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tv   The Context  BBC News  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm BST

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what the position is of other countries on that topic. - joining us on the show tonight are our pannelists, jennifer carroll who served as the 18th lieutenant governor of florida and tom peck — who's a parliamentary sketch writer at the times. first — the latest headlines. qatar's prime minister says indirect negotiations on a ceasefire deal and the release of hostages in gaza have largely stalled. sheikh mohammed al thani, whose country is one of the mediators between israel and hamas, said talks were in a "delicate phase". president biden has said there will be no trade war with beijing, despite indicating he wants to raise tariffs on imports of chinese steel and aluminium.
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he's expected to tell unions he wants tariffs tripled to 25%. a boeing engineer who fears parts of the company's 787 dreamliner planes could break apart in mid—air has been testifying at a us senate hearing. sam salehpour filed a whistle—blower complaint injanuary, saying the company cut corners. boeing disputes his claims and insists its jets are safe. the heaviest rainfall to hit the gulf region in seven decades has continued to cause disruption at dubai airport. the airport, which is the second busiest in the world, said it was facing very challenging conditions and advised passengers not to turn up. the three russian missiles that slammed into the centre of the ukrainian city of chernihiv this morning killed at least 17 people. and injured sixty others. it would not have happened had ukraine received sufficient air defence equipment. but seemingly there is a difference, at least in the eyes of some house republicans,
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between the russian attacks on ukrainian cities and the iranian attacks on israel. in spite of the obvious alliance between moscow and tehran. these republicans would readily send aid to israel. but, on the urging of donald trump they attach an endless string of conditions to the aid that has been earmarked for ukraine. this afternoon embattled house speaker released the text of his four—part proposal to circumvent the obstacles the hard liners have put in his way. he has split the aid to israel, ukraine and taiwan into three different bills, with a fourth that would seize russian assets, force a sale of tiktok and impose sanctions on iran. some of the assistance to ukraine would be conditioned as a loan, along with mandates for military strategy and oversight. the fate of these newly unveiled bills, and of the speaker's tenuous hold on the gavel, will become clearer as the week goes on. but there are significant risks. it could well cost speaker johnson his position.
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iam not i am not resigning and it is in my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring this when we are simply trying to do ourjobs and it is not helpful to the cause and not helpful to the country, it is not helpful to the house republicans and agenda which is in the best interest of the american people of a secure border and some governance and it's not helpful to the unity that we have. ok so lets get into what we know about these bills and whether the speaker has the numbers. leigh ann caldwell, live anchor at the washington post is with us. for this question is, can they get the first on these bills? that is what we are — the first on these bills? that is what we are all— the first on these bills? that is what we are all waiting - the first on these bills? that is what we are all waiting for, he | what we are all waiting for, he definitely doesn't have enough republican votes and there are a lot of republicans were furious and they're demanding that the southern
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border with mexico be secure before more american aid is sent to places like ukraine and is going to lose a lot republican votes in the key is put the democrats do and democrats are signalling support for these bills and there is a lot of ups and downs they can still take place between now and when this vote was going to be held on saturday but these are definitely speakerjohnson buzz buzz huge tests they could lose his job over at. buzz buzz huge tests they could lose hisjob over at. find buzz buzz huge tests they could lose his job over at— his job over at. and the timeline is re his job over at. and the timeline is pretty tight — his job over at. and the timeline is pretty tight and — his job over at. and the timeline is pretty tight and the seven, - his job over at. and the timeline is pretty tight and the seven, they i pretty tight and the seven, they must follow would bring us to saturday and congressional delegations that is scheduled to leave town this weekend, does this affect his numbers? it leave town this weekend, does this affect his numbers?— affect his numbers? it could. that is a big concern _ affect his numbers? it could. that is a big concern and _ affect his numbers? it could. that is a big concern and the _ affect his numbers? it could. that is a big concern and the house - is a big concern and the house is supposed to go out for a passover week on thursday and there is a lot of delegations that are headed to
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africa, the middle east and all of the world and these things get delayed and it happens before but will see, the members are to be super motivated to state to vote and he could very well impact the numbers and people are furious that it took them so long to make a decision and this is running into the weekend and this is running into and interfering with these delegations that are going on trips overseas. it delegations that are going on trips overseas. , . ., delegations that are going on trips overseas. , . . ., . overseas. it is clear tonight and the statements _ overseas. it is clear tonight and the statements made, - overseas. it is clear tonight and the statements made, it - overseas. it is clear tonight and the statements made, it is - overseas. it is clear tonight and - the statements made, it is meeting thatis the statements made, it is meeting that is as real life consequences and they wouldn't normally supply enough air defence and the pixel system is key to that in the longer the delay, the more lives reported risk. , , ., . risk. edges hits of the argument that this is _ risk. edges hits of the argument that this is happening _ risk. edges hits of the argument that this is happening here - risk. edges hits of the argument that this is happening here in i that this is happening here in congress and the epi was sitting look, it is way past time to the
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united states to send this aid and then, you have the other people who have been in borisjohnson's a year where he has to leave this because he is been listening to people who don't want any aid to go overseas and this term we are hearing over and this term we are hearing over and overagain, are and this term we are hearing over and over again, are you church hill or are you chamberlain? and this is a theme that is been going on especially this week as speaker johnson has had to make a decision if he is going to bark at the right flank of his party and move forward with ukraine aid and he's gotten a lot of briefings recently that have made it clear what he needs to do which is to fund ukraine and is a lot consequences for him in order to do it. ., . . ., . . . . do it. you are a patriot and a naval officer. do it. you are a patriot and a naval officer- and _ do it. you are a patriot and a naval officer. and you're _ do it. you are a patriot and a naval officer. and you're also _ do it. you are a patriot and a naval officer. and you're also a - officer. and you're also a republican, do you see any difference between the attacks on
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israel and the attacks on ukraine? both of them were attacked when they were not_ both of them were attacked when they were not expected to be attacked and they have _ were not expected to be attacked and they have to defend themselves. the issues _ they have to defend themselves. the issues with_ they have to defend themselves. the issues with speakerjohnson and the he has _ issues with speakerjohnson and the he has is _ issues with speakerjohnson and the he has is how does he have the right win- he has is how does he have the right wing faction — he has is how does he have the right wing faction of the house supporting him in _ wing faction of the house supporting him in the _ wing faction of the house supporting him in the ways that he goes. the right— him in the ways that he goes. the right wing — him in the ways that he goes. the right wing faction, the freedom caucus. — right wing faction, the freedom caucus, they're looking at the amount— caucus, they're looking at the amount of— caucus, they're looking at the amount of money that is artie gone into ukraine and comparing that to the southern border and wanted to tie the _ the southern border and wanted to tie the two — the southern border and wanted to tie the two together and protect the us borders before they send any more money— us borders before they send any more money to— us borders before they send any more money to ukraine. if ukraine doesn't -et money to ukraine. if ukraine doesn't get the _ money to ukraine. if ukraine doesn't get the backing of the united states. — get the backing of the united states, how do they win the war? and if they— states, how do they win the war? and if they do— states, how do they win the war? and if they do not— states, how do they win the war? and if they do not have the materials to help them — if they do not have the materials to help them fight off china's applies to russia, — help them fight off china's applies to russia, than they're going to be in a serious — to russia, than they're going to be in a serious crisis with ukraine unable — in a serious crisis with ukraine unable to— in a serious crisis with ukraine unable to defend themselves. speaking to the former ukrainian
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prime minister tonight and i quote, without the support, the chances of ukraine prepared prevailing in this war are very low and i'm not sure if they're capable of filling the gaps. so, the states of what's going on are really high —— stakes are high for the europeans. you are really high -- stakes are high for the europeans.— for the europeans. you can only anal se for the europeans. you can only analyse the _ for the europeans. you can only analyse the stakes _ for the europeans. you can only analyse the stakes when - for the europeans. you can only analyse the stakes when you're | analyse the stakes when you're trying _ analyse the stakes when you're trying to — analyse the stakes when you're trying to work— analyse the stakes when you're trying to work out _ analyse the stakes when you're trying to work out what - analyse the stakes when you're trying to work out what people | analyse the stakes when you're i trying to work out what people are trying _ trying to work out what people are trying to _ trying to work out what people are trying to work— trying to work out what people are trying to work out _ trying to work out what people are trying to work out in _ trying to work out what people are trying to work out in peoples - trying to work out in peoples interests _ trying to work out in peoples interests and _ trying to work out in peoples interests and far— trying to work out in peoples interests and far wider- trying to work out in peoples interests and far wider is - trying to work out in peoples interests and far wider is us| interests and far wider is us politics— interests and far wider is us politics are _ interests and far wider is us politics are me _ interests and far wider is us politics are me can - interests and far wider is us politics are me can mean i interests and far wider is usi politics are me can mean two interests and far wider is us - politics are me can mean two things, donald _ politics are me can mean two things, donald trump — politics are me can mean two things, donald trump is _ politics are me can mean two things, donald trump is wanting _ politics are me can mean two things, donald trump is wanting to - putin to win the war and just wants to make _ putin to win the war and just wants to make politics— putin to win the war and just wants to make politics at _ putin to win the war and just wants to make politics at of— putin to win the war and just wants to make politics at of anything - putin to win the war and just wants to make politics at of anything and| to make politics at of anything and make _ to make politics at of anything and make a _ to make politics at of anything and make a vision _ to make politics at of anything and make a vision out _ to make politics at of anything and make a vision out of— to make politics at of anything and make a vision out of anything - to make politics at of anything and make a vision out of anything in. make a vision out of anything in areas _ make a vision out of anything in areas or— make a vision out of anything in areas or they _ make a vision out of anything in areas or they should _ make a vision out of anything in areas or they should be - make a vision out of anything in. areas or they should be bipartisan ships. _ areas or they should be bipartisan ships. things _ areas or they should be bipartisan ships, things that _ areas or they should be bipartisan ships, things that will— ships, things that will categorically- ships, things that will categorically make i ships, things that will- categorically make america a ships, things that will— categorically make america a week again— categorically make america a week again and _ categorically make america a week again and not— categorically make america a week again and not create _ categorically make america a week again and not create again. - categorically make america a week again and not create again. it- categorically make america a week again and not create again. it is- again and not create again. it is either— again and not create again. it is either one — again and not create again. it is either one of— again and not create again. it is either one of those _ again and not create again. it is either one of those two - again and not create again. it is either one of those two and i again and not create again. it is either one of those two and thej either one of those two and the third _ either one of those two and the third is— either one of those two and the third is simply— either one of those two and the third is simply that _ either one of those two and the third is simply that he - either one of those two and the third is simply that he doesn't i third is simply that he doesn't specifically— third is simply that he doesn't
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specifically care. _ third is simply that he doesn't specifically care.— third is simply that he doesn't specifically care. appealing to the euro ean specifically care. appealing to the european union _ specifically care. appealing to the european union and _ specifically care. appealing to the european union and nato - specifically care. appealing to the european union and nato to i specifically care. appealing to the l european union and nato to bolster ukraine's air defences but they may not be enough left in the arsenal, thatis not be enough left in the arsenal, that is the big problem, isn't it? ads, that is the big problem, isn't it? a donald trump was correct when he humiliated — donald trump was correct when he humiliated the _ donald trump was correct when he humiliated the secretary—general. donald trump was correct when he i humiliated the secretary—general of nato after _ humiliated the secretary—general of nato after he — humiliated the secretary—general of nato after he became _ humiliated the secretary—general of nato after he became president i humiliated the secretary—general of nato after he became president and sin- nato after he became president and sing publicly— nato after he became president and sing publicly that, _ nato after he became president and sing publicly that, why— nato after he became president and sing publicly that, why should - sing publicly that, why should america — sing publicly that, why should america which— sing publicly that, why should america which spends - sing publicly that, why should america which spends 3.5% i sing publicly that, why should | america which spends 3.5% of sing publicly that, why should i america which spends 3.5% of the sing publicly that, why should - america which spends 3.5% of the gdp on defence _ america which spends 3.5% of the gdp on defence and — america which spends 3.5% of the gdp on defence and no _ america which spends 3.5% of the gdp on defence and no european _ america which spends 3.5% of the gdp on defence and no european members| on defence and no european members meet their— on defence and no european members meet their targets. _ on defence and no european members meet their targets. it _ on defence and no european members meet their targets. it is _ on defence and no european members meet their targets. it is a _ meet their targets. it is a reasonable _ meet their targets. it is a reasonable point - meet their targets. it is a reasonable point to - meet their targets. it is aj reasonable point to make meet their targets. it is a i reasonable point to make and meet their targets. it is a _ reasonable point to make and europe should _ reasonable point to make and europe should he _ reasonable point to make and europe should he even— reasonable point to make and europe should be even more _ reasonable point to make and europe should be even more motivated i reasonable point to make and europe should be even more motivated nowi should be even more motivated now precisely— should be even more motivated now precisely because _ should be even more motivated now precisely because there _ should be even more motivated now precisely because there is _ should be even more motivated now precisely because there is a - should be even more motivated now precisely because there is a high i precisely because there is a high likelihood — precisely because there is a high likelihood that _ precisely because there is a high likelihood that will— precisely because there is a high likelihood that will be _ precisely because there is a high likelihood that will be back- precisely because there is a high likelihood that will be back in i precisely because there is a high| likelihood that will be back in the white _ likelihood that will be back in the white house _ likelihood that will be back in the white house in _ likelihood that will be back in the white house in a _ likelihood that will be back in the white house in a year— likelihood that will be back in the white house in a year and - likelihood that will be back in the white house in a year and he i white house in a year and he potentially— white house in a year and he potentially doesn't _ white house in a year and he potentially doesn't believe i white house in a year and he potentially doesn't believe inj potentially doesn't believe in those — potentially doesn't believe in those it's_ potentially doesn't believe in those. it's not— potentially doesn't believe in those. it's not freeloading i potentially doesn't believe inl those. it's not freeloading but potentially doesn't believe in - those. it's not freeloading but they are worried — those. it's not freeloading but they are worried that _ those. it's not freeloading but they are worried that america _ those. it's not freeloading but they are worried that america may- those. it's not freeloading but they i are worried that america may simply stop having — are worried that america may simply stop having its — are worried that america may simply stop having its back— are worried that america may simply stop having its back and _ are worried that america may simply stop having its back and that is - are worried that america may simply stop having its back and that is the l stop having its back and that is the inspiration — stop having its back and that is the inspiration they— stop having its back and that is the inspiration they need _ stop having its back and that is the inspiration they need to _ stop having its back and that is the inspiration they need to take - inspiration they need to take
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action — inspiration they need to take action. . . , ., ., action. partially down to the artisan action. partially down to the partisan nature, _ action. partially down to the partisan nature, let's i action. partially down to the partisan nature, let's step i action. partially down to the i partisan nature, let's step back action. partially down to the - partisan nature, let's step back and look at the state of american politics right now and perhaps it's dangerous for the uk the cast dispersion but we have a presumptive nominee facing criminal charges, housein nominee facing criminal charges, house injeopardy to nominee facing criminal charges, house in jeopardy to jeopardy to try to report america's foreign interest, dominant security secretary facing impeachment at this from president biden yesterday during his visit to pennsylvania. you have to have a decency, going through a neighbourhood or rural town in the west and you see big signs that have a donald trump sign that says and having a little kid stand up with his middle finger seven years old eight years old and i promise you, it happens all the time. it is not who we are. he is makin: time. it is not who we are. he is making a _ time. it is not who we are. he is making a campaigning _ time. it is not who we are. he is making a campaigning point i
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time. it is not who we are. he is making a campaigning point and it suits them to suburban voters, women voters who don't like the ugliness of american politics but spread us to this point and it is not very reassuring for allies. it is to this point and it is not very reassuring for allies.- reassuring for allies. it is not reassuring — reassuring for allies. it is not reassuring and _ reassuring for allies. it is not reassuring and the _ reassuring for allies. it is not reassuring and the question | reassuring for allies. it is not l reassuring and the question is, reassuring for allies. it is not i reassuring and the question is, how to get— reassuring and the question is, how to get out— reassuring and the question is, how to get out of it. what do we have to do, including we haven't really heard — do, including we haven't really heard much of the input from the joint chiefs of staff and administrations under george bush and the _ administrations under george bush and the input of the joint chiefs of staff and — and the input of the joint chiefs of staff and not hearing much... why not? that is _ staff and not hearing much... why not? that is a _ staff and not hearing much... why not? that is a good _ staff and not hearing much... why not? that is a good question. is i staff and not hearing much... why. not? that is a good question. is not includin: not? that is a good question. is not including them _ not? that is a good question. is not including them or _ not? that is a good question. is not including them or did _ not? that is a good question. is not including them or did they - not? that is a good question. is not including them or did they feel- not? that is a good question. is not including them or did they feel that | including them or did they feel that their input— including them or did they feel that their input is not the direction they— their input is not the direction they want— their input is not the direction they want go in and that we have to ask and _ they want go in and that we have to ask and they are there to give strategic— ask and they are there to give strategic input as to how best to help our— strategic input as to how best to help our allies and to win conflicts and wars — help our allies and to win conflicts and wars that we are supporting our allies— and wars that we are supporting our allies and _ and wars that we are supporting our allies and as well as the national
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strategic— allies and as well as the national strategic support for his safety and security— strategic support for his safety and security in— strategic support for his safety and security in this region and so, you have _ security in this region and so, you have to _ security in this region and so, you have to wonder who are making these decisions _ have to wonder who are making these decisions and why and other panelists talking about president trump _ panelists talking about president trump and he is not in the position to make _ trump and he is not in the position to make those decisions and an executive — to make those decisions and an executive capacity at this point and we have _ executive capacity at this point and we have to — executive capacity at this point and we have to wonder whether the decision—makers and where they producing — decision—makers and where they producing these outcomes for the strategic— producing these outcomes for the strategic plans that are not protecting those that we say are our allies _ protecting those that we say are our allies. . . ., , .. allies. one article of impeachment auainst allies. one article of impeachment against the — allies. one article of impeachment against the secretary _ allies. one article of impeachment against the secretary dismissed i allies. one article of impeachment. against the secretary dismissed and this was among yesterday. marching into the senate to deliver the impeachment. the irony towards this and the republicans accused democrats of not taking the crisis of the border security seriously which is not without merit by the
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end of the impeachment will fail and maybe they're not taking accountability either. this impeachment, _ accountability either. this impeachment, most i accountability either. try 3 impeachment, most people even most republicans say that this is baseless impeachment and this is something that was done in the house of representatives because they were unable to find evidence to impeach president biden and said this was the next best thing, border security has become one of the top issues among american voters and republicans wanted to delve into that and i highlight that, they wanted to impeach him. what is happening in the centre right now is they're moving very quickly and expeditiously to dismiss this entire process and republicans, a group of republicans, not all, but some of them wanted to use this as a way to highlight the failures on the border and this is, impeachment is always a
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political process and this is more political process and this is more political than usual. i wanted to touch on the donald trumps criminal trial in new york. a recess today, so no jury selection. they have picked seven jurors picked so far. five jurors and six alternates, still need to be picked. they reckon they might get there by the weekend. but it is the character of these jurors and the questions they are being asked that so fascinates me. they were asked yesterday what podcasts they listened to. what political programmes they watch. they managed to find a juror who had no knowledge of his other indictments — and it is amazing how many get their news only from twitter and tik tok. use speak to an interesting point about— use speak to an interesting point about this, — use speak to an interesting point about this, you _ use speak to an interesting point about this, you get _ use speak to an interesting point about this, you get a _ use speak to an interesting point about this, you get a jury, - use speak to an interesting point. about this, you get a jury, and you -ive about this, you get a jury, and you give them — about this, you get a jury, and you give them the _ about this, you get a jury, and you give them the right— about this, you get a jury, and you give them the right to _ about this, you get a jury, and you give them the right to pass- about this, you get a jury, and you i give them the right to passjudgment
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on the _ give them the right to passjudgment on the fellowman _ give them the right to passjudgment on the fellowman but _ give them the right to passjudgment on the fellowman but you _ give them the right to passjudgment on the fellowman but you have - on the fellowman but you have to look at _ on the fellowman but you have to look at them _ on the fellowman but you have to look at them in _ on the fellowman but you have to look at them in such _ on the fellowman but you have to look at them in such a _ on the fellowman but you have to look at them in such a way- on the fellowman but you have to look at them in such a way to i on the fellowman but you have to. look at them in such a way to think they cannot — look at them in such a way to think they cannot look _ look at them in such a way to think they cannot look beyond _ look at them in such a way to think they cannot look beyond the - look at them in such a way to think they cannot look beyond the blogs| they cannot look beyond the blogs that the _ they cannot look beyond the blogs that the reader— they cannot look beyond the blogs that the reader the _ they cannot look beyond the blogs that the reader the news - they cannot look beyond the blogs that the reader the news that i they cannot look beyond the blogs that the reader the news that they read or— that the reader the news that they read or what— that the reader the news that they read or what they _ that the reader the news that they read or what they listen _ that the reader the news that they read or what they listen to. - that the reader the news that they read or what they listen to. i - that the reader the news that they read or what they listen to. i thinkj read or what they listen to. i think it is a _ read or what they listen to. i think it is a fundamental— it is a fundamental problem, especially— it is a fundamental problem, especially becoming - it is a fundamental problem, especially becoming a - it is a fundamental problem, j especially becoming a bigger it is a fundamental problem, - especially becoming a bigger problem recently— especially becoming a bigger problem recently and _ especially becoming a bigger problem recently and clearly _ especially becoming a bigger problem recently and clearly seen _ especially becoming a bigger problem recently and clearly seen what - especially becoming a bigger problem recently and clearly seen what is i recently and clearly seen what is happening — recently and clearly seen what is happening with _ recently and clearly seen what is happening with donald _ recently and clearly seen what is happening with donald trump i recently and clearly seen what is i happening with donald trumpjurors and i happening with donald trumpjurors and i know— happening with donald trumpjurors and i know a — happening with donald trumpjurors and i know a lot _ happening with donald trumpjurors and i know a lot of— happening with donald trumpjurors and i know a lot of them _ happening with donald trumpjurors and i know a lot of them have - happening with donald trumpjurors and i know a lot of them have said i and i know a lot of them have said well, _ and i know a lot of them have said well, it— and i know a lot of them have said well, it revealed _ and i know a lot of them have said well, it revealed their— well, it revealed their anti—prejudice - well, it revealed their anti—prejudice by- well, it revealed their. anti—prejudice by donald well, it revealed their- anti—prejudice by donald trump well, it revealed their— anti—prejudice by donald trump been trying _ anti—prejudice by donald trump been trying to— anti—prejudice by donald trump been trying to divide — anti—prejudice by donald trump been trying to divide american _ anti—prejudice by donald trump been trying to divide american society i trying to divide american society has done — trying to divide american society has done that _ trying to divide american society has done that successfully- trying to divide american society has done that successfully for. trying to divide american society has done that successfully for al has done that successfully for a lon- has done that successfully for a longtime — has done that successfully for a longtime it's _ has done that successfully for a long time it's hardly— has done that successfully for a long time it's hardly a - has done that successfully for a long time it's hardly a surprisei has done that successfully for a i long time it's hardly a surprise to find anyone — long time it's hardly a surprise to find anyone who _ long time it's hardly a surprise to find anyone who doesn't - long time it's hardly a surprise to find anyone who doesn't have i long time it's hardly a surprise to i find anyone who doesn't have strong views _ find anyone who doesn't have strong views and _ find anyone who doesn't have strong views and people _ find anyone who doesn't have strong views and people are _ find anyone who doesn't have strong views and people are frankly - views and people are frankly motivated _ views and people are frankly motivated to _ views and people are frankly motivated to get _ views and people are frankly motivated to get out - views and people are frankly motivated to get out of i views and people are frankly motivated to get out ofjuryl motivated to get out ofjury service _ motivated to get out ofjury service. the _ motivated to get out ofjury service. the ones _ motivated to get out ofjury service. the ones who i motivated to get out ofjury service. the ones who will. motivated to get out ofjury. service. the ones who will be selected _ service. the ones who will be selected are _ service. the ones who will be selected are the _ service. the ones who will be selected are the smart - service. the ones who will be selected are the smart onesi service. the ones who will be i selected are the smart ones who managed — selected are the smart ones who managed to— selected are the smart ones who managed to conceal— selected are the smart ones who managed to conceal their- selected are the smart ones who i managed to conceal their prejudices and will— managed to conceal their prejudices and will affect— managed to conceal their prejudices and will affect the _ managed to conceal their prejudices and will affect the bitter _ managed to conceal their prejudices and will affect the bitter revenge i and will affect the bitter revenge on him — and will affect the bitter revenge on him but— and will affect the bitter revenge on him. but who _ and will affect the bitter revenge on him. but who knows. - and will affect the bitter revenge on him. but who knows. it's- and will affect the bitter revenge on him. but who knows. it's going to be life-changing _ on him. but who knows. it's going to be life-changing for _ on him. but who knows. it's going to be life-changing for these _ on him. but who knows. it's going to be life-changing for these jurors. i be life—changing for these jurors. you wonder who would want to be on thejury you wonder who would want to be on the jury because once it starts, they're going to be under the microscope. they're going to be under the microscope-_ they're going to be under the microscope. they're going to be under the microsco e. , . , . microscope. yes, their names are
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ke -t microscope. yes, their names are kept confidential _ microscope. yes, their names are kept confidential but _ microscope. yes, their names are kept confidential but how- kept confidential but how confidential is confidential at this point, especially after this trial is over. it is going to be quite a life—changing experience and also you have donald trump staring at you all day every day which should be quite unique and may be intimidating experience stop when he was muttering about some of them the other day when she was told off and as the nature of donald trump in the circus that follows him and his lovely to see you.— lovely to see you. with what is auoin on lovely to see you. with what is going on and _ lovely to see you. with what is going on and we _ lovely to see you. with what is going on and we are _ lovely to see you. with what is going on and we are going i lovely to see you. with what is going on and we are going to l lovely to see you. with what is i going on and we are going to have a special hour tomorrow night on ukraine where you have in the war, what does the ukrainian position look like and what is at stake in the next few days in washington and dojoin us for that the next few days in washington and do join us for that tomorrow night.
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let's have a quick look at some of the stories here today. receiving an apology from sussex police over the state and its investigation killing nine—year—old and a wooden den and brighton. bishop was cleared of those murders was convicted after double jeopardy laws are changed permitting a second trial. the scottish government is to dig its flagship environmental target to reduce greenhouse gases by 75%. they've missed multiple targets and reaching that milestone at the end of the deck at this not unachievable. to be read understand reaching that zero by 2,045 will remain. conference making to remain illegal in scotland and was very changed their laws to make it illegal to have children in the uk governments is the current laws already protect children from
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violence. the european leaders are meeting tonight in brussels to discuss the situation in the middle east and ukraine. the british foreign secretary and his german counterpart annalina baerbek where in jerusalem today. part of a concerted effort from the europeans to try and urge some restraint on israel. lord cameron said it was clear to him, after his conversations with benjamin netenyahu that israel does intend to retaliate for the iranian attack on saturday, which was launched in response to that presumed israeli air strike on the iranian embassy in syria. have a listen. we wa nted we wanted to demonstrator solidarity with israel and we have to be clear and any response should be smart and should be designed in a way that is going to limit and try to de—escalate this conflict. nobody
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wants to see this conflict grow and spread. prime minister netenyahu said while his country always welcomed the advice of allies, they will make their own decisions on what the shape of the response will be. translation: i am now coming from meetings i i thank our friends for their support in defending israel, and i say this for both the verbal support and support in actions. they also have all kinds of proposal and advice, i appreciate it, but i want to be clear — we will make our decisions on our own, and the state of israel will do what it needs defend itself. there was a coalition in the wake of the attack on saturday but does israel riskjeopardising this support goes too far? i israel risk jeopardising this support goes too far? i don't think a risks jeopardising _ support goes too far? i don't think a risks jeopardising it, _ support goes too far? i don't think a risks jeopardising it, i _ support goes too far? i don't think a risks jeopardising it, i think- a risksjeopardising it, ithink the international— a risksjeopardising it, ithink the international leaders—
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a risksjeopardising it, ithink the international leaders like - a risksjeopardising it, i think the. international leaders like cameron should _ international leaders like cameron should have — international leaders like cameron should have the _ international leaders like cameron should have the courage _ international leaders like cameron should have the courage to - international leaders like cameron should have the courage to say- should have the courage to say exactly — should have the courage to say exactly what _ should have the courage to say exactly what benjamin - should have the courage to say. exactly what benjamin netanyahu should have the courage to say- exactly what benjamin netanyahu has said thing _ exactly what benjamin netanyahu has said thing they're _ exactly what benjamin netanyahu has said thing they're doing _ exactly what benjamin netanyahu has said thing they're doing their- exactly what benjamin netanyahu has said thing they're doing their best- said thing they're doing their best to apply— said thing they're doing their best to apply pressure _ said thing they're doing their best to apply pressure on _ said thing they're doing their best to apply pressure on israel- said thing they're doing their best to apply pressure on israel and i to apply pressure on israel and israel— to apply pressure on israel and israel is — to apply pressure on israel and israel is ignoring _ to apply pressure on israel and israel is ignoring that - to apply pressure on israel and israel is ignoring that pressure| to apply pressure on israel and i israel is ignoring that pressure and will do _ israel is ignoring that pressure and will do exactly _ israel is ignoring that pressure and will do exactly what _ israel is ignoring that pressure and will do exactly what it _ israel is ignoring that pressure and will do exactly what it wants - israel is ignoring that pressure and will do exactly what it wants and i will do exactly what it wants and moving — will do exactly what it wants and moving itself— will do exactly what it wants and moving itself into _ will do exactly what it wants and moving itself into a _ will do exactly what it wants and moving itself into a situation i will do exactly what it wants and i moving itself into a situation where it says _ moving itself into a situation where it says it _ moving itself into a situation where it says it will— moving itself into a situation where it says it will do _ moving itself into a situation where it says it will do what _ moving itself into a situation where it says it will do what it _ moving itself into a situation where it says it will do what it wants - moving itself into a situation where it says it will do what it wants and i it says it will do what it wants and yet, it says it will do what it wants and yet. it's _ it says it will do what it wants and yet. it's fighter— it says it will do what it wants and yet, it's fighterjets _ it says it will do what it wants and yet, it's fighterjets will— yet, it's fighterjets will still shoot — yet, it's fighterjets will still shoot down _ yet, it's fighterjets will still shoot down iranian - yet, it's fighterjets will still shoot down iranian drones i yet, it's fighterjets will still. shoot down iranian drones and yet, it's fighterjets will still- shoot down iranian drones and if that's_ shoot down iranian drones and if that's the — shoot down iranian drones and if that's the correct _ shoot down iranian drones and if that's the correct course - shoot down iranian drones and if that's the correct course of- shoot down iranian drones and if. that's the correct course of action, not getting — that's the correct course of action, not getting benjamin— that's the correct course of action, not getting benjamin netanyahu . that's the correct course of action, - not getting benjamin netanyahu won't listen but _ not getting benjamin netanyahu won't listen but he _ not getting benjamin netanyahu won't listen but he was _ not getting benjamin netanyahu won't listen but he was still— not getting benjamin netanyahu won't listen but he was still stand _ not getting benjamin netanyahu won't listen but he was still stand up- listen but he was still stand up where — listen but he was still stand up where it— listen but he was still stand up where it is_ listen but he was still stand up where it is needed. _ listen but he was still stand up where it is needed. i— listen but he was still stand up where it is needed. i think- listen but he was still stand up where it is needed. i think the| listen but he was still stand up- where it is needed. i think the most effective _ where it is needed. i think the most effective thing — where it is needed. i think the most effective thing that _ where it is needed. i think the most effective thing that european - effective thing that european leaders — effective thing that european teaders ceh— effective thing that european leaders can do _ effective thing that european leaders can do and _ effective thing that european leaders can do and those - effective thing that european| leaders can do and those that effective thing that european - leaders can do and those that want to put— leaders can do and those that want to put pressure _ leaders can do and those that want to put pressure on— leaders can do and those that want to put pressure on benjamin- to put pressure on benjamin netanyahu _ to put pressure on benjamin netanyahu should _ to put pressure on benjamin netanyahu should actually. to put pressure on benjamin. netanyahu should actually tell to put pressure on benjamin- netanyahu should actually tell it how it _ netanyahu should actually tell it how it is — netanyahu should actually tell it how it is in — netanyahu should actually tell it how it is in the _ netanyahu should actually tell it how it is in the way— netanyahu should actually tell it how it is in the way that - netanyahu should actually tell it. how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu — how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu is _ how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu is telling _ how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu is telling it _ how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu is telling it how- how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu is telling it how it - how it is in the way that benjamin netanyahu is telling it how it is. how it is in the way that benjaminj netanyahu is telling it how it is as they continue _ netanyahu is telling it how it is as they continue to _ netanyahu is telling it how it is as they continue to say, _ netanyahu is telling it how it is as they continue to say, were - netanyahu is telling it how it is as they continue to say, were tryingl netanyahu is telling it how it is as i they continue to say, were trying to make _ they continue to say, were trying to make him _ they continue to say, were trying to make him do— they continue to say, were trying to make him do this _ they continue to say, were trying to make him do this or— they continue to say, were trying to make him do this or that _ they continue to say, were trying to make him do this or that but - they continue to say, were trying to make him do this or that but he - they continue to say, were trying toj make him do this or that but he will not. make him do this or that but he will not the _ make him do this or that but he will not the way— make him do this or that but he will not. the way to put _ make him do this or that but he will not. the way to put pressure - make him do this or that but he will| not. the way to put pressure on him is to tell— not. the way to put pressure on him is to tell it— not. the way to put pressure on him is to tell it how— not. the way to put pressure on him is to tell it how it is _ not. the way to put pressure on him is to tell it how it is in— not. the way to put pressure on him is to tell it how it is in the _ is to tell it how it is in the way that— is to tell it how it is in the way that he — is to tell it how it is in the way that he is— is to tell it how it is in the way that he is doing. _ is to tell it how it is in the way that he is doing. 1&— is to tell it how it is in the way that he is doing.— that he is doing. a confused approach — that he is doing. a confused approach in _ that he is doing. a confused approach in some _
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that he is doing. a confused approach in some aspects . that he is doing. a confused i approach in some aspects from that he is doing. a confused - approach in some aspects from the biden administration and on one hand, they say they stand behind you come what may and will continue to supply and defend israel and the other, they been quite critical of the way the war has been waged in gaza. that is confusing and some aspects of israel but it's also confused encouraged israel's enemies in the region. do they see it as a weakness and is that at the root of the it forwarded on saturday —— what unfolded. the it forwarded on saturday -- what unfolded. ~ . the it forwarded on saturday -- what unfolded. ~ , ., , . unfolded. web for president biden come what you _ unfolded. web for president biden come what you if _ unfolded. web for president biden come what you if they _ unfolded. web for president biden come what you if they were - unfolded. web for president biden come what you if they were to - unfolded. web for president biden . come what you if they were to engage in any— come what you if they were to engage in any attack on israel and his response _ in any attack on israel and his response was don't. without having context _ response was don't. without having context behind that, itjust emboldens those want to attack israet— emboldens those want to attack israel and the say i'm going to do it and _ israel and the say i'm going to do it and witt— israel and the say i'm going to do it and will see. fortunately, those satettites — it and will see. fortunately, those satellites are able to be shut down and fortunately, no one was killed
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in israet's — and fortunately, no one was killed in israel's position, they have to walk— in israel's position, they have to walk a _ in israel's position, they have to walk a tight rope because the biden administration says we are not going to support _ administration says we are not going to support you with missiles or in need _ to support you with missiles or in need defence if you attack the iranians, _ need defence if you attack the iranians, israel is to take pause and say— iranians, israel is to take pause and say how do we respond to this attack— and say how do we respond to this attack that— and say how do we respond to this attack that killed no one and destroyed nothing. so, israel is to walk a _ destroyed nothing. so, israel is to walk a very— destroyed nothing. so, israel is to walk a very tight rope in the biden administration needs to be very clear— administration needs to be very clear on— administration needs to be very clear on its position, can israel defend — clear on its position, can israel defend itself, we cannot say that in one breath — defend itself, we cannot say that in one breath and then the other ones say, and _ one breath and then the other ones say, and of— one breath and then the other ones say, and of bombing and you don't hear— say, and of bombing and you don't hear anything about the hostages and demand _ hear anything about the hostages and demand a _ hear anything about the hostages and demand a hostage release. if they're still alive. _ demand a hostage release. if they're stittative. if— demand a hostage release. if they're still alive, if they are still in gaza, — still alive, if they are still in gaza, if— still alive, if they are still in gaza, if they are anywhere around where _ gaza, if they are anywhere around where we — gaza, if they are anywhere around where we can capture them, that is a hi-h where we can capture them, that is a high question we have about five or six americans being held hostage and that has— six americans being held hostage and that has gone by the wayside with hamas— that has gone by the wayside with hamas and hezbollah at iranians
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attacking — hamas and hezbollah at iranians attacking israel and israel making a decision— attacking israel and israel making a decision to — attacking israel and israel making a decision to defend itself and some of the _ decision to defend itself and some of the members in the national community say you better have a cease-fire — community say you better have a cease—fire so we can get humanitarian aid and we can have a conversation. meanwhile, they're getting _ conversation. meanwhile, they're getting a — conversation. meanwhile, they're getting a tight left and right. we are getting a tight left and right. , are watching pictures alongside the un security council and talking about the aid needs in gaza and the commissioner general, 2.5 billion they've asked for to support 3 million palestinians. they are saying they might withdraw from there without this mediator rolls because they're in a very sensitive position. the implication of that is we are nowhere near cease—fire in gaza and that could potentially exacerbate the situation stopped when i don't want to give you the same answer but benjamin netanyahu has made it clear that israel would do what it wants in the
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international community fraiiiii do what it wants in the international community will cover his back. international community will cover his back- the _ international community will cover his back. the international - his back. the international community— his back. the international community is— his back. the international community is trying - his back. the international community is trying to - his back. the international| community is trying to find his back. the international- community is trying to find ways. i community is trying to find ways. suppose you have to see it domestically and they have their critics but from a domestic perspective, he has criticised for what happened on october seven and now, an unprecedented attack from iran on saturday and from their perspective, you cannot take the victory because things have changed fundamentally for us and we have to respond in kind. i’m fundamentally for us and we have to respond in kind.— respond in kind. i'm not trying to say anything _ respond in kind. i'm not trying to say anything that _ respond in kind. i'm not trying to say anything that criticises - say anything that criticises benjamin _ say anything that criticises benjamin netanyahu. - say anything that criticises benjamin netanyahu. i- say anything that criticises - benjamin netanyahu. i understand say anything that criticises _ benjamin netanyahu. i understand the political— benjamin netanyahu. i understand the political pressure — benjamin netanyahu. i understand the political pressure that _ benjamin netanyahu. i understand the political pressure that comes - benjamin netanyahu. i understand the political pressure that comes from - political pressure that comes from october— political pressure that comes from october the — political pressure that comes from october the 7th _ political pressure that comes from october the 7th and _ political pressure that comes from october the 7th and listening - political pressure that comes from october the 7th and listening to i october the 7th and listening to your domestic _ october the 7th and listening to your domestic audience - october the 7th and listening to your domestic audience far- october the 7th and listening tol your domestic audience far more october the 7th and listening to - your domestic audience far more than the international— your domestic audience far more than the international community - your domestic audience far more than the international community in - your domestic audience far more than the international community in those i the international community in those circumstances — the international community in those circumstances. but— the international community in those circumstances. but if— the international community in those circumstances. but if you're - the international community in those circumstances. but if you're talking l circumstances. but if you're talking about _ circumstances. but if you're talking about aid, — circumstances. but if you're talking aboutaid. he— circumstances. but if you're talking about aid, he knows, _ circumstances. but if you're talking about aid, he knows, the _ circumstances. but if you're talking about aid, he knows, the westernl about aid, he knows, the western countries — about aid, he knows, the western countries will _ about aid, he knows, the western countries will make _ about aid, he knows, the western countries will make plans - about aid, he knows, the western countries will make plans amongl countries will make plans among themselves— countries will make plans among themselves to _ countries will make plans among themselves to find _ countries will make plans among themselves to find ways - countries will make plans among themselves to find ways of- countries will make plans among i themselves to find ways of getting aid into— themselves to find ways of getting aid into gaza _ themselves to find ways of getting aid into gaza. but— themselves to find ways of getting aid into gaza. but if— themselves to find ways of getting aid into gaza. but if there - themselves to find ways of getting aid into gaza. but if there is - themselves to find ways of getting aid into gaza. but if there is no - aid into gaza. but if there is no aid into gaza. but if there is no aid getting _ aid into gaza. but if there is no aid getting into _ aid into gaza. but if there is no aid getting into gaza, - aid into gaza. but if there is no aid getting into gaza, it's - aid into gaza. but if there is no aid getting into gaza, it's veryi aid getting into gaza, it's very clear— aid getting into gaza, it's very clear why— aid getting into gaza, it's very
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clear why that's— aid getting into gaza, it's very clear why that's happening - aid getting into gaza, it's very clear why that's happening ini clear why that's happening in israet's — clear why that's happening in israel's preventing _ clear why that's happening in israel's preventing that - clear why that's happening in israel's preventing that from| israel's preventing that from happening _ israel's preventing that from happening and _ israel's preventing that from happening and they- israel's preventing that from happening and they may - israel's preventing that from| happening and they may have israel's preventing that from - happening and they may have their reasons _ happening and they may have their reasons a— happening and they may have their reasons. a military— happening and they may have their reasons. a military technical- reasons. a military technical question. _ reasons. a military technical question, isn't— reasons. a military technical question, isn't it. _ reasons. a military technical question, isn't it. will- reasons. a military technicali question, isn't it. will hamas reasons. a military technical- question, isn't it. will hamas take the aid, _ question, isn't it. will hamas take the aid, etc~ — question, isn't it. will hamas take the aid, etc. but _ question, isn't it. will hamas take the aid, etc. but anyone _ question, isn't it. will hamas take the aid, etc. but anyone can - question, isn't it. will hamas take the aid, etc. but anyone can chipi the aid, etc. but anyone can chip in with and _ the aid, etc. but anyone can chip in with and are — the aid, etc. but anyone can chip in with and are not _ the aid, etc. but anyone can chip in with and are not but _ the aid, etc. but anyone can chip ml with and are not but fundamentally, benjamin _ with and are not but fundamentally, benjamin netanyahu _ with and are not but fundamentally, benjamin netanyahu is _ with and are not but fundamentally, benjamin netanyahu is calling - with and are not but fundamentally, benjamin netanyahu is calling the l benjamin netanyahu is calling the shots _ benjamin netanyahu is calling the shots in _ benjamin netanyahu is calling the shots in the — benjamin netanyahu is calling the shots in the international- benjamin netanyahu is calling the i shots in the international community would _ shots in the international community would do _ shots in the international community would do would _ shots in the international community would do would it _ shots in the international community would do would it can _ shots in the international community would do would it can stop _ shots in the international community would do would it can stop light - would do would it can stop light will keep— would do would it can stop light will keep in— would do would it can stop light will keep in eye _ would do would it can stop light will keep in eye on _ would do would it can stop light will keep in eye on that. - would do would it can stop light will keep in eye on that. more. will keep in eye on that. more information _ will keep in eye on that. more information but _ will keep in eye on that. more information but let's - will keep in eye on that. more information but let's take - will keep in eye on that. more information but let's take a i will keep in eye on that. more i information but let's take a short break and will be right back. good evening. sunshine for some, but not for all. that has been the story today, and when the shower clouds came, they were pretty threatening. quite a dramatic weather watcher picture here sent in from north wales. most of the showers have been out to the west first thing this morning, with these frontal systems sinking steadily south. through this evening, we have a clutch of showers just clinging on to east anglia
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and south—east england. they fade away, skies clear, temperatures are likely to fall away, and gardeners and growers, take note, we could see a touch of light frost in sheltered western areas with low single figures. further north and west, we keep around 4 or 5 degrees, and that's because we have cloud and rain spilling in from another system, which will bring some wet weather as we go through the day. into the afternoon, perhaps the best of the sunshine in east anglia, the midlands and southern england, clouding over through north wales, north midlands, up into northern england, to close to the scottish borders, where there will be outbreaks of rain. the rain not too bad in northern ireland, but it will stay fairly persistent on and off through the north—west of scotland throughout the afternoon. the rain obviously having a little impact on the feel of the weather once again, only highs of 8—12 degrees, but we might see 15 celsius in the south—east with the best of the sunshine. there will be some rain for all of us at some point through thursday night into the early hours of friday morning, and then the high pressure really trying to influence its story. however, because of the position of the high, we still pick up this northerly wind, so we will be chasing
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cloud amounts around. it's going to be a breezy day on friday, and that will have an impact on the feel of the weather once again. temperatures just below par, really, for the time of year. into the start of the weekend, the high pressure is continuing to nudge its way a little bit further north and east. this weather front could enhance some showery rain for a time across eastern scotland and maybe north—east england. it also, again, depends on the direction of the wind. because of the position of the high, we are continuing to drag in the wind from the north—east, so coming from scandinavia, a cooler source, and so that means that along north sea coasts, yes, at times, those temperatures struggling and there will be a few scattered showers. so west is best for not only sunshine, but also warmth this weekend.
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hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. gen zers in the us and uk are seeing their wage growth outstrip pay rises for other age groups. a recent economist article suggests this is impacting their attitude to work.
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there are many things that are written about gen z — the zoomers, that were born in the mid—to—late �*905. the more un—charitable definition is that they are a cohort, defined by their anxiety. but the economist has just published an article that turns our impression but the economist has just published an article that turns our impression of the zoomers on its head. in america, the hourly pay growth among 16 to 2a—year—olds hit i3% year on year — a little more than double the rate for workers over 25 years of age. in the uk, using a different measure — people aged 18—21 saw their average pay rise by 15% — far outstripping pay rises among the other age groups. in respect of wage growth, as reflected in household incomes the average 25—year—old american has an annualfamily income of around $40,000 — that's over 50% more than the average baby—boomer at the same age. are the zoomers worthy of our pity? the millennials grew up thinking a job was a privilege, the zoomers the economist would suggest, treat it as a right,
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and act accordingly — taking things slowly,


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