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tv   Newsday  BBC News  January 10, 2017 12:00am-12:31am GMT

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hello, everyone. the headlines: donald trump is to appoint his son—in—law, jared kushner, as a senior white house adviser. freezing it were that causes mystery and leave 30 people dead across europe. as it prepares to deliver his farewell address, we've looked at president 0bama was a legacy inside the us. they are quick and tasty but kennett noodles become works of art? —— kennett noodles. live from our studios in singapore and london, but this is bbc world news, its newsday. black you could join us. it is 18 morning in singapore, midnight in london and is devon in the evening
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in new york where president—elect on offer has announced plans to hire his son—in—law as a senior adviser. it is hardly surprising that he wa nts to it is hardly surprising that he wants to keepjared kushner close to his side. it is a jockey has a really been doing for many months, helping to prepare mr trump to the white house but by making the post official, the president elect may be opening a legal can of worms. there is an anti— nepotism law that prevents government officials to appointing relatives of official positions but a lot of experts say that does not apply to the white house. it was introduced whenjohn f. kennedy wanted to appoint his brother to attorney general and it was also a cause of contention when president bill clinton tried to appoint hillary clinton, his wife, to oversee his healthcare reform. we
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are ina to oversee his healthcare reform. we are in a very grey area here. it does, of course look not very appropriate to most people and races appropriate to most people and races a number of ethical questions. whether it is illegal or not he will have to confront them. why is donald trump so eager to have jared kushner in the white house with him? because he trusts him. that is the bottomline. he is married to his daughter. we know the trump children are very close to their father. they act as advisers throughout his election campaign as big a jared kushner. he also comes from a business background, he is a real estate magnate during the election one of his roles was to be low—key. he would very often go down into the crowd and mingle with people and get
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a feel of what people thought on the ground and then report back to donald trump. it is a question of trust and loyalty and we know that donald trump last his family and loyalty. has jared kushner said anything about his appointment and how he might get around this anti— nepotism laws? he's not going to ta ke nepotism laws? he's not going to take a salary — he probably does not need what because these very rich. he will recuse himself from any decisions which may present a conflict of interest but the real issueis conflict of interest but the real issue is that any of this go far enough. there is a lot of talk about donald trump and his web of business interests. 0ur possible is it for him to properly put his interests to a blind trust. even ifjarrod kushner is not an official adviser, it is inconceivable to think he will
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not have the ear of the president. in other news:. freezing temperatures are continuing to have devastating effects. 30 people have a ready died. charities are voicing concerns the refugees crossing the continent or living in informal settlements. strange scenes in istanbul. the fourth consecutive day of snow has closed the port to shipping and given operators alternative work. traffic on another major waterway, the debut, has also been suspended. —— danube. here, the black sea has frozen out from shore. most affected are the poor, the homeless and margaret particularly hard hit. in
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this abandoned warehouse, several have been living here for months. these are the latest pictures from what was once called the balkan route. actually, the cold is much. last night, all people were sitting around the fire and it was to cold. i think it was minus 15. the snow is outside. the row 13 official refugee centres with around 7000 temporary residents. hungary is allowing in 1100 a week those on top of the week wait here. hungarian police and soldiers patrol on the far side. meanwhile, in italy there are christmas card sent a little after the event. 0nly christmas card sent a little after the event. only a few years ago, such images were commonplace but
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after five years of global warming, many people had forgotten how hard a real winter could be. singapore has demanded the immediate return of nine ahmed troop carriers that they were in pounded in hong kong. the vehicle were transported from taiwan were they were taken in november is not the singaporean government has described the seizure as illegal but beijing as a ready lodged a complaint against taiwan. fresh elections are likely in northern ireland after deputy first minister announced his resignation call government. mr mcguinness has been the deputy first minister over ten years. he was a key figure in the northern ireland is peace process. a 26 year a man accused of killing five people in florida has appeared in court. esteban santiago could face the death penalty if
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found guilty. he has admitted he planned friday's attack at the airport. scientists have found that airport. scientists have found that a drug use to tick alzheimer's has helped with teeth decay. it simulates the formulation... formation of venting, the material found in tooth enamel. it is thought the discovery may reduce the need for feelings in the future. this the discovery may reduce the need forfeelings in the future. this is one of the world ‘s most challenging dogs late racing. it is called the great odyssey challenge and it's these riders travelling around a thousand kilometres in just 11 these riders travelling around a thousand kilometres injust 11 days. the winner will be crowned in just over a week ‘s time and we will follow it for you and keep you updated. let's bring our attention
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to australia where tens of thousands of preschoolers, between 3—5 years of preschoolers, between 3—5 years of age, again to have a chance to learn foreign languages this year as an early language programme is introduced across the country. the australian minister for education and training, simon birmingham, says over 30,000 children will and role in the scheme. what language is —— are on offer? 50% will be attracted to the spanish and italian language. we spoke to a president of the australian language teachers association. think it is a wonderful way to get lot of exposure of young children to languages and
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cultures and introduce them to the idea of a multilingual world. cultures and introduce them to the idea of a multilingual worldm seems mandarin is the most popular among the preschoolers? yes, that is right. land rent has a big uptake in australia recently, —— mandarin. we have a lot of people coming from china, students, so it isn't really popular. at the moment. where our australian children in relation to their peers in languages? 0k, australia is a little bit behind because we have had a bit of an emphasis of english is enough so we are trying to turn that around through programmes like this one at preschool level and into the rest of the school years to show that, in
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fa ct, the school years to show that, in fact, australia is also multilingual and multicultural and to engage with the rest of the world, our students need to have other languages. the rest of the world, our students need to have other languagesm the rest of the world, our students need to have other languages. is it really very crucial to expose preschoolers to these languages and various cultures? yes, we know that isa various cultures? yes, we know that is a really fertile time for beginning another language. we know it is not interfere with the literacy development in the first language, in english, so it is a really good foundation and it also opens their minds to the idea of other languages and cultures and to understand that he has in the classroom. in australia there is about 25% of the population speak another language at home as well. you are watching news that live from singapore and london. after standing for 2000 years, one of america's of
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the streets has been brought down by a style. he promised change and to bring hope to americans. we look back at the legacy barack obama. —— bya back at the legacy barack obama. —— by a storm. the japanese people are in mourning, following the death of emperor hirohito. thousands converged on the imperial palace to pay their respects when it was announced he was dead. good grief. after half a century of delighting fans around the world, charlie brown and the rest of the gang are calling it quits. the singer paul simon starts his tour of south africa tomorrow, in spite of protests and violence from some black activist groups. they say international artists should continue to boycott south africa until majority rule is established. teams were trying to scoop up lumps of oil as france recognises it faces an ecological crisis. three weeks ago, the authorities confidently assured these areas that oil from the broken tanker erika
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would head out to sea. it didn't. the world's tallest skyscraper opens today. the burj dubai has easily overtaken its nearest rivals. this is newsday on the bbc. our top stories: donald trump is to appoint his son—in—lanared kushner as a senior white house adviser. 30 dead as freezing weather and icy conditions hit parts of europe. fifa's ruling council is expected to approve the expansion of the world cup to 48 teams. let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. the philippines star leads with the annual religious parade — known as black nazarene procession — in the capital, manila. more than a million, mostly barefoot devotees, took part in what is one of the world's biggest displays
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of catholic devotion. the south china morning post reports on mcdonald's decision to sell 80% of its business in china and hong kong. the chinese state—owned investment group citic, and us private firm carlyle group, will take control of the operations in a deal worth more than two billion us dollars. and the japan times reports on thousands of young japanese women who mark their entry into adulthood with a special celebration. the coming of age ceremonies are held nationwide to remind 20—year—olds of their responsibilities after becoming old enough to legally drink and smoke. in just over 2a hours — president obama will deliver his
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farewell address in the city of chicago. it's where he claimed victory eight years ago in an historic election which put the first african american in the white house. but as his second term comes to a close what will his legacy be? our north america editorjon sopel looks at the domestic issues which have defined the obama presidency. cheering. it wasn't just the hope when barack obama came to office, it was the wild expectation, too. that the country's problems would be solved at a stroke, that the first african—american president would usher in a post—racial era. no more black america are all white america, just the united states of america. but the lingering vestiges of that dream disappeared in the summer of 2014, in clouds of tear gas, in a nondescript suburb of st louis, missouri, called ferguson. an unarmed black man had been shot by a white police officer. it was a pattern that would become all too familiar. in charleston, south carolina, walter scott had been pulled over
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for a minor motoring offence. footage captures the white police officer who stopped him shooting him in the back several times before he dies. gunfire. the policeman claimed self—defence. at his trial, which ended last month, the jury was unable to reach a verdict. the court, therefore, we must declare a mistrial... another symbol for the black community that things haven't changed. i think his legacy to him is more important right now, to paint a picture that he did a real good job in america. but most black folks are very disappointed, because we feel he could have done more. the issue of race and another of america's great intractable social problems, gun violence, came together in horrific effect inside this famous african—american church in charleston. a white supremacist who, with his string of drug convictions, should never have been able to purchase a gun, walked inside a bible study group
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and killed eight worshippers and the pastor in cold blood. barack obama had always seemed reluctant to define himself as a black president, preoccupied by racial issues, but after these shootings that changed, as he came to charleston and showed how he felt the community's pain. singing: # amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved. ..# obama's two terms in office were punctuated by the crack of gunshots. you've dialled 911, what's the location of your emergency? ...i think there's somebody shooting here. then a series of random mass killings that started with the slaying of 20 children and six of their teachers that
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sandy hook elementary school. the president's famously cool demeanour was gone after this. every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. and by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. i refuse to act as if this is the new normal. this is not something i can do by myself. such violence, such evil, is senseless. again and again he wanted tougher legislation on gun—control. but he failed, to his evident consternation when we sat down and spoke. if you ask me where has been the one area where i feel that i've been most frustrated and most stymied, it is the fact that the united states of america is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun safety laws. but there have been some legislative successes.
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millions more americans now have health insurance than was previously the case, although obamacare has created many losers, too. and the economy, which was flat on its back eight years ago, is starting to boom, and people are spending their money again. we have notjust come back stronger from the great recession, we have actually built an economy that's the envy of the world. that is an important part of president obama's legacy. but it proved to be a voterless recovery where it mattered. they'll be no democrat succeeding him in the white house, and so, one of his final acts was to make a lastjourney to capitol hill, to urge his party's lawmakers to fight off republican attempts to dismantle obamacare, and the rest of his domestic legacy. look out for the american people. jon sopel, bbc news, washington. president obama in his final days in
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office. just take a look at this — this is one of america's most famous trees the pioneer cabin tree which has stood 2,000 years. last weekend it was felled at last, by a storm. this giant sequoia in the calaveras big trees state park was known for having a hole cut through its trunk — big enough for a car to drive through. it became very famous with a lot of tourists taking snaps. but this recent storm has brought it down. earlier i spoke to danielle gerhart — from columbia state historic park who explained exactly what happened. for the last few days we have been experiencing a lot of rainfall, our lot of wind, possibly up to about eight inches of wind has fallen in the last few days. the tree could
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not withstand it. the roots could not withstand it. the roots could not withstand it. the roots could not withstand the storm and all the wind we have received and u nfortu nately, wind we have received and unfortunately, the tree has fallen. telethon bit more about this tree that has stood there for 2000 years. —— tell us. that has stood there for 2000 years. -- tell us. the pioneer cabin tree is one of the first in calaveras big trees state park. the tree was hollowed out by a fire in about the 18005. hollowed out by a fire in about the 1800s. shortly after that in the 18805, 1800s. shortly after that in the 1880s, a private land odour cut open the tree —— land owner. it was to allow passage through persons, not necessarily vehicles, but people walking. the tree was still alive up until recently and it still is a living organism and will continue to see the earth even now it has fallen. was it a mistake to cut it
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out, did weaken the structure of the tree? like i said, it had a fire at some point so it already had weakening there. i am sure it did not help the situation but we know just from watching other trees that it was already weakened from having a fire. unfortunately, trees fold down and this one, it was its time —— fall down. down and this one, it was its time -- fall down. they do fall down but not ina -- fall down. they do fall down but not in a rare case will stop how common is the sequoia tree? obviously these are large trees stop they are not very common. this one was at least 2000 years old, as you mentioned. there are several other large trees around but this one was iconic because it had the square cut out of it in the middle. people will remember this and thousands of
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people over social media have posted pictures of them inside the tree. it isa pictures of them inside the tree. it is a very unique tree and it it is a sad loss to everybody here. a fund for the family of the polish driver that was killed in berlin. fellow driver was so shocked by what happened that he set up the online campaign. he was personally thanked to be polished ambassador to london. as kasia madera now reports. when dave duncan had about the polish driver's death in berlin, he felt compelled to help his family. he set up an online campaign to raise money. it was something i had seen on raise money. it was something i had seen on the tv or something and i thought why not. actions speak louder than words, so they say. are
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you surprised by the response? yes, it's incredible. it's amazing the people that responded to it, yeah, it's been brilliant. the campaign has been welcomed by mr urban's family. jono please accept my gratitude. and today, the polish ambassador met up with mr duncan to express his thanks. some polish products. you. the money will go to his family. he had to visit them in poland in the not too distant future. at the polish embassy in london. think instant noodles and most of us think — quick meal. but one artist is turning them into slow art. 23—year—old cynthia delaney suwito is showing her noodle—work at a gallery in singapore. she told the bbc where the idea came from. ricoh went to grab a coffee and he
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has been lost. we do not know where he has gone but we will do our best to sort out our technical problems and get him without live for the next edition of newsday. don't go anywhere. i am next edition of newsday. don't go anywhere. iam back next edition of newsday. don't go anywhere. i am back with the headlines next. i will see you soon. good morning. there is certainly some chilli and wintry weather on the way but today, it will get that bit milder as we go through the day. lots of clouds billing in from the west after what will be a cooler start and recent morning. even a touch of frost and eyes are around in southern and eastern parts of england. clearer skies. start in southern and eastern parts of england. clearerskies. start the day with sunshine, a much brighter day with sunshine, a much brighter day than we have seen for the past few. in the west, already patchy rain and drizzle and a bit of a breeze across western cornwell and west wales. a bit of rain pushing into northern england, mainly to the west and the pennines, going through the night. the further north ago, a blustery start and strong winds in northern scotland. already here, the
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cloud is spilling in. western scotla nd cloud is spilling in. western scotland and northern ireland, a casual rental stop here it comes. cloudy conditions with rain in the west, pushing its way eastward. —— cash will rain. gales in in particular. by the end of the day, into double figures but call a further east. it sets us into a mild enough start through the night with a bit of cloud that strong winds and gales, severe gales, spreading across the north of scotland through the night. the wind is picking up elsewhere as a going into wednesday morning to stop a weakening weather front works its way southwards. notice we are starting to open the door to arctic air. into wednesday, not only will it get colder but we will have strong winds to contend with. bear that in mind if you are on the wind —— move on wednesday. frequent showers in the north and west turning into sleet and snow as the cold at digs in. slowly getting colder across the south but
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temperatures holding up by the afternoon, 7— 93. plenty of cloud and one or two rain showers. the big change comes into thursday. —— 7—9. it is pushing into south as we go through the day. how far north it goes, it will be crucial as to whether we see us know in thursday and in southern counties. at the moment, it will stay in the english channel, maybe rain, but maybe a bit of snow. liquid snow showers across northern and western parts of the country, giving coverage to some places. for all the wind, country, giving coverage to some places. forall the wind, it country, giving coverage to some places. for all the wind, it will be noticeable, it will make it feel subzero, a real arctic blast with a bit of wind chill. the cold winds continue into friday. again, we will see snow continue into friday. again, we will see snow flurries worked their way southwards. at this stage, we will be careful of severe gales down the north sea. he weaken the rough seas around the coast as well. goodbye for now.
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