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tv   100 Days  BBC News  July 13, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm BST

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hello and welcome to 100 days plus... trump and macron in paris, the new friends who couldn't be an odder couple. they've got big policy differences butjust a few moments ago they were both at pains to stress the similarities. the american president is in france to celebrate 100 years of us forces entering the first world war but it's the battles of today which were in focus. after leading the brexit charge — nigel farage became trump's favourite brit — we get his take on the president, russia, brexit and more. the prime minister admits to shedding a little tear. theresa may talks about her reaction to the election result. is china's new silk road an opportunity or a liability for the countries it travels through? today the road takes us to poland where farmers are looking east — hoping their products can find a new enormous pool of consumers. china could be a big new market for european milk but it is a long and complicated journey to the breakfast table in beijing. plus, we're about to sign off for the summer —
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but not before taking a whip through some of the wilder stories that have shaped the past six months. i am katty kay in london, christian fraser is sitting next to me. it is day 175 of the trump presidency and it is high time we were in the same place. two others sharing the same stage today emmanuel macron and donald trump. it's the fourth time they've met and each time it's a study in body language and temperament. because, these two men could not be any more different. mr macron, the globalist, liberal, the youngest french president of modern times. mr trump now the oldest american president, nationalist — but on the world stage, nowhere near as popular. there's been eyeballing, peculiar handshakes — and the more serious rift over climate and trade. an hour ago the two men appeared side by side for the press conference and here is what they had
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to say on the paris accord which has been a major point of contention. translation: i disagree about the reading we have of the paris agreement and we have disagreements about this accord and about the decision made by president trump. something could happen with respect to the paris accord. we'll see what happens. but we will talk about that over the coming period of time and if it happens that will be wonderful and if it doesn't that will be ok, too. the president was also was asked about his son's meeting with a russian lawyer last year. as far as my son is concerned, my son is a wonderful young man. he took a meeting with a russian lawyer. not a government lawyer but a russian lawyer. it was a short meeting. it was a meeting that went very, very quickly, very fast. two other people in the room,
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i guess one of them left almost immediately and the other one was not really focused on the meeting. i do think this — i think from a practical standpoint most people would have taken that meeting. tomorrow the two men will appear side by side for the bastille day celebrations. right now they are about to dine on the second floor of the eiffel tower, atjules vernes, the famed michelin star restaurant of alain ducasse. it has been closed to the public. they have the restaurant and the view to themselves. a little earlier we spoke to someone, who himself, has dined with donald trump, in fact he might even be considered one of the president's friend's. nigel farage, mr brexit. so, nigel farage, looking at donald trump and emmanuel macron in paris, it's hard to think that emmanuel macron isn't the more statesman—like of the two, isn't it? donald trump does things differently. he is not a conventional politician or a leader in any way. you only have to follow his twitter account to know that. but what he is is an agent
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for change and he is trying to shake up the american establishment. but he's not a global leader. look at the world's opinion polls. they are all looking at emmanuel macron as global leader. do you know something? i thought the speech he gave in riyadh is very bold and brave, saying directly there, "drive out of your places of worship those that do evil." he was treated in poland like a hero, with tens of thousands of cheering people in the streets. he may not be the sort of cup of tea that the liberal media go for but actually i think around the world he may be a bit more popular than people realise. it gives him a break from what's going on in washington at the moment. you have been tweeting your support for donald trump junior. i know you are friends but can you at least see that he has been, in the words of the new york post, which is a reasonably friendly newspaper, pretty stupid? i have been in elected politics, i have fought national elections, european elections, even a referendum. it's a very bloody, dirty, horrible game. and if someone says to me, "i want to meet you for a cup of tea.
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i've got some information that will really damage the remain camp or the leader of a party you're fighting," what do you do? you go and listen. ok, let's bring it domestic way. if a russian had come to you and said, "i had some dirt on theresa may," wouldn't your antenna just go up a little bit and say, "hang on, this is an adversary. this is not someone that i should really be dealing with"? i think that is what trump said. when he appeared on fox news he said looking back on it i would have done things differently. if i was in that position, to know what i would have done? i would have sent somebody else and then you have got to denability. he didn't do that. he didn't send a third staffer. he invited paul manafort and jared kushner. and he said he should have done things differently. what comes out of this is a lawyer got into america, having been refused because the 0bama administration, so maybe we should put some of the blame back on the democrats here, nothing came out of the meeting. this is a witchhunt.
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this is an attempt to link anyone around trump to russia. it has even been written in american newspapers that i am under suspicion by the fbi for russian contacts. it is nonsense. all of it is designed to stop donald trump getting on with the job of putting his platform into place in america. let's get back to paris for a second. you have had dinner with donald trump, probably not blue lobster, because that doesn't seem to be the president's favourite. do you think that emmanuel macron can persuade donald trump over the course of their blue lobster, that it would be a good idea for the united states to get back into the paris accord? i think we all get far too excited about what paris is. the whole paris thing is voluntary anyway. it doesn't really add up to a row of beans. that is why he didn't need to pull out of it. he has pulled out of it symbolically because he said to american voters we have got a rotten deal across the whole world in a whole host of things. i am going to get a better deal. when he pulled out, look at his language.
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what he basically said was give us a bit of a break and we'll come back in and work together again. the idea that trump is totally isolationist is complete and utter nonsense. but he does want america to get a better deal. makes sense. so what about brexit? well, today the government published its repeal bill, the legislation that will transfer eu law onto the british statute book. a huge and complex undertaking. theresa may called it brexit‘s biggest day yet. this is also the day that marks the prime minister's first year in office. but how much longer will she remain in thejob? the election was a disaster for the conservative prime minister. regrets? she has a few. i felt i suppose devastated really because, as i say, i knew the campaign wasn't going perfectly but still the messages i was getting from people i was speaking to, but also the comments we were getting back from a lot of people that were being passed on to me were that we were going to get a better result than we did. devastated enough to shed a tear?
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yes, a little tear. yes. at that moment. at that moment, yes. so what does nigel farage think of the softer theresa may. whatever your politics, whatever you feel about nigel farage, nigel farage had an idea and he had a lot of personality. jeremy corbyn has a lot of personality. the big criticism of theresa may is she was a bit robotic. a bit? look, she is nothing, she doesn't even exist. i mean, she stands up and gives these speeches. she is humourless, robotic, as you've said, lacks sincerity completely, and for me, the one thing that sums her up is that disastrous fire at grenfell tower and she turns up as prime minister, shakes the hand of the police chief, shakes the hand of the fire chief, disappears. doesn't even meet the families affected by it. goodness me, the king and queen during the war went to the east end of london to visit people who had been bombed. she lacks the human touch.
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she is too buttoned up and i think she comes across to me as the ultimate career politician. she will go which ever way public opinion takes her. does that worry you when it comes to brexit? this is a tough enough ask anyway. yes. she was asked in the general election, did she as a remain supporter believe in brexit? all she could say was we will carry out the will of the people. i think over the course of the next few months it will become clear that she is not the commanding the support of her own party, either wing of her party. i think she will be gone in a few months and i think the conservative party absolutely have to have a leader that believes in brexit. even if she is gone, it is looking increasingly possible at least that it has come to be a softer brexit and you might have liked. one year ago would you have thought this was possible? no, i thought we were a democratic country. its up the political class would, for once, just have to accept
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that they couldn't have things their own way. it is funny because what has happened is public opinion... but the country does want a soft brexit. public opinion, consistently, about 70% of people say however we voted one year ago we want the government simply to get on with it. that includes leaving the single market. it is the political class in the house of commons and house of lords that are trying to rally against it. brexit will happen, i have no doubt at all. but i agree with the basis of the question. i think there will be areas where we concede more than we need to. you said it is democratic. the democratic numbers in the house say it has come to be a softer brexit. that is democracy. the parliamentary numbers worry me very greatly and, yes, i am agreeing with you, i think we are going to get a much softer brexit than the people voted for which means we are going to be debating this for the next two or three general elections. oh, no. i'm afraid so! are used to follow nigel farage
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around during the big summits and he was like the man with the fork and the two horns they really disliked. you had a seat in parliament and he only had a bit of support in the country when he started off and yet he carry this idea so far through sheer purserfor stash he carry this idea so far through sheer purser for stash force of personality and whether you like him 01’ personality and whether you like him or not, that is what he did. and this is the challenge theresa may has to live up to on such a difficult task. the idea of a politician who says what he thinks and bucks the establishment and they represent a different policies but what they had
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in common was this sense of strong personality and people in this time seem to like that. a softer side theresa may today, a new immune occasions advisor. robin gibson. jeremy corbyn was his avuncular campaigner, took risks, the concern in the country will be here is theresa may on the anniversary and the question is is it too little, too late? i think also there was a problem for a woman politician possibly admitting to moments of wea kness possibly admitting to moments of weakness and saying she cried as an awkward thing for a woman in politics to have to do and doing it if you do not believe it and do it co mforta bly if you do not believe it and do it comfortably gets you away from the idea of being presented. the paris trip is at least some respite for mr trump from the russian investigation which again has consumed the agenda in washington this week. yesterday it was very much the focus at the confirmation hearing of christopher wray, the man nominated to lead the fbi. one of the early contenders for that job was former us senator and presidential candidate joe lieberman. he now co—chairs no labels —
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a group focused on breaking partisan gridlock in washington. thank you forjoining us. have you had donald trump —— donald trump talking about his son donjunior saying anyone would have taken that meeting with the russian, you ran for the vice presidency in 2000, would you take a nap meeting?” for the vice presidency in 2000, would you take a nap meeting? i hope not, i do not think i would have forced to buy do not think anyone would take on such a meeting. some people would have but in my opinion no one should have. in the heat of the campaign, its summit comes along and says they have real dirt on your opponent, there is a temptation to just go for it but this after all was coming from a foreign government and the e—mail response of donald trump junior, i love
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and the e—mail response of donald trumpjunior, i love it really was even know it was a casual e—mail and he had no reason to think it would be globally visible, it creates this sense that he was open to collusion. it is hurtful right now. this perception whatever the facts may turn out, what is interesting as you ran as a democrat and now an independent, you represent a group called no labels trying to get beyond spa partisan ship in america but we are living in an age where we have this e—mail chain, it seems black and white what the facts are surrounding this but half the population will see it one way and half the population another fast ——? that is the way to often in the country. honestly there was a lot of smoke here but it is not clear there was a gun. it depends on what follows. we have two congressional investigations, a special prosecutor
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and a divided public responding in a divided wait almost everything, no labels might seem idealistic awkward exotic but the truth is unless we work together we have democrats and independents working together to break the gridlock our country is just not going to solve its problems 01’ just not going to solve its problems or seize opportunities and the publics attitude towards government will grow in frustration and anger which is part of the reason why donald trump was elected. you were in the running for this post of fbi director, christopher ray was grilled yesterday by the senate committee, it is inevitable given the abrupt firing of james committee, it is inevitable given the abrupt firing ofjames komi and the abrupt firing ofjames komi and the weight has that the independence of the next director will be a key issue. yes, it is. really it is a measure of where we are now that so many of the questions at christopher ray's hearing yesterday were
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directed towards whether he was prepared to essentially say no to the president if there was a political interference. i think he is, frankly after all the brouhaha overjames komi i do not think president trump will be interfering in the work of the fbi. christopher ray is a very capable person and will do a good job directing the fbi. for the balance, a lot of people are saying on the republican side that anybody in politics would have taken this information had it been presented, they are saying an agent working for the democrats went to ukraine and try to find information on the trump campaign. isn't that the same thing?|j information on the trump campaign. isn't that the same thing? i don't know much about that though i heard about it and if it happened it is the same thing and it should not have happened. you have to draw some lines. this is the problem, it is
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pa rt lines. this is the problem, it is part of the problem that is creating this dysfunction in american government that no labels aims to undercut which is that everything is about party, not enough is about what is right and best for the country and in this case 0k, you're ina tough country and in this case 0k, you're in a tough somebody is offering some red meat about your opponent but to ta ke red meat about your opponent but to take it from russia which is hostile to america because of its role in syria and seizing crimea because of presence of russian troops and ukrainian soil, it should have been a no—brainer and this is the big problem we have. how do you draw some lines about what is right and wrong and acceptable or not and how do we get congress and the president back to working together across party lines? we have a group that we have spawned called the problem
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solvers caucus, 44 members equally divided between republicans and democrats. they will make a difference on tax reform infrastructure and health care reforms. we must leave it there. thank you. a freedom of information request has revealed that the us state department booked 19 rooms at the new trump hotel in vancouver when accompanying members of the presidents family to the hotel opening. and the cost of the visit back in february, once mr trump was already president, was more than $15,000. it raises an interesting question around the potential conflict of interest here — should tax payers money fund trips that will financially benefit the presidents private company? the white house would say this hotel doesn't actually belong to the trump family, it is licensed to the trump family, it is licensed to the trump family business but the thing is the trumpfamily family business but the thing is the trump family business is so tied up
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with brand and the brand of the trump name that it is hard to distinguish the two and it is something we had the head of the essex office resigning because he said he thought there was too much ofa said he thought there was too much of a conflict of interest. you're meant to see this through, not resign. i looked at the register of members financial interests in the uk to see what the rules are and they say the main purpose of the registers to provide information about any financial interests which about any financial interests which a member has or any benefit which he 01’ a member has or any benefit which he or she receives through his or her actions or words as member of parliament. if you apply that to what you told us about the state department going to the trump hotel, it isa department going to the trump hotel, it is a conflict of interest. even to avoid a conflict of interest or the perception they would have done better staying at the hilton. next time took a different hotel. china's most prominent human rights and democracy activist, the nobel peace prize winner, liu xiaobo, has died from liver cancer. the un says liu xiaobo will continue
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to be an inspiration for all human rights defenders, despite everything he suffered. he was serving an 11—year sentence for "subversion". the head of the norwegian nobel committee has said "the chinese government bears a heavy responsibility for his premature death". an american doctor has told the british high court that a trial therapy in the states could offer a one in ten chance of meaningful improvement to the condition of the terminally ill baby charlie gard. his parents have returned to court to challenge a ruling which would allow doctors to end the life—supporting treatment he is currently receiving in hospital. china's president has hailed it the ‘project of the century‘ — the plan to build a modern day silk road to develop the country into the champion of global trade. it will consist of a huge network of shipping, road and rail links spanning three continents. all week, our china editor carrie gracie has travelling along the 11,000 kilometre route and today she has made it poland, where there are questions over whether the opportunity will only be flowing one way. facing west since the end
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of the soviet era but eastern europe is becoming a key piece in china's strategicjigsaw. this man and his son would never sell polish land to chinese investors. he explains they're actually trying to expand, hoping to sell dairy products to wealthy chinese consumers who think the grass here is greener. china could be a big, new market for european milk but it is a long and convoluted journey from here to the breakfast table in beijing. it is a journey he wants to risk, as dairy markets shrink in europe. translation: china is a very big and interesting market for us and we want to try it.
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it is like a promised land. but china's markets are still farfrom open. and since the global financial crisis, it has mopped up cheap assets across europe. now china wants to build here and control supply chains, a big idea driven by the state, not the market. some economists warn that could be risky. when this is a plan by the state agencies and it is going to be implemented by state agencies then my worry is that it is could end up with a huge amount of bad loans. with dozens of countries involved, it could be very, very dangerous. china's plan is already on the assembly line. this polish factory once made tanks for the soviet bloc.
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now it makes diggers for the chinese state company that rescued it from collapse. this man hopes china's new silk road will turn it around. we don't see the mass of orders yet and we are ready for that and we are waiting for that with patience. so no real difference to the bottom line yet? the customers will have the need for the machines but not yet. europe's bid for china is still in neutral while china is moving up a gear here. either digging europe out of a hole or digging that hole deeper. it has been a really good series,
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from china to poland. if you watch this programme a lot, you might think we are good friends, actually you might not! in actualfact, shall be tell them, we met for the first time today and here are the stills. we have evidence. this is outside reception at the bbc. it went rather well. she bought me porridge. the weird thing is i was thinking today, i worked in foreign news the ten yea rs i worked in foreign news the ten years so i worked in foreign news the ten yea rs so we i worked in foreign news the ten years so we have been communicating over the airwaves for ten years from rome, cairo and paris and never met in the same country. it is like a weird internet relationship.” in the same country. it is like a weird internet relationship. i was worried we might meet and it would go terribly wrong and will be better off staying 3000 miles apart but it has been 0k. it has been so 0k,
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shall we do it again? we are going to do it again. we're coming back in september, we will have a holiday, have a rest and come back in september and do it some more. have a rest and come back in september and do it some morem the full assurance there will still bea the full assurance there will still be a lot going on in the world for us be a lot going on in the world for us to cover. we do not know what we will call the programme yet. you might have some good idea. you're watching 100 days plus from bbc news. still to come... we'll return to florida. it was a crucial battle ground victory for donald trump. we'll check in with one of his supporters from the latinas for trump. and sitting in the studio in washington is ron christie. he'lljoin us for our final programme. that's still to come on 100 days plus, from bbc news. the weekend is fast approaching, and
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the weather is looking a little mixed over the next few days. there is some rain on the way, tonight if you spot of rain, mostly across northern areas of the uk and the rain will be brought by this weather front, a very weak one meaning the damp weather will splash its way through the north briefly, it will not last for long, moving through scotla nd not last for long, moving through scotland at this stage into the lake district around ten or 11 o'clock, three yorkshire by midnight and to the south of that tonight it is going to be dry. it is also not as cold tonight as it was last night. last night in northern areas temperatures dipped down to three degrees in rural spots. tonight, not as fresh. tomorrow, we started the north, scotland and northern ireland around eight o'clock and it looks absolutely fine, temperatures around 13 or 1a
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degrees, some sunny spells. the overnight patchy rain out in the north sea so we are in the clear, the dry weather with some fair—weather cloud here and there. more cloudy in east anglia first thing but that should swiftly clear out into the north sea. the south first theme, a fine day. a couple of light showers, really brief and fleeting ones, later on in the afternoon however we expect the weather to go downhill a little across the north west so some cloud and rain into northern ireland and scotland. for wimbledon on friday, it looks variable amounts of cloud, temperatures around the low 20s. friday evening, it is looking dry across friday evening, it is looking dry a cross m ost friday evening, it is looking dry across most of england and wales but some rain in belfast, glasgow, edinburgh and in the lake district. saturday, a line of weather front which will be moving off the atla ntic which will be moving off the atlantic making a beeline for northern areas of the uk, that the
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northwest some rain and lancashire and into parts of wales and extensive cloud around during saturday so a cloudy and muggy and warm day with some rain particularly further north on saturday. come sunday, the rain fizzles out and pushes out into the north sea and we are pushes out into the north sea and we a re left pushes out into the north sea and we are left over with warm and cloudy weather across south. welcome back to 100 days+. i'm katty kay. and i'm christian fraser. our top stories. two presidents but two very different men — emmanuel macron welcomes donald trump to paris ahead of tomorrow's bastille day celebrations. mr trump defended his son, donald junior, for meeting with a russian lawyer during the presidential campaign. so is it a problem? not according to the british politician who's perhaps closest to the white house, nigel farage. if someone says to me, i want to
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meet you for a cup of tea, i have got some information that will damage the remain camp or of a leader you are fighting, what do you do? right now donald trump and emmanuel macron are in paris for a presidential visit full of pomp. the two presidents visited the tomb of napoleon at les invalides before a news conference. now they're moving on to dinner atop the eiffel tower. being in france removes the president from the washington bubble — something we do on the programme as well — to give you a flavour of how the rest of the country sees the trump presidency. yesterday we took you to the republican state of nebraska. today — on our last show — we are going to reintroduce you to a trump supporter we spoke to in our very first week. denise galvez, from miami. a member of latinas for trump. here's what she said six months ago. i think that as of now he has done a
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really good job of putting things in action. i am a little concerned with his delivery. i don't think he is perfect. i think the wax polish hopefully although not along the way before any damage done. and we can speak to denise live in miami now. six months on how was he doing?” actually think he has been behaving more statesman—like recently, especially with all his visits abroad. i still agree with him and pretty much every move he has made on the international front. pretty much every move he has made on the internationalfront. i do wish he would focus more now on domestic policy. 0bviously tax reform and health care are something that affect us all personally, so to me that is a wind that he needs to have and it should be before august hopefully, so we are still waiting on that, baited breath. you are in an interesting position of course
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because a lot of hispanics voted against mrtrump and because a lot of hispanics voted against mr trump and don't like what he has been doing on immigration. we hear a lot of concern amongst undocumented immigrants in the united states. what are your hispanic and latino friends saying to you? those of us who supported him from day one always understood that we do have a broken system and we do need to put policies in place, but the priority for us was always enforcement of the laws as they exist and they don't see how anybody can disagree with that. if you start with that as a base and build from there, this rhetoric of wanting to get rid of all immigrants, that was a lwa ys get rid of all immigrants, that was always a false narrative and we know now not to be true, i think we need to focus on enforcing the laws as they exist and then finding a way to grant permanent residency and citizenship to a lot of the people who have been here whether it was students that were born here and
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have been here for over 18 years now and adults, there has to be for them and adults, there has to be for them and so we agree on that front, that was always mr trump's plan from day one when he ran. i thought you were just in front of the water there and it was delayed and it has changed to dark. i like what you're doing with the wallpaper behind you.” dark. i like what you're doing with the wallpaper behind you. i have nothing to do with that. tell me this, we pick up on all of what we think in the media are the big themes, the sacking ofjames comey, themes, the sacking ofjames comey, the e—mails of his son, i am quite titillated by it, are you?” the e—mails of his son, i am quite titillated by it, are you? i am kind of sick of seeing it all, all these conspiracies. i am all for these investigations going forward the way they should but unless there is any real evidence, i wish the media would just focus on things that we really need to know more about like
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health care reform, things going on behind the scenes in the senate and congress but health care. if they don't do health care would that really change things for you?” would definitely be very upset. not just sit with president trump, more disappointed in the republicans that are representing us right now in congress. that is who i would really be upset with. thank you. stay in touch. interesting. 0ften be upset with. thank you. stay in touch. interesting. often what we hear is that supporters of donald trump are upset with the republican party and the media and not the president. one thing we can say with absolute certainty since we've started this programme it has never been dull. it is 175 days since donald trump took office. on this show we've made exactly 100 programmes, so they tell me. perfect symmetry to the end. and during that time — if you were wondering — the president has tweeted 959 times. we have covered a great deal of it — so here's a reminder of some of the moments. hello and welcome to 100 days. our
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new programme. . . hello and welcome to 100 days. our new programme... from this day forward it is going to be only america first. president trump says his administration will start building a wall on the us border with mexico within months. no band, no while! there are legal challenges. the introduction of a temporary border and wreak visa holders of refugees from seven muslim countries. sometimes he doesn't let go. do you remember this one. just three weeks into the new american administration and already the president has had to sack someone. national security adviser michael flynn did speak to the ambassador about sanctions.” michael flynn did speak to the ambassador about sanctions. i think he has been treated unfairly by the media. asi he has been treated unfairly by the media. as i call it the fake media in many cases. where are you from?
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bbc. there is another beauty. the british government begins the process of leaving the european union. this is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back. america's policy as serious as confusing. after the tomahawks, what now? we agreed that the government should call a general election. the transition of power is underway in france. washington is in uproar after the sudden and highly unusual dismissal of the head of the fbi. manchester is a city in mourning. 22 people killed at a concert. mr trump, look at that, the trump brush off but, the montenegrin prime minister. the united states will would withdraw from the paris climate accord. it is myjudgment i was fired because of the russia investigation. will they also tell
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russia not to interfere in new selection? the president's sun releases and that confirm that he did go looking for dirt on hillary clinton. 175 days and i am still standing. it was of course the macedonian prime minister but i didn't want pointed out... and here with us throughout it all has been ron christie, who worked in the administration of george w bush. today he is holding down the fort in washington for us. i was so jealous of you being in london. i had to come to london. i was so jealous of you being in london. i had to come to londonm has been an hour going around this building, take me somewhere else he said. we are 175 days in, you are a republican, you worked for george w bush. i was going? republican, you worked for george w bush. iwas going? ithink it is going well now that the president has devoted a lot of his focus to foreign policy. he has a lot of problems here at home. his health ca re problems here at home. his health care bills and moving anywhere. the
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tax reform package has stalled. 0n foreign policy the president thinks he is finding his way, but he has gone to the 620, it didn't go as badly as many here in the united states thought it would and 175 days andl states thought it would and 175 days and i am surprised he is doing all right. i read your piece today on warsaw. you thought his words speech was his best yet. i think it was important because it talked about the importance of western civilisation our values, the beacons of democracy and freedom and it was delivered in a historic setting where pope john paul ii had delivered mass in to a million people and when that speech resonated, freedom and democracy are the cornerstones of who we are in the cornerstones of who we are in the western civilisation world. you say it is going well on foreign policy but maybe it is that lawyers had taken his iphone away and he can
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tweet a ny had taken his iphone away and he can tweet any more. i think one of our favourite moments in the 175 days was the tweet that came out of that said, kovfefe. istill don't was the tweet that came out of that said, kovfefe. i still don't know what that means. i have been pretty consistent for saying that he needs aduu consistent for saying that he needs adult supervision. that means take the twitter machine with its 140 characters out of his hands. what would i do all day? along the way we have lost some good people who used to come on here and talk to us. kurt volker, the representative to ukraine. i know you have been topped up ukraine. i know you have been topped up but they do have a problem recruiting, this white house. they do. i spoke to an ambassador designate just yesterday who said he had spoken to the president earlier in the day and pressed upon him, mr
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president, you need people in your administration notjust president, you need people in your administration not just here president, you need people in your administration notjust here at home within embassies around the world so that foreign policy can be a more finely tuned mechanism, to figure out how can we best advance and how can we work america's agenda but around the world and this ambassador said to me the president understands that, he heard the message and that ifi that, he heard the message and that if i got is that we will see a lot more appointments going into the united states senate within the next few weeks. stay with us in the future. don't vote the white house. i would —— future. don't vote the white house. iwould —— don't future. don't vote the white house. i would —— don't go to the white house. it is the tradition in america to bring it gets. i have something for you. you have been on the cover of time magazine a few times... look at that! christian fraser, tv‘s high—quality anchor.
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why not very high quality?m fraser, tv‘s high—quality anchor. why not very high quality? it was time you had your own cover. that is going on the wall of my golf club. i have also come bearing a gift because you can be the anchor of a tv show about donald trump and not have and make america a great again had. it is a very high hat. take it off, we can't have that the rest of the programme. there has been so much going on the world. the premise of this programme was to cover things on both sides of the atlantic and it is still a very busy time. we will take a break over summer as we said earlier and we need a break, but we will come back in september, at this time slot and we hope you will all come back and join us again for whatever we call this programme, because one thing we know if it is going do you busy and there will be busy and all been lots of news to cover. you can come to washington
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any time but she can't meet ron. some things i have to keep to myself. we will keep you informed about brexit, trump, where the rest of the populist movement goes. we might even take the programme to mexico, china, if our bosses let us. for the moment thanks forjoining us. this is bbc news. the headlines... in paris for talks with the french president, donald trump defends his son, following revelations he met with a russian lawyer during the us election campaign, saying he's a wonderful young man. anything from a practical standpoint which most people would have taken that meeting. it is opposition research. the brexit secretary urges all mps
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to ‘work together‘ as the government publishes the repeal bill — but it faces opposition from other parties. the celebration. it is venus williams. disappointment for british fans — asjohanna konta fails to become the first british woman finalist at wimbledon for 40 years. an update on the market numbers for you — here‘s how london‘s and frankfurt ended the day. and in the us how the dow and nasdaq are getting the ftse edged into the red dragged down by a jump in sterling and a jump in shares following talk that the chief executive of a big company may be leaving. there appears to be no let—up in the flow of refugees trying to reach europe from across the mediterranean. so far this year, it is estimated that more than 2000 people have lost their lives making the perilous journey. those who do arrive often find aid agencies and governments struggling to cope.
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but on the greek island of tilos, officials have been actively trying to attract refugees with offers of accommodation and potential residency, as gavin lee reports. tilos island, ten miles from the turkish coast, population 800. a place where there are more goats than people. a year ago the local mayor announced the islanders wanted to help and receive refugees looking for a new life, bucking the trend of the other islands keen to see migrants leave. translation: in 2016 when the flows from turkey had stopped, and when we saw what was happening in mainland greece, people living in appalling conditions in disgusting, concentrated spaces, we, having had built a centre here, had made an open invitation to the state that we are ready to host families with children. it is a small but significant show faith from this tiny island. 50 refugees selected from greece who are prepared to work, who are prepared to integrate, and it is mainly families,
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and in exchange they are offered somewhere to stay and residency here. meet the new baker of tilos. he escaped from the war in syria and originally aimed for germany with his family.
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