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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the for the pain and suffering continues for the people of guys. israel says it's sending more, ron forces into the southern city of the play of watching l g 0 live from to how with and funding back. people also coming up top advocate calls on the un stop core to intervene, to stop what it describes as carnage. in guys and accuses is rather stepping up it's genocide. the key point today is that easily is declared,
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a wiping cause or from the map is about to be realize the head of columbia's and one of columbia is main. prisons is gone down in the capital just weeks off to receiving tests, right? and the presidents of russia and china also reform of the world war and the united nation. the . these are the defense minister. you will have guidelines has announced additional ground forces are being deployed to guys, a southern city of rasa. the intensified operation comes as these are all stop by lies a warning against a full scale offensive, and rough best being heavy fighting on the outskirts of a city between these really troops and palestinian onto groups. the un says some 600000 palestinians have typed the south in the last 10 days. the offensive as
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worse than done already die a humanitarian crisis in a rough hunting mode, right for some down by law in central gas fab hook comedies of preparing to bury her husband and her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this war. the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people amounted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren, this is the human cost of israel, warren garza pain, suffering despair, and a side that has become too familiar to gauze. a population of funeral in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here, find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. and the there's no
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safe place to nelfa hun eunice. they solicit jamalia and the say that's enough for safety is any with good now is really troops on the ground reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. allows these really army prepares to expand its military maneuvers in gauze and south, most city, 600000. people have a slave the area to places like here and there is by the honeymoon. i was just the . 7 there are blocks that the house time and the know if he's really forces that pushing deeper into a central jamalia in a renewed offensive jabante a refugee camp has come under heavy use, really bombardment, another 100000 palestinians. i've also been displaced from this area in the north.
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when did civilians have been taken to come out, add one hospital of a staff, se they don't have medical supplies and are struggling to provide treatment. wants out the hello defense as this update from july, the or this really poses intensifying the against the videos are living and nothing does district receiving casualties in the life of tales. if somebody could supplies the baby's noun, it's a windows limit of the targets and the victims of the as well, 80 bumping this morning and then this is a wounded patient we are treating at the i see you as you can see, the process is very simple. we normally place a step under patients who are undergoing surgery. however, they are no slabs at the canal out to an hospital given the precarious situation. conditions have worse and we do not have enough syringes. there is no cera,
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they'll know next steps and even ventilate the hoses are not available. the situation is die and medical supplies are not enough for us to cater to the wounded people's needs. the u. s. military says it's finished building a floating pierre for the delivery of age off the coast of gaza. the temporary structure stretches several 100 meters into the sea. me a god. the city washington says 90 truck road. so a day will initially pass or the see road with that number eventually rising to a 150, but agencies say the peer wouldn't be necessary if israel allow trucks to enter. so land crossings. well here's where the floating p a is located. this is for the south and it was originally going to be positioned. that's because last month phase really on a request that it be moved closer to one of his last check points. the united nations will coordinate the distribution of the a dr. ace unloaded and inspected again by is there any forces? but the un secretary general spokesman has one that if israel continues to prevent
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the entry of fuel into the strip and there's no way for the a to be distributed it she, every time she has more from the pentagon in washington to us as it can go ahead with a project because it's received security guarantees from the is really i'm of the truth regarding the safety of us military personnel and what's called the marshalling area, the area where the aid will be unloaded. however, what else depends it can spokes person about a similar assurance from the israelis about the safety of aid workers who will subsequently transport the 8 into garza. i didn't get the same set up and here we have had assurances from the idea that they will provide security to us forces that are operating on and, and, and set up that temporary floating causeway. we will also have a presence of a destroyer in the region to ensure that us forces are protected. that is, we take force protection very seriously. we will not have done and oper. i may put together a mission like this and coordination with us,
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the id without thinking about our forces that are going to be in it, that could potentially be in harm's way. what about 8 workers where, where, where is that? so again, i'm gonna, i'm gonna tell you what i said earlier at the top of when you asked me that the exact same question that we have to d conflictions all set up one in cyprus, one in israel. we have 8 workers. we have you and workers usaid u. s. military idea sitting together in a cell for the exact question that you're asking to the conflict on these important issues. all right, moving on. yeah. even those here it depends again, admit sort of appear as a substitute for reopening the land roots into gauze, or where fireman is taking hold. how about, for whatever reason the us is still not using as leverage to get those 8 entry points open. she advertised seattle to 0 depends ago. meanwhile, the united nations humanitarian affairs chief has won that the spread of famine in southern gaza is an immediate risk source of food which are in place already
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in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about almost on the left star food in the market, very soon of and on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. and these are kind of so reels statistics because of the situation which is that's the ministry. what connecticut viral, it's dynamic. and the, the, so the, the, the humanitarian operation is, is talk is completely start talk to what we must do. it is, it has rejected these ras proposal to jointly coordinate the reopening and management of the rasa. crossing between sinai and gaza. egypt says the crossing on the guys
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aside, should be managed solely by palestinian authorities as laid out a long standing agreements that were off a crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations. it's been closed since may 7th when israel took control of the guys aside. aid as since piled up on the gyptian side, unable to cross. oh goodness. so you was the middle of it, the whole big israel continues to engage in evasive actions, to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough crossing from the palestinian side to city defied siege on the gaza strip. once again, but i definitely state that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position . both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls, the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians,
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as well as the creation of conditions, rendering garza uninhabitable with the aim of feedback awaiting the land of palestine from its people. i'll just say it was a non conway force now from jordan's capital a mine, as is really, government has shut down. officers here is operations within israel. all these comments come from the presidency off to these writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu publicly said that uh, the rafa crossing could open, but egypt didn't want to open it. now egypt and israel have a very complicated security relationship. agreement had the beginnings of that would come, david, which was that help in uh, 1979. the codes that were assigned to kind of david. when specifically talking about ref, i've meant the rough i should be demilitarized and palestinians should be in control of the guards inside of the across the one k. those 2 things on happening. presidency is also saying effectively to the is raise that you are in garza,
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you've created this mess. this is an isn't on us. but you also have to remember uh, the dimensions are under tremendous amount of domestic pressure as well. the war is incredibly unpopular amongst egypt. and public, so that's something that's easy we'll be looking at. you're looking at the voices of the streets. that would be hearing a need capitulation amy agreement with israel is going to be incredibly popular, unpopular so that it plays into why we've had these comments come out so far. but like i say we haven't had any is really reactions like fall, but it's likely that we go to something that we've heard before, particularly from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who intends to deflect and blame the egyptians for not letting in the humanitarian aid. now the egyptians are actually fighting back in this it seems that there's very angry. busy at the beginning of that fight back against easiest, where the accusation stand again, name ron con,
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is covering this from amman. jordan, because this row has find out a 0 at where reporting from outside the country and out of development to south africa has made an urgent appeal to the international court of justice in the hate to stop is ralph's military operation in rafa immediately, it says that since it finds its case in january, the situation has reached a new and terrific stage. south africa is arguing that israel's operation in rafa is the last step to the complete destruction of gaza. set boston very forced on the hague. nearly full month since the highest un court ordered israel to prevent genocidal x in gaza. it was in the hate office, was accused of not listening. sadly, south africa is yet again compelled to attend to this quote and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention. due to the continuing annihilation of the punish 2 men, people with over 65000 now killed. and most of the guys uh,
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they just showed up in south africa. sas instead of following binding court orders, israel and has escalated the situation with it's a sold on rafa. calling it guides us, the last refuge we have, one and a half 1000000 people have been cramped to get her face. and then you went us here, we in catastrophe. this is the last step in the destruction of casa and this palace didn't young people. it was rough for the broad south africa to the quote. but it is all palestinians is a national, ethnic and racial group. who need the protection from genocide that the court can order when south africa represented the genocide case in january, the death toll and guides us to death more than 23000 the court in order this for us to stop genocide, the x, but refrained from ordering a ceasefire. 4 months later south africa says the court has
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a last chance to stop what it calls as well. and gain by ordering is immediate withdrawal from gaza. this is the 4th time south africa has us this court for provisional measures, against israel to stop its relentless attacks. its arguments sounding more urgent each time with israel pursuing its war aims and gods. how many are wondering, what international justice can do to prevent and stop genocide? south africa argue is the court does have the authority. the essential point is that the court has the power to act to ensure that its previous orders and its event, your judgement will not be with us. and the palestinian people will be protected and that he needs to exercise that power. now is where i will have it's turn at the court on friday. so far it has called the accusations of genocide baseless.
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but with egypt now supporting south africa case international pressure on this route in and outside the court is increasing. step 5, some l to sierra the 8 of footballs world governing body fee for has delayed making a decision on a request by palestine football association for israel to be banned from international matches the head of the palestine at face. that israel should be sanctioned for breaking numerous fee for roles, including having team space in settlements in the occupied westbank fee for president johnny santano has ordered a legal review of the issue and expects a decision to be made before the end of july. the moving on to avenues now and in columbia, the new director of one of the country's biggest presence has been shot dead weeks after receiving threats against him. and his family and mer fernandez was being
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driven home from the modell prison in bogota. when his present service vehicle was intercepted by gunman, he had received a written, desperate, softer. he began to implement new government policies to clean up presents, including a noun searches of inmates and their sales. president, gustavo federal, condemned. his murder and the minister of the interior said they would do everything to find those responsible harris, triple easy, political, i'm listen, profess to at have you already know university in the time he says, criminal gangs, a well connected across the country and their power is reached the most likely was organized crime groups that actually conduct most of their businesses, legal businesses from the braces that they have organizing. so they use a lot of privileges that they try to maintain through they these acts of violence that has been pushed against them through an emergency low degree that
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was issued by the government in order to allow them to move. the heads of these groups grouping on groups from 13, and to another, and to take away if they are privileged communication, access to lawyers and contacts in order to stop them. conducting these businesses. indeed, they return the age in order to keep those illegal rents flowing on the power of organized crime in columbia, which is far and it's very strong. they have a lot of connections to it is several forms of criminally feelings, through money laundering to corrupt practices of governing pressure, no officials. and that in itself, lots criminal reform it columbia does not have to come c, d, 's to challenge these very strong organize networks and crime scene to gauge that formed for decades. while we were 1st dealing with the conflict for security
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measures sunday, negotiating to end the conflict through a peace agreement, russian president vladimir fulton is in china deepening what he calls an unprecedented strategic partnership. budgeting has provided moscow with an economic lifeline during its invasion of ukraine. the 2 leaders discussed the war as well as expanding trade and investment. the power also call for the de palletization of the united nations. katrina, you report somebody g as a powerful welcome for a man chinese president steven pane. going to sit as an old friend. vladimir put it and walked to the red carpet as he arrived and aging for to day visit to deep cooperation between china and russia. phase i issued from china will always be a good neighbor. confront of mutual trust was russia and the continued consolidate of friendship between the 2 people's household. badging has been moscow's most important support is since invaded ukraine and has resisted coals from west and
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lead is to reduce that trade 40 percent of russia's impulse amount from china, including electric vehicles and smartphones shows out of the us market like this. even do sure. china is russia some leading partner in the international trade based upon last year's data. our country became number 4 in the export and import dallas of china. these says the t lead assigned a doing declaration, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties at of funding best for teaching partnership . 10 deals for also signed on development, cultural exchanges, and the protection of the siberian totally goods seating thing says the china restroom relationship is stabilizing. the face of us, the gemini regions says both sides of working to the polar world and criticize which he described as a politicize ations. institutions such as the united nations and tourist alliances . in the asia pacific,
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the russian president says he's grateful for china's efforts to solve the ukraine crisis will taking into account the security concerns of both sides versus newly appointed defense minister is also engaging and has brief to see on russian forces progress in the fighting. from russia standpoint, signals to the rest of the world that russia is not alone despite the invasion of ukraine. and despite all the sections that have been imposed on russia, the apparently some limits to this store called no limits. partnership. c has stopped short of providing most go with direct military support. being careful not to antagonize washington and brussels too much economic corporation between china and russia may be growing, but it remains dwarfed by the volume of chinese trade before the us and europe. katrina, you, alda, 0 beaching to the mayor of khaki, even ne,
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in ukraine says the cities under miss sol attack as russian forces make territorial gains. coast by presents automated, zalinski has visited india troops in concave and a bit to boost morale. he says the situation remains extremely difficult, john, home and re for some concave. so, really, it's been a tough few days for the soldiers, the ukraine, and for president, the modem is lensky, lumber jump what i want to thank you for all you do. thank you for your bravery. he's visiting the hockey region in ne ukraine. after rushing cross border offensive took about 200 square kilometers of territory. you craze on sources say that now slowed, it's a bones. fuller, they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area, both chance that the situation extremely difficult. the enemy is taking positions on the streets of the town of, of 10th. another russian push just west is about 7 kilometers into
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this up push goes a few moments is more russian or it's hillary will be able to show the northern outskirts of here how to keep ukraine 2nd largest city and home to more than a 1000000 people. it's already being attacked frequently from the we've russia using especially guided bones. they have wings and a g p. a system release from boma is come in trouble. more than a 100 kilometers to the target. the heating the front line to say step on please just come off it for a brief and a smoke. in the assume a region, we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements. in 3 days. they use them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves. that was the fight to jets, which could stop the bubbles who carry them, along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraine's allies have yet to
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arrive. although some us alms from a $61000000000.00 us military, a package on now coming in. the meanwhile, this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also mean it style neuro field home. and i would just say to try to keep still ahead on the program. new caledonia waste from another 9 to violence as protest continue against forcing reforms imposed by the french monument and nero's paid tribute to some of the women murdered in mexico. their families tell us the laws meant to protect fan aren't working the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a saying, any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for
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such from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era. hearing the sharp populations, it'd be quite 70 percent. understanding the reality i just placed that floated out just say it was teens across the world. when you connect to the house of the story, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the recap of the top stories on how to 0 is rose defense minister has announced additional ground forces of being deployed to rafa. the united nation says some 600000 palestinians have been forced to see the south in the last 10 days. the offensive has worse and done already die. a humanitarian crisis. south africa has presented arguments to the international court of justice asking for emergency measures to stop as or as offensive on rough. south africa says israel is fine aging the genocide convention and the raffle offensive would be the last step to gas is complete. destruction and the new director of one of the columbia is biggest presence, has been shot dead out in there for 9 days. had received written death threats out that he began to instruments, new government's policies to clean up presents, including unannounced searches of inmates. and this sounds residents of the french
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territory of new caledonia walking up to an uneasy call now after another night of unrest. there's been days of vide, and silver of voting reforms imposed by paris, which indigenous conic say will dilute their voting power. 5 people, including 2 police officers, have died in what is that was fine and the island has witnessed a franchise. impose a state of emergency sending thousands of troops that to quail the on rice under simmons reports reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france. i'm a mission to quail. the violets in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin and continue despite a curfew and stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to backup hundreds of extra police officers. the mineral rich pacific garden became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control. the situation
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we have cut down here and the situation there remains very tense with looting, riots, fires and a soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. that i would remind you that 2 joan dams have died. this is on dime a shelf in the head yesterday on another show and died today as a result of a weapon mishandling with a run, i think stopped ability of this week. politicians from the comic indigenous community accused fronts of trying to dilute the voting power. that's on the, to the french parliament is adult to the constitutional reform bill, which will allow old french residents who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote in elections. the cadillacs, who make up about 40 percent of the population, say that being marginalized by the french, new caledonia has one of the biggest nickel mining industries in the world. but one and 5 residents live below the poverty line. of these images of damage from the
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writing were filmed on thursday by a business man who says, you have to pass through road blocks controlled by a gunman, excuse bus, panama city. what is really happening is that as i move a lot to see family members or keeping all of my properties, i see everything on the vote. i see the store was looted by the people. i see the fives and adults warehouse is offices, and one was i admit, even though i carry a gun with me all the time to handle any situation. the reform bill needs to be rectified by congress before becoming low. all french forces clump down on violence on the orders of president emanuel mack, chrome. caesar also calling for dialogue with the opposition in new caledonia. right now, that seems unlikely. andrew simmons, which is 0 the stage is set for mexico to possibly elect its 1st female president, next month. although the number of women in mexican politics has steadily rising over the last decade,
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increase representation has not made to save the conditions for them. julia got the annual reports to mexico city, susan visit. i think we're getting 9 years since jason, my ex boyfriend tried to kill her, stabbing her 37 times. the is just wanna see the cost of the physical scars of the brutal attack have slowly healed. the emotional one are still roth marietta, like most victims of violence in mexico. jason'll never receive justice. what is her aggressors still less free? westgate? yes, yes. and then what else? okay, this, what guarantees do we have is we mean, instead of the lowest and the public citizens protecting more, they protected. he actually asked for malware up in theory, mexico has laws in place for the protection of female dictates a violent storm. but in acting those laws in a corrupt and inherently male dominated society is a different story. as a result, violence against women remains rights that besides have doubled in the last decade
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and an average of 11 women are killed every day in the country. faced with endless hurdles to justice, relatives often find other ways to honor their loved ones. many families, higher artist to pain their names and faces on city streets as a reminder of their tragic deaths. these are the final touches on my deal ideas as bureau. she disappeared 6 years ago for sisters overseeing the artwork and hoping her country can move away from this terrible trend that is going way. yeah, it's very hard to have trust of to what's happening to our family. but it's good to give a bit of confidence to the incoming government. we have more attention is given to these cases, to this issue. we want to see commitment from our government. but many don't say mexico can afford to just wait for legislators or even a female president to change things. the henderson support group brings together
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men with violent tests to try to help them to redefine what it means to be a man. the


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