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tv   The Travel Show  BBC News  April 18, 2022 3:30pm-4:01pm BST

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this is bbc news, the headlines: ukraine says missile strikes have killed at least seven people in the western city of lviv, which had largely escaped attack until now. three military warehouses and a car garage were hit. reports from the besieged city of mariupol say russian forces are stopping people there from entering or leaving. an advisor to the mayor says residents will need a pass to allow them to move between districts. the chinese city of shanghai — which has been under lockdown for three weeks — has reported its first official covid deaths for two years. the authorities say three elderly, unvaccinated people died. south africa says it is deploying 10,000 soldiers to help in kwazulu—natal province where flooding and mudslides over the last week
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have killed almost a50 fifty people. more than 60 are still missing. now on bbc news, lucy hedges heads to the city of naples to see how staff at pompeii are using four—legged robots and drones fitted with lasers to uncover what life was like in this ancient city. this week on the show... i head underground in naples to get a sneak preview of an amazing archaeological discovery... oh, my gosh! look at this! plus, find out why a certain world—famous footballer has a shrine dedicated to him in the city. as restrictions are rolled back, cat is on the road in the uk to take a rollercoaster recovery ride.
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and we're heading to sri lanka to find out about a cleanup campaign along one of the country's historic canals. this is one of the most archaeologically significant sites in the world. the roman city of pompeii was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago in 79ad when nearby mount vesuvius erupted. metres of ash buried everything, freezing this
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catastrophic moment in time until its rediscovery in the 16th century. walking through the streets of this ancient city, under the shadow of the active volcano that destroyed it, is actually quite unsettling. pre—pandemic, almost 2 million people came here every year, which put a strain on the site and lead to it almost losing its unesco heritage status in 2015. but it's come a long way since then, partly thanks to a new director, who's made it his mission to protect the site while also improving the visitor experience. it has always been a site evolving with the times and so it has always been a site to experiment and to try out new approaches — both for the conservation and for the dialogue with the public — and so this isjust continuing.
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and how do you think this will change the perception of how pompeii used to be? it's really about the vision of the past. it's not only the big families, not only the senators and the ones who got the statues in the forum, and the local authorities, but it's also the slaves and women, who often do not appear the same way in the written and official sources, and children, and, i mean, to see all this complexity of an ancient society, that's really important. the challenge at pompeii is its exposure to the elements and climate change means the site is subject to sudden temperature changes from extreme drought all the way to heavy rain. today, new technologies are helping to preserve this invaluable record of roman life in the first century. drones are helping to map the site, robots are rebuilding
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frescos, sensors are monitoring seismic activity, and thermal imaging cameras are helping keep a check on humidity, helping staff to act quickly if potential danger strikes. but the real star of the show is, without a doubt, this a—legged robot that, bizarrely, looks like a dog. good dog. so, paolo, i've got to be honest — i'm geeking out over this. this has got to be the coolest, most elaborate robot i have seen in my life. but tell me about what i'm staring at. there is a lot going on here. it's an incredible piece of technology. yeah. it is a machine that is able to move around autonomously, and is able to bring with it some other technologies — other payloads. here, now, you see a computing power, where we can run our software and a laser scanner that's a special laser scanner that is able to scan
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while the machine is moving. and the robot itself is able to avoid obstacle, to move autonomously in an environment like — like this ones. and also, since you can upload artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms on it, you can bring ai wherever it is required — it is needed. by using a combination of technology and a fresh, more inclusive approach to ancient history, the authorities here in pompeii are hoping for a successful tourist season in 2022 after being closed for almost two years. another part of naples set for a boost this summer is the la sanita district, an area that was once partly controlled by the mafia nicknamed la camorra, here in naples. but thanks to a concerted effort from locals, guesthouses are popping up, the art scene is thriving, and the neighbourhood
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is being transformed. and the latest tourist attraction leads deep below the streets. it's an archaeological gem that's even older than pompeii, but up till now has been hidden from public view, beneath a private home, and i've been lucky enough to have a sneak preview before the site fully opens to the public later this year. but first, i'm meeting meeting the woman who spent years persuading her husband to share this unique family treasure. during this 26 years, i don't know how many people ask him to open it. but not only kings or prince or archaeologist, or isabella rossellini, i don't know how many people. so i say "maybe we have to open it." and he say "no, no, no — please alessandra, don't tell me, it is too difficult. come on — no, no, no."
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following our catch—up, alessandra took me to their property in a seemingly unassuming naples side street to unlock the door to the hidden subterranean marvel. are you ready? an amazing network of tombs that are almost two and a half thousand years old, originally part of a necropolis built outside the city walls back when naples was an ancient greek settlement. oh, my gosh. yes. look at this. this is the start. the detail! it's full. so you've got to tell me more — this is unbelievable. yes. so this is maybe one of the most beautiful tomb in the world because everybody came here, the archaeologist, they had the some reaction.
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0ne arrive and say "i want to live here." and so say to my husband "there is an archaeologist that want to live in our tomb. maybe we do something — we must open it." and you see the colour in the architecture, everything is incredible, and we start the restoration from there. so this colour are still — are the same after 2500 years. there is colour everywhere. yeah, i can see. what about this — this person up there? who have we got here? is that medusa? she is the medusa, la gorgona, yeah. she was bad. yeah. and if you go over there you can see that the — she's full of colour, and you can see the teeth and this incredible and it's really unique. and she's the start. it is amazing to think that these terms laid undiscovered for over 2000 years. but thanks to alessandra's powers of persuasion and a lot of hard work, from thisjune, they'll be open for everyone to see here in naples.
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right, back to the uk, next. we've been busy touring some of the country's biggest attractions as they prepare to deal with two years of pent—up demand this spring and summer. and this week promises to be quite a rollercoaster. as restrictions relax, i'm travelling across the uk to see how ready the country's top attractions are, to meet the people getting us excited about travel again, and hear their plans for the new normal. today's trip is to staffordshire. and to reach the gates of my chosen attraction, i'm taking the monorail. hello from alton towers, the largest theme park in the uk. now, it'sjust opened for the season without any government restrictions in place. and although it's been around for over a0 years, i have a confession to make — this is my first time here.
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so let's go. sprawling over 900 acres, this was once the residence of the earls of shrewsbury. and being a themepark novice, i've enlisted some help. we're about to do the three rides that they've got up on the stratosphere. shawn sanbrooke is a full—time rollercoaster vlogger with a lot of followers. no worries. shawn, are you a celebrity? i wouldn't say that. i love sharing my adventures. but it's all good fun. i love it. i think can guess what we're going on, butjust confirm it. we are going on nemesis. nememis is a classic and is europe's first—ever inverted coaster. it also happens to be shawn's favourite. it's an aggressive
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start of the day. shawn, why are you laughing so much? i love it! screams of delight. survived my first ride! it's intense, but it's great. i love it so much. four times, you go upside down on that ride. it's strange to think it was only a short time ago attractions like this fell silent. but this is a place that has a long history of embracing change. before it was a themepark, its main attraction was its gardens. during lockdown, it was an opportunity to get people back out into some fresh air, so we were able to clear some of the pathways that were not necessarily used previously, and people could come back to alton towers and revisit it as, you know, its intended purpose — a great garden. and for a little bit
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of escapism, too. of course, yeah, because obviously the earl of shrewsbury wanted to collect all of these elements from around the world. we've got the dutch gardens behind us, the pagoda fountain which was of eastern origin, we've got grecian mixed in with the gothic architecture of the time. well, the gardens have been perfect to change the pace, but with over a0 rides and attractions, i better cross a few more off my list. i've been told there's one ride i simply have to try — it's called the smiler — and it's even collected its own following of superfans that cosplay in the colours of the ride. guys, you look fantastic. thank you. so, tell me about smiler. when i first saw the ride i was just completely awestruck with it. and from then on it became a big massive obsession. and now i — this is how
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i dress daily, now. i started like a group. you started this website, and that's how you all became friends, because you organised meet—ups here. yeah. this is the first time we have met here. yeah, yeah. yeah. oh, really? yeah. this has been a long time coming, then. yeah. so i'm still not sure if i want to commit to this ride. it is the world's first ia—loop rollercoaster and promises to challenge your body and your mind. meet instagrammer roller coaster rachel and her 10—year—old daughter sappy, who is yet to ride the smiler. but is she finally tall enough? we're hoping she is tall enough. hope so. well, now i have no excuse. wish us luck!
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this is scary! screaming after my day here, i can see places like this mean more to people than thrillseeking alone. i work in healthcare and elderly care and it was really tough during lockdown and to be able to come back, it was amazing. i class this as my little piece of heaven on earth. if theme parks are your thing, there is a lot going on this year.
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chessington world of adventures are hosting a mardi gras event with a difference this may. paultons park have a brand—new junior coaster called the farmyard flyer, and legoland windsor has the uk's first flying theatre ride called the flight of the sky lion. and if you're heading further afield, disney is celebrating some big anniversaries at its parks in florida and paris. and if the last two years have taught us anything, it's the unbridled happiness that escapism can bring. so, my trip to alton towers is done, and i think i've found a ride that's a bit more me... naples is a very catholic city with religious iconography
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everywhere, but some revere in equal measure the city's unofficial patron saint, argentine footballer diego maradona. at a time when naples was suffering from unemployment, poor sanitation, and organised crime, maradona, with his own troubled back story, joined the local team and gave neapolitan people something to be proud of. and the owner of this bar claims to have a lock of maradona's actual hair at the centre of what has become a shrine to the man himself. so, this is the famous lock of hair. tell me, bruno, where did you get this from?
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to end this week, we're back with adventurer karolis mieliauskas. you might remember that last year he challenged himself to drive this old banger the length of lake baikal, and made a pretty good job of it. well, this time he's leaving combustion engines behind him and opted for a cleaner method of transport. wejoin him in sri lanka, where he's about to begin a journey down the historic hamilton canal, heading for the capital colombo. along the way, he'll be discovering how pollution has taken its toll
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and what locals are doing to clean up their waterways. long time, no see, sri lanka. so humid already here — hot! car horn beeps hello, gentlemen. i'm looking for a traditional boat to rent for maybe four days or five days. i want to go down the canal. 0k. what number? indistinct 0k. numberfour. house numberfour, if i understand right. i was following the track, but somebody said, "go right then left," and here i am. a small catamaran is here. adventure... ..with the very first step. the trip starts! 0oo!
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whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. i hope to do it in three days. 0k, first, 100 metres is done. as i start myjourney, i get a warm welcome from the people who live here. hello. how are you? i'm fine. good. very good. i'm going down the canal. bye—bye, guys. see you. all the best. and what's the sign? have a look. "dear neighbours, keep the canal clean." oh, it's not good, not good. i was expecting to see some
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rubbish, but not that bad. not that bad. looks like the rubbish comes from these houses. tell me, please, is that right that you are cleaning, cleaning a canal? yes. how many people like you here? about six people. six people who are cleaning. i think i can see one now approaching. hello. that's nice that somebody is doing this. there is also a local boat tour company that runs rubbish collection days on these waterways. it's run by a guy called fernando. 0ur cleaning project name is captain fernando cleaning project. so we started this cleaning project
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in 2016, actually five years ago. so, step by step, we became to a very good stage. plastic pollution is a big problem these days. if you walk on this beach it's very polluted and if you go on our canal, a lagoon is very polluted. now, people's minds are slowly, slowly changing. people just throw the rubbish into the canals, but now people start to think, little by little. so, a long time ago, those canals used for transportation, but now, these days, people use that to dump rubbish. the easiest thing is not to throw rubbish into the canal. what we can do, educate your brothers and sisters so we can have a clean and healthy lifestyle. so, boys, thank you very much for coming. if you are not using plastics,
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you'll help out for the good of all. thank you. yeah, let's make some noise. cheering thank you, fernando. thank you, boys. looks like he's doing a greatjob and they have a lot to do so somebody has to do it, and i'm very happy to see that a person like fernando is working on these issues to make our world much greener. and now, i'm approaching already here, negombo. i can see a bridge of the main street, and it's enough for today, for sure. coming up next week, there'll be more from karolis as he continues his journey down those canals in sri lanka... ..and carmen's in chile to find out how an ambitious rewilding project is helping to bring life back again to some of the country's biggest national parks. it's a female deer. you can see her in the distance — she's quite well camouflaged. i can't believe we found one. in the meantime, you can check us
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out on social media. you'll find us on facebook and instagram at bbc travel show. and we are on the iplayer, too. until then, enjoy your travels and i will see you very soon. bye— bye. hello, there. 0n good friday and into the easter weekend, we saw temperatures reach the low 20s celsius in the warmest places, but we've lost those values now. today is a cooler day, not particularly cold, but certainly cooler than what we've had over the last few days. we've got a bit more cloud around
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with a few showers, too. it's all because we've got this area of low pressure influencing our weather throughout the day and again into tomorrow. it's bringing stronger winds, especially to the northwest of the country. it's introduced this cooler air, as you can see from the blue hue here on the air mass chart. so, a chillierfeel to things across northern and western areas through the afternoon, particularly where we have the stronger winds — low teens here. but we could still make 16 or 17 degrees in the southeast given some sunshine. but there will be one or two showers dotted around and those may last into the evening period across england and wales. variable cloud, clear spells here. clear skies for scotland and northern ireland, but some cloud across the far northwest, so it won't be quite as cold here as what it will be where we have the clearer skies. so, a touch of frost in one or two spots across the north and the west. a chilly start to tuesday once again. maybe a touch of frost across parts of scotland and northern ireland.
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this weather front across the northwest of scotland, bringing outbreaks of showery rain. the winds will ease down through the day. england and wales will start with sunny spells, a bit of cloud and then into the afternoon could see a few showers developing, and there could be the odd heavy one in places. they'll be slow moving because the winds will be much lighter. a cooler day across the board, 13 to 15 degrees will be the afternoon highs. into wednesday, we're in between weather systems, a ridge of high pressure exerting its force across the country. so, a largely quiet day, i think, mainly dry for most of us. variable clouds, some good spells of sunshine around. there will be a noticeable easterly breeze developing across eastern england, so that may make it feel a bit cooler here. but further west, we could see highs reaching 17 or 18 degrees, given some sunny spells. and a drier day for the north west of scotland. towards the end of the week this area of low pressure out west dives southwards to the south west of the uk. it doesn't look like it's going to affect us through thursday and friday. this area of high pressure to the north of the uk will be dominating the weather scene, bringing us fairly brisk easterly winds. so, i think through thursday,
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increasingly into friday, it'll start to turn chilly along some north sea coasts. probably the better, drier, brighter, warmer weather will tend to be further south and west.
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this is bbc news. welcome if you're watching here in the uk or around the globe. i'm lucy hockings. our top stories... russia bombards the ukrainian city of lviv with air strikes. at least seven people have died. i actually saw a couple of the missiles myself streaking across the sky and then hitting buildings on the city's roofline, and then we saw the black plumes of smoke rising up. ukraine says the southern port city of mariupol effectively no longer exists, but its forces there defy russian demands to surrender. china reports its first official deaths from covid since 2020, as the shanghai lockdown continues. and rescue efforts continue in south africa where floods and mudslides have killed more than a00 people.


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