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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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hello, menia. i haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is be more stable. that's always money. to use the currency, doesn't these value rapid clicks change? take them into the c one, palestinians are killed and is rarely attack on the album. is there is refugee camp in the central golf at the end of the rush to the over bed and the out. so hospital cracks and israel's will cabinet senior minister penny guns threatens to resign unless the government presents a post war strategy. the golf at the main site is valid. is there a life from debt? what's the coming up on the siege french forces launch
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a major operation in the pacific territory of new caledonia and the crating and baffled space. how the country is using drones to make out for lack of weapon weston watson's as russia drops. the welcome to the program. we beginning garza where the is riley army is intensifying its a and ground attacks from the news to the south of this trip. in central garza palestinians a morning at least 31 people who were killed in an overnight strike on a house in missouri, its refuge account. women and children were among the dead and the images they were taken. tell us the hospital which has been struggling to cope a and the not a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close
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to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives, the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground as already forced as a whole same palm to a shelter into a body, a refugee camp in the north killing at least 12 palestinians in injuring 29. in february, the army declared to body free of how much spices it says troops to re enter the area to fight battalions regrouping, that as well. those drawings come off to get another day of his riley bombardment in northern gaza. tara cowboys. you against our coverage? wow. so this is the often, most often, usually it turn into value residential, close to the come on it one hospital now what it has is really,
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bumps rain down and buildings sheltering palestinians drawing to escape the cottage . rescue is scrambled to help, but they have little to acquits upon him. an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we pay children out of the rubble. the different families were under the rubble. most of them are inside the homes, and they have displaced people in the bed. here's the house of the eldest family where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes. in philadelphia, west valia, women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. the palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life. and it seems as though we were displaced to the village area, west of jamalia come, which is considered a safe area. and southern this place was sold by 3 is really show children women and young people. and lots of,
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we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint it or roy in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury. and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication. the medical stuff, out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources, resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains. dia, in rough uh, a co traveling to central goza was struck by a true killing, some insulated and wanting others to publish the news in gaza in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. the, as you can see, the crowds rushed to woods trucks, transposing aid to the deserts,
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refugee camp. the supplies arrived through a us spelled pit and central casa government leaders. having knowledge, the coming through is not enough iraq across the crossing, which is a vital pause for humanitarian aid has been closed since israel began its attacks in the south. meanwhile, a member of israel's will cabinet. many guns has threatened to quits beef prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't outline a post. we'll plan for going to buy early next month. as also pressure from pretest as who, according to at the elections and demanding the government, do more to negotiate the release of the remaining captives held in gaza. destiny i was, government has shut down. now does, there is operations in israel, so i'll corresponding with how much i'm doing is that for pushing from the jordanian capital, i'm on on saturday until of eve,
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demonstrators once again came out by the 1000. many demanding is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones homes. first of all, at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse and probably government protestors. anger and ink in equal measure all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive, ron been, you mean these really army attempted to project strings, even releasing a video which says, shows combat operations in eastern europe but for the country's political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference for cabinet member benny guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks,
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but somebody brought him a guardianship bond when even same at the fateful cross roads where we are at now, the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities . formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder . the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate demoss regina and the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control. guns is comments coming just days after defense minister, you walk kalonde called on nothing. yahoo! to oppose is really military rule and garza and to make clear his postwar plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who is feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of this coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been give year and finance minister bets a little small for it to for months. have threatened to collapse his government. if
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nothing yahoo, does he commit to going full force into it off? i haven't given to him a 0. i'm not around, it's the on is a former deputy head of israel's national security council. he says divisions a whitening and these are any government. is there a lot about stephanie within the why there is very public and is because then as is becoming more and more evidence, even we've in the why the reason why the coming up and we've been the smaller so called war cabinet and israel between the prime minister and the defense minister between both of them and benny. got some guy the eyes and go to our ministers, develop portfolio. as we said from the so called a position to joined the coalition. there are multiple differences and, and very, very strong disagreements between those. but additions are the highest levels and also between that and the military, and it's in the pollution because when the war started,
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there was much more of the cohesion. and the more the more leaders and the more and then we are faced with a very difficult reality of the anything but the so called to talk to the victory. there's nothing else promised them. keeps on progress thing. and it creates more and more of this unity and what it should do in the have for the milk or see is lead to general election in which there will be hopefully a totally new government with a totally new strategy. in this case, which is the more positive scenario, the way i see it, we still have at least 3 to 4 months of the transitional government, which will be very dangerous periods. for obvious reasons, the police in new york have beaten on arrested protest is demonstrating in support of palestinians. riley happened in conjunction with all those around the us where people are accusing the government to be inconsistent. and what they say is,
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israel's genocide in casa all just there is heidi joe castro has more about $200.00 demonstrators gathered in brooklyn carrying palestinian flags at 1st rallying peacefully. but as they moved into the streets chanting loudly and some carrying torches, police moved in n y, p. d came in from a side street and started robbing people at random. they were tackled to the ground as they were on the ground, and be placed under rest often by multiple officers. officers repeating them, punching them in their upper body around their heads. observer say the beatings continued for an extended time, and many protesters were arrested. the remains unclear why police intervene in this manner. there were also protests in washington. several 100 people prayed the rain in the nation's capital to support
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palestinians and to mark the knock box, their historic mass displacement due to israel's founding. on this dreary day in the us capital of washington, people are breeding the rate to come out and memory the anniversary of the knock by their palestinian americans and their supporters coming to the nation's capital, their chanting re palestine, and they're choosing us president joe biden of main complicit in genocide in his support of israel's war. one god that we have been protesting, we have been hitting the streets and we have been educating the people on the palestinian play. we see the belong of the blink checks that keep going. keep going to the israeli military. early during the week, the us house of representatives rebukes bite in for pausing a shipment of bombs, the israel demonstrators say the us to stop giving military aid to israel altogether. how does your castro outta 0 washington in washington
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dc. hundreds of people criticized both the us and is rarely governments while they mock the anniversary of the neck or catastrophe. that force the displacement of 750000 palestinians when israel was created back in 1948 crowds cooled for support for palestinian rights and called for an immediate and israel's will on gaza. and in the iris capital, dublin, thousands of people turned out for 7, solidarity with palestinians and to mock the knock that foreign minister michael mountain recently confirmed island will recognize the palestinian statehood before the end of the month. i suppose it attended one of the palestine solidarity ronnie's which took place in london. the 14th major march through the streets of london since october, as it didn't take place to be saved from the t. c. refugees
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from historic palestine. this one very closely associated with the recent anniversary to 76 of those 3 of the lock box or color city in school. but attached to the surrounding peoples displacements associated with the creation of the state of israel. people here really competing against what they see as an ongoing not, but especially inside garza, i am here to put a number of reasons 1st and most of this is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide it can be on that. i am here to protest against the misuse of the whole course, particularly by nothin young it states the design is in general. i think there's a considerable amounts of on, justified fear. so among jews and i find that project because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents
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had to sleep, hope roams that's, you know, talk, killing illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep c c trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid, apologies for design is state for israel really play own box. they with the song quite deliberately, to the idea that we've been told me and on that these are hate small churches. and that's none of the nice things have been. know goes over to jews because there are lots of people waiting. palestinian flags on the system feeling for the march is sending in white whole the heart of the british government. the government heard in the office with the prime minister. the ministry defense is across the road and this is where people have rallied their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also cooling on the government
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sales to address the 0 london. it was the summer, heat's in gauze is worsening. the struggle of the clean water is the crowd and comes a lack of adequate aid means palestinians, a queuing for long hours to get the water. it makes shift camps often also last basic, necessities, lifestyle, mentation and toilets. united nations, i said water born diseases and now spreading across the strip due to the contaminated water and the rising temperature. the saw option of the good of the money. you have to travel long distances to fill. one or 2 containers is water. there isn't even salt water. there are no, well, there are no service since a humanitarian services are non existent, our homes were destroyed and our children were killed. we live in tents. the heat is killing us. frankly, we live in humiliation. entertain, and there is no one still ahead on the algebra and the 17 people have died off the
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flashlight instead of state parts of central. i've gotten this done. stuff is really solid news helps with make decisions and give up certain things you may have once do office in the u. k. paint a bleak picture, and we looked at the effects of v as a funding counts for the 2nd, the, the hello, the cloud and showers, looking a little more widespread now, but crossing that, china similar the down pools coming through as well. and, and thailand, just to the northeast of bank cut, we've had 17 millimeters. all right. say, a lot of cloud showing up have more of the same as we go $13.00, mondays, some big down polls coming in across knoxville, vietnam, all the way down towards cambodia i could scattering the shouts to across them,
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a light peninsula lobby shouts. they're into some out trance. and what's the weather to into borneo as per usual self? is that 2nd to a dry course southern parts of indonesia, but still some showers around. never the less said troy. it costs a good thought of as straight as well. nice. they get rid of high pressure keeping it settled and sunny for the most part is warm sunshine across the west. in areas of australia, we have got a good deal of central weather coming through here. a little unsettled down towards the south east were still got miss cole, fontas rattling through tasmania. so let's have one or 2 shells into that eastern side of new south wells. and i'm at what the weather will display, probably, but towards new zealand for a time. hey, be ryan here on tuesday afternoon across the north islands, and i just thought, well clear for it was a go one through wednesday. lots you drive down to was a south east of all is by that stage as well. sidney on the cool side at 19 the
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or the the welcome back to watching out. is there a mind that the top story is based our and central concept palestinians a morning at least 31 people who were killed in an overnight strike on the house in
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l. news air as refugee camp. women and children were among the dead on the inches that were taken. tell us the hospital, which is struggling to cut the pressure is ramping up on the as ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu won't cabinet minister penny down says he will resign. if nothing young doesn't outline a post, whoops, on the gaza, and waste is pining up across the gaza strip contaminating water using the at and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians a sheltering and makes shift housing. and on the last, the forced to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. then as michael apple reports, it's making a di, humanitarian situation even less of milwaukee has become a sea of tents. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. yeah. but
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something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste to day. old municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish. just continue to grow. or like many other palestinians faults, the no show any has been displaced several times. she says living conditions in the so called safe zone, or a breeding ground for disease. now go to know your b is really is told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insect supplies and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly had no sir. you have the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis. a silent strength to people in gaza. thousands of tons of
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unconnected rubbish is contaminating water sources spreading diseases, polluting the a and providing a breeding ground from mosquitoes and other pests like racks and snakes. i've been in um, in con, sleep because of the insects and the snakes that get into us. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions, the level of the medicine, not mohammad, which is our cells, whatever you can to make a living spend to long side mountains of waste in the industry. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets, seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no laughing matter, nor is it the game. we were not able to find any decent place to live. we had to settle here near wast dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi,
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a safe humanitarian zone. is it from bob's rough palestinians? his sights neither save no humane mike level, i'll do their is now a permanent iranian janice has dedicated had press freedom award in part to palestinian jealous in gaza like him. how many days would it be? jose increase. so press freedom award in spain. she dedicated it out. there is garza bureau chief, while du, whose last several family members are covering the war, but how much he was detained, had reporting on the desk in police custody of 22 year old mazda. how many? which font nationwide anti government protests in iran? the more than 70 people have been killed and another 150 people are missing in central
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afghanistan. heavy rain, that's cool with severe flooding in google and for you all the provinces in the center of the country. agency said people desperately need humanitarian assistance . last week, more than 300 people were killed by plots in northern afghanistan. french forces have launched what the cooling, a major operation declared roads, a linking, new kind of don't use capital to its main efforts. the 6 people live in killed hundreds injured in the french pacific territory. over the past week. the may of the capital knew me as, as the city is besieged thousands if indigenous come on people in protesting against changes to local election goals. critics say the reforms favor french nationals will jimmy know not as a member of the comic and socialist national liberation front political bureau, he says the chaos that unfolded over the past week is regressive. will that they
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will continue to demand the independence from from, of the police and the policies. how that clear the main road getting to the competency the mail from the international airport. but we still have some buckets of the tension during the suburbs of email isn't up, is it just that we will i be, i do know we have to participate peacefully over the last 2 or 3 months against the senate for form that would sort by the not pro government, but they have looked at our court on the roof of to be suspended. oh, we drove so it goes out of taking it to the streets since monday night when it went through. and that's what are some of the things i've gotten out of hand. and his last with the police force is under grow. who fighting for our for 70 and independence and destruction has been ongoing for the last or the the 50 years. and
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we've been calling for the friends to negotiate, and i went to lunch and independence, but the franchises, i've had that. so this is where we're getting into this situation now. a hash as all celebrating flag day with festivities held in the capital. poultry prints the celebration bulk c. creation of the haitian flag. in 18 o. 3 gang violence has been tearing the country paused since the assassination of the former president, juvenile, noisy. in 2021. un says the crime wave and haiti is at a record high more than 2 in the whole 1000 people were killed or injured between january and march. the ukraine has launched a series of long range drones drawings aimed at damaging rushes, oil industry,
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including a reported attack on the fuel. definitely, we're in rough stalls. ukrainian government sees trends as a vital weapon to disrupt the russian economy and military operations. it set the target to producing $1000000.00 unmanned aircraft this year. townhome and reports that everyone knows it's in the long range of training on monday, across, slamming into buildings in yellow. bu, good, tough. it's the country service reported striking to russia. $1300.00 columbus is from the bowed. low moraine strains have now become a vital part of ukraine's will machine. in particular, enabling it to attack russia's will infrastructure, trying to effect its energy sales and fuel for its on a set of keys. crowd fund or organization collects donations and turns them into weapons for the army explains why they using low range drugs. we how know
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a lot of the styles that's, that's the trouble and every time when we ask about some of the styles from german partners. so frasier visual united states, so they need to waste the long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long rage as roles. he's one of them, a bell bed. you ivy with a reach of a 1000 kilometers. it can fly up to 7 hours like others. it's kind of cause a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i thought the weapons, very tough to stop says petro got a ukrainian manufacturer. what will work with those issues that it's difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect the defense is capable of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack. and i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure. to write instructions for use on the front lines,
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the rules are constantly evolving. this is the newest moto from guns company breaks . it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munition that it's built to carry. it's hard to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule for recognizance, for strikes around the front lines. i'm for the tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to, despite the frames, to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important victory or perhaps just survival depends on john home and i'll just say to you cry. and the last few hours, local authorities say 6 ukrainian drones have hits oil refinery and southern russia
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halting operations. if it's just shows the moment of impact the on sunday, russian forces say they shut down 9 missiles of the crimea the to the u. k. now with for decades the all the sector has played an important role in the countries cultural influence around the world. for years of funding counts, universities and our institutions have shifted the narrative. and with the rising cost of living, increase of industries, the struggling to survive with a mock supports in this quiet london pock, my tea et al status is an artist working with sound through her all she seeks to connect the natural world with the human turning electromagnetic signals from plants into a kind of music in the u. k, there's no clear cut career path for office like maggi who's pursuing
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a most as degree. goldsmith at the university of london. it's not just an old school. it has other disciplines is awesome. humanities is politics, all of these of the departments. so i was really, really thrilled when i've often. goldsmith says not to the careers of award winning office like damien huston, oscar winning directors like steve mcqueen. but in recent months, it's hard to make difficult decisions announcing thousands of job cuts and calls cancellations. don't smith says one of the most prestigious universities in the u. k. and among his graduates and globally recognized office acts as musicians and writes of. but like many british educational, an awesome situations, it's face financial pressures and recent years and some stuff to say that worried about the future. even the ones who are not in the affected departments feel very upset because often people come to goldsmith not just to study in that but.


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