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tv   BBC News Special  BBC News  January 20, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm GMT

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congratulations, mr help me god. congratulations, mr president. in his inaugural address, donald trump promised the assembled crowd that america should unite, and he will make america great again. and you can see the live pictures now of andrews air force base, just outside washington, where barack obama and michelle obama have arrived on an official helicopter to say goodbye to their members of staff. then they will get on a plane that looks remarkably like airports one, but because it's no longer the president travelling, it's no longer called air force one. this is a very emotional day for presidents as they leave office. he may be relieved after eight very busy years, and a gruelling election campaign to be leaving office. there he is, barack
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obama. and his wife, michelle obama, coming down the steps of the helicopter. issuing the umbrella thatis helicopter. issuing the umbrella that is on offer. he has told americans that he will be quiet for a moment now, he and his wife will ta ke a moment now, he and his wife will take time and sit back and not be heard from, leaving space for the new president to take over and command the international and national spotlight. they say goodbye to people who have served them for the last 80 as, many who they will know personally, the military and oui’ know personally, the military and our force personnel there. know personally, the military and ourforce personnel there. he had seen the president of from andrews air force base as he has gone on foreign trips. he has worked with these people for eight years, and now he says goodbye to them, thanks them for their services. this is a tradition of departing presidents will stop they have moments, all the
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white house staff will be gathered at building, and he will take time to address thank them. an emotional time for white house staff, because it's not just time for white house staff, because it's notjust that he is leaving office, but that the transfer of power is so complete to the other side, to the republican side, and the democrats are now on the back footin the democrats are now on the back foot in washington and in the white house. and that the transition of power that not have been more complete. let's have a quick listen to donald trump as he took the oath of office just over an hour ago on the steps of the capitol, behind me. please raise your right hand and repeat after me, i don notjohn trump do solemnly swear. i donald don trump do solemnly swear. that i will faithfully execute. that i will faithfully execute. that i will faithfully execute.
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the office of president of the united states. the office of the president of the united states. and well, to the best of my ability. well, to the best of my ability. preserve, protect and defend. reserve, protect and defend. the constitution of the united states. so help me god. so help me god. congratulations, mr president. the moments when the transfer of power was complete. he went on to getan power was complete. he went on to get an inaugural address that was a rallying cry for change in this country, a direct address to his supporters, saying the power is being taken away from washington and handed back to you, and from now on, it will be only america first. january 20 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the
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rulers of this nation again. applause the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. everyone is listening to you now. you came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of weight the world has never seen the likes of weight the world has never seen before. that's the likes of which. at the centre of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens. americans, want great schools for their children, safe neighbourhoods for their families, and greatjobs neighbourhoods for their families, and great jobs for themselves. neighbourhoods for their families, and greatjobs for themselves. these arejust and and greatjobs for themselves. these are just and reasonable demands of
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righteous people and a righteous public. but for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. mothers and children, trapped in poverty, in our inner cities. rusted—out factories, scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation. an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. and the crying, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much on realise potential. —— unrealised potential. this carnage stops right here and stopped right now. applause we are one nation, and their pain is
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oui’ we are one nation, and their pain is our pain. their dreams are our pain. theirdreams are our our pain. their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. we share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny. the oath of office i take today is an oath of allegiance to all americans. applause for many decades, we've enriched foreign investor ray at the expense of american investors. subsidise the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. we've defended other nations‘ borders, wild or refusing to defend oui’ borders, wild or refusing to defend our own. let's go back to andrews air force
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base where barack obama is about to address white house staff members. he promises he's about to become it is now he's leaving office, but that is now he's leaving office, but that is one last time we will hear from him, which is now as he addresses white house staff, thanks them as he says goodbye. it is gruelling working in the white house, we heard earlier today from a former member of the bush white house who says she ended up sleeping on a sofa in the wetwa ng ended up sleeping on a sofa in the wetwang halve the time because the hours are so long. so fit —— server in the west wing. band plays the american national anthem. barack obama, mouthing the words to
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national anthem, singing along to the star spangled banner. this is a moving and difficult moment for the obamas. they are leaving office, and in some way is, shedding the cares of the presidency must be a relief, and i'm short that vacation in california is going to bea vacation in california is going to be a welcome relief, but you can't help but feel that this has also been a tough day for them, and you can see been a tough day for them, and you can see it on michelle obama's phase as she says goodbye to washington and the white house staff, knowing they are handing over to someone has a very different philosophy to theirs, and is a very different type of political animalfrom theirs, and is a very different type of political animal from her husband, barack obama. they're please be seated. curious, barack obama addressing the
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star. hello, everybody! you know, michelle and i, we've really been milking this goodbye thing. so it behoves me to be very reef. —— very brief. yes, yes. i said to be very reef. —— very brief. yes, yes. isaid before, and i will say again, that when we started on this journey, we did so with an abiding faith in the american people and their ability, our ability, to join
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together and change the country. in ways that would make life better for oui’ ways that would make life better for our kids and grandkids, that change didn't happen from the top—down, but happened from the bottom up. it was met sometimes with scepticism and doubt. some folks didn't think we could pull it off. there were those who felt that the institutions of power and privilege in this country we re power and privilege in this country were too deeply entrenched. and yet, all of you came together, in small towns and big cities, our whole bunch of you really young, and you decided to believe. you knocked on
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doors and made phone calls and you talked to your parents, who didn't know how to pronounce barack obama, and you got to know each other. and you went into communities that maybe you went into communities that maybe you never had thought about visiting, and met people that, on the surface, seemed completely different from you. didn't look like you alexis... so comic here we are seeing donald trump now for stop the feed we are now reliant on coming into us. it has switched from barack obama, quite right, of course, to the new,
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the transition of power in one television feed! there you go. he's still in capitol hill, waiting for his lunch. he has orders to sign, which allow for his appointees to ta ke which allow for his appointees to take over power. some of them have already been signed, but he has business to do. he says he wants to hit the ground running, and intends to start work for the american people straightaway. and here he is, starting work. but, it also, of course, provides for a portrait. he is signing orders, these are staff orders, not executive orders, as far as we understand. they are part of the function of government. it looks like he's still getting instructions, maybe he doesn't quite know what it is a has to sign either. that's paul ryan there, telling him what it is he needs to do. and for the first time, he will
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be signing as president of the united states. go to. very good. looking relaxed. mike pence behind him, his vice president. paul ryan. nancy pelosi, the democratic leader of the house. let's see if we can listen in. take that pen. this one i'm signing quite a few times, folks. this is for rex, i assume he was
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approved today? laughter it's coming, right, chuck? it's coming, right, chuck? it looks like you added some letters in your naming? donald trump there, signing orders. mostly routine orders now, these are not executive, legislative orders, they are to do with his staffing, and they have to be signed by him. we saw donald trump there with his first business, his first signatures, as resident of the united states. and watching him with his family to those around him as well, the vice president, of course. let's go to nick bryants, you watch that inaugural address, i haven't had a chance to speak to you since the present stop speaking, what did you make of it?
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i thought it sounded like a campaign speech, to be honest. so many of those things he said on the campaign, speaking to the people on those rallies, the forgotten people, as he called them. sure, there were some flowery rhetoric about national unity and living under the same sky and stars, and having the same dreams. but so many of the themes he is dropped with a hallmark themes of his campaign, the america—first rhetoric, which was the bedrock of his political campaign. and that rest at the end, the make america great again rest. which, if you've been at any of the rallies, you've heard repeated, and did more than anything else to help him win the white house. the own creation was a bit like those rallies too. he was heckled throughout his speech, many
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people wearing red caps. this was a different and operation to normal, donald trump's speech sounded like a continuation of his campaign. it was a strongly nationalistic speech, he said, from now on, every decision he makes on trade, and taxes, is going to be about putting america first, and in a sense, the world will have to get used to this new world order. you see him there, still waiting for his lunch, but before he has his lunch, he has to sign various papers. let's listen laughter price! she doesn't get a vote. tom prize, a he's going to be terrific.
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laughter mr president, that's a great pen. he did very well yesterday, rick perry. he's better ben carson. —— dan carson. this is a tough group of people. they're learning the hard way. education, writes? i know chuck
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wa nted education, writes? i know chuck wanted it. this is a rough group! next. i think we're going to need some more pens. labour. where's kelly? he's going to do a good job. 0k, ok, this is a person who's gotten rave reviews, this is the veterans administration, i'll let you make the trade. this is what a lot of people once,
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john kelly, he's a good man. chuck, put the cap on, or you're we nt chuck, put the cap on, or you're went to get your shirt stained. john kelly. he should get something. i getting some more pens back there? it's any core number. i think it's any core number. ithink dan it's any core number. i think dan is a good man, right? so there you have donald trump, signing orders that will allow his cabinet nominees to take up their positions. they haven't been
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confirmed yet, they have to be confirmed yet, they have to be confirmed first of all by the senate, once they're confirms, these are the orders that will allow them to become the cabinet members. it's the first thing the president — i was about to say president elect — but the presidents, donald trump, is doing. we heard on being called present —— mr president by nancy policy, the top democrat in the house of representatives. this is a republican tableau, there are a two democrats here, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, but otherwise this represents the transfer of power not just from barack obama to donald trump, but from the democratic party to the republican party as well. i'm joined here by a former spokesperson of the republican national committee. they give very much for joining me. you watch the
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inauguration and listen to the speech. as a former spokesperson of it's speech. as a former spokesperson of its public national committee, what did you make of it? it was a short speech. that's not unusual, john f kennedy's was very short. the themes were what you have heard throughout the campaign and the reasons why donald trump is now president. you heard a lot about america first. it is important to know that a country should be sovereign. but that a strong country isa sovereign. but that a strong country is a strong ally, so i don't think this is anything about saying we don't want to do business with other countries — which he did reference in the speech, saying this is not about being antagonistic to the world start but we had to take care of business at home. it is very different, i was thinking back to president bush's second address, which was an address in
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which the president spoke about america are spreading democracy in the world. it was a globally orientated speech. this was an american is heightened sense of speech. it was an american—centred speech, but goes back to americans having concerned that we haven't paid enough attention to our country, that's on the infrastructure. and started with the ward? that is true to an extent, focusing not just that is true to an extent, focusing notjust on that is true to an extent, focusing not just on the that is true to an extent, focusing notjust on the economy, not that you don't just look abroad, notjust on the economy, not that you don'tjust look abroad, but that you don'tjust look abroad, but that you are a stronger ally to your friends around the world. —— you are a stronger ally to your friends around the world. -- started with the iraq ward. in what way can he set out to achieve what he put forward in that is speech, he sets the bar high? he does, he says —— is speech, he sets the bar high? he does, he says -- he does, he says he
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will start immediately. i think you will see him rolling back regulations that i believe, and many people in this country believe, have put strains on the us economy, 01’ even have put strains on the us economy, or even stopping people who have jobs from getting the type of wages that should be getting. i think you will see that immediately. that'll be on things dealing with health repeal, environmental regulations, a whole host of things i think you'll see him getting to work on very soon, possibly today, certainly early next week. ebola watching this from around the world, seeing the american economy, saying that my goodness, what's the problem? you've got good growth compare to other countries, the dollar is strong. because 2%growth in our economy is not want to be. unemployment below 5%is not bad?
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when you peel back the covers and look under the hood you realise that is because many people have dropped out of the labour force and stopped looking for work. that is one reason, when you see numbers like that, you say, why are people still hurting? donald trump wrapping up this section —— session of signing orders. heading with members of congress to go for lunch. they're running a little behind. they have this celebratory lunch that he and mel annie are sure will go to with all the other members of his family. —— mullaly trump will go to. it is a tradition that pens are handed out after the signing. you see the statues around the hall, and the trumpfamily statues around the hall, and the trump family will come in and enjoy lunch with members of congress. let's get back to talking about the agenda that donald trump has laid
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out, specifically this issue of jobs. that was an oral speech about americanjobs. white micro that was what the focus of the speech was, and what he says the focus of the speech will be. he says that many of those jobs that have been lost, as you know, have not been lost because of trade or immigrants, they've been lost because a computer chip has taken it over? that's not going to change. the industrial world changes and business changes and innovation changes, but that's defatted issue. we have been looking at the united states corporate tax, which is much higher than other parts of the world. if you go to places like islands, for example, where we've lost many american companies setting up lost many american companies setting up headquarters in ireland. it's greater islands, i don't own them for that, but white we're trying to be more competitive when other
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countries around the world want to set their headquarters up here two that's been going on for a long time, it's not just that's been going on for a long time, it's notjust about trade, it's part of the equation. do you think that manufacturing jobs in america are going to come back in perhaps the way that donald trump supporters believe they might do? or is that era over? is it going to look like it did in the 19505, no. idon't is it going to look like it did in the 19505, no. i don't think that's what people expected, what they do expect i5 what people expected, what they do expect is for their elected officials to do everything they can to make sure we have the best economic environment in this country for us workers to survive. i think many people don't believe that's what lawmakers of either party have been doing. there are mines, donald trump is been doing. there are mines, donald trump i5a been doing. there are mines, donald trump is a republican presidents, indeed, but hears that core a disrupter. i, as a republican, but
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really as a conservative, think that is good, this town needs shaking up, both parties were too set in their ways, but have special interests they too often cater to. donald trump has made it clear time and again, and! trump has made it clear time and again, and i hope he governs this way, that of the american people will be his special interests, and he began his sweet that way. exactly what he said in his inaugural speech. the democrats are on the back foot for the next four yea rs, on the back foot for the next four years, they have a lot of rebuilding work to do in their party, but the arrogance be a lot of republican members in congress and the senate saying, we agree with some of what donald trump wants to do, but not all of it. in some ways, donald trump is not a conservative republican a5 trump is not a conservative republican as they might define it? when i look donald trump, and see what he said as he plays it out, i think he's very much a pragmatist. a5a
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think he's very much a pragmatist. as a conservative, i'm not scared about, because i think conservative ideas work. i'm disco to interrupt you, this another important moment. barack obama saying goodbye to the members of white house staff and their families. this is a difficult moment for any president, george bush went to the same thing. bittersweet. yes, i'm sure in some ways he's relieved to leave office, it's a gruelling job, there's nothing else like the president of the item says that a man's stamina. eight years is enough! we say often it we see how presidents have days when they leave office, obama looks great. he has high approval ratings, he leaves office a popular man. i think that's a good thing, a good thing for the transfer of power. the fa ct thing for the transfer of power. the fact is people don't begrudge the president and want a good
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transition. history to time and i5, ultimately, the way it's written about any president, that one day out will be different from the way people are writing 20 years from now. we mention approval ratings, donald trump comes into office with historically low approval ratings for a president elect, down in the 40%. in for a president elect, down in the a0%. in fact, for a president elect, down in the a0%. infact, his for a president elect, down in the a0%. in fact, his approval ratings have dropped since the election, which is almost unheard of. how concerned are you about that? you want your number is to be high, but the polls haven't been right about donald trump for most of this election season. nobody thought it was going to be presidents, he defied those thoughts. the matter what people think about him, he wa nts to what people think about him, he wants to do a good job. donald trump's going into the hall for the lunch. hear someone, donald trump's going into the hall forthe lunch. hearsomeone, no matter what he says, he does watch the polls. he will want to be
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popular. i think he knows if he does do what he said he was going to do, he can turn that around. i think he believes that family. i don't think he's worries about the numbers today, because he hasn't had a chance to govern yet. that's what 5ta rt5 chance to govern yet. that's what starts as of right now, and think he will say, a5k starts as of right now, and think he will say, ask me next week, asking after the first 100 days. narnia is there anything about his communication style, his use of twitter for example, which she would urge him to change? -- is there anything? absolutely no. one of the reasons he was elected because the way he said it. he was not going to try and hide behind words and one—liners and talking points. he said what he thought. even people who thought, that was front and centre, he said what he thought. people know he is
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going to tell us what he thinks, and also tell the folks down here at the capitol. i think he's been very straightforward, he's not going to do what... he said, i'm here to represent you, and he's going to be tough on everybody. so there you have it, donald trump coming into lunch, you can see his son eric standing right there, they've already come in, they are waiting now for donald trump, the 45th president of the united states, for the ceremonial lunch, and then the parade will begin, these inauguration festivities are not over. for the moment, we will leave you here from capitol hill. you can watch the rest of this delicious lunch. i know it involves lobster and
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shrimp and beef. even though donald trump himself does not drink. let's just take you back, as we were hearing, donald trump and his family now. . . ladies and gentlemen, kevin mccarthy, accompanied by mrs mccarthy. attending this celebratory lunch for the 45th president of the united states, donald trump has already signed some executive orders, we saw them handing out different pens for each order as is the tradition. and giving them to the members of his team, there's nancy pelosi walking in there now. and just on the
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reuters news agency in the last couple of minutes, already in power, donald trump now says he will develop a missile defence system against iran, north korea, his administration intends to develop a state—of—the—art defence system to protect against attacks from iran and north korea. i think that's the first statement, posted on the website within minutes of his inauguration. no more details about where the system would differ from those already under development or its costs or indeed how it will be paid for. these pictures live as we can see from capitol hill, donald trump about how to his first celebratory lunch, having already signed his first executive orders.
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meanwhile, back at andrews air force base, barack meanwhile, back at andrews air force base, ba rack obama meanwhile, back at andrews air force base, barack obama and michelle about to board that flight, the burden of office, the responsibility of office now removed from him. this flight of office now removed from him. this flight taking them down to california for a few days —— a few days' rest, to catch up on some sleep, the last flight for the former president barack obama, michelle, the former first lady. former president barack obama, michelle, the formerfirst lady. a5 they go down for a few days in california. barack they go down for a few days in california. ba rack obama they go down for a few days in california. barack obama saying that in fact he will not be making any comments, he's not going to comment
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on international matters for a few weeks, but they will curiously and quite unusually be moving back to washington, because one of their daughters is in high school. so, president trump, first lady melania, about to attend but lunch —— that lunch. earlier, a5 about to attend but lunch —— that lunch. earlier, as he was signing those executive orders, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. let's just listen. band plays. ladies and gentlemen, the president
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of the united states, donald trump and melania trump. music: hail to the chief. applause. applause well, as president trump and melania
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go to the table, you can see bill clinton and hillary, they will be announced by the chairman and his wife at this lunch, and then there will also be an indication —— and address. mr vice president, honoured guests, welcome to this inaugural luncheon. thejoint congressional
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welcome to this inaugural luncheon. the joint congressional committee has been pleased to host this lunch at least since 1953 with president eisenhower. in 1981 president reagan's first inauguration, the lunch took its current form and moved to this grand hall. it served until 1857 as the chamber of the house of representatives. the statues that line the walls of this room are placed throughout the capital —— capitol, and they recognise important figures in our national history. the collection doesn't change very often, but since this lunch wa5 doesn't change very often, but since this lunch was held the last time it has had several additions. rosa parks is now in statuary hall, and she is seated rather than standing, as she should be. when she died in
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2005, she was one of the few people who had never served in any public office or served in the military to be laid in honour in their capitol rotunda. another addition, the leader of the green revolution, this was about his great efforts to feed people, demands in food production, and he was really a leader in that area in talking —— and in talking to the governor last night about what's going to happen as world food doubles —— world food demand doubles in the next 45 years. barry goldwater, an inspiration to a generation of conservatives, wa5 added to statuary hall, and thomas edison of ohio, who discovered more than 10,000 ways not to make a light
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bulb until he discovered the one way to make that light bulb. the painting in the middle of the room is from a great missouri artist, george bingham, he did three election series, the painting here, a three painting series, one was the cou nty a three painting series, one was the county election and this is "verdict of the people." in the 18505 when this was painted, often it was several days after the election before the results were announced, and all kinds of people are in this painting, people from all walks of life, people who are excited, confused, people who wonder what's happened and people who wonder what's going to happen, they are all there. actually he painted this painting about the same time that in this very room some of the least successful debates in the history of our country were successful debates in the history of our country were being held, and of course we paid the price for not
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being able to find solutions. now, one of my favourite statues in the building is in a room that i have here in the capitol right now, i had it in the whips' office when i was a whip. nobody knows who it is. i don't mean nobody here can guess who it is, i mean nobody knows who it i5, and nobody‘s known since about 1930. couldn't have been in the capitol building more than about 100 yea rs capitol building more than about 100 years before people began to wonder who is this person? and i think it's a great reminder that what we do here is a lot more important than who we are. so we have worked in front of us, it is a wonderful opportunity, it is a great day, and iam asking opportunity, it is a great day, and i am asking barry black, the chaplain of the senate, to come and give us our opening prayer. there will now be a short prayer, we
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understand, and then the lunch will start. and the menu, maine lobster and gulf shrimp, with a saffron sauce and peanut crumble. just to whet your appetite. second course, grilled seven hills angus beef with a dark chocolate and juniperjuice and potato gratin, and then a chocolate souffle with cherry vanilla ice cream. donald trump himself a teetotaller, so his guests -- his himself a teetotaller, so his guests —— his guests to having californian champagne and californian red and white chardonnay. and a black stallion 2012. but as i say, donald trump does not drink, and neither do his children. well, it is a little
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under two hours since donald trump was sworn in as america's 45th president... his family and the members of his cabinet, with the shield of your divine protection in favour. made president trump seek your wisdom, justice and grace, leading with your strength, which reaches out to those on life's margins. the lost, lonely, last, least and left out. may he remember that those who would leave a legacy of greatness must strive to become servants of all. lord, inspire our president to perform his god
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appointed duties, with such reverence for you that his tenure will be like the sun, shining forth ona will be like the sun, shining forth on a cloudless morning, like a rainbow after a storm, and like the singing of the birds at dawn. bless our food and fellowship, we pray, in your sovereign name, ahmed. —— amen. lunch will be served. the address, the prayer, the prayers, and now lunch. so donald trump, the 45th president of the united states, with first lady melania now, sitting down
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toa first lady melania now, sitting down to a lunch of maine lobster and shrimp, with a saffron sauce and peanut crumble and some angus beef as well with a dark chocolate and juniperjuice. so, as well with a dark chocolate and juniper juice. so, let's just as well with a dark chocolate and juniperjuice. so, let'sjust take you back a few hours. as i say, the inaugural oath, or the inauguration of donald trump, happened at that two hours' ago, with the oath being sworn, 45 words long... let's just remind us of that both. the office of president of the united states. the office of president of the united states. and will to the best of my ability... preserve, protect and defend... the constitution of the united states. the constitution of the united states. so help me god. so help me god.
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congratulations, mr president. well, a moment that many never predicted when this race started, when donald trump announced he would be standing asa trump announced he would be standing a5 a candidate. the first thing he did actually when he walked to the platform just before delivering that oath wa5 platform just before delivering that oath was a thumbs up, and then after this oath, a rallying, nationalistic speech, promising americans who voted for him that he would always put america first. hear these words, he said, you will never be ignored again. a campaign, he said, of buying american infrastructure, creating jobs, and taking the focus away from the political class in
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washington and interesting power back with americans outside the capital. this gun salute, a5 is traditional, following his swearing of the oath. well, already in the last ten minutes or so, the first policy announcement from the white house, it's about a missile defence system to protect the country against any attacks from north korea or iran. no detail about quite how much that would cost, or indeed where it was going to be positioned. let's just get some reaction though now from two countries which have been playing very largely in this campaign, and indeed in the new presidency. steve rosenberg is in moscow for us, and will grant joins us from in mexico city. what sort of reaction so far there?
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a lot of coverage here. the whole ceremony was shown live on russian state television, and i think a lot of what donald trump said in his speech will have been music to moscow's is. things like donald trump's pledge that the us will not impose its lifestyle on anyone else, and his criticism that the us had defended other nations‘ borders and not its own. also his comments that the us had spent trillions of dollars overseas, in other words, it was time for america to focus on america. that will have struck a chord here, because moscow has long criticised us administrations for interfering or meddling a5 criticised us administrations for interfering or meddling as the russians often put it, in other parts of the world and particularly ina part parts of the world and particularly in a part of the world that russia considers to be its sphere of influence, countries like ukraine
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and georgia, and i suspect that after hearing that speech, moscow may well see an opportunity now to increase its influence or restore its influence in the former soviet space. one of the first policy announcements was about this missile defence system. not quite sure about the cost, but when it comes to the actual defence spending and budget, donald trump has made it pretty clear already that he wants to bring reduction of nuclear weapons, although a few weeks beforehand, he basically said he would match nuclear weapons with russia as well. yes, i think the russians were slightly confused by those mixed messages, and they have been waiting for the donald trump to be sworn in as president and see what his first steps will be. missile defence is a thorny issue, the defence shield that america has already been installing in eastern europe, russia
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sees that particular missile shield asa sees that particular missile shield a5 a threat to its national security. and it's been one of the many disagreements with —— between moscow and washington. ok. steve, thanks very much. will in mexico city, presumably a lot of coverage there as well. but some sort of trepidation about what the future holds no? absolutely, for everything that steve mentions that was music to moscow's is, there were alarm bells in donald trump's address, being sounded in mexico. the mention of american carnage, about the shuttered factories, scattered like tombstones across the country. that from this day forward it would be america first, and that they would follow two simple rules, by american, higher american. that follow two simple rules, by american, higheramerican. that is very worrying if you are in mexican
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labour are all working in a mexican factory producing goods for the united states. particularly for us carfirms, i'm thinking united states. particularly for us car firms, i'm thinking of the re ce nt car firms, i'm thinking of the recent closure of a $1.6 billion plant, car assembly plant by ford, which was going to employee a significant number of people in that community, but has now redirected —— is redirecting some of the funds to match again instead. so this was a very nationalist, protectionist speech in many ways, and certainly in mexico there will be a lot of people who will be very concerned, notjust for theirjobs people who will be very concerned, not just for theirjobs but also of course the rhetoric about the wall but has peppered his entire campaign and that this will continue. there is also a fear for a lot of mexicans being sent money by relatives in the united states that there will be a
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cut to those tax remittances a5 well? i mean, it's not easy to do, that, underour well? i mean, it's not easy to do, that, under our all sorts of legal ramifications, but it's been posited by the trump administration and might be seen as a way to get mexico to pay for the wall as he puts it. it isa to pay for the wall as he puts it. it is a very complex picture, it is honestly very, very early, but there are going to be some thorny issues ahead, remittances is one, jobs in mexico with us firms is another, of course the wall and cross—border immigration is another. because we have had a speech which was about looking inward and defending america first, there are distinct cages rattled in mexico i would say. stay with us. steve, what is being mooted in terms of the first meeting
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between president putin and president we haven't had any details of that. russian state television a few days ago suggested the meeting would happen pretty soon. but we haven't got a date for it. there will probably be a telephone conversation between the two leaders sometime soon, and then preparations will start for a meeting. and on russian television today, a leading nationalist politician, a famous firebrand, he said the main thing now was to get the two leaders together for a now was to get the two leaders togetherfor a one on one, to basically solve the world's problems, he said. and i think russia sees donald trump a5 a businessman, who it can do deals with. and the russians want to do a big deal, a grand bargain, with washington. for the last couple of yea rs washington. for the last couple of years the russians have suffered from sanctions, and i think they
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believe that donald trump is the man to re m ove believe that donald trump is the man to remove the sanctions. steve and will, thank you very much indeed. well, the new president, donald trump, now having lunch, maine lobster and aberdeen angus with his wife milani and the political class of washington, the political class he was very critical of in his inaugural speech. —— wrote milani. let's leave you with some of the highlights of what has been a momentous day for the united states. music: "the star spangled banner"
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please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i will faithfully execute the office of the president of the united states. congratulations, mr president. applause and cheering from this day forward, it's going to be only america first, america first. more on that inauguration in the
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next few minutes. before that, let's catch up with the weather forecast. good evening. the temperatures are already falling away, but it has been a smashing day for money. this was sent in by our weather watcher helen. that weather front will prevent the frost for those parts of southern scotland, far northern parts of england where we have the cloud, and northern ireland, but the than that temperatures will fall quite markedly overnight, there's very little wind so the potential for a little wind so the potential for a little bit of freezing fog. for the likes of northern england are printed northern scotland and
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possibly northern ireland, so quite widely a frost overnight and quite a sharp frost again in some areas, and colder this time for northern england and much of scotland, which scotla nd scotland as well will enjoy means scotland as well will enjoy the sunshine on what's looking like a mainly dry weekend. but it will be cold by night, and chile by day. it would take a while for this temperatures to lift and the fog to clear away. —— chilly. temperatures to lift and the fog to clearaway. —— chilly. for scotland, after very little sunshine all week it looks much sunnier for the likes of glasgow and edinburgh. northern ireland could see a few breaks in the cloud, but for north—eastern areas later on, just that weather front advances in, bringing in a few bit5 front advances in, bringing in a few bits of rain, possibly a few snow flurries over the pennines. more cloud a5 flurries over the pennines. more cloud as well comes in across south—western parts of england, possibly wales, not a sunny here,
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and cold even with the sunshine, three to five celsius. saturday night another cold one, particularly under clear skies. perhaps not as widely sharp frost, but still will be called first thing sunday morning with some freezing fog. on balance sunday looks like the cloudy day of the two this weekend, but there will still be a lot of dry weather, with a few wintry grains further east. this high pressure is keeping the weather fronts at bay; keeps with us until the beginning of next week. welcome back to washington, where donald trump ha5 welcome back to washington, where donald trump has been sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. i'm katty kay, bringing extraordinary day of it ceremony and celebration in washington. donald
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trump looked relaxed ahead of the ceremony, showing no sign of nerves before he took the oath of office. preserve, protect and defend. the constitution of the united states. the constitution of the united states. so help me god. so help me god. president trump then promised the
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