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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 7, 2017 1:00am-1:31am GMT

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nothing particularly cold as yet. welcome to bbc news. i'm kasia madera. our top stories: five are killed and eight injured in a gun attack at florida's fort lauderdale airport. the alleged gunman, said to be carrying us military id, is now in police custody. russia tried to boost donald trump's election campaign and discredit hillary clinton, according to a report by us intelligence officials. china chokes in the worst winter smog for years. we report from the country's most polluted city. and tears and cheers as michelle obama gives her final speech as first lady. being your first lady has been the greatest honour of my life, and i hope i've made you proud. hello.
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the united states is shocked with another mass shooting incident. at least five people have been killed and eight injured after a gunman opened fire at fort lauderdale international airport, in florida. the man, who is now in custody, is said to have taken the gun out of a bag that he had checked in, and then opened fire in a baggage area. he has been named as 26—year—old esteban santiago, and was said to be carrying a us military identity card. our north america correspondent james cook reports. a mundane task at a busy airport has turned into a scene of horror. passengers, who seconds earlier were collecting their bags, now cower on the ground. some appear stunned, others were dead or dying. survivors say there were desperate
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attempts to save lives. we heard the noise. we thought it was firecrackers, that wise kids were doing. and then we looked where we came in, and we looked again, and we saw him with the gun going up and down. once he was done with the ammunition, he threw his gun down. i was about ten feet away from him. and he basically threw the gun on the ground, and he laid on the ground, face down, spread eagle. he was already down. he was waiting for the officers to approach him. for hundreds who fled the airport, the terror was not over. rumours of another gunman sent people running from the terminal, but they were just rumours, as the local sheriff eventually confirmed. at this time, there has been no shooting at any place else other than downstairs at terminal two. we have the shooter in custody. he's unharmed. no law enforcement fired any shots. the subject is being interviewed by a team of fbi agents and homicide detectives. the suspect is reported to have
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flown into fort lauderdale with a weapon checked into his luggage, apparently legally. a senior us politicians said the man was carrying a military id card in the name of esteban santiago. the shooter is in custody, according to tsa. so, as we get we information, we'll pass it on to you. the focus is turning to the investigation. the gunman's motive is not clear but terrorism has not been ruled out. in the united states, those phrases, these pictures, now have a terrible familiarity. earlier i spoke with our correspondent luis fajardo, who has been at the airport. i was there a short while ago. there was a very large security presence. i was outside of the perimeter, people — the security services
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were not allowing people inside. you could see lots of police cars and different law enforcment agencies, helicopters flying constantly, all over the place, and throughout the afternoon there has been a lot of nervousness. at one point in the afternoon there was a false alarm about a second incident. nothing really happened but people were very, very, very nervous. i was talking to people outside of the perimeter that was formed outside the airport, people telling me they still couldn't get in contact with their relatives and friends who were inside of the airport. and they were trying to establish what was happening. of course, also a massive disruption in travel plans for people. nearly 80,000 people a day can go through the airport. of course, we're in the height of holiday season. so there is a lot of nervousness
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in the airport, and the situation is still creating a lot of tension in south florida. the russian president, vladimir putin, sought to help donald trump win the presidential election, according to a newly declassified cia report. it was released shortly after intelligence chiefs briefed mr trump on theirfindings. the president—elect insisted that any cyber espionage, by russia, china or anyone else, had not influenced the result. but he has ordered a plan to be delivered within 90 days of taking office on developing an aggressive response to cyberattacks, as our correspondent nick bryant reports from new york. american intelligence tonight released its explosive report, claiming that vladimir putin personally ordered what it called an influence campaign, to help donald trump's chances of winning the presidency by denigrating hillary clinton and harming her
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electability. it concludes the kremlin had a clear preference for the billionaire. donald trump today described the investigation as a political witch—hunt by adversaries badly beaten in the election. he has rubbished the notion that he achieved a kremlin—assisted victory. but us intelligence claims it wasn't just the billionaire who celebrated his unexpected success on election night. intercepted conversations reportedly picked up senior figures in the russian government rejoicing too, among them officials said to be aware of the alleged cyber campaign. at trump tower tonight, he was given a classified briefing by america's top intelligence officials, who claim the russians tried harder to hack computers of the democratic national committee than those at republican headquarters, and that go—betweens allegedly delivered stolen e—mails to the wikileaks website to help him move from his penthouse in manhattan to the white house. never before has a president—elect been so openly scornful of america's
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spies, or so disparaging about their work. but the trump team says he is right to be cautious, not least because the us intelligence community has got it wrong before, over iraq's weapons of mass destruction. in a statement after the meeting, mr trump said that russia, china, other countries, and outside groups are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions and organisations, including the democratic national committee. but he added... tellingly, he did not single out russia for blame. the vice president, joe biden, has told him to accept the intelligence findings pointing the finger at the kremlin. the idea that you know more than the intelligence community knows is a little like saying, "i know more about physics than my professor.
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i didn't read the book, ijust know i know more". grow up. time to be an adult, you're president. relations between president obama and president putin have had a cold war chill, and donald trump has signalled warmer ties. speaking to the bbc today, the outgoing secretary of state, john kerry, delivered this advice. i would encourage him to engage with russia, and to try to find that common ground, but not at the expense of rolling over and losing the values or principles or interests that we need to protect as we do so. donald trump tonight expressed tremendous respect for america's spies, but he still clearly believes the allegations of a kremlin conspiracy are being used to delegitimise his presidency. nick bryant, bbc news, new york. well, as you heard in that report, the bbc‘s katty kay has been speaking to the us secretary of state, john kerry. she began by asking him about the hacking scandal. just this morning, donald trump said
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in an interview that he thinks the focus on the russian hacking of the us election is a witch—hunt. what you make of that? well, i'm not going to start getting into the sort of day—to—day back and forth. what i know is that we have an extraordinary professional intelligence community. the men and women who work every day to give us information are patriots and hard workers. and some of them sometimes, in many different ways, are doing things in places of great risk, in order that we can be informed and make decisions. i think dni clapper could not have spoken more clearly about it. he said that healthy scepticism is a good thing, and disparagement is not. he thought it fell on the side of disparagement. he has spoken for this administration and i will leave
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it at that. are you concerned by the appearance that mr trump is siding with vladimir putin over american intelligence agencies? at this point, honestly, myjob is not to get involved in the day—to—day back and forth in politics at the moment. i've spokenjust now to my faith in dni clapper, and in the intel community on this particular issue. i sometimes have healthy scepticism about one issue or another, we ask questions, that's ourjob. but i think that the american people will have to make their own judgements about this back—and—forth. in other news: a criminal gang active in most brazilianjails has beheaded dozens of inmates in a prison in the northern state of roraima. it is the second such incident in less than a week. the authorities believe the beheadings were a result of a row among gang members at the rural prison. at least 33 bodies have now been found. most had been decapitated or dismembered. security has been stepped up
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in the mexican city of veracruz, following viole nt protests and looting over a sharp increase in the price of petrol. protests have been seen in several cities, after fuel prices went up by as much as 20% at the beginning of the month. hundreds of people have been arrested. in the us, four suspects accused of assaulting a teenager with special needs while streaming the incident live on facebook have appeared in court. at the hearing, thejudge rebuked the defendants, asking "where was your sense of decency?" the two men and two women have been denied bail. the european border agency says the number of migrants arriving in the eu via the two main sea routes last year plunged by almost two thirds compared with 2015. frontex attributed the fall to cooperation between the eu and turkey. for weeks, much of northern china has been shrouded in toxic smog.
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pollution has reached such high levels that beijing issued a warning against going out into the snow, because of fears it is dangerously contaminated. 0ur correspondentjohn sudworth has been to the dirtiest city of them all, shijiazhuang, to find out. somewhere, underneath this murky gloom, is a city of ten million people. and, for the unfortunate residents of shijiazhuang, this is normal. for the past 30 days, the average air quality in this city has measured as "hazardous" on the official scale. you can smell, even taste the coal dust in the air, the grim, tangible reality of this country's model of economic growth. and people have no choice but to live, eat and sleep in this toxic smog, 2a hours a day. "it's like living under a cloud",
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this noodle seller tells me. "the smog is harming my children's health." "of course i want to leave", this man says, "but i can't "afford to, and anyway, the whole country is polluted". it is not much of an exaggeration. 200 miles away, the pollution literally rolled into beijing earlier this week, and stayed. a toxic mix of coal dust from power stations and car exhaust, the smog now regularly blankets a huge swathe of northern china. and it is believed to cause more than a million premature deaths a year. translation: as a lung cancer doctor, i've seen an increase in patients in recent years,
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especially from heavily polluted areas. and, when the smog gets worse, we see more kids with asthma. public concern has forced the chinese government to begin investing heavily in renewable energy. those working in the sector believe that china can clean up its air, just as wealthier, more developed economies once had to. i'm pretty positive for china's future. actually, we don't need that much time for the science research. we don't need that much time to develop relevant technologies. so i think a lot of things are more ripe for us to make faster solutions. those solutions can't come fast enough for this city. fossil fuels may have lifted china's economy to ever—greater heights, but they are poisoning its people. john sudworth, bbc news, shiijazhuang. stay with us on bbc news. still to come:
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0h, oh, my god. oh, my god, youjerking? —— jerking? unsigned soul singer ray blk wins bbc music's sound of 2017. scientists say a giant iceberg 50 times the size of manhattan island is ready to break off from an ice shelf in antarctica. matt mcgrath has more. stretching for around 100 miles in length, the 100—yard wide rift in the larsen ice shelf has grown rapidly in recent weeks. just 12 miles of frozen material is keeping this enormous iceberg from drifting away into the sea. collapsing ice shelves are common in antarctica. as these pictures show, these fragmentations can dramatically affect the landscape, creating icebergs of all shapes and sizes. a team of british researchers have been travelling to antarctica to monitor the growing rift in the larsen sea ice shelf for several years,
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but they have been surprised by the dramatic expansion in the rift that's taken place in just two weeks in december. what we've found is that the rift that's been in this ice shelf for a number of years has broken through another 18 kilometres and is now at risk of giving birth to an iceberg about a quarter of the size of wales. and the significance of that is it is a very large iceberg that will go out into the open ocean, but the remaining ice shelf we believe will be less stable than before the rift was there. when large icebergs break off the edge off an ice shelf like the larsen b in 2002, it can have a dramatic effect on the stability of the whole structure. at larsen b, most of the remaining shelf disintegrated in less than a month. experts at the british antarctic survey are worried that any new iceberg formation could have long—term consequences. when the ice shelf loses this ice, it may then start to collapse and if that were to occur, then the glaciers that feed the ice shelf could flow faster and contribute more to sea—level rising over the next few decades. when it shears away, the new iceberg will be one of the biggest recorded —
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around 50 times the size of manhattan island. but despite concerns about the impact of global warning, researchers they receive no evidence evidence that climate change is playing any significant role in the new iceberg's formation. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: five people have been killed in a shooting at fort lauderdale international airport in florida. vladimir putin tried to boost donald trump's campaign for the us presidency according to a report by american intelligence officials. let's get more on that us intelligence report. earlier, i spoke to former cia director, james woolseyjunior, who on thursday, resigned from president—elect trump's transition team. i began by asking him if he thought there could be any doubt that russia was involved in hacking. it depends exactly
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how you phrase it. russia was involved, looks supportable as a proposition, in no small measure i think because they were able to come up with the identities of the intermediaries between the russian government and the people who did the hacking. they didn't have that before. that, i think, was one thing that got the attention of many people, including me. how different is what you are suggesting to the usual espionage that you would expect from different countries? that is a good question and the answer is the russians have been doing something like this, although not with cyber gear, for something in the order of 70 or 80 years. they call it their disinformation programme.
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at one point, according to a defector, who was the head of romanian intelligence and knows a lot about russian intelligence, he says at one point there were more russians involved in the deception about politics and religion and so forth than were in the armed forces. it is staggering. the americans are doing similar actions in other countries, aren't they? not really. we did in the late 1940s in italy and spain, i think, as the communists were trying to take over and we countered them with cia covert action which had some of those characteristics. as a routine matter, no, the united states does not bump around the world trying to fix elections. how serious is this threat? they will certainly continue to operate this way and we need to work out how to check them. my own view is that it is not
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so much cyber force either. this is not a board game in which we need to move within the same four corners as your opponent. i think what would most trouble the russians and the iranians as well, venezuelans, is to introduce as much competition as we can into the transportation fuel market so that we see the price of oil and gasoline go down and russians will need to deal with that. the russians do not do anything apart from pump oil, gas and build weapons. they do not have a real economy. if the price of oil goes down because you have something like methanol or wood alcohol, something that is made out of waste that can compete with transportation fuel that we have now, gasoline, and drop the price some,
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dropped prices for oil is so much more important to the russians than our trying to do something to affect their elections which are largely meaningless. it seems like you have a clear plan and that is what mr trump is asking for. yet, you resigned on the eve of the president—elect receiving this briefing. why? i have been writing about these issues for ten, 15 years. i stepped down, essentially notified people that i had already effectively stepped down because i was not really being asked to do anything to help on the transition to the new administration. james woolseyjunior, the former cia director speaking to me earlier. michelle obama has delivered her final speech as first lady of the united states
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with an impassioned call on young people to have hope and fight for their rights. speaking at a ceremony in the white house she concluded tearfully, saying the role of first lady had the been the greatest honour of her life. empower yourselves with a good education, then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. lead by example with hope, never fear. and know that i will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life. and that is true i know for every person who is here today and for educators and advocates all across this nation who get up every day and work their hearts out to lift up our young people. and i am so grateful to all of you for your passion and your dedication and all the hard work on behalf of our next generation and i can think of no better way to end my time
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as first lady than celebrating with all of you. so want to close today by simply saying thank you. thank you for everything you do for our kids and for our country. being your first lady has been the greatest honour of my life and i hope i've made you proud. cheering and applause michelle obama giving herfinal speech as first lady. a 23—year—old singer songwriter called ray black has won bbc music's sound of 2017 poll. it's the first time an unsigned artist has topped the list, which is picked by music critics to recognise emerging talent. 0ur entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba reports. # don't make me beg, don't make me beg... the sound of list highlights the year's most exciting new musical
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talents. the 23—year—old south london singer—songwriter ray black coming top came as something of a surprise. 0n the bbc music sound of list you are the winner. 0h surprise. 0n the bbc music sound of list you are the winner. oh my god! are you joking? 0h list you are the winner. oh my god! are you joking? oh my god! i genuinely can't believe it! # we don't let strangers come our way... her neighbourhood, her childhood, all influences to ray black's music. # show you gangsters, don't you go running your mouth... # show you gangsters, don't you go running your mouth. . ij # show you gangsters, don't you go running your mouth... i would rather listen to gospel music on the way to church, in the choir, singing gospel music all the time and that influenced flows through my music.
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love me, love me, so that you love me, call me, call me... artists who won the bbc sound of when they were still relatively unknown include sam smith and adele. # are you ready ready or are you wasting my time? ray black is the first singer ever to win without a record deal. we live in an age now where you really can do it yourself, the internet is the best tool ever so you can start how i started and post songs online and watch it spread if people like it. # no place like home, no place like home... potentially inspiring others, influenced by how people like and share music. # when there's i'io like and share music. # when there's 110 one like and share music. # when there's no one like me around, take me there. lizo mzimba, bbc news. what a voice, congratulations to ray
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black. from me and a team, goodbye. —— the team. compared with other parts of europe our weather is quiet indeed. we had rain and drizzle pushing southwards during the day yesterday. breaks in the cloud later, perhaps in scotland so here it could be a little chilly to start the weekend but on the whole, mild. do not worry about frost. there will be a lot of cloud around and probably not much rain. most of the rain we will be seeing overnight across the southern parts of the uk. that will keep temperatures up. could turn chilly across the glens of scotland where skies are clear. central and eastern scotland will see sunshine and a bit more cloud in the west. a cloudy start and perhaps misty across the north of ireland and for most of england and wales that is how it will be as well. a lot of low cloud sitting on the hills. there will still be rain and drizzle left over from overnight along the south coast and into the south—west of england. that will hang about in the south—west corner throughout
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much of saturday. away from here a lot of dry weather, a few spots of drizzle around the west, a bit more sunshine in the north of england, especially in the pennines, possibly the best of blue skies across central and eastern scotland. cloudy elsewhere but we may get temperatures in double figures. again, no realfrost problem overnight because there is too much cloud. saturday night into sunday morning again mists and hill fog. spot of rain in the south—west. it may mean that sunday is going to be another cloudy sort of day. if you see a glimpse of sunshine that may be it. any more than that you are doing quite well indeed. we could see persistent rain coming into the west of scotland later on, otherwise, again, dry weather and mild as well. temperature in glasgow is nine degrees, the same as the temperature in london on sunday afternoon. mild air here but across eastern parts of europe it has been really, really cold.
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these are the maximum temperatures on sunday. staying cold right through the weekend. blizzards and the worst of the weather heading into the eastern mediterranean. here at home for the start of a new week the weather begins to change. the rain moves southwards into england and wales on monday. that weather front will bring strong winds. it will signal a change to something a little more mobile and changeable for the next week. areas of low pressure getting closer to the uk in bringing rain at home. nothing particularly cold as yet. the headlines on bbc news: a gunman has killed five people and injured eight others in a shooting at fort lauderdale international airport, in florida. the alleged gunman, named as 26—year—old esteban santiago, said to be carrying us military id, is now in police custody. us intelligence officials have released a report saying russian president vladimir putin ordered a comprehensive cyber campaign to help donald trump win the presidential election. the president—elect insists hacking had absolutely no effect
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on the poll. michelle obama has delivered her final speech as first lady of the united states with an impassioned call on young people to have hope and fight for their rights. in a tearful speech at the white house, she said the role of first lady had been the greatest honour of her life. you are up to date with the headlines. now on bbc news, it's click. this week internet fridge, finger phone, garden car and privacy pants.
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