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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 2, 2017 3:00pm-3:31pm GMT

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this is bbc news. i'm annita mcveigh. the headlines at 3.00 pm. a second girl has died following a hit and run in oldham on new year's eve. four men are being questioned by police. funerals for victims of the istanbul nightclub gun attack. so—called islamic state says it carried out the shootings. photos of the main suspect are released by turkish police, who say they've detained eight people. railfares are going up by an average of 2.3%. the government says it's to pay for modernisation — rail groups say it's a "kick in the teeth" for passengers. a union boss sasteremy corbyn could step down as labour leader, if his poll ratings don't improve by the next election. also: tackling food waste with a mobile phone app that's selling like hot cakes. restaurants, cafes and bakeries use the app to sell off meals at the end of the day — hungry bargain hunters can buy them for a couple of pounds. and a series of stories about the bard's impact across the globe.
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that's in living shakespeare, in half an hour, here on bbc news. hello, good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. a second girl injured in a fatal hit—and—run collision in oldham on new year's eve has died. 11—year—old zaneta krokova died in hospital this morning as a result of her injuries. her 12—year—old cousin helina kotlarova died at the scene on saturday night. police are appealing for information and have released one of the five men they had arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. our correspondent peter harris is in oldham for us. as you can see, behind me, the
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flowers a nd as you can see, behind me, the flowers and tributes continue to build here beside the road where the girls were struck by the car on new year's eve. but confirmation that this is now a double tragedy came earlier this afternoon with the death of zaneta krokova. she was 11. she had been crossing this road and in with her 12—year—old cousin helina kotlarova, when they were struck by a car. this is very much an ongoing investigation. and as such, details are emerging. some details are being changed. initially, the police thought the girls had been struck by a vw golf. they now believe that is not the case. the car they are looking for information on is a peugeot 807. that car was later found abandoned and it has been recovered by police.
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this afternoon, officers have released images of that card to try and jog people's memories to try and get information about its movements around the time of the crash on new year's eve. around the time of the crash on new yea r‘s eve. 0ne around the time of the crash on new year's eve. one of the men who was initially arrested has now been dear rested and that means there four men custody. they range in age between 18 and 59 years old and they are being held on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. many of the people who have been placing tributes here today are quite young. the girls are only —— were only 11 and 12. their teacher has also been. 0bviously, and 12. their teacher has also been. obviously, an extremely difficult situation for the whole community here. the latest from oldham. the so—called islamic state terror group says one of its militants was behind the new year's eve nightclub attack in istanbul — in which 39 people are known to have died. the authorities are continuing their hunt for the suspect, who escaped after opening fire on party—goers.
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these are the latest pictures released by turkish police in the past few hours. officials have now identified all but one of the victims, and they say nearly two thirds of them were foreign nationals. funerals for some of those killed are being held today. from istanbul, our correspondent selin gerit reports. this is the gunman that has sent shock waves across the country. he is still at large, but now his motives could be clearer. the so—called islamic state claimed responsibility for the attack. in a statement, they said the shooting was carried out by a soldier of the caliphate in revenge for the turkish‘s governments strikes on islamic state in syria. eight people have been detained, but the gunman is not thought to be among them.
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in the area, some more funerals were held today. 29 of the victims are foreign nationals. a 29—year—old actor from lebanon was among those shot. we heard something... likea gun. shooting. after three or four seconds, we heard something like that. we slip on the floor. and he come. the man. and when we are slipping, he is on us. security is still tight in istanbul. life is farfrom normal yet. this place used to be one of the most popular nightclubs in istanbul. now it is forever to be haunted. the gunman came by the doors and shot two people before
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rushing in. he fired up to 180 bullets, turning the venue into a scene of a massacre. now people are concerned about what might follow next. the hope is this might be the last time this national grieves for innocent lives lost. and islamic state also says it ordered a suicide car—bomb attack in iraq in which 35 people were killed. the suicide bomber struck at an outdoor fruit and veg market in the sadr city part of baghdad — a shi'ite neighbourhood. it's the second major attack in baghdad in three days. campaigners are calling the latest hike in railway fares "a kick in the teeth" for passengers. tickets in england, wales, and scotland go up by an average of 2.3% from today.
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but the government's defended the hike, as our business correspondentjoe lynam reports. if you have to pay out thousands of pounds for a season ticket, your new year has not started well. with the exception of northern ireland, the average ticket will be 2.3% more expensive. season tickets go up by 1.9%. still considerably more than inflation. even allowing for inflation, fares have risen by a quarter over the last 22 years. it is a disgrace, particularly as the railways aren't efficient. in terms of increase, that is fair. it has to be paid. if that includes paying for our wages and people earn more. the rises will sting commuters, who have had to put up with strikes and punctuality problems, insufficient seating and the impact of the weather. there is a lot happening.
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billions are being spent. nobody wants to see a fare increase, but costs rise and pay rises. there is a huge amount coming in from the passengers, about £9 billion that year. that should buy improvements without price rises. there should be more efficiencies. the investment is great, but do the prices have to go up every year? the wider public may welcome the increases, because taxpayers are shouldering less of the cost of running the railways than they were. it means that commuters are shouldering more. and campaigners are calling for a total freeze in railfares. which they say has become disconnected from the service that they get. 0ur correspondent laura trant has
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been outside king's cross station in central london for us. basically, it is not the news that rail passengers wanted to get at the start of the new year. the average rise in railfares has gone up by 2.3% and that is off the back of a year when many passengers across the country are facing disruption and cancellations. it does mean they will have to pay more for their journeys but it does depend on who their train operators is, because their train operators is, because the one with the highest rise is virgin train is east coast. tickets there are going up [1.9%. but the train operator is saying there are 10,000 tickets made available every week and if you pay in advance you get discounted, but some passengers say that is no good for them because they do not have that flexibility if they do not have that flexibility if they pre—book so it is not practical. season tickets are going up practical. season tickets are going up on practical. season tickets are going
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up on average practical. season tickets are going up on average 1.9%. public transport campaigners are questioning how these price rises can bejustified and the rail delivery group who represent train operators make the point that 97p in every pound that a passenger spends on a train ticket goes towards running and improving services. but all of this comes on the day that there is continued industrial action on southern. it is day three of a strike where members of the rmt and aslef unions are striking. many passengers wonder what they are getting for their money. so much so, that protests are being organised at various stations across the country, including at king's cross tomorrow morning. 0ne ofjeremy corbyn's closest allies has suggested the labour leader could step down if the party's fortunes don't improve before the next general election, due in 2020. len mccluskey — the head of britain's biggest union, unite — has described labour's standing in the opinion polls as "awful." earlier, i asked our political correspondent chris mason whether the mr corbyn had any idea
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the unite leader was going whether mr corbyn had any idea the unite leader was going to make these comments. i have trying to find out from team corbyn the answer to that question. they are going to not comment on what has happened. it is hard to find anything in len mccluskey‘s remarks which is at all useful to jeremy corbyn. there is the opinion that if we get to 2019 and labour are still in a pickle butjeremy corbyn may not want to fight an election campaign, but those tend to be voices who have been critical of jeremy corbyn since the year dot. len mccluskey is a hugely powerful figure in the labour movement but he has also been fiercely loyal towards jeremy corbyn said he was first running for the leadership, to securing the first victory,
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surviving the first year when many mp said he was not up to thejob, to the challenge last summer, and to his eventual second successful election campaign. if he is saying that the opinion polls are in his words still awful in 2019, everyone would examine that situation including jeremy corbyn, it does not sound hugely helpful to mr corbyn. he addsjeremy corbyn is not an egomaniac who is desperate to cling to power. and he says it is unite's policies not labour. and there has been a challenge to len mccluskey for the leadership of unite? that is crucial. len mccluskey is looking for votes. he is currently the leaderfor unite for votes. he is currently the leader for unite but he for votes. he is currently the leaderfor unite but he is for votes. he is currently the leader for unite but he is facing a challenge. his principal rival gerard coyne who is from the west midlands, his central argument is saying that len mccluskey is obsessed by westminster politics and
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banging on about what is going on in westminster rather than supporting the views of the unite members. he says he is astonished by the public views which len mccluskey has delivered in a newspaper this morning and he says, it appears mr mccluskey is a test with being labour's puppet master. let's listen to what he has been saying. part of the difficulty about the position that the general secretary has adopted in relation to the labour party is that we have spent far too much time focusing on that. i'm running for the general secretary of unite the union, not the general secretary of the labour party. and actually this year is the most significant year for discussions about how we exit the european union, and actually it's the insecurity that our members face, not the insecurity of jeremy corbyn'sjob, that is the most important
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thing to me. a pretty barbed attack there. i have approached members of his team and he is not throwing himself in front of the cameras. at overall in terms of the cameras. at overall in terms of the cameras. at overall in terms of the context of the current polling for labour, how important in the short and medium—term is union support forjeremy corbyn? the short and medium—term is union support for jeremy corbyn?m important. if you you look at the opinion polls, and yes that has been a lot of scepticism about opinion polls, but the consensus is vast. they could be half wrong and labour would still be nuked at a general election. that is what is making people like len mccluskey and others nervous, including those who have been loyal tojeremy corbyn up until this point. that is why this matters. from the last year or so, a lot of the criticism ofjeremy corbyn has come from people who are politically very different from him, but now when criticism comes from
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someone who is politically very close, it gives you a sense of how important unite is forjeremy corbyn's future. thank you. the headlines on bbc news: a second girl has died following a hit and run in oldham on new year's eve. police have arrested four men. police in turkey say they've detained eight people in connection with the new year's attack on a nightclub in istanbul — but are still searching for the main suspect rail fares across britain increase by an average of 2.3%. passenger groups condemn it as a kick in the teeth for travellers. sport now, and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, here'sjessica. hello. hello, an eater. —— any turf. there's six premier league games today. champions leicester
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travelled to middlesborough in the early kick—off, in what was a dull, nil—nil draw. four of the day's other matches got underway in the last quarter of an hour. liverpool will be looking to close the gap at the top of the table, they're at struggling sunderland, it's 0—0 there. manchester united play west ham a bit later. middlesbrough and leicester played out an uneventful goalless draw at the riverside where there were just five shots on target. boro had the best of the chances — marten de roon blasted over early on. the closest leicester came to scoring, was this leonardo ulloa header, straight at brad guzan. still no away win in the league for the champions this season. gaston ramires should have won it for middlesbrough with eight minutes left, but he smashed that effort wide. paul clement's appointment as swansea city's new manager has moved a step closer after his current club bayern munich gave him permission to talk to the premier league side. it's thought that clement will be at selhurst park tomorrow for swansea's match
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against crystal palace, before oficially taking charge of the team. he'll become swansea's third manager of the season, and will face the task of liting them from the foot of the table. clement is currently carlo ancelotti's assistant at bayern, having also worked with him at chelsea, paris st german and real madrid. bournemouth striker benik afobe has pulled out of the africa cup of nations with the dr congo, releasing a statement simply saying that "afobe has forfeited from the tournament". afobe has scored twice in his last three games for bournemouth. there's been reports that he has decided to stay in the premier league to keep his place in the starting line—up, and is likely to face arsenal tomorrow. former chelsea forward 0scar has arrived in china to a hero's welcome, following his £60 million move to shanghai. there was plenty of flash photography to greet him. 0scar arrived at the airport and was cheered by fans, who took pictures, chanted and gave him plenty of flowers as a welcome gift. it's reported the brazilian will earn £a00,000 a week playing for shanghai sipg in the chinese super league.
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richerd cockerill has been sacked as director of rugby at leicester tigers. cockerill has been on the coaching staff for over a decade, but tigers have struggled to contest major trophies in recent years, and currently sit fifth in the premiership table. the 46—year—old said he still believed he was the right person to lead the team, but respected the board's decision. leicester tigers are the manchester united of rugby in england. they are expected to win trophies. the crowd expects the best from leicester tigers. this is one of the biggest by tigers. this is one of the biggest rugby managerial sackings which has taken place rugby managerial sackings which has ta ken place over the rugby managerial sackings which has taken place over the past five or ten years. where leicester go next is interesting. they do have a man in our major. he will be the interim director of rugby. if they decide he is better as a tracksuited head coach and they need a director of
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by coach and they need a director of rugby figure overseeing issues then there are a number of names in the frame. you cannot look past stuart lancaster who is doing a greatjob with leinster but might want to come back to english rugby. it is up in the airat back to english rugby. it is up in the air at the moment. that's all sport for now. i'll have more in the next hour thank you. see you later. a couple who went missing after walking in the cairngorms have been found by mountain rescuers. a man aged 60, and a 57—year—old woman — were reported missing last night after failing to return from a day in the mountains. rescuers say they spent the night on the hills in freezing conditions. their condition is not yet known. the first 1a areas in england to be selected for so—called "garden villages" have been announced, in a bid to create tens of thousands of new homes. the new villages must include green spaces and good transport links. the government says that the plans will help provide vital homes. but rural campaigners have warned
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there is still strong opposition to some of the projects. 0ur correspondent daniela relph has been to longcross in surrey — one of the proposed locations. well, over the next couple of years, the idea is that this area here in longcross in surrey, close to the m25, will be transformed into one of these 1a garden villages. now, a garden village would have anything between 1500 and 10,000 new affordable homes. it would also have access to funds to develop green spaces and improve transport links. the locations announced by the government today, across england, scattered across england, from cumbria to derbyshire, stratford—upon—avon, suburban areas around london and down in devon and cornwall. and the idea is that they would create distinct communities. so these garden villages wouldn't just be extensions of what already exists, they would be distinct communities in themselves. and they would have access to around £6 million of government money over the next two years. now, the labour party and some of those who have looked at the housing problem are wary
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of getting too excited about this project. they say, yes, if delivered, it will provide much—needed new housing. but it quite simply isn't enough. a phone app tackling food waste set up by some students in leeds is spreading across the country. restaurants, cafes and bakeries can sell off meals at the end of the day and hungry bargain hunters can buy them for a couple of pounds. judith moritz reports. lunchtime in leeds, and the restaurant rush is on. customers queuing up for pizza, salads and wraps. the chefs expect a brisk trade, but they never know exactly how many dishes they'll sell, and there's almost always food left over. sometimes you may walk in, and everybody will have spicy chicken, and you are left with a lot of lemon chicken left. you can't guess. you can guess the number, you cannot guess what they're going to have. cooked food which hasn't sold is destined for waste. but now there's a way to buy it before it's binned. this is how it works.
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the lunch rush here is finished, but there's still plenty of fresh food available. i can see minced pork and spicy chicken. having paid a couple of pounds on the app, you can come in and choose whatever is available. this is perfectly good food that would have gone in the bin, and that's changing their perception. maybe they'll go, we have saved 12,000 meals so far from restaurants, but then how many countless more people have gone home and said that food in their fridge is perfectly good? why notjust give that food away, say, to the homeless? for us, we'd love to be able to do that. if we had an infinite number of volunteers working 21w, monday to sunday, that would be great. hiya, i have ordered some food on the app. there's no such thing as a free lunch, but this way it's cheaper if you are flexible about when and what you eat. ijust ordered some food on the app, it's reduced price, and you get to choose from a variety of different things. what have you chosen? a bit of pasta and spicy chicken and vegetables. it's pretty nice.
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seven million tonnes of food and drink are thrown away each year in the uk. now catching on in several cities, this app aims to cut down on waste one meal at a time. judith moritz, bbc news, leeds. the uk is a major player in one of the fastest growing industries — video games. with pioneering firms in everything from virtual reality to mobile games — there are big hopes that 2017 will see further expansion and jobs in the sector. rory cellan—jones has been spending time with one of our biggest independent games firms. he was finding out what went into creating a character in a game — and ended up playing a part himself. look straight ahead, straight at this postcard, what we are going to do is get you to do a range of emotions. grrr! in the studio in oxford, i'm preparing for a role in a world war two blockbuster. not a movie, but a video game.
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oh my leg. so this is the first stage in making me a character in the game and now i'm going to have to pull a lot of funny faces. so wrinkled, screwed up face. it's going to take many weeks but eventually i will be a character, a goodie i hope, in sniper elite 4. in 2017, this will be a major release from rebellion — one of britain's biggest independent games firms. when we first visit back in september they have a lot on their plate, including crucially a game for the sony vr launch. a big investment with a lot hanging on it. when they embarked on this project back 18 months ago, there was a great deal more scepticism about how successful vr was likely to be. so it was a punt — or i should say a smart gamble. these guys and girls here play games professionally from morning until night. it is a quarter of a century since jason kingsley and his brother started rebellion. when my brother and i started
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rebellion, we were always being talked about as if we were wiz—kids. but we are not any more. we are not kids. so we are grown adults with a quite a big corporation behind us and we make entertainment that sells across the world. i mean, china, consumers in china buy our games, consumers in brazil, all these emerging markets are exciting for us. roughly 200 people work here from across europe. but one thing strikes me. i can't help noticing a lot of men, very few women. is it getting any easier for women to get into the games industry? yes, i would say so. me growing up, i would not have even dreamt about getting into games, but for the last ten years it seems like the doors have been more open. especially for women. two months later, we returned to rebellion to find out what they have done with my face. i suppose it is a good likeness. what happens next?
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we will take this high resolution model and we will put it into the game and we will see what you look like in that. 0k. so i'm a goodie, am i? yes, you are currently the hero of the sniper elite series. i have been transformed into an all action soldier. in in the world of video games, anything is possible! rory really throwing himself into thejob. in just over a fortnight — the eyes of the world will be on washington, as donald trump is sworn in as us president. so what will life be like living in america under a trump presidency? 0ur correspondent nick bryant has travelled to atlantic city where the president elect has made a number of investments — to gauge what people think the year ahead holds for american politics. donald trump promised to make atlantic city great again and in the 1980s opened a string of casinos to make it an east coast rival to las vegas. the trump taj mahal, he boasted,
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would become the eighth wonder of the world. but it's decay, rather than decadence, that greets you now. we are at the centre of the trump taj mahal... local guide levi fox runs a trump tour, telling the story of how the billionaire's companies went into bankruptcy here four times. he didn't ever achieve his promises, and it makes me wonder whether he can achieve that for america, although at this point we all hope that he can. his old casino empire was opened with vintage champagne and vintage trump showmanship — he took michaeljackson on a guided tour. but the city never did come to rival las vegas, and he got out of town seven years ago. since then, he's taken action to have his name removed from his old casinos, fearing perhaps they'd be seen as monuments of failure. i think he was one of the causes of atlantic city being the way it is today. from his boardwalk buggy, freddie isaac watched his rise and fall. well, in the beginning, he was doing good, and then later on, well, put it like this, if you have four casinos
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in atlantic city and now you have none, what does that tell you? when he says he can make america great again? i don't think so. things have gotten so bad here that the state of newjersey took over the city to save it from bankruptcy. even the pawn shops aren't doing much business because people here have little left to pawn. inside, we met a building contractor, tony mcmahon. trump's years in atlantic city, he says, offered proof that all that glistens isn't gold. trump used to run this city, i used to watch him not pay his bills and screw everybody over, pay pennies on the dollar and take them to court, and i understand that's the businessman aspect of it. but you're screwing the little man. two years ago, we interviewed donald trump about atlantic city, and he blamed its decline on local politicians — and the fact that he left town. i decided years ago to get out, and it was a good decision, but it's also a decision,
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very interestingly, it coincides with when atlantic city started going down. but i still have a warm spot in my heart for atlantic city, because i did great there for a long time. but does atlantic city still have a warm spot for him? the verdict was delivered on election day, where here they voted for hillary clinton. nick bryant, bbc news, newjersey. now with the bank holiday weather, here is darren bett. hello, it has been a cold day here today and temperatures will fall this evening. we have had lots of sunshine around in england and wales. there is still some cloud around in north scotland and one or
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two showers for the north and northern ireland. this cloud will push its way further south overnight. ahead of it, the risk of icy patches especially in central and southern england where there will be a frost overnight. temperatures may lift in northern england and it should be milderfor tuesday in scotland and northern ireland. there will be some showers and west of scotland and northern ireland and some showers from northern england and wales. more cloud in england and wales than we have had today. a cold day after the frosty start. further north, temperatures in scotland and northern ireland should be higher than today.


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