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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 8, 2017 3:00pm-3:31pm GMT

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this is bbc news. i'm reeta chakrabarti. the headlines at 3pm: the prime minister says she will announce more details about her brexit plans over the coming weeks — insisting that britain will get the right deal. i think it's wrong to look at this as just i think it's wrong to look at this asjust a binary i think it's wrong to look at this as just a binary issue, i think it's wrong to look at this asjust a binary issue, that i think it's wrong to look at this as just a binary issue, that either you have control of immigration or have a good trade deal, i do not see it as have a good trade deal, i do not see itasa have a good trade deal, i do not see it as a binary issue. a lorry has rammed into a group of israeli soldiers injerusalem — killing four and injuring 15. the queen has attended church at sandringham, making her first appearance since missing services over christmas due to a heavy cold. a political advisor at the israeli embassy has been secretly recorded saying he wants to "take down" the foreign office minister sir alan duncan. the big freeze — parts of europe and the eastern united states are hit by a cold snap. heavy snowfall and sub—zero temperatures have left more than 20 people dead and caused transport chaos. and in half an hour —
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the click team explore the gadgets on display at las vegas‘s consumer electronics show. good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. the prime minister theresa may says the government will take back control of britain's borders when we leave the eu — and appeared to suggest that could mean leaving the single market. but in her first interview of the new year, mrs may said the choice between controlling immigration and a good trade deal was not a ‘binary‘ decision. mrs may also said 2017 would be the year when the government will set out more of its domestic agenda. here's our political correspondent susana mendonca. ever since she took on the job, there is one subject which has dominated theresa may's premiership.
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brexit means brexit. and we are going to make a success of it. is it hard, soft, grey, white? we want a red white and blue brexit. what form would it take? the prime minister made it clear she did not want to keep bits of membership. she insisted britain could control immigration alongside getting a good trade deal. often people talk in terms that somehow we are leaving the eu but we still want to keep spirits of it. we are leaving, coming out, we are not going to be a member any longer. she did not go as far as to say whether she would quit the single market. labour says she needs to offer more clarity. she had one question put to her three times and still did not answer it. are you prioritising immigration over access to the single market? that is the question she didn't want to answer.
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i think 10-11 i think 10—11 weeks to the triggering of article 50 and the most important negotiations of a generation that we need more clarity than that and we haven't got it. any move away from the single market could spur this ultimatum from the scottish first minister to have a second referendum on scotland's independence. they will be making a big mistake if they think i'm bluffing. we voted to stay in the eu and we were told voting no was the only way we could stay in the eu, and we now face being taken out of the eu. theresa may doesn't want to be defined by brexit alone and is trying to wrestle the agenda back to her domestic plans, what she calls "the shared society". it is about us recognising our obligations as citizens within the communities and society that we have here in the uk. it is about recognising that there is a role for government, and that government needs to make sure it is acting as effectively as possible in those areas where it should be taking action. she will begin that tomorrow with her plans to target the stigma of mental health.
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and there will be more policies around housing and her industrial strategy still to come. the prime minister wants to talk about the domestic agenda but we keep coming back to brexit. very much sure, she wants to talk about the shared society, the idea that rather than focusing on individualism, that we have a responsibility to care for one another and that the government has another and that the government has a role in that. that is what she wa nted a role in that. that is what she wanted to focus on today and tomorrow when she talks about what she's planning to do, but we keep coming back to brexit because eve ryo ne coming back to brexit because everyone wants to know what her plan is going to be and when we will get more detail. in terms of what she said today she was not saying how great she would give up access to the single market but that seems to be what she is suggesting. that's a step forward in terms of what people are trying to gauge from the little bits of information we get from
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theresa may. we have heard from ken clarke, the conservative pro—eu mp earlier today, he was talking about how theresa may needs to have a plan, by the end of the month we need to know where she is going, what direction she is going. today she was insistent that there was no binary opposition as she put it between the single market on the one hand and controlling britain's borders on the other but she did talk repeatedly about the fact that britain would be able to control its borders want we left the eu so it felt like the emphasis was there. she said we could have control over the borders alongside trade so what she seemed to be suggesting was that we we re she seemed to be suggesting was that we were perhaps looking for an individual deal for britain to have access to trade perhaps outside of a single market context. she was talking about how we don't have to have debts of eu membership, that people should not think in that way
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about keeping bits of membership. that suggests removing in that direction of perhaps leaving the single market, that would of course create its own problems. nicola sturgeon talking about how that would prompt an second independence referendum potentially in scotland. but at the moment it's all conjecture, we are not really getting the clear detail of going to be happening. a lorry has rammed into a group of israeli soldiers injerusalem — killing four and injuring 15. police say the vehicle veered off course and hit them as they got off a bus. the lorry driver was shot dead. it follows a period of palestinian attacks which have killed a0 israelis. in that same time, nearly 230 palestinians died from israeli fire. let's hear from a tour let's hearfrom a tour guide let's hear from a tour guide who saw the attack as it happened. let's hear from a tour guide who saw the attack as it happenedlj let's hear from a tour guide who saw the attack as it happened. i was one of the tiered —— tour guides. groups
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of the tiered —— tour guides. groups of soldiers came together, i was in one of the bosses, i went, we went down and got off the bus and went down and got off the bus and went down the promenade, i started to guide and after a few minutes i heard screaming and i was concentrating on my gay detour and my explanations and at a certain point i saw the truck going from the road point i saw the truck going from the roa d o nto point i saw the truck going from the road onto the sidewalk and hitting the soldiers and it took me some time to understand it was a terror attack. soldiers started shooting on him and it took some time before they were able to kill him and he got time to make a reverse with his truck to wound and kill other soldiers. our correspondent gave us this update from jerusalem. soldiers. our correspondent gave us this update from jerusalem. the israeli police chief did tell journalists that this was a
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palestinian man from a nearby neighbourhood in eastjerusalem but no more details have been given and there are some reporting restrictions in this case. what we know from the israeli medics who are at the scene is that there were four soldiers killed, all of them in their 20s, three young women and one young man. there is some graphic security camera footage we have now seen which shows this incident, the group of israeli soldiers on an educational tour had just got off the coach, standing in a parking area close to the spot known as the promenade. it has a good view, you can clearly see the old city of jerusalem. then a lorry ploughs at high speed into the grip. it even appears to turn around afterwards to try to drive at them once again and thatis try to drive at them once again and that is when we understand the palestinian driver, reported to be
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the palestinian driver was shot dead. we are expecting a statement from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu soon, this has all got to be seen in the context of all got to be seen in the context of a period of attacks in which palestinians have killed a0 israelis but over 200 palestinians have also died from israeli fire. that's right, this is over a period of some 15 months when this upsurge in palestinian attacks has taken place. most of them have been knife attacks, stabbings. there have also been some car runnings and shootings, around a0 israelis killed in that period, more than 200 palestinians, most of whom israel say were carrying out attacks. others have also been killed during clashes. there has been a cycle of violence, in the last few months there had appeared to be something
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of wild. certainly as far as i understand now israelis killed in the past three months so this will increase anxiety on the streets once again and already around jerusalem we are seeing security stepped up in response to has happened. the queen has recovered from her heavy cold and was well enough to attend church at sandringham this morning — her first public appearance since the beginning of december. our royal correspondent daniela relph was there to see her — her report contains flash photography. it had been a much anticipated arrival. driven in a state bentley was the first time the queen had been seen in public since arriving at her sandringham estate before christmas. she arrived just before 11 o'clock, before the morning church service, accompanied by the duke of edinburgh. she had missed church on christmas day and new years day because of a heavy, lingering cold. those who waited were pleased to see her. we saw her close up and she looked a little bit frail, to be honest, but it is nice to see her.
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yeah, very exciting. when ever you see her you get a bit of a buzz. it's good to know that she was ok. she looked quite bright and that was quite nice. the queen's speech recorded a few weeks before christmas day was one of the last times she had been seen. she had also carried out an investiture. over the last three weeks she had been laid low. she was advised to stay inside and rest as a precaution to help her recovery. her presence at church over christmas is a set piece royal event and her absence inevitably causes concern and speculation. but royal officials always said this was a 90—year—old woman with a bad cold who needed time to get better. after church the queen was driven back to the main house on the estate and she will remain in norfolk until next month. the israeli ambassador in london has
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apologised after the embassy‘s political officer was secretly filmed saying he wanted to "take down" some british mps — including the foreign office minister, sir alan duncan. shai masot was recorded by an undercover aljazeera reporter as he lunched with a female aide to the mp robert halfon — a former political director of the group, conservative friends of israel. mr masot is also heard describing the foreign secretary, borisjohnson, as an idiot. the ambassador, mark regev, said the comments did not reflect the israeli government's views. jane frances kelly reports. the emergence of the footage is highly embarrassing for the israelis. it shows shai masot dining with, among others, an aide to the conservative education minister robert halfon. mr masot, a senior political adviser at the israeli embassy, says he would like to bring down a member of the british government. sir alan duncan has been a fierce critic of israeli policy.
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just over two years ago, he described israel's control and division of the west bank city of hebron as nothing short of apartheid, where palestinians were treated as second—class citizens. in the covert footage, mr masot also describes sir alan's boss, borisjohnson, in less than flattering terms. sir crispin blunt, chair of the commons' foreign affairs select committee, described mr masot‘s comments about sir alan as outrageous and deserving of investigation. lord pollock, director of the conservative friends of israel said, "we utterly condemn any attempt to undermine sir alan duncan, or any minister or any member of parliament". in a statement, the foreign office said: while the british government is not taking any further action,
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the film raises uncomfortable questions about mr masot, and just how much influence he has been able to wield. jane—frances kelly, bbc news. breaking news, in response to the incident injerusalem breaking news, in response to the incident in jerusalem where breaking news, in response to the incident injerusalem where a lorry has rammed into a group of soldiers killing four of them, a statement from the office of israeli prime mr benjamin netanyahu from the office of israeli prime mr benjamin neta nyahu who from the office of israeli prime mr benjamin netanyahu who says the killer has been identified as a supporter of so—called islamic state. the statement says we know the identity of the assailant who are according to all indications supported islamic state. that comes from a statement from the office of the israeli prime minister but it provides no details on what has led to that finding. the headlines on bbc news:
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the prime minister says she will announce more details about her brexit plans over the coming weeks insisting that britain will get the right deal. a lorry has rammed into a group of israeli soldiers in jerusalem, killing four and injuring 15. the queen has attended church at sandringham making her first appearance since missing services over christmas due to a heavy cold. and in sport in the third round of the fa cup liverpool are being held by plymouth argyle of league 2, it's a 0—0 at anfield with around five minutes of the 90 left to play. earlier fulham booked their place in the next round with a 2—1 win over cardiff city. and wasps could go back to the top of the premiership this afternoon, with 15 minutes gone they have a 12—0 lead over leicester as they try to make it 19 wins in a row at home. much of europe is in the grip
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of a big freeze with some areas seeing temperatures that are colder than the arctic. its led to more than 20 deaths over the last couple of days and there has been heavy snowfall — even in places that rarely see snow. and the eastern united states is also experiencing harsh winter condition which have led to many fatal crashes on the roads. leanne brown has this report. strong blizzards and heavy snow in romania, paralysing traffic. more than 50 roads were closed because of low visibility, and winds up to 90mph. hundreds of people had to be rescued from their cars. and one woman who could not get to hospital gave birth in an emergency vehicle at the side of the road. temperatures in parts of europe are now below those in the arctic. at least ten people have died in poland, many from hypothermia. as temperatures plummet to —20,
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the vulnerable are most at risk. the police are checking abandoned buildings for those forced to sleep rough. winter storms claimed at least seven lives in southern and central italy. towns hit by last year's earthquake face a new threat. here in amatrice firefighters are struggling to shore up dozens of damaged buildings. in turkey, bitterly cold air and heavy snowfall have brought parts of istanbul to a standstill. roads are blocked and hundreds of flights have been cancelled and waterways closed. the big freeze has also hit greece, including thousands of refugees and migrants on the island of lesbos, who are used to more warmer conditions. after ten years in greece, we have snow. our people are very happy! even for those seeking the snow, it proved too much. these people skiing in bosnia
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decided to head home. translation: we came here thinking maybe the ski track would be ready and that we could ski a little bit, but it is too cold, especially on our hands. for thousands of people in america's deep south, storm helena has brought eight inches of snow. at least four people are thought to have died in weather—related incidents and tens of thousands of homes are without power. in atlanta alone a00 flights have been disrupted. many residents are listening to advice which is to stay inside. we will stay home all weekend just because we can. we will be by the fireplace and ready to go. roads have been turned to ice rinks and as the storm moves to the north east it's causing traffic pile—ups. for both the united states and europe, forecasters are warning the icy conditions will remain for a few more days at least. credit card and personal loan debt
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is at record levels according to new analysis by the tuc. it says unsecured debt — that is money that's not borrowed against property — has reached £13,000 per household. unions are warning a slowdown in wage growth and increasing inflation could make the debt more difficult to repay for many. here's our business correspondent joe lynam. with christmas over, many of us will be poring over our bank statements to check our finances. in recent years some of us are taking on increasing amounts of unsecured debt, including overd rafts, student loans, credit cards and personal loans. analysis of official data by the tuc shows the average amount of unsecured borrowing per household has doubled since 2000 to £12,900. furthermore, the proportion of unsecured debt in proportion to disposable income hasjumped from 21% to almost 28%,
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leaving a record total of unsecured debt of £3a9 billion in britain. we have looked that debt across the board, we also saw about two thirds of the debt is from an increase in consumer credit, so we do think these figures are of course the concern and we do think these are issues which we need to be thinking about as we go into this quite worrying year the people where we are expecting to see maybe another living standards squeeze. while some types of debt might be rising, the bank of england says that mortgage arrears and loan defaults have been steadily declining. and the bank's andy haldane said the regulator was not worried yet. it might be high by historical comparison, but it has come down in a fairly sizeable way, by about 20 percentage points. what's more, interest rates are still very low. but policymakers are worried that many of us who have taken on too
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much debt could face problems if the economy weakens in 2017. joe lynam, bbc news. the number of ambulances called to english prisons has risen by almost a0% in the last three years, according to figures seen by the bbc. there were almost 10,000 call—outs to england's jails and young offenders' institutions, in the 10 months to october. that's an average of one every a5 minutes. emma forde reports. 2016 saw the worst disorder in british prisons for two decades, with critics of the ministry ofjustice blaming overcrowding and staff cuts for increases in violence, drug overdoses and suicide attempts. while ambulances are sometimes called when an inmate is sick, they are also needed to respond to these incidents. the bbc asked every ambulance trust in england to find out how often they have been called to one of the 117 jails in england between january and october last year.
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the figures show during that time, 10,000 ambulances were needed. that is one on average every a5 minutes, twice the number it was five years ago. paramedics have told the bbc that this is putting an increased strain on services. the justice secretary, liz truss, has promised to spend £1.a billion on new prisons and says she will provide an extra 2000 prison officers. emma forde, bbc news. authorities in america have charged the iraq war veteran esteban santiago following the shooting at fort lauderdale airport which left five people dead and several more injured. there are questions about why the 26—year—old — who'd told the fbi he heard voices and was being controlled by the us government — was allowed to keep his weapon after being interviewed last year. now this morning a 75—metre wind turbine blade was transported through the streets of hull.
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it's being put up in the centre of hull as an art installation because this year hull is the city of culture. our correspondent sarah walton is in hull — and has been finding out more. this is not your usual piece of artwork, its 75 metres long and weighs 28 tonnes. this is a giant wind turbine blade. you would normally find one of these on top of large wind turbine miles out at sea so how do you get one into the centre of a city? very carefully. it left the factory where was made about two miles away at 2am this morning on the back of a lorry moving very slowly. hull city centre has some very narrow roads and tight corners so about 50 bits of street furniture had to be removed, traffic lights, road barriers, signs all had to come down so nothing would get in
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its way. you can see two very large cranes slowly manoeuvring it into exactly the position it has been envisaged by the artist who joins me now. quite a wind turbine blade in the centre of an old city centre? now. quite a wind turbine blade in the centre of an old city centre ?m is the defining form of a 21st—century and they are made in hull. part of hull future is the relationship between wind turbine production and the company and how that produces a new community of labour and work and an idea of production for the city. to bring those things together, this will never happen again where two ideas of history 's identity come together in one go. how did you feel this morning on the precariousjourney? impressed, they did a study, did a drawing, did another drawing... they
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plan the route meticulously, the drawings looked difficult, the movements in the city were graceful, it looked effortless. how do you feel seeing it here? i like it hovering but we cannot leave it like that. it's doing a lot of things i hoped it would do but the truth will only reveal itself when it is finally up. this is the first in a series of temporary exhibitions which will be put up around the city to mark the year as city of culture. a big crowd already out to see this one and you'll be able to see it here until march 18. hollywood is gearing up for this year's golden globes — one of the biggest nights in the entertainment calendar. the ceremony is traditionally seen as an indicator of which films will do well at the oscars and there are plenty of british contenders. this report by our los angeles correspondent james cook contains some flash photography. hollywood likes nothing better than talking about itself. this year it has gone a step further, singing and dancing. la la land's love interests
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are played by ryan gosling and emma stone, and the city of stars itself. you've never seen it? i've never seen it. oh, my. you know it is playing at the rialto? really? yes. the next contender for golden globes glory could hardly be more different. he usually can take care of hisself. he good that way. moonlight, with six nominations, is a coming—of—age story. naomie harris plays a drug—addicted mother, and she thinks the industry is getting better at telling stories about people of colour. i think there is a fantastic level of diversity this year, and i think it's something that is so to be celebrated. and it is a shame that we have to... it almost seems so regressive to have these conversations about race, in 2017 now, that we are still fixated about that. we just want great movies, really. do you think there is a change this year? where do you think we stand? i think there are changes happening all the time. when i think about my career 25 years ago, and starting out, and how few actors there
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were to fill the very few roles for people of colour, the stories were just not the stories that i guess studios and producers... didn't realise they were stories that people wanted to see. another story that continues to fascinate is that of the british royalfamily. claire foy has been showered with praise for her portrayal of the young elizabeth. what a role to take on. i know, what an idiot! do you know what the royals think of it? no, i wish i did. i wish they would reach out, but we don't know anything, really. i was wondering if i might take danny into town? for what? a change. in tv, the bbc coproduction the night manager has four nominations. the adaptation ofjohn le carre's novel has won praise from critics and audiences, to the delight of its star, tom hiddleston. when you make something, you never know if it's
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going to catch fire and ignite people's interests, but it seemed to. and that is testament to the writing ofjohn le carre. i think spy thrillers will be enduringly popular, and he's the master. riz ahmed is also up for best actor for his role in the hbo crime drama the night of. it's very authentic. i think the reality of being caught up in a murder case, facing the slow wheels ofjustice, it's not a walk in the park. so far, there is no clear favourite to sweep the board this awards season, which just makes the golden globes, always keenly followed for clues as to oscars success, all the more intriguing. let's ta ke let's take a look at the weather now. pretty cloudy out there, drizzly
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outbreaks of rain, still quite mild but no great changes through the remainder of the afternoon. some mist and fog and drizzle, clever spells, towards the east of high ground, temperatures in the east around eight or 9 degrees. some light drizzly rain across the west of scotla nd light drizzly rain across the west of scotland but as we head into the evening the wind picks up and the rain becomes more persistent, ahead ofa rain becomes more persistent, ahead of a weather front coming in overnight bringing wet and windy weather across northern island and much of scotland, severe gales to the far north. england and wales staying with the type of weather we have had to the weekend, low cloud, misty and murky and mild. change on monday down to this cold front working its way south—east, some wet and windy weather arriving in the south—east to the early afternoon, behind that a return to sunshine and colder conditions with wintry showers over the hills of scotland. hello. this is bbc news.
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the headlines... the prime minister says britain cannot expect to hold on to "bits" of its membership after leaving the eu. theresa may insisted she will be able to secure control over immigration to the uk as well as favourable trading terms with the eu during brexit negotiations.


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