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tv   World News Today  BBC News  December 18, 2016 9:00pm-9:31pm GMT

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this is bbc world news today, broadcasting in the uk and around the world. i'm alpa patel. the headlines; hopes are dashed for the thousands waiting to be evacuated in syria. it's another freezing night as a deal to send buses to fetch rebels and civilians is again put on hold. but there are now hopes of a deal at the united nations to send observers to aleppo. gunmen in jordan carry out a series of attacks in the historic town of karak, killing at least ten people. poland's political crisis shows no sign of ending — after another day of protests. and real madrid come out on top, winning football's club world cup for the second time in three yea rs. thousands of people in rebel—held
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areas of aleppo are enduring another night of freezing conditions — after plans to evacuate them failed to materialise. buses appeared at the crossing point in western aleppo but that's as far as they went. the failure of a simultaneous evacuation of government supporters elsewhere — may have contributed. in new york, the un security council has met to discuss a monitoring mission for the evacuation — and there are reports that a compromise has been reached. with the situation in eastern aleppo increasingly desperate, looking after the frail and wounded is becoming increasingly difficult. with more, here's our correspondent quentin sommerville if only the ceasefire in aleppo hadn't collapsed, then this might never have needed to happen. they are doing the best they can
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here, but this hospital is barely functioning. these are not surgeons. there are none left in eastern aleppo, so nurses perform the operation. it is a caesarean. translation: the child has a birth defect. we immediately brought the mother here to the operating room for a caesarean, which we are doing now. the mother is in a bad way and her baby boy even worse. but everyone here is at their wits end. eastern aleppo is out of options. translation: as soon as the patient arrived, i told the red cross that the patient needed emergency surgery but there was no answer because the evacuation is still suspended. some of the sick made it out of here on thursday but not nearly enough. after 2a hours, the ceasefire collapsed. there are now 100 badly injured people trapped here.
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he has been stuck here for three days, says this man. he has a head injury. we have tried to leave but they stopped us. and here is one of the hold—ups. rival factions attacked buses that were meant to free trapped sick and injured in shi'ite villages. only when they are freed will the regime allow convoys to again leave eastern aleppo. and only after aleppo‘s misery would you consider this salvation. this is a camp in idlib. evacuees are brought here. when they arrive, they have nothing. the buses that bring them are so crowded there is no room for luggage, but here, there's relief. translation: rockets, russianjets and warplanes all bombing us, barrel bombs dropped over us. we kept fleeing from one place to another. there was hunger, poverty and sleeping in the streets. finally, the red cross got us out. this woman made it here
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with her twin girls. the camp may be crowded but here the sisters can breathe again. translation: it is better than it was in aleppo, there's no bombing. we have new friends walking and playing together. there was a food shortage back there. but we are eating more here. we hated life but here we are eating biscuits and everything. and that is what is at stake here. every minute and every hour of the ceasefire that is lost, is another moment of life denied to the children of aleppo. well, in new york the security council is discussing resolution on un monitoring of these evacuations — let's go to gary o'donoghue who is in washington for us. there appears to be movement on this. what more can you tell us?
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they had about three hours inside the security council behind closed doors discussing a french proposal to put monitors, un monitors on the ground to ensure people could get onto these buses and get out of eastern aleppo safely. that was opposed by the russians initially. we felt there was going to be a stand—off effectively. after that three hours they seem to have emerged saying they have some sort of compromise resolution they are going to vote on tomorrow or monday morning at 9am local time in new york. so that does give a glimmer of hope that there may be some kind of oversight of what is actually happening to those civilians in eastern aleppo. we don't know the detail of how it will work but the us ambassador samantha power did say that she could envisage some of
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those monitors being on the buses when they were moving out of those areas. the question will be the extent to which the syrian government will have control over how that works. that's something that was a stumbling block for russians initially. we know that evacuations have been halted for the time being. is it the case that we are waiting for a decision from the security council for the evacuations to continue? i think it's more complex than that in the sense that pa rt complex than that in the sense that part of the reason the evacuations stopped from eastern aleppo is because of what happened in these other shia villages west of aleppo where these buses were allegedly burned that were meant to be taking shia members of those villages out of the area surrounded by the rebels. the government was very keen to make that part of the whole deal. there was a lot of anger because of
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the sabotage of those buses. that's why to some degree the halt was called to the evacuation in eastern aleppo. big concern from the international community is while there is not anybody around to check what's going on and that there could be war crimes committed, there could be war crimes committed, there could be massacres. people have talked about not having another srebrenica, you remember when those civilians we re you remember when those civilians were killed in bosnia in 1995. so that's the concern. so time is of the essence. there are un people in the essence. there are un people in the vicinity. samantha power talking about re—purpose and those people to be monitors. we don't know how quickly they can be in place to get this effort moving. and temperatures are plummeting. without shelter that is the real potential for it, and
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evermore escalating humanitarian crisis in the area. thank you for that update. in neighbouring jordan officials say at least nine people have been killed — including one canadian and four policemen. it happened when gunmen carried out a series of attacks in the historic city of karak. they targeted two police patrols in separate attacks, while gunmen also opened fire at the ancient crusader castle. richard lister reports. armoured personnel carriers racing through the streets of karak. they are responding to a series of shootings in and around the town by several gunmen. the security forces desperately tried to establish who is firing and from where. there is panic, confusion and more gunshots. this amateur footage shows police and special forces closing in on the gunmen who have now taken refuge in the crusader castle and are still firing on those around them. the medieval citadel draws tourists
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from around the world, and there were initial unconfirmed reports that some had been taken hostage. others were able to get out as the battle raged around them. this is where most of the casualties were found. all were jordanian except for one canadian woman who was killed. tonight, the city appears calm although it is unclear what happened to the gunmen. there will be relief the attack is contained but it will be another blow tojordan‘s reputation as a sea of calm in a region of crisis. a look at some more top stories this hour. the islamic state group says it was behind a suicide attack in yemen which left at least a0 soldiers dead. they were queueing to collect their pay — near a military base in aden. the head of security in the city is reported to have resigned. it follows the killing of 50 soldiers in a similar attack a week ago.
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government troops in myanmar have taken a key position from the rebel group kachin independent army. both the military and the insurgents suffered heavy casualties amidst intense fighting to retake the gidon outpost. four us senators are calling for the setting—up of a panel to investigate allegations of russian hacking. the us government has claimed that russia, as well as other foreign countries, were involved in cyber attacks designed to influence the outcome of the us election. russia has denied the accusations. opponents of the polish government have been staging a third day of protests in the capital, warsaw over the government's plans to restrictjournalists‘ access to parliament. demonstrators gathered outside the constitutional court today, while opposition mps continued their sit—in inside the parliament building. a short time ago i spoke to yarlsaw vordowcheg,
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the president of the press club in poland, from warsaw. the truth is that the speaker of the lower house is not liking journalists. he didn't make, when he started a year ago, until now, even one press conference. and that may be the reason. the government is saying it is not unusual to accredit journalists in this way across europe. do you agree? i don't, of course not because they give as an example the european parliament. the european parliament is very liberal. of course nobody can enter the parliament room, either in poland or in brussels but it's easy access to all european parliament members and now we've got easy access to the mps in poland. yesterday night we met with the speaker of the senate, and we will continue talks tomorrow at noon, warsaw time. he declared that they
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will not change the rules until we will not agree. this is the result of the mass protests we organised, over 30 of the largest media outlets, friday, under the auspices of the press club. the protest today, without politicians, we had no politicians in printed press, radio and television, empty, blank pages and the blank screens sometimes on television stations and that moved forward the issue. how much is the polish public actually paying attention to these protests, given that the government, relatively, is quite popular? the government is very popular and has so many people against the government and people who are pro. in the afternoon, after a few hours of ourjournalist protests, which is not political,
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this is only about the access to information and the freedom of speech, the opposition blocked the parliament, saying we want to supportjournalists, and then people went onto the streets and said they want to support journalists. i'm very suspicious when politicians are supporting journalists. and i'm very suspicious especially when today, the opposition and yesterday, the governing party wants to support us. that was the president of the polish press club, yarlsaw vordowcheg. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: britain's prince harry — his life and charitable work in africa is captured in a new documentary. the signatures took only three
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minutes but brought a formal end to three and a half years of conflict that has claimed more than 100,000 lives. the former leaders put their names to the peace agreement. the rimini and border was sealed and silent today. romania has cut itself off from the outside world in order to prevent the details of the presumed massacre from leaking out. from sex at the white house to a trial for from sex at the white house to a trialfor his from sex at the white house to a trial for his political life. from sex at the white house to a trialfor his political life. the lewinsky affair tonight guaranteed bill clinton his place in history as only the second ever president to be impeached. this is bbc world news today. the latest headlines. thousands of people are holding out
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in freezing temperatures in eastern aleppo as attempts to resume their evacuation fail. gunmen in jordan carry out a series of attacks in the historic town of karak, killing at least ten people. while investigations continue into last sunday's explosion at the coptic cathedral in cairo, families of the victims say their lives have been ruined. twenty—four people were killed, most were women and children. the egyptian president has blamed a suicide bomber, mahmoud shafiq, but his mother refuses to believe the claims. sally nabil reports. mahmoud shafiq, alleged perpetrator of the church attack, used to live here. he was sentenced to two years in prison earlier this year. he was convicted of belonging to the muslim brotherhood and of protesting against the government.
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but he fled the village before the verdict. outside his family home, journalists waited for hours hoping to get a word from his mother. we tried as well. the only interview she gave was to a local newspaper. i couldn't tell if it was a local or international number. he does not talk much. he knows our calls could be recorded by the police. i don't believe he was a suicide attacker. maybe somebody did it in his name. the explosion, which killed and injured dozens of christians, was claimed by the so—called islamic state. they said it was a suicide attack. it is hard to verify it was mahmoud who did it. the suicide bomber walked through this door to blow himself up inside the church. this is what we have been told.
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we can still see stains of blood covering the ground and the pews. the blast did not only cause severe damage to this place, but it also shattered many lives. meriam sooths her two—year—old boy. he lost his dad and she lost her husband, the church guard. nothing is left of him but a mobile phone with his pictures on it. translation: every morning, the boy asks me, where is my dad? i want to see my dad! i don't know what to say. people like her are now having to rebuild their lives, but picking up the pieces after such a tragedy will not be easy. a philippine senator who's calling for the impeachment of president rodrigo duterte, has told the bbc she fears for her life — but won't be silenced. leila de lima, a former justice minister, said she'd taken on extra security
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since she began criticising the president's war on drugs. this is what ms de lima told bbc news. i certainly believe that he is a killer. he admitted it. of course his defenders, his spokesperson will try to explain it away by saying it's just part of his bravado and probably just it's just part of his bravado and probablyjust a joke. it's just part of his bravado and probably just a joke. we've it's just part of his bravado and probablyjust a joke. we've had enough of those so—called jokes. such acts are impeachable. let's call a spade a spade. that is a high crime, committing mass murders. and mass murderers do not only pertain to victims of the death squad but also current victims of the current so—called war on drugs. there are real security threats against me. of course i take extra security measures, i have my own security
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compliment. but i cannot be cowed into doing and saying what i don't wa nt to into doing and saying what i don't want to do and say. all the sport now. hello. manchester city put their recent problems behind them, moving up to second place in the premier league table after beating arsenal 2—1 at the etihad. city had to come from behind. it was raheem stirling who scored their winner 20 minutes from time, but earlier theo walcott had opened the scoring for arsenal after just five minutes. leroy sane got city's equaliser. city are now seven points behind league leaders chelsea. they were lucky in the first half. it was a premier league game. it was a good game for everybody. of course, it was quite similar to chelsea. with chelsea, we didn't win, and today we did. we dominated. we created chances. we have problems with important players not being there for a long time. so i am so happy. we conceded two offside goals.
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that is very difficult to accept in a game like that. i believe there is a lot going on the moment that is not serious. it is unbelievable, but every time the decisions go against you, and unilaterally. spurs are now only a point behind arsenal, in fifth place. they beat burnley 2—1 at white hart lane. like manchester city, spurs also had to come from behind. danny rose scored the winner 20 minutes from time. earlier ashley barnes had given burnley the lead before dele alli the final score spurs 2 burnley 1. i think always the premier league is hard to win games. today we knew that burnley is a team that fight a lot, run a
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lot, every ball, they are ready to challenge. and fight. i think the team played in a very good way. i think that we fully deserved in the end the victory and i am pleased with that because it was a difficult win. and in the other premier league match, southampton won the south coast derby. they were 3—1winners at bournemouth. elsehwere, real madrid have won the club world cup. cristiano ronaldo scored a hat—trick as they beat japan's kashima antlers 11—2 in extra time. after karim benzema had put real ahead early on, gaku shibasaki equalised just before the break. and then the antlers went ahead with this fine strike. the j—league champions, who only qualified as hosts, seemed on the verge of the biggest shock in the history of the tournament. but ronaldo equalised with a penalty before putting his side in front in extra—time. he then
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added his third on the night and the spanish club's fourth to secure the championship. it's real‘s second world club title in three years. england's hope of a consolation victory in the fifth and final test against india are looking very slim. india batted all the way through the third day in chennai closing on 391—4. that's 86 behind england's first innings score, with rahulfalling just one run short of a double century. on day 4 of the first test between australia and pakistan at the gabba in brisbane, asad shafiq scored an unbeaten century as pakistan chased a daunting 490 runs to win. they began the penultimate day on 70—2 and reached 382—8 by the close. scotland'sjohn higgins and marco fu of hong kong are into final session of snooker‘s scottish open final. fu is 8—1; up, he needsjust
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one more for victory. that's all the sport for now. thank you. prince harry has been speaking frankly about his royal life. the prince said losing his mother at a young age made him question his position, but that he now views life "very, very differently". what is it that you are making? clothes, obviously. laughter prince harry looks in his element as he helps out in a centre teaching life skills to young people affected by hiv. it is run by a charity he co—founded ten years ago in the small southern african state of lesotho. sentebale have helped more than 21,000 people, many of them teenagers. and harry's clearly passionate about its work.
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hiv/aids is the number one killer of adolescents across sub—saharan africa. because kids don't take their drugs? yeah. lesotho is an example. you have a bunch of kids who have no idea about hiv. they are not allowed to talk about it. and now that we have the drugs and pills to be able to give these kids a healthy, happy, long life, yet we're not educating them or empowering them to make their own decisions. harry first visited africa in 1997, not long after his mother's death and he says he still feels a connection to the continent. i think the first time that i went to africa, i was tiny. i think i went with my dad to a spice girl concert injohannesburg? for me, personally, it is an escape. not only have i found that escape but i have found a way to try and use the name and the position for good. in recent weeks, harry's relationship with actress meghan markle has
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placed him firmly in the media spotlight once again. he says, in the past, he resented his position and wanted to bury his head in the sand. now, though, he's excited to be able to use his profile to help those less fortunate. a rare asian elephant calf has been born at chester zoo. the baby, who is yet to be named, was born to 12—year—old mother sundara after a 22—month gestation. she's the 19th elephant to be born at the zoo in its 85—year history. keepers say both mother and daughter were doing well. asian elephants are officially listed as endangered, and calves are born into captivity in the uk only once or twice a year. well that's all from the programme. from me and the rest of the team, goodbye. hello. looks like the christmas
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weather will be more windy than white and next weekend will be very different from this weekend. problematic fog but relatively quiet. a fine view from the rspb reserve. other parts of england and wales have had fog and are going back into it. dense fog patches around. north—west scotland with outbreaks of rain arriving late in the night. could be some pockets of frost but fog is what we are concerned about in the morning especially through parts of england and wales. patchy in nature but dent in places. an impact on travel over the past few days. it may be problematic again on monday morning. check your situation before heading out the door. this is a snapshot of atm, misty and murky start. temperatures at this stage close to
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what they have been all weekend, five, six, seven celsius. 20 of dry weather but drizzly in places. for scotla nd weather but drizzly in places. for scotland and northern ireland a weather front edging in from the atlantic, weak affair but reducing outbreaks of rent to the western highlands as the day begins. that will spread south eastwards through the rest of scotland and northern ireland through the day. not huge amount of rain left on it but stand for a time. kind amount of rain left on it but stand fora time. kind it amount of rain left on it but stand for a time. kind it some of us may brighten up before the end of the day. england and wales the emphasis on cloud rather than sunshine, patchy rain in the east and south—east of england. visibility slowly improving with temperatures still in single figures. vera skies meana still in single figures. vera skies mean a cold night for scotland and northern ireland, more picking up frost. 20 of cloud in england and wales. brighter skies developing elsewhere in england. then quite change on the way for the far north—west, parts of scotland and
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northern ireland turning windier and getting heavier rain moving in. pushing south—eastwards during the day on wednesday. that's the first ofa number of day on wednesday. that's the first of a number of weather systems coming our way later this week. starting the week with high—pressure, maybe july, quiet. from mid week onwards turning wetter and windy at times. it looks like that sort of weather will take us right the way through the christmas weekend. the latest headlines: thousands of people in rebel—held areas of aleppo are enduring another night of freezing conditions, after plans to evacuate them failed to materialise. the un security council has met to discuss a monitoring mission. gunmen injordan have carried out a series of attacks in the historic town of karak, killing at least 10 people, including a canadian tourist. local media say other tourists caught up in the attack have been led to safety. protests in poland against government plans to restrict media access to parliament have continued for a third day. opposition mps continue to blockade the main chamber of parliament.
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so—called islamic state says it was behind a suicide bombing in yemen, which killed at least a0 soldiers. army recruits had been queueing to be paid in aden when the bomber struck. at ten o'clock we'll have a full round up of the day's news. first, nawal al—maghafi investigates the saudi—led coalition campaign in yemen. there are some scenes of a distressing nature.
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