they did not address our case, but in a statement said that they believed as real as an important component of jewish identity. the title 6 investigation accusing she hi, could take years to resolve. it is made me think that the united states is quickly becoming a place where it might be dangerous for academics to think freely and
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speak freely in january. she hi resign from her position at george washington university. it is now teaching in the middle east, but she's still getting kate mill. this one or right a year after the tax 1st started. the intent is to harvest a railroad is to intimidate it's to silence, is to make people feel alone. so make people feel like a pariah. this is not some low key campaign that people wage. we looked into a number of organizations. they've been trying to shut down palestine advocacy for years. especially since b. yes. the boycott, government sanctions movement contraction into us. among the canary mission blacklisting website, the targets people who are critical of us real various investigative reports that expose, that is really intelligence has used it to keep people out of the country. and what little is known about who runs it. some of his donors are what the groups in the us
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it's one of many such organizations doing this work. you have this giant eco system of organizations that who framed themselves as defending do or students and fighting anti semitism. and really all they do, or most of what they do is target criticism of israel. it's clear intention is this will follow you for the rest of your life. and when you have a job opportunity, people google and they will find it and it will frontier, it's been, all of this is about punishment and showing effect. we've got a sense of best well reporting the story. now i told us that we said, continue to stand on the side of justice and freedom. let me call these crappy why . and somehow that was interesting to make me out to be someone who was, he was trying to change several university students and staff. we spoke with had experienced intimidation and harassment for their views on palestine and didn't
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want to appear on camera, some more afraid for their safety or facing professional consequences. i want to work in health care. it's scary. my identity is something that i cannot even change . that and can bring and not from those some had already lost jobs. i had a job, went up for auction graduation, and my employer told me to pay with the rescinding the offers that i already accepted because of my husband. ready they basically told me that i was doing an interpreted support for terrorism. as soon as you raised terrorism in this country, particularly post 911. i mean, you're really up in nancy right in this world right now. if you're on campus talking about cease fire, your being called both anti semitic and a supporter of care. you know, there's a lot of talk about keeping safe. our jewish students who feel uncomfortable by
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advocacy on behalf of palestine and have a great deal of sympathy for what those students are experiencing. but there hasn't been any talk about how this a path impacts our jewish students who are committed to justice and peace in palestine or how it impacts our palestinian students. i spoke about my family adage and sharon, i talked about how they were formed and how we were trying to find their bodies under the rubble. and for doing that, i received a disciplinary notice from my university. so do you feel like you don't have the freedom to just simply just say stop the violence? oh, go well that's the basic question is do the lives palestinians matter. and one of the premises of the suppression is that they don't. and nobody should be talking about them and no one has a right to talk about company
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a university did not respond to our requests for an interview, but linked audio. here's what universities, vice president, gerald ross burke had to say about palestine protest. i could imagine that somebody wished that in his release to being told that their state, i'd say a racist a committing genocide seems to them like a excitement for violence against them. meanwhile, mario and her classmates who were advocating for palestinian rights continued to get 8000000 doctorates. one of the emails was like swinging from a rope, that's where a stomach trash belong to people that telling us to kill ourselves. they're, they're saying the same thing to my jewish friends, they're calling them not real jews. but there's one message to still haunts or should be out here, shutting down each model. ok. and i'm starting with something the columbia employee told the college radio station at one of the protests to serve administrative jewish. okay. as i asked, okay,
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i hope every one of these people i don't think i haven't listened to it in a while. i didn't think that i would have like a reaction to it again. what is your reaction to it? i am like really scared and people are like, oh, how are you if you're scared them, just stop, but i can't because the whole point is to scare me to the point that i don't do this anymore. how long can you keep doing this? until i, until my last like i and maybe i can have caught influence on our government. i don't know. but at the very least i think other palestinians are seeing it. and they're saying that they're not alone. we're seeing the biggest protests for palestine rights for human rights against genocide. it really in my lifetime, the, i'd say the folks who want to kill protest and actually do legitimize is not
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criminalized free speech on israel palestine. see correctly that universities are their biggest challenge throughout history. students on us college campuses have been on the front lines for social change. and i think israel and it starts as allies recognize that that is why they are engaging in an all out war on us college campuses. the they are waiting for us to leave was rest assured, even if it's not lost, it will be on the new wave of students that com, the
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it fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports fights at the center. you're on a sports fan anymore, unless you're gambling on the phone lines examines the surgeon petting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turned this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gambles on it, just so you know, there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening and they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational,
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or actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. and why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line for us a call was of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of years, how to do the 32 and international perspective to try to explain to global audience . how does this could impact the lives? this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good. the bringing the news to the world from here,
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the israel says 5 soldiers have been killed in front of the fall, or is it renews its ground? defensive in northern cal, set the whole rama people watching all just every life. but headquarters here in the hall also coming up next it us from rough. uh more than 600000 palestinian souls to flee the south in just 10 days. not a bit peach and things present changing things of china is efforts to try and, and the fighting in ukraine plus.


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