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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 16, 2017 6:45pm-7:01pm GMT

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ending the year ten unbeaten was a good step for us. we wanted that year to be a winning year, we focused a lot on results and found ways to win, but 2017 changes. now we have to be a better team. we're nowhere near the team we want to become the start ofjuly, so we have a lot of learning to do, hard work to get through, but i think the team are ready for that, looking forward to it and it starts now, injanuary. ireland hooker sean cronin has been ruled out of the six nations. he was expected to be rory best's deput for the championship, but he tore a hamstring while playing for leinster at the weekend, and he's likely to be out for 10 weeks. northern ireland's mark allen has knocked out former world champion john higgins at the masters snooker. a dramatic deciding frame. allen beat the world number three in a thrilling match, winning by 6 frames to 5 at alexandra palace in london. it's the third time higgins has lost to allen in the first round of the masters. four—time olympic champion laura kenny could miss the world track cycling championships in hong kong in april. she's pulled out of this month's british
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championships in manchester with a hamstring injury. kenny hadn't yet decided whether to compete at the worlds. commonwealth swimming champion fran halsall has announced her retirement from the sport. halsall made her 0lympic debut at beijing 2008 and narrowly missed out on medals at both london 2012 and rio 2016. she won over 30 medals at world, european and commonwealth level. she said stepping away from the pool was "quite a scary decision", but she's ready for a new chapter in her life. the british sailor alex thomson has set a world record for the longest distance sailed solo in 2a hours, in the non—stop race around the world, the vendee globe. thompson covered 536.8 miles — which averages out atjust over 25 miles per hour. now that he's reduced the gap on the leader, thompson could become the first briton to win the race, which he is expected to finish later this week. looking forward to it. been working hard the last couple
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of days in the light breeze. not easy with an animatorjust there, but not too bad. getting enough sleep, eating well, ready for the last run in. i will give it my all and keep fingers crossed. good luck to him. joe root insists he can't predict how he'd fare as england captain. alistair cook is considering his future after the 4—0 series defeat in india with root the runaway favourite to be the next skipper. root, who's just become a father for the first time, draws parallels with both roles. until you're in the position, i don't think you know. i feel i've obviously got quite a lot of experience in test cricket now. as i said, it's one of those things that you sort of have to learn on the job. i suppose... you sort of have to learn on the job. isuppose... the you sort of have to learn on the job. i suppose... the timing of this is quite relevant, but being a dad, you don't really know what to do until you sort ofjust have to go
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with and see how it goes. i imagine that would be very similar. i'll have to wait and see if and when that happens. now, i warn you, these pictures aren't for the faint—hearted. melbourne renegades wicketkeeper peter nevill sustained a suspected fractured jaw, when he was hit in the face by a bat during his side's big bash win against adelaide strikers. nevill was looking the other way when brad hodge‘s bat slipped out of his hands and flew into the air — and the handle caught nevill on the cheekbone. he had to leave the field, with his face visibly swollen. painful stuff, i think we all agree. that's all from sportsday. there'll be more sport here on bbc news throughout the evening. bye— bye. the headlines on bbc news: the northern ireland secretary, james brokenshire, says that
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new assembly elections will be held on the second of march, following the collapse of the power sharing government. donald trump has promised a trade deal between britain and the united states will be a priority when he becomes us preisdent on friday. an inquest into the fatal shootings of british tourists in tunisia 18 months ago, has been told that local security units ‘deliberately and unjustifiably‘ delayed their arrival at the scene. an update on the market numbers for you — here's how london's and frankfurt ended the day. a mixed bag in the united states. the dow slightly down. from next year the nhs will offer proton beam therapy treatment for some uk cancer patients. a £250 million investment in two centres in manchester and london will mean 1,500 patients a year receiving the treatment. the nhs currently sends patients overseas for the treatment, which costs around £100,000.
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but until the new facilities are open in this country it's feared that some may be missing out on life saving treatment. 0ur northern health correspondent jamie coulson reports. alex barnes had proton therapy for his brain tumour eight years ago, before the nhs funded the treatment overseas. i feel really lucky because i could have been dead, or if i wasn't dead, i could have been blind, deaf or in a wheelchair or something like that. alex's parents raised £135 themselves, having rejected the treatment available in this country. if i'd have listened to the doctors in this country, i think i wouldn't have alex here today, because his prognosis was so bad and he was so young, he was too young to have radiotherapy, so had he had survived, his life would have been over anyway. this nhs promotionalfilm shows off the two centres due to open in manchester and london. it is still at least 18 months away, it will be august 2018 before this
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proton therapy centre that's being built here in manchester is up and running, giving the hope of life saving treatment for some patients. a year after that, the centre in london will open. the total cost will be £250 million. many people will have first learned about proton therapy through the case of five—year—old ashya king. his parents now say he's cancer free, after having proton therapy treatment in the czech republic. several european countries already run centres offering proton therapy, so why is the nhs lagging behind? i think it's actually a very good time to be getting involved with proton beam therapy, because i've seen over the last ten years, a real evolution in the technological capability of proton beam therapy. when we have equipment delivered here in the summer, it will be state of the art technology. nhs england makes the difficult decisions about which patients can go abroad for treatment,
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and since 2008, 950 have qualified, at a cost of around £100,000 each. and there will be special programmes on the nhs tonight in inside out 7.30pm on bbc one in england — and later on the bbc iplayer. a turkish cargo plane has crashed in kyrgyzstan — killing at least 37 people. the boeing 747, operated by act airlines, was en route from hong kong to istanbul in turkey, via kyrgyzstan‘s capital bishkek. these latest aerial pictures show the damage at the scene. rescue workers say the dead included all members of the crew as well as several children. visibility was poor because of thick fog at the time. as parts of the wreckage smoulders in the snow, rescue teams continue to work on the ground. the cargo plane was heading to kyrgyzstan‘s capital, bishkek,
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but it crashed in a nearby village, before reaching the airport. the authorities say at least 37 people have been killed, including four crew members and several children. translation: i heard a strong noise and after that all the nearest houses were shaken. of course, everyone got frightened and started to run out the houses into the street. nobody understood what was going on because there was a fog. the weather wasn't good. there was thick fog at the time, but emergency services say other planes were managing to land successfully. translation: the ground services advised the visibility the crew received this information before landing. by the rules, it is the pilot in command who takes the decision. an investigation into the cause of the crash will now take place, and the country will observe a day of mourning on tuesday.
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a teenager who was snatched from a hospital in florida as a baby 18 years ago, has been reunited with her biological father. the teenager was abducted when she was just eight hours old. she was tracked down after a tip—off. the woman she thought was her real mother has been charged with kidnapping. for the last 18 years kamiyah mobley had no reason to think that gloria wasn't her real mother and no reason to that that her own name wasn't really alexis, but now she is trying to deal with the news that the person she thought was her mother for all that time is under arrest charged with kidnapping her, just after she was born, and giving her a false identity. 51—year—old gloria williams is being held in south carolina after dna tests proved that alexis was baby kamiyah, snatched from hospital back in 1998.
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police say she posed as a nurse and snuck the newborn out of the hospital, starting a frantic search. at the time, her real mother was distraught and desperate to find her. i just want to know where my baby is at. ijust want my baby back. but now, 18 years later, she was delighted to be reunited with her the daughter she never thought she would see again. and kamiyah‘s biological father was overwhelmed after meeting herfor the first time. it's a feeling you can't exlpain. —— explain. it's hard to put it in words right now. it's hard to deal with this right now, you know what i'm saying? we just, like we say, we are trying to process it. 18 years, you kmow. it will be hard to make that up. but the man who thought he was her father all this time is full of heartache. named her. that's the name i have for years, alexis kelly. she is the love of my life.
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all the things she said, since this was going on, friday, "dad, i love you." she is sill my child. i love herjust that much. that is not going to change, that she is the love of my life. she's my child. now it is kamiyah who has to come to terms with what has happened, with her new identity, her new family. sian grzeszcyk, bbc news. we have a full hour of news coming up we have a full hour of news coming upfor we have a full hour of news coming up for you we have a full hour of news coming upforyou and we have a full hour of news coming up for you and we will be live in stormont after the shenanigans there, but first, the weather and nick miller has the details. so much was happening with the weather last week but different this week. not as dramatic as we had last week. not as dramatic as we had last week. a bit of snow were still to be seen on the hills, as one of our weather watchers saw today. it was colder, despite the sunshine, in kent this afternoon, trying to tap into a bit of cold continental air
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south—east of the uk. elsewhere with atla ntic south—east of the uk. elsewhere with atlantic air, relatively mild. a couple of weather fronts to talk about. this one with some outbreaks of rain into south—west england and wales overnight. another taking some rain through scotland and northern ireland, with plenty of cloud and hill fog, but mild. where as south—east england and into east anglia there will be some but a touch of frost the tuesday morning. that cold continental air trying to creep in. here is the picture at eight o'clock in the morning. look at these temperatures to start the day in scotland and northern ireland, 9—10. it will be damp after overnight rain. some patchy rain in northern england, just edging towards north wales. cloudy elsewhere in england and into wales, you could encounter some drizzle, but clearer spots in east anglia and south—east england, with a frosty start for some. it means you get some sunshine and there will be more in east anglia and south—east england compared with today. a bit
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of sunshine today and eastern scotland, it should brighten up here in the afternoon. tomorrow plenty of cloud, some patchy rain in north—west england and north wales, for example. reasonably mild, the further north you are, but further south, the colder it becomes. despite the sunshine, east anglia and the south—eastjust 4—5. a sharp frost developing as we go through tuesday night into wednesday morning here. elsewhere, that cloud keeps the temperature up but you may be a bit damp and drizzly. some hill fog around as well. on wednesday, quite around as well. on wednesday, quite a sharp contrast across the uk. sunshine in the south but feeling cold. elsewhere, a few brighter brea ks cold. elsewhere, a few brighter breaks but plenty of cloud and it is quite mild in the far north of scotland. temperatures, bit closer together and north to south on thursday friday. a little on the cold side going the weekend. high pressure is in control, so most places will be dry, with the exception of some drizzle. low
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pressure in the atlantic tries to get towards us next week and looks like it will succeed as things turned more unsettled next week. the latest online about an ice storm in the usa and a video for the we cared. —— for the we cared. this is bbc news. i'm clive myrie. the headlines at 7pm: the northern ireland secretary has announced a snap assembly election for march 2nd. it follows the collapse of the power—sharing executive. no one should underestimate the challenge faced to the political institutions here in northern ireland and what is at stake. institutions here in northern ireland and what is at stakelj institutions here in northern ireland and what is at stake. i am annita mcveigh here at stormont to ta ke annita mcveigh here at stormont to take you through all of the day's developments. ahead of a major speech tomorrow from theresa may, donald trump says he wants to help make brexit "a beautiful thing". 0bama said you'll go to the back of
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the line, meaning if it does happen and then he had to retract. that was and then he had to retract. that was a bad statement. 50 we are at the front of the queue? a bad statement. so we are at the front of the queue? i think you


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