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tv   The Papers  BBC News  December 18, 2016 10:30pm-10:45pm GMT

10:30 pm
‘ way way later this may later this week. we coming our way later this week. we are starting the week with high—pressure, mainly dry, quiet. from midweek onwards turning wetter and windier at times and it looks like that sort of weather will take us like that sort of weather will take us right through to christmas. hello. this is bbc news. we'll be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment. first the headlines. the evacuation of civilians from eastern aleppo has resumed — after three days of delays, according to un reports. the trade secretary liam fox says britain could remain a member of the eu customs union after brexit. the leader of the rmt has denied that the union is using the dispute with southern rail to take on the government. thousands of commuters have been affected by the strike action over who should control train doors. andy murray wins sports personality of the year for a record third time. hello and welcome to our look ahead
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to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. with me are martin lipton, deputy head of sport at the sun and martin bentham, home affairs editor at the london evening standard. we will go through the review in a moment. let's look at the front pages. the daily telegraph claims that royal mail staff, as well as rail and airport workers, may strike over christmas, leaving theresa may facing pressure over "industrial chaos." the paper also notes andy murray's third sports personality victory. the guardian also celebrates murray's win, but focuses on claims that the justice secretary had prior warning ahead of the riot at hmp birmingham on friday. the metro leads with former chancellor george osborne's
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verdict that his warnings about the uk being poorer after brexit are being proved right. brexit also dominates the financial times, but the paper focuses on fears about exit talks being delayed will mean banks leaving the uk for abroad. and the daily mail leads with the claim that millions of pounds of uk aid money has been used to fund a talk show for an african girl band. let's begin. nice to see you both. we're going to start with the daily telegraph, the postman. misery for commuters at christmas is one thing, but kids now, this is the threat and it is very much could, might, maybe. royal mail staff may go on strike to add to the misery and prevent cards
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and presents being delivered in time for christmas. this is part of the backdrop of the wider sense of industrial disputes in a variety of industries. southern rail, that has gone on and has been the main focus but there is the stoppage for the british airways cabin crew. and a sector of the tory party, calling for theresa may to act, calling on her to think about imposing legislation to prevent strike action ina number of legislation to prevent strike action in a number of industries. this story suggests not that they will strike, the royal mail workers, but they will not cross the picket line, so they will not cross the picket line, so they won't be able to collect the mail that the striking post office workers are stopping them from getting by having picket line. slightly different but if it happened the effect would be pretty
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catastrophic and a lot of people not getting their presence and cards in time. it plays into the bigger issue. a wider issue. industrial play—offs for theresa may. issue. a wider issue. industrial play-offs for theresa may. there is a quote from david mellor saying that the description of theresa may as the new margaret thatcher is as wide of the mark as it could be, given that thatcher is seen as someone given that thatcher is seen as someone who got on top of the unions. on the other hand she faced a lot of industrial action before she did that and those laws that she passed are still in place and have been strengthened. the southern rail dispute, there has been a vote, it has gone in favour and it is difficult for the government to take the kind of action that some people in the tory party are saying, to react to every strike by passing tougher legislation. the consolation is that many of us will be buying presents online and a lot of presence don't go through the royal mail, which is why they have suffered so much. so children might
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get their presence this year! imaging the chaos otherwise, would you want to deal with your kids? of course it is santa, not the royal mail! some of those companies haven't been very efficient, a few stories about them. staying with the daily telegraph, patients being turned away from a&e, it says. not very cheerful front page, is it? strikes and then you've got this story, talking about papers to the board of nhs england. not as bad as it sounds, although the nhs faces enormous pressure. basically saying that there are some hospitals in the country that have triage system is where innocence, people who turn up and don't need a&e treatment are immediately seen by doctors and nurses and then they are sent away
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to be dealt with at a lower level. some hospitals already do that. it says that gps and nurses should be at the front doors to turn away the less serious people. in a sense that already happens. the nhs board have been told that some hospitals who don't do this kind of triage, to make sure that the people who need emergency treatment get it... those that don't have the practice should be doing it. similarwith that don't have the practice should be doing it. similar with moving people out of beds into other accommodation settings, that should... that happens in some hospitals efficiently and in others it doesn't. when people should move is another issue and sometimes people are shot out to soon. we hear this story every year. it is the issue of what services will be open, some will be closed at this time of year, they aren't going to be open at night. during the day it is a question. there are more silly and
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minor issues that people may have after a glass of sherry. it is the staffing levels and everything else. clearly the nhs is under pressure for all sorts of reasons, rising demand for gps for all sorts of reasons, rising demand forgps and for all sorts of reasons, rising demand for gps and a&e services. this is saying that the usual winter problems, prepare for them this is saying that the usual winter problems, prepare forthem by this is saying that the usual winter problems, prepare for them by doing these things. it doesn't alter the underlying demands and pressures that the nhs faces. it is saying, get ready. turning to the financial times, it is brexit. 0h, get ready. turning to the financial times, it is brexit. oh, really? the latest little... liam fox talking about we might be part of a customs union, seems to be a softening of their stance. this is the potential delay in brexit talks that could see some of the banks looking to shift from london into the eurozone. this
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is clearly a threat from the banks, trying to get a deal, they want to put a brake on the harder brexit. these games will be played for most of the next couple of years. this story is a bit thin, saying that the eu would like to finalise the divorce papers so to speak first, which we knew, and they want to get this 50, 60 billion agreed that we are going to pay, honouring existing commitments and after that they will go on to negotiating things like trade arrangements and so on. because that will take time to get to that point... this passport issued, all of the banks would like to operate basically as they do now. is that fair of them to need it so early on? we haven't even got the... we have the supreme court hearing, the result in the new year. should
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they be asking so early on? lloyd's of london have already said they are prepping. there is a difference, any loss of jobs prepping. there is a difference, any loss ofjobs in any business, the banking industry, it is very important to the country and its economy so we important to the country and its economy so we don't want to seek lots of business is going to europe “ we lots of business is going to europe —— we don't want to see. many people think that if it shifts out of london it is as likely to shift to new york, partly for reasons of employment legislation and so on. not helpful to the financial sector in general. some people might move parts of their operations to certain european jurisdictions, parts of their operations to certain europeanjurisdictions, to parts of their operations to certain european jurisdictions, to remain pa rt of european jurisdictions, to remain part of the eu. there is a lot to play for here still. they are positioning, because there's a sense of uncertainty about the shape of the negotiations, people are trying to the armlock on all sides and you
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can understand why. these are commercial entities and they sense a potential problem, opportunity and they are trying to do the best they can to manoeuvre things in their direction. they will until there is certainty where we are going. this idea that we must agree the divorce settlement before agreeing anything else, of course they want the money from us so i'm not sure that we'll just agree to it if they aren't playing ball in everything else. we can run parallel negotiations which is what our government wants to do. we should honour commitments but i don't think we need to sign until we have a sense of progress and cooperation. we are going to turn to the guardian and andy murray. good old andy. topping off a fabulous year. outstanding. nailed on winner a lwa ys year. outstanding. nailed on winner always going to win. not for his victory this time. his tremendous
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success this year is a bit of a surprise because he's been around for a long time and in a sense you felt that they few years ago his time had been, he hadn't quite done it, he had performed well. brilliant but he was in the area of nadal and djokovic and federer and he was seen as slightly below their level. in any other era he would have been the best. and the second half of this year, he's been magnificent, his performance at wimbledon was fantastic and ending the year as number one, dethroning djokovic was by bilic. third time in a row that he's won this award and rightly so. people like andy murray! they didn't. he has given of himself in a way that he didn't, he used to beat kevin the teenager but now he has developed and grown up and fatherhood has softened him.
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everyone really likes him. i think he's a genuinely nice bloke, he comes across that way and people relate to him in a way they didn't before, he was a bit surly and snarky. he is genuinely warm and also very good at tennis and in a fantastic sporting year for the country, apart from the football, he has been the standout character. that's your fault! i'm always responsible. brilliant performance. he has befriended his olympic title, wimbledon and so on. —— he has defended. he plays entertaining tennis, he isn't reliant on the big serves. he has power but he also has finessed, at his best he is beautiful to watch. he makes you suffer when you're watching him sometimes! he is british, scottish
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but british as well and that is part of being british. you wouldn't want it, would you, you must have some pain before you get the real pleasure. surprising that mo farah wasn't in the top three, to be honest, with his double double. he just missed out. it was a huge win for murray but the rest of them were some way below. nick skelton. in third. at 56, not a young some way below. nick skelton. in third. at 56, nota young man and that was incredible. it showed the olympics, kate richardson was quite high up. a sense that the olympics is an all—encompassing thing that people from nowhere can become propelled into the front. and the brownlees, that act of self—sacrifice. brownlees, that act of self-sacrifice. shows what matters. it was really warming, heart—warming, this is what family is all about. obviously the brownlee
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brothers have done tremendously well, both of them, but also they asked by the less... mo farah has had jimenez glory. maybe a sense that nick skelton and the brownlees is in keeping —— tremendous victory. very quickly, do you have your christmas jumpers? are you wearing them? he got one. no, i haven't! he said he had a really good one. the front of the daily telegraph, asking what colin firth's christmas jumper did to land us a pub ban. what's the story? pubs and restaurants, it seems to be in yorkshire, actually. there you go! apparently saying people who are wearing them are too boisterous, creating a nuisance and so boisterous, creating a nuisance and so they are keeping them out. sounds like my husband, he's from yorkshire. people are delicate, on
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the way here i was accosted. horrible, no, stop it! we need a tweet of both of you in your jumpers. no!


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