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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 15, 2017 3:00pm-3:31pm GMT

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this is bbc news. the headlines at three. the prime minister prepares to outline her aims in brexit negotiations. the labour leaderjeremy corbyn says the economy could suffer. she appears to be heading is in the direction of a bargain basement economy in europe. where we have low levels of corporate taxation. we will lose access to half of our export market. it seems to me an extremely risky strategy. a warning that cancer operations in some hospitals are being cancelled because of increased pressures on the nhs. also in the next hour, donald trump is urged not to press ahead with plans to move the us embassy in israel to jerusalem. it comes asjohn kerry attends a summit in france in an attempt it comes as delegates from 20 nations attend a conference in france. and a debate over whether to bring in birds of prey to reduce the number of seagulls on britain's beaches. and in half an hour,
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mice, madness and mario — all the latest goings on in the tech world in click. good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. the labour leader, jeremy corbyn, has accused the government of threatening a "trade war" with europe if it doesn't get the deal it wants over brexit. he was responding to comments by the chancellor, phillip hammond, who told a german newspaper that britain wouldn't "lie down wounded" if it no longer had access to the single market and hinted that corporation tax could be cut in response. on tuesday, theresa may is due to reveal details of her brexit strategy. 0ur political correspondent tom bateman reports. under pressure to reveal a plan for brexit, theresa may will hope to answer her critics this week, calling for unity and an end to
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insults over leaving the eu. injune, people voted for change, and a change is going to come. when she first detailed her thinking on brexit, the prime minister said it must mean control of immigration policy and ministers with the power to strike global trade deals. her speech on tuesday seems likely to reflect that, which many interpret as britain being outside the formal market, but seeking bespoke trade deals. i think the prime minister has always been clear that she wants the uk to be an open, outward looking trade nation. she has said that on a number of occasions. that is the positive view we have on the uk moving forward. and obviously ensuring that uk companies have the best access to the ability to trade with and operate within the european union. the chancellor said there would be a hardball approach to the talks.
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he was asked by a german newspaper about lowering tax rates to entice business. he said... he said britain wouldn't lie down wounded, but would be competitive. the labour leader attacked the comments, saying they amounted to an ultimatum. he appears to be making a sort of threat to the european community, saying, if you don't give us what we want, we will become this sort of strange entity on the shores of europe, where there will be low levels of corporate taxation designed to undermine the effectiveness or otherwise of industry across europe. it seems to me a recipe for some kind of trade war with europe. mrs may will hope to shine more light on the heated debate over brexit. so far at least, her a call for unity shows little sign of being heard. and tom bateman is here now.
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interesting comments from the chancellor, philip hammond to this german newspaper. yes, and it raises the question of how seriously we should take this. and the one hand downing st is pre—releasing choice cuts of theresa may's speech and brexit, where she will call the people to fall in behind the plan the brexit, behind the talks that will take place will stop. at the same time the chancellor spends sundays imbalance where the message seemed to have the look and feel of an ultimatum. —— spent some days in merlin. if we don't get access to the single market that we want, perhaps we will slash tax rates to entice business to britain. it interesting hearing from one source close to the chancellor this
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afternoon who has said that understand the seriousness with which he is saying he will adjust oui’ which he is saying he will adjust our economic model if that is needed. they think this will clearly hang over the talk is something like a threat. they might not want to describe as such but it will have the feel of an ultimatum. and that will lead as the wondering what the reaction in europe will be like. angler michael said that —— angela merkel said that britain can't cherry pick. this is turning ha rd ball cherry pick. this is turning hard ball before cherry pick. this is turning hardball before the talks have even started. and jeremy corbyn reacted to the chancellor's threat, or automating, saying it could start a trade war. it plays into a narrative thatjeremy corbyn has been talking about, he gave a pretty brexit — laden ‘s beach, last week where he alerted to some of his eurosceptic instincts. —— brexit laden speech.
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he is concerned that a conservative form of brexit, will effectively dismantle workers' rights and there might bea dismantle workers' rights and there might be a singapore style bargain basement where you slap corporation tax rates and those workers' rights might be removed. —— slash corporation. i think there is a fight over the type of brexit that will in shoot. interestingly, the lib dems are saying this is talking about britain being a tax haven, this is a way for the super—rich to avoid paying taxes. so, the primers and still wants unity on this and wa nt and still wants unity on this and want the insults the end and i think the chances of that very slim. this big speech on tuesday from her, outlining her brexit strategy, we have been told all along that she can't show her hand before the negotiations begin but it sounds like she is going to do that in
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part. it is hard to know how much detail should go into an don't think she will use terms like removing ourselves from the single market, per se, because they have been quite keen to get away the that langridge and talk about instead, these aren't binary choices. i think we will hear the version of the idea that you can get bespoke deal sector by sector which is something that philip hammond talked about in his interview, again. saying in the car industry, the financial services industry, the financial services industry, we will try and approach that by getting the trade deals in those pacific areas. i think we might see the plan are setting out more of that. —— in this specific areas. thank you very much being with others, our political correspondent. cancer operations are being cancelled because of pressures on the nhs according to the royal college of surgeons. its president says cancer procedures used to be protected because of their urgent nature,
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but for the past two weeks that has not been the case in some uk hospitals. earlier ian eardley, a vice—president of the royal college of surgeons and a consultant at stjames' hospital in leeds told us cancellations were happening all over the uk. the nhs is under enormous pressure at the moment, increased admissions combined with difficulties in getting patients home because of lack of support in the social and community, means that hospitals are just too full and they can't do a elective surgery. while cancer operations are usually the cases that are most important, up and down the country patients with cancer are having their surgery cancelled or delayed. 0ur correspondent, richard lister, joins me now with the latest. the royal college of
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surgeons says it is happening across the u k, notjust in nhs england. they say that they were hearing anecdotally that there were more cancellations and postponements at the end of last year, so they have triggered a survey amongst hospitals in the country to find out the extent of the problem. —— amongst all hospitals. they haven't got the definitive statistics but they tell me that large numbers are having to postpone cancer surgeries and that so far, in the past two weeks, it has affected dozens of cancer patients. and why are they saying that this is happening specifically now? because of the pressure on the nhs, half the hospitals in england declared a major alert in the first week of the year because of the pressure on nhs resources. and they don't have the inpatient beds available to be able to ensure that every person who is due to have
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cancer surgery can have space in a hospital and have it done and have care when they come out of surgery. the pressure on the resources is the problem. it is upsetting for the cancer patients to think they are having the procedure and then it is cancelled at the last minute. it is very difficult to be told you will have surgery next week, they prepare themselves for it mentally, and they get help in if it's needed, then to be told perhaps on the day that it is not going to happen and they don't even have a date when it will happen can be very traumatic. the french foreign minister has urged the incoming us administration not to move the country's embassy in israel tojerusalem. he said this would have serious consequences. jean—marc ayrault‘s comment follows the opening of a conference in paris to re—start the middle east peace process. 0ur paris correspondent hugh schofield explained the significance of the us moving their embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. looking back historically, all the big powers have
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kept their embassies in tel aviv, for the very strong reason that in principle, in international law, the status ofjerusalem remains undetermined. to move an embassy tojerusalem is to do what israel is one to rub the noses of the palestinians it. that is why countries have not done that. it is part of what would seem to be a shift in policy in america in america to a much more forthright pro—israeli direction. there is a new ambassador that is likely to be appointed who quite clearly support a hardline israeli view on the west bank. and this idea of transferring the embassy is on his agenda and is a promise of donald trump. were it to happen, and this
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is what we are getting from the participants here who are opposed to it, the fear is that it would create the conditions for another upsurge in violence. it would be seen as a provocation. it is deplored by the people here. one has to be careful, because one thing that can be said with certainty about the incoming trump administration is that we don't really know what is good to happen at all. we will have to see if this promise is put into effect. all you can say for certain here is that there is a great deal of apprehension and alarm about the prospect of this change. president 0bama has described his successor donald trump as "unconventional" and warned that he shouldn't be underestimated. mr 0bama made the comments in his last ever tv interview as president. on friday donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. jane—frances kelly reports.
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washington is busy preparing for a new president. us air force personnel practice perfection and ahead of donald trump's inauguration, which will take place on friday. in his last tv interview as president, barack 0bama has been speaking about his time in office, and also about his successor. he described him as an unconventional candidate that won an improvisational campaign. now he is in the process of building an organisation. and we will have to see how that works. it will be a test, i think, for him and the people that he has designated, to be able to execute on his vision. president 0bama admitted he had passed on some words of advice to mrtrump. one thing i said to him directly, and i would advise my republican friends in congress and supporters around the country,
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is just make sure that as we go forward, certain norms, certain institutional traditions don't get eroded, because there is a reason they are in place. activists led by the reverend al sharpton have been on the streets of washington, criticising donald trump for comments he has made on twitter regarding civil rights campaigner, congressmanjohn lewis, who said trump was not a legitimate president. we won't be trumped! many more protests are planned in the run—up to friday. security will be tight for a president that has made a virtue of being different, and has gained support because he is not part of the political establishment. well, just how smooth will the transition from president—elect to president be and how will president trump be perceived on the world stage?
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with me is drjames boys, professor in american politics, at the richmond american international university in london. thanks to being widows. how do you see a trump presidency —— had to see a trump presidency? humana going back since months ago, as soon as he got a nomination you thought he would become more presidential, but that has not happened. clinton said that has not happened. clinton said that anyone who would be provoked with a tweet would be a dangerous president. we are seeing that. one of the interesting things about politics in general is that political entities are good at dealing with one issue at a time, staying on message as we stay here and in the 1990s. trump seems to be com pletely and in the 1990s. trump seems to be completely unable to do that. just the last week... a week ago we were
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talking about his son—in—law being appointed and the problems that would take, that seems like a month ago now and a minor issue, now we're talking about where the american embassy will be in israel, whether he will meet with putin, his blues and civil rights activists. his use of twitter is all well and good but it prevents his ability to create a forward going narrative. not to mention his views on meryl streep, of course. there is suggestion that there might be some sort of superpower summit with putin in the cubic. we are getting mixed signals about whether this will all not happen. but the initial report suggest that his first height powered meeting will be with vladimir putin, deliberately designed to try and remind those of a certain generation of a similar meeting between reagan and
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gorbachev. intriguingly enough that meeting didn't go particularly well. and it wasn't particularly well thought out. the problem you will see here is that trying to have a summit that early, plays into donald trump's idea of the great man view of history, which she clearly views himself as. if i canjust of history, which she clearly views himself as. if i can just sit down with, in this case the repeated, and sit down and talk about this. but some are still work like that. they rely on a team behind the scenes. there would be times to get back in place in the timescales they are looking at. what do you think of the transition team, the people that he is surrounding himself with, in particular mike pence as vice president elect, you see his role in the white house? the rise presidency has historically been a secondary office, obviously, but one described
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as not worth a warm bucket of spit in the past. but this has changed in the past. and we have now seen a change,. we are already seeing mike pence emerges a very important player behind—the—scenes and one of the reasons you are hearing whispers of potential impeachment of donald trump so ellie is because there are many republicans who would be far more comfortable with a president pence. do you see a trump presidency as lasting for years, eight years? he does have, whether you like it or not, significant support, he won the election, it may have been any fpu key swing states, but how do you see it panning out? the cycle of american history going back to the second world war will suggest that
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whether he remains president or someone whether he remains president or someone else does, the republicans will stay in office but two terms, whether that is trump or whether it is pence, is anyone's guess at this point. but, we must recognise that donald trump is president and for that to change something ground—breaking would have to happen. because an impeachment process has never actually forced the president out of office. probably too early to talk about impeachment. professor of american politics, thank you so much for being with us. the headlines on bbc news... theresa may has urged an end to division as she prepares to set up the government's plant the brexit. hospitals are being cancelled because of increased pressures on the nhs. and john kerry is among delegates from 70 countries attending a conference in paris to try and revive the middle east peace process.
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and in sport, england made a strong start in theirfirst and in sport, england made a strong start in their first one—day international with india. making their highest score against their opponents. eight captains innings was produced. india needs 60 more funds for victory. everton have a 3—goal lead over manchester city in the first of two big matches in the premier league today. the first half goal gave them a lead, defeat would lead and chester city ten points off league leaders chelsea. then, the big game at old trafford where manchester united take on liverpool. liverpool could cut chelsea to the top but they face an informed united who've won the last six matches. i will be back with more and all of this story is a little later. thank you john see later on. the northern ireland secretaryjames
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brokenshire has said that he's not yet considering the possibility of direct rule by uk ministers after the resignation of northern ireland's deputy first minister martin mcguinness. mr brokenshire is obliged to call a fresh election if there is no resolution to the political deadlock at stormont by 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. speaking to the bbc‘s andrew marr show mr brokenshire also dismissed the idea that britain would consider a joint government with the republic of ireland. i am not contemplating alternatives to devolved government in northern ireland. that is my resolute view. don't you have to, really? it might be on your plate very soon? what is my responsibility is to see that we are working with each of the parties to ensure we are not looking at greater division. my concern is that an election campaign will be divisive, will lead to greater distance between the parties at the end of that. exactly. it is that work therefore that i am doing and will continue to do. i would encourage the parties themselves to think about these big issues on how they conduct that
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campaign, and how we are able to build things back together again once that has concluded. the northern ireland secretary, there. there's a warning that air passengers arriving in britain will face "severe disru ption" after brexit, unless there's an increase in border force staff. the airport 0perators association says passport checks for eu nationals are likely to become more stringent, leading to longer queues and processing times. here's our home affairs correspondent, danny shaw. there are record numbers of travellers at britain's airports. in 2015, there were 251 million passenger journeys. it's thought last year's figure was even higher. but there is concern that growth in air traffic hasn't been matched by an increase in resources for border force, which is responsible for immigration and customs checks. the airport 0perators‘ association says that has led to longer queues at passport desks and it's concerned delays will worsen. at present, eu travellers use separate channels
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or automatic e—passport gates. they tend to be quicker than for passengers from outside of europe. but after brexit, if people are all screened in the same way, the association says overall waiting times will increase. in evidence to a parliamentary enquiry, the association said introducing tighter controls on eu passport holders would be... "highly disruptive for passengers, airlines and airports." it says airports would have to spend millions of pounds on extra facilities for immigration checks, so it is asking the government to keep the current system in place for eu passengers travelling to uk airports. the home office says it would be wrong to set out details of how future immigration controls might work in advance of negotiations with the eu. but the department says border force has the capacity to meet passenger demand and maintain security. danny shaw, bbc news. multi—billion pound plans
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to renovate the palace of westminster, including both houses of parliament, are to be subject to an inquiry by a committee of mps. the commons treasury committee will examine the cost and consider whether both mps and lords will have to move out while the work is being done. here's our political correspondent tom barton. the buildings of parliament are not in a good way. stonework is crumbling, roofs are leaking and something needs to be done to bring the palace of westminster back to life. parliament is part of a world heritage site, recognised as a building of outstanding value to humanity. but fixing it won't be cheap. estimates range from 5.5 to £4 billion and the work will take at least five years. during that time mps could have to move out of the commons chamber, where to hasn't yet been decided. the treasury committee usually conducts enquiries into big economic issues, like the work
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of the bank of england or the government's tax policy. but its next enquiry will take a look much closer to home. the committee says previous reports have failed to provide enough evidence to assess the proposals and claims ministers haven't answered their questions about the cost of the work. the palace of westminster may be crucial to public life in britain, but those who are elected to serve there say fixing it must be good value for the taxpayer. plans for four new "nature schools" in england would still see pupils learning traditional subjects, but also having the opportunity to spend more of their day outside. david gregory—kumar reports. brandon marsh nature reserve near coventry, home to some excited woodland creatures getting to grips with nature. brandon marsh is also headquarters for wildlife trust
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and it is the trust that his leading plans for nature schools across the uk. some of these children could be amongst the very first pupils. but what exactly is a nature school? children at our schools will still need to learn times tables and to read and write. but we are preparing an educational philosophy that will allow teachers to achieve that learning outside, using the natural setting of the school as much as in the classroom. so they will be outside more? they will. probably coming home a bit dirtier than they might otherwise. initially four nature—based primary schools are planned with two in the midlands, one in warwickshire wildlife trust which has been identified as possibly going into camp hill in nuneaton. they have already got their eyes on a site and a building. it is the camp hill school that may be the very first nature school in the uk and its location that might surprise some people. it's definitely an urban area but it is the area
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that was identified by local authorities as with the greatest need for a new school. we'll make the most of any outdoor space there is. we will create new outdoor spaces for learning, a garden and a lot more wildlife areas, possibly even beehives, really exciting. parents visiting the reserve today were very excited. some have already looked into applying for the new school. she loves being outdoors and we would like that for her, for education, really. the outside is an amazing place to learn and i think you can have so many experiences that are not traditional education that still give you the same knowledge that you would have in a classroom so i think it's brilliant. if all goes well, the uk's fist nature school could open in december, 2018. —— september 2000 and 18. a sound of the seaside? or a blight on the beach? seagulls are synonymous
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with the coast, but they're also known for stealing food from passers—by. so at one british resort, they're debating whether or not to bring in birds of prey to reduce the seagull numbers. emma glasbey reports from scarborough. seagulls and scarborough just go together. but, in recent years, the relationship has been turning slightly sour. the number of birds in this town has grown to a few thousand and especially in the summer, it's claimed they are becoming more aggressive. i have seen them take food from people's hands. for children, it can be quite scary. people feed them. they feed them titbits and they should not encourage them to come to the area. i don't think it is a real issue. i think one or two people complain too much about it. the council has been discussing what to do about the gulls. councillors could decide to hire a firm to work on reducing the number of birds over
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the next few years. we would use egg and nest removal. that is not removing all eggs from nests, that is removing a percentage. we work with natural england on that to say, this is how many we're going to take, and report back the numbers. we also fly birds of prey. we are not going out to kill anything, that's for sure. the idea is to move them to nesting in the cliffs or further away from town. it may be winter but there are still sequels around. —— there are still the calls around. injanuary, you would expect them to be all out to sea, but they are so used to being fed here, they are staying on land. if action is going to be taken, it will need to happen soon. the seagull mating season is about to begin. time for the latest weather.
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i have been keeping my hawk—eye on the weather. things have become quite murky. in the coleraine area, missed shrouding the cliffs. we have had the wettest weather across england and wales but the weather is easing of for quite a few others. extensive cloud covering the uk. blanket of cloud will keep temperatures up. along with this there will be mist and fog patches in the hills. it will be a mild night for most of us, and it should be frost free for just about everyone. we have a wet start to the day with rain across england and wales. rain easing off in western areas for a time before more rain works its way into the north west of scotland. damp conditions across the midlands, central and southern england. up to 10 degrees


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