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tv   Outside Source  BBC News  January 16, 2017 9:00pm-9:31pm GMT

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hello, i'm ros atkins, this is outside source. by the end of the week donald trump will be president. and in an interview he's given with british and german media, he's taken on several huge issues. he says angela merkel made a mistake letting in so many syrian refugees. he's also attacked the eu as a vehicle for germany. and he called nato obsolete. the president—elect met martin luther king's son today at trump tower. wheat will be live to discuss the fallout. bbc kyrgyz will give us the latest on a boeing 7a7 cargo plane crashing onto a village in kyrgyzstan. the death toll is past 30. chinese football clubs are offering riches to the world's best players — but there's a new rule to consider — that limits the number of foreigners a club has.
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plus in 05 business we'll hear oxfam explain how it's worked out that eight people have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population. speak mac pro donald trump hit some big subjects hard in this interview with the times and bild. let's get into the areas which have prompted the biggest reactions. first here's mr trump on angela merkel. i have great respect for her.” i have great respect for her. i felt she was a great leader. she made one catastrophic mistake,. some people
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in germany would argue they have a reasonable idea of where most people who came into the country in the last two or three years came from. there has also been a sharp reaction. we have also heard from angela merkel herself. translation: as europeans we have our feats in oui’ as europeans we have our feats in our own hands, i will continue to work for cooperation between the 27 member states. the president elect made his points a game, when he is in office, which is not at the moment, we will of course work with the american government, then we will see what cooperation we can achieve. and the president of france has said this. and perhaps he is speaking with the
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freedom of a man who is not standing for the election, he will not be president for more than a few months longer. whatever you think of donald trump, you would not call him diplomatic in the way he talks of other countries and other leaders. here is our diplomatic correspondent. there is a stream of consciousness about three donald trump talks. he goes from subject to subject. his language and the language chosen by angela merkel, very different. the president elect talks about, all those illegals, he does not make any distinctions between genuine refugees, economic migrants, and those who may be seeking a better life, maybe radicals, criminals, the german
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chancellor was clear to make that differentiation. she said it is important to recognise that many of the refugees who have come from syria were fleeing persecution, particularly persecution by president assad and manyjihadist. she is in a sense saying you have to be more nuanced and what you are saying. it is striking that she said the future of europe is in our hands, perhaps not with america by oui’ hands, perhaps not with america by our side hands, perhaps not with america by ourside in hands, perhaps not with america by our side in the way it has been since 1945. she was trying to echo the call from france as well for european unity in the face of what they see as particularly dangerous times. after all donald trump was predicting the collapse of the entire european union. obviously be a more fractious, difficult relationship with washington than they have been used to, but she was trying to avoid picking a fight with them, at least before he takes
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office. i want to talk to you know about nato. this is what donald trump said. it was designed many yea rs trump said. it was designed many years ago. some us media, that phrase obsolete as the thing they have picked out of this interview. that is right, because although he said war —— although he said was obsolete, he also said is obsolete, present tense, he seems to have moderated his position towards nato in recent weeks, no back to a fairly ha rd in recent weeks, no back to a fairly hard line that out of date, not sticking on terrorism the way it should. interesting that the chancellor, we do not know whether she approved that, but german foreign minister countered by saying that the president—elect was contradicting what his own nominee
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for defence secretary had said in his confirmation hearings at the end of last week. the germans are pointing out that even the incoming administration does not seem to be able to agree internally on what is position on nato is. the diplomacy is built on structures that have been developed over often decades. how quickly can all structures be undermined if a leader decides to ta ke undermined if a leader decides to take a quite different tack? of course they can be threatened, if not necessarily undermine, if somebody comes and who does not play by the conventional rules. but i think diplomats, seasoned ministers, would argue, but actually they may be able to draw donald trump into their way of working. the head of their way of working. the head of the spanish diplomatic service said today that it will give the new american president time to learn about the european union and nato from the inside, slightly patronising. not many people have
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managed to exert much influence, he is very much his own man. his nomination —— his inauguration is on friday. he was positive about brexit. he was positive about cheap deals. we will get to that in detail in 20 minutes. —— positive about trade deals. a turkish boeing 747 cargo plane has crashed into a village in kyrgyzstan. 33 people on the ground were killed — as were all four crew members. the plane was en route from hong kong to istanbul and was due to make a refuelling stop just north of the kyrgyz capital bishkek. the problems came as it tried to land in fog. and the plane crashed at around 7:30 in the morning local time. here's bbc kyrgyz‘ gulnara
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kasmambetov with more details. if you imagine that from a small village of 350 households, 20 houses we re village of 350 households, 20 houses were hit, and that many people died in one morning, it is a heartbreaking story. a small schoolboy just leaving heartbreaking story. a small schoolboyjust leaving his house, just to look back and see how his entire house was destroyed. that is quite devastating for a nation with a6 quite devastating for a nation with a 6 million population. this airport would normally receive 7475 this airport would normally receive 747s all the time? normally. it was a frosty morning,
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nevertheless those aircraft landed, however this aircraft attempted to land once, could not land, and attempted to rise up, but it hit one of the buildings of the airport and then crashed down. now a new development in an astonishing story you may have seen over the weekend. a teenager who was snatched from a hospital in florida hours after she'd been born, has been reunited with her biological father. she's 18 now and was tracked down after a tip—off. the woman she thought was her real mother has been charged with kidnapping. our correspondent reports. for the last 18 years kamiyah mobley had no reason to think that gloria wasn't her real mother and no reason to think that her own name wasn't really alexis, but now she is trying to deal with the news that the person she thought was her mother for all that time is under arrest
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charged with kidnapping her, just after she was born, and giving her a false identity. 51—year—old gloria williams is being held in south carolina after dna tests proved that alexis was baby kamiyah, snatched from hospital back in 1998. police say she posed as a nurse and snuck the newborn out of the hospital, starting a frantic search. at the time her real mother was distraught and desperate to find her. i just want to know where my baby is. ijust want my baby back. but now, 18 years later, she was delighted to be reunited with her the daughter she never thought she would see again. and kamiyah‘s biological father was overwhelmed after meeting herfor the first time. it's a feeling you can't exlpain. it's hard to put it in words right now. it's hard to deal with this right now, you know what i'm saying? we're just, like we say,
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we are trying to process it. 18 years, you know. it will be hard to make that up. but the man who thought he was her father all this time is full of heartache. named her. that's the name i have for years, alexis kelly. she is the love of my life. she said, since this was going on, friday, "dad, i love you." she is still my child. i love herjust that much. that is not going to change, that she is the love of my life. she's my child. now it is kamiyah who has to come to terms with what has happened, with her new identity, her new family. sian grzeszcyk, bbc news. we are going to be building up to the inauguration of donald trump as president of america throughout the week. our correspondent has been talking to voters on both sides of the
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divide about their expectations of the new president. the northern ireland secretary has announced that elections will be held in the province following the colla pse held in the province following the collapse of its power—sharing executive. he said it will take place on march the 2nd. no one should underestimate the challenge faced to the political institutions here in northern ireland, and what is at stake. while it is inevitable that debate during an election period will be intense, i would strongly encourage the political parties to conduct this election with a view to the future of northern ireland, and re—establishing a partnership government at the earliest opportunity after that election. this is essential to the operation of devolved government. and this
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means that all must remain open to dialogue. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. german and french leaders have criticised donald trump who has praised button‘s decision to leave the european union. in bangladesh, 26 people have been sentenced to death for seven gruesome murders. many of the convicted are members of an elite police unit. the killings were part of a regional power struggle. bbc bengali has more on that. the bbc has been told that thousands of people are leaving gambia every day because they fear violence. the opposition won a recent election — and the new president's inauguration is planned for thursday. but president yahya jammeh, who lost, is refusing to stand down. more on bbc world service radio. the billboard lights
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at picadilly circus in london have been switched off for renovations. aside from the occasional power cut or special event, this is the first time they've gone off since world war two. the first brand to advertise in lights at picadilly circus was perrier in 1908. americans are today celebrating martin luther king jr day — remembering his role as a civil rights leader. but the president—elect has come under fire for attacking another of america's revered civil rights campaigners — congressman john lewis. this exchange of views began like this. more than two dozen democratic
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members of congress say they will boycott mr trump's inauguration because of it. things get said on both sides in the heat of emotion. at some point we have got to move forward. people are literally probably dying. how do we feed people, who do because people, who do we create the best education system ? our correspondent is live. that was
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a strong comment from the congressmen. yes, the congressman john congressmen. yes, the congressmanjohn lewis was talking about not feeling this is a legitimate incoming president because of russian interference in the election, so that is right congressmanjohn the election, so that is right congressman john lewis said the election, so that is right congressmanjohn lewis said what he said on friday, donald trump of course went on his favourite medium twitter, because he is so sensitive a few days ahead of this inauguration about this idea that he is somehow not a legitimate president because of what the russians did. and remember he has only reluctantly accepted that the russians might have intervened. but donald trump because he is thin—skinned he responded to congressmen lewis comer that democrats and african americans see this as a twitter war that is
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happening on the weekend that the first black president is about to leave office, they see it as sensitive, donald trump's supporters say he is fighting back against somebody who attacked him so what is legitimate. so this boycott is because this happened on a certain weekend because it was directed at this man and because it is not fair? i am trying to understand the pressure point. it isa point. it is a broader picture that many democrats, many people of colour feel that donald trump is not respectful of struggle, that republicans rolled back the voting rights act, and this is something that martin luther king's son discredited the donald trump, that the rights of minorities and the
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deans of the civil rights leader could be under threat from a donald trump administration. this is something that many democrats and african americans worry about. this isa african americans worry about. this is a flash point for the wider issues and fears, and after a bruising and divisive campaign in which donald trump said essentially that inner—city blacks are badly off and final thought for him because what the democrats ever do for them, many said that was patronising and not accurate. and this team up in the exchange withjohn lewis —— this came up in the exchange. it is a misunderstanding that goes back a long way and has poignancy because this is the weekend that martin luther king, the civil rights icon, that america celebrates his birthday. oxfam's making a startling claim today — that the world's eight
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richest people have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population. that's 3.6 billion people. oxfam based this claim on data from forbes and credit suisse. six out of eight are american — and they're all men. deborah hardoon of oxfam wrote the r this is a very powerful illustration ofan this is a very powerful illustration of an economy that is working incredibly well for the privileged few but incredibly badly for pretty much everyone else. look at the wealth of the bottom half of the planet. there is barely anything but. it is a quarter of i% of global wealth between 3.6 billion people. about well they do not have assets
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to create a likelihood, you do not have the ability to respond to a medical bill or a pure harvest. this puts you in a vulnerable situation, compared to having a lot of wealth, power and influence, that those at the top do. there has been criticisms about how oxfam has done its calculations. the institute of economic affairs has said. and that there is not the only attack on the methodology. the spectator magazine's editor fraser nelson has said. that is because the wii oxfam looked at this, a large amount of debt is taken away from assets and cash that you may have and as such some people who may be
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very wealthy with large debt, can appear to be cooler than perhaps they are. —— can appear to be less well off than perhaps they are. from next year, air india is reserving six economy class seats for women on domestic flights. a company spokesman says, "we feel it is our responsibility to enhance comfort level to female passengers." people have a mixed reaction because in india other modes such as trains, the metro, local trains, as well as buses, there has always been reservations, some seats always reserved for women. but that is something about an aircraft, perhaps because it is more upmarket, that something like this is very unusual,
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and perhaps does not exist. the domestic airline industry in india, it is booming like never before, so as it gets bigger, some of the problems seen on other modes of the problems seen on other modes of transport are starting to crossover? it is true that indian domestic airline sector has been booming. we have some cheap and affordable airlines. the traffic is much higher thanit airlines. the traffic is much higher than it used to be some musical. having said that, in india in domestic airlines you cannot serve alcohol. conversations with air hostesses in the past, sometimes men can misbehave when they are drunk, it is interesting that this airline's decision to introduce plastic handcuffs and reserved seats, is to do with domestic flights that are shorter, so all the reasoning that was being given in the past, none of those excuses are
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valid, and that is why some of the reaction has been of annoyance. no this report is looking ahead to donald trump's inauguration on friday. milwaukee, known for its harsh winters, for making cheese and beer, and though for its roll and america's fragile new politics. this is no place forfragile. junior ice hockey. this is the green bayjunior gamblers. jonathan is coaching the underlyings. he likes donald trump because he is different, a nonpolitician, an outsider. it goes back to an alternative that is outside of the box. a different viewpoint. he is a billionaire, he is not every man. he certainly is not but i think there is something to be said for him being able to
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relate to a plumber, a welder, a teacher. the state of wisconsin switched sides in this election. the large white working—class electorate normally votes democrat, but this time they chose donald trump. they like giving new things a try here, evenif like giving new things a try here, even if it is risky. some of america's top ice athletes practice on this rink. i understood than, but you are not doing this. nancy was an olympian batters know a coach. you are not doing this. nancy was an olympian batters know a coachm you are not doing this. nancy was an olympian batters know a coach. it is time to be a little risky. she said donald trump can bring a winner ‘s mindset to the white house. he makes a decision, he gets it done. do you have reservations about what he said about women for example? everybody who is the island and has some reservations because they do not but the truth about that they are hoping
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that at this point in his life he has put this behind him. wisconsin have voted donald trump but only by 196. have voted donald trump but only by 1%. some here are still struggling with the result. this is one of the most important jobs in with the result. this is one of the most importantjobs in the world and iam not most importantjobs in the world and i am not certain that he is prepared for it. but this person is willing to give him a chance even though as a muslim she is worried by some of his policies. i look on the bright side. we have two we conceive what happens. you sound like you i may be a little nervous. yes, i might be. we heard that a lot here. a desire to unite, but an acceptance that that may not be easy. i will be back in a couple of minutes time. parts of the central us have been
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crippled by an ice storm over the weekend and into monday as well. the battle between cold and warm air that has produced freezing rain, liquid dream that has a temperature well below zero that turns to ice on impact, the weight of the ice bringing down power lines, there have been a number of power outages. trees have been snapped by the weight of the ice build—up. there have been numerous car accidents. freezing rain starts as snow high up the earth's atmosphere but it encounters warm air off the ground and as snow melts it turns to rain. that rain can then fall through a layer of very cold air near the surface of the earth at the start here is cold enough you can get liquid drained with a temperature below zero which turns to ice as soon as it touches anything. over the next few days this area of low
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pressure will take the rain towards new york. it will be cold dream that will arrive here. a risk of flooding across british colombia. one metre of snow building up in places like whistler. we go from droughts to flood across parts of zimbabwe and mozambique because of an area of low pressure bringing heavy falls of rain. southern mozambique could pick up rain. southern mozambique could pick up100 rain. southern mozambique could pick up 100 millimetres — 200 millilitres of rain over the next few days. they knew that, over the last few days in the pyrenees, there has been 1.5 metres of snowfall in a ski resort, that has led to high avalanche risks, five out of five on the warning scale, if you are off to the pyrenees for skiing take heed of those avalanches, they could be massive. low pressure in the mediterranean is bringing snow into south—east europe, we have seen out on high ground in north greece, and parts of bulgaria, macedonia, and serbia. more of that snow to come. temperature is quite close to normal
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across central and eastern europe. still cold, but new to normal. in the uk high pressure dominating the picture about a week whether fun is going to bring some damp weather overnight. another burst of rain working across scotland is pushing southwards into the north of england and wales. missed and hill fog patches, but from most of us frost free. we could have one or two patches of frost and fog here. tuesday, some sunshine across eastern areas of england, otherwise a lot of cloud around, and with this week weather fronts the prospect of damp weather at times for northern england and wales. that is your latest forecast. in 30 minutes we will have a long—range look at the uk weather. these are some of the main stories.
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these are some of the main stories. the german and french leaders have defended europe against remarks by donald trump who praised britain's voted to leave the european union and said he believed other countries would follow suit. in kurdistan the death toll from a boeing 747 aeroplane crash has gone over 30. it crashed into a village close to the airport where it was trying to land. we will have some of the best squash action from new york and we will have astonishing footage of the solo race around the world. and we have got a report from south korea about an effort to rehouse
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