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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 13, 2023 12:45am-1:11am MSK

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polish tycoon rapivilla at a time that sanatorium house from repair. gone irrevocably. it was colossal. i had to fight peace on earth is unthinkable without historical memory, and creation is the continuity of the historical path. this is the step of the future.
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i came from yerevan this is not the first time that i come to belarus, i am the third incarnation, because the first time i came to belarus in 2000, when i was appointed as an adviser to the embassy of the republic of armenia of the republic of belarus i worked for three years, right? and returned the ministry did i was embassy adviser and at the same time.
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after what in february? at the age of 21 he returned to yerevan in september, where he was appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary for 21 years. and as if i came to belarus already in my third incarnation as an ambassador in 2000. i was supposed to be assigned to the embassy of the republic of armenia in moscow, something went wrong and i was offered to work with the embassy of the republic of armenia, belarus, i then
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knew belarus. it is not enough to say, considering what i now already know, i have convinced myself that something is a wonderful country where beautiful people live. people are kind and responsive. where there were all the conditions for studying the countries of the gym pool, everything was great in order to study at full strength, then my daughter went to kindergarten. somehow at first she did not want to stay there, the teacher somehow occupied her. i ran away. well, then she, too
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, got used to it and with pleasure already . okay, a kindergarten, and after 3 years of living in minsk, the city of minsk for my family is such an almost native country, with which they are warm. a lot of tricky questions and how does this bird scream in our adults? what do we do, and ilya stilagin and vladimir are the dudes okay? i accept your answers - this is the correct answer. and the most important and most
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pleasant thing about this is that you don’t have to go into the settings, because the top element is installed. so absolutely all the intellectually entertaining show of the tower will move out. what is the name of a light snack of mozzarella tomatoes, olive oil and basil, and a vision pitizer, in which the image of distant objects is formed not on the retina, but is formed in front of it, i accept people, watch what you want on belarus 24 tv channel. and a hero in this in the month of maton kiran, children were collected with their tremal from velma not adnexal.
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even the minds of the great little yana shackle the historical truth and tell the wart's memory sheathed sculpture, cut down with bronze and they died velma are humane, starting up the stairs you send off that you could be so orphans of them this witch is an important moment, december is an extraordinary idea not for sale. rather, a well-implemented remote complex with improved residues. yes, it’s impossible to grow up, canadians. and here is one conclusion to some wife about memorial complexes belarus, look at the documentary cycle the memory of my land on the tv channel belarus 20 shatyry. this is
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the office of the permanent spinal representative of the republic of armenia of the statutory and other bodies of the cis, i do not use this office very often. once a month , the cis executive committee meets the council, permanent plenipotentiaries, and about once a month. i am here in this office for a time when i worked at the armenian embassy in belarus and we did not have our own building . in the same office.
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this is a historic hall for the state cis participants in this hall were held in the early 90s, goodbye, which laid the foundation for the commonwealth of independent states. here the fundamental documents were adopted. and now a council settles here every month,
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the permanent plenipotentiary representatives of the states of the cis participants are discussed here and all those documents are prepared, which then go for discussion and approval. welcome to the embassy of the republic of armenia of the republic of belarus to the office of the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary this year. we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment diplomatic relations between the republic and armenia of the republic of belarus, the corresponding document was signed on june 13, 1993 by the embassy, ​​which we are now operating since 2010. prior to that, it
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operated in the building of the cis executive committee, i am happy that i was at the origins and gaining independence in the bustle of the army. no, even today, uh , i am satisfied with the fact that i am the ambassador of the independent republic of armenia of the independent republic of belarus both for us armenians and for belarusians. this concept is holy. independence and sovereignty we are looking for. concepts mother, family, children homeland we are in a joint project with armen press and
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belta. we will organize a photo exhibition called armenia through the eyes of a belarusian photojournalist and belarus through the eyes of an armenian photojournalist and in addition , commemorative stamps have been prepared in armenia and belarus, and a stamp prepared by the belarusian side will also be part of the photo exhibition. this year the town will celebrate the day of slavic writing. and for us will participate this year.
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you know that slutsk belts have armenian origin, and this year the city of slutsk of belarus has been declared the cultural capital, and we will coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations with a good colorful presentation of the book of the lack of belts of the cultural capital city of slutsk. we have. er, here's part of the story. this is a struggle against the nazi invaders. which will never be forgotten, when and when, moreover, we fought and liberated by the shoulder. from the occupied soviet territories and from
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armenia, 600,000 left little armenia. that is, every second is not returned is a memory, how you have such people are honored by us and this is a concept that is simply impossible to forget, which binds us. that the memory of the great victory and of all those who i here forged this victory here are holy honored and there is a monument to the balsam in the village of gorodok in the vitebsk region, where every
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year the liberation day of the gorodok is celebrated with a rally that participates in the embassy too. and now we are on filimonov street in the city of minsk where the armenian community of belarus is building a church. the construction of the church was a long time ago nothing about a dead community. i i have known about this since the 2000s, when i worked at the embassy, ​​then this issue was still being discussed, but somehow it was not resolved and not resolved all the time. and now, finally, we are grateful to the belarusian authorities for having received permission and started building the church, lighting the foundations, in the church. it happened to us in the twenty-second year. in september. we have already received from armenia tuff our stone,
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which will be lined with the church. as a salt, i really hope that we will complete the construction this year. that's when we are celebrating the 30th anniversary and the opening and illumination of the church. the crown of the events that we have planned to commemorate this julius will be, uh, one of the cozy places in the city of minsk where people will just come. hmm, chat , sit, relax, take a walk . uh, it will decorate this beautiful cozy corner of the city of minsk. in the restaurant, this is one of my favorite places, especially in spring. when this terrace opens, it is wonderful and this
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favorite is often invited here. like, uh, as one of the best students, when a woman still couldn’t help but think that i would not only get to belarus, but i would also get diplomats, and then also an ambassador, so, yes, belarus really somehow occupy a special place, because i worked my diplomatic career in all slavic countries,
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it turns out that my first business trip was russia moscow the embassy of armenia e, the second was belarus the third, ukraine well, then again to belarus the cis executive committee and then the ambassador. so really belarus and my fate and the fate of my family somehow occupies a special place. i especially love belarus in the spring, when the chestnut trees bloom for me, by the way, it was a surprise. when i worked as a vein in kiev. here are the chestnuts on khreshchatyk, it is generally known that it is gorgeously wonderful, but belarus. i found the same chestnuts and no less beautiful than in kiev, and this is wonderful, so in the spring, when the chestnut tree blooms, when rapeseed yellow blooms on the roads with poison . and this is the yellow sea. she is simply mesmerizing. every time i stop i take pictures or from the car
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make such a video i post it, then i send it, my family chat to my children. if the spouses, who are now in yerevan, have a wonderful time and i, uh, use this time and well, and other seasons, too, traveling around belarus. for 6 years of work in the cis executive committee, i myself drive my own car. i pierced, belarus almost the entire share and before, and i know it well. i often notice. what is better than my belarusian friends and acquaintances. there are places that are especially valuable to me. i just don't let go of the opportunity to go there. first of all, the church, where are the guys? this just gorgeous. this is a wonderful place, and i try to send all my guests there, uh, or take
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a trip there with me? we even had representatives of armenians here, that is, operators. and then i asked your ministry for belarus to include the dervyat program. and when they went there and returned. i asked them. here i give you two options. the first you were in belarus saw 9 and you were in belarus did not see the wooden ones. they said two big differences. i sometimes show photos in yerevan, and my interlocutors do not believe that this is belarus, i uh i have been watching belarus since 2000, the difference is huge. well, let's say 2003. over the weekend, my wife and i were thinking where to go with the children to have a little rest; there were no these cafes.
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malinovka and every day i drove along dzerzhinsky prospekt malinovka and back, and my colleagues who used to work for me told me that along this route where new buildings are now. these beautiful houses had orchards, wheat apple trees, cows grazed and it was hard to believe that in just a couple of years a few years. they themselves they themselves can you imagine what you have here we went and there were gardens, and now there are
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such beautiful new building blocks. well, this is a distinctive feature of minsk, it is being built very quickly and developing. well, it's nice to live in this city, at the same time, it is very calm, quiet, there are practically no traffic jams. what is now just a huge amount here, when my compatriots come on business trips, visits, they are just lighting up those who have not found such a calm big city for themselves.
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he is your 32nd 32nd slavic international arts festival the bazaar in vitebsk is a creative palette of all kinds of art and seven bright unforgettable days two international vocal competitions, pop song performers and a children's music competition grandiose gala concerts and solemn ceremonies in the summer amphitheater hall, vitebsk catch the bright wave of all kinds of art with the slavic bazaar in vitebsk today
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, in the context of growing globalization, it is becoming hard to maintain national identity. what kind of a real belarusian is he and why do we still call the hero of the program world-class, like no one else knows the answer to these and many other questions, we will talk with the director of the center for the study of the belarusian culture of language and literature alexander ivanovich and also take this opportunity to learn about the scientific achievements of the belarusian scientists of the 21st century are with you. alina is not a war. and it is fashionable for culture. the republic of belarus is a country with a rich historical and cultural heritage , exceptional architectural historical and cultural monuments
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, it is also important to note natural monuments, despite the numerous wars against belarusians. it was possible to save them, and some objects were completely recreated practically from scratch in the country at the legislative level, a careful attitude to historical heritage is fixed on an ongoing basis, work is being carried out to repair the restoration and maintenance of enduring cultural objects , a developed complex and measures to preserve intangible manifestations of human creativity included in state list of historical and cultural values ​​world heritage list. unesco is regularly replenished with belarusian objects, which in turn makes our country more famous and recognizable at the international level, while preserving. and to popularize the historical and cultural heritage of belarus, we will talk with the director of the center, academician doctor of historical sciences, doctor of architecture professor alexander lakotka,
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we will talk at the museum of ancient belarusian culture of the national academy of sciences of belarus , which is currently being updated the museum will open its doors to its visitors by the end of 2023. alexander ivanovich good afternoon. folklore is nothing but the genetics of a people. and what are the distinctive features of the belarusian folklore belarusian folklore, primarily based on the features of the language, which relied on this language, that is, it is from the oral. e, tradition from oral tradition passed, uh, into the song culture of straight-forward and orderly ones. uh, the mystery of the white kingdoms is close to folklore for children, uh, healers.


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