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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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a badge of honor to be bands by government that stands indicted for general size at the international court of justice. the . ready chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is seeking a rest, was for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in guns. i'm about to send a business or to 0, live from doha. also coming up. let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the and as the court of justice, what's happening is not genocide reject because president joe biden box
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israel and calls the move for the icbc prosecutor outrageous. the low end of the bloodshed and gaza is really pauses attack and besieged palestinians shop to their homes and shelters . and b, o and security council meets on israel's whitening offensive and gaza southern city of rafa. more than 800000 people, the flags in just 2 weeks. the nearly 300 days of israel's war. in garza 35386 palestinians killed. now the chief prosecutor of the world's top criminal court, the international criminal court is seeking arrest ones for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister, your gun,
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and that accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. nothing. yahoo says it's a complete distortion of reality. us presidential by them is calling it outrages. the icbc prosecutor also wants a rest. walden's for 3 senior homeless liters for the october 7th attack in southern israel. a move that's being done by how those are some of these are very begins are coverage. c solving children is a trying, the killing civilians is a war crime. and bill for the causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 3 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court has cited for requesting at restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister golf kalonde. reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a minister of defense you,
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i've got back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is really ministers, have denounced the allegations are full of crimes and crimes against humanity. before the minister is ready costs, it says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially the board room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it says, was this war of the whole, very because of december. and the whole debate is against us any to unite the game . these very easy to very nation, at least still even more nation is there's a way that everyone receives. so just and such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the icpc. prosecutors also seeking the rest warrants for from us political and been if you need to explain honey yes. and bar involvement they've that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 how much
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lead has a criminal you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians in a textbook to try to buy a mess. and i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and kalonde a several months too late. and rather than equating the victim, but the perpetrator, i c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to its soldiers and it issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the conduct in god's unfolded cream hunts. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as an action to hold is rather comfortable. ceasefire
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a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to mondays, i cc announcement target israel and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senators, the trenton to cut funding and sanctioned i c. c stuff and their families. this is, bill is a today in the me, a talk over the rest within is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than 35000 continues and displaced millions more since october. so i'm a jobby over there. okay. i wanna walk you through the next few steps and the i c. c. process. an application is made to the courts pre trial chamber to decide whether sufficient grounds of jurisdiction exist. now, if the arrest ones are issued, suspects can voluntarily surrender to the i. c. c, r, countries that have signed up to the wrong statute have an obligation to arrest them
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. if i pretended a hearing is going to be held to decide if there's enough evidence to go to trial. if the case proceeds, 3 trial judges will per side, and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. judges can then issue sentences of up to 13 years in prison and even life sentences in exceptional cases. that step bottom is that the hague and she explains what the prosecutors bid means for international law. and the court. after months of pressure from all sides on the international criminal court, the prosecutor here has made a major announcement with the rest of organs that he's requesting. now, the icbc is embarking on an unprecedented join. and, and one of the most high profile cases that ever had since it's the establishment in 2002, despite all the pressure coming from the united states, for example. and also criticism for from countries like germany who are wondering if the court has the jurisdiction to prosecute the has decided to go ahead with
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this case. what will now happened is that the pre trial chamber judges would have to decide if the request for the arrest warrants all valid. so that will definitely also add the jurisdiction of the court. and we know that since 2021, this court has decided that this can a rule over cases that happen crime. so it has been committed in the palestinian territories, although it's route, it's not a signatory of their own statute. so these charges will have to decide, probably within a few weeks, what then happens if they really decide to issue these arrest warrants than the $124.00 members of will have signatories assigned to the wrong set. you will have to arrest these people when they come into the countries and have to transfer them to the hague, where they will be detained and will be put on trial. i have to know though, that the country select the united states. china is route, for example,
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on not the signal tree. so in these countries they don't have that same obligation, but still, this is a very significant 1st step. and it's very prominent case stuff. awesome al, jazeera, the hague, or the start was just mentioning israel's not a signature to the wrong statute, but it's also not a member of the i c, c. and israel's lead is don't face eminent arrest bots. they say the prosecutors decision is disgraceful. not to submit a homage, andrew has more about benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition has bind. i'll just data from reporting from inside israel. some of them is talking to us from amman and jordan. the outrage across the is really political spectrum of the announcement that international criminal court, cheap prosecutor cutting pond and seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin it's in yahoo is really defense ministry walk a lot as well as 3 i'm us. leaders is really prime minister netanyahu declaring that he rejects with disgust the comparison between israel and how much here's more
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of what and it's, and you also have to say, well, absolutely about should condition that the, this absurd and deceitful warrant of the persecution in the hague is aimed and also on the against israel is prime minister and defense minister was against the entire states. if is right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against the vile murder was of a month who attacked us with ring dispute tell it to you on october 7th, the prosecutor in the haines with was odessa to do you did compare between the how much monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most of tomorrow, at a time of such deep political polarization is really at a time when there's so many divisions across the political landscape. what we heard throughout the day after the announcement from the i c. c was very much a common refrain, very much echoing, but we also heard from that's in yahoo for example. you had war cabinet member of any gap, scammer israeli defense minister. and he tweeted that to equate israel and how much
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was moral blindness. we also saw a tweet from the opposition leader in israel. yeah, your la pete in that tweet, pete said. the icpc arrest warrants are a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between us and yahoo, instant war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much. we also saw a tweet from israeli president issac hertzog, who in a late fee statement set, among other things. the announcement of the prosecutor at the i c. c is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, whose they for turn, should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly rejected. beyond that, we also saw a lot of quotes from named is really political officials throughout these really media landscape throughout the day. calling the announcement from the i c. c,
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hypocritical, saying that it was embarrassing on an international level that it was disgraceful that it was insolent. what we know is that there are top legal scholars in israel, as well as members of the national security council and the foreign ministry that are all meeting they have set up a war room to try to figure out how to deal with all this going forward. how much i'm doing with 0. i'm not even missing out who's also facing pressure on israel sweets from anti government protesters. the most reason demonstrate is body that inside the connect. so that games connect them. yeah. whose government police have use was a cannon to discuss the crowd. they've been calling on the government to reach a deal with hom, us to return captives held in guy. so let's bring it in. the events mocking jewish american heritage month of the white house. the us president strongly defended israel, directly rebuking the icing, seized decision over what's happening in gaza. maybe claire,
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reject the i. c. she's application arrest warrant. you get rid of these words by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm off. it's clear because it was all, do all it can to ensure a civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the national court of justice. what's happening is not genocide. reject the raleigh stand with this room is and threats against a secured. so in the often, lots of the i, c c chief prosecutor is moved to pursue a ras. one is for is really and how much data is most on box it or is the un remain tight lipped if any questions on the contentious issue. but some diplomatic voices are stressing the importance of respecting the independence of the legal process.
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obviously it is gabriel alexander reports in the un headquarters in new york to see your un headquarters. most ambassadors did not want a comment about the i c c decision. as one said, it's like a hot potato that nobody really wants to touch right now. we spent all day trying to talk to investors even asking them questions as you went in and out of security council meetings. but in almost all instances, our questions were ignored. now, most countries clearly want to let the judicial process play out. and that was the sentiment echoed by motors, ambassador to the un, which is a member of the security council. please stop. what did you did? should institutions of united nations. and we think we believe very much in their impartiality and their independence and they should be allowed to carry out the way and independently without any threats and through the process. go for those who
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need to defend, no, says everything else has been cool. crisis. so for us is also about who is invited through the is about the independent from the course. there is a sense here of us double standards and people point to march of last year when the i c. c issued an arrest warrant for russian president vladimir, put in for alleged war crimes in ukraine at the time the us and other western countries mostly applauded that decision by the i c. c. but now, when the icpc closes in on arrest warrants for is really officials the us cause it outrages gabriel's under how does the to united nations in new york, members of the united nations security council, have called in israel to cease it's offensive in rafa more than $800.00 sizes and pontiff stand in so flat as is ready for us as long as you're sold some of the southern city. i'll just say it is kristen. so it only has more from un
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headquarters in new york from the impact on civilians and efforts to help them. we have described this as a catastrophe, a nightmare as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse to prospects for a ceasefire. if thoughts do not resume, i fear for the worst un officials describe military activity and rougher as a new low in the war on gaza and increasing threat to the region. so did many member states rough eyes, the last remaining area in guys that has not been completely destroyed and advised the sold origin where humanitarian knocked us. good, stay a little bit rate f. i is no defined richard you for guys us this price it from their homes. the one says more than 800000 palestinians have been displaced from rough us since israel issued its evacuating orders 2 weeks ago. and even now with
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the construction of a peer and a getting into gauze or by c, humanitarian needs are only increasing the roof of border crossing once the main access point for aid remains closed. while other access points are to unsafe to meet the growing needs. even the united states, israel's closest ally and the security council called for de confliction. we also do not support and will not support and is really re occupation of garza. and we have long maintained our objection to any large scale military operation and rough that risks mass civilian farm. the palestinian ambassador noted past condemnations of israel have had little impact. is, is asking you to destroy the international based or the with your own hands. so it can continue killing a lot of people and unexplained our land in for impunity. it will not
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listen to reason or to your protest. toyota calls audio to demands. israel vowed to continue with assault as long as her moss is in power. the fire of terror is burning the rough. uh, sadly there is no alternative. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations. meanwhile, on the ground and gaza, dozens of people have been killed in jamalia and the know off as well as off i in the side of the nation and medford income reports the roof of this building in jamalia, collapse to of, to, in his rarely asked right rescue workers rushed in, trying to resuscitate the people trapped inside. the middle that i was up in the house was destroyed on top of the heads of the people living there. our team is trying to recover the bodies with tools. simple tools which are the only ones they have to try and get them out from under the rubble of the house. fighting and
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jamalia has intensified. in the past 10 days, people are helping out whichever way they can with the clean up and with the injured dynamic, i get the we came out running and found dismembered heads on the streets. i found a small child was injured and i ran with him to come on that one hospital. i didn't wait for the ambulance is on the way off. in the south. raso remains the last city in gaza where israel hasn't yet launched a full scale offensive. more than a 1000000 people remain that with no where to go. so the book is rarely strikes on monday, hit several residential areas. how do you have multiple, multiple me know how to cook safe places. a lice, the number of strikes on safe places is the same as the places that under military operations, the young israel plans to expand its operation and rougher despite to international warnings, including from the us that it would be disastrous for the thousands of civilians.
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the dimitri method in co, out to 0 in northern garza, is really forces of targeted a residential squared and bite left here. many of the victims were women and children. most of colors was there and sent this update. the neighborhood is where the forces targeted residential has to terminate. doesn't have been killed and doesn't get injured. some of the bins are trying to go out and read people who have been killed and slipped under the right now in order to pay the consequences lose. so many as you can see, all of this the 1st station just because of one massage. by the way, the closest ones are just 0. nothing goes pretty well this time. and it's really ministry. bulldozers exploded during
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a raid in the occupied westbank. it was moving through the city of 2 of us over night when the explosion happened. it's on k o for that. it was a deliberate attack or a possible destination of a homemade explosive device. still ahead and all the 0. what's next for us? as advocates formulated jacobs deluxe who's being barred from running for parliament under under close out of the presidential elections next month after the death of president abraham, a license in a helicopter crash, the pod he came into the use of the oil, c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to
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all of us. any anyone in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era cause some direction? is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the challenges here with the the
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the, are you watching or does it a reminder of our top story is this uh, the top prosecutor of the international criminal court is seeking a rest warnings for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on defense minister . you are gulliver, is accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity in johnson, both israel and the csa live the us, i've done that for me. or us ones are also being sold for how much need is h mail, send the young i sim on unless i'm a dix, they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the all. keep us in the october 7th attack on israel. i mean, garza is really
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a types of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians since sunday in the north is where the forces of targeted the residential squared and bay for many of the victims for women and children. united states, as of all, for the, it's official condolences for the death about any and president abraham or easy was simon seriously describing him as of mine who had blood on his hands and line with it runs constitution. the country must and i would like to new president. i don't go to the polls on june. the 28th auto racing was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. michael awful reports. these were rainy and president e brian, right, you see is fine. allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the board with us a by john, along with that countries. presidents yolanda leah saw seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time
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than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather. the on board president. try you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province. a sort of a runs on the forces emboldened 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness, sick fog. and the rugged terrain hampered search operations across the country from test run to the president's hometown mashhad. iranians came out to
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print nearly 20, always off to the helicopter. disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered a state television deliver this message to the nation prices. the 4th i launched by the hardworking and relentless president of the raining people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you would mount, when this rugged uh forest liked rain. uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop, but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bell helicopter had been in service since 1971. waste
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and sanctions have made it difficult for iran to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft . mike level, how does era? so it's advocate as top court has bod, former president jacob zoom from running for parliament. the constitutional court made the announcement on monday, 82 year olds in the left office in 2018 face, and corruption allegations was briefly jailed for contempt of court. and the mother is in johannesburg and she sent us this report. the constitutional quote is full that the former president jacobs luma consent for a seat in holland a meant in the upcoming general elections because of these conviction and sentencing of 18 months, a full contempt of court. and that goes back to a corruption inquiry where he refused to appear before that commission. now, many members of these parts easy support to save. it doesn't mean very much because he will remain on the ballot paper. he still represents the part to he's
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a leader. and he's political thinking, he's the id ology remains part of the party. and that's who they are. voting for. many have said that he is a victim of a political agenda, and many continued to believe that, especially with this latest ruling, but they many south africans who would welcome this ruling because for them to mount represents corruption. it's during his time in office that's up. it's described as 9 ways to the people blamed him for the rams rams and corruption that he's present in south africa and within a government's departments. now the m k party, despite remaining intact, is facing an element of trouble in that there is some level of infighting. it's founding member at one point has a now a split resume on precautionary suspension that's off to zoo. my kicked that leader out of the m k. so there is a battle for leadership,
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but many do views as the leader of the parties. and it will contest elections. so me the ultra 0 johannes, i don't to to 0 is next. don't forget the website of course on dizzy to dot com. i'm rolled protest and stay with us and ours is the the hello. we will say some lovely weather coming in across the korean peninsula and japan clear sky is coming through here. nice little heavier apply pressure just starting to nestle this way for you. so this load just around that is the side of homes. you have a pull out to the pipe of follow the line of cloud, right? the way down across taiwan into southern china with a more, very heavy rain full here and there are further heavy and found to be shouts as we go on through the next couple of days. so that's tuesday's picture. you've got one
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into one state more the same will pick down pulls more heavy showers, coming in across a similar area and not quite just watch perfectly all the never the less than 30 full celsius sunshine and beijing warm enough in so warm enough in tokyo as well now with that what, so what do we have across southern china? some of that is now spreading its way across. endo china, big down polls coming through here. just about anywhere. i could say some very heavy and sundry showers with the potential for flash flooding. scattering a showers to me to the philippines, particularly across loose on an unusual showers the across malaysia into indonesia, some heavier south pre monsoon right now, sharing his hand across southern positive india red ponies in full. so that heavy right. the vocals and flooding along with for like a mean lots of 8 p wife continues to the northwest. the latest news as it breaks this year's march as a message,
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not just for the card government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage. millions of farmers know how rich thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria, restricted expos, or the malaysia stands in the house of agent, and as much as one of the most vocal on the console as this rel intensifies the strikes, the world is watching, especially what's referred to as the global south. the roles of global towns on the scrutiny, the actions, or lack of the united states and other nations of sponsored debate. how they fostering piece of fueling to how does the laser view the international response?
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well, many seek solutions beyond politics focusing on humanity in a global sconce against what is increasingly viewed as a genocide. we hear from the malaysian prime minister on what the problem me.


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