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tv   100 Days  BBC News  February 6, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm GMT

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hello and welcome to 100 days. the white house goes to court to try to enforce its immigration ban. donald trump attacks what he calls the "so—called judge" who blocked his plans. this stage is now set for a constitutional clash between the president and the judiciary. the president is addressing servicemen and women in florida now — we'll have the latest. "you think our country's so innocent?" says trump when asked about putin's alleged crimes. are the us and russia's actions morally equivalent? also on the programme... i would not wish to issue an invitation to president trump to speak in the royal gallery. the speaker of the house of commons has hosted the chinese president and the emir of kuwait, but he doesn't want the us president addressing parliament on a state visit. and how is president trump going to breathe new life into the us labour market? we will take a look at the numbers. hello and welcome to 100 days.
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i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser is in london. president trump in the last hour has been speaking to members of the us armed forces in tampa, florida. this is his first addressed to troops as their commander—in—chief and he has been speaking in particular about nato. we have your back, every hour of every day, now and always. that also means getting our allies to pay theirfairshare, means getting our allies to pay theirfair share, they are means getting our allies to pay their fair share, they are very unfairto us. their fair share, they are very unfair to us. they strongly support nato. we only ask that all of the nato. we only ask that all of the nato members make theirfull and
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properfinancial nato members make theirfull and proper financial contributions to the nato alliance, which many of them have not been doing. 0ur north america correspondent, nick bryant, is here. you were sitting with me in the studio, there is president trump making what seems like a recommitment to nato, having once said not so long ago that nature was obsolete. one of the ringing phrase from the election campaign. and the fa ct from the election campaign. and the fact that he regards a lot of nato members do not pay their way and members do not pay their way and members are supposed to pay 2% of gdp to finance the defence. and the secretary general of nato saying they should do exactly that. yes, he is clearly saying america is not prepared to underwrite your defence any more, unless you stump up the cash yourself. he has also been talking about the threat of terrorism and of islamic state, it is very symbolic he is at centcom, the place that has run the wars in iraq and afghanistan and some of the activities against isis. and he said
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that terrorism has got so out of control, it has led to the point where the press does not even report on some of it. he said about the very, very dishonest media, don't even report on some terror attacks. he has recommitted america to the fight against islamic state. he has also spoken about this controversial executive order at the centre of this legal battle and he said he wa nts to this legal battle and he said he wants to allow people into the country who love america but do not seek to destroy it. so given everything that has happened over the weekend, and we will get onto the weekend, and we will get onto the legality of this executive order ina the legality of this executive order in a moment, but how much of the political problem is this for the white house at the moment, this immigration ban? it is a huge political problem at the moment because it has seemed to be rushed through, been worded imprecisely and it has been seen to open up the administration to this kind of legal
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challenge. at the moment, thejudges in the west coast particularly are holding, they are actually agreeing with the opponents of the order in saying that it should be stopped at the moment so that people from these mainly muslim countries can enter the country. so it has created a problem on that level, but there are many people, donald trump supporters, who are strongly behind this executive order and polls show the nation is divided but some of the nation is divided but some of the polls suggest there is majority support for this executive order, for what they see as donald trump doing what he promised to do during the campaign, to stop people from mainly muslim countries coming into the country. how did we can's events look to use in london?” the country. how did we can's events look to use in london? i was picking up look to use in london? i was picking up on the papers over the week and i just want to show viewers what the papers have been looking at, the new york times. the headline speaks for itself. maybe you and nick could give us a view on this. because the perception is from the papers i have
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read, this very small team around the president, in the view of the media, the perception is nine tenths of the law, they are getting it wrong. well, all administration have turf battles when they first come into office. all the west wing staff are trying to get the influence of the oval office. it is different in this instance because these battles are being fought very angrily and very publicly on the front pages of some of the nation's most influential papers, like the washington post and the new york times. one person in particular is attracting a lot of attention, the chief strategist at the white house, steve bannon, very controversial figure, seeing as a very right—wing figure, seeing as a very right—wing figure who has the ear of the president. he was seen to be one of the key authors of the executive order, who wanted to rush things through. he has spoken about doing very big things very quickly. but over the weekend, there was an indication that donald trump is trying to slow down this
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policy— making machinery hand to give more control to the person in the we st more control to the person in the west wing who ordinarily is the kind of chief enforcer for the president, the chief of staff, reince priebus. it also seems president trump wants to have more of an influence earlier on in the executive order drafting himself. it seems in this instance he was presented with a document that he signed with a flourish of his pen and have not given it the attention that perhaps he would have wanted. so make you are a historian who has studied american history and political history and you know more about this than i do, but it seems to me that we are at a moment where something new is being tested, and thatis something new is being tested, and that is the ability of these populist movements together. if we see this as the beginning of that process , see this as the beginning of that process, and the question about this white house is, you have steve bannon, who is by nature a disrupter, an insurgent, can you marry that with more traditional governing processes? we have somebody like reince priebus, who is
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trying to put in position systems to make sure executive orders are vetted before they leave the white house, does that take some of the disruption out of it? this is the power struggle that at the moment is playing out within the west wing. steve bannon has made no apologies, he is coming to washington to figuratively blow this place up, thatis figuratively blow this place up, that is what he believes that donald trump's mandate is from the voters, do not act like a normal politician ora do not act like a normal politician or a normal president, to defy those conventions. and donald trump has been doing that with the hurtling pace of the administration so far. but you get the sense that the president himself want to put the bra kes president himself want to put the brakes on a little and to give more authority to somebody who is more of an establishment figure. reince priebus was the head of the gop, a washington insider, and the tension between those two people, bannon on the one side and priebus on the other, will be interesting to watch and it will be interesting particularly because it might define
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the nature of the trump administration and the nature of governance in this new era. nick bryant, thank you very much. we are watching all this play out in real—time on the front papers —— front pages. let's get more about where we are on this trouble ban. —— travel. with us is now is doni gerwitzmann from new york law school — he's an expert in constitutional law and theory. where does the president stand, and the white house stand, on the legality of this right now? so, the president has defended the ban by pointing at something by the plenary power doctrine, it is a law that this agreement court has set up giving the us government wide discretion and authority to determine who can enter the country. in addition, the president is relying on the provision of the immigration and nationality act, where congress delegated power to
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the president to deny that any alien or class of aliens the ability to enter the country if the president believes they are detrimental to the national interest. so, in about four hours' time, thejustice department has to go back to the appeals court, making its case for this suspension of the ban to be lifted. how can the justice department argued against the appeals court, which is saying, and thejudge the appeals court, which is saying, and the judge in seattle saying that actually, if we reinstate the ban it will cause chaos? the justice department i think will argue among other things that non—residents located out of the united states do not really have rights under the constitution. they will argue for a very strong vision of executive power and a very strong vision of the power of the united states government in the area of immigration. they will argue that the immigration law is different in that the us government can do things
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to non—residents located outside the us, that it cannot do to american citizens. when you have one party that controls the white house and one that controls the senate and the idea of those who favoured the constitution was that the court would be there to provide checks and bala nces would be there to provide checks and balances and it seems that in attacking thejudge, the president is undermining the hostage usual system. without question. -- the constitutional system. there are a number of emergency brakes that framers put into the system to prevent the executive becoming a tyrant, doing whatever he wants. one major emergency brake is congress, which can always operate to check the president. in a situation where congress and the president come from the same political party, it might be that we will need to rely on the courts to play a much more aggressive role in telling the president noel. i do not think president noel. i do not think president trump did himself any favours by personally going after
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thejudge in washington favours by personally going after the judge in washington over this decision. if anything, the judge in washington over this decision. ifanything, i the judge in washington over this decision. if anything, i think it may have cost the judiciary to be more aggressive in checking him. so you knowjudges, you spend all your time with them, i will assume that if president trump calls a member of the judiciary if president trump calls a member of thejudiciary eight if president trump calls a member of the judiciary eight so—called judge, thatis the judiciary eight so—called judge, that is then going to lead other judges and potentially even supreme court justices to judges and potentially even supreme courtjustices to side with the judiciary, do you think? judges are professionals and they will issue decisions based on the law. i do think the personal attacks trump has made members of the judiciary sort of change the atmospherics surrounded the executive order. the issue ofjudicial independence and the ability of the judiciary to act asa the ability of the judiciary to act as a check on the president really moves as a check on the president really m oves fro nt as a check on the president really moves front and centre won the president goes directly after a federaljudge. —— president goes directly after a federal judge. —— when president goes directly after a federaljudge. —— when the president. this is complicated, so thank you for unpacking all of that! and one other update — apple, facebook and microsoft are among 97 american tech
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companies to challenge president trump's travel ban. the group has filed a legal document stating the ban affects operations and, in theirwords, "inflicts significant harm" on business. the document was filed in washington on sunday. we have also been taking a look at the president's tweets. he's been tweeting again, early morning, his time, about what he perceives as fake news. he said: and he went on to tweet: but it is begging questions, this,
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about his temperament, because we are getting used to him firing from the hip, and some of them, we can ignore but some of them seem a little bit petty. some of these attacks against the fa ke some of these attacks against the fake news is entirely political and you wonder whether it is not symbiotic as well because donald trump is calling journalists from what he calls those fake news organisations on a very regular basis. he speaks to the main white house reporter from the basis. he speaks to the main white house reporterfrom the new basis. he speaks to the main white house reporter from the new york times and the washington post and even speaks to cnn, which he also calls fa ke even speaks to cnn, which he also calls fake news once or twice a week! and by the way, fantastic for their ratings, the new york times's subscription doc—mac the failing new york times are doing particularly well! i think the question here that is a more serious question is, what happens if donald trump is attacked by somebody more powerful than a news organisation, somebody for
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example with access to military weapons or even, god forbid, nuclear w if he says something on twitter, other countries will say, that is his view and we need to react. if it is china or north korea, how will he respond ? it isa will he respond ? it is a thing that worries countries away from the us, let me tell you. there are other leaders watching these tweets very closely. here in the uk, the speaker in the house of commons, john bercow, has said he would not wish president trump to address parliament. the speaker told the commons the president's views on immigrants and women were to him unacceptable. it looks like he has overstepped his mark. i would not wish to issue an invitation to president trump to
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speak in the royal gallery. i conclude by saying to the honourable gentleman this. we value our relationship with the united states. ifa relationship with the united states. if a state visit takes place, that is way beyond and above the pay grade of the speaker! however, as far as this place is concerned, i feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and sexism, and our support for a quality for the law, and an independentjudiciary, are hugely important considerations in the house of commons. applause let's go live now to westminster in london and speak to our political correspondent, eleanor garnier. you had better start for our international viewers, just setting out whojohn
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international viewers, just setting out who john bercow international viewers, just setting out whojohn bercow is. the prime minister has made it clear she wants the state visit to go ahead so, does he have it within his power to stop him addressing parliament? everyone has been taken by surprise, even politicians who are in the house of commons as the speaker stood up. the speaker of the house of commons is basically like a referee in the house of commons. they are in charge of mps when they are in the house of commons and therefore, they are in a neutral position. that is why this is so unprecedented and it really is a sort of dramatic snub, if you like. he attacks the president has effectively being racist and sexist and for having a lack of respect for judges. there were even cheers, as we heard, when he made the comments in the house of commons. we know there has been this growing opposition to the planned state visit later this year, more than 1.8 million people have signed a petition outside parliament, so
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there will be mps in the house and also people among the public who will be pleased thatjohn bercow, the speaker, has been so outspoken, but his critics will say he has overstepped the mark and gone too far. we were talking last week about some of the pools surrounding the state visit and plenty of people here in britain are keen for it to go ahead and they might also make the point that if you look at the list of people who have come here, that he has hosted in the parliament, they include the president of china, the emir of q8, they are hardly paragons of virtue and some of them. and i think that is why this has been such a surprise to everyone, and so unprecedented. and we have had the likes of mandela, that is why people have been taken by surprise but the key thing is, john bercow is one of three people who have the keys to handing out the invitations to the great and good to come and speak
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here in parliament, and because he has said he does not want president trump to come, he has basically vetoed any chance for president trump to come and speak here. so that means that if something cannot really go ahead, because the prime minister, and wouldn't you like to bea minister, and wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in downing street tonight, she does not have the power over the spea ker‘s decision—making on this issue. so it is not up to the prime minister and we can imagine that people in downing street this evening will not be happy thatjohn bercow has been so outspoken after all that extremely public wooing that we have seen, that huge presidential, the huge visit theresa mayjust seen, that huge presidential, the huge visit theresa may just a seen, that huge presidential, the huge visit theresa mayjust a couple of weeks ago, where she has publicly tried to, you know, work hard on that new special relationship. so downing street will not be pleased at all. what a tightrope she has to walk. it was super bowl weekend here and the patriots' stunning,
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last—minute victory isn't the only thing people are talking about. to mark the occasion, president trump gave an interview to bill o'reilly of fox news, which was broadcast as part of the pre—game show. and in it, he sparked some controversy by defending russian president vladimir putin. he was also asked how well he thought the travel restrictions and the vetting of refugees entering the us had been implemented, which is where this clip starts. i think it was very smooth, you had 109 people out of hundreds of thousands of travellers and all we did was vet those people very, very carefully. you would not do anything differently? a lot of people didn't really know what the order was. but is not what general kelly says. he said he totally new, he was aware of it, and there were 109 people. putin isa it, and there were 109 people. putin is a killer. we have got a lot of killers. you think our country is so innocent? i do not know of any government leaders who are killers.
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take a look at what we have done, made a lot of mistakes, i was against the war in iraq. our mistakes are different. but a lot of people were killed, a lot of killers around. since that interview aired, mr trump has been criticised for defending president putin. now the kremlin has weighed in, calling for fox news to apologise for calling the russian president a "killer". putin's spokesman, dmitry peskov, told journalists: with me is brigadier—general mark kimmitt, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for middle east policy under defense secretaries donald rumsfeld and robert gates. thank you for coming in. let's start with russia. and the spat that arose because of the interview that president trump gave the fox news.
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is there anyway that the white house, that the president can suggest that america and russia are the same level when it comes to this issue? no well, let us be clear, there has not been a president since there has not been a president since the end of the cold war that has not started the administration by saying, let's do a reset. george bush famously said, i looked into his eyes. so it is another president who has clearly said, let's try to re—establish the relationship with russia and move forward. but to put a moral equivalence between president putin and the united states, a re president putin and the united states, are you comfortable with that? not really, do not think anyone wants to point a finger at the country. factually, there are some situations where donald trump may have a point, but i think emotionally, no country wants to have their fingers pointed emotionally, no country wants to have theirfingers pointed in emotionally, no country wants to have their fingers pointed in their eyes. how can you account for the
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president's reluctance to criticise vladimir putin? i cannot. but at the same time! vladimir putin? i cannot. but at the same time i think he would have a relu cta nce same time i think he would have a reluctance to criticise the chinese premier. a number of world leaders that he would be... he has been more critical of china than he has of russia. not to the extent that he has were some of us would believe that china is a far greater threat than russia at this point. we could debate this all day. i think it really goes to the point that he is trying to reset the relationship with russia and move forward. trying to reset the relationship with russia and move forwardlj trying to reset the relationship with russia and move forward. i was hoping you might put your former state department hat on and talk to us state department hat on and talk to us about iran because the british prime minister is hosting the israeli prime minister today and by all accounts, she is saying, the iran deal is not perfect but it is the best option we have on the table at the moment. would you agree?|j think at the moment. would you agree?” think so, andy, administration has been very clear, at this point they
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are not looking at tossing of the agreement. —— and the administration. there have been situations in the past few months where the iranians have flagrantly violated the terms of the agreement and what the top administration is saying is, we will draw a red line on this, and if the iranians are unwilling to adhere to it, we will look into it. but there is an election coming up in iran and the concern is in europe that the president might be undermining the more moderate forces. well, i think they are doing a pretty good job themselves of undermining the moderate forces by launching a ballistic missile into the persian gulf and off the coast of yemen. ok, i want to ask you about some the president hasjust said i want to ask you about some the president has just said at centcom, that seemed to be a reinforcement of nato. he said, i strongly support nader, ijust nato. he said, i strongly support nader, i just want nato. he said, i strongly support nader, ijust want european countries to say more. —— nato. i imagine that something you are
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relieved to hear. i am, and the burden sharing has been going on since 19117. it is one that every president has made. so at least he has moved from the position of that it is an outdated institution, to one that does have a value, but people need to come to the table and pay their 2% of gdp. people need to come to the table and pay their 296 of gdp. thank you very much forjoining us. well, back here in washington, we look set for a close vote coming in the senate tomorrow, with members still divided on whether to approve mr trump's controversial pick for education secretary. the billionaire and gop donor betsy devos is facing criticism from the labour unions and the teaching organisations. two republicans say they will side with democrats in the vote — if there's one more defector, mrs devos would not get the nomination. supreme court nominee, neil gorsuch, heads to capitol hill later to try and win over the democrats who will be involved in his confirmation later in the year. mr gorsuch is due to meet with senator diane feinstein. she's the highest—ranking democrat on the judiciary committee and will lead the party during confirmation hearings.
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by by the way, the democrats, i was speaking to a senior democrat, and she was saying this is something the democrats are really going to fight but they do feel that neil gorsuch is very conservative and they have decided to make this a battle they are going to have. he is doing to be doing a lot of work in the next few months. you're watching 100 days from bbc news. still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news... a big part of donald trump's pitch to american voters was the pledge to create jobs, a message which resonated in the rust belt states. now he is president, how will he deliver on the promise to create 25 million? the weather is pretty horrible in
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some parts of the country. we have got heavy rain and strong winds. blowing a gale in scotland and northern ireland. gusts of wind approaching 70 miles an hour that a 70 mph, although to this massive area of low pressure. the centre is out in the north atlantic. this is the front that is extending across us the front that is extending across us and look at the weather we have across northern parts of the uk. some of those upper—level routes getting a covering through this evening. this isjust a getting a covering through this evening. this is just a selection of some of the gusts of wind we will experience through the course of this evening. further south, not so bad but it is soggy and it will get wetter and wetter particularly across eastern areas. we have a heavier rain in the west early on and now that front is pushing east. there will be some ice around as well particularly across the more northern areas, especially around scotla nd northern areas, especially around scotland later on tonight. let's
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have a look at tomorrow morning. there is a chance of a little bit more rain in south—western areas, especially in the afternoon, but evenin especially in the afternoon, but even in the morning, you can see the rain here, some of these showers will be quite heavy eventually. but for the most part, i think the morning of across the bulk of england and wales is looking dry. dry also in northern ireland, but these eastern counties remain cloudy and wet, it will still be windy there in the north east of scotland. so that is the morning, let's see what happens in the afternoon. not an awful lot with this weather front, it just sticks an awful lot with this weather front, itjust sticks around and grinds to a halt, it literally stops in this position here, and it is not planning to move any further east. it will just sort of planning to move any further east. it willjust sort of rain itself out. the rest of the uk, some sunshine and again, these showers could be hail or thunder. so a mix of weather on tuesday in some south—western areas. wednesday, the
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weather calms down. this high pressure from scandinavia sends easterly winds on our direction. these blobs of blue, still that same front dying away but it should rain itself out by wednesday. then a fair bit of cloud and the temperatures are dropping stock towards the end of the week, a cold easterly wind and the chance of snow flurries. welcome back to 100 days with katty kay in washington, and christian fraser in london. president trump gives his first direct address to the us armed forces since becoming their commander—in—chief, saying he strongly supports nato but wants all nato members to make their full contribution. he promised to breathe new life into us labour markets but how is the president going to do that. we'll speak to a key economic advisor to the trump transition team. egypt is the most populous arab country — and a long time ally for the united states. some in the region reacted angrily to the travel restrictions that
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currently bar muslims from travelling to the us — but you won't hear much condemnation from the egyptian government. the authoritarian president, abdel fattah al—sisi, was one of the first arab leaders to congratulate mr trump on his election victory. president trump said his egyptian counterpart was "a fantastic guy". orla guerin reports from cairo on a peculiar alliance. a first meeting and apparently the beginning of a beautifulfriendship. egypt's strongman leader abdel fattah al sisi sat with donald trump when he was still on the campaign trail. they had good chemistry, mrtrump said. hardly surprising when you spot the similarities. the red ties, the hand gestures, and the hard—line stance. so the regime in cairo expects fresh momentum in relations with the us. though other arab states are facing new roadblocks. elsewhere in the region
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there are serious concerns about donald trump. but for president sisi and his supporters he is a welcome change. the two leaders speak the same language about defeating islamic extremism and there is common ground in another area, neither has much to say about the need to safeguard human rights. critics fear president trump will push the region in the wrong direction. and play into the hands of extremists. this liberal activist says his travel ban, now suspended, is racist. he is antagonising the majority, nearly all muslims worldwide. and that is exactly what daesh and other extremists and terrorists groups want to do, push towards a confrontation and send the message that the two religions, the two civilisations, cannot coexist. it is a very long way from this. president obama, centre stage
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in 2009 with a seminal speech about healing age—old divisions. i come here to cairo to seek a new beginning between the united states and muslims around the world. one based on mutual interests and mutual respect. in the great hall of cairo university which echoed to the soaring rhetoric, we sat down with two of those who were in the audience that day. they said president obama did not deliver what he promised and his successor is off to a bad start. there is concern here in the region particularly from muslims from the seven muslim majority countries that were banned and also other countries that might be included in the ban as well. i think we are alljust trying to brace ourselves for what will happen next.
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and we will alljust watch carefully. what would you say to donald trump? look at the us constitution and stick to the american values of freedom and democracy because what you're doing is very dangerous not only to the united states but the whole world. if he came to speak in this hall would you want to listen, would you want to see him? no. the egyptian leader on the other hand is eagerly awaiting the red—carpet treatment at the white house, something he was denied under president obama. but he and president trump are marching in step, whatever the cost to democratic values in the region. you are having a trip down memory
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lane because in 2009 when president obama gave that speech in cairo you we re obama gave that speech in cairo you were our correspondent in egypt. if were our correspondent in egypt. if we think the obama administration did not handle egypt as well as it might, what will president trump do? i was there and it was one of his first big foreign policy speeches and did a lot in terms of healing after the iraq war. he spoke about freedom and democracy and of course two years later he embraced the arab spring. against the wishes of secretary of state hillary clinton who was much more circumspect about it. she could see when president mubarak was gone but was only the muslim brotherhood and mohammed morsi. morsi was then deposed and then in came this new strongman, president sisi. america learnt a lesson from that but it egypt is to
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peace and security in the east. you cannot apply shock therapy to a country like egypt without the more considered plan so many people will be hopping when donald trump looks towards egypt he goes back to what they were doing at the end of the mubarak era, exchanging money and aid for democratic and political reform. a big part of donald trump's pitch to american voters was the pledge to create jobs — a message which resonated in the rust belt states. mr trump said that if he became president, he would create 25 million jobs. so how will he go about it? our business correspondent michelle fleury is at the new york stock exchange. he is going to shift from service to
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manufacturing jobs? that has been his message, trying to bring back those manufacturing jobs. i was going to the numbers to try to figure out whether it is possible to bring back 25 million jobs figure out whether it is possible to bring back 25 millionjobs in figure out whether it is possible to bring back 25 million jobs in the next decade. it seems the tall order. looking back! next decade. it seems the tall order. looking back i could not find a period in recent us history when there had been a 10—year street when that many jobs have there had been a 10—year street when that manyjobs have been created. perhaps the closest was in the clinton era in the late 1990s. another way to look at it is that the american companies would have to add about 208,000 jobs every month for the next ten years to try to achieve that goal. worth pointing out what exactly is the labour picture about donald trump is inheriting. take a look at this. in january we had the employment report released last friday, with some good news for donald trump showing that
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the unemployment rate was 4.8%. that is close to full employment. the number of people actually employed rose by 227,000 per month, putting the figure ahead of that 208,000 per month goal already. the question is, donald trump has questioned the reliability of the unemployment figures and so there is another figures and so there is another figure i want to show you which perhaps he could like. it supports the theory that there is plenty of room for improvement in the economy and that is the labour participation rate for men aged between 25 and 5a. people who are either working or actively seeking work. as we can see it is falling, and has been for more than 60 years in the us so one in six of these men are either unemployed or out of the workforce altogether. the total is about 10 million men and so the challenge is how to get these people back to
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work. these forgotten men. it is a problem that previous presidents have failed to address. the question is with hill ‘s policies on deregulation, taxation, immigration, how will that help the economy. diana furchgott—roth was economic adviser to the trump transition team she is also a senior fellow at the manhattan institute. shejoins us now here in washington. what are the chances do you think that donald trump can do what he says especially in the manufacturing sector and bring back jobs says especially in the manufacturing sector and bring backjobs to the us given what we saw in the jobs report last week, that manyjobs are coming back but in the service sector? was he manages to lower the corporate tax rate to 15% or 20% as congress has proposed, and move the tax system to a territorial tax system rather than tax on companies on the
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worldwide income, then the discrepancy in the tax regimes will disappear and more companies will come back. right now the american corporate tax is up 39%, way above the uk tax rate of 20% and the oecd average of 25%. the uk tax rate of 20% and the oecd average of 2596. that is one of the factors and the other is deregulation, he has already signed executive order on that. but he has not finished, he has only signed executive order is on one relatively small regulation, there is a lot more the individual agencies can do as soon as more the individual agencies can do as soon as the cabinet secretaries are confirmed. and the markets and businesses are happy about deregulation and about revising the corporate tax rate. less happy about the possibility of protectionism in the possibility of protectionism in the us. how do we waive these two sides up? it is not clear that
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there's going to be protectionism because donald trump has taken a strong stand against the theft of intellectual property that some of our competitors are doing. and when that has gone away i do not think there is going to be a need for protectionism. he wants fair trade, not the theft of intellectual property. and i think we can have more trade and fair trade that will bea more trade and fair trade that will be a benefit to american companies. for example... they do not like the idea of terrorist that those concerned they do not like the idea of tariffs, foreign countries do not like the idea of terror is either and they could stop some intellectual property thefts such as falls apple stores in beijing that are so realistic even the employees think there working for apple. no one has tried to stop that before president trump. he is going to try to stop that now. talking about
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reducing corporate tax rates, congress set a debt ceiling which almost doubled to $20 trillion under president obama. if he starts to cut taxes and build more infrastructure, the debt ceiling is going to go up even higher? that is not necessarily true because a lower corporate tax rate can result in an influx of cash back to the united states. multinational companies are holding over $2 trillion in earnings overseas. that would be a tremendous stimulus if even 25% of that came back and was invested in the united states in enterprises that then create tax revenue. and there are many opportunities for growth that would then achieve tax revenue. thank you very much. that is going to be a very interesting story. much
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of his popularity is going to depend on getting those jobs back. that's100 days for today — i'll be on facebook live with rajini vaidyanathan straight after the show. and we'll be back at the same time tomorrow, be good to have your company then. and you can follow us on social media with the hashtag one hundred days. thanks for watching. hello. this is bbc news. the commons speakerjohn bercow has been applauded by mps after making clear he doesn't want donald trump to address parliament figures show that nine out of ten nhs trusts in england had unsafe numbers of patients on their wards this winter, leading to greater risk of infection. mps have begun debating the brexit bill as the prime minister warned potential conservative rebels they will be "obstructing" the will of the people if they vote with labour and the snp to change it.
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an update on the market numbers for you — here's how london and frankfurt ended the day. and in the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. research by bbc news has found that the number of patients on hospital wards in england has been at levels considered unsafe in 9 out of 10 nhs trusts this winter. the pressure on beds has meant that many patients have been at a higher risk of infection, or have experienced delays in treatment. nhs providers — which represents hospitals — said that what it called the ‘extraordinary‘ pressure on beds was ‘no way to run a safe and effective healthcare system'. similar bed occupancy data is not available for scotland, wales or northern ireland this winter. this is the queen's medical centre, one of the busiest accident and emergency units in the country. i'm joined by the chief
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operating officer, caroline. we were hearing in the report about this renewed emphasis on trying to get money from foreign visitors where they are not entitled to nhs care, getting the money up front if it is not an emergency. how easy will that be? it is a real challenge for our hospitals, especially ones near large internationalairports. you have worked in manchester, it is more of an issue there. more so in the major cities, yes. we have to remember when people work in the nhs and people come through the doors for emergencies, we want to treat all our patients and it is hard to tell which patients who are not entitled to nhs care. but we have put some processes in place where we can recoup the income afterwards. you have a machine that was at the bedside? we do, but it is also about who is eligible for treatment and who is not and we want to take the pressure from our front line
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staff so they can treat patients who come in through an emergency.
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