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tv   100  BELARUSTV  July 12, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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kama give arguments. yes, they live better, maybe in some ways at some moments, but they are independent. and we are not dependent. we are sovereign, we are not a country of a kept woman, and therefore we must thank e and the president , first of all, and all the top political leadership for the fact that these ideological narratives of the sovereignty of independence, territorial value, information technology sovereignty, they have firmly become the foundation of our state. thank you. well, firstly, it was very hard to imagine that 2-3 years ago, europe will become one of the most unsafe places militarily. we talked about the doctrine of the deployment of groups. we talked about a special military operation against the endless color revolutions that are being sown everywhere today, and it was not by chance that the head of state uttered these words precisely in the presence of the military at the time of delivery. these words were uttered precisely
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in order to show that for the military people , first of all, the task is set, and every army, any army in the world must fulfill its two main functions, which are placed on one side. this is the deterrence of aggression, which we will do today, and the second. god forbid this is an immediate introduction of hostilities. and that is why i say it again today, more than ever , the preservation of peace depends on the military organization of the state, hence the tasks and emphasis. after all, the head of the state was clearly placed. thanks for the last. here, uh , briefly. i think this is very important. this is the formula of life without war, as a result of painstaking daily work and objects with thinking not only for us. for example, how about it well-known russian historian, publicist andrey fursov and the idea is that the main struggle of our time will be precisely in this, people of chaos, people of order, people of chaos within one country of one society will somehow voluntarily or unwittingly push the situation to degradation, marginalize the environment in
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most cases under the strict guidance of the owners. discourse, respectively. the main thing that everyone can do in their own separate area of ​​reality is to bring order and resistance to this hatization into it. so what else since life is without war, the result of painstaking daily work, today everything is happy.
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how to save an animal that has lost its paws , the veterinarian of the clinic hippo cat pavel zhulpa, and the magical rescue of four-legged friends today, those patients whom we operated on, in particular, prosthetized this hobby and the cat. lapa live at my home, and i am extremely happy that this happened, because i have the opportunity to follow their rehabilitation after the postoperative period. how do they adapt to their new limbs, but the mutual love of animals and humans. peasant farming gorbunok and its guardians elena velichestskaya with her husband. here is the bear somewhere from vitebsk sanatorium. i don’t know that the sanatorium here the girl worked as an instructor. and when they started to close the stable there, they got rid of the horses accordingly. to all our smaller ones on friday
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only on our channel. music
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because you are a big boss and for them and for teachers it is absolutely calm, because it is difficult to expect what questions will be asked, but the most important. yes, then good luck and so we greet our hero, minister of education, doctor of chemistry andrey ivanovich ivanetsky. andrei ivanovich i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program. if for some reason you are unable or unwilling to respond. you have the right to refuse to answer questions three times and be attentive to the questions at the end
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of the program you will have to choose the best one. and now you have just one minute to briefly tell about yourself time has gone. my name is andrey ivanets. i am a minister education of the republic of belarus was born in the city of minsk, graduated from the faculty of chemistry, belarusian state university in the field of colloid chemistry, was fond of sports. well, today i am responsible for the education system of educating our amazing generation of our country. hello, my name is adeline. i have a question for you, but according to the theory of evolution, each subsequent generation is smarter than the previous one. you
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agree with this. yes, but then we are smarter than you. well, i think, first of all, that today time is very dynamic and it differs in that there is a very huge volume information that comes in general in general not only to the younger generation, but also to us adults, and it seems to me that the current younger generation. it is probably more stress-resistant to such a volume of information in this one. you are probably smarter than us, and what then is the problem of our generation? well the problem is that in this big thread. yes, not just to be, not just to feel free, but to be able to choose the information that is really important and that will be useful in life in general, smart educated educated is one and the same or are still different things. you know, ideally, this should be combined in one person, but in terms of personal qualities, of course. these are completely different qualities. a smart person can be ill-mannered and he can
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be an uneducated person, so i urge you to be not only smart, but also educated and well-mannered. and which one are you smarter brought up or educated? i think, probably, educated, because this quality allows you to quickly navigate the new flow of information and quickly enough to acquire knowledge, then become smart in some particular e area. we move on to the question from the purple sector. hello, my name is kostya i am 17 years old. my dream is to become a programmer. what did you want to be at my age? well, at your age. i no longer dreamed and confidently knew that i would become a chemist, because at that time i was already a student of the faculty of chemistry at a white university and purposefully engaged in science and we are moving to the black sector. hello, my name is ksenia . tell me how was your transitional age and
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what were you like as a teenager? well, i think, like everyone else, probably quite rebellious, probably with something i don’t agree, because at this age it always seems that adults don’t understand you and have some special look, but most importantly, that that time goes by everything changes and the understanding comes that adults are our support and friends and support, therefore , i wish each of you to pass this age in the same way with the understanding that only the father of adults will be good. the red sector and the question from there. my name is maria how did you study at school? i studied at school. i'm excellent, although i can't say that all my items were equally good. in my sixth grade, i’ll take experienced threesomes to draw in the quarter. i don’t know how, but at the same time, the school
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ended with one b, then i studied at the lyceum. bsu there i was already good no. do you remember your very first deuce for what it was? as a child, he was so enthusiastic enough, therefore, if i liked doing something, i could sit long enough to study lessons study textbooks to do not only homework assignment, but also 25-10 lessons ahead to do homework. but if i didn’t like something, i could frankly not do it. and, in principle, to come to school and tell the teacher about it directly, now they are already adult stockings. i understand that, probably, i was wrong, but for this i was given a deuce. and you cried when you got deuces. no, you know, i'm not absolutely not a perfectionist, and i never understood all the guys of my classmates who were excellent students who came to retake b's. we had a five-point system just to so that in every cell there was a five, i adequately received both the fourth and threes and
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twos and never became an excellent student in front of me. gifts of questions of the purple sector hello, my name is olya have your parents ever been called to school. answer you honestly. yes, it happened in elementary school. these are not very good words i could say, but do you remember what you got most of all from your parents in this regard. we had a good understanding. even if i was wrong or did something wrong, then any reprimand, it was very correct normal, and i think, probably, this is how the relationship between parents and children should be. andrey ivanovich hello , you said that during some period of your studies you were an excellent student, but there is such an opinion that all excellent students are bespectacled
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squishy. you were like that at school. we have 10 years of experience in the sport of weightlifting, so i think it was probably normal enough for well, physically developed schoolchildren. well, well, he certainly wasn't a jerk. or maybe you had some kind of complexes associated with your appearance. there were none. i have was good enough experience when i am an excellent student and when i was in the fifth sixth grade. uh, they put me at the same school desk with a expensive man. e guy. now this is called individual preventive work so that i can re-educate him, and we are an excellent student and a great supporter. we sat at the same desk after school and became friends. i raised him a little. which companies you should go to which you shouldn't, it was also a good life experience. and what can you advise so that odnoklassniki does not hate each of us is individual, but each of
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can explain to us why studying is a priority for someone? for some, sports. for some, there may be some kind of art section, but if you talk, then everything will definitely work out, the next question is from the black sector. hello, my name is kirill. have you ever had to fight, in childhood, of course, i don’t think so. now i am an adult something, but absolutely correct, but i will honestly tell my children. i bring up that if they offend you, you must definitely say, well, study or educator, what, well the situation is not very good. but if it repeats, then surrender. can you demonstrate a couple of tricks, are there gyms for this? i remind andrey ivanovich that you can refuse to answer the question in this situation to demonstrate any tricks, although it seems to me that it was possible to show kirill how to stand up for yourself kirill go out to the site and try. everything is quite simple in this regard
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. why? because we have an area, for example, the solar plexus. that is, as it were, it is quite effective, or the chin usually they put black eyes, but better one blow to the chin - it ends in school kirill but in fact, it's better not to fight, it's better to decide everything with words in biology, how do we do it? today we are together with the minister of education of the republic of belarus andrei ivanovich ivantsov. your view of success in life depends on the price of the school absolutely. no, no attention is ever paid to appraisal scores. these are just some momentary indicators of knowledge, or ignorance of some facts, the most important thing is to form a complete picture of those knowledge that will be useful to you later in order to reveal yourself to the professional field. this does not mean that you should not study.
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and you don’t have to strive to get good grades , but you need to understand that a certificate is absolutely not a guarantee of success . it is very important not only to know and be a professional, but also to find your own scope for this knowledge. we are moving to the yellow sector. such a question, but now in our time, in order to be no worse than other guys, you need to have, for example, an expensive phone, and in your childhood there were some such material values ​​that could raise, the prestige of the child in the eyes of other guys, firstly, i consider it complete nonsense that in order to have authority, even today you need to have a good phone. i am more than sure that as i used to be today in a teenage environment, but still , people use it not because of what luxuries there, for example, they have, but still whether they are leaders or not, and whether they have some success in some direction, but nowadays, well, we played in
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tile colored tiles. it was considered as if, well, cool, whites are rare whites, but it's like, well, a skill, as if a little different time , different priorities, but a school uniform. this is something for material equalization or just for beauty. to be honest, a lot of functions are incorporated in the school uniform. first, of course, you correctly said that school environment is a teenager's environment. she is quite aggressive. and when we talk about the fact that someone wants to stand out with something, for example, like a phone, or some special clothes, we understand that this creates some slight tension in the team. it has always been so and will always be so, therefore, of course, maintaining an element of a school uniform is, among other things , in order to have a certain, well, some kind of social justice, the second is that a school is a temple, and there should be people in the temple, well, neat okay. school uniform. it disciplines and
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moreover, this is the experience of not only our country. this is world experience, which is used absolutely everywhere to your left, andrey ivanovich, yellow sector. today you came in a suit from tie. what would happen if you came in jeans with a sweater or a hoodie? well, nothing would happen on sunday. basically, i like these. you see, even ministers have a kind of school uniform. hello, my name is liza and here, what do you think, if you began to pay teachers more? would they be better at teaching kids no? each person works in his place by force, and by virtue of your desires, you are definitely for some, probably, a short period of time, probably this would motivate someone, but to say what it would lead to, well , there is no fundamental rethinking of one's professional role as a teacher, but i
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am sure that the vast majority of our teachers work with dignity and bring knowledge to our young people. you have such moments in your life that you simply did not have money. when, unlike our present time, there were no full shelves in the store, a number of products were given out on cards, as so-called coupons, no matter how much money you have, so the time was not very easy, you know at the moment moment? how much does doshirak cost again instant vermicelli, well, you know not, although, it is very tasty, but try not to use it. hello, my
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name is daniel, now there are a lot of courses on the internet, for example, which promise to teach you sms in one month then. is it worth it to dry your brains for 5 years at the university? absolutely worth it why because the main task of the university is to teach how to learn, because we receive knowledge every day throughout our lives in order to be a professional constantly evolve, so the university. this is still a school of study, and not a school of knowledge , unlike the usual base, a comprehensive school in the purple sector. please ask your questions. my name is polina and i have a question about the value of higher education. today a builder gets more than a doctor and a teacher. so it is in this situation. it’s better to go to college or university. the question is a little provocative, but i will answer how you should obey your heart and get the profession that you want the owner, where you want, quickly you can be both
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a doctor and a teacher. the most important thing is to really deal with this matter with love , and the salary is a changeable thing , you can find many examples when a doctor receives many times more than builders and vice versa, it all depends on professionalism. what professions do you think will be in demand in 5 years? i think that in five and in 10 and in 100 years the profession of a teacher will definitely be in demand in the same way as a doctor. therefore, i think that if someone wants throwing out a profession for centuries, and not just nudity, then at least learn to heal and protect your homeland. these will definitely be all the professions that will always be needed in our country and in general. what do you think, a person who receives an education for money is more motivated than a person who receives this education for free . uh, the fact that he
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is a state employee. this is a relaxing factor. and someone else wants confirm. well, your knowledge has its significance, therefore, i think that everything is purely individual and depends on a particular person. breakfast should not only saturate , but also delight confidence in today begins with what breakfast we will actually do now and experts and sports professionals will share delicious hearty and very simple recipes that we will cook with you today. today we will cook cottage cheese muffins with fruit filling. believe me. they will be very tasty and useful
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will tell. how to choose the right products natural quality cottage cheese. should be white with a creamy, not blue or greenish tinge. what ingredients should breakfast consist of, we leave zucchinis as our item and cottage cheese, and eggplant pancakes can be changed to something more slowly, and then it will be super. a healthy combination for your breakfast. watch breakfast of champions on our tv channel. how the working days of belarusians go, the methodology is the same. that you need to work to work, that is, how an athlete gives his best, how an athlete gives himself up in training, that is, this will be the result, when you come to work for civil aviation, you become attached to the soul with the body. she becomes part of her life. our task is to make your trip comfortable and safe. representatives of various
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fields of activity will tell you about the features of their profession. the coach to work is the most important thing. well, find some common language so that the athlete understands you, why does he come to training? why is he doing anything at all? you have learned it. this is explained from here. in the event of a power outage will continue work movement. watch the project one day on our tv channel. when you were taught at school, you had a tutor no, how do you feel about tutors in general? think that you can learn well without them absolutely you know exactly today, when we introduced
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the system of conducting a centralized examination by visiting our schools. every time i ask the guys, especially the 11th graders are getting ready. if you are for exams everyone answers like this when i ask. how much extra class at school to prepare for the centralized exam. well the answers different, ranging from two times to six times a week. i say, thank god that they started studying at school. there were difficult subjects that were easy for me, but not very favorite and vice versa, for example, works, but i didn’t do it very well and vice versa, for example, i didn’t like the next question very much. my name is ilya and you are a chemist by education. what was interesting for you in studying chemistry? i love chemistry. i was lucky enough at an early age. it
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was the eighth grade already to realize what i will connect my future subsequent life with, therefore this science is extremely interesting to me and i wish you, too, to quickly find your calling , then your business that you like to do, and don’t you regret that you have less time left to study this science in our life. eh, each step is very important. why because only later on do you understand? why did he happen in your life and today, uh, leading the education industry? i understand that this is a huge responsibility - it's a huge experience. exactly this. the main thing is the opportunity to make a significant contribution, so that our the country has continued to be an intellectual nation , the economy is firmly strong independent, who is ready to ask their questions? ask. it was easier to study your time or us now it's hard for me to say, i'm not studying your time. but i think that studying at school is equally difficult
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at all times. why because the school has a huge number of subjects, well, without exaggeration, a huge amount of knowledge that needs to be obtained, but still i am deeply convinced that we cannot go beyond the number of subjects and this amount of knowledge, despite the fact that the future of someone will consider that they will need it or not, life is very diverse unpredictably. and maybe someone who dreamed of becoming an engineer. and maybe he even got a higher engineering education, then he becomes a writer, therefore a creative person. and this does not mean at all that he did not have to go to rhythmics or fine arts at school. this year there have been big changes in the rules for passing the exam. why did you decide to abandon the 4 dh after all, so non-tourists it will be more difficult to actually enter for a future graduate school entrant, having passed
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the final two exams to pass only one t. it seems to me that we have made life easier, well, in a fundamental way. eh, moreover, one must understand that after all, the choice of a future profession. it must be done consciously, because it is very bad for young people who go to university not for the specialty they wanted to enter, but for the one for which there were enough points, then a year or two passes. they are disappointed in the profession deducted of their own free will with universities and understands that somehow these years have passed in vain, so i think it's the other way around. today we have done everything necessary to ease the trajectory of receipts on the one hand. on the other hand, make it more conscious, because we have increased the number of career guidance events, but in a significant way. from red we pass to the yellow sector. my name is masha and now i'm in the tenth grade and i'm already worried about the issue of final exams. can i
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be sure that next year there will be no reforms and nothing will change, everything will be fine. do not worry, study absolutely calmly, because even this year those guys who finish 11 classes and have already learned about the final decision to pass a centralized exam. only on new year's eve. we see that all the guys are great, they have good knowledge. no matter what form of admission the final exam, therefore, in any case, be sure that all your choice of knowledge demonstrate next year. we move on to purple i have one more question. as far as i know, there is no distribution in other countries. can we get by without it being seen as a guaranteed first job for a young professional because i think every one of these guys who are a little bit older they have uh been in a situation where they were trying to get a job and they were told it was a mandatory
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experience requirement having experience. where does it come from for a young specialist who has just graduated from a university or college to have experience, when you go to study in look for the job you want, then come and when you do the practice. uh, be sure to go to this organization in order to have an educational institution by the time you graduate. you knew where you want to be distributed in order to continue your professional activities. we turn to the issue of the black sector. hello, andrey ivanovich my name is andrey now among the graduates many people want to study abroad, which the ministry of education is doing in order to stop the so-called brain drain. let's first dispel the myth that abroad comes a lot. uh, i'm a human, i've been a bit aware of this plan for the last three years. we have a stable dynamics, that is, the number of guys who enter or study abroad. it is roughly on the same level as the ministry of education. today he is doing a lot and new admission rules
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, which allow children who are olympiads, who have shown themselves at competitions in the national children's technopark, which are medalists, who are students of profile classes in specialized classes, to enter without exams in our universities, as for the trajectory of entering the school, here in general we have, uh, a lightweight model, please, there is not a single exam, the competition is only certificates. today our specialists are graduates of our universities and colleges. they are valued far beyond the borders of our country and this is the most important eloquent confirmation of the high level of our education. and from which countries people come to study in belarus, you know more than 100 countries today, their students study with us. uh, currently a little less than 30.000 - this is a fairly large figure and amounts to about 12% of the total number of students who study at our universities, of course, our leaders are, uh, our
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friends from the chinese people. uh, the republics here we have are the countries of the post-soviet space. it is developing very dynamically. eh, the region of us today is african, because indeed, in those countries where there may not be a very high standard of living. they understand that education is the key to success, then in general in life, and they strive to get a good education. less free time than our parents had at our age, because after school we immediately sit down for lessons, and then run to the toy section. and when should we rest? the number of lessons is absolutely the same, what was in the soviet school, what is another question today. what requirements do you set for yourself and your parents make for themselves
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? did not have such that parents forced to go to some kind of circle, some section or some elective, so we calmly studied exactly the same number of lessons as today you came home in the same way did your homework and found time, including populations on the street go to the section. i think that if you do a little bit of such a good organization of your time, put your phones aside a little, correspondence gadgets with your friends, then there will be a lot of time. you can experiment. in everyone today smartphone. there is a function to control the time you spent on the internet. today, our younger generation does not have less than two hours of active use of social networks or instant messengers. here are the 2 hours. you can safely go outside, put down the phone and take a walk, the next question is the yellow sector. turn a little to the right of me , another question appeared, which, as i think
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, may be of interest to many students, especially elementary grades. how do you feel about canceling homework is not very good and strict asking for homework is also not worth it, we orient our teachers to do homework. this is not an obligation in terms of completing a set of tasks. no, this is an additional opportunity to consolidate the material covered in the lesson if the students know it perfectly and have not done their homework. you don't have to give it a two. and i'm sure a competent teacher. they are doing the same today. now all life is on the internet, why can't the school be online too? i thought you yourself could answer this a question, because, probably, not everyone here sitting here believes that he is so self-disciplined that, being online on the internet for training, he will be engaged in training, and not something else
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outsiders this is one aspect the other second aspect this is a question socialization. when you come to school, you communicate with your children. you get some experience, you quarrel with somebody. fight with someone. be friends. these are all life experiences that you will not get on the internet. microphone, please. it happens that teachers, either children trying to complain to you directly. well, it doesn't happen often, but it does happen . do you help them or just ignore above all any complaint, there are two sides, so i think that here a small number of calls to me it is related to the fact that before you turn to the minister. you must be sure that you are. well on the right side it's right. and if you're right. it seems to me that it is possible to solve any issue on any educational institution without a minister. andrey ivanovich
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hello my name is nikita what book influenced you the most. i loved to read dunno as a child because it very eloquently shows in life that each of us should strive to acquire knowledge and acquire skills, but the most important thing is that everything is in our hands, therefore, i think that for childhood this the book is absolutely and in our time in our realities, it is well, useful at least. what are you reading now? you see, i like to uh read a little books on the psychology of relationships with people with society with categories of people. this is a very complex area, but given that the education sector is the largest in the country, by the nature of its activity, you have to communicate with many people of completely different categories. and this knowledge to me, well, is a useful sector. in your opinion,
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does a position take away a person's ability to be himself? to be a person with some flaws and bad habits? you certainly know that the presence of a specific position obliges it obliges to a certain model, my behavior and ethical and other qualities, but i believe that in any case, every person, regardless of position, should remain a person. if you have any bad habits right now. no, i don't have bad habits. hmm although, as a child, as they say, yes, i tried to smoke and it was hard to quit. well, at the same time, when you come to a personal realization that this is your health. this is for following your life, then, it seems to me, no other motivation is needed from you andrey ivanovich do you swear? like any man? well, maybe, yes, maybe be, but another question, where does it happen and
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in what environment? do you remember the last time it was. last week for sure. next question hello, my name is polina, in your opinion, a person should learn from his own mistakes or still from the mistakes of strangers. it's probably a symbiosis. i'm sure it's completely vital to learn from other people's mistakes. well , it’s probably very difficult, almost unrealistic, because only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. another question, which, of course, is not to draw conclusions from other people’s mistakes. well try to minimize the number of your right to the yellow sector is ready to ask a question. hello, andrey ivanovich, i have a question for you. what do you think? what is the difference between modern fashion and the fashion of your childhood? you know, i think, probably, those factors that influence it in our time, well, on tv there were three channels
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, at best, four, and in fact, this is the entire information field, as if it were limited today, probably for fashion young people are influenced by the internet, so i think that's the difference, although from my point of view hmm uh, it will be necessary for a fairly conservative person everything is classic, but is fashionable at any time. we're moving on to the purple sector. andrei ivanovich , tell us, did you go to school discotheques. i had quite an active childhood every summer. i, uh, attended our sports camp. i didn't miss a single disco there. and what kind of music was it fashionable to dance to then? well , such groups as hands up have just appeared. here russian music was very popular andrey ivanovich of course, andrey ivanovich, i propose not just to show in words and actions how it was.
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we talk about the manufacturing enterprises of our country. we make a very amazing and rare product, because there are so many companies that make watches outright doing production. our slogan is quality assurance. purposeful people work here. our team. this is a team of like-minded people, united by common goals
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to achieve the best results of work and development and achievements sometime in the zero years. hey, i set myself a challenge. i fulfilled it that there are quite a lot of young people at the enterprise to make a watch with one hand. and it certainly contributes because, well, youth is energy. that's life. see the quality mark in the program on our tv channel. andrey ivanovich and in what class? did you fall in love for the first time? you know, it seems to me, well, if not in the first, then in the second for sure. do you think love hinders or vice versa motivates you to study? it seems to me, probably, it still
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interferes at such a childhood age. why because that, uh, you pay a lot of attention to things that are not related to your studies, and this is probably a lot of distraction. red microphone, please, both in work and in personal life, sooner or later you will have to make a choice. the most important thing, after all, is the family, because i think each of you understands perfectly well that the family is where you come from, where does your life go? and what do you think love is a chemistry or a person, you can still teach to love, which is probably very difficult to teach someone to love. well it's a feeling in a hospital from a point of view physiological processes. this is chemistry. the next question is the purple sector,
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please, ivan andreevich, today there is a lot of talk about patriotic education. what do you think? is it possible to teach love the motherland love for the motherland begins first in its study in order to love something, you must know your homeland to know your homeland, you must know history and the present and understand what the future will be like. and after that comes pride for one's country, for one's motherland and after that comes love, so you have to go through all these steps be patriotism, without understanding without pride in one's country. and then who or what do you know the motherland the motherland begins with a small motherland - this is the locality in which you were born. this is your family, your relatives, then it is certainly a country, so the concept of the motherland is still very broad, very multifaceted. to the question in life that
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made the happiest person in the world. i think that there probably was. and this moment is just the same as the creation of a family, and this is probably the point that is subsequent, in principle, and the meaning of life. well, happiness in life. andrei ivanovich how did you meet your wife? in professional activities , joint events were held. that's why we got to know each other. you are a minister at work. and when you come home, you also command there, who is the main one in your family, i don’t know, fortunately or unfortunately, well, yes, i’m at home a kind of minister only of the household. the purple sector is next in line. if you had the opportunity to devote more time to children, but to the detriment of work, what would you choose
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find a balance. the time you would like to spend with your family. well, probably, yes, i would always like it more than any other normal person. hello again. i have a question. for example, if your child were drawn to go to school, how would you react to this with understanding? it was also a burden for me to go to school, because i already said that i was going to school. it’s not just hard, but you need to somehow quietly go through this stage of life, as if for 9 or 11 years, then it will be much easier. would you allow him to stay at home for one day, of course, he can catch up on knowledge later, and in the next days you teachers would tell the truth or come up with an excuse.
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today we have such a regulatory framework that for 3 days schoolchildren can generally go to school without editing, so it seems to me that the time has already come when it was necessary to come up with. as you say, some excuses, the past has no class, of course. thank you for the sincerity of the purple sector, you allow children to sit on the phone a lot, or they have a certain limit, if i really like it when children are on the phone, so if i see this happening, i get a little nervous and make a remark from the child does not understand. i just pick up the phone, if you have their children 's account on social networks and whether you follow what they publish there, thank god, not yet. well, it looks like i'll have to follow up.
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the black sector is next. do you have an addiction to gadgets? probably not. and if you forget your phone at home, you start to get nervous because someone will be able to get through to me on work issues, and not because i don’t have it, therefore, on the contrary, if i have the opportunity to be without a phone. i try to leave him somewhere to forget, somewhere, and at the same time i feel great, with whom you correspond most often. rarely because it takes a lot of time. it's easier to call to say something than to engage in correspondence if you have any social networks. well , it seems to me that it takes a lot of time to run a social network. here i have it, either fortunately or unfortunately, i don’t have it, therefore, well,
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so far so. is it true that all adults feel like children, maybe adults would like to feel like children, but they hardly feel like that, but what you want to do, but does not allow you. your age and status, for example, a quiet hour every day, the black sector is in line, what is your most cherished dream? it may sound trite, but the most important thing is the dream that all relatives and loved ones are alive and healthy. well, what was the peace in our country? ivanovich well, there were a lot of interesting questions, but i probably liked it. that's the question the girl asked, what do i dream about. why because in there is very little time in adult life
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to dream, and he made me think, still stop a little and think again about what the author of the question is dreaming about. please introduce yourself, what is your name? duroc xenia i am most often school 165 in minsk according to the rules of our program , the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. come out to the site. they asked me, what is the homeland to love, and so here they are in this box. uh, what will help, get to know our motherland better is our edition 99 famous places of our country, native belarus, fixing this material. there is also an intellectual game along with cards that will help you get to know our country better, so thank you. you have the opportunity to ask the children three questions. fine.
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what is the most important value in life for you? who is ready to answer? raise your hand, please. red sector, please, the most important value in my life is my family is close - these are the only people who will always support you so this is my main value. i think that the most important thing in life is to be happy to arrange everything so that you are comfortable and that your life is simply joyful. i think the most important thing in life is to develop, because the more you know about topics, you can get out of big situations in an interesting way. well let's get back a little bit such a provocative question. what would you
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change at school? if you were minister of education andrey ivanovich, i would be in your place, i would do more.


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