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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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i think the . ready chief prosecutor of the international criminal code, 6 restaurants for these ready prime minister and see me and have mass lead is on charges of will cross the on the clock. this is out. is there a lie from the halls that coming up? let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as a court of justice. what's happening is not genocide, reject us president joe by the buttons, israel and tools to move by the i c. c. prosecute to upgrade the no. and to the bloodshed
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in dogs is ready for his attack embassies, palestinians trapped in the homes and showed the full so it had a wrong declassified day. good morning after president abraham racing is killed. the nearly $300.00 days of israel's foreign guns. 35386 palestinians killed. now the chief prosecutor of the world's top criminal court, the international criminal code is seeking a response for israel is a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister, you have gone through accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in garza, that's the all here says this complaint, the distortion of reality, the us president joe biden is courtney it outrages the icbc prosecutor. also once the rest of orleans for 3 senior status for the october, the 7th attack himself in israel. and move this being denounced by how much the sum
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of inch of a begins are coverage of the starving children is a crime. the killing civilians is a little crime. and wilfully causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 3 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court has cited for requesting at restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister golf kalonde, reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense you, i've got a bad criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is read. the ministers have denounced the allegations of full crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is ready costs. it says it's a historic disgrace and that especially the board room has been set up to
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counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it says was this war of the old versions of december and the whole vibe is against us any to unite the game? these right, easy to very nation at least the even more nation is this way. and everyone receives, so just in such a victim by these even decisions, i think it's adjusted. this is the icbc. prosecutors also seeking the rest warrants for from us political and been if you need to explain honey, you can send bar involvement. they've that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3, how much lead has a criminal you're responsible for the killing of these race opinions in a textbook to try to buy a mess. i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and kalonde a several months too late. and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator,
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i see should order the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who counted out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has the issue to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide if this court has to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the conduct and gods and folded. cons critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as an action to hold is rather comfortable. ceasefire a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, also expressed anger. i had to run d, i c c announcement. target israel and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senate has the threatened to cut funding and function i c c stuff and their families. this
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is bill is a today. and then me a talk over the rest warrants isn't likely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than $35000.00 palestinians and displaced millions more since october. so i'm a jobby over there. so let's take a look through it. the next step in the i c. c. process. application is made to the court pre trial chamber to decide whether sufficient grounds and jurisdiction exist . if the arrest warrants are issued, suspects can voluntarily surrender to the i. c. c, or countries that have signed up to its room statute have an obligation to arrest them. if not for him to the hearing, will be held to decide if there's enough evidence to go to trial. if the case proceeds 3 trial and judges will preside, and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. judges can then issue sentences of up to 30 years in prison, and even live sentences in exceptional cases. what is wrong is not
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a member of the i c c and israel's need is don't face evidence arrest, but they say the prosecutor's decision is disgraceful. an anti semitic but haven't jump june has no one's been that the all his coalition of course is found out to 0 from report inside israel. so i'm having just talking to us from a long the outrage across the is really political spectrum of the announcement that international criminal court chief prosecutor cutting con and seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin it's in. yeah. who is really defense ministry off the lot as well as 3 from us. leaders is really prime minister netanyahu declaring that he rejects with disgust the comparison between israel and come us. here's more important than you know, have to say about suited emotion condition that the, this absurd and distinct, full warrant of the persecution in the hague is aimed. no, certainly against israel's prime minister and defense minister, but against the entire states. if is right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against
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the vile murder was of a month who attacked us with ring dispute. tell us the on october 7th, the prosecutor in the haines with was odessa to do. you did compare between the how much monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most immoral army at a time of such a deep political polarization is real at a time when there's so many divisions across the political landscape. what we heard throughout the day after the announcement from the i c. c was very much a common refrain, very much echoing, but we also heard from that's in yahoo for example. you had war cabinet member been against former israeli defense minister, and he tweeted that to equate israel and how much was moral blindness. we also saw a tweet from the opposition leader in israel. yeah. your la pete in that tweet. but pete said the icpc arrest warrants are a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between us and yahoo, instant war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much we also saw
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a tweet from is really president issac hertzog, who in a late fee statement set, among other things. the announcement of the prosecutor at the i c. c is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, whose they for turn, should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly reject it. beyond that, we also saw a lot of quotes from and named is really political officials throughout the years really media landscape throughout the day. calling the announcement from the i c. c, hypocritical saying that it was embarrassing on an international level that it was disgraceful that it was insolent. what we know is that there are top legal scholars in israel as well as members of the national security council. and the foreign ministry that are all meeting they have set up a war room to try to figure out how to deal with all this going forward. how much
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i'm doing with 0 i'm. i was pretty key at the events marking jewish american heritage month to the white house. us present. dr. barton strongly defended israel directed directly rebuking the icy seas decisions over what's happening and garza. i think you had castro reports from washington dc. these have been strongly stated words of support for israel coming at a time when in the last few weeks that there had been a lot of tension brewing between israel and the us, particularly as biting continues to warn and be ignored against israel's invasion of rafa. but now that this i c c application for a warrant has been issued, the president seems to be moving closer again to israel. he spoke on this hours ago as he was addressing jewish americans at the white house. let me be clear, reject the i see she's application arrest warrant. you get
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rid of these words by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm off it's clear isn't was all, do all can to ensure a civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as the court of justice. what's happening is not genocide. reject the raleigh stand with this rule is and the threats against a secured. and this follows on a letter that was delivered by about a dozen republican senators last month that kind of for saw the movement here as the i, c. c was at that time considering applying for arrest warrants for netanyahu. and in that letter, the senators said, quote, target is real and we will target you. that's what they said to the i c c staff. and saying that the us could issue sanctions against employees and bar them and their families from entering the u. s. if they go ahead and approve this
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application for a warrant, as far as that goes, it's these words of disapproval that us officials are issuing as well as pressure on its allies in europe, who are parties to the i c. c. eventually, if these warrants were to be approved and issued, the us would likely try to pressure those allies not to arrest netanyahu. if they had, if they had the opportunity, the offer jessica avenue easy is you and special ripple to for the occupied policy . encouraging that she says the licensee prosecute has moved to seek a response for is ready latest start the degree trial number the google. so the judges frugal internal majority basis. so they would have to assess to the evidence that the prosecutor has to, has gathered and, and because he said to the interest charges and the issue, the, so these are his words. so um, i understand,
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i hear from the previous comments that theresa some uh high level of frustration and we'll get you straight to the leaders. and israel's head lice also sounds very understandable. now the frustration that's where the policy and especially to some of the doesn't gossip, they are the ones being genocide and disappear. so he's alternate at the same time for me, this is an historical historical day and i do hope that it will continue to be so it's not the small thing that to that the i see, persecute, or how to issue the national rest words for to is ray, the leaders, and he's not just for what crimes which was tiered by many over over the years. it's the mean age for crimes that have been for me to intentionally and wilfully. so the allstate, policies that need to this accompanying again to gauge the progression, gosh, is pretend to question without condoning or justifying the crimes that have been
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committed by how much describes should have been investigated and prosecuted. it shouldn't have given the leeway to israel to, to start at war. we just turn it to a title, wreckage, the entire product team completion. i do agree, i do agree that and you can my, i've heard me before. we have had this discussion before on this time was elizabeth search for the credibility of the course and these procedures read particular and after the 7 talked over after the 8th of october, it was clear that this was not, i mean, he was about to watch me while the ground and guns are, is ready to types of killed, at least a 106 palestinians and sunday in northern garza is ready forces of talking to the residential square. and basically here many victims with women and children. excellence, i've my which has this report now the, the, the, what is the, is really bumps or reading down again the northern does the targeting civilian
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areas and monday morning explosions hit the most of the neighborhood of bates last year. building scramble, trapping people into rubber panic, spread among thousands of palestinians shelter. and here i was passing through this road and all of a sudden the earth was shaking as if it was an earthquake piece. the flesh of screwed over the walls. look for yourself. i'm collecting pieces of flesh and i was in the market, came home to find all my brothers and sisters going. all of them were killed, ripped to pieces their flesh scattered all over the place. at a nearby come all odd one, hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed with the continuous influx of picnics, including many children and the elderly. the this
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medical facility is one of the few still barely operating in northern cancer and face and collect staff medicine and supplies. israel has been in testifying its military operations across the strip in the past 3 weeks. earlier this month, troops and tags began moving into southern gaza targeting the city of process. the civilians were ordered once again to head to other areas. but with the entire strip under relentless bombardment, they find themselves with nowhere to go x of language, which is 0. and is there any minutes you build is it has exploded during your rates in the occupied westbank. yes, it was moving through this group to best every night with the explosion happened. it's unclear whether it was a deliberate attack on the vehicle or a possible destination of a who made expressive device. so the head here now does or it will hear from
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members of the un security council, the mets on israel's whitening defensive in kansas, southern city or rafa and attempted to in the democratic republic of congo with the opposition says government leaders may be behind the the the hello, we will see most of the storm spring across the northern plains of the us pushing across into the upper midwest is going to be towards the great lights on the off the area of low pressure. this one, you can see that on the heads just rolling in on this same system. so some big down polls coming in here was a go one through tuesday that was allotted to be some localized flooding. lots of thunder around the october night. a large hail the whole ship. i'm further east it's dry is warm. it's sunny. 26 celsius and new york
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a couple of degrees higher than that for they say, unless we go on into uh, wedding stay, it's form is still that west of whether stuffs, welding is way across the legs. pushing up into one terabyte using across the was good back for the west, but the wintry weather still cool enough ends. when the wintry weather there across the higher ground, you'll notice that across the tapes house and bank showers, coming through that more heavy down pools into texas, could again lead to some localized flooding, maybe down post tube across the greater entities. cuba, jamaica said some nasty sounds is quite a nasty system. this one which rolls out into the waters of the caravan, few showers, 7 to haiti, and also into dominican republic and more of the same as we go through with the state by what the state of fish i was into. bob aid as and also into trinity that the listings in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's
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a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as his readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing best. the, the kind of get you watching out, is there a reminder about some stories this and the top prosecutor for the international criminal court seeking arrest warrants for is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the defense fitness. and your last is accusing the crimes and
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constructs humanity and guns breakfast real and it's not like us have denounced restaurants are also being sold for how my sweetest multimedia and they are accused of war crimes and crimes. sketch amenities in the dogs is really a tons of killed at least a $106.00 color scheme. and since sunday, and the news is ready for us to talk to the residential square and fate to here many of the victims for women and children. and members of the united nations security council of cooling, israel to cease it's offensive in russia, more than 800000 palestinians have fled as it's readily forces launch assaults on the southern city, onto zeros christmas to me as more from you and h q in new york from the impact on civilians and efforts to help them. we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse to prospects for
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a ceasefire. if thoughts do not resume, i fear for the worst un officials describe military activity and rougher as a new low in the war on gaza and increasing threat to the region. so did many member states verifies the last remaining area and gather that has not been completely destroyed and advised to sold origin where humanitarian knocked us. good, stay a little bit rate f. i is no the find that are referred you for guidance. this price is from their homes. the one says more than 800000 palestinians have been displaced from rough us since israel issue to tobacco ration orders 2 weeks ago. and even now with the construction of a peer and a getting into guys or by c, humanitarian needs are only increasing the roof of border crossing once the main
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access point for aid remains closed. while other access points are to unsafe to meet the growing needs. even the united states, israel's closest ally in the security council called for de confliction. we also do not support and will not support and is really re occupation of gaza. and we have long maintained our objection to any large scale military operation and rough, that risk mass civilian farm. the palestinian ambassador noted past condemnations of israel have had little impact. is, is asking you to destroy the international based or the with your own hands. so it can continue killing a lot of people and unexplained our land in for impunity. it will not listen to reason or to your protest. toyota calls audio to demands. israel vowed to continue with assault as long as her moss is in power. the
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fire of terror is burning. the rough uh sadly there is no alternative. christian salumi outages here on the united nations. the united states is offered. it's official condolences for the death of arabian president abraham receive well, some of the tennessee also described him as of mine who had blood in his hands in line with the wrong constitution. the country must now elect a new president and we'll go to the polls on june. the 28th of tracy was killed in a helicopter. crash on sunday. must go out for reports on the death that has sent the nation into 5 days of warning. these were rainy and president e brian raw you seized find allow, is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the board with us a by john, along with that countries. presidents yolanda leah shaw,
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seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president tracy foreign minister, who was saying a made up to lucky on a provincial governor. and there security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province in a sort of a runs armed forces and move in 70 search and rescue teen spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness, sick fog and the rugged terrain hampered search operations across
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the country from tip run to the president's hometown if mashhad ukrainians came out to print. nearly 20 always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered. state television delivered this message to the nation. playstation for silo shot, so hardworking and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not when this rugged forest liked rain. uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite
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a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spare parts or new aircraft. mike level, how does era a hey t is main, is national, that for this resumed operations for the 1st time and nearly 3 months after dying violence for so far it is to place that the reopening of the poets in the capital, puerto prince is expected to help ease a critical shortage of medications. basic supplies for the delivery of those items as difficult as gains controlled makes roads leading to the capital for us commercial passenger flight. since march left for miami, nearly 2 hours behind schedule australia, new zealand to send the page to evacuate, the citizens from new kind of day, near the streets in the french pacific territory, a relatively calm but road blocks remain. the port is still shots, protested again a week ago in response to propose changes to the elect total low. the critics say
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will dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of like on. and this, at least 6 people have been killed in hundreds. the rest of the army of the democratic republic of congo says, is an attempt to it's an attempt to cure on sunday. however, some opposition politicians have suggested president feelings to jacoby, and his allies were actually responsible for your time. but can we have reports now from the capital contract? so as it was in contrast, as most affluent and supposedly secure neighborhood. the gunfire erupted early on sunday morning. the attack is what led by christie on milan. got a politician who's been on the periphery of congress opposition for years and lived in the us. we come put up with just a cathy and come in for any longer. they messed up this country too much. felix must go. felix. you're out. the towel, to marry is a prominent politician in presidency next to securities from child governing
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coalition and it was here at his house. the funny thing began to mary's stuff say that the attack is said they were here to kill committee, right. and these family were hiding inside the house at the time. the attack is didn't manage to get in this call. also took a couple of bullets. the survivors say most of the fighting took place around the gate with 2 of the police guns were killed. and they say the 5 fight went on for about 40 minutes before the attack has left and went up the road towards the presidential palace. milan got hundreds, hands on a flight. those fell confidence enough in their operation to stream its on facebook live. remarkably, they didn't meet any resistance entering the palace. soldiers arrived late to the army, says it's stopped and attempted to middle anger was killed. the video showing soldiers detaining man is connected on social media. many uses,
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including opposition. politicians of suggested presidency security on these allies orchestra to the attack, to cause destruction or justify repression. to matter, a spokesman told us, he doesn't understand why the attack has we're able to go so far before they was stopped. these are facilities, the bus 2, we have many officials in the country, but they want to tags and here we had fatalities. this is why we need onset of presidency. security was announced. the winner of k all taken disputed elections in december. he still hasn't informed the new government. the city streets quickly went back to normal, but the so called attempted to his left more questions than on says malcolm web out to 0, kinshasa democratic republic of congo. south africa's top quotas, ball and former president jacob sigma from, for, from running for parliament, a 2 year old z,
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my left office in 2018 facing corruption allegations was briefly jail for contempt of court. that surprised movie foamed a new political party called m. k. in december to run cases form a party, the governing african african national congress and the elections on may 29th and u. k. code is rule that wiki leaks prompted. you mean as long as kind of pin the gains extradition to the united states to face espionage charges. the judges found assurances from the u. s. on how he will be tried and sentenced if convicted, unsatisfactory. as long as you is facing 18 charges offerings website published secret military documents 15 years ago, taiwan is the president has cooled on china to respect the islands democracy in to stop ministry and political threats. lighting penny was inaugurated on monday, and cooper told us of aging, but china has refused to acknowledge his leadership or his policy. katrina, you reports now from badging. lighting to is
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a doctor turned to pull attrition from the vice president. and now the president of ty, one, the leader was sworn in on monday, months of to his policy one it unprecedented the consecutive presidential tub. his integration celebrations with joyful with ly. speech carried assume the message, but they think they're just trying to stop intimidating taiwan politically. and militarily, you know, take on the global responsibility, what's tie, want to work hard on maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait and ensure the word is without the fear of war breaking out. they jenkins such as the island road chinese territory and cut official communication with its government in 2016 ton is taiwanda says also says lives comments revealed his true nature as a 21 in depend.


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