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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 15, 2023 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] ivan herey he is 21 years old, and he is about tsoi healthy linden, wolkha, pine, arab, rush, and he does not express, sweating figure on objects, milan, orthodox believers, drunkenness of districts and roofs, practicing the tree according to the canons
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of the byzantine school. one of the most exuberant and important works of ivan ervel, the icon of the last supper, carved out of uteknits, a relief fractional-plastic robbery of a wolf tree, a young master protsevat over the composition for two years, christ was a walking figure on the icon. dismantling evil for more and more, and that even on the outlined plan of good, throw me a tower, mute of its explicit form to go to other
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planes. they are in charge of the skin orthodox church, and from childhood he visits the church and serves at liturgies. here, on the basis of the deputy of the cathedral of the assumption of the most holy theotokos , the young master smashed the health of the cherubs. ki
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for the new iconostasis sergeevich i would like to tell you that belarus is filming for me 3 program new people i would like you to tell me about my speech, okay? let's talk about his carving. need to to say that now we are in the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in the city of molodechno, speaking specifically about this temple, one of the most expensive and very beautiful elements of the temple is the iconostasis, which is now located behind me and, of course, many elements of the iconostasis itself are impossible to find somewhere, perhaps to buy somewhere and you have to do everything, mostly by hand and one of the most important elements and made our dear and smart master ivan sergeevich his service is not performed mechanically. even his how a person, as a person, as a simple person, whom they even knew from
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infancy. he showed a certain love for worship itself or for god or in the church. the church of the dormition of the mother of god in the youth is a place for ivana or souls and they share services here, he panamarates skin weeks, he passes by the church, when you wave your containers, but under the chassis or others. you envelope the most
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simple not respectful tip. you remember the school program well, refresh it in your memory, young intellectuals will help you. is it true that on this engraving depicts the chinese philosopher confucius this is the first emperor of all china and who is slutsky who knows from your passport, and when were you at a construction site?
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well, let it be kazan astrakhan took, kazan took. this is the correct answer, kazan absolutely . well, i don’t know if i guessed or not, but intuitively watch intellectual projects on belarus 24 tv channel. in different places of the country, trade and feats were created , remember chrome and a hero this month. we nakirana picked up children, tore them off velmiya, not even adnexal genes they shackle out the old man's truth and tell the sheathing of the vorta the memory for everything, also hacked from bronze and they died, the eternal clock starts up the stairs. you reject that you could be
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so extraordinary yourself, the idea does not try, or rather, is well implemented, removed in combination with improving the rest. yes, i understand belarus my land on the belarus 204 tv channel, they arranged their life in the village. so any city dweller can envy about raccoons, how would they behave well. why would he be good to himself? except for me, the deer are all named. and this is what we have in penza, the leader from the capital will have to know all the charms of rural life
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watch on tv channel belarus 24. minsk academy of bridges here they tear off the profession actor sculptors directors here, tearing off his neck, the show mostatian ducation ivan ervey, and a small day for a bruise and he
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passing from molodechny, minsk on an electric train. i teach at the department of monumental sports art at the academy and now i'm going to go to the first course to make some carry corrections in the work of students studying at the institution. but today i want to concentrate a little on the personality of ivan werville. he loves to work the detail. uh stick neat. eh, fragments of his work, he is a man who admires every element of his canvas , it is clear that he is an adherent of such classic ones. traditions painting painting without experiment
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without going out without a pattern and called out and he chomps says the italian school. so here it is only now revealed, of course, that is, there is such a general solution. it's good that the light on the dark background is ornamental, which is our task. eh, look here. here is the shape of this clothing, something needs to be done with it now, for now, yes, some kind of knock, yes, that is, after all, some kind of design should have appeared, here is the shoulder, that is, here is the neck connection with shoulder. here it is necessary that it be traced, even if it is something generalized and stylized, it should still be guessed.
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improves the writing technique of leonardo, who gave putin the opportunity to get acquainted with the reception to stay with umat the collector on the canvas appears just a slight haze, a lightness, a lightness, a cooler.
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calm what will become of me? yes, the arrow will show it, and that is, we begin to cut it out with a chisel from here. here to the corner . thus, a geometric element is obtained; the same arrows will show.
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here is the base. reishi ear some u2-3 times the old neck for his mentor. fell asleep. i meter looks a little bit dirty to include dirty elements a little bit cleaned, but well, considering what you are learning. this is already a very good result. circles. as a specialist, a great specialist in his field. in our school, he has been working quite recently, however, he recommended very well different ones. we have students. here,
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therefore, each has its own approach. very interesting, he puts his soul in, wow, we are very glad that we found him. cities burn lightly here practicing young, astak, the size of the gospel is sensible and he expressed the icon of jesus christ vanya with the khuyagu hands concentrated in sharp chisel knives and he is about tsoi over fractional details. and he's strange neatly arranging no matter what, painting. here is god's icon for the youngsters to rob, according to shasta
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dravlyana, images that are ordered by familiar relatives. to our first mentor andrei, andrey petrovich, the homunculus, today we are posting the remnants of the carving of the undermining of youth musical colleagues by the name of mikhail orginsk. since
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we comprehend different embossed, we form prick , imitate, model, cut along the contour. i am glad to see you the best and the very first teacher, i am filmed by the tv channel belarus 3 program new people, and i i would like you to tell me about my beginning. yes, sure. vanya, i have known nothing in the seventh grade for a very long time. uh, his mom brought him. eh, she brought me to the workshop,
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because vanya really wanted to work with wood for his first icon. he cut without me. i didn't see her. that is. i say that we, in principle, even start with a simple one and gradually climb up step by step. and he is at home. uh quietly expressed. he brought the icon and showed it to me. well, yes, there are a lot of mistakes even before composition was, because he was still quite there, and then gradually gradually. vanya was already starting to make some kind of icons again, but he was already paying attention to mine. they listen to my work plus my advice. and now icons gradually began to be acquired. eh, nice right look. actually, christian is a christian theme. i am fond of a lot, i made icons and cut out both a private collection and for myself for loved ones and these icons. maybe vanya
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was inspired. andrey petrovich - not only to the ears of the gergel of the profession, dismantling and he town. and that he is not the vedas to the young master and the marshal is growing up, i’m as canonically and most healthy to create orthodox icons and roofs, however, this is not ours to break and could not make mistakes to visit without vera andrey petrovich believers an orthodox person. this is my mastery of the ideal of god and go through daha before setting off on a journey host answer questions about the destination and earn tips worth it, the city of lyuban
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lyubava lyuba is not, if not love, then ares, right, well, then the real thing begins interesting. please tell me why lyuba does not have such a beautiful name? fish, well, a big, big truth. i need pillows. the technology of growing
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broccoli kohlrabi and lettuce from berkas volya in belarus is grown by exotic vegetables in shchuchin with the most automated mobile conveyor delivering vegetables to containers. right next to the field, the naliboki reserves are successfully implementing a project to revive the population of terpted horses, a new species that lived on our lands at the end of the 19th century. brought scientists and the volozhinsky district was brought from the netherlands, and in 4 years lesnoy tabun became the brand of the reserve. the second nano-satellite of the belarusian state university was successfully launched into the orbit. based on the data from the orbit , students will be able to conduct scientific experiments. both university satellites will fly over the territory of belarus six times a day. watch the program of events on thursdays on our tv channel. young intellectuals gathered on this show to test their knowledge, who can tell us. eh, who are sumerians hexos?
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and the assyrians in general terms, at least sergey tell me that you know they didn’t make noise, the jesuses and the assyrians - these are quite ancient peoples who will now give out all their knowledge and show what they are capable of ilya what do you know about the colossus about the romans and did they use concrete? i heard that even in ancient times concrete was used. well, back in antiquity, and then, uh, it was rediscovered. so 1,000 rubles. turns out it's 100%. so again it will be percent then. math is bad, then combos are asked. that's it, watch an intellectually entertaining project. i
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i know on tv channel belarus 24. lord
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, have mercy on blyostka malaya lyady, 30 kilometers from minsk that day, the holy annunciation mushin monastery was already young, astak, analyzed by ivan
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gervel, he often visits this place. painted with oil paints. well, i will study icons at the academy in my second year, which will already be specifically written in tempo, but this is written in style. well, in the renaissance , souls wrote oil on the boards, that is, the classics of the icon remained, and the classics of painting from it, tried to come up. holy mother of god of vladimir this icon and
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he wrote on a rain of wood, and the brother of the small ones had mercy, and if the master kissed a certain day over him young, and he finished the practice and spent with the icon to dedicate to present to the lyadinsky bridge. if mine asks the lower 40 human, if his grace snay is all like bless god escape soldered to majesty and on the thigh and stronger in the red planet and kindness and on the face and manages to reign truth for the sake of the necrocity of rights and instruct one right hand of yours. sacred warrior
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ivan vykrasku hornbeam solid wood species alimenovites, dyakuyuschaya - these are wood-burning yakos the doshka is not deformed by the screed, an image painted with oil lamps according to the canons of the byzantine school of writing. however, young. yes, yes, the face of the theotokos, god, soft light transparent colors, tint, i can’t
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judge the drill. old man sergei alexandrovich and he is a professional militiaman, framing recaps to whom youth kids at the bridge school?
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the musicians are graduating with a proclaiming concert vanya does not miss these important merovists for their family, all the more so because he is on the same
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stage, although on ervel ceramics horror. he had a means of manifesting artistic abilities, but we sent him to a music school in the accordion class. here we are his husband finished. so, uh, after the music school , he entered the aginsky college in the department of arts and crafts. here he was constantly making things with us and once asked for a birthday saw to buy a saw, a nail cutter. and something like this. here, he worked at home. and so i decided, uh, to take him away. e to teachers who would help him to reveal his abilities. if a person has faith,
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then he has everything in order to create and but he must understand that the lord gives everything. if we go to the temple, and we receive what christ himself can give. that is, these are the gifts of god , then, in principle, he will receive everything that can be received in life. will remain in complete loneliness on the translation of a whole knife from georgia, a person will yell god
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of a person. removed from the city mitusni here is your keep
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and your strength. truth to yourself and do push-ups. and one not with nature. i want to show you horses from my homeland, this is a very valuable mare of the kabardian breed tribal with all documents. she is a very
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close horse to me. here she is the mother of these other horses of mine, kabardian in spirit, let's say. hardy, unpretentious in all respects, she is very close . this is an alaska mare. she has a lithuanian father
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. half-half kabardian, here from the kabardian rides got strong legs, strong, hoofed horn, beautiful exterior , endurance suit. that's all good quality got from the mother. republic of kabardino-balkaria i come from there by nationality, the kabardian circassian turned out to be in belarus in the 90s, when at that time we


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