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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the use, the currency doesn't least value rapidly that could change. take them into the so you wouldn't agency if it palestinian refugees. it says it's suspending food, a deliveries and rough on israel step stuff. it's stripes on southern johnson. the color there understands the attain. this is all to 0 at life and go home. also coming up is where the oldest sees, the equipment of the association for us to be returned, offered, shut down and use agencies, live camera position overlooking goes up. the exclusive video. imagine showing is
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rarely soldiers taking more than $100.00. how listing in bodies to israel last year, after reading goss, i'll, she for hospital funeral sermons begins, ron's night president abraham racy, who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. thousands turn out to pay their respects, the holy begin and goes out west 7 months now. overland just as rarely. bombardment, thank you. monetary and process to a breaking point. the main you an agency of, of how the sting and refugees has now suspended food distribution and southern gaza . citing security concerns on why says it's supplies on the lead to police it. and because israel hasn't allowed for you to enter through the roof and talking about, we sell them crossings. now the 10 days, meanwhile, is really a strike has killed 3 children. their bodies were left strewn on the streets of the of the refugee camp. and rafa the wounded were taken to the crazy hospital for
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treatment of the northern gauze and medical stuff and displaced, palestinians had been fleeing from them all on one hospital. the these really ami opened fire on that facility. hospitals all protected. the on the international handout. good, all right, isn't there a lot in central garza? she explains what on risk decision to suspend about food and rough and means for palestinians. more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from underwater, underwater reduce that they will suspense, or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's, let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge in the now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times. they are, they move to con eunice and to the middle area. and they do not have any type of
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food assistance. the price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 organizations. but this was expected, special needs that were more than 2 weeks. now. nothing is being entering from cut them up asylum, and the rough on crossing where all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip. well, scott anderson is the senior deputies right to have on rough as in gaza. he says the sizing has made it difficult and dangerous to distribution. monetary named our co centers, a drop of camp for both them, acted by the corporation and the racket, wasting orders. so we have to health centers should we're on a rough, a profit camp health center for both those unfortunate were new accusations on
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which is a significant, scary risk staff, but also really wonder be seeking care at the facilities. and as a result, we've had to suspend operations this and get the combat cic tougher better, but that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food, medicine and other things in the sustaining the operation. we need assessed ation to combat ideally. i mean, we need to have a safe environment so our staff can operate, so people innocent civilians that we treat can seek treatment safely. so what we need is an end to the current operation. we need to supply open, and ideally we would have $350.00 trucks today at a minimum of just the popular g as a, as they all have the right car. no, it's the right time. we're near that now or less than $200.00 trucks. today jumping in for bringing into a that everyone's so desperately needs. there is violence that result from the current uh, the conflict between israel on a mouse. and it's very much just people being trapped in
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a very small space but know where to go to seek safety. it is unfortunate, many of our staff died during this conflict and are acting quite a rock every day and continue to deliver services to the people that are here. as far as the ministry of communication has now ordered the return of equipment that receives from the association, press news agency and comes off to is brand new authorities, shut down the piece, live camera position, locations, and southern as well overlooking cause the news agency has, maintains that live shots for months. the ip says is revenue authority is a curious it's organization of violating the newly institutions side on al jazeera . we associated press decry it in the strongest terms, the actions of these really government, which is shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into gaza and seized the equipment. the shut down was not based on the content of the feed, but rather and abuse of use by these really government of the countries knew for him broadcast or low off. of all israel has bound dogs as the rest on the
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forwarding from this or let's speak to him home and challenge him who joins us now from the to damian capital a non nomic. can you clarify what's actually happened is, well, we understand says it will return the piece of equipment, but do we actually know if they're able to resume a live conversation? so this idea that hasn't been made completely clear yet. we're waiting more clarification on that point. what i can tell you is that beyond the statement from a, the confirming that they have been told they are going to get that equipment back. there was a follow up to that in which they said, well, we are pleased with this development. we remain concerned about the israeli government to use of the foreign broadcaster law and the ability of independent journalist to operate freely in israel. now, let me just take the viewers through the sequence of events that that happened throughout the day. and you had, well, the a p rather has a live shot or had a live shot position instead of out. that's a town in southern israel,
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a live feed that they provide to their clients, thousands of clients. one of them is i'll just interrupt that live shot feed was showing a northern gaza the ministry communication took away their camera and equipment today and basically shut that live shut down. and they justified that by saying that because a p was providing this feed also to alta 01 of their thousands of clients that, that meant they were in violation of this law that was passed recently. that enabled the shut down of algebra in israel. we have heard some condemnation of what happened from some is really officials in the last few hours. you had the opposition leader. yeah. your la peed, who put out a tweet in which she basically described what happened as madness and condemned how the ministry of communications had done this and said that it was going to
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essentially make israel into a pariah state. we shouldn't mention though that in that tweet why. 9 how the the uh while, pardon me, the opposition leader in israel was condemning what happened. he was still supportive of the fact that al jazeera had been shut down. so as you mama, can you put this in a little bit of context for us? obviously the i p as you're saying is, is one of the world's largest news agencies. this really sounds like a can message from news res and you know, the size. yeah. i was in israel when they the authorities came and shut down our office space and occupied east jerusalem. and we heard from a, a lot of journalists later that day before i left the country who were expressing great concern about what had happened. saying that they believe this is going to send a real showing effect across the media landscape and is real and not just perform broadcast isn't outlets, but also potentially for domestic ones because they think it would make it much
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easier for the israeli government to justify shutting down, other, other networks, other outlets, and the fact that today you had a situation where by one of the largest news agencies, one of the largest most respected news agencies in the world, i had their camera equipment confiscated, had their broadcast shut down. and the justification for that was because one of their thousands of clients was out to 0. and because this law had been passed, well, that does tend to chilling message across the media landscape. and israel for both a foreign networks and for a domestic networks. now there are a lot of people in israel that are happy that i'll just hear it will shut down. but there are also people there that are unhappy saying that in a, in a country that considers itself a democracy. this is not something that should happen. so it's a complicated situation. certainly today the people in israel are, are, are concerned, but this might lead to the government trying to shut down more broadcasters,
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more outlets in the days and months to come. besides you moment time june, there was a very nice hist for us on those developments reporting from alon today. thank you mohammed. well, just a reminder that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government has found dollars, era from reporting and is around. that's why we are reporting now from the jordanian capital. when i get the reaction from the us, we can speak to a correspondent, official who joins us now from washington. dc. as we've been saying, a fee is not only one of the largest means agencies. it's also headquartered in the us, right? it's a bit of an american institution. i see the white house intervene directly. it sounds like you've got some pretty speedy results, as well as clearly the white house was concerned, you remember, but when i would just eat out was essentially shut down in israel. the white house at that point say that was concerned and the jungle of should be allowed to do their job, but there was no pressure put on the is released from the white house at that point
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. given that the associated price is a very large american company, with offices across the united states and around the world, and has clients not just here in the us, but also around the world. then you guys decide that it was going to use this diplomatic muscle. and what we had from a number of white house officials was that they had decided to ask the very least to return the equipment. and then obviously it would be up to the associated press to decide when they were going back on, you know, i've been speaking to some people who walk at the associated press. this isn't official by any means, but they believe that they will be back up on you with that feed within the next couple of hours. once the equipment is returned and they can re establish a signal. but it's clear that the white house has put pressure on these relays that we've had since the beginning of this war in october. and that the united states is unhappy about things these relays have done that the put pressure on these really
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is, this is one of the very few times that we've actually seen concrete results within a few hours of the bike and white house, expressing any sort of consent about any sort of action by the is really government island fish a that with all the latest and the reaction from washington dc for us. thank you. on a video has a mazda of israeli soldiers taking more than a 100 palestinian bodies and transporting them to israel late last year. as a whole happened during these really siege of the chief, a hospital gauze as largest medical complex. a 2nd grade in november led to the complete destruction of the medical facility, and the discovery of last grades. then the con reports this video to see could be from high above chief, a hospital grounds in northern casa shows is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements
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needs to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of his retreat. ceasing bodies off the rating doses largest hospital in those and the at the time, the director general of goals with the ministry of health said in the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio me a bit, it's taking more than $350.00 posting and bodies only 3 months later saying this was to verify if any of them were spray the captives. the bodies were collected of israel 1st major rate on chief of hospital. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready. so just entered the hospital saying
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a mouse was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients, including children is ready for it is carried out a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the site, described it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies, some with signs of mutilation. others decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy and you know, even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hung out to 0, a hostile a head here on al jazeera donald trump. so is ross up the case without the former president taking the stand as hush money. try
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the interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think the correct . but so in the international community upfront, only without disease, the, you will see a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top storage ssl. do you an agency for palestinian refugees on rough, has suspended for distribution and rough us? there's a insecurity and
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a lot of supplies on rest as fruit to replenish its warehouses. it has not entered the strength of more than half the population cause the depends on fear. data from the israel's administrative communications has ordered this with ton of equipment that was seized from the associated press news agency and comes off to is rarely with are these shut down the if he is alive. camera position, located in southern israel overlooking garza, he says, is there a new authorities accused its organization of violating the newly institution found on alger. they're. out of there has obtained footage showing these ready ministries, seizure of more than a 100 forties during their 1st rate on al, she from hospital in kansas city in november. and they were taken from 3 locations to milwaukee, a mass grave on the side. on the 10th gauze house ministry says the parties have been abducted and taken to israel. nowhere says it will be a blinds to arrest fees. rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu is arrest
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warrants are issued by the international canal course. the chief prosecutor of the i. c. c is seeking a restaurants for nursing. yahoo! and his defense minister, you'll have columbus. they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. nursing yahoo is called it a complete distortion of reality and says the ice haze moves against the entire space of israel. all the, i say say posts. there's also ones restaurants for 3. how mostly it is. so the october 7th attack in southern israel. the group has been out some move, demanding, a withdrawal of that request from us that says, the guy says he's targeting of its lead is confused as victim an executioner. step bouncing reports now from the hey having strong responses coming in from across the globe. since we, you know, it's been by the r c. c prosecutor that is requesting these arrest warrants the u. s. presidential bite and calling it outrages. and also say saying that the, how much on israel should not be put on the same level. other countries have said
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the same thing, but on the other hand, france, for example, says that it supports the independence of the court, has also been urging that human to terry and law should be respected from them. indeed, mazda sac, but also saying in impunity, shoot and, and a belgian, the foreign minister also saying that she encourages this process here at the eyes to see that everyone should be a prosecute test, regardless of who the perpetrators are. so, very various responses. so you're on the court and we have to wait. now what the pre trial chamber, a judge us will decide if this arrest of organs will be issued. we are expecting a decision in a couple of weeks. and if that happens, the $124.00 member states of the ice, se would have yorba sion to up, so died. these are 5 suspects as to the hague, where they will be put on trial. and this will be a process. it will take quite a long time. step 5, some else you 0. they take the hell is where the forces have killed at least 7
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palestinians during the military raid. and the city of janine and the occupied westbank attach a student and a surgeon are among those counts. at least 9 palestinians are also injured under janice to his shots while covering the rays. he is in a stable condition. these ready men at trace send reinforcements to the or an after special is really units infiltrate to the city. i'm the count where they were then confronted by palestinian findings. a the funeral ceremony is under way for a runs late president abraham racy. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7. all those places body has been moved from the northern city of tempe is to the capital to iran, a state funeral, as planned for wednesday before the burial. then on thursday, we have some reports from tyrone when abraham right,
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you see last a be a document or about airport. he was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader. now his body and those are for the minute stuff was saying i made all the la and, and 7 of those are being federated in the profession. at the same airport. it will be followed by state street on the scene by the supreme lead i. it's a lot of the coming they on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income. one second tale a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to run for the final public viewing. she went to investigate the issue that bodies were found a monday. i was after the had a couple across the top and for the conditions in northern you on this southern loss of its president. your one faces an unexpected transition with the snap
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election scheduled for june 28th to find right easy success a while behind the subs. as entering president subjects, we have continued to use something solid would come vs that is mostly expected in terms of grand strategies. in the arena for policy and domestic policy, as the source of the policies and strategies are formulated within a culture excited, haven't sent me involving service factors and actors. however, the prevailing concern among the people is the mysterious circumstances surrounding the headed cup to crush the killed the president and his companions. you'll find everything you must see about the house on the other into dislike. we spotted the cloud patched into a valley near the mind deposit carrying the president decided to ascend above the cloud, which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the clouds, we lost sight of the presidents helicopter pilot the speak you later on an
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emergency landing way. the presidents pilot ansuka the area several times. unfortunately, we don't use force coming that be the force to do that. in the mining area, the chief of staff of the armed forces will have my body has initiated a high level investigation to the cause of the presidents. have you called the crush? the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out what, what down the bottom it says run a dog. the passenger without definitely good answer. there will be likely more speculation. i'm not sure about that. a judge in greece has dismissed a case against 9 egyptian and accused of causing a deadly migrant shipwreck in the mediterranean. last year, the judge said the court doesn't have jurisdiction ahead of this trial, right? police tussles with protest as outside the courthouse that demonstrates his claim
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that the 9 men were being denied a fair trial. they used to the greek coast guard of failing to intervene and rescue efforts. over 500 people on board, the entry on an 804 rescue to form us president of donald trump. this defense team has arrested its case and as hush money trial, trump didn't take to the stand to testify the despite promising that he would, he's on trial for concealing a payments made to an adult film actress during the campaign, allegedly, to stop him from making their relationship public, he says the charges are politically motivated. drawers will be back on may the 28th, to hear closing argumentative from the chinese on both sides of corresponding custom, salumi has moved from outside the court in new on the defense team, wrapped up their case calling just 2 witnesses to the stand. and donald trump was one of them despite trumps claims that he wanted to testify at the end of it all the defense to consider that too risky and focused instead on their efforts to
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undermine the credibility of the prosecution star witness michael cohen. the positives former bixler, now trump payments to michael cohen are at the heart of this case, which involves $34.00 counts of falsifying business records. on michael cohen has testified that donald trump was well aware of his efforts to silence an adult film star. and he knew that he was paying michael cohen to do just that. the witness called to the stand on tuesday, a man by the name of robert costello is a lawyer who claims that colin told us that have no idea about the hush money payment. but his credibility could be called into question by the jury, after the judge reprimanded him on the stand for rolling his eyes and making comments under his breath. now the case will be back in front of the jury on tuesday of next week. when closing arguments will be presented and the jury will
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begin their delivery shift, they will take as long as they must to reach a consensus on the $34.00 charges. they must be unanimous and finding the former president either guilt or innocence, or else from this trial will be declared. persons salumi al jazeera, new york. now in your japanese whaling ship has set sail fuel in control of the sea and took care of support for the hunting of wells. the new vessel will be the 1st of its kind to be built in 70 yards from the finder, pulls a highly controversial vessel for many, most people in the japanese wailing ports of shame. on the 2nd, the con game, the route is a solar eclipse. big pride old supple is great because it's a big also is a quickly design processing facility with the meat can be refrigerated. it's like a factory. in 2019, in the face of international law physician,
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japan allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet continue to the cookie mind. but with a crew of 100, under range of 13000 kilometers the ships arrival has raised the possibility of japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. eh, gabriel drew and shook wells or an impulse and food results, unlike other marine living results. so as they should be, use sustainably thinking based on scientific evidence, i believe it is important to inherit traditional food culture in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted by then 50. this will be for the teen way will meet is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska seals on and the australians eat kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings molten sophistication. it plans to catch $200.00 wales on its 1st voyage. equipped with
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a long range thrown, to help to do so, covering fast expenses at the furthest oceans. rob mcbride, i'll just hold on set for name is tanya tay inside. story is next. i'll see you on the the you're here, we're here. let's go with your weather update, and we've got to talk about all this rain stretching across the enemy and see running into the south coast sidney. i'm are crossing the border into thailand, but this has injected quite a bit of moisture into the atmosphere for in those sign is so widespread storms here, really the name of the game on wednesday storms. first southern china in glen dung and pushy and provinces that's extending through taiwan japan through group islands and coming pretty close to q issue with talk about that in one second. but for
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northern china round, the yellow river valley is young joe, and she had your temperatures about 34 degrees on wednesday. so there's a closer look at that rain just passing to the just away from q shoot. i think it's going to throw more in the way of cloud cover on wednesday. ok to and china's capital as well. things to a warm breeze out of the south, indonesia biggest pulses of rain will be in central. kelly, montana on borneo island. same goes for southern c monitor and to australia we go, not really looked into catch a lot of rain here this week. let's talk temperatures, but the color is on dark. the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature, some frost. the starts to the day and alice, you should be 8 degrees waking up, adjust to, and well and this weather report in new zealand, we've got weather alerts for the east coast of the north island. the, the,
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the international criminal court top prosecute. so 6 arrest warrants for his wally, i'm from us leaders. the united states was condemned to move against its allies. but really i see things action deeper as well as international isolation for it's for on concept. this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian instead of going really 7 months of was more than 35000 palestinians killed and widespread the destruction of.


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