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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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realism and the effect that loses coverage can have on democracies, everywhere. here, at the listing past, the iran states tv says search teams have reached the sites where president abraham res helicopter crushed on the sunday night. the clock, this is down to 0 and my from the hobbles it coming up. right. you see and his foreign minister on the way to the city of to please in north and around the border with us advise young. oh my god. the nation prays for the president now missing to more than $50.00 or on supremely the balance that will be no disruptions in how the country is rough
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. tenisha sees to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. the so red crossman search and rescue teams for arrived at the crash sites of the helicopter occurring present, right? you see $73.00 rescue teams are present in the search area of the accident that's in total village of the red crescent says the crew has arrived with advanced and specialized equipment after a huge recess, search and rescue effort in the east as a by john province of a run where the helicopter, carrying the president and the for a minister and went down. let's have a look at the science of the crush around the present, racy began his journey in the boat, a ton of cold, the f. what and now it's about john from that he had it towards the city of to
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please in northwest the run i've yeah. croft crashed in the mountains. the mountain is region would see fit, falls in rain, haven't put, search and rescue efforts so many, many hours in the remote mountainous area. so let's get the right lights this we can get locked into around. russell said it's right. the rest of it. what are you hearing as well, the head of the ranting of red crescent, people say inquisitive. and the said, he said that the the rescue teams have waged to the side of the crash. and in minutes, the rescue teams are going to raise to the wreckage of the headed comforter as well . so now we are receiving the videos from the rescue teams and they were the due date where we can see that through the drones that the using to close the survey, the crash sides um the, the side of the crashed headed comforter. they're saying that the tire cabin off, the headed carpenter, significantly damaged and burned by the fire. and they said that as of now,
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there are no signs of this sort of virus at this moment on the sides. and also they are saying that the chances fall off sort of chances of the president, the, for the minister and all those were on in and that had to go up there, surviving just accident is quite saline. so now we can see that the hoops of the ranting officials are fading off the sea and the wreckage is off. they had to go up there to the throne. ones that are closely monitored in that exact site. so it has been at work or for almost 18 hours. it was on sunday at 1 30 pm local time in iran that they had accepted, crashed, and 3 hours after that the rescue a force have started. they had been working frantically through the night in
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a very challenging to rain mountain is vastly forest. and also they were racing odessa time and also the challenge and very challenging whether extreme weather conditions as well as it was rainy foggy. the visibility was quite limited and it was and it would be an extremely windy and i will say it was dark. but now as this is the daybreak it's morning the i'm not sun is rising. now we can clearly see the side of the crash and we can see the wreckage of the headed cop there's. so when you see that wreckage is we also can identify that the cabin of how the cop there is significantly damaged by the fire. and as of now, no signs of a sort of vibrators at the sides. russel, well we're talking, we're looking at pictures of the 1st time we seen these pictures. if rescue is very close to the sides of the crash, you can see the members of the red crescent,
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a running red cross there at the same part of a huge rescue. after this being taking place over the net. as you say, 18 us. this is, this has been going on. certainly on the hillside you can see the, the depth of default behind and the kind of conditions that this helicopter was flying. and, and just to recap, brussel, you're saying that as of now there is no sign of life. there's no sign of life on the helicopter. that is crashed on which president re see was a passenger. and so what do we waiting for now? rest of the, i guess it's some kind of official announcement, right. and indeed they say that they have, they're seeing the record just by the rescue teams still physically are not at the, at the, at the side yet. and they're saying that within minutes they will reach to the record just and then they will be able to say whether the president, the, for the, for the minister, the local government. or if you start also be john provence. and the 6 other people
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that were in total, 9 people in death had to go up to whether they are alive or whether they died, whether they are injured. so by the head of the red crescent of cheerful c, including rand, saying that the fear that information is going to be provided by an official statements later. but there's a sad when we look at the sides. when we see this, the wreckage of the head a quarter, the chances of surviving this accidents, we can say that are quite celine now. so each is if the president is reported that then, then there would be a cost additional procedure. so the 1st wise president who's currently mohammed must be, is going to take the job to do it, assume that the office and within 50 days the company needs to go to an election to get locked the new president. still, constitutionally, it is quite clear procedure. however,
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people in iran are saying that is going to be the challenge in time because they hadn't received was a significant feeder in the country. he was very much close to the supreme theater . she has enjoyed the she's backing and he has enjoyed the backing of the portico, financial and military establishment in iran. she was expected to easily be re elected in the possession election that is scheduled next year. and also many people were leaving him as a potential for him to sign our successor off the code and stop him leader. now, in this creation, this is and also that them, that are the expectations that among the conservatives who are currently having a complete control over the state institutions, the security ad for that is and in the parliament that are going to be in turn a fights fear struggles among themselves to find or to, to over, who is going to be the next president for fashion,
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who is going to be the next to the supreme leader of the company. and they say that there is not a certain name such a powerful name that has to be tested, or if i embrace, see, and also the support that he had for on this top judgment in iran and rest. so of course, this is being funded very closely. i know the indian around but around the world, but within, around give us a sense of the new to as indeed it is. it is, it is quite a sensitive, direct, good time in iran. so the reading officials starting from sunday night on the heavy and cooling peoples together in the religious centers and to pay for the president's house and to have seen houses and $1000.00 people, particularly in the city of coon, which is the central seminary place in your, on that in the city or from the shadow, which is the most religious with the most important and religious center of the company because it's forced in the tomb off that a mom because i according to the 12 or she
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a part that goes to your legit and so people were gathering there and pray and during the during the whole night. so the nation is now morning and has the hours are passing and now that you're seeing the wreckage is so the hopes are fading. here. it has a state of shock for they are running a few shows for the whole the nation here. because as i said, such an important feed during the company, a significant figuring the company who was expected to be the next supreme leader. and also it's not the only the president of the country you're talking about, the fort administer as well. you see an image of july. yeah. and she was also significant figure she was the, the, the, the, the, the deputy for administered in the previous governments. and now he was, he is the, the, the, the for the minister has been one of this. can you see guys who shaved your wrongs for them, for the seats in the last decade. so you're practically talking about the number 2
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and the number 3 in the country. so the head of the government and also your on this top diplomats both being involved in this crash and bowl. now, according to the ve, the seems, if you have seen the pictures that you're seeing, that perhaps is going to be extremely same chances that they quote, survive in depth. and now of course many people are asking, so what's next? so to come down distribution, the supreme leader, if you run a different money just last night, he has said that, that he assured iranians that there will not be any disruption in the state affairs the around noon state. that practice did not just depend on one certain individual . and the constitutional procedure is quite clear in case of a sudden death of the head of the, the government. so the 1st wise present is going to take place. the state is going
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to function and the company is going to need in a to after going to election to elect the new president. so many people in the around have seen this or the got. it is statements from the supreme leader from the have of the state as an attempt to calm down distribution and also to prove, prepare the nation for the bad news. all right, right. so we'll leave it the for the moment. uh, back within the little bit. so just to recap, risk is at the sides of the crash of the helicopter, and that was occurring, the presidency ran in presence, right? you see and the raining foreign minister and the other passengers. they say that the wreckage is intense, that the cockpit is reported as bends with a significant damage of waiting official confirmation of what the actual situation is. but they're also saying that there is no sign of life that a rustle back with you a little bit later. let's turn to the us where highly direct castro is following development, sir, is to say heidi, this is being funded around the world,
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not least, of course, in the united states, what's being the reaction to nick. there still hasn't been a reaction to the latest that we're just learning of the discovery of the helicopter. but what i can tell you is that the us present joe biden was raised on this as the search was just initiating hours ago. he has been and kept abreast of these developments as have us state officials. and they have been very keen to show restraint in speculation as, as we all should as to what the fate of president re see is. and so the us has really not issued any sort of formal statement. clearly telling reporters that there is no other details to share at this moment. but as of course, we wait for a minute news of what present races fate is to emerge from the wrong we would expect us officials to react to that in the coming hours or how do you,
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thanks for that. how did you a customer reporting that from washington dc? let's say david c badging, i'll just continue to study by 1st the katrina. what's been the reaction from china? well, this is a top turning design system here in china and chinese social media. people are watching this very close to on his board ministries release to statements. and then monday morning saying that deeply concerned about the situation they wish, right, you see and all those and for the helicopter, the best that they will provide any support as needed. now obviously for china, right use these condition and ron a very old and trying to consider as a rod, a strategic partner or a keith, an unofficial t ally raising visited bathing loss in february 2023. and since he's been in office, he has moved rod closer to china, so much so that there's unofficial lined street in china, ron and,
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and russia has been labeled this axis of evil by some politicians us. although the but in administration has recognized that agent has significant influence into crime and they've us, chinese officials to use that influence to hops, pressure a rod to stop some of the actions that the us considered to be for a bulk this is now trying to survive has revolved those requests, but it's, there is no doubt that for ron china is a trusted pop, one of the few major houses in the world that it relies on so much so that trying to helps broker a peace deal between iran and saudi arabia last year in march, thanks for that's a katrina you're reporting from beijing. as we were hearing people enter on and across the country have been a gathering industry to pray for the president's wellbeing summer in terms of his check for updates on the phones. excellent. some of which reports on what we nicer
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for. and so this may be the last known video of your bronze president abraham race. she attended, and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with as there be john, along with that countries leader, you can see all this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft gerin, grace, and foreign minister who's seen, i mean up the lucky on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the northwest of ron. to helicopters from the convoy, reportedly landed safely. but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather. supreme leader, ayatollah ali coming, ne,
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has expressed his concerns about the missing helicopter. but a short one, destabilize the country. now the moon shone lucky and just see to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything god willing will go as normal, the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. the status of those on board is still on known authorities are calling on uranium to pray for the president. x assignment which out is there. let's take this on with how many days go inside. he's a political, endless joins is from tyrone said, what do you make of what you're hearing so far and what it could mean for? so the latest news is that the rescuers actually are at the
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scene and they have a friend the reached the record. but the point is that they don't have communication and facilities and connections at this point. and their roommates are just coming out and the closest images that we have is just a couple of comments, or is it that way from the scene. so we don't have any confirmed the news, but the images and the 4 digit that are coming out on on promising that's all unfortunately. and any moment people hearing you on our, i strongly waiting for some news and they are losing groups actually offer. i said why one of the people toward the had to come through, but everyone is closing the through the watching the news and following the news right now. and if it is indeed the case that the president racy has been killed in
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this helicopter crash, at what do, since the reaction will be within the running house movies? will the transition be from that point to uh, 1st of all, as you can see there, that the iranians are a nation pets. do you mind around such incidents solves when something national happens, either good or bad, positive or negative people usually united strong. that's in that situation that case and i'm quite sure they would actually increase the unity among the union nation and a ring a nation has actually experience. and on such incidents, i mean very big incidents and regarding the operations. so we had a sense of nations and exclusions and the years of evolution and, and losing many so high ranking provisions and it has one, it's mostly, uh, so they didn't know what the constitution has already kind of see that the situation and, and the, it wouldn't happen in, based on that,
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so we have the structure and the guidelines for and times you know, power and we know what to do and the dynamics of power. any one is an online thing based on just one person. so if the person is a calendar deceased, then it would be so as on that site and we can see malware and something and without i mean, discharge of decision making. and what is your agent now that the structure is going on? and the power system is going to walk the way it used to. there wouldn't be some main insurance and some problems in terms of the smoking, it's of the activities of the problem and but anyway, again, the power has the law has custody with that as well. and the 1st for advice president is going to take that power temporarily and take the responsibility off the executive branch of power and
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a group of comments you off 3 pets. i mean the 1st prize bear with me. they had a few the she already, and they had to call me on the display speak, thoughts upon me on this, and are going to and for that community, according to zillow. and they are responsible for holding gang election and the elections. we mean 50 days from the day that the presidencies and not a valid concern. that's right. so it has to take place within 50 days. it at the end. it's what point the cost is not the case that the president is the 2nd in command to the supreme need. so the calling the i'll be on forces is based on the is for the needs are the supreme leader and doesn't have anything to do with the president. and so he is the head of the president. he's the head of the executive branch of power. finally, do separate this from the military forces and such things to so in terms of to create security and user issues, there's no, not,
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no changing the structure and it's going to be the problem in that regard is just the executive. as far as i know, they said the past by squared, then he's going to and take the power and handle everything. and just instead of being kind presidents and of course we're still waiting for confirmation of exactly what happens. we don't know for sure what the situation is, but whatever this comes with a very critical moment in the region as a whole are yes is going to be very important because in the one that has me in a sense all the parts of the devil mines in the region for the last few months after the authors that runs and ration in garza and all the developments that we have had so far at young, what size being and one of the most important. so for those of the probably siemens and pads being asked the following and diplomacy and negotiations and being wanting
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to put to, to supplement that kind of thing. and then goes on and stop the general side offering there. and then in a freight and so on. when we had the assessing agency in the ring and we found a big section in damascus, he won responded, and it was a very hard blow to these early and imagine power actually at that time. so it changed and the balance of power of the region at that time. and the dynamics of power in that region is being refined by the one and the other actors ended in dimitris. so one is the key and the key and play your and key after in the region. but in terms of foreign policy and the lack of presidents, i mean the and positive and walk through the law firms. and right, you see he's not going to change the foreign policy and to much extent, of course and farm is danielle de leon, who y is being very experienced in the,
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in and out they, me the lease and our region is a q loss, of course, for the government, but anyway, the policies on, on something that is being defined just by the findings that one of our finance treat. my foreign ministry is just by a part of a and dynamic on a system that is actually being and making decisions and wants to be secure with the accounts that off the on a one or the are gc forces on that was different. today is night. those who make the final decision. so he's not going to be a total change in the policies, but there was going to be something here as a debate and short of time and need a term. and of course, in the long term days. and that's going to be, especially i want to see about changing fine policies or having to believe it. the thanks very much indeed for your contribution haven't already done. i'm inside joining us from terrorism. and just to recap again,
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that rescue is at the side of the crash. the thing at the moment, there's no sign of life. we're still waiting for the official confirmation. precisely what's happened that's bringing it. i'll just there is out of hush. i'm here and there are and you'd be monitoring what's happening. what are you hearing on the latest now? the 3 q n c are pictures of from the drone screen of the wreckage of the handicapped. and it's, it seems that it was completely destroyed. the only thing i can see on the, the footage is the paid a. uh so, and the, according to the actually i was watching the television, the present or saying done no signs of life. the iranian red, crescent, representative, also a saying there are no signs of life. it seems that all kinds there is a consensus, rice life. no, not all, no signs of life, despite the fact that they are still trying to look and search around the, the scene where the helicopter crushed. but given the fact the pictures that we are
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seeing now it's, it's very unlikely that anyone survive this crush, right? seems pretty intense, so really we're waiting for official confirmation the all the causes under we can see on the right hand television the way how they're dealing right now. so i video clip of presidents. right. you see, and some really just a faces also the way the present, the stalking, the interviews that are being conducted was on the 1st channel on the news channel. so it seems that there is a situation where dealing with a transition in a moment and the pictures we're looking at, you can see that it's going to move it costs, but it's early. we're looking at some things from the side of the hill and they have a very good how fog it is. and yeah, how of groom the weather conditions are, and i think there are a lot where this is roy to towards the sites of the, of the right of the crush. and of course, there were 3 helicopters, well yeah,
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and 2 of them made it to the destination that started. and the 3rd one kind, the president's and for a minister and one or 2 other people, it seems the, the, the had to go because you can see this is the hand or the mountain. yeah. it seems to have the cup to a hit, the side, altamont. maybe because of them for the situation that there wasn't a very good vision. right. and it took them a lot of time to, to locate the, the wreckage of the daily culture in the end, assisted by with the help of a drain attack has drained on it's not obviously just, this is what the same parts of the heat source. yeah. yeah. from the point of view of what happens next. the 1st thing is, uh, cuz i wanna find out exactly how this took place. and investigators will be looking at that because this is a, they will be questions that they need to rule out foul play, basically that so indeed, they should know. i mean,
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we don't know if this helicopter has a black box in it to. this is one of the questions, since it's a very old honeycup that's a 50 years old. yeah, i look up to the 2nd thing, i'm with the, the, the lack of eye witnesses, no emergency calls. i mean, all these things. so the possibility of getting into some conclusions is going to be a bit complicated. now of course there's going to be an announcement, the moment we start seeing on the ring and television put on being recites it. mm. that we know the next thing is going to be the announcement of the, the itself. what happened? mm hm. and then of course, the, the moment things are going to, uh, try the transition at the moment and move on with the vice president taken goal. but yeah, i mean there is there extra practical in place, you know, that will ensure that this goes smoothly out for 1st of all the, the v p will replace the president. and then there was thought for funding for the
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election in 50 days or 60 days that should be election. and of course, the 1st time you're on that the president dies are to not since in the morning. so we don't have an announcement, but this is not the 1st time that the presidency is vacant, at least a doing. and it happened in 1981. when president mohammed the drive was killed in an explosion along with this 5 minutes time. then they do that like 50 days to uh, to prepare for the election and they organize the election and the court and supremely, the i, the last, i mean that it was that elected as the president and of course, transition of the moments in the wrong a many the death of whole mania and the election of coming after him. they write their story as much as possible to limit the they the transition to a fine. and this is actually a, this isn't the constitution. we can see it clearly marked whether the president is
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sick or unable to add to. busy being in office or dead, then that is a certain amount of time that the, the, the government should take to put the full election for his replacement. and then things was utilized normal. and we had the supreme need last night saying that people should not be on. she was anxious and should not really be concerned about their daily life because things aren't going to be good. yeah, it will stay the same. you know, they're wrong very well. you reported from the many times that you've lived there after the, at what about the, the differences that they're all between the writing, the stablish winter in the proportion, some part of the population that we've seen with protests in the past. and does that make this a difficult time as well? in fact, in this situation, i think people tend to unite more because it's,
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it's in the moment of sunrise in baltimore, at the moment of moaning, just in case there's some announcement to this. we got of course differences wouldn't ever be bridged for now. given the fact that the gap is big and actually it's, it was in the time of presidents, right. you see that these, these demonstrations, especially after the, the death of semester. i mean, he came through the streets, of course, prior to that there were also all the demonstrations in the time of presidential honie and you know, so this situation is that in your, on and this, this may, is that on the gap between both of the population and the system and establishment is, is fast even some people i can see that live in the bubble because the.


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