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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 13, 2023 12:15am-12:46am MSK

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every week, our tourists go in search of adventure according to the rules of the project. they must complete all the tasks and complete the quest, and the stone and scissors of this city will help them with some unusual houses, but more on that later. well, the palace, of course, magnificent
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you can’t say anything here, whether something here resembles a traffic jam, huge bunkers and tunnels. op, but at the same time i ask you from our museum. hello this is a rock, paper, scissors quest. this city has its own big ben, the palace of versailles , an airfield, and they even planned to build a subway believe me, i suggest you go and see. hello pasha. hello olesya. today you are going to shchuchin, there are many legends and the attraction even sang once, which means that olesya must answer all the questions and get all the clues. what kind of bird is the symbol of pike, and is somehow connected with
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the name no, well, it's a waterfowl, mallard chuchina. and so, who wrote the first belarusian primer. but visually i remember the first belarusian primer. i wanted to say that it was eloise pashkevich, whom everyone knows under the pseudonym aunt. here's how it all just hmm well, the third question. to which frenchman is a monument erected in shchuchin, uh, maybe charles de golf is right? yes, it was precisely to him that a monument to the cheek was erected, because during the war he was in german captivity in this area. uh-huh well, successfully passing the quest. thanks fighter it's a pity that
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they won't fly on it. today we are in chuchnya and here, it seems to me, you can fly at almost every step, fly to explore. they say that people lived on this earth about 10 thousand years ago, at least they talk about it some archaeological finds, but, of course, people constantly believed in something, in some kind of gods, i don’t know, heavenly forces, and maybe natural phenomena, and people always had some kind of amulets. so once there was a fire here, or rather in 1896, of course, it touched all the inhabitants of this
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place very much, and they decided to install their amulet on the market square. and now, in fact, behind my back, the very amulet that was erected at the beginning of the 20th century. this is a kind of clock tower which at least local residents protects them from various disasters initially. it was built in a completely different way and plastered on in such a white color, but the building material could not stand it, it was too dilapidated and around the fifties of the xx century. she was just destroyed. so in 2007 , a new amulet tower was built as a gift to local residents. this is the big ben of this city. they say that there is an electronic
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watch mechanism, of course, the vector is now modern, but still, despite this, their all the same, you need to let down and there is a specially trained person who does this about once a week. i don't know about the noon call. at least, if you believe your watch, it's already 12:03, but i didn't hear any call i think that we should have candles and they really go clearly and there now exactly 12 already zero four and mine is the same, so it's still such an interesting object, when the inhabitants of this city, being on this square, can compare candles, it is a good omen. it is from the square that there is another small park where there are fountains. and let's just be with them in this hot weather. i think it will be very nice, in the meantime, in the center you can see that the
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old city is pointing to this. here are such two-story houses and take a walk here and even learn the history of this city. i would be very interested. shchuchin is quite a large and beautiful city. therefore, if you want to admire its sights, i advise you to stay here for at least two days. and now i'm walking along freedom square and i want to tell you that god, how beautiful it is here. here, look to the left. a now look around to the right. nature center and some unusual houses, but more on that later. these buildings were mainly erected here at the end of the 19th century. i can't even
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believe that once this area was a trade area and pay attention. here it would be possible to build something modern , true, but no local well done that preserve all this authenticity, it's great a lot of jews, trade. here, a weakling, benches were located on the first floors. i think it was possible to buy a lot of interesting and unusual things there, but on the second floor the merchants themselves were already living with their families. you know how to do business. i would have liked going down. and you go up to the second floor at work. and you are at home. this city was alternately owned by the radevilles with the sapions and
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the drutsk lyubets. where did such a name come from, i would say so unusual, and i 'll tell you now. so version number one, some believe that the name of the city is associated with the name of local magnates, others pike. they say that the city takes this name from the pike river. well, the third one thinks that once upon a time somewhere around here there was a mill near the mill there was a pond. well, in this pond, of course, there were many, many probes. well, that's how the name of this city appeared.
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they live in the belarusian woodlands and develop their native land. the bulk of people now live in cities where there is asphalt and cars. i can not see anything. i didn’t really want to create an image of an ideal village. there is everything rural and also modern conditions for living . a happy childhood and youth are a calm , measured life. they have what many aspire to since childhood and went fishing with dad and my grandfather used to fish with a net and was a parishioner of the fishermen. all good fishing. and we still have it coming down, very beautiful little ones for dad as a keepsake
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, the secret is that the heroes are not looking for a better life, but create it on their own, where they were born and not a drop. i don't like big cities my place. the discovery, without which the world today it is difficult to imagine today they are in every store. in scientific laboratories and, of course , in our homes, the accuracy of measuring the most innovative is up to one thousandth. and once, if you believe the legends they were used for weighing the hearts of the dead is an invention of mankind, which greatly simplifies
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our lives. now there are smart scales at home and the software automatically calculated not only weight, but body mass index and e, the amount of adipose tissue, in order to reveal the secret of youth and health, the chinese emperor wu diva in the second century bc turned to magicians, and most the main thing from the world of science in the project is science nearby, no matter how skeptical we are about it, but it is believed that people prone to photoaging e and their physiological age from external e-e differs by 20 years. and the first sign of this photoaging , which is associated with genetic defects , is hyperpigmentation, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. but
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the palace, of course, is magnificent you can’t say anything here whether something here resembles a cork. no, if the pike trail in shchuchyn remained a mystery, olesya could not find confirmation of this fact. but pasha coped with the task, big ben. in fact , he stands in shchuchin and shows how his english counterpart is the exact time of the second second. the architectural gem of the city is the russian palace built, it was here at the end of the 19th century. how do we see it in classic style? well , the palace, of course, magnificent nothing can be said here wants to quickly visit inside.
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you know what i just realized, i realized one thing, that this palace is very similar to the small three-anon universal, the one who was in france. you know, i immediately have a question. and i was in france, i saw a lot of things? i think you already understand the hint. eh, it's a feature. here is the design. this is a feature of the architect, or the owner. e hmm, a friendly lyubetsky spent about 3 years in france, visited the royal versailles is unknown. was he inside the small trianon, but he really liked the appearance of the palace of the trianun. he burned you all with a desire to have something similar in his beloved pike, but employment did not allow him to do this , his dream was realized, only by his grandson.
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vladislav the greatest value of what is left is the ceiling. it's wood on the walls on the doors. this is an italian stained spirit. a very expensive tree. hear it right everyone times. yes, yes, yes, well, such a restoration was a restoration. yes, tiles. i noticed you have nineteenth- century burgers on the sides. left after a walk around the palace. a master class, mikhail mikhailovich, was waiting for me . a lot of interesting things here, i see an unusual biography on your table here. yes, this is also. yes , i am a carver and ceramist by education, and therefore , as it were, yes, these are cases, i cut, and here are such folk instruments.
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you can try me too. well, i think it will look hard, of course, easy. look how beautiful. then you explain a short master class so that you can’t get it in the teeth here, you can get it in the teeth, of course. why do you think it's self teeth? no. you think they're just folk instruments. this thing, it should attach to the teeth, but at the same time, the teeth need to be expanded so that with this tongue. oh, to play such musical instruments as it seemed not so easy, but i still managed to do it. i'm
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even a little surprised. well, mikhail mikhailovich thank you very much for such a master class until the next meeting. so i got a rather interesting task to find a cork tree plantation. maybe this way. vika meant to send me to portugal because i know that portugal is one of the largest suppliers of cork wood in the whole world, and belarus where you can find cork wood, especially on pike. i don't know, so you need to go somewhere in the forest. i wonder how to understand? let's say what? this is a cork tree, i'm touching it. no, somehow it's easy
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to pull away. okay let's move on. generally they say that once, or rather in 1954 , a whole hectare of cork tree was experimentally planted by the shchuchinsky forestry forestry. why did they do it, and in order to provide the local brewery with exactly the same cork between the glass container and the tin lid, there was a layer of cork wood, but over time, this was all replaced by a cheaper artificial material, that is, some kind of plastic, or
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else rubber and since then. unfortunately, this plantation was completely devastated and it was of no use to anyone. here, is there she is now unknown. huge bunkers and tunnels drop from fear, but sometimes something can shout out a word from the effect of surprise quickly at the palace of russian lubvetsky. in fact , versailles looks like the residence of the french kings, this is not a myth, but the true truth, but a cork tree plantation in the cheek. pasha couldn’t find it, but they say she’s definitely there, passers-by assures. by the way, stanislav yudil showed love for exotic plants, he was also called the belarusian copernicus in the 18th century. he set up a botanical garden in shchuchin, in
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which grew 500 plants. let's go further. connoisseurs of military themes visit and it is not without reason that i am here. there is a very interesting once secret object. you will not believe it, but i am now in a real bunker, which has been preserved here since the cold war. this is the door, she says there are many. the door is closed. and this means that our adventures with you are just beginning. but to see this in
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the dark. it seems to me that one can be very frightened of a word from the effect surprises. and where we are now is the all-seeing eye. well, that's what we call it. this is a computer of the seventies eighties for short. this is already a decision. here accepted, only the human brain. here, through which we entered. it was a technical entrance to the bunker, 77 entered through the main passage, some of them had very large stars. i see there are a lot of gas masks, of course. yes, sometimes we
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play with children. here we speed do not put on gas masks. so please. begins february 22, 46. in this telegram has exactly 10,000 words. and when i got here, i didn’t even think that the famous telegram could hang here. we are in the rest room, well, even in soviet times, it was called on the rest street,
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i suggest. did you know such an interesting legend that you once wanted to build a metro in shchuchin? ask where, again , i will reveal a secret to you. in pike there is one of the largest strategic airfields from the soviet era. so they say that there are huge bunkers and tunnels underground here, i don’t know if this is true or not, but now it looks pretty, interesting, somehow we will try to check. in
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fact, this is a paradise for diggers, but this is the tower. and this, in my opinion, the control tower is now in a very deplorable state. we can say that it is destroyed. yes, there really is a certain part of this airfield that, to be honest, there is an amateur aero club . and all the other hangars are adapted for local entrepreneurs who somehow managed to restore them and are now using them for storage, or for some other their objects. well, where could a microbe be here? i don't know what to look for. why in shchuchyn there is no metro to say that this is a million-plus city, then already in regional cities. we could not understand, but the legend remains a legend, it may be worth looking for on the runway. that's where
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i'm going now. therefore, only forward and upward. yes, the legend of the subway
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smyk is ready, the strings of tugi crow are boiling in the veins. well, listen dear friend, my violin is already playing. and overgrown i ask you from our museum. thanks a lot. wow, you have many more kids? hello everyone. i know that your museum is dedicated to my aunt, and when i came here i noticed that there are a lot of books, a lot of photographs. and here is such a shafa, the so-called here , i immediately had a question. this is her shafa. yes, this is what they called credons. this is a buffet from the hut of aloiza stepanovna pashkievich. and this
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accompaniment appears so ronal if so buffets hand is stepanova bashkirievich. you can get hurt and meditation meet with elasticity. also, you have a lot of photos. are they original or no. we have her with original photos from ali's smoke eight. mostly. these are photocopies, because yo-mine, yes, a family man in bashkevich. only on this i understand all three. what else is so unusual about you? uh, quiet suspicions, the original essays flew out of roles and the sister is still korolina of bashkiria valery nikolayevich hello, i have
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a task to fly on an airplane. is it possible to do this in shchuchin, of course, we fly. and how much does it weigh, that you are such a valuable plane, it weighs 172, it is 1.100 kg, like a car. yes, even easier even easier. and on how high it rises high there is no point in climbing, you can climb 3 km, but we will climb 500 m. it will be enough for us forward and up. do you
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know how it was there? cool, you, in principle, saw everything yourself, but to say something or scream to lie down. what did you really want? i couldn't, because absolutely everyone, uh, could hear me, and the pilot and one more, but a crew member, so i held back my emotions. but now i really want to scream, because it was just a bomb. a gun. these tasks have long been lacking honestly, but i did it, vika you can be proud. hi hello, you are great quest you have passed quite. successfully. what legend you pasha was destroyed, so i could not find. actually that
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cork forest is a cork plantation. one person told me, somewhere on that side , another said to that side, no one, but the local doesn’t even know, yes, she is somewhere, they say, yes, she was. well, where it is not known, olesya they say that in general the city got its name in honor of the fish, it turns out, but, you know, i didn’t catch fish, so catching a pike in shchuchin is probably real, but on that moment, such a reality was closed to me, because i had other tasks. it was a project of rock, paper, scissors, quest times. guessing mysteries and destroying legends for now. the sanatorium
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house has gone from being repaired without a gate. without historical memory, but creation is the continuity of the historical path. this is the step of the future.


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