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tv   BBC News  BBC News  December 19, 2016 3:00am-3:31am GMT

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welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. my name is lebo diseko. our top stories: the evacuation of eastern aleppo resumes but conditions for people trapped in the syrian city are getting worse by the hour. translation: i've been coming and going forfour days now. in the morning they've been promising to take us in ambulances and i've been waiting since then. gunmen target a tourist site in jordan. 10 people are killed, many more are injured. the senator from the philippines who wants president duterte impeached tells the bbc she fears for her life but won't stop speaking out. and the original showbiz celebrity, hollywood actress, tabloid star and socialite zsa zsa gabor has died at the age of 99. medical officials in the syrian city
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of aleppo say they've resumed the evacuation of people trapped in the rebel—held east. reports from the last few hours say five buses and an ambulance with about 350 people on board have been able to leave. evacuations had been on hold, after rebels set fire to busses being used to take people out of government held areas. here's our correspondent quentin somerville, and i should warn you, there are distressing images in his report. if only the ceasefire in aleppo hadn't collapsed, then this might never have needed to happen. they're doing the best they can here, but the al-quds hospital is barely functioning. these are not surgeons. there are none left
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in eastern aleppo, so nurses perform the operation. it's a caesarean. translation: the child has a birth defect. we immediately brought the mother here to the operating room for a caesarean, which we are doing now. the mother is in a bad way, and her baby boy, even worse. but everyone here is at their wits‘ end. eastern aleppo is out of options. translation: as soon as the patient arrived, i told the red cross that a patient needed emergency surgery, but there was no answer because the evacuation is still suspended. in eastern aleppo‘s final days, all niceties have vanished. if only it continued the baby may have survived some of the sick made it out of here on thursday but not nearly enough. after 2a hours, the ceasefire collapsed. there are now 100 badly injured
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people trapped here. he has been stuck here for three days, says this man. "he has a head injury." "we've tried to leave but they stopped us." they've now run out of room inside, so outside the hospital, the dead and injured are piling up. translation: i've been coming and going forfour days now. in the morning they promised to take us with ambulances and we've been waiting since then, but what else can i do? and here's one of the hold—ups. rival factions attacked buses that were meant to free trapped sick and injured in shi'ite villages. only when they are freed will the regime allow convoys to again leave eastern aleppo. and only after aleppo‘s misery would you consider this salvation. this is the atma camp in idlib. evacuees are brought here.
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when they arrive, they have nothing. the buses that bring them are so crowded there's no room for luggage, but here, there's relief. translation: rockets, russian jets and warplanes all bombing us, barrel bombs dropped over us. we kept fleeing from one place to another. there was hunger, poverty, and sleeping in the streets. and finally, the red cross got us out. this woman made it here with her twin girls, amina and fatmah. the camp may be crowded but here the sisters can breathe again. translation: it's better than it was in aleppo, there's no bombing. we have new friends walking and playing together. there was a food shortage back there. but we're eating more here. we hated life, but here we're eating biscuits and everything. and that's what's at stake here. every minute, every hour of the ceasefire that's lost,
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is another moment of life denied to the children of aleppo. quentin sommerville, bbc news, istanbul. earlier i spoke to david schenker, a middle east analyst from the washington institute. i asked him what chance there is that the evacuations will continue this time. it appears we have an agreement now between the french and the russians they will sign on to a un resolution and allow in observers, potentially. i think that as long as assad is able to get his own people out of these rebel—held areas then he may let the people from aleppo get out. this is obviously very little and very late. there are tens of thousands of people who have been killed by the assad regime and the russians. we had a situation where the rebels were also burning buses. they said that their end of the agreement, they had agreed to certain agreements.
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itjust seems it does not end. no. you have many angry people here. the rebels, after putting up a valiant fight with no international assistance are starved and barrel bombed out. they are able in fits and starts to leave aleppo but now they do not want to give up their own leverage, that they have against outlying villages. if assad can get the people out, there is a chance that they will renew a campaign against the rebels in idlib which may be the next step of the war. the situation remains precarious for civilians. the security council will vote on the issue of observers on monday but what difference is that likely to make? i don't think it will make much of a difference at all.
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the russians said they would veto the original resolution because it gave the observers too much leeway over what they were able to observe and look at an aleppo. now that it is scaled back and this is, frankly, it is pitiful. the international community has done nothing and now they are putting up a stink that they want to observe the routing of the opposition and the movement of the civilians. it is little, it is late and frankly it is an embarrassment. it is better than nothing but it is nothing to applaud. very briefly, we saw the condition of the camps that the people are being evacuated to. hardly something that in ordinary conditions people would be happy about. what happens to them after this? the international community will have a better chance of being able to provide assistance in these areas.
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but, yes, it is freezing cold there. it is winter and they arrive with nothing. it will be on the back of the international community to try and help these people through winter. it is not pretty and frankly it is not going to be pretty any time soon. thank you for your time. at least ten people, including a canadian tourist and seven policemen, have been killed injordan, after unidentified gunmen carried out a series of attacks in the historic city of karak. they targeted two police patrols in separate attacks, while gunmen also opened fire at the ancient crusader castle in the city. secunder kermani reports. armoured personnel carriers racing through the streets of karak. they're responding to a series of shootings in and around the town by several gunmen. the security forces themselves seem to be the main target, and they desperately tried to establish who's firing and from where.
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the attackers flee to a mediaeval castle. police and security forces close in on them at the tourist attraction. the gunmen use the towers to fire down on the nearby police station, sending those inside ducking for cover. in the 12th century citadel, terrified tourists rush to safety. there were initial reports of hostages being taken, but all those trapped seem to have been freed. 0ne canadian is amongst the dead. the rest are alljordanian. the siege continued for hours, although no group has yet claimed responsibility. tonight the police operation drew to a close with a number of the attackers said to have been killed.
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victims have been taken to hospitals across the city. translation: i saw about three or four injured with my own eyes. one had an injured leg and another a back injury, there were two or three more, so about eight injured people were brought here to karak hospital and to the military hospital. authorities say they've discovered suicide belts in the gunmen‘s hideout, labelling the attackers terrorists. jordan has experienced attacks before but nothing like its neighbours. this is another blow to the country's reputation as an oasis of relative stability. secunder kermani, bbc news. in other news, residents of an illegaljewish outpost in the occupied west bank have agreed to leave after meeting the israeli prime minister. the community of amona voted to accept the government's relocation proposaljust one week before they were due to be forcibly evicted. opponents of the polish government have been staging a third day of protests in the capital, warsaw — over government plans to restrict journalists‘ access to parliament.
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demonstrators gathered outside the constitutional court , while opposition mps continued their sit—in inside the parliament building. the leader of myanmar, aung san suu kyi, has called an emergency meeting of regional foreign ministers on monday to discuss the rohingya crisis. three days ago the un condemned her government for its treatment of the minority muslim population. there have also been ongoing protests in bangladesh, indonesia, malaysia and thailand. there's a new twist in the controversy surrounding the philippines‘ president rodrigo duterte. a senator, who‘s calling for the president to be impeached, has told the bbc she fears for her life but won‘t be silenced. leila de lima — a former justice minister — said she‘d taken on extra security since she began criticising the president‘s war on drugs. greg dawson reports. it was the promise to rid the philippines of its drug trade that helped president rodrigo
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duterte to power just six months ago. but his ruthless crackdown has led to reports of torture, disappearances and even brutal murders. now a senator in the philippines is calling for the president to be kicked out of office after he admitted last week that he personally killed three suspects while he was a city mayor. leila de lima, a formerjustice minister, is one of the few leading politicians in the country to speak out against the president‘s anti—drug campaign. but she told the bbc she now fears for her life. there are real security threats against me. i of course take extra security measures, i have my own security complement, but i cannot be cowed into doing and saying what i want to do and say. i, rodrigo roa duterte... do solemnly swear... president rodrigo duterte‘s landslide election victory
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earlier this year came after a campaign pledge to kill 100,000 criminals in his first six months in office. critics say he‘s encouraged police and vigilantes to shoot drug dealers and users on sight. reports say more than 6,000 men, women and children have been killed since may. despite his admission to the bbc that he personally killed suspects himself, the president was adamant he was still fit for office. given the problems in my country, yes. i have 4 million drug addicts in my country, so that is not a joke. last week the united states deferred a vote on a major aid package for the philippines because of concerns about human rights abuses. but now the criticism is also coming from within the country. leila de lima says she may be fearing for her life but she won‘t be silenced. greg dawson, bbc news.
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venezuela‘s president, nicolas maduro says his decision to scrap the most—used bank note had allowed the country to, as he put it, ‘triumph over its enemies‘. after violence and looting in reaction to the decision, mr maduro said he would delay the full currency withdrawal until early january. sporadic unrest continued into sunday. 0ur americas editor, candace piette reports. in many parts of venezuela, anxiety is still high. in this western state, they raided storehouses in search of food, afraid of what would happen next. even after the government said it would delay the withdrawal of the most common banknote until early january, president nicolas maduro is still struggling to calm nerves. translation: we have detained more than 300 participants of violence and armed groups. they are behind bars, and the opposition better not tell me they are political prisoners.
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at the colombian border, there were scuffles on sunday, as people scrambled to buy food and medicine which is now scarce in venezuela. it comes as there are more reports of looting in other cities as well. nicolas maduro says the first batch of new banknotes would arrive on sunday afternoon. he says this is a measure to eliminate the 100 bolivar note and introduce a larger bill to help destroy the black market which he says is helping fuel the massive inflation in the country. in a country ground down by shortages, the latest economic woes have come at a cost to nicolas maduro‘s popularity. it has now hit an all—time low according to a local poll. candace piette, bbc news. still to come. when father christmas
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needs to deliver christmas presents toa needs to deliver christmas presents to a skyscraper he doesn‘t need a reindeer, just nerves of steel. after eight months on the run, saddam hussein has been tracked down and captured by american forces. saddam hussein is finished because he killed our people, our women, our children. the signatures took only a few minutes, but they have brought a formal end to 3.5 years of conflict that has claimed more than 200,000 lives. before an audience of world leaders, the presidents of bosnia, serbia and croatia put their names to the peace agreement. the romanian border was sealed and silent today. romania has cut itself off from the outside world in order to prevent the details of the presumed massacre in timisoara from leaking out. from sex at the white house to a trial for his political life, the lewinsky affair tonight guaranteed bill clinton his place in history as only the second
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president ever to be impeached. this is bbc news. i‘m lebo diseko. the latest headlines: reports from syria say that the evacuation of the rebel—held enclave in eastern aleppo has resumed. several hundred people are being moved out on buses. jordanian security forces say they‘ve killed four gunmen who attacked a town and crusader—era castle popular with tourists, leaving ten people dead. the hungarian—born actress and socialite zsa zsa gabor has died. her age was a closely guarded, secret but she was thought to have been 99. she made more than 60 films, but became better known for her husbands who by her own reckoning numbered eight and a half. she didn‘t really count a spanish duke who she left after a few hours. this report from nick higham contains some flashing images. zsa zsa gabor may have
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been a great beauty, but she was never a great actress. i know everything — i heard the verdict. it's dangerous for you to come here. i must take that risk, and so must you. her screen career was undistinguished, though it did include camp classics like the truly terrible queen of outer space. if you must go, promise me you‘re going to come back to me. her greatest role was as herself, one of the first professional celebrities, famous for simply being famous. she was rich, she was gorgeous, she was outrageous and she ate men for breakfast. her last marriage, in 1986, was her eighth, or ninth, if you include an illegal ceremony conducted at sea. women don't even get married any more today. theyjust have love affairs. i was raised in a convent. they said you have to get married, legalised, which was done but now ijust leave myself to live in sin, it's wonderful. girls, don't get married. it's insanity. you have to become their servant. we have to look after their house and they cheat on you. who the hell needs that?
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in 1989, she was brieflyjailed for hitting a hollywood traffic cop twice her size. she was well into her 70s, though during the court case she was accused of doctoring her driving licence to disguise her age. by then, herfilm career had collapsed into self—parody. here she is with frankie howard. every time i see you, i get lumps in my throat. but she never lost a certain innocence, nor her wit. as she once said, "i‘m a marvellous housekeeper. "every time i leave a man, i keep his house". entertainment journalistjeanne wolf joins us from hollywood. she had known zsa zsa for decades. described to us what she was like as a person. vitality is the word you want to think of. it means full of life. she was full of verve, space. wanted everything and wasn‘t afraid to say
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so. everything and wasn‘t afraid to say so. then, jules, fame and got it all. -- so. then, jules, fame and got it all. —— wanted men, jewels. she was bold and feisty. when she was mad you knew it. but as long as she was the centre of the spotlight she was one of the most fascinating people i ever met in my life. she had just more of everything that the rest of us. more of everything that the rest of us. she said one lifetime wasn‘t enough and it wasn‘t for zsa zsa. she rose —— was raised by a mother who wanted her daughters to be stars. moved to america and got some small roles, but the directors never complained about whether or not she was a good actress. she came through the screen, floated through the screen, made love to the camera and everybody wanted her on their shoulder, because she knew how to
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play and hungarian accent, so she could say things that sounded slightly sexy, slightly off—colour and innocently as if she didn‘t mean it. everyone liked to imitate her. darling this and styling that but no one was really like her. and i understand we‘ve got a picture of you with her. tell us a little bit about this time. i interviewed her many times. that time we went to a very glamorous spa in florida, where she was taking a bubble bath and doing her make—up and showing us the grand life. then we sat down and she was to eat this fantastic dinner, raise a glass of champagne and go through that. at the end of the shoot, when there is food on the table behind the seats usually people come in and she said wrapup
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the roses and the caviar, we are taking it all home. she was unapologetically a demanding starr, a diva, but you have to love her. she was always giving the advice. you‘ve got to do your head, you got to do this, and she gave us advice about how to get a man, how to keep about how to get a man, how to keep a man and how to get rid of one. that was the title of one of the books. you say you just have to love her. i guess we‘ve only seen this public face of hers, the glamour, playing up to the camera. but what you think it is, as a friend of somebody who knew her on a more personal level, that people don‘t know that they should? they should know that they should? they should know about her tremendous sense of humour. she liked making fun of herself. she was a good girlfriend. adam in guys, but the women. she would freely give advice and try to help people out. she was sweet and
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she was always funny and always good for a laugh. she also insisted, although she was very proud of her skin—care line, that she never had any plastic surgery. she put out $1 million challenge, anybody could prove she had a facelift could get $1 million and no one ever came forward. shejust $1 million and no one ever came forward. she just dared to be so feminine and yet so strong. i heard that she died, i shed a few tears and then i said, put on the feathers, you‘ve got to celebrate zsa zsa the way she would want! what a tribute to her. celebrating her as she would have wanted to be celebrated. thank you so much. in case you hadn‘t noticed it‘s less than a week now until christmas and time is running out for children and the young at heart to send their letters to santa claus. in germany, the man himself made an early appearance. although his arrival was a little unusual.
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the bbc‘s tim allman explains. ho, ho, ho. who needs reindeer and a sleigh? this father christmas is more hands—on. high above the streets of berlin, santa could be seen clinging onto the side of a skyscraper, an interesting sight for tourists. this is an annual event. father christmas, or at least a man dressed up as father christmas, climbs down a tower in central berlin. waiting for him, a cafe full of young children. when he arrives, the children point him in the direction of a satellite of toys that we are told fell from the sky. eventually he brings them inside to hand out as presents. translation: he climbed through here when he was at the door. he gave us presence as a thank you for finding his sack. i got a beachball, a ninja, and a reindeer. and what did this little girl get?
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a horse, a white horse. so, a flying visit and a day to remember for these youngsters. now, where did he leave that sleigh? tim allman, bbc news. he is already world number one and now andy murray has another trophy in his cabinet. he is now bbc‘s sport personality of the year. in his cabinet. he is now bbc‘s sport personality of the yeahm in his cabinet. he is now bbc‘s sport personality of the year. it is a prize for the uk‘s top athlete for the past 12 months. he is the first person to win the award three times. if you want to get in touch with me, you can do so on twitter. i would love to hear from you. thanks for watching. hello.
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a huge week of pre—christmas travel plans, and with different weather challenges either end of the week. now, what we‘ll see later in the week is actually governed by what‘s happening in us and canada at the moment. a big freeze at the moment. much of the continent starts below freezing, but the temperature contrasts in the south—east. this fires up a jet stream that will charge towards us this week bringing ever deeper areas of low pressure later on. that will give us a challenge later in the week. the challenge again this morning is contesting with the fog. having an impact on some of the roads and airports. probably worst across parts of western england and wales this morning. some dense patches of fog in places across the south—west. a pretty grey and dismal start for many. maybe not quite as foggy as east anglia and the south—east has been in recent days which could be good news in the airport. some of the higher ground will see some fog and we will see some fog in the higher ground of northern england.
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the fog not as much of an issue in scotland and northern ireland. maybe even north—east england. but here the sunshine will start the way and western scotland cloud. patch and drizzle affecting northern ireland. not a huge amount of wet weather. we will finish the day with some brightness. elsewhere, though, remains cloudy and misty in some western areas and later on in eastern england, patches of light rain or drizzle. temperatures to finish monday where they should be for the time of the year but feeling cool where the mist lingers. heavy rain developing in the south in monday night. patchy rain in england and wales. misty over the hills. but clear england and wales skies. scotland and northern ireland, and here, coldest night of the week, with frost in places, and for northern ireland, could be a foggy start to tuesday morning. still fog an issue for one or two of you for tuesday. probably worse in northern ireland and in the hills andier bursts in the south. through central and eastern england, brighter afternoons in store than we‘ve been used to for a while. but, at last, the arrival of some sunshine. some sunshine for eastern parts
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of scotland, but in the west, we start to see some rain. a cooler day by and large, but let‘s focus on that rain. western scotland and northern ireland, not just rain but strong winds. the strong winds are back. gale force across many areas into tuesday evening‘s rush hour. severe gales, if not storm force, across the north, thanks to this weather front bringing rain across the country and increasing winds as we go through the night and into wednesday. and that links into weather systems waiting in the wings being fired up by the jet stream i mentioned. so it is that big challenge to start the week. fog could be an issue. strong winds and heavy rain later on. we‘ll of course keep you updated and take you through it each day step—by—step. the latest headlines from bbc news. i‘m lebo diseko. medical officials in the syrian city of aleppo say they‘ve resumed the evacuation of people trapped in the rebel—held east. about 350 people were able to leave on sunday. the un security council is due
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to vote on monday on a resolution allowing the un to monitor the process. jordanian security forces say they‘ve killed four gunmen who attacked a town and crusader—era castle popular with tourists. ten people were killed and many more were injured. a philippine senator, who‘s calling for president duterte to be impeached, has told the bbc she fears for her life. leila de lima, a former justice minister, said she‘d taken on extra security since she began criticising the president‘s war on drugs, in which up to 5,000 people have been killed. now on bbc news, it‘s dateline london.
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