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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 14, 2024 1:00am-2:01am BST

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just want to ask, in terms of broader regional contagion, how much of a concern is that? it much of a concern is that? it is much of a concern is that? it is an enormous concern right now because you could have the houthis who may want to demonstrate their value to iran right now and they may want to start their attacks back up in the red sea, lebanese hezbollah may want to take advantage, the real threat to israel here, a bigger threat always than hamas and these missiles from iran is lebanese hezbollah with thousands and thousands in iraq there on the border. this is all a tinderbox right now. that's what i mean, this turn three is really going to matter, it's going to matter in the coming days and it could matter for the coming decades. it could be something where there is courageous restraint on behalf of netanyahu and it
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could save some sort of real catastrophe here.— could save some sort of real catastrophe here. that's what i ho ed catastrophe here. that's what i heped for- _ catastrophe here. that's what i hoped for. definitely _ catastrophe here. that's what i hoped for. definitely the - catastrophe here. that's what i hoped for. definitely the sensej hoped for. definitely the sense that this is a huge moment. i want to ask, with all of this in mind, you and i have spoken in mind, you and i have spoken in the past about the prospects for a longer ceasefire for a hostage deal, you are mentioning qatar. what do you think that all of this means for any prospects of either of those two options? i for any prospects of either of those two options?— for any prospects of either of those two options? i think you have to compartmentalise - those two options? i think you have to compartmentalise this which is what the saudis and qatari is angela aliens are doing now, let's compartmentalise this. you have this thing with hamas which is ongoing ——jordanians. it looks ongoing —— jordanians. it looks catastrophic ongoing ——jordanians. it looks catastrophic understanding the entire region against both israel and the united states, so you've got that, let's put that aside. because they all
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fear iran, 0k? the saudis and qatari is all fear iran. break those two out, let's not tie the war in gaza to this thing happening right now because this is the new thing. iran striking into israel from its own territory is a new thing, it's not happened before and does it set a new bar and standard where if israel takes action against an irgc, iran will strike into israel? these two things need to be separated out and that's the way regional leaders are looking at it. former centcom communications director, thank you forjoining us on bbc news. director, thank you for “oining us on bbc newsfi director, thank you for “oining us on bbc news. thanks unless hall hepe _ us on bbc news. thanks unless hall hepe and _ us on bbc news. thanks unless hall hope and pray _ us on bbc news. thanks unless hall hope and pray that - us on bbc news. thanks unless hall hope and pray that this - hall hope and pray that this thing is contained.- hall hope and pray that this thing is contained. joe, thank ou. thing is contained. joe, thank yom joining _ thing is contained. joe, thank yon joining me _ thing is contained. joe, thank you. joining me alive - thing is contained. joe, thank you. joining me alive is - thing is contained. joe, thank you. joining me alive is bbc | you. joining me alive is bbc persian reporter siavash ardalan in our london newsroom,
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closely monitoring all developments. what is latest that you are hearing from iran? i am monitoring the irgc telegram channel and they are now publishing tons of video footage, very dramatic footage of drones and missiles over the al—aqsa mosque. the many of them being intercepted. but also a lot of video footage showing different moments of impact with one report by the irgc media outlets claiming that they have struck the military base from which the attack against the iranian consulate in damascus was launched and another attack in the desert, apparently another military base there and what the irgc is claiming was a precision hit on and is a really intelligent centre in tel aviv. we can't verify all
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of these because the videos are coming and but that goes to show that iranians at least have something to show for in terms of the outcomes of this attack and the deterrents that they were hoping, the credibility of the deterrents that they were hoping to showcase to the world at least for now with these videos coming out has to some extent be established, plus some other videos we are getting showing celebrations at eastjerusalem by supposedly palestinians who were cheering the attacks. and of course inside iran where prayer regime supporters have also in the middle of the night want to the streets in support of these attacks, what they've been demanding for over the past week from iranian authorities to really dry wine and assigned so that no further
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attacks would take place. [30 attacks would take place. do --eole attacks would take place. do people in iran believe that? you mentioned some prayer regime supporters have gone out of the streets appearing to celebrate this. i wonder about others in iran, what are they feeling seeing these videos gain traction there on telegram knowing the risk. your light has just gone up but nonetheless, it is back on. i wonder, how they react into this and feeling about this? are they concerned about the prospect of a reply from israel? ~ ., , , prospect of a reply from israel? . ., , , ., , prospect of a reply from israel? ., israel? we can assume many are sleein: israel? we can assume many are sleeping now. — israel? we can assume many are sleeping now, they _ israel? we can assume many are sleeping now, they will— israel? we can assume many are sleeping now, they will wake - israel? we can assume many are sleeping now, they will wake up| sleeping now, they will wake up to news of the attack having slept through it. but we have had reports of long queues of cars are lining up behind a tehran petrol stations anticipating fuel shortages, iranian authorities assuring them that there is enough fuel,
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they need not worry. but apart from the fear and the anxiety obviously which is a direct reflection also of the same fear and anxiety that we saw in israel, a lot of people until a few hours ago really didn't think that iran would do it. a lot of iranians were buying into the narrative that was promoted by many opposition outlets saying that the islamic republic is feckless, but it won't do it, that it only wants to survive, and if it does this it really has signed its own death warrant, but obviously iran did this and i am sure many people know when they wake up many people know when they wake up will be worried about what israel's response would be. many iranians given the huge legitimacy crisis that the government is suffering, that the whole regime has been experiencing since the women lie freedom movement, the protests that were put down,
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that legitimacy crisis is still ongoing, there is a lot of public resentment against the clerical establishment against the regime, against its foreign policy and particularly against its enmity, against israel. as a lot of iranians may be hoping that if there is a response by the israelis, its response will be against military facilities, maybe nuclear installations, but not against civilian populations. if that happens, of course you can have a rallying around the flag, that factor into place, and the page will turn over how the public feels at this stage in iran. siavash ardalan from bbc persian coming to us live from the newsroom in london, monitoring the very latest and the response in iran with regards to this developing situation. thank you so much. we can bring you the latest that we know at this hour on
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the breaking news which we continue to monitor and develop, that iran has launched an attack against israel, iran's revolution have confirmed that the attack was in part a response to the air strike that destroyed only running a diplomatic compound in syria earlier this month allegedly the us and uk have reported that its air force jets have been active in the region and the us has reported shooting down a number of drones in southern syria near thejordanian border, the uk is that the british royal air force will intercept any airborne attacks within range of our existing missions as required. here is what we know about the situation in israel at the moment. air sirens have been found in multiple locations in israel and that's confirmed to us by our correspondence on the ground. therapeutic explosions over jerusalem according to witnesses on the ground and is really media say that they are from aerial interceptions. ——
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is a reality. the us embassy in jerusalem say all the family must shelter in place until further notice. president biden meanwhile has published a photo from the situation and you can look at it. it was published on x and you can see the president surrounded by some of his top security officials, defence secretary lloyd austin, secretary lloyd austin, secretary of state antony blinken, among others and the caption saying on the tweet, posted on x, quote, ijust met with a national security team for an update on iran's attacks against israel. our commitment to israel's security against threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad. we can go live to stephanie murphy, former us congresswoman. thank you for being with us tonight on this night of unfolding developing news. wejust heard the comment from president biden on x are seeing our support for israel at this moment is ironclad. talk to us
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about the level of support and involvement that you are anticipating here from the united states. i anticipating here from the united states.— anticipating here from the united states. ~ . united states. i think we have heard not _ united states. i think we have heard notjust _ united states. i think we have heard notjust from _ united states. i think we have heard notjust from the - heard notjust from the president but for military leaders and other leaders in the united states that our support for the defence of israel is ironclad and that's an important statement. i think for the latter states to continue to put out there, to let iran know that that is the case and when it comes to the defence of israel, nothing in our policy has changed. i also think it's been a good side that representatives of police who control the schedules for the republican held house has also issued a message saying that he intends to make some changes to the schedule for the house so that they may take up the national security supplement which included
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support for israel, ukraine as well as taiwan and i think that's incredibly important see israel to continue to be under attack by iranian proxies and in this case the iranian state, underscores the need for the united states to pass that national security supplemental. do you think this is an illustration of that need that will chime with a freedom caucus, for example, that this is an illustration of writ large of the risks that exist on the world stage and that that will move anything when it comes to that bill and passing it on congress? it’s comes to that bill and passing it on congress?— it on congress? it's hard to ro'ect it on congress? it's hard to project what will _ it on congress? it's hard to project what will resonate i it on congress? it's hard to . project what will resonate with the freedom caucus. however, i know that there is a good 273 which was the number that voted to pass the pfizer bill last week which was a post—9/ii
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national security authority that allowed surveillance of barred foreign actors. they had troubles getting the bill passed but they passed it. in the past the us house has also passed national security related bills like the national defence authorisation act by 300 plus votes so if they can get through the procedural hurdles to get the national security supplemental bill that would support israel, taiwan and ukraine to the floor, i believe that they will have the votes to pass it and i am certain that it is difficult to predict what the freedom caucus will do on any given day but i am certain that the broad majority of the house believes in our national security and broadly supports the defence of israel. �* . , broadly supports the defence of israel. �* ., , ., broadly supports the defence of israel. 1, , ., _ broadly supports the defence of israel. 1, , ., , ., israel. based on the urgency of what we are — israel. based on the urgency of what we are now _ israel. based on the urgency of what we are now seeing, - israel. based on the urgency of what we are now seeing, and i what we are now seeing, and your experience, is this something that could see congresspeople called to the floor evidently in order to
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pass something when we know that eight israel is on the line? ., ., , ., line? -- aid to israel. it sounds _ line? -- aid to israel. it sounds like _ line? -- aid to israel. it sounds like what - line? -- aid to israel. it sounds like what the i line? -- aid to israel. it- sounds like what the positives said that he intends for the bill to be taken up next week and we're sitting on saturday evening and so the house will be called back into session next week it sounds like that's when will move.— next week it sounds like that's when will move. you have worked in the defence _ when will move. you have worked in the defence department. - when will move. you have worked in the defence department. what| in the defence department. what level of support do you think that the us will be able to give israel, support or also side to side, for example, in missions to counter iran? what do ou missions to counter iran? what do you anticipate? _ missions to counter iran? what do you anticipate? i _ missions to counter iran? what do you anticipate? i know- missions to counter iran? what do you anticipate? i know that l do you anticipate? i know that we are probably working very closely from an intelligence sharing perspective and of course as our military as well, civilian leaders have said we will support them in the defence of israel. i think when you talk about anything further
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than that, it really gets caught up in what the us military can do without the us congress being involved, but is one of your previous guests said, the hope is that there are a few cycles of this. we still don't know exactly what will happen with the drones and the incoming that is going towards israel but are there off ramps and i know it is in the best interest of national security and regional stability for that to be off ramps in this exchange that we are currently caught in. a scenario like this, one is one that is much discussed for many years going back to the beginning of this shadow war i979, beginning of this shadow war 1979, have ever seen anything like this? picture of it anticipate seeing something like this? ~ , ., �* like this? when you're in the department _ like this? when you're in the department of— like this? when you're in the department of defence, -
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like this? when you're in the department of defence, newj like this? when you're in the - department of defence, new plan for all sorts scenarios, what i will say is something that is different with this current exchange is that it is gone from iranians and proxies which is how they usually attack israel and the united states to a very clear state on top of attack and what i also say is when the department of defence prepares war contingency, they prepares war contingency, they prepare for all kinds of contingency and high on the list is force protection for the us military members who have deployed to the region in the aftermath of october 7, we have two carrier groups there, and so, i know that the military will be doing the best that we can to defend americans military members as well as to support israel and the defence of israel. support israel and the defence ofisrael. ., ,, ., ., of israel. congresswoman, stephanie _ of israel. congresswoman, stephanie murphy, - of israel. congresswoman, stephanie murphy, thank l of israel. congresswoman, i stephanie murphy, thank you very much for speaking to us,
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thank you for your time this evening. thank you for your time this evenina. ,., ., thank you for your time this evening-— thank you for your time this evenina. ,., ., ., , i. evening. good to be with you. take a look— evening. good to be with you. take a look at _ evening. good to be with you. take a look at this _ evening. good to be with you. take a look at this video - evening. good to be with you. take a look at this video now, j take a look at this video now, these are the flats in jerusalem sky, you can see objects being shot down, you can also hear there in the background those sirens ring out as well, corresponding on the ground have been telling us that they have been hearing loud explosions and that is as the air defence system intercepts objects headed for israel, this footage was from a little while ago but nevertheless, it gives you a good understanding of what israel has been facing and will be facing in the coming hours but we can cross over meanwhile to our diplomatic correspondence, that is james landale was on the ground there in jerusalem landale was on the ground there injerusalem and has been throughout the course of the evening. bring us up—to—date with the latest you are hearing. with the latest you are hearing-— with the latest you are hearinu. ~ ., , ., hearing. well, the leaders that we are hearing _ hearing. well, the leaders that we are hearing is _ hearing. well, the leaders that we are hearing is briefing - hearing. well, the leaders that we are hearing is briefing from| we are hearing is briefing from the israeli military—style! in the israeli military—style! in the last few minutes and he has
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said that the current calculation is that they have faced more than 200 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles that were fired from iran towards israel tonight so, 200 is the latest number, if you add them all up, and he said that most of the threats were intercepted outside of is really a space, he said that a very small number have hit israeli territory with minor damages to a military base in southern israel, that is the moment on israeli media, there have been claiming that some of those missiles have head and israeli air in the new gav, so the they are doing that and according to the israelis, that is minor damage inside israel. here injerusalem, it's quieter than it's been. we haven't had a repetition of the firing of the iron dome and defence
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system with that we had earlier this evening. system with that we had earlier this evening-— this evening. james, i believe it is surely — this evening. james, i believe it is surely or _ this evening. james, i believe it is surely or 18 _ this evening. james, i believe it is surely or 18 minutes - this evening. james, i believe it is surely or 18 minutes past| it is surely or 18 minutes past three there injerusalem where you are, israelis are used to responding to sirens and so on but ijust wonder, based on what we've been hearing from the idf, from the government, the idf, from the government, the instructions to civilians there on the ground, when people start waking up, reacting more to this news, i imagine some people have been staying awake all night, nevertheless, what do you expect in the next few hours? what are the instructions that civilians will be greeted with when they wake up?- civilians will be greeted with when they wake up? while they will be told _ when they wake up? while they will be told to _ when they wake up? while they will be told to make _ when they wake up? while they will be told to make sure - when they wake up? while they will be told to make sure you i will be told to make sure you will be told to make sure you will phones are on, make sure you've got your civil defence are put up and running so that you can get the information you need, that they can give you instructions and information about the local threats that there may be in your part of
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israel, make sure you know where your shelters are, your nearest shelter is and follow the instructions that as and when you get them. there will be hoping that people do not need these precautions because there will be hoping that the authorities say the air defences were managed to protect them but i think that when people will be bringing up this morning, they will be apprehensive because even if the initial strikes by iran might have been over, this is not the end of this process. israel will respond, israel's war cabinet has met tonight and it has reportedly read to make a military response to iran and some officials are talking about a substantive response now, we don't know what they will involve but it will involve some sort of retaliation. and the question will be, can we avoid some kind
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of tit—for—tat escalation of violence, you run this evening has warned against any further attacks against its territory so, this is not over.- attacks against its territory so, this is not over. and we will wait — so, this is not over. and we will wait to _ so, this is not over. and we will wait to see _ so, this is not over. and we will wait to see that - so, this is not over. and we will wait to see that reply . will wait to see that reply from israel, james, open speaking over the course of the evening to our guests about the possibility for a diplomatic offramp hearing, of course, the international community now is entirely watching the situation with baited breath, in terms of mechanisms, what kind of things could happen? i imagine this a possibility for a meeting of the un security council? there is a possibility _ the un security council? there is a possibility for _ the un security council? there is a possibility for meetings - is a possibility for meetings of the security council, they will be lots of contacts going on below the radar at the moment. because there is a lot of talk about, not in terms of anything that's going to stop
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the immediate violence are taken place now, both in the iranians attack and potential israeli response but in terms of how do you support and defend allies that have been helping israel tonight, for example, jordan has very clearly allowed its airspace to be used by israel's allies to attack drones and other missiles now, i think what's been interesting is that part of tonight's story, we don't have the full extent of is how many arab countries have helped israel defend itself? and if that becomes apparent and israel will be aware of it itself, does that temper israel's response to iran, if these countries that have said, look, we've helped defend you tonight, you must now listen to us and calibrate and minimise your retaliation, that's going to be a really interesting
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piece of diplomacy in the coming days, we are not there yet at the moment, we're still the position of in receipt of this iranians attack will have to see what impact it has, there are reports of some casualties and single figures, we don't have the details for that yet i will have to see the impact of this attack first and then see what possible responses israel may make. $5 responses israel may make. as ou sa , responses israel may make. as you say, the potential therefore the calculations, response to change, minute by minute, hour by hour, while you are here, i do believe we've got a statement from the united nations secretary general attorney and guterres. i want to read it to you, this is what the statement says. i condemn the statement says. i condemn the escalation were presented by the large—scale attack launched on israel by the islamic run this evening. i call for an immediate cessation of this system that is, i am deeply alarmed about the very
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real danger of a devastating regionwide escalation, i urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the middle east. —— until you guterres. just going back to our diplomatic correspondence than james landale injerusalem, james landale in jerusalem, what james landale injerusalem, what do you make of that statement then, james? what do you expect to hear from the un secretary general? —— antonio guterres. it secretary general? -- antonio guterres— guterres. it reflects very much the view of _ guterres. it reflects very much the view of other _ guterres. it reflects very much the view of other countries - guterres. it reflects very much the view of other countries to l the view of other countries to that the riskier is about wider escalation in other words, not just an escalation between iran and israel but a wider conflict that draws in other countries that draws in other countries that have to take sides and into a full—scale regional war and everybody says they don't want that and nobody says they will act to try and prevent
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that but, we are closer to that tonight and we have ever been before. now it might be that once again, these countries stand on the edge of the abyss and then the step back but there is a risk of further miscalculation. once we've seen before, this process began in the short term with the airstrike that was launched against neurons consulate, the capital of syria. —— iran. was that a strategic strike? israel did not claim responsibility but it was widely assumed that israel launched the attack, was an opportunity attack because they had intelligence that some senior revolutionary guards generals were there, did israel calibrate correctly? what response might have happened? it might have provoked? it's
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pretty clear israel do not anticipate what has happened tonight, the israeli calculus was always that iran would do what it is always done which is it would use its proxy forces and militias in the region to attack israel, israel did not expect a full—blown direct attack from iranians soil which we have seen tonight so, as ever, although everybody says they want to avoid escalation, they want to avoid escalation, the potential for miscalculation is always there. as you say, james, uncharted territory tonight, james landale, the permitted corresponding their reporting live from jerusalem, thank you so much. we received this update from israel, it said that the minister of defence completed a call with you a secretary of defence lloyd austin, he briefed the secretary about israel's
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defensive operations in the face of runs attack and emphasised that the defence establishment is prepared for any further attempts of attack the state of israel. he expressed his appreciation to secretary austen for his leadership and for standing with israel. i asked jonathan conricus, a spokesperson for the defence forces if anything so we could see a series of israel has far superior firepower than iran, definitely when it comes to long—range and precision, israelalso when it comes to long—range and precision, israel also has much better air defences than iran has, israel — iran is very very good at sending proxy organisations to do their fighting for them and this is what iran has been doing the last decade, funding and arming terrorist all across the middle east in order to fight against israel, the us and the west in general, that's how hamas,
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hezbollah and houthis proxies has been allowed to exist and hopefully, the israeli responses will be forward—looking and looking at how can we create a better and safer metal is for israelis, for peaceloving countries in the future and how can iran be forced to stop funding terror and to stop providing arms. from terror organisations in the middle east and quite a lot of targets in a run that i think israeli military planners and the air force are aware of, all of them i think are being planned and assessed as we speak and again, depending on cabinet decisions, depending on casualties, depending on the co—ordination with the us and american input on things here, this can of course become even more complex if you — iran
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fires at american troops in the middle east.— fires at american troops in the j middle east._ and middle east. jonathan. . . ? and others that _ middle east. jonathan. . . ? and others that are _ middle east. jonathan. . . ? and others that are participating i others that are participating in the fighting here. israeli prime minister mentioned france in the uk as allies supporting israel so we may see involvement in that as well so many moving parts and quite a complex situation. mar; many moving parts and quite a complex situation.— complex situation. may i 'ust ask ou complex situation. may i 'ust ask you to i complex situation. may i 'ust ask you to what i complex situation. may i 'ust ask you to what extent h complex situation. may ijust ask you to what extent do i complex situation. may i just| ask you to what extent do you think that israel anticipated this when asked the back of what we saw happen in syria with the attack on the iranians diplomatic compound there, was israel then waiting for this count attack before that, do you think? did it factor that into the decision? i you think? did it factor that into the decision? i assume so, es. i into the decision? i assume so, yes- i think _ into the decision? i assume so, yes. i think that _ into the decision? i assume so, yes. i think that israel, - into the decision? i assume so, yes. i think that israel, for - yes. i think that israel, for the first time, it's actually quite amazing when you think of it, iran has been attacking israel indirectly with its proxies for the last half year,
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hamas, hezbollah and syrian proxies and houthis, and last week was a foot time that israel struck iranians targets close to his real. i think it was a welcomed thing to do, the right thing to do, israel cannot continue to live under these horrible conditions whereby iran is funding and arming terrorist. brute whereby iran is funding and arming terrorist.— whereby iran is funding and arming terrorist. we know that attack was _ arming terrorist. we know that attack was condemned - arming terrorist. we know that attack was condemned by - arming terrorist. we know that attack was condemned by the i attack was condemned by the united nations saying that essentially diplomatic compounds under international law are off—limits under international law? allow me not to be too impressed with the condemnation.- impressed with the condemnation. �* ., ., condemnation. i'll wait for confirmation _ condemnation. i'll wait for confirmation about - condemnation. i'll wait for confirmation about iranianj confirmation about iranian proxies attacking israel and the civilians relentlessly for the civilians relentlessly for the last half year and then i'll be very concerned about what they say about buildings or not buildings and by the way, to it was a building next to the iranian complex, the
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iranian diplomatic conflicts are not a diplomatic building if we want to be accurate with the details, but really, i don't think that that matters much. the people who were killed in damascus were iranian, part of the iranian military and they were busy co—ordinating, fighting against israel, arming, equipping and directing fires against israel and is really civilians and the military. and is really civilians and the milita . �* , , and is really civilians and the milita . �*, , i. military. let's bring you the latest we — military. let's bring you the latest we know _ military. let's bring you the latest we know at _ military. let's bring you the latest we know at this - military. let's bring you the| latest we know at this power military. let's bring you the - latest we know at this power on the breaking news that iran has launched an attack against israel. iran's revolutionary guard is confirmed the attack was in part a response to the air strike destroyed an iranian diplomatic compound in its syria earlier this month allegedly carried out by israel. israel has not claimed that by the us and uk have reported that its air force jets have now been deployed. there are active in the region and the us is also reporting shooting down a number of drones in southern syria near
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thejordanian border. the uk has said the british royal air force will intercept any airborne attacks within range of our existing missions as required. here is what we know to remind you, of the situation in israel at this present moment. srn is out in multiple locations in israel, confirmed by our correspondence and lifts and explosions injerusalem and explosions in jerusalem according and explosions injerusalem according to witnesses on the ground and is media say that there are aerial deceptions. meanwhile the us embassy in jerusalem says all us staff and theirfamilies in israel must shelter in place until further notice. president biden has published a photo from the situation room and you see that published two x. take a look. you see is the president surrounded, as you might expect, by some of his top security officials also secretary defence lloyd austin, secretary of state antony blinken and others in the
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image. the caption reads: i just met with a national security team for an update on iran's attacks against israel. our commitment to israel's securities again starts from iran and its proxies are ironclad. the photo published with the president cutting short the prospect of his weekend at his weekend home in delaware, coming back to address the situation and meanwhile response from other israeli allies including uk, with uk prime minister rishi sunak releasing a statement in response to iran's modular drones saying that i condemn in the strongest terms the iranian regime's reckless attack against israel, the strikes risk inflaming tensions and destabilising the region. iran has once again demonstrated that its intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard. the uk will continue to stand up for israel's security and all our
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regional partners including jordan and iraq alongside our allies. we are totally working to stabilise the situation and prevent further escalation. no—one wants to see more bloodshed. we also got reaction, new from france. this is from the french foreign minister. he has said that france condemned the strongest terms attack against, lodged by iran against israel deciding on such an unprecedented action, iran is taking and used up in its destabilising actions and taking the risk of a military escalation. france reaffirms that the judgement israel's security and assures it of solidarity. with me in the studio is a former state department correspondent who has covered these foreign affairs for over a decade here in washington. firstly,
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watching all of this unfold, i want to get your assessment of what seeing tonight. the want to get your assessment of what seeing tonight.— what seeing tonight. the first thin to what seeing tonight. the first thing to take _ what seeing tonight. the first thing to take from _ what seeing tonight. the first thing to take from it - what seeing tonight. the first thing to take from it was - what seeing tonight. the first thing to take from it was the | thing to take from it was the speed or lack of speed this attack came in. iran had been telegraphing the dazed that they'd strike back to reciprocate for the israeli hat that killed two iranians in syria and damascus including a high—ranking general. they said they would do it, they want they would do it, they want they were, and they said slow—moving terrains that people could hear and were posting to social media flying over them and it took hours for them to get israeli airspace which they never did. that was strategic, they did that on purpose. if you remember in february the us retaliated against an iranian proxy, from his brother killed americans at a base injordan and they did the same thing for a week leading up to the retribution from the us we had from officials, we're going to strike iranian proxies and that was wanting to right to say we will hit you but that was enabling them to get their
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people out of the way so it wouldn't escalate so that was enabling them to get their people out of the way so it wouldn't escalate so the us got to strike back and iran didn't lose major assets or personnel. you saw here the same thing, a so far has not shown a propensity to want to escalate the war, all politics are domestic, they had to respond somehow in a way that would be playable to the domestic population and show strength but ultimately were aware they don't want to bring the us andi mohr into the conflict than it is and they would have done that by hitting israel directly in a very damaging way might force the us's and so they've struck this diplomatic middleground with the strikes, they telegraphed long in advance and gave the israelis and americans and the uk a chance. , , chance. interesting. in terms of us and _ chance. interesting. in terms of us and other _ chance. interesting. in terms of us and other foreign - of us and other foreign diplomats, personnel on the ground, what kind of instructions do you think that they would have been getting as you mentioned we saw the events of 1 april, you mentioned we saw the events of1 april, you would think there would be some consideration, and he diplomatic staff including the
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us, what kinds of things although now be told, what risks do they face? so although now be told, what risks do they face?- although now be told, what risks do they face? so far for the us the — risks do they face? so far for the us the security - risks do they face? so far for the us the security level- risks do they face? so far for the us the security level at l the us the security level at the us the security level at the embassies in the region has not changed. keep in mind it's been elated for some time if you remember they put a lot of stuff out of baghdad in the middle of the night which is very rare because they worried about iranian proxies heading accurate group project with focus in the region and the us before i came here and so far the threat level has not changed but as you mentioned, us diplomats and israel have been asked to shelter in place what they have not asked them to do is gather in a central location which is something you see one really worried about the seriousness of the threat or potential to have to argue and we did not see that tonight and we did not see that tonight and i spoke to folks in israel in the region who watched from home everyone was tense but even israeli diplomats are white and bunkers that watching on tv in the living room. no—one is getting a lot of sleep tonight, it was quite left that but events like this attack would be intercepted even though it's never nice to
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be on the incoming and any attack. ., , ., a, ~ attack. lieutenant general mark shwartz is listening _ attack. lieutenant general mark shwartz is listening to _ attack. lieutenant general mark shwartz is listening to all- attack. lieutenant general mark shwartz is listening to all of- shwartz is listening to all of this. i want to get your assessment with regards to what we are seeing. kristyna mentioning the fact that there is this understanding that the iron dome can cope with most of this but in your assessment in terms of drones and the confirmation of missiles, is this what you expected from iran to use this full—spectrum of weaponry capability? i iran to use this full-spectrum of weaponry capability? i think it is expected. _ of weaponry capability? i think it is expected. i— of weaponry capability? i think it is expected. i suddenly - it is expected. i suddenly thought and i still believe that we are going to see lebanese hezbollah try to complicate the defences of israel by launching rockets from southern lebanon once the drones, which the proponents of which have come into israeli airspace. with respect to the
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direction that's been given by the israeli government and the home loan defence for israel, a lot of obviously scores have been cancelled for tomorrow and you've got everyone who can stay home to stay home. we have to remember that the majority of the residences that israelis live in has enough protection to enduring attacks of this nation, obviously no ballistic missiles had but certainly drone attacks, etc. dispersion is very key for those that can do it and don't to be in areas that are part of the overall defence or the running of the government. very common and unfortunately israel has had many repetitions throughout its history of preparing and posturing for these types of
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attacks. , ., ~ ., ~ posturing for these types of attacks. , ., ,, attacks. christina mark said that emphasise _ attacks. christina mark said that emphasise the - attacks. christina mark said that emphasise the point i attacks. christina mark said i that emphasise the point that israel and israelis are used to this and you mentioned that as well, there is the standard set of procedures, people know what to do generally because of the threats that they have faced but more broadly when you look at the situation in the region, how tense do you see this as being the potential here as well for proxies to get involved as well?- well for proxies to get involved as well? it's very tense and _ involved as well? it's very tense and lebanon - involved as well? it's very tense and lebanon has i involved as well? it's very i tense and lebanon has been especially precarious because of the proxies there but there is other countries that seem more stable but also in a spacelikejordan. the king of jordan has to walk a very fine line as a us ally but with a population that is very pro—palestine, there was conflict in reports on twitter tonight when up thejordanians well helping to intercept missiles because there been a lot of protests injordan, concern for the us embassy and other european embassies there because there are so much anger
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among the domestic population against the conflict, but the government is very allied with united states and the eu and uk, so it is a tinderbox and we've been saying that for months. so far it is teetering about but has mostly calmed back down so what you love that his night, the iranian mission to the us said we are done. this is it. thank you so much, don't do it again, this is your morning. that's not really how they always play. we've talked about all the proxies are different ways iran uses to strike so it's notjust, it's extremely rare with alternate to have a direct attack from iran to israel. but even though they say their official mission is over, that may not be the end of it because iran enjoys this game of diplomatic possible deniability by saying we didn't tell these proxy groups to strike, we don't control hezbollah or hamas, we don't do any of this but they have other ways to strike back against israel and that's what everyone is waiting for at this
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point and to see how large the attacks are, if they come and i destabilising to lebanon, jordan and other places in the region. jordan and other places in the reuion. . ., . , region. the concern is high. mark, is _ region. the concern is high. mark, is there _ region. the concern is high. mark, is there anything - region. the concern is high. mark, is there anything the | region. the concern is high. i mark, is there anything the us can do from a military perspective, signposting perspective, signposting perspective that can dissuade any proxies in the region not to get involved further, not to make this situation even more dangerous than it appears to be right now? christina describing it as a tinderbox tonight. from even before — it as a tinderbox tonight. from even before 1 _ it as a tinderbox tonight. from even before 1 april— it as a tinderbox tonight. from even before 1 april and - it as a tinderbox tonight. from even before 1 april and the - even before 1 april and the attacks that occurred against the force commanders in damascus, the united states has been messaging strategically both through increased force postures as well as through the media, through interlocutors to encourage and really dissuade proxies, whether it is the
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houthis or lebanese mac hezbollah from escalating beyond the atrocities and israel's response from 7 october and that continues to this day. just as recently as the past week, secretary blinken, certainly secretary austin, the us central command general through their presence in the region, historically since 7 october and then through face—to—face meetings conveying that message that you are going to pay a high cost and the west and china that with attacks that took place from the houthis in the red sea and also the attacks that came from the raack into a base in jordan that killed us alex chambers, so i am confident in the event i hope it does not happen for israelis or us
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persons or palestinians frankly that of innocence are killed, you'll see response from the us military as as well as other nations, whether it bejordan or israel against iran and its proxies. i or israel against iran and its roxies. ., ., or israel against iran and its roxies. ., ., proxies. i want to bring our viewers _ proxies. i want to bring our viewers is _ proxies. i want to bring our viewers is up-to-date - proxies. i want to bring our viewers is up-to-date with | proxies. i want to bring our. viewers is up-to-date with the viewers is up—to—date with the latest that we are now hearing and that cbs news is reporting that us president biden will be speaking tonight in the coming hours with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as one probably would expect in such circumstances, christina, but what would you expect from the conversation? by, but what would you expect from the conversation?— the conversation? a shift in tone and — the conversation? a shift in tone and the _ the conversation? a shift in tone and the conversations| tone and the conversations they've been having the past weeks because the us, president biden especially has been a stormwater unlivable support of israel to the point it is frustrating other members of his administration because of the way israel is responding in gaza because of humanitarian toll and were even some high—ranking democrats in
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congress openly criticised the fact that the us is still sending weapons in the middle of this humanitarian crisis that israel is not cooperating enoughin that israel is not cooperating enough in their words to get humanitarian aid again. you are starting to see a tied turn and tonight you are seeing the us having to reinforce its position which is we are in unlivable security ally of israel and so the conversations biden has previously been having with netanyahu is those with frustration, there is an expression of we are assuming both we hear from officials israel is not quite cooperating in these discussions, cooperating in the negotiations as much as the us would like them too, but not providing humanitarian support, something we especially hard from secretary of state blinken that his depressing israelis to allow more humanitarian aid, i imagine the turn of the conversation would be slightly different tonight and it has beenin different tonight and it has been in the weeks prior because now there are security concern with drones are launched from iran towards israel and it'll
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be interesting to see if the us is able to hold israel's fire as well if that is their intention to try to get israel not to attack again so this file does not keep going and inevitably on and on whether they can get diplomats, the us speaks to iran to diplomatic interlocutors like different countries, they can get the right to say this is really it and that on the proxies, as we talked about, and of the us get israel to stop for the moment but i think give intentions when they are, that seems unlikely. a conversation. but with what we are seeing right now, mark, in military terms, what is a look like when you have those kind of conversations in the us office is full support, military in military terms, what is that look like, do you offer our sets? what kind of things you do?— offer our sets? what kind of things you do? well, sends - go back to october _ things you do? well, sends - go
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back to october 7, _ things you do? well, sends - go back to october 7, we _ things you do? well, sends - go back to october 7, we deployed | back to october 7, we deployed to carrier— back to october 7, we deployed to carrier strike groups into the — to carrier strike groups into the region in direct response and — the region in direct response and as— the region in direct response and as a _ the region in direct response and as a deterrent from the conflict _ and as a deterrent from the conflict morning so, now we have — conflict morning so, now we have a — conflict morning so, now we have a reduced maritime force presence — have a reduced maritime force presence but we still have a significant presence for their assets, _ significant presence for their assets, air defence assets, early — assets, air defence assets, early warning, indications and warnings, _ early warning, indications and warnings, capabilities both maritime and on land to support not only— maritime and on land to support not only protection of our forces _ not only protection of our forces which is paramount from the us— forces which is paramount from the us perspective but also, for israel— the us perspective but also, for israel and for the kingdom ofjordan_ for israel and for the kingdom ofjordan so i think christine is very— ofjordan so i think christine is very spot on here so, the narrative _ is very spot on here so, the narrative tonight, what we can expect — narrative tonight, what we can expect is— narrative tonight, what we can expect is that it will be solely _ expect is that it will be solely focused on the us, unwavering support to israel and a — unwavering support to israel and a clear message to iran to reinforce — and a clear message to iran to reinforce what is already being a message through interlocutors
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and private about, hey, let's now— and private about, hey, let's now de—escalate from what the current — now de—escalate from what the current response is over the coming _ current response is over the coming hours and days. so, we will see — coming hours and days. so, we will see how this plays out but ithink— will see how this plays out but i think they will be the key message they will be coming out of the _ message they will be coming out of the white house stopped i 'ust of the white house stopped i just want to bring in now bbc persian — just want to bring in now bbc persian reporter who is listening to this, joining us from — listening to this, joining us from the _ listening to this, joining us from the newsroom there in london _ from the newsroom there in london. ~ , ., ~ london. we were 'ust talking about truth london. we were just talking about the military _ london. we were just talking about the military assets - london. we were just talking | about the military assets that the us can provide in terms of their assets, we know, of course, about the own dome and the air defence there from israel so let's talk about iran aside militarily in all of this, waiters and stuck up, what kind of military assets does iran have two counter, should we now see a situation in which there is a shadow war becomes an over one and a run and israel are directly
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engaged?— and israel are directly enauaed? "5:1, engaged? back in the 1980s, when iran — engaged? back in the 1980s, when iran was _ engaged? back in the 1980s, when iran was constantly - engaged? back in the 1980s, l when iran was constantly being hit by iraqi missiles and the infamous wall of the cities, eran's technology missile, technology was very infant stages and today, it has an arsenal of ballistic weapons, it doesn't have a very strong air force, hardly any but its main source of deterrence are its missiles and of course, it's proxy group and today, for the first time, it's really used those missiles to fire at israel, they've been investing in this for years and as we know, the israelis know this quite well and they have been for years, trying to slow down eran's missile programme by assassinating the experts and the people involved in eran's defence industry and the nuclear industry. tonight, we
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are seeing tons of videos emerging on social media, some of them fake but some of them very real, some of than posted by a run in the revolutionary guard around the channel, dramatic footage of missiles over the mask with palestinians cheering. now the israelis are saying that they have intercepted 99% of eran's missiles which are the same number of 200, some of the videos that we are seeing, all sorts of things and a lot of interceptions but we are seeing a lot of impacts as well on population centres are so we really have to wait to get a better tally of how many of these missiles and drones really managed to hit their targets, iran is claiming that it managed to hit the military bases of israel from which they launch that attack on the iranian consulate which started
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this new round of escalation and one of the israeli officials have confirmed that there is some minor damages to one of its military bases by the number of claims by officials with video clips and bbc verification trying to verify each and every one of those videos along with a number of other videos from inside a run as well, showing different parts of the country where people have filmed these rockets and cruise missiles being shot towards israel and the cities of other places, these images are being run by a run state tv and across the arab world, the palestinian on the will have a lasting impact, they will not be good but there will be inspiring a lot of people and last for an hour, depending on how israel will react and that's really the main question of how they will react because he runs responds has been calculated to be,
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instead of being a minor limited response, they decided to launch a massive attack to give the message that israel that should they want to retaliate, iran can launch a more extensive attack because if 200 cruise and missiles were fired towards israel, iran has an arsenal, tens of thousands of these such missiles so it is very, very intense days and we succumb to that. i very, very intense days and we succumb to that.— succumb to that. i 'ust want to ask you. t succumb to that. i 'ust want to ask you, nothing _ succumb to that. i just want to ask you, nothing happens - succumb to that. i just want to ask you, nothing happens in i succumb to that. i just want to ask you, nothing happens in a| ask you, nothing happens in a vacuum, what you think this means for the regime in a run? —— iran? means for the regime in a run? -- ban?— -- iran? what it means for the reuion? -- iran? what it means for the region? many _ -- iran? what it means for the region? many few _ -- iran? what it means for the region? many few people - -- iran? what it means for the region? many few people that| region? many few people that they would go ahead and do it, really, the iranians didn't think this would happen, they thought that the establishment is all interested in cell survival that they will not take such a risk, as many iranians would say, they will
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not sign their own death warrants, they are smarter than that but this was wrong, they show the miscalculation on the part of the israelis, thinking that not anticipating such a massive response now, many iranians are scared now, they will be waiting for an israeli response, hoping it will be limited to the targeting iran's military and nuclear installation rather than population centres and i think thatis population centres and i think that is something very important to see whether israel's attack is directed is trying to undermine iran's capability to launch more missiles or whether it's going to be sending a message, forceful message to the regime in iran. i forceful message to the regime in iran. , ., ., , in iran. i 'ust want to bring u . in iran. i 'ust want to bring u- a in iran. i just want to bring up a video _ in iran. i just want to bring up a video that _ in iran. i just want to bring up a video that we've - in iran. i just want to bring up a video that we've got l in iran. ijust want to bring - up a video that we've got right now, this is a video of people in the capital there, celebrating, you can see, out there on the streets, you have
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been mentioning to us that this kind of videos are doing the rounds on telegram which you have been monitoring closely but of course, these things are always multifaceted, how do you think, does everybody feel like that in iran? there's a range of thought this.— of thought this. absolutely, these people _ of thought this. absolutely, these people are _ of thought this. absolutely, these people are regime . these people are regime supporters, they are ha rdliners, supporters, they are hardliners, calling on the government ever since israel attacked the consulate to deliver a very firm response, these are regime supporters, i can say with high degree of certainty that it doesn't represent the views of the majority of iranians who first of all, don't want this will naturally and secondly, given that, the government has been suffering this widening gap between the state and the people after the deadly crackdown on those women freedom life freedom movement three years ago and the ongoing
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opposition and crackdowns and the massive resentment against the massive resentment against the government, a lot of people are now supporting the government's policies so, the public mood is nothing in the government can count on the government can count on the government can count on the government can find as a space to recruit, people to its cause outside of iran but inside the country, people are very much the solution with the government and are questioning the maintenance of its foreign policy including what seems to be this eternal amity with israel. ijust want be this eternal amity with israel. i just want to briefly go over to you, we've got about seconds left the what do you think this means for benjamin netanyahu? brute think this means for ben'amin netanyahuafi think this means for ben'amin netan ahu? . ., ., netanyahu? we took about what it means for _ netanyahu? we took about what it means for iran _ netanyahu? we took about what it means for iran but _ netanyahu? we took about what it means for iran but what - it means for iran but what about netanyahu?- it means for iran but what about netanyahu? you can of this agreement _ about netanyahu? you can of this agreement is _ about netanyahu? you can of this agreement is within - about netanyahu? you can of this agreement is within the i this agreement is within the family— this agreement is within the family but when someone attacks you, family but when someone attacks you. you — family but when someone attacks you, you tend to close ranks and — you, you tend to close ranks and this— you, you tend to close ranks and this may be by him time. there's— and this may be by him time. there's been large protests by israeli's— there's been large protests by israeli's including families of the hostages wanting him to call elections, there will not
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do that— call elections, there will not do that while they are at war and — do that while they are at war and under attack. as a long—time critic of iran, against _ long—time critic of iran, against a nuclear agreement, they— against a nuclear agreement, they had _ against a nuclear agreement, they had so many properties with— they had so many properties with each other, i think that this— with each other, i think that this is— with each other, i think that this is not— with each other, i think that this is not a good thing for israel— this is not a good thing for israel but this might buy him more — israel but this might buy him more time that he made a part. state _ more time that he made a part. state department correspondent, as well as our panel, thank you so much all for being with us, we will continue this like coverage here on bbc news as we learn tonight that arana has launched drones and cruise missiles towards israel in a number of which have already been intercepted, for more, you can always go to a live bait thatis can always go to a live bait that is bbc .com/ news and this can conversation and coverage continues on bbc news. thanks for being with us. you might remember that fighter has been the warmest day of the year, the bridges reached
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21.5 c in greater london in both north and also at saint james's pipe with a figure that are not very long, it was been are not very long, it was been a long saturday, temperatures up a long saturday, temperatures up to 21.8 c, brittle nsx, that is the highest temperature recorded so far this year. you will notice the change with the cool and that we had in northern ireland and over the next few hours, if few showers around, they tend to become confined in northern and western areas of scotland otherwise the skies are clearing. temperatures with quite a few places down and around four celsius, it might be chilly but there will be plenty of early morning sunshine. there will be some coastal showers in western scotland and through the day, showers become extensive.
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scotland, northern ireland and a few getting into parts of western england and wales. some of the showers will be heavy with some hail mixed in and those temperatures, yes, will be coming down 15 degrees in london, seven degrees lower than the temperatures we had on saturday, but actually smack bang on average for this time of the year. now for monday, low pressure is going to be moving southwards and eastwards across the uk. it's going to be a day where we'll see a band of heavy rain move south and eastwards, followed by showers. it's a windy day with gusts of wind reaching around 40—50 miles an hour, quite widely, but 60 in places. and those strong, gusty winds will blow in frequent showers. again, some of them will have hail mixed in. if anything, temperatures a little bit below average, but factor in the strength of the wind. while i think it will start to feel a little on the chilly side. tuesday and wednesday still see some showers or maybe a few longer spells of rain diving in from the north—west. temperatures probably quite close to average, really. so tuesday, a showery day against some of the showers with hail. the heaviest downpours and most frequent downpours for parts of scotland, northern ireland and the far north of england. temperatures around 11—13 degrees celsius or so. and really, we keep those rather showery weather conditions. i think through wednesday and thursday, there's a trend
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to seeing something a bit drier as we get towards friday and into the following weekend as well. bye for now.
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live from washington, this is bbc news.
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i'm carl nasman. let's bring you the latest that we know at this hour on that breaking news that iran has launched an attack against israel. iran's revolutionary guards have confirmed that the attack was in part a response to a deadly israeli airstrike that destroyed an iranian diplomatic compound in syria earlier this month. here's what we know about the situation in israel at the moment. israel's military says that it is not advising residents of the country to prepare to take shelter, revising on an earlier alert. air sirens have sounded in multiple locations in israel. there have been explosions overjerusalem according to witnesses on the ground. israeli media say they are from aerial interceptions. there were drones are fired towards from iran. israel's defence forces say one
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girl has been injured so far


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