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tv   World Business Report  BBC News  April 18, 2024 2:30pm-2:46pm BST

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burgess was almost as well. arian burgess was almost shouted down by conservative members laughing. they were told off by the presiding officer. it is laughing. they were told off by the presiding officer.— presiding officer. it is “ust startina presiding officer. it is “ust starting so i presiding officer. it is “ust starting so let's �* presiding officer. it isjust starting so let's listen - presiding officer. it isjust starting so let's listen in. | the government remains responsible for ensuring that such information is not reported by the media before the parliament lands of it. i have spoken to the minutes of parliamentary business and i have asked that the cabinet secretary apologises to the chamber for this breach. the chamber will be aware that i have previously disallowed statements however the information reported in the press today is key to actions that may impact on
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legislation in this parliament and the way the government has held accountable by the government. additionally, there is information in a statement that hasn't been previously reported and for those reasons as i do not wish to disadvantage other members, i tend to allow the statement to be made. but i remind the government that this parliament must be given its proper place. the cabinet secretary will take questions at the end of her statement and there will be no interruptions or interventions during her statement. interruptions or interventions during herstatement. i interruptions or interventions during her statement. i call on the cabinet secretary.— during her statement. i call on the cabinet secretary. please allow me to beain b cabinet secretary. please allow me to begin by setting _ cabinet secretary. please allow me to begin by setting out _ cabinet secretary. please allow me to begin by setting out my - cabinet secretary. please allow me to begin by setting out my regret i to begin by setting out my regret andindeed to begin by setting out my regret and indeed my apology to you and the chamber_ and indeed my apology to you and the chamber for— and indeed my apology to you and the chamber for the media speculation that has_ chamber for the media speculation that has surrounded the content of my statement today. i regret it it because — my statement today. i regret it it because i— my statement today. i regret it it because i take this seriously but it has become more difficult for me to communicate something. i have asked
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for an— communicate something. i have asked for an internal investigation to be made _ for an internal investigation to be made the — for an internal investigation to be made. the race net zero is one that we must _ made. the race net zero is one that we must all— made. the race net zero is one that we must all win and i want to begin by affirming this government unwavering commitment to ending our contribution _ unwavering commitment to ending our contribution to global emissions by 2045 at— contribution to global emissions by 2045 at the latest as agreed by parliament on a cross—party basis. i was grateful — parliament on a cross—party basis. i was grateful for the latest report from _ was grateful for the latest report from the — was grateful for the latest report from the committee on climate change on our— from the committee on climate change on our progress in reducing emissions. the ctc are a key partner in our— emissions. the ctc are a key partner in our het _ emissions. the ctc are a key partner in our het zero — emissions. the ctc are a key partner in our net zero journey and emissions. the ctc are a key partner in our net zerojourney and their insights— in our net zerojourney and their insights are _ in our net zerojourney and their insights are essential. their report recognised — insights are essential. their report recognised much to be proud of, including — recognised much to be proud of, including his government's provision of free _ including his government's provision of free bus _ including his government's provision of free bus travel to or under 20s, our work— of free bus travel to or under 20s, our work delivering more woodland in scotland _ our work delivering more woodland in scotland in _ our work delivering more woodland in scotland in a year than any uk nations— scotland in a year than any uk nations combined end i will work in decarbonising heat in buildings. considerable process is also being made _ considerable process is also being made in _ considerable process is also being made in energy. scotland is becoming a renewables powerhouse with 87.9%
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of electricity generation coming through— of electricity generation coming through zero or low carbon sources in 2021— through zero or low carbon sources in 2022. these are just some of the examples _ in 2022. these are just some of the examples of— in 2022. these are just some of the examples of the considerable work that has— examples of the considerable work that has been taken and which sees us nearly— that has been taken and which sees us nearly halfway to net zero, narrowly _ us nearly halfway to net zero, narrowly missing our most recent annual— narrowly missing our most recent annual emission reduction target but still decarbonising faster than the uk average. quite rightly, just as with the — uk average. quite rightly, just as with the uk government, there ctc challenges — with the uk government, there ctc challenges us to go further. and that is— challenges us to go further. and that is exactly what we will do as today— that is exactly what we will do as today i_ that is exactly what we will do as today i am — that is exactly what we will do as today i am announcing a new package of measures— today i am announcing a new package of measures which will lead with partners — of measures which will lead with partners to support scotland's transition to net zero full stop firstly, — transition to net zero full stop firstly, the global transition to zero _ firstly, the global transition to zero emissions vehicles is happening at pace _ zero emissions vehicles is happening at pace. major, thatchers have named the day _ at pace. major, thatchers have named the day when they will cease manufacture a new petrol and diesel vehicles _ manufacture a new petrol and diesel vehicles. scotland has long been at the forefront of helping people make the forefront of helping people make the transition to ev is, but we will
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work— the transition to ev is, but we will work in _ the transition to ev is, but we will work in partnership with more than quadruple — work in partnership with more than quadruple the electric vehicles charge — quadruple the electric vehicles charge points across scotland. scotland — charge points across scotland. scotland will see approximately 24.000 — scotland will see approximately 24,000 additional charge point by 2030 _ 24,000 additional charge point by 2030. this will help ease any remaining range anxiety that people may feel— remaining range anxiety that people may feel and make sure that going electric— may feel and make sure that going electric is— may feel and make sure that going electric is an option for every part of our— electric is an option for every part of our nation. to make public transport _ of our nation. to make public transport better with people lives and encourage us all to choose more sustainable _ and encourage us all to choose more sustainable transport, we will also explore _ sustainable transport, we will also explore a — sustainable transport, we will also explore a new national integrated ticketing — explore a new national integrated ticketing system for public transport in scotland. we will encourage operators across all modes of transport _ encourage operators across all modes of transport to participate in this project _ of transport to participate in this project which aims to enable passengers to use one ticketing system — passengers to use one ticketing system for all elements of the journey — system for all elements of the journey. we will help people be less reliant _ journey. we will help people be less reliant on _ journey. we will help people be less reliant on cars and we will publish a route _ reliant on cars and we will publish a route map to help deliver a 20% reduction — a route map to help deliver a 20% reduction in — a route map to help deliver a 20% reduction in car use. this will not be a _ reduction in car use. this will not be a one — reduction in car use. this will not be a one size _ reduction in car use. this will not be a one size fits all, top—down approach — be a one size fits all, top—down approach. we understand that urban
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and rural— approach. we understand that urban and rural scotland will contribute differently to this and i were transition plan for transportable and short— transition plan for transportable and short support of all communities. turning to other vehicles, — communities. turning to other vehicles, we will support the transition away from petrol and diesel— transition away from petrol and diesel vans, working with business including _ diesel vans, working with business including the largest companies for an initial— including the largest companies for an initial phase and in line with our need — an initial phase and in line with our need of business principles, we will develop land and support mechanisms. we understand the importance of this transition to small— importance of this transition to small businesses and independent traders— small businesses and independent traders in— small businesses and independent traders in particular and we will ensure — traders in particular and we will ensure that their needs are at the heart _ ensure that their needs are at the heart of— ensure that their needs are at the heart of this work. scotland's food and drink— heart of this work. scotland's food and drink is— heart of this work. scotland's food and drink is a significant national success— and drink is a significant national success story and food security is important — success story and food security is important to this government. that is why— important to this government. that is why we _ important to this government. that is why we are supporting our farming immunity— is why we are supporting our farming immunity to — is why we are supporting our farming immunity to continue producing food while slowing emissions. the cabinet secretary— while slowing emissions. the cabinet secretary of rural affairs is working _ secretary of rural affairs is working with a sector to deliver this including through the ongoing agricultural and rural communities bill and _ agricultural and rural communities bill and the agriculture reform board — bill and the agriculture reform board which she co—chairs with the
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national— board which she co—chairs with the national farmers' union of scotland. we want _ national farmers' union of scotland. we want to— national farmers' union of scotland. we want to do more to support our agricultural— we want to do more to support our agricultural sector to lead the way in regenerative farming and food production. that is why we will take forward _ production. that is why we will take forward a _ production. that is why we will take forward a pilot scheme with some scottish— forward a pilot scheme with some scottish farms to establish future appropriate uptake of methane suppressing food products or additives, a key measure to reduce emissions — additives, a key measure to reduce emissions from livestock. some of these _ emissions from livestock. some of these are — emissions from livestock. some of these are being pioneered here in scotland — these are being pioneered here in scotland so we look forward to working — scotland so we look forward to working on this home—grown innovation. proportionate carbon audits _ innovation. proportionate carbon audits will— innovation. proportionate carbon audits will also be required by farms — audits will also be required by farms receiving public support by 2028 _ farms receiving public support by 2028 at — farms receiving public support by 2028 at the latest. nutrient management plans will be built on this and _ management plans will be built on this and be integrated into the whole — this and be integrated into the whole farms plans. we will also accelerate our regional land use partnerships with up to three new areas _ partnerships with up to three new areas coming to the initiative over the next _ areas coming to the initiative over the next year, recognising that successful partnerships are those driven _ successful partnerships are those driven by— successful partnerships are those driven by communities. to further accelerate — driven by communities. to further accelerate peat and restoration, we will investigate how partial
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rewriting can work with access to agricultural support, including investing up to £1 million in pilot projects — investing up to £1 million in pilot projects. this summer we will also launch— projects. this summer we will also launch a _ projects. this summer we will also launch a consultation on carbon land tax on _ launch a consultation on carbon land tax on the _ launch a consultation on carbon land tax on the largest estates as part of considering regulatory and fiscal measures— of considering regulatory and fiscal measures that could further incentivise peatland restoration, and new— incentivise peatland restoration, and new energy production. we are also considering the recommendation from the _ also considering the recommendation from the green heat finance titles to review — from the green heat finance titles to review and published by the end of the _ to review and published by the end of the year— to review and published by the end of the year analysis of how nondomestic rates relief can better support— nondomestic rates relief can better support our climate emissions and encourage — support our climate emissions and encourage investment in energy efficiency. this will be developed working — efficiency. this will be developed working closely with the business community in line with new deals for business _ community in line with new deals for business principles. scotland is distinguished by their importance that we _ distinguished by their importance that we place on adjust transition. we will— that we place on adjust transition. we will publish our final energy strategy— we will publish our final energy strategy and just transition plan a summer— strategy and just transition plan a summer to be followed by a draft
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plan for— summer to be followed by a draft plan for agriculture, transport, buildings — plan for agriculture, transport, buildings and construction. moreover, following the publication of a just— moreover, following the publication of a just transition plan for grangemouth, i can confirm that we will co—develop adjust manage and plan for— will co—develop adjust manage and plan for asthma in. these policies emphasise — plan for asthma in. these policies emphasise the critical role that scottish— emphasise the critical role that scottish businesses play in our net zero transition and we will work closely— zero transition and we will work closely with them. reflecting on the recent— closely with them. reflecting on the recent audit scotland report on climate — recent audit scotland report on climate change governance, we will redouble _ climate change governance, we will redouble efforts to ensure that net zero is _ redouble efforts to ensure that net zero is fully considered in our workforce, spending, policy development and structure starting with a _ development and structure starting with a full— development and structure starting with a full roll—out of the net zero assessment in the scottish government from the end of 2024. and to ensure _ government from the end of 2024. and to ensure that spending across the public— to ensure that spending across the public sector reflects our net zero ambitions, — public sector reflects our net zero ambitions, we will work with khosla, including _ ambitions, we will work with khosla, including three hour climate delivery— including three hour climate delivery framework to understand opportunities for action. finally, we will—
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opportunities for action. finally, we will propose the establishment of the four— we will propose the establishment of the four nations climate response group _ the four nations climate response group. including, financing, and the balance _ group. including, financing, and the balance of— group. including, financing, and the balance of devolved powers. these policies _ balance of devolved powers. these policies sit — balance of devolved powers. these policies sit alongside intensive ongoing — policies sit alongside intensive ongoing work and will be bolton through— ongoing work and will be bolton through our next climate change plan and our— through our next climate change plan and our green industrial strategy. but this— and our green industrial strategy. but this ambitious new package, allow— but this ambitious new package, allow there to be no doubt about the seriousness with which this government treats the climate and nature _ government treats the climate and nature crisis. and our readiness to act to— nature crisis. and our readiness to act to deliver. we must also acknowledge that we do so in difficult — acknowledge that we do so in difficult circumstances. the climate change _ difficult circumstances. the climate change committee is clear that the uk is _ change committee is clear that the uk is already substantially of track for 2030 _ uk is already substantially of track for 2030 and achieving feature uk carbon _ for 2030 and achieving feature uk carbon budgets will require sustained increase in the piece that pace of— sustained increase in the piece that pace of decarbonisation in the range of most _ pace of decarbonisation in the range of most sectors. we do see severe budgetary— of most sectors. we do see severe budgetary restrictions imposed by the uk _
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budgetary restrictions imposed by the uk meant an under the continuing constraints _ the uk meant an under the continuing constraints of devolution, we are trying _ constraints of devolution, we are trying to— constraints of devolution, we are trying to achieve societal and economic— trying to achieve societal and economic transformation with one hand _ economic transformation with one hand tied — economic transformation with one hand tied behind our back. such as the uk's _ hand tied behind our back. such as the uk's unprecedented economic mismanagement but for delivery of our plans— mismanagement but for delivery of our plans will be contingent on the uk government reversing the 9% cut to the _ uk government reversing the 9% cut to the capital budget. this government and parliament rightly have high— government and parliament rightly have high ambitions and it is beyond doubt _ have high ambitions and it is beyond doubt that— have high ambitions and it is beyond doubt that investing our net zero is i’ili'it doubt that investing our net zero is right thing — doubt that investing our net zero is right thing for our environment, our society— right thing for our environment, our society and — right thing for our environment, our society and economy. but we are being _ society and economy. but we are being held — society and economy. but we are being held back sol society and economy. but we are being held back so i am asking msps from across— being held back so i am asking msps from across the chamber to work with us to court— from across the chamber to work with us to court in— from across the chamber to work with us to court in the uk government to reverse _ us to court in the uk government to reverse scotland's capital cut. whilst — reverse scotland's capital cut. whilst the opposition quite rightly demand _ whilst the opposition quite rightly demand that the scottish government to take _ demand that the scottish government to take urgent action to address the climate _ to take urgent action to address the climate crisis, if they are serious about— climate crisis, if they are serious about this — climate crisis, if they are serious about this challenge, they must now stand _ about this challenge, they must now stand with _ about this challenge, they must now stand with us in support of the day's — stand with us in support of the day's policy package and the remainder of the work that we are
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taking _ remainder of the work that we are taking forward across this year and the coming — taking forward across this year and the coming years and do that instead of opposing the measure that we propose — of opposing the measure that we propose. in this challenging context of cuts, _ propose. in this challenging context of cuts, uk — propose. in this challenging context of cuts, uk backtracking, we accept the gas _ of cuts, uk backtracking, we accept the ccc's recent re—articulation that— the ccc's recent re—articulation that this — the ccc's recent re—articulation that this parliament interim 2030 target _ that this parliament interim 2030 target is — that this parliament interim 2030 target is out of reach. we must now act to— target is out of reach. we must now act to chart — target is out of reach. we must now act to chart a — target is out of reach. we must now act to chart a course to 2045 at a pace — act to chart a course to 2045 at a pace and _ act to chart a course to 2045 at a pace and a — act to chart a course to 2045 at a pace and a scale that is feasible, fair and — pace and a scale that is feasible, fair and just pace and a scale that is feasible, fairandjust and pace and a scale that is feasible, fair and just and with this in mind, ican— fair and just and with this in mind, i can today— fair and just and with this in mind, i can today confirm that working with parliament, the scottish government will bring forward legislation to address matters raised — legislation to address matters raised by the ccc and ensure a legislative framework better reflects the reality of long—term climate — reflects the reality of long—term climate policy making. the narrowly drawn— climate policy making. the narrowly drawn bill— climate policy making. the narrowly drawn bill will retain our commitment 2045 alongside annual reporting _ commitment 2045 alongside annual reporting on progress whilst introducing a targeted approach based _ introducing a targeted approach based on — introducing a targeted approach based on five yearly carbon budgets. with our— based on five yearly carbon budgets. with our legal commitment to reach
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net zero _ with our legal commitment to reach net zero by— with our legal commitment to reach net zero by 2045 and of scotland's emissions — net zero by 2045 and of scotland's emissions already cut in half nearly, — emissions already cut in half nearly, we are well positioned to continue — nearly, we are well positioned to continue leading on climate action that is— continue leading on climate action that is fair, — continue leading on climate action that is fair, ambitious and capable to rise _ that is fair, ambitious and capable to rise into— that is fair, ambitious and capable to rise into the emergency before us. to rise into the emergency before us this _ to rise into the emergency before us. this government will not yield climate _ us. this government will not yield climate culture wars, will never stop _ climate culture wars, will never stop our— climate culture wars, will never stop our duty to those impacted by climate _ stop our duty to those impacted by climate change today and future generations. together we know we can tackle _ generations. together we know we can tackle the _ generations. together we know we can tackle the crisis with a pace and urgency— tackle the crisis with a pace and urgency that is required. ended with very minor— urgency that is required. ended with very minor legislative amendments that i_ very minor legislative amendments that i am _ very minor legislative amendments that i am proposing today, we will pave the _ that i am proposing today, we will pave the way the continued ambition and delivery against is most important challenge. thank you. the cabinet important challenge. thank you. tie: cabinet secretary will important challenge. thank you. ti9: cabinet secretary will now important challenge. thank you. ti9 cabinet secretary will now take questions. i intend to allow around 20 minutes. iwould questions. i intend to allow around 20 minutes. i would ask those members to please press the buttons. i would first like to thank the bbc.
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it is i would first like to thank the bbc. it is a _ i would first like to thank the bbc. it is a shame that this government is continuing to set show such contempt _ is continuing to set show such contempt for this parliament. when we saw— contempt for this parliament. when we saw the — contempt for this parliament. when we saw the news last night, we all knew— we saw the news last night, we all knew what — we saw the news last night, we all knew what was going to be in the cabinet _ knew what was going to be in the cabinet secretary's statement. a lot of smoke _ cabinet secretary's statement. a lot of smoke and mirrors, rehashing announcements and blaming everyone else they— announcements and blaming everyone else they can for their own failure. let us _ else they can for their own failure. let us be — else they can for their own failure. let us be crystal clear, the key areas — let us be crystal clear, the key areas are — let us be crystal clear, the key areas are devolved. this announcement is an absolute humiliation for the snp. even more humiliating — humiliation for the snp. even more humiliating for the greens, who have ditched _ humiliating for the greens, who have ditched environmentalism for nationalism. in december last year, the cabinet — nationalism. in december last year, the cabinet secretary told us parliament that world leaders would approach _ parliament that world leaders would approach in the scottish government for advice _ approach in the scottish government for advice in — approach in the scottish government for advice in tackling climate change — for advice in tackling climate change but we never did find out he was calling — change but we never did find out he was calling. i bet her phone sim now _ was calling. i bet her phone sim now can— was calling. i bet her phone sim now can i— was calling. i bet her phone sim now. can i asked the cabinet secretary— now. can i asked the cabinet secretary for the timetable for bringing — secretary for the timetable for bringing forward legislation, when we will— bringing forward legislation, when we will see the climate change plan
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and can— we will see the climate change plan and can the cabinet secretary confirm — and can the cabinet secretary confirm that the new annual report on progress will have no legally committed targets? the on progress will have no legally committed targets?— on progress will have no legally committed targets? the tone of this whole statement _ committed targets? the tone of this whole statement is _ committed targets? the tone of this whole statement is not _ committed targets? the tone of this whole statement is not proceeding l whole statement is not proceeding like that. we have got business to get through, important business. there is more than a hint of hypocrisy in his contribution today. the truth of the matter is that the conservatives and the scottish parliament, they voted for this climate targets and principally the 2030 75% target but they have stood in the way of even modest measures that we have sought to bring forward in order to realise them. they have opposed low emission zones in city centres, a prime intervention to improve air quality. they worked relentlessly to see the progress on the deposit return scheme and they
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now oppose heating standards and our efforts to tackle some of the most problematic emissions in scotland. meanwhile, their colleagues in the uk government are fighting to open coal mining in england, they are failing to deploy on an offshore wind and inexplicably refusing to progress into us and scotland. more than a hint of hypocrisy. as regards the very short question that was at the very short question that was at the end of his narration, and the timetable of the bill, i will work hard with the parliament have a timetable put in place. it will be expedited and when that legislation is brought forward, it will speak to both the climate change plan and the annual reporting of targets. i note annual reporting of targets. i note both the comments _ annual reporting of targets. i note both the comments you _ annual reporting of targets. i note both the comments you have - annual reporting of targets. i note | both the comments you have made annual reporting of targets. i “irrit9: both the comments you have made and the presiding officer about this statement. thursday 18th april 24
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will go down as a day


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