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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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so is the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the research roderick war going on. but there is no genocide, as real argues as case of the international court of justice where south africa is calling on judges to order its military out of southern garza, south africa and was infinity representative is heckled up to sing troops up to a tax cut off on, on that israel is flooding, gaza with humanitarian aid. the
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time about this and this is audra 0 life from don't have also coming up is there any follows, is locked in the areas of somalia and northern garza forcing more than a 100000 people to flee the civic plus russian forces advance to within 25 kilometers of ukraine, the 2nd city. we're going to have the latest from coffee on the 19th nations, human rights, cheap science. these are a 5 by escalating violence in a sort of new city of al sasha. the we're going to begin in the hague, where israel has again rejected accusations that it's coming up genocide in gaza. but long as for israel have told the international court of justice. it has the right to move ahead with a full scale offensive on the roof or to defend itself against thomas on thursday, south africa aust, the court to order israel to stop it's offensive and the city saying it's violating
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the genocide convention. so it's not for a couple of parts to describe the process or the last refute for civilians. and guys why the many civilians have indeed evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as the military, strong, cold, full hum us, which continues to pose a significant threat to the state of israel and its citizens. all the court has given israel until saturday to demonstrate how that to the court, how to ensure the safety of palestinians, same from proffer to the so called safe zones. can israel provide information about the existing humanitarian conditions in the designated evacuation zones? in particular? and my wasi and how it would ensure a safe passage to these phones as well as the provision of shelter, food,
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water, and other human nature and aid and assistance to all executives that and can be expected to arrive in the songs or stop by some reports from the hate, just doing a one and a half hour presentation here read the highest un court. israel's main argument was that there is human to terry an age going to of alpha and that the accusation south africa brought to the course were false. that there was a bro cage of humanitarian aid. they set the border crossings in gaza are not closed as south africa headset, but they are still open and when they were closed, as well as because how much was attacking them. also, south africa has a accusations that the of alpha is the last refuge for civilians in gaza. according to his role is not true, they said about is instead also a stronghold of how much and that's why the military operation, according to them,
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needs to continue. and of course of africa has off the court on thursday to order israel to stop this military operation. saying this is part of an ends game that israel has in mind to wipe the palestinians in garza from the map of once. and for all of a very urgent requests from south africa. because in january, the court had decided not to, to ask and not to order israel to stop its military operations. and so therefore, it has had asked the court the same thing. now south africa says the situation has changed, it has very deteriorated, so it is urgent request has now been brought to the court again. and we hope to hear in a few weeks, the decision by the 16 charges on this very urgent request. step class and l. just a rough fake. israel has a q, south africa, of operating on behalf of home us. so thought parts to come before you good again,
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as the guardian of humanity. in fact, it has a clear interior motive. we need to ask you to order is ready to stay away from your office and to with 0 or the troops from doesn't. it does so in order to obtain military advantage for each spotlight from us, which is it does not wish to see the feet. its unfamiliar mother has more from johannesburg. so that's what the has responded to, as well as arguments at the international court of justice. way is well accused south africa, of acting as an ally of a mos acting on behalf of the organizations that africa has said. that is completely false. the international relations department, it's director general st on goal has said that. so that because intention at the core to is to bring to the full t international crimes and, and it's arguments on thursday. it pointed to various evidence including the
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discovery of mass graves and gaza. the attack on hospitals and other health facilities, as well as the number of people that have continued to be killed since it last appeared before the icy j saying the situation day is worsening and calling it a genocidal campaign. and also of africa has maintained the stones since it 1st appeared at the icy j, saying that this is a human rights issue. and this is a position that to some extent has been supported by human rights watch. and amnesty international with those organizations talk about the difficulty in aids getting into gaza and the difficulties people are experiencing the compromised position they're in and how their lives are threatened by extension extension. and south africa, again, has denied the accusations of by israel and as said that the international court
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of justice should use its position to bring an end to monitor your operations in gaza. me the ultra 0 to his book. i mean, my voice endeavoring obama essential. gosh, i'd say, yeah, like the hospital, i'm honey if i understand correctly, this is the 3rd time that the international court of justice has held hearings on the situation in gaza since december. now the 1st couple of times i know you were reporting on, on the, and susie as i'm an excitement that was and you guys are that there might be some, some things happening, some moving forward in guys. what's the reaction this time given as i say, this is the 3rd time that we've been having these hearings of the as well as long as the june inside the likes continue to take away from the ground. and as long as these really military, it doesn't show any sign of letting down or slowing down the acts on the,
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on the ground here, including the relentless air is tracts, the ongoing, heavy artillery selling of the eastern parts of the gaza strip. everything happened at the international court of justice. this town, it's pretty much insignificant because the killing machine continues to create more tragedies, caused further civilian casualties and forcing people into more in force displacement right now. the priority for the vast majority of people here is an end to this mass rapid, rapid mass killing of innocent people across the gaza strip. what, what happened on the ground? is it quite a repair a pull? we're talking about the constant attacks on health care facilities at a point not really have or if you didn't look for operating at the lowest capacity possible, leaving the entire garza through without any health care service. it's very for years to con the attacks on academic institutions, including a basic education institution as well as universities. 5 of the 6 universities
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across the gusts of have been destroyed completely. that's a deliberate attacks on academia and on the future of younger generation across the gaza. for something that will affect the how the, the site it progresses, social economically living alone, how to prosper in the future. and the fact that there are we're looking at thousands of people have the, are missing and it's a trapped under the rubble of those who are being killed. those are being separated from their parents what, what needs to be heard right now for from the, from people's side here is an end to this ongoing tragedy that is caused by it is really a military. the i c j is there is an important step forward. you bringing the uh, the is relevant to accountability yet nothing is happened on the ground. what we see, and right now it's completely the opposite. every time there is something going on on the international or you know, whether it's the ice is you or do you want security council right away? there is a surge and the tax, any quite intensity in terms of a scale of magnitude and the level of destruction costs. so just as we speak,
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we hit, we clearly hear the constant explosions and sounds of our tillery and the northern part of the site, right? refugee cans, as well as the ongoing dark smoke rising in the skies. above the valley are things you can more people are dying because of the attacks by these taco drones and as the whole neighborhood, the central parts of robust city, all of this happening while there is hearing going on at the i c j right now. and honey, i'm going to talk to you about they, they the attacks and somebody. and because this is not the 1st time that they're having a tax there, and we understand that more than a $100000.00 people are being forced to flee jamalia that the, the, the region there because of the attacks just talk us through the latest is on those as well, those who have been forced out of their homes are from the value of refuge account . this is not the 1st time it's happening. it happens repeatedly before, but what's going on right now,
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they are being sharply ordered by this very military. and these a talk of drones are chasing them outside the record. you come all the way to the city, mainly or the western part of garza city. but those who are trapped inside evacuation zones that these are the honor. what schools the underway is the united nations for palestinian refugees turn. it's educational facilities then an un headquarters into shelter supports for displaced. families are without food or basic supplies for the past 6. they just something that the world did not care about, but those on their military siege, nothing is going inside the account that our, our out of it, the only those who are that who are forced into displacement. all of this happening was there is an intense bonding campaign across the refugee camp itself. civil defense, a crew of the members on the ground reported they've been able to collect at least 96 bodies of from the streets of value of refuge account. and that's only the areas where they are able to get to other people are still inside the bomb. tom's on,
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under the rumbles inside evacuation centers that are, they are not able to get to their it. there are challenges there is there are difficulties that the civil defense, the crew members undergrad. they are facing, including paramedics, who are, who are unable to get to areas where there's really military is a station on non running district that for years at military campaign. there's also one, it's a shocking ins event going on right now. there's really another 3 as soon as it leaves an area where it is position, it runs into setting the whole area on fire, further damaging residential buildings, public facilities. oh, this is just feeds into one conclusion, making the northern parts and garza city quite uninhabitable and eventually force people into explore of him because there is no means of life left for anyone to stay in the northern part or gauze. the city of right now we're seeing the same scenario happening in rough i city. although we did a sensor part of the,
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of the city within the past few days. honey, thank you very much indeed. that's honey. welcome to talking to a some dental bala in central gaza. i was finally mentioned, northern guys are missing some of the worst bodies in months in early february is really forces withdrew from northern gaza, saying it had destroyed homeless battalions there. but these really minute training re enter the area on monday and resume shelley some a bunch of it explains what's been happening in the crowd which evaluated refugee camp palestinians have very lifting food award to no medical services and nobody else to go in his regular palms. keep following him . many civil defense workers have been killed, wounded, arrested, those dest struggle to reach the wounded. as there are no lights or even street that are left, the thing is really well things beyond the house with 30 people were taken shelter
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. think it only took over 200 people and 6 parties. the rest like thousands of other kind of simians, they mean better than the rubber children among them. best now do i do sign up? i mean, you, i mean, after we was safe in this house, we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children. here. we all know thomas or fata, or parts of islamic jihad, they were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose that safe place and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then to say it off the refugee camp . this is the daily struggle as daylight brings into view the cottage of the night before all to come in sight of children, parents and relatives in the morning. as the number of that has been rising, everyone of the last 224 days. in data block into the classroom because it inside the human run school space, people from northern and century daughter had been children care palestinian said
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those as arrived. we'll have to keep moving as one place after another comes into attack. he'll equipped in short staffed hospitals, including alexa, come olives, one employee the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients. and physician is miserable because it is always, always because it's a actually, it was with an we are still working in it. in spite of the shortage over the admissions, the, because the sports of what the for him and the because of the close on nicholas gates, we are completing your muscle v short daniel. these indications is really made of disclosure of falls crossings into gauze. that means literally couldn't get in the us as it was able to deliver some through it's new floating pit, but that's fall from enough for 2000000 palestinians trapped in the strip and to continue spun, bought some of them jobby houses their view. i central combine says the 1st
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shipments of age have entered guys using the newly built floating peer, which you monetary and agencies that say deliveries by land remain the most effective way to reach palestinians in need. capital l, as on the reports from you and headquarters in new york, the united states says the floating dock is now anchored near gaza and ready to receive maritime h shipments for the united nations to distribute the un on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans how to do so that reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine. we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of gaza. and for that we need access by land. now, the un says right now, the main land crossings and guides are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drug skit in the lack fuel to get to places to distribute it. basically the
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bottom line is it's the only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped we, us, but we need more fields, humanitarian organizations echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies, and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into gaza, all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough at this week. this calls into question how safely the un could deliver aid. united nations is in a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide. for example,
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this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time. and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members, even when you have the opening of the support even us, you have more a come in. even if you have the fuel and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground and cause or right now, which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in and that is the real problem that the un faces right now. rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a loading dock. it didn't build, didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza. and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. gabriel is on auto elders here at united nations in new york . so i had an autism uneasy comments troops arrived from funds to teach the french
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country of new caledonia. plus a parliamentary pawn shop. we're going to tell you wherever it happened and why political fists incline the had a lot of that despite being a very hot picture across much of south asia, we are seeing some very wet weather over the next few days with the heavy rain picking up the southern parts of india as well as the shore line. that's the head of the monsoon. you see the heavy rain picking up as well across most central areas . own sack today with heavy falls to the north east of india. so that rain, touching in to bundle with dish as well because of much of a north of india, the heat is going to continue to build places like rock just on, but also new delhi with the temperature lingering in the early to mid fourties.
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there's lots of heats coming in for pockets done as well. morning wave. why settled weather in the days ahead. we'll see some way to weather. however, starting to touch in to come in bangladesh, bringing the temperature down to closer to the average found to be showers that on monday. and the rain is set to pick up the southern parts of japan and southern china once again. but on saturday, it is looking largely settled with bright to sky's temperature is sitting well above the average across the korean peninsula and into northern parts of china. it is gonna turn much west to however, across most central and southern areas with some of those thunder storms in hong kong on sunday. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to say in any of this? the medical workforce has been sown devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been
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a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest. connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era the the you want to go to 0 reminder of adult services are. israel has again rejected accusations as counting a genocide in gaza at the international court of justice. south africa had asked the international court of justice or the israel to stop its offense on ruffling intense, baffled so taking sides between his ready for susan palestinian on groups of
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jamalia in northern jobs or at least 31 percent of students have been killed across the strip in the past 24 hours. the only hospital's remaining in profile is warning that it's close to collapse. as israel's defense minister has just deployed additional forces to the southern city view and human rights treat says he's horrified by the escalating violence near the certainty city of l. sasha. any other suite vocal took met commanders from both the rapids support forces and the cities army. he wanted the imminent risk of funding under humanitarian disaster. if the city in the 4 is attacked to be harvard, is the un deputy humanitarian coordinator for savannah. and he explains, have died, the situation is enough for to speak to people in no fashion, the capital build up for every day. and yesterday i spoke to a couple of a couple of people who said that the situation was like l o. when they could lose their lives at any day, there is active,
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wonderfully going on. off tillery attacked by the rapid support forces of evelyn bod means by the cities and forces that are leading to mexico, new displacements, internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem and so you tend to get out to say various but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside surroundings. so no one in any way, any other reason about basha is say we're also getting a more more reports of people who are in tronics food in security in other parts of data for many of the i d p camps and indeed refugee camps inside doc for all facing really bad levels of food and security, we have strong indications of pockets of famine in some of the, of the, of these areas and the tax in chad. but again, you mentioned 12 percent are funded for uh, subsidized. i believe the funding in charge is, is, is less than that you minutes or an agency is struggling to get sufficient they,
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in so those refugee camps to support those people who have already met the country . the russian president vladimir putin says military offensive in ukraine's ne aims to create a buffers of between ukraine and the russia for any military and says the front lines have been expanded by nearly 70 kilometers, with a new russian push from the north, from gaining ground grant in forces have been evacuating civilians in the city of shots, the surrounding areas. presidents for letting me use the landscape to describe the situation is extremely difficult. just as john home has been monitoring developments incent, this update from khaki if in eastern ukraine is now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and ukraine, opening up a new front in the fence. if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory
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there on that board, what the training government is said that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line so that they're not penetrating any further into the country. but the training heads of the forces has said that it was so rushing through this or extending that frontline, now send me it says of and then method to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of so just in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive, ukraine said that there was 7 russian soldiers to one ukrainians. so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that pool. so how to keep the city itself, where we all dots. ukraine, 2nd largest city. it's home to move the 1000000 people that soon. so being a type fairly constant they by the, at the point when on thursday,
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the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours. that's the longest, right? a lot since the early days, the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian pool says they say a using, especially for the phones they can be dropped by russian planes outside the range of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems, and they can then travel tens of columbia to zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive. this point, john home and how does data hockey? a russian president does not give me a push in his, in china, where he's dropping off a 2 day visit to discuss what chinese president she's in pain calls. no limits partnership. president present called for closer economic ties between the 2 countries and comes out to she conducted his 1st diplomatic tour in europe in 5
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years. hundreds more french troops of arrived. and as always, these territory of new caledonia to charge and days of unrest. a state of emergency is in place for 12 days off to protest against the changes to election rules turned violent and nighttime curfew is also in fact you kind of don't. yeah. is an island type of tree that lies between australia and fiji. and it was colonized by the french in the late 19th century, when, hey, reports, daytime is the cleaning up the wreckage from the night before. and nighttime curfew is in place in new caledonia, but the protests continue. the cost of the economic damage increases by the day estimated to be at least $200000000.00. so far. many supermarkets have been boone's own looted, leaving long queues for basic supplies. the french government has sent food and medicine along with hundreds of police officers. this address from you has cut down
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the situation there remains very tense with looting bryant's fires and a soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. i would remind you that to join dom is have diet as on dom or shelf in the head yesterday. another show and died today as a result of a weapon mishandling in by the caledonia is a french territory, but has always had strong pro independence groups laid by the indigenous come back, they believe, or propose new law a to allow more french nationals to take part in local elections is about colonize ation and will weaken their voices. this week, the french parliament voted in favor of the change, which still needs to be ratified by congress. bassett, just specific safety. we are losing connect specificities that we have had over this island for the past 3000 years. we welcome people who with open arms and now voices being drowned out. the french government believes the violence is being fueled by support from as the, by sean tension between paris and buck. it has increased in recent use following
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frances support for a medium and a territorial dispute. the other by showing the government has rejected the allegations. but last year it invited representatives from french territories including new caledonia, tobacco. the result was the formation of the bunker initiative group, which supports and t colonialist movements. wayne, hey, al jazeera french police have shot and killed a man who set far to a synagogue of the northwest in the city of rome. among cleaned up the signs of a building and then to an object similar to molotov cocktail into the main prairie . the french interior minister says it was an unacceptable act of anti semitism. politicians and taiwan came to blows in a dispute over proposed changes. the parliaments oversight powers. scuffles broke out between members of the 2 largest political parties, neither of which was an outright majority. the scenes of violence come just days
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ahead to be an organization of ty, once new president michael, apple has more members of taiwan. parliament exchange more than just woods during a sitting on friday at the hot to the cans. is paula mean to refuse the opposition? put him in tongue, came tea party once to pos legislation criminalizing lying and problem, and it, once the increased oversight of the government moved to a museum, the says, who is a democratic progressive party keeps trying to block the voting process. these scuffles will happen again. so we call on the president to tell the d p caucus not to use violence, that of return members of the democratic progressive party or the p p, seemed willing to put their lives on the line to stop the changes from being cost. me i was told that by team team we have.


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