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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 18, 2023 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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you could have kept this goddess from me for so long. no, you are not just the woman of my dreams , you are the ideal symbiosis, beauty and spirit, but what are you worth? do you need something? i want you to pay the bill, we will pay it when we see fit, but now go some nonsense. don't you hear, go, when we pay, will we call you? i'm not sure about this, because, as usual, the lady will pay for you. but what if? what what wait, sorry again. sorry, this won't happen again. this waitress was one of the best. i don't know what kind of bee it is bitten you understand? i understand you, but still i can hope that this misunderstanding will not hurt. they will come to you to remain among the honored clients. thank you amalia come on
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amalia i told them the truth for him a woman always pays, lord, why are you here, what does it have to do with it? what do you allow yourself? explain to me. i found these clients in my arms. and instead of respect, you arrange the armenian radio here, you won’t get all the salary. what aram gurgenovich will see this again, i’ll fire you to hell. ah. oh, it works. housing so we can get started immediately to work.
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young intellectuals gathered at this show to
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test their knowledge. who can tell us who the sumerians are, the hyksos and the assyrians in general terms, at least sergey tell us what you know. these are quite ancient peoples. now ilya will give out all his knowledge and show what they are capable of. what do you know about the colossus about the romans and did they use concrete? i heard that concrete was used in ancient times. well, back in antiquity, and then it was rediscovered. so 1,000 rubles. so this is ours. what percentage is obtained so again it will be percent then. mathematics is bad then such a question, see an intellectually entertaining project. i know on tv channel belarus 24. well,
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why are they selling strawberry three plus today? here i love it when scientists know. look, here, it seems, he is standing with a beautiful shirt suit, it seems, as he passed, looked, everything works, and he knows everything about five acres, his mother has 17. here. i love it when it's real. oh, i just fell in love with you right away, you know you are sitting, i want to say this word sense. yes, i am such an experienced musician, the most popular, of course, questions are about treasures that, of course, sapiehas are always associated. if there is a significant growth, then some employees are hidden somewhere right under each you every day. well, we, of course, are not interested in how the stalinist department of solimsa operates. salt with sugar. there is no, there is salt and let's go. please watch
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the morning show good satchel and belarus with svetlana borovskoy on belarus 24 tv channel . dear i have lost my inspiration. help yourself just don't drink too much. we still have to go to the registry office. great.
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e statement was a mistake. perhaps this too, but not more than five. we will discuss everything with you now. i will not discuss anything every day to apply from the same person with different celestials. this is impossible. please leave the room. you understand that the registry office is not a place for such games, no, no, and no , leave, and if twice as many, and you understand that i can be fired, my boss will come and fire me. ku at least she can sign the application. everything
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bought. here i am, i'm a poet of yesenin's scale. yes , i can't get through the classics in the school curriculum and all without doors with vulgar love stories and detective stories. here is my favorite book. so wise and kind. well, i don’t know, in my opinion, everything is quite corny no, if you read that from beginning to end, you will change your mind. you know, in general, i usually guess
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stupid things from her, of course, well, they generally come true. and how? look. love is close, yes, not close, but here, what is happening here is a young man. this apartment is a decent family, not public. how nice of you to invite me to the open air , we will have semolina breakfast on the grass dinner on the grass. you would grab a bottle, alas, no. well, then we will go to you, because we need to be inspired. your lovely couple. you can't go there. i just got a call from the bailiffs, the house along with the bar and other things. everything
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is simple according to pashka, we are now on trial with economic crimes, so now i'm beggars free walk vanina oh come on, tell me, tell me my dear, how else is it? i don't understand, really, i don't understand how it is a beggar. and so we will take staffs with you amalia and go as vagabonds in russia. look , this is all that i have left. well, there are shorts and a toothbrush. well, little things. but we have applied. and where will we live? well, i'm telling you, let's go to a couple of sects. you will paint, i will sing at fairs. but if you don't want to, we can live with you. i live with my grandmother. can i donate an idea to a nursing home? that
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hello everyone. for a long time we did not walk along the beautiful streets past stately houses and bright sights of our beloved capital. so it's time to start sailing towards
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big city and see more beautiful places in minsk with my own eyes today we will visit the open areas of the capital, i will take a walk in one of the most beautiful parks. drift. under the guidance of a professional pilot, i will learn from my own experience all the subtleties of the tibetan yoga yantra, and at the end of our route i will tell you where the most stunning panoramas are in minsk. minsk is one of the oldest cities in europe with a population of almost 2 million people , it is the largest city in belarus which is visited annually by tens of thousands of tourists, because, despite the relative youth, architecture. is there anything to see here?
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one of such favorite places among minsk residents and guests of the capital, and in mine, too, is victory park , so our route. i propose to start with him the victory park, or as it is also called the square. victoria occupies an area of ​​​​more than 200 hectares, 40 of which it occupies komsomolskoye lake, it was formed by blocking a section of the svisloch river, if you delve a little into history, then the opening of this park was originally planned for june 22 , 1941 for this soviet youth worked here tirelessly for a year and a half. however, the great patriotic war made its own adjustments. long 4 years minskers. they were waiting for the victory and at the end of the war in 1945 the dam was restored, which blocked the lake and at the same time was
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landscaped. there was no hesitation in choosing the name of this place, pobeda and nothing else you can imagine in order to turn victory park into a real green oasis by minsk residents. more than 60,000 trees have been planted here. and bushes beach sports areas have been improved . bicycle paths have been created for outdoor activities. and what are the colorful fountains here? the fountains, by the way, have very symbolic names for the park, such great words as victory and memory connect all architectural structures with a red thread, for example , the fountain, victory consists of 53 granite parts , it is precisely this number of divisions that participated in the liberation of minsk and in front of the fountain called the sail erected a statue of the heyday, which is also considered a symbol of the heyday and renaissance of the republic of belarus and this one
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memorial sign living memory of grateful generations appeared. here last year it represents a front-line triangle, personifying the heroic past and the bronze tree is a symbol of life and longevity. the design of the composition was developed by the people's artist of belarus vladimir slaboychikov, a distinctive feature of the commemorative sign is the inclusion of soviet coins in its alloy, which were brought by veterans, their children and grandchildren , with such symbolic participation, a thousand belarusian families have united the future generation with our contemporaries for centuries. the heroic ancestors of the pearl victory park, is the so-called bird island , inhabited by a variety of bird species. by the way, yes , you can even meet very rare ones on it. i will go now.
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finding a bird island is not difficult at all; it is given out by a lush hat of dense greenery in the depths of the park, which can be seen from almost everywhere. but there is only one way to get to it from the park area to the bird island, we are separated by 60 m, the water surface, but do not worry to dive. we don't have to go over a beautiful bridge. the island of birds was put into operation in 2010. it was originally assumed that access here would be limited and it would be possible to visit a unique corner of nature only with a guide or by passing tickets and even installed a gate at the entrance, but over time it disappeared and the island eventually became available to everyone wishing at any time of the day, so as not to harm the environment and create the most comfortable conditions for finding the birds of the path. here you walk uplifted on them and it feels like the path is frozen in air. in the shade between the trees there
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are cozy benches where you can relax and watch the birds, because in the summer more than three dozen rare birds live on the island. some of them are listed in the red book. if you raise your head up, you can see a lot of small and large birdhouses. you will be surprised, but the big ones are not intended for birds at all, but for bats and even squirrels, because the latter is also not against the shelters of the bird house, unhurried walks to the singing of birds. it seems very romantic to me. and also you can watch the birds in their natural environment, which is also very interesting. and if you think that the walk through the victory park is over, then you are mistaken. in the summer , you can find a lot of entertainment for yourself, including not only a walk on land, but also on the water. in the breakfast
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of champions project, we'll tell you how to start your morning, right? it's just that scrambled eggs are not enough cheese cakes are somehow boring, but we know the perfect recipes that will help you wake up quickly and recharge your batteries for the whole day, and on ordinary days, like you i have breakfast, i eat an omelet, oatmeal, i can eat some kind of cake. yes, yes, we will help you choose high-quality products for a healthy breakfast, judging by the list of products. today something very tasty awaits us. the leaves should be juicy green and slightly crunchy, fresh spinach has an appetizing aroma and the stem should not be too wide and let's make an easy but effective exercise. now i will show you a complex of morning exercises, which you can do without even getting out of bed, we will need it.
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just 5 minutes and believe your day after this complex will be just great, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. a show where participants demonstrate speed ingenuity and test their intellect, which today minsk will oppose to invested due to which we will win due to speed due to intelligence we will try to win through knowledge of the sport. this is the most important thing is not to worry about believing in yourself in your knowledge of questions that will make even experienced athletes worry. who won the english football league cup 22-23. manchester city, unfortunately manchester
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, which state was replaced by a football player to play in the national team of belarus. of course , during the summer period , boats run on the komsomol lake, which can be rented for a pleasant pastime in the center of minsk, and now my friends will do this. to be honest, i have even been to victory park, but from the side of komsomolskoye lake. i have not seen him yet, i feel the trip will be exciting, dear friends.
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we welcome captain igor on our ship . hello , almost captain. duration of the river trip is about 25 minutes, during which you can drive around the entire water area of ​​the victory park, and believe me, you will be very surprised. but look here turtle here we see sitting, see here, here you see turtles. here she is sitting, yes, and i'm a second turtle on the shore friends, honestly. i never
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thought that there were turtles on komsomolskoye lake. especially since you can get to know them directly like this? hi it turns out that not only swamp turtles live here, but even beavers, their houses can be seen almost along the entire perimeter small islands of lake igor in general what is the maximum speed our ship develops, maybe, yes, kilometers, 7? 0.000 very oh, now let's take a ride with you not to lose a sweater. walks are moving on to my most favorite part of the program. i still lost the good thing she landed on deck, otherwise i would have to show the possibilities of komsomolskoye lake in quality. winter, and between you ta-ta-ta
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is already ice, such a fool did not dare to take the first step of emotions. it must be said that our walk started off scale at such a pace, and then captain igor went wild and showed a real extreme. in general, my soul rejoices. i really liked the adrenaline, we go to a professional circuit, which is located near the capital. incredible drifts, it seems to me that such a spectacle
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will not leave anyone indifferent, in fact, this is how people who want to test their driving skills in drifting appear. and i am no exception. well, let's drift, and we'll drift in a world-class sports complex, which is divided into four large zones. this is a karting track with a track length of 1221 m. a motocross track with jumps and sharp turns, as well as a motoball stadium and an autodrome, where, in fact, you can drift with a professional instructor. what are the basics for a beginner to comprehend at the beginning of the torment in the first lesson. we always try to master the direct dime. this, that is, riding in circles in one and the other way. if everything works out well, then we move on to setting the handbrake. that is, we are already accelerating at speed, tightening the handbrake, we go into the hall, and we start to ride already. our penny is so-called then, if already, in principle, and everything turns out well, then we start already
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riding the figure eight. this is one to the other side with a relay and then fun by type, we already add some additional elements, so that later in the process we can go a full-fledged track configuration. well, maybe we’ll try to put the car into a skid and drive, so that it tells me that i won’t succeed, but we definitely need to try to go. to be honest, i was very worried about the driver, i am an experienced one, if we talk about trips on city roads, however, drifting is a different story, but let's go through the briefing first. we have to drive in a circle to see, in general, how the car behaves, then press the gas pedal sharply in order to understand at what point it will go into a skid, as soon as our car starts to skid. we are the gas pedal, let go so that the car has inertia. that is, we must give a pause to the car so that it simply in free flight, roughly speaking, swept as soon as we waited for this pause.
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we are already working with gas on a permanent basis, that is, they pressed it, they pressed it , they pressed it, they pressed it, they pressed it. and so, until we completely succeed in passing our circle. and everything seems to be just a gas brake, clutch, however, the knees are trembling treacherously. i'll ask you to show me, this is really the most professional drift. t, a. i will be as a passenger, and sit and enjoy, because i'm afraid i 'm not something that i won't let drift into. and fly away we drove to the moon
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thank you, i'll tell you, so on the first date, be sure to invite a girl to drift classes. she won't understand right away. she also has a head, or you have such feelings, i made you dizzy. to sit behind the wheel itself sharply all the chips demolished the clutch pedal brake
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causes not to say that my drifting experience was perfect. but the fact that i really enjoyed this trip is undeniable. now i'm ready to move on , each of the heroes of the new people project has chosen its own path and achieved its first great success thanks to these character traits. achieves what he achieves always ready the child really works hard to learn something new, because here are tears
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of pain, but at the same time she understood that she would get up in the morning, everything would be fine. she will go on stage beautifully, get positive energy, go to the competition, he organized an exhibition and performed there and put it as a dj in the center of the exhibition hall. uh, a fishing tent. he closed himself in it and played music from there. it was. well, such a provocation, i also want to ask you a question. here, how to see? this is the most beautiful thing. probably it should be loved, but the new generation of belarusians, look on belarus 24 tv channel
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. and the next point of our route, i chose gorky park, where i will have an individual lesson with an instructor in yantra yoga, i honestly confess to you. i have never practiced yoga before this day, but i have always been very interested in this direction. but of course, first of all i want to know what yantra yoga is. this is yoga that will not make you twist into different asanas, but into different incredible poses. it will be based on breathing. that is, it is very close to life. breath is the bridge between the body and consciousness. that is, we say consciousness, we seem to show it here, in fact, consciousness is here, where the soul is, and since our office digests a lot of information during life. and the body must endure it all. that is, and therefore we begin to breathe in order to somehow harmonize and balance it with, therefore, a beginner. i think so, i see from people that this is just an ideal code in yoga, as an understanding of this culture, well, i want to offer
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two exercises today, which are most effective in order to relax in order to the upper one, this noise is gone and so that we feel this state. i love this life. uh-huh and i love what i do. let's do it well. the first exercise will be like this. we sit down. here, like a bird, and on the perch like this, if when women walk in heels, it is easy for them to understand, if not, then we put a cube, but today we have nowhere to go. that is, we stretch this surface of the body and close ourselves in this way and tilt our head a little, it may be difficult to hold balance, but this is not important and now we begin to breathe, pushing out the hips with the stomach. the main emphasis in yantra yoga is on a special entry into asanas in combination with proper breathing, the style gives a special advantage to movement. after all, it is it that helps to distribute the vital energy
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of a person. or as it is also called wounds. we inflate the tummy, like a watermelon, it rests on the hips. and we begin to expand the back surface of the body. this is extremely important, because here are the lungs, and we are thus with here comes the movement mash again, please. here, yes, that is, there is a slight tension, but over time it will go away. if you learn how to properly perform this set of exercises, then you will harmonize your energy and allow the mind to relax and reach a state of natural balance. let's stretch our two arms down and lower our shoulders strongly while inhaling. we will crank, the fists are clamped fists. we turn on the breath. on the exhale, the shoulders exhale with the nose, we breathe all the time , turn the chest on the exhale. ugh one more time. inhale exhale, of course, in one session
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impossible. comprehend. all of this yantra yoga technique includes over 100 exercises. however, the effect. you will feel almost immediately. well, now you need to put two hands. here is one below, the second. here, lower your shoulders, close your eyes, and it doesn't do anything to feel that yes, indeed, the breath flows from the bottom up and expands 360 degrees. but you feel your torso, that you are expanding by 360 ° and here and there, that is , you see, the lungs began to breathe, the top to relax, they became active, that's it there is a complete harmonious breathing, which turns on literally in 5-7 minutes, i didn’t really like it. and it is better to perform such exercises in the morning in the afternoon or in the evening, when you want. it seems to me that i received my zen, i feel rested and inspired.
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so, we can continue our journey through minsk from a bird's eye view. it seems to me that it is an obligatory item of any tourist program, and i know where to look for the most beautiful panorama. i am sure that many belarusians know what is within the walls of this architectural gem. stored not only the richest collection of books, but also a huge multifunctional center, where high technologies and cutting-edge design are combined. the site of the national library of belarus is located at 23. it's tough. it’s about 74 m , you can climb it on such a chic panoramic elevator in just a couple of minutes and you are on top. every year more than 250 thousand tourists
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visit us. we offer more than 30 types of excursions. it is like an educational, educational excursion. so interactive, that is, quests , quests, our excursions are designed for various categories of visitors. and all of us , both sightseers and individual tourists , can visit the observation deck. observation deck for groups. uh, in the composition , which are organized and work from 10:00, individual tourists can visit from 12:00 noon to 11:00 at night. class that is, you can also see minsk in the evening, just with the lights. quite right. our visitors can also take advantage of them and see the beauties of our city, see what a beautiful
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green our city is. well if you don't we saw, we offer a virtual tour 360 we have information plates, and on which there are a lot of individual tourists in two languages ​​about the most significant tourist sites in the city of minsk. they come without guides. they can familiarize themselves with our city, our city is really beautiful and unusual, and from the height of the national library, literally everything is in full view. necessarily. add this location to your itinerary. we go
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on an expedition to buy our ukraine today's van routers roof for more than 40 km, and we are near the decors of the pukhovitsky district , curling the leg of their realization galina to the city and even odorous earthlings to the second traditions of the new tenant.
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how a talented scientist changed and continues to change our lives in early 2023, the staff of the university of california at san diego developed a way to potentially slow down the cellular aging process
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using a fluctuating genetic clock , aquatic, and organs that take on an increased burden of its removal. this kidney, according to statistics, is slower for those people who play sports, get enough sleep , eat right and regularly undergo a medical examination of the water. this is a drinking regimen that speeds up our metabolism, and mineral water. these are recommendations for treating chenia, or correcting some conditions , see the popular science project nearby on our tv channel for a moment you want to stop running and see how it rains. the leaves are stirring, the sun is shining, and, as of all these little things are built. our life. i want
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to see this world differently. and every day to discover something new and it's so interesting for us, because we do it with love. with love from belarus how does belarusian export cope with the restrictions on the creation of port facilities for transshipment of our cargo ?


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