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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the battle is rage on in northern guys. fighting continues in jabante at, with civilian casualties rising while in the south of the gaza strip as well as defense minister announces more ground forces are being deployed to the hello. this is alger 0 life from jo. um for the back people also coming up, israel is set to defend itself at the un stop for dr. being accused spice off off
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a kind of stepping out fits genocide in gaza. also in the news, the head of one of columbia's main presence is gone down in the capital just weeks after receiving guests, right. the thank you for joining as we begin in guys where at least 6 people have been killed and then is really attack on a house in jabante, a refugee camp, about 3rd to the space palestinians where sheltering the emergency workers are searching for the injured under the rebel, is there any forces that been pushing further into the camp in a renewed offensive in northern gaza? israel's defense miss are you off? kalonde has announced additional ground force to being deployed to guys a southern city of ross. i. meanwhile, the intensified operation comes as is arouse top allies, a warning against a full scale offensive on rough that is being
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heavy fighting on the outskirts of a city between these really troops and palestinian onto the u. n. says some, 600000 found a simians effect the south in the last 10 days. the offensive has worse than the know ready die. a humanitarian crisis in vasa, which is there is honey law mode. re for some data block in central past. the fiber hooked copies of preparing to bury her husband on her son. but it's not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this for the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people wanted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren. this is the human cost of israel war and garza pain, suffering despair and a side that has become too familiar to gaza population if you're
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in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinians. people here find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. and the, there's no safe place with the enough 500 units. they slowly jamalia and the say that's enough of safety is there any with god now is really proves on the ground. the reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. allows these really army prepares to expand its military maneuvers in gauze the south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area to places like here and there is by honey my mode. i was just the . 7 there ballasa city, palestine in the us military says it's finished building a floating point for the delivery of age off the coast of casa washington says 90
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truck road. the day will initially be delivered using the p. v. you and says it deliveries by line remain the most effective way to reach palestinians in dire need . gabriel is on to has more not from you in headquarters in new york. the united states says the floating dock is now anchored near gaza and ready to receive maritime h shipments for the united nations to distribute. but un, on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans. how to do so, but reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine. we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of gaza. and for that we need access by land. now the u. n says right now the main land crossings and guys are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drugs get in the lack of fuel to get to places to distribute it. basically the
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bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations. echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into gaza, all of the land crossing points into gaza and to allow unfettered unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the when even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough at this week. this calls into question is how safely the un could deliver aid. united nations in a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide for example,
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this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time. and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members. even when you have the opening of the support, even as you have more a come in, even if you have the fuel and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground and cause a right now which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in. and that is the real problem that the un faces right now. rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a floating dock. it didn't build, didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. gabriel's on to elders either at united nations in new york. well, here's where the floating pierre is located. this is for the sub, but it was originally going to be positioned best because last month, fees ready,
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all me requested it, be moved closer to one of his last check points. the united nations will coordinate the distribution of the a doctor except unloaded and inspected again. by israeli forces, but the un secretary general spokesman has one that if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip and there is no way for the a to be distributed share baton. so he has more than that from the pentagon. a view as it can go ahead with a project because it's received security guarantees from the is really i'm of the truth regarding the safety of us military personnel and what's called the marshalling area, the area where the aid will be unloaded. however, what else depends it can spokes person about a similar assurance from the israelis about the safety of aid workers who will subsequently transport the 8 into garza. i didn't get the same set up and here we have had assurances from the idea that they will provide security to us forces that are operating on and, and, and set up that temporary floating causeway. we will also have
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a presence of a destroyer in the region to ensure that us forces are protected. that is, we take force protection very seriously. we will not have done and oper. i may put together a mission like this and coordination with us, the id without thinking about our forces that are going to be in it, that could potentially be in harm's way. what about 8 workers where, where, where is that? so again, i'm gonna, i'm gonna tell you what i said earlier at the top when you asked me that exact same question. we have to do conflictions all set up one in cyprus, one in israel. we have 8 workers. we have you and workers usaid us military idea sitting together in a cell for the exact question that you're asking to the conflict on these important issues are moving on. yeah. even those here depends again, admit, sort of appear as a substitute for reopening the land roots into gaza, where fireman is taking hold. however,
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for whatever reason the us is still not using as leverage to get those 8 entry points open. she advertised seattle to 0 tons of them or will you and does he manage? hiring a fast chief is one that the spread of farming just haven't guys. that is an immediate risk. stores the food which are in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about almost on the left star food in the market. very soon hoping on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. and these are kind of so reels statistics because of the situation which is that's the ministry. what connecticut viral, it's dynamic. and the, the, so the, the, the humanitarian operation is,
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is talk is completely stopped. talk to what we must do. now israel is due to argue it's side at the international court of justice. slate to friday on thursday, south africa made an urgent appeal to the top. you in court to stop is ralph's military operation in russia. it says that since it finds its case in january, the situation has reached a new and harassing stage south africa is arguing that israel's operation in rasa is the last step to the complete destruction of gaza, set boss, and reports from the hague. it's nearly 4 months since the highest un court ordered israel to prevent genocidal x in gaza. it was in the hate office with was accused of not listening. sadly, south africa is yet again compelled to attend to this quotes and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the
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punish team and people with over 35000 now killed. and most of the guys uh, they just showed up in south africa size instead of following binding court orders . israel has escalated the situation with it's a sold on rafa. calling it's guys of the last refuge where one and a half 1000000 people have been cramped together. facing their units here we in catastrophe. this is the last step in the destruction of gaza and just palestinian people. it was rough for the broad south africa to the quote. but it is all palestinians is a national s. nicole and racial group who need the protection from genocide that the court can order when south africa represented the genocide case in january, the death stall and guys us to death more than 23000 the court in order this for us to stop genocide, the x but refrained from ordering a ceasefire. 4 months later,
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south africa says the court has a last chance to stop what it calls as well. and gain by ordering is immediate withdrawal from gaza. this is the 4th time south africa has us this court for provisional measures, against israel to stop its relentless attacks. its arguments sounding more urgent each time with israel pursuing its war aims and gods. how many are wondering what international justice can do to prevent and stop genocide? he says south africa argues the court does have the authority. the essential point is that the court has the power to act to ensure that its previous orders and its event, your judgement will not be with us. and the palestinian people will be protected and that he needs to exercise that power. now is where i will have it stored
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at the court on friday. so far it has called the accusations of genocide baseless. but with egypt now supporting south africa case international pressure on his route in and outside the court is increasing. step 5, some l to sierra the he still had on alger 0, uneasy, calm in new caledonia, after the french overseas territory. witnesses was sunrise in more than 30 years. the over 27000 harrowing photographs as typically until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian
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government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera. i'm reaching of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve effort there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on the on active is on the crisis and gone. so what is happening today is top thing on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on scripted part one on, on disease. hearing this type, shark populations is declined 70 percent. understanding the reality. i just placed that fluid i'll just do is change across the world. when you close to the house of the story, the
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the, the, you're watching how to 0, live from bill. how would be for you back people. i reminder of our main story this hour, at least 6 people have been killed and then he's really attack on the house in giovanni, a refugee camp in the gaza. is there any forces have been pushing further into the camp in every new defensive as get more on this and speak to i'll just there is terry cup was of was in darrow, by law in central guy. so, fighting seems to be intensifying in the north american jabante. yeah. what more you hearing about a situation there. well, obviously fully now they use really military. so 10 minutes in order to take full military control over the nose of this trip,
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not only in the valley at refugee camp where since midnight, to the intensification of the east, really bombardments from lands and was completely unprecedented for decades. now the entire account has been under the east verify as the bottles are in the hot pizza in areas of the valley a we so different views. imagine from the military we can go from us about the confrontation start to are still ongoing to now in the street to the come to be completely violent and aggressive. while the is very forces have been pushing move residents to free you from the come to the western side of gauze city as they are destroying those of residential buildings on. we have seen video showing how they are completely planning up complete residential neighborhoods in so it becomes that just to give them a kind of military clearance on the ground in order to militarily dismantle the top right of the palestinian on troops. the ha to now what we can hear from our
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witnesses that department is taking place on the facility of come on at one hospital in baker town, as well as the agency was struggling to get to the location of the targeting in order to evacuate the injuries as people have been killed inside the streets of july, the over 50 count without getting any kind of help in order to be recovered by the civil defense cruise by similarity. now this minute, your loan is linked to the bit expanding that these very military tanks have surrounded the entrances of bank tunnel in town in the fall. and most of the strip where some of families have slipped from devalue to bait tunnel in order to take shelter in evacuation. sense is the but now the ministry evacuate is completely set around new boost evacuation centers. it's ongoing finally being made to being also made by these very admitted to tanks in that area. terrifying civilians without any kind of lit top in that area where isabel is so keen right now to take full control
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in the area that's supposed to be mandatory, dismantled into the show, months of the as the mid of treat announced before fully. terry, thank you very much for the update that so i'm just here is terry capitalism reporting deadline from down the law in central casa, the students at oxford university in the u. k. are increasing pressure on administrators to cut ties with entities, links to israel. the flag should keep up with that protests until the demand submit during the whole v. for some oxford pretty test led by students at the university volkswagen, up to administrative this week, refuse to engage with the code the moms over the war of gaza. students have been camped on the university loan since may, the 6 among the the mones, the docs would disclose its finances and investments. the oxford endowment management fund has not disclosed any of their investments. we know as of now that the university's food investments such as black lab that of historically been
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completed and is really apartheid in genocide. we also know that the university is banking this all place which has been involved in the architecture. it was really a part of the occupation in genocide. the people have joined this protest dot hang good in particular, they say by the university locksmith refusal to set out plans towards the investment from israel. and from is really link entities a move. they say that some other universities have plants to make most recently notably, trinity college and they say the protest will continue until it does. this is about demonstrating to the university that we have seen here. we've been here for almost 2 weeks, sitting and waiting for someone from the administration to come and enter into dialogue. they believe that they can ignore us. they believe that they can wait us out. the university of cambridge has agreed to meet with their students as of today, and we believe that the university of oxford is really failing their duties to meet
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with their students and discuss these right. just demands that be prepared against the institution that supposed to represent us around the hatred notable produced palestinian medics with experience inside gaza during the turn more they talked about the disabling of its health care system. while student leaders describe the destruction of causes, scores and universities. above all, they said this was a wakeup call to the university of ups with to put itself on the right side of history. joe, now i'll do 0 aux with the other world news. residents of a french territory of new caledonia, have walking up to an uneasy calm after almost a week of unrest. they've been days of violent silva voting reforms imposed by paris, which she business contacts. they will dilute their voting power. 5 people, including 2 police officers, have died in what is the worst violence the island has witnessed. frances it for
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thousands of troops and you kind of don't ya. opposite. imposing a state of imagine c, andrew simmons research the reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france. i'm a mission to quail. the violets in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin and continue despite a curfew and stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to backup hundreds of extra police officers, the mineral rich pacific garden became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control. the situation we have cut down here. i have a situation that remains very tense with looting, riots, fires and a soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. i would remind you that 2 joan dams have died. this is on dom we're shots in the head yesterday. another
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show and died today as a result of a weapon mishandling. with a run, i think stopped ability of this week. politicians from the comic indigenous community accused fronts of trying to dilute the voting power that's on the, to the french parliament is adult to the constitutional reform bill, which will allow old french residents who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote. in elections, the cadillacs, who make up about 40 percent of the population, say that being marginalized by the french. new caledonia has one of the biggest nickel mining industries in the world. but one and 5 residents live below the poverty line. of these images of damage from the writing were filmed on thursday by a business man who says, you have to pass through road blocks controlled by a gunman, excuse bus, panama city. what is really happening is that as i move a lot to see family members or keeping all of my properties,
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i see everything on the vote. i see the store was looted by the people. i see the fives and adults warehouse is offices, and one was i admit, even though i carry a gun with me all the time to handle any situation. the reform bill needs to be rectified by congress before becoming low. all french forces clump down on violence on the orders of president emanuel mack, chrome. caesar also calling for dialogue with the opposition in new caledonia. right now, that seems unlikely. andrew simmons, which is 0 slow i q as prime minister robert fits so is table, but his condition remains serious. softer on the going several hours of surgery, for so is shot 5 times in the central time of humbler around wednesday. after he left a government meeting, the assassination attend shocks the country and drew global condemnation at tasha butler reports some central. so back you videos, emotions, the man charged with the attempted murder of the state bank is probably minister
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robot fits, so it shows the 71 year old is an antique government demonstration in west. and so if i q last month on wednesday, the form is security guard and pony. it is believe to find multiple schultz fits so in the central se, back in town, defend leuva. before he was wrestled to the ground of the moment is we didn't quite understand what was happening because until now we were living in the country. we couldn't even imagine someone shooting at a politician as the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and left it to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave town. bank sca history . so where are you on the winton operation? the last it, i was talk to this hospital, what into the noise to say fits those life and say, but he's now in the stable but serious condition of the people that caught me. the surgical patient had multiple gunshot wounds, which will affect his recovery. at this point, his condition has stabilized,
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but it is truly very serious of to visiting think. so in a hospital. so if i q isn't coming presence, that it was time for people in the country to unite. we have to calm down the situation in the society. we have to ask the people to fight against each other only because they have the political view of somebody like that. and we have to stop this uh, uh, this uh, this high and the very huge tension you never society fits. so he's like, use the longest serving political leader and close to the russian president is a forward to say the pope in this problem is the, is a trusted pair of hands. his opponents say he's a voice. if the guy who's a routing rights, the government says the man who shall say most politically motivated but acted alone, they hope that the assassination attempt will destabilize and rated politically polarized country natasha butler, which is 0 central. so if i q, the new director of one of the columbia is biggest presence has been shot dead
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weeks after receiving threats against him. and his family and mer fernandez was being driven home from the modelled prison in bogota. when his service vehicle was intercepted by gunman, he had received desperate sap to implementing new government policies to clean up presents, including unannounced searches of inmates cells present. gustavo petrol condemned. his mother and the minister of the interior said they would do everything to find those responsible. this is the mancha. how's the weather on? general selling mind can go drawn, has been to the locked down operation in the city of boca, to find the authors of this homicide. i am leaving right now for an extraordinary security meeting at the national police headquarters to the family of the colonel, fernandez. i want to extend all my solidarity and out of the government and the whole country and to the murderers. i want to say to you, you will not scare us going and we will go forward a spite of your tax to the prison service. i want to say that we are strengthening all security measures. we can so that you can continue to do your jobs and the best
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circumstances possible for fun. but at least 4 people have died in the us state of texas in heavy storms. high speed winds down trees and power lines in houston, leaving about 800000 people without electricity. the windows of several high rise buildings were blown out. the public safety department has issued fund warnings for texas and louisiana. prosecutors say former south african president, jacob zoom. i will go on try for corruption. next april zoo. my face has multiple counts of corruption as well as tax evasion and money laundry. he was charged 4 years ago with taking bribes in connection with a controversial, multi $1000000000.00 french arm. still the charges against him relate to a period between 19952005 before he became president. the former president, date of not guilty to the charges are hearing in 2021. and that is in use for now on our to 0 method for me,
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for the back to both. the weather is next and that inside story analogies area exam is assign televised debates between us present joe 5 and 4 month present. donald trump. what difference will they make in the race to the white house? stay with that for stay with us for that and then so i'm, and we'll have one of these for you. thank you for watching the, the, had that, let's have a look at the weather full cost for the middle east and we bought something of a north south divide. you can see the shovel called across the north, bringing some wet and even wintery weather, from areas between the black and caspian sea, including northern areas of iran, where we have seen flooding. you can see the rain continuing to full that friday in to saturday. now the rain is, is across it took here on saturday for the south of this, it's
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a pretty dry and room picture across to live and with temperatures expect its rise here and also for the cell across the golf and just a few showers coming in to the southwest of saudi arabia and weston pox of yemen. we are expecting things to heat up and get rama dusty across the north of africa. we've had so southerly flo kick up, since the ha resend, pushing temperatures up as well across moving parts of libya. and just to show you how hot it is going to get this weekend, if we have a look at the 3 day for tripoli, we're going to be touching 45 degrees celsius that on sundays, so well above the average for this time if yeah, of course southern parts of africa, it is largely hots and dry a few showers coming into northern parts of mozambique and zimbabwe, but very hot and dry for south africa over the next few days. the, all our oceans are under swift. by a for rushes, fishing industry, government,
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people are thinking of breathing deep sea trawling rack, global war, easy off. the choices sees that go, systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change. and we need to adapt . now marine conservation is, are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. setting the stage for the us presidential election. donald trump accepts the challenge to face off against president joe divided into tv debate spots. will they actually take place and what difference could they make and the race to the white house? this is inside story, the .


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