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tv   The Papers  BBC News  January 8, 2017 10:30pm-10:46pm GMT

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the prime minister gives her clearest indication yet that leaving the eu is likely to mean leaving the single market. in her first television interview of the year, theresa may says a new relationship is not about retaining aspects of the old one. often people talk in terms as if somehow leaving the eu but somehow keeping bits of the eu. as britain looks to relationships beyond europe, borisjohnson has been meeting members of donald trump's team in new york. also on the programme: four israeli soldiers are killed after a lorry is driven into them injerusalem — the palestinian driver is shot dead. snow and sub—zero temperatures lead to deaths across europe — from poland to italy and the greek islands. the queen attends church at sandringham — herfirst public appearance since recovering from a heavy cold. and who'll waltz away with the awards at the golden globes —
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and will it be any clue to oscar success? good evening. the prime minister has said the government will take back control of britain's borders when we leave the eu and appeared to acknowledge that a new relationship is likely to mean leaving the single market. in herfirst interview of the new year, theresa may said we won't be keeping "bits" of our eu membership and that she doesn't see trade and immigration as a binary — either/or issue. mrs may said she'd be setting out details of her brexit strategy over the coming weeks. here's our political correspondent, carole walker. after six months in power, the prime
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minister has begun to signal what she wants from the brexit negotiations. brexit means brexit. she knows that no longer satisfies anyone. she denied muddled thinking, said britain would take back control of its borders and appeared to him that would mean leaving the single market. people talk in terms of somehow leaving the eu but keeping bits of the eu. we are leaving, coming out so the question is, what is the right relationship for the uk to have with the european union when we are outside. the campaigners on both side of the argument took that asa both side of the argument took that as a clear signal we will leave the single market. labour are not satisfied. she had one question put to her three times and still not a nswered to her three times and still not answered it which was ru
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prioritising immigration over access to the single market. i think now from the triggering of article 50 and the most important negotiations for a generation, we need more clarity. but nicola sturgeon want any move to take scotland out of the single market could trigger a second referendum on independence. they will be making a big mistake if they think i am nothing. we have to ask ourselves if we are happy with the kind of country we want to be determined by a right—wing power. theresa may does not want her time in downing street to be defined by brexit and she stressed that referendum vote was a demand for wider change to the way the country is run, so she is promising a programme of social reform which she says will help notjust the poorest but every level of society. it is
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about us recognising our obligations as citizens within the communities we have here in the uk. it is about recognising that there is a role for government but it needs to ensure it is acting effectively in those areas it should be taking action. she says her government will tackle the housing crisis, fix a broken markets and change attitudes to mental health. her language is ambitious, she will bejudged health. her language is ambitious, she will be judged on whether her policies deliver the changes she is promising. mrs may was asked about donald trump and we are told the foreign secretary has been there with his team. the government is stepping up the efforts to build a relationship with the president—elect and his team. tonight donald trump, boris johnson had three hours of talks with key members of donald trump's
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tea m with key members of donald trump's team in trump tower. they included the president—elect‘s son—in—law and his chief strategic and i am told these discussions were frank but positive with both sides stressing the importance of the special relationship, laying the groundwork for the prime minister to go visit the new president later this month. theresa may herself was talking about the importance of the special relationship today. she said she had good conversations on the phone with donald trump but she said she still found some of his comments about women in the past and acceptable. you do get the sense the government is having to work hard to make up the ground here and there is no suggestion borisjohnson will meet donald himself, whereas michael fallon arch, the former ukip leader has had three meetings and got his seat booked for the inauguration ceremony. four israeli soldiers were killed injerusalem today
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after a palestinian man drove a lorry into a group of service personnel. three of the soldiers were women. the driver, said by prime minister netanyahu to be a supporter of so—called islamic state, was shot dead at the scene. in the last 16 months there have been a series of attacks by palestinians on israelis — this was the deadliest injerusalem for months. our correspondent yolande knell reports from jerusalem. a hazy view ofjerusalem. this is what soldiers on a training course had come to see. security camera footage shows two groups. the one in the background has just footage shows two groups. the one in the background hasjust got footage shows two groups. the one in the background has just got off a coach when this happens. look at the top left of the screen. the lorry drives that the soldiers at high speed and hits them. then it backs up, apparently trying to crush more people before the driver is shot dead. of all the soldiers of died
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we re dead. of all the soldiers of died were in their early 20s. more than a dozen were wounded. witnesses who saw the aftermath spoke of their shock. i just saw the aftermath spoke of their shock. ijust saw saw the aftermath spoke of their shock. i just saw the truck going from the road onto the sidewalk and just hitting the soldiers. it took me some time to understand it was a terror attack. the attacker was a palestinian age 28 from a nearby area of eastjerusalem. you can still see the skid marks in the dirt here. this is the very spot where do soldiers were killed. there has been an upsurge in palestinian attacks but this has been one of the deadliest scene. visiting the scene the prime minister said this was similarto the prime minister said this was similar to recent attacks in europe and that it could have been inspired by the so—called islamic state. translation:
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we know the identity of the attacker. he was a supporter of the islamic state. we know there has been a series of terror attacks. there could be a connection between them from france to berlin and now jerusalem. israel has blamed previous attacks on incitement by palestinian officials and social media. palestinian leaders say they have been driven by anger after more than 20 years of on and off peace talks have failed to deliver an independent palestinian state. and yolande is live for us now in jerusalem. the israeli cabinet met in response to this attack. what's been decided 7 the israeli cabinet has been meeting and we understand that they have decided in a controversialform of deterrent to demolish the house of this lorry driver. israeli police have moved into the man's neighbourhood. they have made a
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number of arrests including members of the man's family. the israeli cabinet is saying it for now detained without trial those who it finds to be sympathising with islamic state although it has to be said that actions inspired by islamic state have been rare. what we have seen over the past 16 months in these palestinian attacks, most have been nice attacks. there have been some shootings as well. about 40 been some shootings as well. about a0 israelis have been killed during that period and more than 230 palestinians have been shot dead. israel says most of them were carrying out attacks, some were killed in clashes and in protest as well, but in the past few weeks, it had seemed there had been a big lull in these attacks and what will concern people now is any idea that
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that could be changing. here, israel's ambassador to britain has apologised after a member of his staff was secretly recorded saying he wanted to "take down" certain mps. shai masot, a political advisor, was filmed by a reporter in a london restaurant. the minister he's referring to is sir alan duncan, who he claimed was creating "problems" for israel. sir alan has previously criticised israeli settlement building in the west bank. the authorities in florida have charged a 26—year old iraq veteran with the shooting at fort lauderdale airport which killed five people and injured several others. there are questions about why esteban santiago — who'd told the fbi he heard voices and was being controlled by the us government — was allowed to keep his weapon after being interviewed last year. the former iranian president akbar
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hashemi rafsa njani the former iranian president akbar hashemi rafsanjani has died. he was a centralfigure in the reform movement that was trying to move towards a more moderate iran. he died from a heart attack. transport for london is warning of severe travel problems in the capital in the morning because of a 2a hour strike by underground workers which began this evening. our reporter andy moore is at king's cross station now. andy how bad is it likely to be? this is a strike by cheap station staff and it is likely to lead to the closure of many stations. transport for london seo services will be restricted. e—mailfor london says it will cause misery for millions but it is notjust londoners who will be affected. tourists will be hit, tens of thousands of people that pour into the main london stations will be
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hit. this station will be closed so too will be paddington, waterloo and victoria. the strike is about staffing levels at stations. there we re staffing levels at stations. there were last—ditch talks today. transport for london said they would employ more staff. the union said it was too little too late. more than twenty people have now died as a result of bitterly cold weather in much of central and eastern europe over the course of the weekend. temperatures have plunged as low as minus 30 celsius with snow covering the continent as far south as turkey and the greek islands. christian fraser reports. ra rely rarely does the icy grip of the arctic circle reach as deep into europe as it has this weekend. the snow has even fallen on the mediterranean beaches of the greek islands. in the dolomites, the
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temperatures plunged to —23 celsius overnight. this is central italy. the hilltop town that was worst hit by this summer's earthquake. in rome, the pope prayed for the city's homeless. it was so cold the waters had frozen in the fountains of saint peter's square. in istanbul bay have had three straight days of snowfall. turkish airlines said they had grounded over 600 flights this weekend. wins have come down from the arctic. real icy chill to them. sub zero temperatures and plenty of snow as well. at risk of the thousands of refugees still crossing europe on foot. three died in the mountain in bulgaria. in belgrade as several hundred took celta in this
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customs warehouse. this weekend russia celebrated orthodox christmas the coldest in 120 years. —30 in moscow last night but then they are used to it. around 500 people, perhaps with just one extra layer, set off for a five mile bike ride along the moscow river. so far the uk has escaped but forecasters say the cold weather is heading our way. there will not be as much snow as in europe but the arctic winds could send temperatures below those of iceland and sweden. credit card and personal loan debt is at record levels according to new analysis by the tuc. it says unsecured debt — that is money that's not borrowed against property — has reached £13,000 per household. unions are warning a slowdown in wage growth and increasing inflation could make the debt more difficult to repay for
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many people this year. here's our business correspondent joe lynam. with the christmas sales winding down, our finances will soon come into focus. we appear to be taking on increasing amounts of unsecured debt, that includes student loans and overd rafts, but especially credit cards as well as personal loans. celinejordan ran up credit card debts and overdrafts of £23,000. herfinances are in order now, but she said getting credit was not a problem. £23,000, 12 and a half on this card, more on the other one. i can't tell you the figures. overdraft, then it ran out. i take 100% of the blame. however, they made it too easy. way too easy. britain has a record total of £3a9 billion in unsecured debt.


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